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Ilove taking walks during the fall and early winter. I find the crisp air and cool blue sky to be invigorating. When walking through Doylestown I am pleased passing by friendly people, open stores, bistros and beautiful structures. One such architectural beauty is the Aldie Mansion where William and Martha Mercer once lived and is the present home of the Heritage Conservancy. We are grateful that Bucks County historian and past director of the Heritage Conservancy, Jeffrey Marshall, in conjunction with Amy Fulton wrote “The Revival of Aldie Mansion” for our Fall/Winter 2022 issue of Doylestown Town & Country.
Another thing I love about Doylestown’s townscape are the church buildings that historically document the town and give an identity derived from the waves of people who came here and the importance they put on worshipping God. Photographer Lisa Bridge chose black and white photography to highlight these venerable structures and display the transcendence these buildings symbolize.
Alan Fetterman, a truly gifted Bucks County artist, painted the Fall/Winter cover with a stunning painting of the intersection of State & Main Streets. And now he is going to have a truly momentous 50th solo show. I tell the story behind this show in “Land, Life & Light,” which is also the name of his show.
In our Art department we meet Bob Richey, whose concern for the relationship of shapes, color and value make his painting luminescent and compelling. Our People department is about Christine Higney and her ability to organize a group to help parents get the baby formula they need during a the recent formula shortage.
We also have much more about Doylestown people, places and things in this issue, so use it as your guide as you take your fall and winter walks thorugh Doylestown.