Union Awards & AU Dinner programme 2021

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Good evening and welcome to our second consecutive online awards evening. Twelve months ago, I don’t think any of us really envisaged that 2020/21 would be an even harder year; but, so it’s proved. That makes the accomplishments of the University community all the more impressive this year. So, on behalf of the sabbatical team, I know we have all been looking forward to celebrating with you all tonight. It is an honour to be amongst everyone this evening as we celebrate our collective achievements and also, to congratulate those who have worked hard, and succeeded, in making this year’s awards happen despite the situation we continue to find ourselves in. To name a few of our incredible accomplishments; we’re currently ranked 3rd in the National Student Survey and Top 10 in WhatUni league tables, allowing more people to see what incredible opportunities we have to offer students alongside their degree. Additionally, we had an amazing year fundraising for our RAG and other charities. The Bucks community helped us reach a total of £14,554, through the hard work of our students and staff members. Thank you to everyone who gave their time and money to these special causes, I know it will make a massive difference in their work. I would also like to thank everyone who participated in our campaigns this year such as, #BucksStandsTogether, We Stand By You, Period Poverty and our work around Personal Pronouns. These campaigns have been a great success, raising the debate on campus and producing positive outcomes for our members. The last fourteen months have been a hard time for all of us, but tonight is a time of reflection and celebration with those who you have spent your time with at University. For those of you who are graduating I really encourage you to sign up to the Union’s new Alumni Network on our website. We want to maintain our relationship with you into the future and we’re offering, among other things, access to the Big Deal programme, an industry mentor scheme and leadership training. To those of you returning in September I think there really is a sense that it is going to be a very different year, packed with great opportunities, and the Union can’t wait to share them with you. For now though, as we look forward to this evening and celebrating the achievements of 2020-21, we hope you join us until the end in showing your appreciation for all the fantastic contributions, individual and collective, throughout the past year. So, sit back, enjoy and let the awards commence!

Tamsin Grainger President, Bucks Students’ Union

The Evening’s Schedule

7.30pm Greetings from Bucks Students’ Union, Chief Executive Officer A Welcome to the AU Awards from Vice President Student Involvement, Tom Featherstone The Union in Conversation with England Cricketer Matthew Hoggard The AU Awards: RAG Contributor of the Year Committee Member of the Year Club of the Year Outstanding Contribution to University Sport Hall of Fame Vice President Education & Welfare, Tash Neal, to announce Platinum Volunteers, Gold Accredited Reps and Leadership Academy Graduates The Excellence in Learning and Teaching Awards: Excellence and Innovation in Student Learning Support Demonstrating Excellence in Academic Leadership Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching Practice The Union Awards: RAG Charity Fundraiser of the Year Student Rep of the Year Academic Staff Partner of the Year Sport for Fun Ambassador of the Year Society Committee Member of the Year Volunteer of the Year Media Contributor of the Year Society of the Year A Statement from President, Tamsin Grainger Commercial Services Student Staff Member of the Year Membership Services Student Staff Member of the Year Professional Service Employee Partner of the Year Campaigner of the Year Student Leadership Award Tash Neal to announce the Union Fellowship Award Chief Executive Officer, Tristan Tipping, to announce Honorary Life Membership Thank You and close Approximate run-time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Raise and Give Raise and Give (RAG) is the part of the Union dedicated to charitable fundraising. Every year, our staff and students nominate charities that they would like to support over the course of the academic year. Our members then vote in a cross-campus ballot to elect the winning organisations. This year it was decided that RAG would support The Julius Little Foundation and The Florence Nightingale Hospice. The Julius Little Foundation

Florence Nightingale Hospice

The charity is dedicated to raising money for young people with mental health issues. This charity has been set up in the memory of Julius Little; a caring, compassionate Bucks alumni student.

The Florence Nightingale Hospice provides a range of palliative and end-of-life care services to people in Buckinghamshire who have life-limiting illnesses.

Athletic Union Awards Welcome to the 2021 Athletic Union awards evening. We are sad that, for a second year in a row, the vast majority of us are not able to celebrate together in person. However, we are pleased that some of our nominees are taking advantage of the relaxation in restrictions to watch tonight’s event in The Lounge. 2021 has proved an even tougher year than 2020 for sport at Bucks, but we are looking forward to celebrating the personal and club achievements that we are still able to this year. For the last 13 years, we have been able to provide students with the opportunity to participate in sport for free, thanks to the Big Deal. This year, despite not being able to have our teams run out to represent Bucks on the field, we have seen them take part in volunteering opportunities, training (both in person and online), and maintain their social networks. All of this has been made possible as a result of extremely hard work on the part of, Catherine Lymer, Fergus Adams, Jade Collis and Daniel Lawrence. Their efforts in finding new ways to adapt to the Covid guidelines, to innovate and to provide ongoing support for students throughout the uncertain times we have all faced has not gone unnoticed. I have no doubt in saying that had it been possible we would have delivered another extremely successful Varsity fixture and retained the RoeBuck Trophy. Although we could not hold a competitive event, we still managed to run out against Roehampton in a friendly fixture at the end of what has been a difficult year and I know this was enjoyed by all. Tonight’s awards hopefully signal the beginning of the end for the pandemic’s impact on our Athletic Union. I look forward to my second year in office with hope and excitement of another Varsity victory, Bucks Wednesday’s and much, much more. A huge congratulations and best of luck to all our shortlisted nominees, you are all deserving winners in your own right and you should be proud of your contribution to our Union.

Tom Featherstone Vice President Sport and Involvement, Bucks Students’ Union

RAG Contributor of the Year The RAG Contributor of the Year is an award to recognise the club/individual who has gone above and beyond and, for clubs, has involved all their members in fundraising for our two RAG charities. Men’s Rugby


Throughout this difficult year, Rugby have consistently been involved with all aspects of RAG, both through their own initiatives and by supporting other clubs and the Union. Their main contributions have come in the form of ‘runs for RAG’, the first during the second Lockdown was organised by the club and raised £159. The second, even more successful, iteration came in the third lockdown, raising £475, with some help from the RAG Society.

Netball are a club that are always seen to be at the forefront of RAG for the Union. Even during these unprecedented times, their commitment was no different. As a club they have organised 3 fundraisers throughout the year, the most of any club. These included their Bingo night during the first lockdown and their second activity was a challenge-based event, which assigned certain tasks to people depending on the amount of money raised. This particular event raised £350 for RAG and was a great success.

Katie Jedrek

Brandon Tester

As with all great clubs, there needs to be someone organising it all in the background and this year Katie held this role for Netball. Throughout the year she has been at the centre of all things RAG for the club. Her passion and commitment has helped to ensure more students get involved in our fundraising activity. Katie has also been a committed runner in the ‘Run for RAG’ events put on by the Rugby Club during the pandemic.

Brandon has been an integral part of the Rugby club’s excellent fundraising efforts this year, he has been involved with all of their RAG events and his close ties to the RAG Society have helped the two groups to collaborate. Brandon is always there to volunteer and we have been able to depend on him countless times throughout the year for involvement in RAG. Brandon has been a real driving force in Rugby’s RAG success this year.

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Committee Member of the Year The committee member who has gone above and beyond their duties to the club - impacting on and developing their club over the year.

Bea Barefield

Alexi Hickin

Bea has been an excellent student to work with throughout her time as Chair of Netball, always the first to react when asked to do anything by the Students’ Union. She has kept the Netball Club ticking on throughout a difficult year with a great deal of success. Club members regard Bea as the driving reason behind all of the success they have seen with engagement throughout the year, including online socials, fitness classes and Zoom quizzes.

Alexi has worked closely with the VPSI on numerous projects throughout the year, forming an excellent working relationship, which has produced many successful outcomes, for instance the quality of the International Men’s Day Campaign. It has been made clear to the Union, by students, that the success of the Rugby Club this year is primarily down to Alexi, who at times has been the lynchpin holding the club together.

Shannon Carter

Nicole Littleboy

Shannon has been praised for her continuous adaptability throughout the year. She has been credited with many of BNU Dance’s innovative ideas and decisive actions throughout the pandemic, including being at the forefront of re-arranging Bucks Comp and ensuring that dance sessions and masterclasses continued to adapt to Covid guidelines. Shannon has shown that she is an invaluable member of the BNU Dance club evidenced by her hard work and determination to provide for the club.

Nikki has been an exemplary committee member throughout this academic year, working hard in the background to maintain the success of the fitness and master classes for club members. She has been widely recognised by the club as having gone above and beyond to meet the needs of her members. This has been greatly appreciated by other students during a tumultuous year.

Proudly supported by:

Club of the Year An award to recognise an entire club based on their overall success, achievements and conduct throughout the year.

BNU Dance


The BNU Dance Club have been a shining example of adaptability during Covid. Throughout every lockdown they have provided their members with training and fitness sessions and masterclasses via Zoom and, when they allowed, in person. They have engaged in successful collaborations with other clubs to provide activity, as well as working closely with the Union to adapt their Dance Comp so that members were still able to participate. Their commitment to providing an excellent club experience has been unwavering.

Netball have been traditionally strong when it comes to completing accreditation and, at the time of the awards, they are the only club to have completed it so far in 2020/21, despite the pandemic making it more difficult. This is testament to the hard work they have put in to running the club throughout the year. Some of their notable achievements have included fitness sessions organised with Buck’s alumni Georgia Miller, continued Zoom quizzes throughout each lockdown, their great work with RAG and their success in ensuring members participate in training courses.

Men’s Rugby


Men’s Rugby have been an excellent supporter of RAG throughout the academic year. They have consistently looked to support others and work with clubs to raise money for charity, as well as doing their utmost to complete accreditation. In a difficult year, the Club have demonstrated real commitment to helping others and supporting the University community, getting involved in several volunteering opportunities, including painting the clubhouse at Marlow Rugby Club.

Badminton have continuously sought to engage their members throughout consecutive lockdowns. Including, through the use of webinars, online socials, face-to-face sober socials where possible and by delivering engaging training sessions. As a club, they have also been involved with almost everything RAG and the volunteering team have put on this year, making them highly dependable as a club.

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Outstanding Contribution to Sport Recognition of a person or people who have gone above and beyond the call of duty over a prolonged period of time. It also measures how their actions and contributions have had a positive impact on sport at Bucks. This could be someone who has achieved ultimate success impacting on their club/sport or enhancing the University’s sporting prowess.

2020 Winner Georgia Miller Georgia was an asset to the University and an ambassador for her sport. A dedicated athlete, Georgia started her involvement with the AU in her first year of University. Quickly establishing herself in Netball, she soon became a regular and valued player, happy to help and get involved in whatever was asked.

Georgia Miller

During her second year she held the role of Club Secretary and was a pivotal member of the club’s success that year, helping to raise an incredible amount of money for RAG. Georgia was also instrumental in securing accreditation for the club. In her third year, she became the Club Chair and First Team Captain and, despite being injured for a large part of the season, went to all games, leading warmups and stepping in to coach when she was needed. An incredibly hardworking individual, with over 800 volunteering hours, Georgia put a lot of time and effort into the Students’ Union, helping to ensure Netball thrived. Working in a variety of roles, including as a student trustee, RAG Ambassador and Varsity Captain. Georgia was everything that a female athlete at Bucks should be independent, supportive, passionate and proud to play for Bucks.

Hall of Fame In 2014, to mark the 25th Athletic Union Awards Dinner, Bucks’ Hall of Fame was introduced. The Hall of Fame is reserved for individuals who truly excel on the field. The system, that is built on the American model of ‘retiring shirts’, sees us frame the playing shirt of each recipient and hang it, along with a short biography, in the Gateway building. This award is not necessarily handed out each year but is special recognition of someone who has contributed greatly to University sport and represented the University whilst competing at a high level.

Previous Hall of Fame inductees: Dan Reilly - Rugby Jack Bowen - Golf Calvin Sherwood - Golf Matt Gilbert - Rugby Andrea Gomez - Basketball

Excellence in Learning and Teaching Awards

The Categories ∙ Excellence and Innovation in Student Learning Support ∙ Demonstrating Excellence in Academic Leadership ∙ Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching Practice The Criteria 1. Enhancing the student learning experience. For example: by arousing curiosity to stimulate and inspire learning, organising and presenting resources cogently and imaginatively, recognising and supporting diversity of student learning needs, drawing on relevant research, scholarship and professional practice and engaging with and contributing to established literature or building your own evidence base for future publication. 2. Raising the profile of excellence and support for student learning within the University and beyond if appropriate. For example: by contributing to the development and leadership of colleagues in promoting student learning, contribution to departmental/faculty/University/national initiatives to facilitate student learning, and/or support towards meaningful and positive change with respect to pedagogic practice, policy and/or procedure. 3. Developing excellence – the nominee’s commitment to his/her ongoing professional development with regard to teaching and learning and/or learning support. For example: evidence of the ongoing review and enhancement of individual practice, engagement in scholarly activity and professional development activities, the review and enhancement of individual practice and contribution to improvements in the student learning, teaching and assessment experience.

Excellence and Innovation in Student Learning Support

Derek Peacock

Maria Ansbro

Derek’s students stated that he has been unbelievably supportive over the last year. He takes the time to help and encourage students and will happily arrange individual and group tutorials outside of class time and around any personal commitments his students may have. Derek also listens and implements ideas from students to help enhance their learning ensuring this fits to students’ needs wherever possible. Derek’s students perhaps summed it up best when they said ‘all in all a fantastic tutor who has made this year’s learning worthwhile.

Maria’s students consider that she went above and beyond in teaching the Research Methods Module this year. Maria held private tutorials for any student that needed extra support. She also made audio recordings of material from lectures and provided interested students with additional articles to read, helping to spark even more curiosity in the subject. Her students commented on her passion for fostering discussion and making sure that lectures are as interactive as possible, in particular when using the online platform this year.

Stephen Sheffield

Paulette Morris

Stephen’s dedication to Product Design stood out to his students this year. In the wake of the pandemic, he was determined to make changes to the course and provide fixes wherever the student experience had been impacted. Before students started, Stephen had already revised briefs to ensure students were able to extract as much as possible from their learning. He has given his cohort independence with each task and helped them develop their own ideas. In the most recent lockdown, despite challenges to alter deadlines and take account of the heavy practical load of the course, he always kept his students informed and made their mental health his top priority.

Paulette has provided her students with fantastic support during their assistant practitioner course. Nominations attested to the fact that Paulette was seen as having helped her students approved through her regular encouragement. Specifically, students praised the impact Paulette has had on their writing skills and credited the higher marks they had achieved to her support. In addition, students spoke about the confidence that Paulette has instilled in them to effectively reflect on their own learning.

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Demonstrating Excellence in Academic Leadership

Fiona McCormack

Jo Edwards

Fiona has been shortlisted for her work developing the Performance Academy, designed to support elite athletes studying at the University. Nominations showcased the support Fiona provides to athletes, helping them to understand their sport better and improve. Students also spoke about how approachable Fiona is and the fact that they can talk to her about any issue whether it is academic or sport related. Fiona has also worked with the Students’ Union, over an extended period to ensure we collaborate effectively to provide students with the best possible experience.

Jo’s students praised her as being an amazing course leader throughout this pandemic. Her students especially commented on her work to maintain open communication, which was seen as a feature of good practice. Jo has carried out monthly check-ins with student reps, again an approach that students’ felt others should replicate, in an attempt to resolve any problems as early as possible and to gauge cohort welfare and morale. Students valued Jo’s willingness to intervene personally when issues arise and credited her as a pillar of strength throughout the year.

Kevin Campbell-Karn

Lorna Dean Gibbs

Kevin has worked to ensure that students on the Sports Therapy degree received the best education and practice possible during the pandemic. This included the delivery of intensive weeks of learning during summer 2020, running engaging online lessons and preparing students for exams to the best of his ability. Kevin also provided students with wellbeing support during the pandemic and was responsive at all hours of the day whenever students needed him. Nominations demonstrated that students considered, without him it would not have been possible to complete their degree on time due to the practical aspects of the course.

Lorna has been recognised for the support that she provides, not only to current students, but graduates from her cohorts. Graduates value her commitment to maintaining contact and distributing potential work opportunities, displaying a level of aftercare that exceeds their expectations. Lorna has also worked to ensure students’ have Wednesday afternoons free to engage in co-curricular activity and to source placement opportunities. Additionally, students value the concern Lorna displays for their mental health.

Proudly supported by:

Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching Practice

Nic Fryer

Sena Quaye

Students lavished praise on Nic’s responsiveness and the fact that they would always rely on a quick response to any question or concern. A charismatic member of staff, students also spoke highly of Nic’s style in the classroom and his intent to make classes fun as well as effective. Nic also ensures that he encourages students through positive reinforcement and nominations stressed that this helps to draw the best out of his cohorts and that their experience would not be the same without him.

Sena has been nominated due to the academic curiosity and intellectual stimulation that her lectures provoke. Students feel challenged by Sena’s classes but in a consistently supportive environment that challenges them to do their best. She is viewed as providing honest and open feedback that helps students to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. Student Reps and the Union’s School Officer have singled out Sena’s contribution as worthy of praise.

Karen Roch

Molly-Jane Dane

Karen has been an excellent tutor this year on the Production Design (Stage and Screen) course. She has made the content engaging and interactive, through the use of guest speakers, direct from industry, who have been able to provide insights into the field. Students recognise the hard-work and time that Karen has dedicated to ensuring that, even through lockdown, students could still discuss project individually and as a group. Karen’s effective use of formative feedback was also singled out as making an important contribution to the student experience.

Molly-Jane’s innovative use of online and learning and teaching methods has been recognised by students. Her use of a mixture of group activities, research and presentations has kept learning in lockdown engaging. MollyJane has a keen focus on ensuring that students have understood lecture content and, in order to achieve that, she regularly makes herself available outside of regular teaching hours. Molly-Jane provides her students with clear instruction in relation to assessment, so students understand what they need to do to succeed.

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The Annual Union Awards Criteria and Judging Panel

The Criteria

The Judging

In order to make the shortlist, nominees for these awards must meet one or more of the following criteria:

Shortlisting for all categories awarded this evening was conducted by the Union Awards Panel, which was made up of:

1. Through their work have had a demonstrable impact on the student experience of their peers.

Tamsin Grainger President

2. Have enhanced the reputation of the Students’ Union through their commitment, dedication and professionalism.

Tom Featherstone Vice President Student Involvement Natasha Neal Vice President Education and Welfare

3. Enabled the Students’ Union to achieve or exceed one or more of its strategic objectives.

Tristan Tipping Chief Executive Officer

4. Demonstrated innovation in extending the range of opportunities and services available through the Students’ Union.

Matthew Kitching Deputy Chief Executive Officer

5. Created positive change within the Students’ Union, institution or local community.

Mark Sweeney Student Experience Manager

In cases where a member of the judging panel were shortlisted for an award, the judge was asked to leave the room so all candidates could be considered fairly.

RAG Charity Fundraiser of the Year

Jess Bradbury

Josie Leech

Jess has been a fantastic fundraiser this academic year and, as an individual, raised an amazing £115 for Wycombe Homeless Connection. Jess is always quick to get involved in fundraisers from the quiz nights, to the Run for RAG and much more. In addition to her active participation, Jess also makes a financial contribution to every RAG fundraiser and is a constant support for our charities. Jess’ selfless dedication to our charities is incredible.

Josie raised an incredible £600 in a solo effort for Wycombe Homeless Connection as part of The Big Sleepout. Josie’s determination to raise money for this great cause is just one reason she is a deserving nominee. Josie was recognised by her peers and staff across the organisation as being an outstanding fundraiser. Having been elected to the committee during the 2021 Union Elections, we look forward to seeing Josie’s contribution to charity fundraising growing through her committee involvement.

RAG Society

Elysia Hix

RAG Society was formed this academic year and they have proven themselves to be an asset to the organisation, raising a fantastic amount for our two charities. The society has constantly sought to hold fundraisers throughout the pandemic. This has been carried out despite significant challenges and in recognition of the difficulties charities themselves have faced during the crisis. As well as raising money for our two RAG charities, RAG society was the only society to get involved in The Big Sleepout for Wycombe Homeless Connection, where they managed to raise a huge £850.

Elysia has shown herself to be an unbelievable advocate for RAG. She has constantly tried to conceive new fundraisers and has supported many existing RAG events, hosted by other clubs and societies. Elysia has organised quizzes, runs and a sweet sale. In particular, Run for RAG exceeded expectations and helped to raise over £370. Elysia’s dedication and altruism, together with the sheer amount of time she has committed are commendable.

Student Rep of the Year

Amy Pile

Charlotte Leighton-Woods

Amy is a first year Nursing student and Gold accredited Student Rep, described by her peers as kind, magnificent and a leader. Despite being in her first year, Amy has involved herself in all aspects of the Students’ Union, from co-chairing the Nursing Programme Committee meeting, to writing articles for the Students’ Union Newspaper on the topic of managing student life whilst being a parent, offering advice for other students. Amy is a natural leader and an excellent Student Rep who works tirelessly to ensure the Nursing student voice is heard.

Charlotte is the Student Rep for Hair and Make-Up for Film and Performance and has taken on extra responsibility to cover all year groups and ensure her peers have their say. She has helped her course mates to voice their concerns and allowed better understanding between students and staff, raising any issues or problems immediately. Charlotte’s peers have credited her for making a challenging year enjoyable, always going the extra mile and she is the reason their class have a voice.

Zeeshan Anjum

Ioana Filon

Zeeshan is a third year Piloting Student Rep and has been exceptional this year. He has fought hard for his classmates and is in constant communication with both Students’ Union and University staff to ensure necessary changes are made. Zeeshan’s peers have praised his support, determination, and dedication to improving their experience, in particular his efforts to secure a dissertation extension. He has not only made a difference to his peers’ academic experience but has also been credited for helping their mental wellbeing too, by making a particularly stressful year manageable.

Ioana is a first year Student Rep for Airline and Airport Management and has taken a real interest in all Students’ Union activity this year. She has been described by her peers as extremely approachable, easy to talk to and always willing to give advice when needed. Ioana has helped her peers continuously throughout the year, offering both academic and emotional support to ensure everyone on her programme is having the best possible time at Bucks.

Proudly supported by:

Academic Staff Partner of the Year

Chris Tapping

Phill Hoddinott

Chris has taken on more responsibility this year as the BSc Programme Lead and works closely with staff in the Students’ Union to ensure the student experience for nurses is the best it possibly can be. In the face of the challenges brought by the pandemic, Chris has worked tirelessly to ensure the student voice is heard. He employs a truly student-centred approach, holding staff accountable when necessary and working to maintain an excellent quality of teaching and staff support within the School. Chris shows real leadership in PCMs seeking answers to every single issue raised by students. He is honest and sincere, and this shows in everything he does.

Phill’s approach to partnership with the Students’ Union should be viewed as an exemplar for colleagues. Phill meets with the Representation Team on a fortnightly basis keeping us informed about issues and developments that relate to the different nursing cohorts. He is eager to hear about issues that have been submitted to the Union from nursing reps and works with us to resolve anything that arises. Recognising the Union’s role to provide constructive criticism, Phill understands that the University and Union will not always agree but that maintaining an open dialogue is vitally important in spite of this, so we can provide the best possible experience for students.

Anne Chappell

Dan Peters

Anne has been shortlisted after Union colleagues nominated her for the demonstrable commitment she has shown to ensuring her students recognise the value of participating in Union activity. Anne goes out of her way to promote Union opportunities to students, whether that is on social media or by inviting Union staff into her scheduled classes. Data increasingly shows that cohorts with high levels of engagement in co-curricular activity are performing well across a range of metrics. Anne’s model of cooperation should be lauded as one to import in other programmes.

Dan’s nomination recognises his strong track record of working in partnership with the Students’ Union. He shows consistent willing to promote Union events and activities. Dan also collaborates with the Union’s Events Team, utilising the expertise and experience of the organisations professional service employees to enhance his academic programme. This has tangible benefits for his students, including strengthening their skills and understanding of the industry. Dan also makes use of Union spaces for teaching and learning activity, realising the full potential of our estate and resources.

Proudly supported by:

Sport for Fun Ambassador of the Year

Emily Crawshaw

Rhys Aitchison

It has been difficult for Snowsports who only managed to hold one session during the year due to restrictions. However, this was well attended and ran smoothly thanks to the Emily’s organisation and work. Emily’s fastidious approach ensured things ran like clockwork. This has also helped to ensure that students interested in Snowsports have been supported to retain their interest and we hope to see Emily continue in the role next year, ensuring Snowsports shine with the return of physical sessions.

Rhys is a fresher and showed himself to be incredibly pro-active, contacting the Student Activities team to enquire about the ambassador role before he has even enrolled at university. He has volunteered his time to check over the bikes, repairing any that require it to a safe standard. He has shown great initiative and a sense of personal responsibility to promote the scheme to his fellow students and the bike scheme has been a success this year due to his work.

Tomek Siemieniuch

Lucy Webb

Boxing would not be where it is now if it was not for Tomek. His passion for the sport is second to none and makes Tomek a pleasure to work with. We can always place our full confidence in Tomek and the fact that he will run sessions to the highest possible standard. He communicates regularly with the Student Activities team and the Boxing coach to ensure that sessions are enjoyable for all. Numbers for Boxing, despite restrictions in the gym, were high, averaging 15 each week, before lockdown hit. Tomek is a credit to the University and to Boxing.

Lucy has fulfilled her ambassadorial responsibilities to a very high standard this year, despite the enforced reduction in face-to-face activity. Lucy helped to ensure that Government Covid restrictions and National Governing Body requirements did not impact participants’ enjoyment of Badminton. She promoted the sessions, arrived early to get all the checks done and ran the sessions to a high standard which is a credit to her commitment to the role. Lucy’s efforts have helped to ensure that Badminton remains one of the most popular sports in the Sport for Fun programme.

Society Committee Member of the Year

Amy Pile

Mali Hajnasrollah

Amy has been heavily involved in the Students’ Union this year and took on the role of Chair of Nursing Society. Even in normal times this has been a historically challenging role, with students combining placement and classes alongside other commitments. However, Amy has proven herself to be the driving force behind the society and, together with the rest of the committee, she has rebranded the group, maintained a high level of activity and demonstrated that it is in safe hands.

Despite a quiet year for Yoga with regards to accreditation, Mali has certainly made sure that they remain consistent with sessions. Mali has been ever-present during lockdown, ensuring that registers are taken and submitted quickly to the Student Activities Team. Mali has also been a very active member on social media and was the key figure in collaborations with clubs. Her contribution has helped members to stay fit and active during the pandemic.

Ellen Forster-Wilkins

Lucy Webb

Mooting made a very quiet start to the year, but since finding their feet they have thrived in recent months and this is down to the work which Ellen has carried out. Ellen stepped in to fulfil numerous committee roles after those positions became vacant during the first term, but this did not faze her. She showed great leadership skills to make sure the Mooting Society has stability which means they can push on next year to new heights.

Lucy has spearheaded the Psychology Society in their pursuit for outstanding society status. She has ensured that they stay on track, getting members involved in several volunteering opportunities, whilst also running online fundraisers to ensure the sustainability of the society. She always wants to do the best for the society’s members, and it has shown with their attendance this year.

Volunteer of the Year

Elysia Hix

Tomek Siemieniuch

Elysia has volunteered an inordinate amount of her time this academic year. From setting up a new society, and maintaining her position on another, to being RAG ambassador and organising three successful fundraisers. You can rely on Elysia to be supportive of all of the Union’s civic initiatives. When the Union ran our Free Hot School Meals for All initiative during lockdown, providing support and sustenance to Wycombe families that were in need, Elysia was there every single day. On top of that she has volunteered as part of the Postpals project.

Tomek has been an outstanding volunteer this academic year. He put himself forward to be our One Can Trust Ambassador and has since then Tomek has volunteered at the organisation on a weekly basis. On top of this, Tomek is always asking for additional volunteering opportunities, demonstrating an insatiable willingness to devote more of his time to worthwhile causes. Tomek has volunteered with beach cleans, writing postcards to nurses, Postpals and litter picks.

Lucy Webb

Bea Barefield

Lucy has been an outstanding volunteer, not only is she heavily involved in both a club and society therefore racking up vast hours for her committee work, but Lucy is eager to take part in the full spectrum of our volunteering opportunities. This has seen Lucy taken part in FEAST With Us and a range of environmental volunteering projects. Lucy has shown herself to be incredibly humble always volunteering without expectation of recognition, but she has made a valuable contribution and deserves all four of the volunteer awards she has already amassed this year.

Bea has been an outstanding volunteer this year, she has recorded the highest number of hours of any student this year, a total of 581. As well as volunteering with Netball, Bea is also a keen community volunteer and is always trying to source degree specific opportunities. Bea is a student you can rely on to volunteer, and you know will always put herself forward to get involved. Bea took the initiative in leading the netball club’s orchestration of local litter picks within their hometowns during the latest lockdown, encouraging members to make a contribution to their communities and keep streets clean.

Media Contributor of the Year

Alexi Hickin

Zuzanna Majewska

Alexi has been involved in a number of our video projects this year, from booking out equipment and studios, to leading on post-production and editing processes. He proved a great help running International Men’s Day and has helped make storyboards and set designs for both the Varsity video and kit reveal plans. Alexi is always around the office and willing to support the Union in any way he can and has made an invaluable contribution to the media produced this year.

For the second year running, Zuzanna has provided excellent, high-quality content for the newspaper in the form of band interviews. Alongside this, she also delivers great photography sets to further improve the content she is producing. These photos are always taken by Zuzanna herself and help to visually enhance any newspaper edition that they are part of. Over the past two years, Zuzanna has made an exceptional contribution to our media. She is consistent, creative and has been a delight to work alongside.

Phoebe Wilkinson

Jessica Clark

Phoebe has been extremely involved with the technical side of the Radio Station this year, booking jingle recording sessions with all of our new shows’ hosts, in a COVID secure manner. Alongside this, she has also recently taken on additional responsibilities by managing, editing, and producing our new range of podcasts. Phoebe works closely with the Communications Team and the Sabbatical Officers to ensure that the Radio is still producing quality content while our members have been in lockdown and her contribution has been outstanding.

Jessica has been a fantastic addition to The Bucks Student newspaper team as an editor this year. She is continuously offering great ideas and producing incredible content. Jessica is involved in all aspects of the newspaper; she sources news, writes articles, and ensures each edition always goes out on time. She is extremely organised and motivated to make sure The Bucks Student is high-quality, engaging, and informative. Jessica has been a pleasure to work alongside; her involvement with the newspaper has been instrumental this year.

Society of the Year



Psychology have managed to achieve a great deal in a short period of time. The committee have got involved in a variety of volunteering opportunities, including the Brighton Beach clean and FEAST With Us. The committee have kept going during the pandemic and ran a mix of sessions focusing heavily on mental health. During lockdown they issued positivity quotes every day to assist with student morale. Member feedback indicates they have enjoyed being part of the society which is testament to the work of the committee.

Pole have stepped up this year and, even though they only had a month of faceto-face sessions, they managed to keep their members engaged with monthly fitness sessions during lockdown. Pole have shown great tenacity and application in fundraising efforts to help support the operation of the society. This has led Pole to run even more sessions providing more opportunities for our members to take part.

RAG Society

Musical Theatre

A new society set up in the summer, RAG have come on leaps and bounds this year. Despite the pandemic, they have raised a significant amount of money for our charities through a varied programme of fundraisers, collaborating with several clubs and societies. RAG have also raised awareness by organising talks from charity representatives. The first society to reach outstanding, and in their first year of operation, RAG have managed to induct new members effectively, despite being unable to hold face-to-face meetings in every instance.

Musical Theatre have continued to assume a position as a standout society and have adapted remarkably well to the pandemic. They began the year by holding face-to-face sessions in line with Government guidelines. This enabled Musical Theatre to develop a strong relationship with new members, which helped to ensure they were able to continue to run consistent virtual sessions each week during lockdown. They have mixed practice-based sessions with quizzes and masterclasses from alumni and industry professionals. Their success is a result of the organisation and dedication of their committee.

Commercial Services Student Staff Member of the Year

Courtney Gray

Emily Adkinson

An absolute veteran of the bar. Courtney is an incredibly hard working and motivated team member. She’s always on top of the task at hand making sure that everything possible is done and to the highest quality. She really sets the bar for the rest of the team; striving for perfection and always willing to teach those unsure of the best way to get the job done. Courtney continuously ensures that she is setting new standards of professionalism for herself and her peers.

Emily is such a valued, high-spirited member of our team who always comes to work with such a positive attitude. She never fails to engage with everyone, providing excellent customer service as well as always remaining a friendly, approachable and fun face around the Venue. Not only this but, Emily also shows a real willingness to learn new skills and isn’t afraid of getting stuck in. Her care and passion for the job is just as infectious as her attitude.

Megan Williams

Tyler Adams

Megan is an unbelievably bright and vibrant personality, always bringing the best energy and attitude to work, elevating the atmosphere tenfold. She never fails to put a smile on our faces, and we know that if her desired career doesn’t take off, she’ll no doubt be able to make it as a professional standup comedian. Watching her grow in confidence and find her place as a leader among the team this year has been an absolute pleasure to witness.

An incredibly professional, polite and friendly member of the team, Tyler always goes the extra mile making customers and his fellow peers feel welcome at all times. Tyler has a special knack for human connection and possesses an ability to effortlessly put people at ease. He takes customer concerns very seriously and always delivers a first-class service with style. Tyler is a remarkable man who has really proven himself in his time behind the bar and is just a general joy to be around.

Membership Services Student Staff Member of the Year

Rianna Williamson

Lisa Connell

Rianna has been an excellent School Officer for Business, Law and Computing over the past two years and always goes above and beyond to support her students. She is extremely efficient and is always the first to submit reports and deliver feedback, as well as taking time out of her own schedule to help support Rep recruitment. All the Student Reps within Rianna’s School speak incredibly highly of her, describing her as approachable, knowledgeable, and kind.

Lisa has been a phenomenal addition to the representation system at Bucks. She has previously been a Student Rep for her course, is the current School Officer for Nursing and Allied Health for the second year in a row, and is also a Student Trustee. Lisa is passionate about instigating change within her School and has contributed significantly, in what has been a particularly challenging year, to help better the student experience for our nurses.

Anita Pascoe

Michelle Ginnane

Anita is a Leadership Academy graduate who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to every role she has carried out in her three years at Bucks. She has demonstrated empathy and communication proving herself as an amazing Freshers’ and Head Helper. Anita has also shown exceptional customer service and enthusiasm in her role behind the Union reception. She has also shown willingness and loyalty when asked to assist in the delivery of campaigns. Anita is described as hard-working, approachable, and as always going the extra mile.

Michelle has shown exceptional dedication to the success and smooth running of the Freshers’ Helper and Buddy schemes. She is committed, organised, and always willing to help, stepping up as Head Helper spectacularly. The Uxbridge operation would not have been the success it was without Michelle. She has also embraced all the Covid restrictions and made each and every new student feel welcomed and part of the Bucks family from the moment they stepped through the door.

Professional Service Employee Partner of the Year

Anne-Marie Thomson

Justin Bootland

Anne-Marie is a committed and passionate member of staff who always places students’ best interests at the heart of her work. Union colleagues have been struck by Anne-Marie’s pragmatism, collegiate approach and understanding of the student body. Her work to create an inclusive and informative Bucks Welcome is valued by our members, in particular the rapport she builds with our Freshers’ Helpers. Anne-Marie’s effort this year to support students with shopping and food boxes has been especially important.

Justin shows an unwavering dedication and commitment to supporting students in Halls, never more so than this year during the pandemic. Justin is on call 24/7 to support students in the University’s accommodation. He displays an agile attitude, taking action when required. Nominations described Justin as supportive, hugely hardworking, sympathetic, caring, approachable and obligingly collaborative. He also recognises the value of the Union’s activities and objectives in making life better for students at Bucks.

Emma Binnie

Sharon Snell

Emma continually goes above and beyond to support students at Bucks. This year, Emma has maintained open lines of communication with staff and officers about the support her department was providing to students during the pandemic. This has assisted effective referral and enhanced communication to students, and avoided the duplication of activity. She is seen by our members as highly approachable and embodies the Union’s value of tenacity when it comes to helping students resolve their problems. Emma has also collaborated with the Union this year regarding our approach to mental health and wellbeing.

Sharon is the registrar for a number of the Programme Committee Meetings (PCMs) that the Union’s Reps attend. She has shown herself to go above and beyond in her duties, demonstrating a real interest in properly understanding the Student Rep role so that she can best organise these meetings and support students. Sharon is always the first to contact the Union to arrange PCMs, the first to send across registers and minutes from the meetings and always takes the time to ask if she can do anything to help gather feedback, particularly among hard-to-reach student groups.

Proudly supported by:

Campaigner of the Year

Sydney Owen

Kia Wing

Sydney has shown herself to be one of the Union’s strongest, values driven campaigners. Her hard work this year both as a Green Society committee member and Green Ambassador have provided the Union with ideas, encouragement and challenge to take our ethical and environmental work further. Sydney collaborated with another of tonight’s shortlisted nominees, Kia Wing, to deliver a session at the 2021 Rep Con on Sustainability During the Pandemic. Her contributions over the year have also strengthened the Union’s Green Impact submission to the National Union of Students.

The pandemic has not managed to prevent Kia from having an active year on the campaign front. Working alongside the sabbatical officers Kia helped to spearhead the Union’s Pronoun Campaign, promoting the importance of using personal pronouns to show allyship to our LBGTQ+ students and staff. This campaign received support from the Vice-Chancellor and has seen members of the University community adjust their practice. Kia is always keen to share her ideas and work collaboratively with other students and officers to help generate positive outcomes for all Bucks students.

Iuliana Stroescu

Jordan Penning

Iuliana has been an exceptional addition to our Executive Officer Team in the PartTime portfolio. She has held ‘Honest Hours’, delivered updates at our monthly Union Council meetings, and partaken in all Students’ Union campaigns. Iuliana is a leading voice for the student perspective, delivering insightful feedback for ‘We Stand By You’, Mental Health Awareness Week and every other mental health campaign. Alongside this, she has supported the Period Poverty campaign, joining sessions on how to make reusable pads, and speaking on the ‘That Time of the Month’ podcast about the stigmas surrounding periods.

Jordan has taken on several leadership roles within the Student’s Union and engages in everything we do, particularly our campaigns. He is always willing to share his perspectives and help where possible, including delivering a talk on colour deficiency for the ‘More Than Meets the Eye’ campaign. Jordan was also named as the most involved student on the ‘We Stand By You’ campaign, challenging the Government on the treatment of university students throughout the pandemic. Alongside this, Jordan is the student member on University Council, where he continuously campaigns for students.

Student Leadership Award

Lisa Connell

Katie Jedrek

Lisa has had an incredible impact on the Nursing student experience during her three years at Bucks. She has been a School Officer, Student Trustee, Bucks Buddy, Welfare Liaison, and a Gold accredited Student Rep and Volunteer. She is passionate about instigating change and attends additional meetings outside of her paid responsibilities, demonstrating that she sincerely cares about making a difference within her community. Lisa has also played a huge part in the increase in engagement we have seen from the Nursing school; she is known and wellrespected by every nursing student, constantly encouraging them to get involved in all that we do. We have been lucky to have Lisa as part of our team.

Katie has demonstrated a real commitment to self-development this year. She has taken on the role of Employability Ambassador for three of the Schools within the University. Alongside this, Katie also sits on a number of committees as the Treasurer of the Raise and Give (RAG) Society and the Social Secretary for Netball. Katie is a real advocate of the Students’ Union which she has demonstrated through her involvement in volunteering, continuous attendance at Union Council, and general eagerness to be involved. Katie has also been a wonderful Fresher’s and Head Helper and has continued these roles throughout the pandemic to help students in any way she can, all in a Covid-safe manner.

Jordan Penning

Alexi Hickin

Jordan has taken on several roles during his time at Bucks, including School Officer for Aviation and Security, Student Representative on University Council and Postgraduate Executive Officer, among others. Alongside this, Jordan has also started his own business which won the Bucks Grad Business Award, has become Chair of the Air League Panel and also demonstrated his leadership credentials as the British Airways Student Ambassador. Jordan is extremely passionate about Aviation and is dedicated to ensuring this side of his School is the best it can be, helping to make the necessary changes to improve Aviation programmes for future years. He has been described by his colleagues as ‘a real friend and the epitome of a leader’.

Alexi has been described as driven yet modest and as an absolute joy to have around. He has shown commitment to self-development and an initiative to make his goals happen. This year, Alexi took on the role as Chair of Union Council. He has led the monthly meetings online in an engaging and fun way and has been termed ‘the best Chairperson of Union Council we’ve had the pleasure to work with’. Alongside this, Alexi has helped run International Men’s Day and create the Varsity Video, as well as leading on other video projects for the Union. He is always offering to help and assist both students and members of staff where possible.

Proudly supported by:


Union Fellowship Award

The Union Fellowship is an award which the Sabbatical Officers of the Students’ Union shall bestow on an annual basis, to a member of the student or graduate community of Buckinghamshire New University. The recipient must have displayed an outstanding degree of commitment, initiative and positive impact over a minimum of three years, during their life at the University. This award is the pinnacle of our recognition of student or alumni contribution. There will be a maximum of one winner per academic year and their name shall be displayed on honour boards within the Students’ Union.

Megan Staples and Tom Mepham receiving their Union Fellowship Award from Charlie Cotton at the Tenth Annual Union Awards, 2019.

Previous Winners 2010 Jill Kittle

2013 Lauren Troiano

2018 Rhona Noel

2011 Jen Yarrow

2014 Tom Badger

2012 Adam Pears

2015 Adam Bartlett

2019 Tom Mepham & Megan Staples

2013 Guy Humphrey

2016 Mark Sweeney

2020 Christina Demetriou

2013 Daisy May Bowdewes 2017 Ben Parmar

Honorary Life Membership

Honorary Life Membership will be bestowed to those individuals who have dedicated a minimum of five years exceptional contribution, or service, to the furtherance of our Students’ Union. The names of Honorary Life members will be displayed on honours boards within the Students’ Union. It is not expected that these awards will simply be given annually but rather when candidates fill the necessary requirements. Recipients need not have studied at Buckinghamshire New University.

Greg Pike & Ian Hunter receiving their honours at the Tenth Annual Union Awards, 2019.

Honorary Life Members 2010 Pauline Smith 2010 James Lloyd 2011 Trevor Nicholls 2011 Andy Smith 2011 Tom Foy 2012 Will Hoskin 2013 Ash Coles 2013 Kay Corden 2014 Brian Tranter

2014 Derek Godfrey 2014 Naomi Franco 2015 Ruth Farwell 2015 Matt Gilbert 2015 Ross McLaughlin 2016 Lauren Troiano 2016 Stuart Norton 2017 Wendy Lumley 2017 Ruth Gunstone

2017 Jenny Wade 2017 Joe Collins 2018 Noel Cornford 2019 Greg Pike 2019 Ian Hunter 2020 Nigel Copperwheat

Acknowledgements of Thanks

First and foremost, thank you to our sponsors, without whom this event would not have been able to take place this evening. We would like to thank all the Bucks Students’ Union team who have put so much time and dedication into organising this evening. Particular mentions should go to Ellie Freeman, Catherine Lymer and Nellie Hughes who have really spearheaded preparations - without them tonight would simply not have been possible! Also, to Mark Sweeney who, despite leaving the organisation recently, helped with initial preparations. Similarly, thanks must also go to the rest of the Working Group and to Simon McDowell and Oli Gunson in our Communications team. This event was transitioned online at short notice last year, we had desperately hoped we would be back in person this year but when it became apparent that would not be possible the team have done everything that they can to expand the online version of our awards.

We must thank every student and every member of staff who took the time to nominate a peer or colleague. Lots of people were nominated but have not been shortlisted this evening and we thank you for your sustained contribution and the positive impact it has on the experience of our members. We would like to thank all of our trustees, especially our external trustees: Brian Tranter, Tracy Smith, Linsey Taylor and Ruth Gunstone for volunteering their time, knowledge, and expertise this year and strengthening the organisation as a result. To our staff who have left over the course of this year, or are doing so shortly; Mark Sweeney, Susie Kelsey, Dawn Roberts and Fergus Adams we thank you for your hard work and dedication, in some instances over a number of years, and wish you the best of luck in the future.

Bucks Students’ Union Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 2JZ Tel: 01494 601 600 Email: union@bucks.ac.uk Website: bucksstudentsunion.org Bucks Students’ Union is a registered charity – no. 1144820

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