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INDEX Extra storage space ........................... 3 To tank or not to tank ....................... 4 Home trends ....................................... 5 Downsizing your garden .................... 7 Smart watering .................................. 8 Top 5 home projects ......................... 10 Air conditioning maintenance ......... 11 Spring cleaning projects .................. 13 Choosing a gas grill .......................... 14 Spring in gardening season ............. 16 Did you know? .................................. 17 Budget-friendly home landscape ..... 18

InsideOut 2016© is published in Berthoud, Colo., by the Berthoud Weekly Surveyor. The publishers reserve the right to edit, classify or reject any advertising or news copy. Liability for any newspaper error in an advertisement shall not exceed the cost of space occupied by error. The publishers assume no liability for any advertising which is not published for any cause. The publishers assume absolutely no obligation or responsibility for subject matter in copy placed by its advertisers or their agents. It is also understood that the advertiser and the agency placing such advertising jointly and severally agree to indemnify Berthoud Weekly Surveyor, LLC against all expense, loss or damage sustained by reason of printing such copy.

Berthoud Weekly Surveyor April 7, 2016 Page 3

How to create extra storage space Special to the Surveyor Apartment dwellers commonly lament the lack of storage space in their homes. But unless such men and women are willing to pack up and move to a larger apartment or private home, storage will continue to pose a problem. Fortunately, there are many ways to create storage space without knocking down walls. • Buy furniture that includes storage space. Perhaps the simplest way to create extra storage space is to purchase furniture that doubles as storage. Storage beds make great places to store bulky bedding, including extra bedsheets, blankets and pillows. Living room furniture can also serve dual roles. Dress up a storage chest and use it as your coffee table, and replace old footrests with storage ottomans. • Hang pots and pans. Kitchen cabinet space can be especially scarce in apartments, but that does not

mean apartment dwellers must cook with a single pot and pan. Suspend pots and pans from the ceiling, using the cabinet space you have to store food and other items that might look out of place if left sitting out. • Buy a corner coat rack. Coats

take up ample closet space, which apartment dwellers know can be a precious commodity. Rather than reserving half of your closet space for coats, purchase a corner coat rack with multiple hooks at varying

heights. This means that all those bulky coats will be stored in one small, vertical space, leaving more room in the closets for the rest of your wardrobe. • Purchase removable shelving units for closets. Closets may have plenty of shelf space up top, but what about all that floor space that’s not being put to use? Small, removable shelving units can be placed inside closets so you can make use of the space beneath all those shirts, dresses and sweaters hanging on hangers. • Purchase an ereader. Avid readers living in storage-starved apartments can create more space simply by going digital with regard to their favorite hobby. Purchase an e-reader and store all of your books digitally on your new device and its accompanying cloud storage. This saves you from having to find space to store new books, and you can donate all or some of your existing collection to create more space.

Page 4 April 7, 2016 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor

To tank or not to tank By Bob McDonnell The Surveyor We all take hot water in our homes for granted. Turning on a faucet produces warm water for bathing, showering, doing dishes, and other cleaning chores. Before the invention of the hot water heater, people heated water over a fire or stove and poured it into a receptacle such as a bowl or tub. A typical home usually has a large 40- to 50-gallon cylinder that provides hot water. The tank is always full, and maintains a temperature set by the homeowner. Another alternative is the tankless, or ondemand, water heaters. Although many have not heard of the tankless water heater until recent years, the technology is not new. The website tankless-water-heatersfaq states tankless heater methodology is more than 100 years old. The tankless-waterheaters-faq site also says during World War II the use of tankless increased 10-fold due to the need to conserve energy and water. The tankless water heater heats water only when it is needed. When a faucet is turned on a heat exchanger heats the water

• InsideOut until it is turned off. There is no large holding tank with this method. Reasons to install a tankless heater are many. This type of heater uses 30 to 50 percent less energy than a tank heater, on average. Tankless heaters are smaller, hence they take up less space. Tanks are installed on walls, under cabinets or in a closet near where the water is needed, according to also says the tankless equipment lasts five to 10 years longer than a conventional heater. Lastly, the biggest advantage is tankless heaters never run out of water, according to Yes, there are advantages, but there are also disadvantages to installing a tankless water heater. The primary disadvantage, as stated in, is the upfront cost. A price comparison done by Consumer Reports says, in their independent testing, the tankless heaters they used cost from $800 to $1,150. Conventional tank heaters used in the Consumer Reports test ranged in price from $300 to $480. says the smaller units may not produce enough hot water to serve an entire household. The larger tankless units cost more to purchase. Additionally, the tankless units only serve one faucet at a time. The website points out this one-faucet concept means someone cannot have the shower running and be using the dishwasher at the same time, for example. It is best to consult with a contractor or plumber to see if a tankless water heater works for you.

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Berthoud Weekly Surveyor April 7, 2016 Page 5

Home trends to expect in the year ahead

Don’t be surprised to notice a resurgence of metallic shades and metals incorporated into home designs in the year ahead.

Special to the Surveyor Trends in home remodeling and decor tend to come and go. Something that is popular for a little while can fall out of favor when the next new idea comes along. New trends are always on the horizon, and 2016 may encourage homeowners to try something new. • Metallics and metals are back. Although stainless steel accents in the kitchen have long been popular, the glistening look of metal and metallic shades are back in a big way. Inspired by the 1950s and 1970s, brass, gold and metallic finishes are popular right now. • Texture: Texture is a big component of interior design. Furniture and accessories featuring faux fur and natural fibers are becoming popular. Pieces adorned with cozy materials can seem more inviting. Organic shapes, such as tables looking like the tree trunk they were cut from, also are expected to become more popular. • Artisanal touches in accessories: It’s all about getting back to basics, with homeowners desiring pieces that are one-of-a-kind and handmade rather than mass-produced. Expect to see more accessories that are made by hand or in small batches, like pottery or handwoven textiles, as homeowners are increasingly turning to independent artists and artisans when decorating their homes. Homeowners can even support independent artists when choosing art for their homes. For example, provides an

online marketplace for artists to showcase and sell their work, and buyers looking to support independent artists can rest easy knowing that 90 percent of all image royalties go directly to the artist, a stark contrast to the roughly 50 percent offered by more traditional galleries. • Fabric on the walls: Walls also will be covered in texture and pattern. Textiles will increasingly turn up on walls and in places they haven’t traditionally been seen. Patterns may lean toward floral, tropical and indigenous artisan weaving designs. • Pinks and blues: Expect to see pale pink and blue in various design applications. The Pantone Color Institute¨ released a blending of two colors, Rose Quartz and Serenity, as their 2016 Color of the Year. This has impacted color trends through all areas of design — including home touches. These colors pair well with mid-tones, like browns and greens, as well as the increasingly popular metallics. • Smart homes: Technology is changing the way people look at their homes. Water-resistant music systems for the bathroom, wirelessly operated Bluetooth devices that turn on lights or appliances from a smartphone and even fixtures that use technology to self-clean are turning up more and more. Home decor trends are always changing, adding new life to homes and keeping armchair interior decorators on their toes.

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Downsizing your garden By Bob McDonnell The Surveyor Gardening is popular throughout the United States. Since Berthoud is called “The Garden Spot,” one assumes growing food and flowers at home is also part of many people’s lives. United States-wide, home and community gardens are on an increasing rate of growth, according to charlotte. This website says from 2008 to 2013 the use of these types of gardens increased from 36 million households to 42 million households during the five-year span cited. Many people who want a garden do not have the space or energy to have a large plot. They want beautiful flowers or vegetables for home consumption using minimal space, effort and time. They want a scaled-down gardening experience. Overall, this type of gardening goes by the name container gardening. On the lower end of scale for size, these gardens include window boxes, pots, tubs, hanging baskets, cinder blocks, and half-barrels, according to www. To grow plants or flowers on a slightly larger scale, some choose pallet gardening. Yes, the same wooden

storage pallets used to hold or transport goods make a great garden foundation. The pallet or pallets — depending on your lawn space — can be used horizontally or vertically. Mavis Brown’s website,, says all that is needed for pallet gardening is the pallet, some good soil, and a few seeds. Brown points out advantages of using this growing method include no soil to till and no weeds. She suggests using what she terms as “new, clean, fresh pallets.” Pallets stamped with HT are preferred, says Brown. This means the pallet was heat-treated or kiln dried, as opposed to chemically treated. Using used pallets is acceptable, but Brown suggests scrubbing the wood with bleach and soapy water to rid the wood of chemicals and bacteria. A website called www.1001pallets. com suggests many places to obtain pallets locally. Sites listed include feed and pet supply stores, hardware stores and furniture stores. If pallets don’t appeal to you for gardening purposes, maybe straw bales will. In contrast to the gardening methods mentioned above, the straw bale is the container.

Berthoud Weekly Surveyor April 7, 2016 Page 7

Try something new this year — straw bale or lasagna gardening. says straw is “conditioned” once the straw inside the bale begins to decompose. This process needs to be started about two weeks before the planting date. Advantages of growing things in straw bales include the raised height of a straw bale aiding those having trouble bending over to tend to the crop. Also, no turning the soil or dig-

ging plants at harvest time is needed. “Weeding will become a thing of the past,” states Strawbalegardens. com. Since weeds are the bane of any gardener, this is an added benefit of growing veggies in straw. It’s time to think gardening in the Garden Spot. Maybe one of the methods will let you start growing vegetables or flowers with minimal effort.

• InsideOut

Page 8 April 7, 2016 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor

Smart watering conserves water and saves money

Special to the Surveyor Summer heat can be harmful in various ways. People and pets can quickly succumb to the summer sun, which can cause sunburn, heat exhaustion and heat stroke when people and their animals spend too much time outdoors without adequate protection. Landscapes are also vulnerable to summer heat, which can quickly spoil the most lush lawns and robust gardens. Effective watering can help lawns and gardens withstand summer heat, but improper watering can deprive landscapes of the water they need to survive. Homeowners concerned about their lawns and gardens surviving the summer can take the following approach to conserve water, save money and maintain their landscapes. • Start early. Homeowners may feel that the hottest times of the day are when lawns and gardens will be most in need of water, so that’s the best time to set sprinklers or grab the hose and get to work. But in many areas, watering between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., when summer temperatures tend to peak, can be both wasteful and ineffective. That’s because watering between those hours will cause much of the water to quickly evaporate, robbing lawns and gardens of the water they need to withstand the heat. Homeowners who water

when water is most likely to evaporate may feel they need to water more, and that only wastes water. It’s best to consult a local landscaping professional in your area to determine the best time to water each day, but in many regions the best time to water is between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m., when temperatures are generally lower, the sun is not at its peak and winds are not as strong. • Place sprinklers correctly. If you do not have an in-ground irrigation system and don’t intend to install one, you will likely use lawn sprinklers to water the lawn. When placing these sprinklers, turn them on and then document their trajectory before moving on to the next area. You want to make sure the water from the sprinklers is not landing on sidewalks, patios or streets, especially if your community typically institutes drought restrictions that limit how much you can water. In such instances, you’ll need to make the best use of the water you’re allowed to use, so make sure none of it is watering the driveway. • Let well-fed lawns go dormant during drought. Lengthy droughts tend to be accompanied by water restrictions, and such restrictions can frustrate homeowners who don’t want to see all of the hard work they’ve put in to this point go to waste. But grass that has thus far been well cared for can withstand drought

and still recover when rains once again fall and temperatures cool come autumn. If you plan to let the lawn go dormant, keep kids, pets and visitors off the grass, as dormant lawns are highly susceptible to damage.

Summer is an enjoyable time of year, but lawn and garden enthusiasts may be concerned for their properties when summer heat sets in. A few simple strategies can help lawns make it through the season unscathed.

Page 10 April 7, 2016 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor

Top five home projects to help you save money Special to the Surveyor It’s remodeling season, and with so many projects on the to-do list, which should you tackle first? While some projects provide great long-term return on investment, a few simple ones can provide instant savings. Here are the top home spring projects to help you save money: Caulk around windows and doors

Stop air leaks around your home by sealing existing gaps and cracks. Use caulking or weather stripping around doors and windows. Installing a door sweep is also a good idea. Insulate your home

Use insulation with a high R-value, such as Roxul Comfortbatt, which can be used to top up insulation in your attic. Aim for an R-value of 50 or a depth of 16 inches. For whole home efficiency, ensure other areas of your home, such as crawl spaces, basement headers, walls and ceilings, are well insulated. It will keep your house cool in the warm weather and take the stress off your air conditioning unit. Clean your AC unit

Come spring it’s not uncommon to find an air conditioner’s condenser and compressor blocked up with dirt and debris. This can result in greater stress on the unit, causing it to work harder. Giving it a thorough cleaning is easy and can help maximize your AC unit’s service life while minimizing your energy bill. Plant trees

Direct sunlight can heat up surfaces and building materials, as well as the interior temperature of your home. Consider planting trees in strategic locations to provide shade and reduce cooling costs. Install a rain barrel

Water is an important, but costly resource. Installing a rain barrel is an easy and affordable measure to reduce your water consumption, while keeping your lawn and garden looking great. These simple home maintenance tasks can be well worth the effort, potentially providing hundreds of dollars in annual savings.

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Berthoud Weekly Surveyor April 7, 2016 Page 11

Air Conditioning maintenance could prevent costly repairs

get asked the question all the time, should I have my air conditioner serviced every year? What if I just do it myself? Now if there is one thing I have learned in my many years of doing this kind of work, it’s that spending money on our heating and air conditioning system is the last thing anybody wants to do, Guest until it breaks down. Then I Columnist hear, “Just fix it.” Keep this in mind as you read on: “Once the compressor goes you are probably looking at needing a new system.” So here is why you want to get it serviced at least every other year and what we do while servicing: Filters Is there anybody out there who likes to replace or clean the filter on their furnace? I have not found anybody yet. Some of them are hard to get to, or difficult to remove and replace. You never seem to have one on hand when you think about replacing it. Or when you do buy one and get all motivated to replace it, you realize you bought the wrong size. We replace the filter for you. The filter is probably the most important piece in the entire system. If the filter is dirty the utility bills go up, and some technical

Darren Knoll

things start to happen that can ruin the compressor or furnace heat exchanger. “Once the compressor goes ... ” Outside unit (condensing unit) Another job nobody wants to do is clean the condenser. Seventyfive percent of A/C owners don’t even know they should keep it clean. It is a thankless job, you will probably get wet, muddy, disturb a nest of wasps, and get stung. If you take the unit apart like many models require for thorough cleaning, you will probably end up getting cut from the sharp edges, drop the top and bend the fan blade and then have to pay for an expensive repair. A dirty outside unit will cause higher utility bills, longer run times, lack of cooling, and a compressor that will run hot. “Once the compressor goes ... ” Check components Then we have lots of components that just need to be checked from time to time. Some do require special tools to check. Here are just a few things that get checked: (deep breath) super heat, sub cooling, microfarad testing, amp draw, voltage, contactor pitting, wiring connections, TXV operation, temperature fall, static pressure, temperature rise, drain lines, conden-

sate pump and (another deep breath). Some of them, if not cleaned or checked, can cause flooded basements or electrical fires, and definitely no cooling situations. (minor issues, right)? Check refrigerant pressure This is critical because a slight under charge or over charge can cause a big increase in utility bills, the unit won’t cool like it is designed to and will affect that old compressor severely. “Once the compressor goes ... ” How often to get it serviced? I normally say every other year, because when systems are fairly new they don’t always need to be cleaned every year, and some systems just don’t run very much. If it is old, in an area where there are lots of trees, or it doesn’t seem to run very well, it probably should be done every year. Replacing a system can be very costly, and you will be without a/c for at least a couple of days, if not longer. So, to service or not to service. That is the question. Darren Knoll is the owner of A+ Heating & A/C and lives in Berthoud. Questions call 970-302-2532.

Page 12 April 7, 2016 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor

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Berthoud Weekly Surveyor April 7, 2016 Page 13

Spring cleaning projects you don’t want to forget

Special to the Surveyor Spring cleaning is an annual tradition in many households. After a winter spent cooped up indoors, spring cleaning can rejuvenate a household and provide a great chance to rid a home of a season’s worth of clutter. Donating old clothes and cleaning out the garage are popular spring-cleaning projects, but there are a host of additional tasks homeowners can tackle to freshen up their homes this spring. Floors Simply vacuuming or sweeping the floors might not be enough to banish some of winter’s most uninvited guests. Dust has a way of settling into a home over the course of a typical winter, and it’s easy for a home’s inhabitants to track dirt and debris inside as well. After vacuuming or sweeping floors, go over them with a mop. Doing so can remove any lingering dust, dirt, debris, and allergens the vacuum or broom failed to pick up. Apply wood cleaner and polish to wood floors to make them look even cleaner. Baseboards Even though baseboards might not seem all that dirty, upon closer inspection homeowners might notice substantial accumulations of dirt and dust. Such dirt and dust many not be removed so easily, so homeowners might need to use

hot water and a sponge to remove any debris that is clinging. Curtains

Curtains also may have absorbed substantial amounts of dust, dirt and debris over the winter. This might be more visible near the end of winter when more sunlight begins to shine through. Clean the curtains in adherence to the manufacturer instructions be-

fore you open windows for the season so any wind that blows in does not spread debris onto nearby furniture. Once the curtains have been washed, opening windows may help them dry more quickly. Bathrooms Bathrooms also tend to bear the brunt of winter weather, as mold and grime can accumulate throughout a season in which it’s too cold to open bathroom windows to let fresh air in after bathing. Inspect ceilings, tubs, shower stalls, and floors for any signs of mold growth or grime. Mold growth in a home can lead to respiratory problems and exacerbate existing conditions such as asthma, so it’s best to inspect bathrooms for any signs of mold growth throughout winter. If you have let that slip, prioritize such inspections come spring-cleaning time. Furniture It’s easy to overlook furniture when tackling spring cleaning, but dust and dirt can quickly accumulate on couches and chairs over the course of winter. When possible, vacuum furniture to remove any debris that might have accumulated while windows and doors were kept shut, and shampoo any cushions or seat covers that don’t pass the smell test. Spring cleaning encompasses a host of tasks, and homeowners who want a truly clean house should not overlook smaller tasks that can produce big results.

• InsideOut

Page 14 April 7, 2016 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor

Grills, grills everywhere ... how do I choose? Special to the Surveyor

Choosing your grill should start with thinking about how you want to cook for family and friends. Having been in the business almost 30 years and cooked thousands of meals, the grilling family at Broil King recommends you ask yourself the following questions before you venture to your local grill store. What is your favorite grilled food? If hamburgers, hotdogs, and the occasional steak are as far as you get, there is a wide range of basic gas and charcoal grills to choose from. However, an HPBA survey shows 68 percent of grillers see themselves as “better than average or extremely proficient at grilling.” So if you don’t want to be running in and out of the kitchen when you could have everything you need happening at the grill, consider a grill with more than two burners, precise heat control, and a side and rotisserie burner. How many people are you grilling for? The cooking surface on grills can range from 250 to 1,000 square inches. Grilling for between four and eight people and occasional crowds of 12, you should have 500 square inches or more. If you’re preparing a feast on a regular basis, look for a grill equipped with two separate cooking surfaces (typically a larger cookbox at 725 square inches and a smaller one at 275 square inches). In addition to cooking surface, look for the depth of cook-box, allowing you to put a tur-

key or large roast on the grill. What are the burners like? Check out the burners and understand what they are made of and how are they shaped. Dual Tube-style burners, and H- or 8-shaped burners, offer the most even heat distribution and excel-

lent performance. Is there something covering the burners to protect them and dissipate the heat? (Typically called the heat medium.) A well-designed grill will have a stainless or porcelain-coated steel “wave-shaped” vaporizer completely covering the burners. The vaporization of food drippings creates that authentic barbecue flavor you’re looking for, so this is an important feature. What are the cooking grids made of? Look for cast iron or stainless steel. These cooking grids should be heavy enough to retain heat, create steakhouse style sear marks, and vaporize food drippings right at the grids, adding to the barbecue flavor of what you are cooking. Where is the grill made? Make sure you can readily access customer service and parts support for your grill. The North American manufacturers offer this support direct from Canadian and U.S.-based factories. Answers to other questions can be found at Is it available in propane or natural gas? Have a professional install any conversion kits. How much storage and preparation space is available? Are there covers to fit? What accessories are available to enhance the grilling experience even more?

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Berthoud Weekly Surveyor April 7, 2016 Page 15

• InsideOut

Page 16 April 7, 2016 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor

Spring into gardening season

By Erika Strote Colorado State University Extension Master Gardener in Larimer County After a few false starts to Colorado gardening season, it looks like spring weather may finally be here to stick around. As green shoots begin to push up out of the soil, gardeners are excited to get back outside; but this time of year can also be overwhelming. With so much to do in the yard and garden, it can be difficult to figure out where to begin. Here are a few suggestions for what to prioritize in the coming weeks.

Aerating your lawn in the spring will also help the turf develop a stronger root system by loosening compacted soils and getting more oxygen to the grass roots.


Start the lawn-care season off right by sharpening mower blades and setting the mower height to 2.5” to 3”, which will increase drought and heat tolerance in the lawn as well as discourage weeds. Check sprinkler system outputs when the system is restarted. The goal is to water as deeply and infrequently as possible because that allows turf to develop a stronger root system. Aim for 1” to 1.5” per watering and adjust as temperatures increase. To measure sprinkler output, place several baking pans or similarly shallow containers throughout the yard and run the sprinklers for 30 minutes. Once the time is up, measure the depth of the water in the pan. This allows you to calculate the length of time you need to run your system to reach the 1” to 1.5” goal.


Cut back any remaining leaf or stem matter from your plants. Make sure you cut back your ornamental grasses, before the new shoots start to grow. Spring is a great time to add perennials to the landscape because the cooler temperatures lead to less stress on the transplanted plants. This is the same reason this time of year is good to divide any perennials that are overcrowded, which will help the plants remain vigorous. You will thank yourself in the fall if you take a couple of minutes now to snap pictures of your early spring garden beds. These photos will help you identify where you want to plant spring-flowering bulbs, come fall. Shrub pruning

Did you know? If you fertilized your lawn in the late fall, you may not need to fertilize again until May or June. In fact, giving lawns too much nitrogen in the spring can create problems for potential disease, as well as increase the water and mowing needs of the lawn.

Spring is also the time to prune shrubs before they begin to leaf out because it is easy to see the branches. One pruning technique is to remove up to a third of the oldest branches by cutting them back to the ground. Just remember, wait to prune spring blooming shrubs like lilacs until right after they have finished blooming. Pruning these spring-flowering shrubs too late in the season will diminish the number of blooms. Mulch

Add a layer of mulch to your landscape beds SPRING cont. on page 17

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SPRING cont. from page 16 and around the bases of your trees, keep it at least six inches away from the trunks. Mulch will help conserve moisture and keep your soil cool as the temperatures climb. Mulch can also help deter insect problems from developing. Vegetable garden beds

Dreaming of luscious summer bounty from the garden? Take a deep breath and be patient — chances are the soil is still too wet to dig and the risk of compaction is high, plus the soil temperatures may be too cool. Once the soil has dried out a bit, this is a great time to plant cool-season crops like lettuces, spinach and radishes. Save the tomatoes and peppers until the night time temperatures have risen reliably above 65 degrees. Even though gardening in Colorado can be full of curve balls thrown by the fluctuating weather, taking the time in the spring to establish good yard and garden practices will help your entire gardening season be more enjoyable and successful. For more information, see the following Colorado State Extension publications: Lawn/Turf: topic-areas/yard-garden/watering-

Berthoud Weekly Surveyor April 7, 2016 Page 17 established-lawns-7-199/ Basic Perennial Care: Pruning shrubs: http://www.ext. Mulch: http://extension.colostate. edu/topic-areas/yard-garden/mulchesfor-home-grounds-7-214/ The author has received training through Colorado State University Extension’s Master Gardener program and is a master gardener volunteer for Larimer County. Larimer County is a county-based outreach of Colorado State University Extension, providing information you can trust to deal with current issues in agriculture, horticulture, nutrition and food safety, 4-H, small acreage, money management and parenting. For more information about CSU Extension in Larimer County, call 970498-6000 or visit Looking for additional gardening information? Check out the CSU Extension Horticulture Agent blog at for timely updates about gardening around the state. Visit PlantTalk Colorado ™ for fast answers to your gardening questions, PlantTalk is a cooperation between Colorado State University Extension, GreenCo and Denver Botanic Gardens.

Did you know ...

Special to the Surveyor

New York City’s Central Park was created by famed landscape designer Frederick Law Olmstead, who would no doubt be happy to learn the park, which Olmstead began working on in the 1850s, is the most visited urban park in the United States. Central Park initially covered 2.5 miles, beginning at 59th Street and extending north to 106th Street (the park now extends to 110th Street), while spanning from Fifth Avenue in the east to Eighth Avenue in the west. Included in Central Park is the 55-acre Great Lawn, which is routinely filled with sun bathers, athletes, picnickers, and just about anyone else looking to do some lounging in one of the city’s most famous landmarks. Over the years numerous performers, from rockers Bon Jovi to folk singers Simon and Garfunkel, to the New York Philharmonic, have staked their claim to the Great Lawn. The Great Lawn even played host to the Global Citizen Festival in the fall of 2015. Hosted by late night host Steven Colbert, the festival showcased world renowned performers such as Beyonce and Pearl Jam, and even featured addresses from political notables like Vice President Joe Biden and First Lady Michelle Obama. As for the rest of the park, it continues to draw millions of visitors each year, who are attracted to its expansive landscape, never ending activities and, for many, the simple chance to ditch their footwear and lie down in the green grass that is synonymous with the park.

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Page 18 April 7, 2016 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor

Create a budget-friendly home landscape Special to the Surveyor

Homeowners understandably envy the awardworthy photo spreads in lawn and garden magazines, wanting to emulate those same looks on their own properties. Scores of designers and landscape architects are involved in the process of creating those amazing lush lawns and perfectly placed plantings. Although not every homeowner has the budget to create lavish landscape designs, it’s still possible for homeowners to create lawns they can be proud of. • Establish your budget. The first step in any project is to determine how much money you can devote to the job. Once you have established the budget, all other factors can be built around it. • Find an inspiration piece. Great landscapes are inspired by many things, whether it’s a memorable piece of art or a landscape layout in a lawn and gardening magazine. Use photos of other gardens or neighbors’ yards as inspiration and build off of them. As long as the theme is cohesive, it will look pleasing to the eye. • Consider the space and how you want to use it. Understanding the space will help you better allocate your budget. If your yard is more of a retreat, look for ways to create privacy and a vacation feel. If you have kids and entertaining friends is a main priority, focus on recreational aspects, such as a pool, playset and some durable plants. Understanding how to allocate your budget

will help you to avoid spending money frivolously. • Think about reclaimed or repurposed materials. Brand new items can quickly eat up a budget. However, repurposing salvaged or inexpensive items can stretch that budget while adding some unique flair to a landscape. See if you can find an outdoor patio set that someone is giving away or

selling for a lower price. All it takes is a coat of paint and some new cushions to make it look like new. Discarded bricks or stones can be worked into a patio space or used to create raised garden beds. Purchase inexpensive flower pots and then paint them to make them look like stone or another desired material.

• Buy native plants. Native plants, shrubs, trees, and flowers will fare better than non-native, exotic plants. That means you’ll have to spend less time and money nurturing them into health, and less money having to replace plants that cannot withstand your climate. • Consider perennial plants. Perennials may cost more at the outset, but the savings will be realized in the years to come. • Hire a professional. It may seem counterintuitive to spend money on a landscaping professional when you’ve established a strict budget, but that’s one way to save money. Landscape artists or garden designers have the experience to guide you in the right direction and help you avoid potentially costly mistakes. • Use gravel in spots where plants don’t thrive. Gravel is an inexpensive landscaping material that can fill in voids where plants or ground cover simply do not flourish. Those working on limited budgets may be happy to learn gravel is typically less expensive than concrete or pavers. • Ask friends or family for clippings. Don’t be shy about admiring the plantings of those you know. Flatter their good taste and ask if you can have some clippings to propagate yourself. These clippings can turn into lush plants in no time Ñ with no additional spending required. With some frugal spending, planning and budgeting, anyone can create a beautiful landscape.

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