ENGINEER Magazine Fall 2020

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alumni Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends, It doesn’t seem possible that just one year ago, I wrote the end-of-thefiscal-year letter for this magazine, sharing good news about the College of Engineering’s achievement of $99.3 million as BU completed its campaign. It was a great note on which to end the year and begin to look forward to the launch of the next campaign. Instead, we have been consumed with regrouping, given the restrictions that we are all dealing with due to the pandemic. Regroup means “to reassemble or cause to reassemble into organized groups, typically after being attacked or defeated.” Well, in a sense, we were attacked (by COVID-19), but we are clearly not defeated. Though our total giving for the college is behind compared to last year, many of you have told us that you remain committed to your alma mater and plan to resume giving once your personal situations become more stable. We are sincerely grateful for the continued loyalty and support so many of you have demonstrated over the last few months by joining Zoom meetings, making participatory gifts, helping to hire our students for jobs or internships and engaging in many of the informative webinars BU has been hosting since March. I have full confidence that the leadership of the College of Engineering will successfully guide us through this new way of life, and that we will emerge stronger and wiser for it. Your support has been—and will be—more critical than ever to get us to the other side. Your philanthropy, advocacy, professional expertise and shared commitment to the college’s mission make a significant impact on the next generation of future problem solvers and leaders, our Societal Engineers, who will improve the quality of life for all of us. On behalf of our students and faculty, we sincerely thank you for your engagement. I look forward to a time when we can all be together again.

Lisa Drake Assistant Dean for Development & Alumni Relations

28 B U C O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G

Honor Roll of Supporters


Anonymous Ronald G. Garriques (ENG’86) and Karena Garriques ■  Reshma Kewalramani (MED’98, CAS’98) and Abhijit R. Kulkarni (ENG’93,’97) ■ ■ David F. Kiersznowski (ENG’85) ■ ■ Daniel C. Maneval (ENG’82) and Edna C. Maneval ■ Girish M. Navani (ENG’91) and Radhi G. Navani ■ ■ ■ Richard D. Reidy (Questrom’82) and Minda G. Reidy (Questrom’82,’84) ■ ■ John Tegan III (ENG’88) and Becky Tegan ■ ■ Lanore H. Wadsworth and Bill H. Wadsworth ■ ■ ■


Anonymous Mary S. Abele (CAS’60) and John E. Abele ■ ■ Edward S. W. Boesel (ENG’70) ■ ■ Larry DePaulis (ENG’99) and Debra D. DePaulis (ENG’99) ■ ■ Debi DePaulis (ENG’99) and Debra D. DePaulis (ENG’99) ■ ■ Roger A. Dorf (ENG’70) and Sandra M. Dorf ■ ■ Maurice R. Ferre (MED’92, CGS’81, SPH’92) and Maria D. Ferre ■ ■ ■ David E. Hollowell (ENG’69,’72, Questrom’74) and Kathleen A. Hollowell (GRS’71, Wheelock’77) ■ ■ Christine S. Hunter (MED’80, CAS’80) Joan Ingalls Nancy B. Kramer (CGS’73, CAS’75) and Charles R. Cantor ■ ■ ■ John A. Maccarone (ENG’66) and Young O. Maccarone ■ ■


Anonymous Bettina Briz-Himes (ENG’86) and Peter G. Himes ■ ■ Saad N. Buisier (ENG’03) and Rita M. Buisier ■ ■ Deborah H. Caplan (ENG’90) ■ ■ Peter K. (ENG’64) and Lorraine P. Cocolis (Sargent’63) ■ ■ ■ Brian J. Dunkin (ENG’85) and Annie Dunkin ■ ■ Hanna G. Evans ■ ■ Peter C. Fang (ENG’75) and Josephine T. Fang ■ ■ Vanessa C. Feliberti (ENG’93) and Jesus Bautista ■ ■ Gerald J. Fine and L. Victoria LeFevre ■ ■ Luciana R. Haddad Hakim and Carlos A. Hakim ■ ■ ■ Kenneth E. Hancock (ENG’92,’01) and Hsi-Pin Chen (MED’96,’96, CAS’89, SPH’91) ■ ■ ■ Rebekah Harris and Joshua Harris ■ ■  Ruth A. Hunter (ENG’64, Questrom’86) ■ ■ Paul Karger (ENG’00) and Melissa Karger ■ ■ Justine Laugharn (ENG’83) and James A. Laugharn, Jr. ■ ■ Antoinette R. Leatherberry (ENG’85) ■ ■ Peter J. Levine (ENG’83) ■ ■

Nicholas J. Lippis, III (ENG’84,’89) and Lillian A. Lippis ■ ■ ■ Andrew J. Marsh (ENG’83) and Heather J. Marsh (CAS’83) ■ ■ Kathleen L. McLaughlin (ENG’87) and Timothy J. Costigan ■ ■ Theodore D. Moustakas and Elena Moustakas ■ ■ ■ John D. Nachmann (CAS’89) and Catherine Nachmann ■ ■ Michael L. Salamone (ENG’84) and Pamela E. Salamone ■ ■ ■ Kimberly E. Samaha (ENG’89) and Fahim Samaha ■ ■ ■  Denise M. Schier (ENG’81) and Karl A. Schier ■ ■ Patrick D. Spearman (ENG’96) and Jane Oldfield-Spearman (SSW’92) ■ ■ Simon L. Strong (ENG’79, Questrom’91) and Sarah A. Strong ■ ■ William W. Weiss (ENG’83,’97) and Maria E. Weiss ■ ■


Alexander Adam (ENG’92,’95,’03) and Davina D. Wong (Questrom’02) ■ ■ Omar Ali (ENG’96) Adel B. Al-Saleh (ENG’87) and Gladys Al-Saleh Irving J. Bigio and Ruth Bigio ■ ■ Christopher H. Brousseau (ENG’91) and Marylou K. Cronin ■ ■ Barbara M. Cohen ■ ■ Solomon R. Eisenberg and Terri B. Eisenberg ■ ■ ■ Jenny R. Gruber (ENG’99,’99) and Ron Sostaric ■ ■ Mark G. Hilderbrand (ENG’87) and Rebecca J. Hilderbrand ■ ■ Dean L. Kamen (Hon.’06) ■ ■ Ezra D. Kucharz (ENG’90) and Jennifer M. Kucharz ■ ■ Michael A. Lamb (ENG’06) and Caroline C. O’Donnell (CAS’06) ■ ■ David W. Maruska (ENG’82) and Dorothy J. Maruska ■ ■ Carl L. Myers, Jr. (ENG’65) and Jane S. Myers ■ ■ Samuel G. Oliva (CGS’89, Questrom’91, ENG’97) and Michelle Oliva ■ ■ G. Anthony Reina (ENG’93) and Bryn J. Reina (Sargent’92) ■ ■ Gordon R. Walsh (ENG’67,’68, Questrom’71) and Irene S. Walsh ■ ■


Basim M. AlSaie (ENG’88) and Manal M. Fakhro Colleen B. Athans (ENG’89) and Dean G. Athans ■ ■ Peter Bernard (ENG’88) and Anita Bernard ■ ■ Jason P. Colacchio (ENG’90) and Tracy L. Colacchio ■ ■ Claudia A. Dunsby (ENG’92) and Martin B. Dunsby Ralph G. Ganick (MED’67, CAS’67) and Lois B. Ganick ■ ■ ■ Warren M. Grill (ENG’89) and Julie Grill ■ ■

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