maroon tribune 516

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Volume 14 Issue 8

May 16, 2013



Stefani Messick Editor-in-chief

Berthoud High School 850 Spartan Ave Berthoud, Colorado 80513

Kim Skoric, Advisor

Students Run for Gold War of the Worlds: Robotics Style Berthoud Students Compete at Special Olympics

By Forest Eppler Guest Writer

It all began Wednesday, April 17. Three Berthoud High School teams arrived in sunny Anaheim, Calif., ready to use their codes in the competitions. 1069B Digital Storm, 1069D Palladium, and 1069E Critical Mass came ready to do battle, and if their mounting list of trophies and awards is any indication, they came out victorious in this “war of the worlds.” All three teams competed in various events on Thursday and Friday. The teams did well in their respective events. 1069B participated in engineering contests. 1069E battled for success in the arts and 1069E competed in the mathematical division. Saturday dawned and proved successful for all three teams. All three teams finished 6-4. While none of the Photo courtesy of Natasha Wagler

Daniel Weinstein, Alejandra Medina, Daniel Boyer and Natasha Wagler dash to the finish line during a race at the Special Olympics held at Fossil Ridge High School on Friday, May 10. By Iona Kearney The Maroon Tribune

Through the power of sports, Special Olympics is able to provide people with intellectual disabilities with the opportunity to discover new strengths and abilities, skills and success. The athletes find joy, confidence and fulfillment on the playing field and in life. They also inspire people in their communities and elsewhere to open their hearts to a wider world of human talents and potential. They are the world’s largest sports organization for people with intellectual disabilities, with nearly four million athletes in more than 170 countries. Students at Berthoud High School are able to attend the Colorado Special Olympics each year, and this year was no different. It was held on Friday, May 10 at Fossil Ridge

High School in Fort Collins. Forrest Eppler, Shazad Yousaf, Daniel Boyer, Zoe Caldwell, and Tasha Wagler each took home four awards for the events they participated in on that sunny day. Way to go guys! The peer buddies who accompanied them also had a blast. Olivia Owen says, “It (Special Olympics) is the most inspiring thing I have ever participated in!” Daniel Weinstien, who won three awards, says, “It was really awesome and I was able to hang out with all my friends!” The day was full of laugher, smiles and lots of fun. Everyone cannot wait until next year when they get to do it again. Alejandra Medina (peer buddy) says, “It made me very proud to see the students put out their best effort and I am already excited for Special Olympics 2014!”

“It is the most inspiring thing I have ever participated in.” – Olivia Owen

By Stefani Messick The Maroon Tribune Berthoud High School (BHS) is home to many special students who all excel in their own fields, whether it be sports, academics, music, just to name a few. An elite group of students at BHS were recognized on Tuesday, April 30 as they were inducted into the prestigious National Honor Society. To become a member of National Honor Society, one must maintain at least a 3.75 grade point average, complete a minimum of 36 community service hours each year and be recommended by a staff member for consideration. The National Honor Society at BHS is a club as part of a nationally recognized organization that upholds values of scholarship, character, leadership and service. After an address about the word “honor” by social studies teacher Ann Gonzales, the evening’s events were underway. The new candidates were sworn in, and the procession took a moment to recognize both current members and soon to be graduated seniors.

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Wednesday, May 29 Maroon

Thursday, May 30 White

1st Period Final

5th Period Final

3rd Period Final

7th Period Final

2nd Period Final

6th Period Final

(7:38 – 9:13)

(7:38 – 9:13)

4th Period Final

8th Period Final

(9:20 – 10:57) (Early Release)


3 Period 7th Period Normal Class Normal Class 4th Period 8th Period Normal Class Normal Class

In This Issue: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Intervention Time Make Up Tests Turn in Projects Turn in Late Work - - - - Teacher Directed

(9:20 – 10:57)

Intervention Time

Friday, May 31

Summer Break for Students ------Teacher Contract Reduction Day

Make Up Tests Turn in Projects Turn in Late Work Schedule Adjustments Return Books

Final Schedule Expectations EVERY CLASS will have a culminating assessment during the scheduled time. Each assessment needs to be challenging and standards based. The assessment and surrounding activities needs to utilize the full period. Any and all activities/assessments should be quiet so not to disturb surrounding classrooms. The final assessment needs to be a summative score included in the semester grade. If students are going to be gone on these days – they need to take the test prior to leaving school or make arrangements with their teacher to take the test during Make Up Time. The only make ups allowed after Thursday, will be for students excused due to illness and will have to be arranged with the Principal and their Teacher. Seniors finals will be scheduled by individual classes

Sports Reminder – ALL GRADES DUE by 11:00 a.m. on Friday, May 31 (Teacher Work Day). Page 2 8.

Members of Team 1069D Palladium: Caleb Hammel, Johnathan Schlagel, Ethan Brunswick, Bryan Montero and Forrest Eppler. Members of Team 1069E Critical Mass: Zack Sandell, Mitch Sandell, James Wood, Veronica Mizer, Kaleb Stennis and Katie Wood.

Here are the names of the class of 2015 inductees: Hannah Atkinson, Kaylin Bailey, Lauren Berens, Ariel Maggi-Byers, Alexis Clark, Olivia Conde, Zaccharias Damberger, Taylor Doman, Shelby Eason, Oliva Eppler, Macy Funk, Kurt Hucal, Bridgett Hyde, Kiah Leonard, Sydney Levy, Severin Lier, Lauren Mesikapp, Veronica Mizer, Dakkota Naeb, Jessica Namesnik, Jonathan Schlagel, John Thorne, Johnny Vaughan and Madison White. Seven members of the class of 2014 were inducted into the organization as well, including Olivia Owen, Sara Parker, Rachel Payne, Chase Rayment, Jason VanHare, Trevor VonSeggern and Anna Zigray. JaNae Gregg was inducted into the National Honor Society for the class of 2013. The BHS National Honor Society, who this year was under the direction of President Stefani Messick, Vice President Katlyn Baker, Treasurer Emilie Henning and Secretary Aja Mattise-Lorenzen, sponsored several

community service efforts throughout the school and the Berthoud community. In the winter, the group put on the Giving Tree, which collected gifts for community children in need for the holidays. This project is popular because it involves the efforts of the entire school. The spring lays host the traditional Penny Wars, which in competitive spirit, raised thousands of dollars for a Berthoud family in need. The club members also dug out their dancing shoes for the Senior Citizen Prom, which is put on for community seniors to get out and have a “ball.” In addition to these projects, the members are also accumulating service hours in the community. Students volunteer at an array of establishments, including McKee Medical Center, Habitat for Humanity, the Berthoud Community Library, the Alliance for Suicide Prevention and many more. Together, these members generated hundreds of service hours that brought light not only into their lives, but the community as well.

Graduation Schedule

2013 Finals 2013 Spring Semester Schedule Finals Schedule Tuesday, May 28 White

Members of Team 1069B Digital Storm: Trevor Von Seggern, Preston Hollis, Brandon Montero and Melody Blackis

NHS Inducts New Members to Club

BERTHOUD High School Friday, May 24 Maroon

teams were selected to be members of another’s alliance the top eight in each division automatically went on to the elimination rounds. During the divisional awards ceremony, Palladium earned the Build Award. A team that receives this award has built the best robot in their division, according to the judges. From their smiles in the pictures and the comments made to their parents all members came home very proud of their accomplishments and the underclassmen are already preparing for the robotic battles yet to come. Sponsor Robb Sommerfeld said that the “students all did an awesome job and I even came back from the trip with a nice tan.”

May 19 – Baccalaureate 7 p.m. May 21 – Pick up “Check Out Sheets” in Office May 21 – Senior Awards Night 6:30 p.m. May 23 – Turn in check out sheets/Pick up graduation gowns May 24 – Senior Breakfast at Berthoud Community Center 8 a.m. (RSVP to Ms. Rugg By May 17) Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal in BHS small gym 9 a.m. May 25 – Graduation at 9 a.m. on Max Marr Field. Seniors report to small gym at 8:15 a.m.

In the Halls Page 3

Spring Fling Page 4

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