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Chapman, Abel 3
Churchill, Lord Randolph 3
Cox, Horace 12
Cumming, R. Gordon 4
Eagle, John H. 4
Exploration 5
Exploring 9
Groga, Edward S. 5
Harris, Captain W.C. 5
hunting 4, 13
Hunting 4, 5, 9, 12, 14
Isaacs, Nathaniel 6
Latrobe, Rev. C. I. 7
Livingstone, David 7
Lucas, Thomas J. 8
Missionary 7
Natal 6
Park, Mungo 8
Peel, C.V.A. 9
Railway 13
Schweinfurth, Georg 9
Sharp, Arthur H. 5
Smith, A. Donaldson 10
Somaliland 9
South Africa 7, 8
Stanley, Sir Henry M. 11
Steedman, Andrew 11
Stigand, Captain C. H. 12
Sudan 3
Von Höhnel, Ludwig 13
Weinthal, Leo 13
Weller, Henry Owen 15
Willoughby, Sir John 14
Zulu 6
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Savage Sudan: Its Wild Tribes, Big Game and Bird-Life
A Classic Work - First Edition - Abel Chapman - 1921
1 Chapman, Abel. SAVAGE SUDAN: Its Wild Tribes, Big-Game and Bird-Life (London: Gurney and Jackson, 1921) First Edition. With 248 illustrations, chiefly from sketches by the author, and a folding map. Large 8vo, publisher’s original dark-green cloth, the spine lettered in gilt, the upper cover with gilt pictorial device, top edge gilt. xx, 452, including appendices and index pp. A very well preserved, bright and handsome copy, the binding strong and sound and the text-block in very good order.
FIRST EDITION OF THIS CLASSIC WORK. An in-depth study of the wildlife of the Sudan, conducted over a period of fifty years by this great naturalist. $795.
With Lord Randolph Churchill’s Autograph
First Edition - Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa
1892 - Very Handsomely Bound in Red Morocco Gilt
2 Churchill, Lord Randolph S. MEN, MINES AND ANIMALS IN SOUTH AFRICA (London: Sampson Low, Marston & Company, 1892) First Edition, with tipped in autographed calling card signed and dated by Randolph Churchill. Illustrated with 29 plates including a portrait frontispiece, 37 illustrations in the text, folding color map at the rear. 8vo, handsomely bound by Bayntun-Riviere in three-quarter red morocco over red cloth covered boards, gilt-lettered and with pictorial gilt decorations of lions between raised bands of spine. xv, 337, including index pp. A fine copy, very well preserved, clean and bright.
BY BAYTUN-RIVIERE. Lord Randolph Churchill, the legendary father of the equally legendary Winston Churchill, traveled to South Africa at the invitation of Sir Henry Loch and Cecil Rhodes, Governor and Prime Minister, respectively, of South Africa. He toured the diamond and gold mines at Kimberly and Johannesberg, and spent some time shooting in Mashonaland, a thousand miles inland. The letters that compose this book were originally published in the DAILY GRAPHIC and outline the details of his very engaging and significant journey.
R. Gordon Cumming’s “Hunting Adventures”
3 Cumming, Roualeyn Gordon. FIVE YEARS’ HUNTING ADVENTURES IN SOUTH AFRICA being an account of sport with lion, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros, camelopard, ostrich, hippopotamus, wildebeast, koodoo, hyaena, &c., &c. (London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co., [n.d.]) First Edition. Illustrated with black and white drawings. 8vo, handsomely bound in threequarter tan calf over marbled paper covered boards, the spine with raised bands blind ruled, the compartments with gilt tooled devices showing various animals, maroon morocco gilt lettered and gilt ruled. 349 pp. A handsome and well preserved copy, the binding strong and tight and without wear, still almost as pristine, the textblock mellowed a bit by time.
FIRST EDITION OF THIS CLASSIC WORK ON HUNTING IN SOUTH AFRICA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. SCARCE NOW. A sportsman’s adventures hunting in the “untrodden wilds” of South Africa. Cumming was a renown and experienced sportsman whose thirst for adventure could only be somewhat slaked in the unexplored wilds of the African continent. This book is an account of his adventures hunting in the “untrodden wilds” of South Africa. He boasts “...I was the first to penetrate into the interior of the Bamangwato country, and that my axe and spade pioneered the way, which others have since followed.” - from the introduction. This book was very successful in its time, and made Cumming “the lion of the season.” $450.
Adventures of an Amateur Hunter in Africa - 1915
First Edition - Privately Printed - John H. Eagle
IN AFRICA (Boston: The Chapplle Publishing Company, Ltd., 1915) First Edition. With a great profusion of illustrations from photographs, over 90, on full page plates throughout. Tall 8vo, publisher’s original dark green cloth, the upper cover lettered and decorated in gilt and with a photograph of the author with his trophies, the spine lettered in gilt. xvi, [1], 410 pp. A handsome and very well preserved copy of this rare book, the cloth in fine order with little evidence of use, the text-block clean and sound, the binding strong and without fault. Some mellowing to the gilt on the spine panel and very slight evidence of shelving.
FIRST EDITION OF THIS ELUSIVE BOOK RARELY FOUND IN COLLECTOR’S CONDITION. The text is derived from Mr. Eagle’s diaries written during two very successful safaris hunting throughout East Africa, Northern Rhodesia and the Zambia. The author penned that the “more a real sportsman hunts, the less he wants to kill, and finally he uses his rifle but little and falls back almost entirely on his camera....What noble creatures wild animals are ! How much a close study of them will repay the student. It is impossible to study animal
life without becoming a better man.” Mr. Eagle, a very fine and successful hunter of wild game animals relates amazing hunts and encounters and how his mind was affected during his years of hunting. A book for hunters and for animal lovers alike, as well as the diary of fascinating journeys in a land still almost virgin to the westerner. $750.
One of the Great Feats in Exploration
The Traversing of Africa from South to North
E.S. Grogan and A.H. Sharp - From the Cape to Cairo - 1902
5 Grogan, Ewart S. and Sharp, Arthur H. FROM THE CAPE TO CAIRO. The First Traverse of Africa from South to North. (London: Hurst and Blackett, Limited, 1902) New and Revised Edition issued within two years of the first. Profusely illustrated throughout with two large folding coloured maps and 50 plates. 8vo, publisher’s original blue cloth lettered in gilt on the spine and in red on the upper cover. xix, 402, 2 pp. ads. A well preserved copy of this scarce book. The interior clean and the hinges sound, the cloth with just light evidence of age or use, a handsome and very good copy indeed.
A SCARCE AND AN IMPORTANT WORK. As Cecil Rhodes says in his ‘preface’, this is quite an anomaly, that such a young man from Cambridge, the author, would have been able to accomplish in his time off from university, what had been the ambition of seasoned explorers for centuries, namely, to walk through Africa from South to North.
Grogan had as a child, an ambition to see Tanganyika. With the passage of years, these crystallized into a desire to be the first to traverse Africa from end to end. The route followed the vast central trough of Africa, which the author was convinced would become the route of a trans-continental railway. The story is a wonderfully written rendering of one of the great physical accomplishments in exploration and is especially enjoyable reading, even to this day. $375.
The Best Edition in a Very Handsome Binding Gilt
6 Harris, Captain William Cornwallis. THE WILD SPORTS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA; Being the Narrative of a Hunting Expedition From the Cape of Good Hope, Through the Territories of the Chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn (London: Pelham Richardson, 1844) Fourth edition, and a preferred edition as the first edition did not include the hand-coloured lithographic plates. Illustrated with 26 hand-colored lithographed plates, folding map at rear. Tall, royal 8vo, very handsomely bound by Period Binders of Bath, England in threequarter sienna morocco over marbled boards, the spine with raised bands gilt stopped and gilt ruled, gilt lettered in two compartments of the spine, the other four compartments with fine gilt tooled framed panels enclosing a gilt tool of crossed guns, all edges gilt, marbled endleaves to match, original cloth upper cover decorative panel showing four animals, lion, giraffe, Cape buffalo and elephant portrayed in gilt is bound in at the end of the volume. xvi, 359, 6 ads. pp. A beautiful and very handsome copy in a fine binding. The binding secure, tight and strong, the text-block and illustrations all in very pleasing order. A very fine copy of this important book. Discrete library stamp to the verso of one prelim.
APPEALING BINDING. One of the greatest 19th century works on African game and a true canon title of the genre. Harris’ study goes far beyond simple game hunting and is a valuable look into the Africa of the day. In addition to the studies of the wildlife, he also gives us through both the text and the lithographic plates a look at some of the indigenous peoples of the region. This work is regarded as the first book to be penned on the hunting of game animals in Africa. A cornerstone work of the African oeuvre.
The plates themselves are highly noteworthy. The images are dynamic and capture the movements, the very nuances, of the subjects. In many cases these were among the earliest glimpses Western peoples experienced of these fascinating animals and peoples. The colour reproduction is excellent and the plates in this copy are particularly clean and bright. $2250.
N. Isaacs - Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa - 1836
First Edition - Signed by Louis Herrman - Very Rare
7 Isaacs, Nathaniel. TRAVELS AND ADVENTURES IN EASTERN AFRICA, Descriptive of the Zoolus, Their Manners, Customs, Etc. Etc. With A Sketch of Natal (London: Edward Churton, 1836) 2 volumes. First Edition. A copy with pleasing provenance, being Louis Herrman’s copy. Herrman edited the modern reprint and has signed the book in Vol. II. Illustrated with 4 stone lithographic plates including the only eye witness portrait of Chaka and a folding map of Port Natal. 8vo, handsomely bound at a later date in antique half black calf over marbled boards, the spines with morocco lettering labels gilt. xxii, 345; 402, [2 ads] pp. A very handsome set, the bindings especially well preserved, internally quite bright and clean, only some normal spotting to the prelims.
ELUSIVE FIRST EDITION AND THE MAJOR SOURCE FOR ALL STUDIES OF CHAKA AND THE ZULUS AT THIS PERIOD AND OF CONSIDERABLE RARITY. LOUIS HERRMAN’S COPY, SIGNED. “Nathaniel Isaacs’s account of Natal and Zululand is unique and, as the historian Theal remarks, “a very interesting book, indispensable to a student of early events in Natal”. For it is to Isaacs that we owe, not only an observant eyewitness’s accurate description of the Zulu people before they came under European influence, but the only comprehensive account written at first hand, from day to day, of the history of the savage king Chaka...
“...Apart from its merits as an invaluable historical source Isaacs; book is a record of exciting adventures among a people to the greater number of whom the sight of a white man was a source of wonder.” - From the dustjacket of a modern edition.
“The travels of Nathaniel Isaacs is as fascinating as Robinson Crusoe.” Ian Colvin. Isaacs was the first Jew to live in Natal and left an outstanding description of events in the time of Chaka. The first edition is now very rare. S.Africa in Print p. 46. “A rare and interesting first hand account of the earliest days of Natal containing valuable information. Some Classics of Africana, Johannesburg Public Library, 1956. A very interesting book, indispensable to a student of early events in Natal. Theal, Catalogue of South African Books. “...a vivid, detailed and accurate record of the birth of a great settlement, and he deserves the acclamation of every interested historian.” MacKenton, Cradle Days of Natal.
An elusive and pleasing copy of a rare and very readable book. Mendelssohn p. 760. $2500.
8 Latrobe, Rev. C.I. A JOURNAL OF A VISIT TO SOUTH AFRICA, With Some Account of the Missionary Settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope (London: L.B. Seeley, 1821) First Octavo Edition and the second printing and edition of the book overall. 4 finely engraved black and white illustrations and fold-out map. 8vo, (205 x 130mm), antique tan calf with with blind tooling at borders. The spine with multi-ruled and roll tooled bands gilt, compartments with fine panel designs incorporating elaborate corner tools gilt, moroon morocco lettering label gilt. [xii], 580 pp. A very handsome, clean and beautifully preserved copy with only very light mellowing due to age.
FIRST OCTAVO EDITION OF THIS CLASSIC WORK. Latrobe was a friend of Burchell’s “and like Burchell [was] an admirable artist as well as a fine writer. He travelled extensively, and his journal, written with much sweet piety and simplicity of spirit, yet shows shrewdness of observation and a fine common sense” (Mendelssohn, p. lviii). Latrobe travelled a large part of the country right up to the Fish River, which was an early (though not often respected) border with the indigenous Xhosa people, and gives a good account of the up-country farmers and an interesting account of the “Slachter’s Nek” episode. $750.
9 Livingstone, David. MISSIONARY TRAVELS AND RESEARCHES IN SOUTH AFRICA (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1858) First American Edition, and Large Paper Octavo Edition. Engraved portrait, double-page plate of Victoria Falls, 2 folding maps, folding diagram, and 42 black and white illustrations, the lion’s share of which are full page. Large 8vo, the largest of the publisher’s printings, publisher’s original dark-brown cloth both covers and spine being ornately decorated in blind, the spine lettered in coppery gilt, yellow endpapers. xxiv, 732, 4 ads pp. A very nice and handsome copy of this classic. Unusually bright and well preserved, especially as goes the American issue which is more elusive than the English first. The text with no spotting or staining whatsoever, folding maps and diagram and illustrations all fine, the cloth is bright with no fading, a bit of light wear to the spine tips and with a little cosmetic wear along the outside hinges and edges.
RARE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION IN UNUSUALLY CLEAN CONDITION, of the account of Livingstone’s first great expedition (1853-56), during which he explored the Zambesi and its Victoria Falls. This first American edition is taller then its English counterpart. It retains all of the illustrations, though arranged a bit differently.
AN IMPORTANT PMM ENTRY. One of the most important of all 19th century books on African exploration, this title is listed in Printing and the Mind of Man.
“...David Livingstone, the Scottish medical missionary, is known to history as the greatest explorer of his age and a dedicated humanitarian who devoted his life to the eradication of the African slave trade. He was a national hero to his contemporaries and time has confirmed his reputation as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of the eminent Victorians, both in his achievement and in his influence.” - George Myrtle
“ In this literary tour de force Livingstone exhibited impressive gifts as a descriptive write, a sharp sense of humour and an instinctive feeling for what people who knew nothing of Africa would find interesting.”, David Livingstone
and the Victorian encounter with Africa, National Portrait Gallery, p.37. PMM 341. $650.
Camp Life and Sport in South Africa - T. Lucas - 1878
First Editon in the Original Green Cloth Gilt Binding
10 Lucas, Thos. J. (Late Capt. C.M. Rifles). CAMP LIFE AND SPORT IN SOUTH AFRICA. Experiences of Kafir Warfare with the Cape Mounted Rifles (London: Chapman and Hall, 1878) First Edition. Illustrated with four full page lithographic colourplates. 8vo, publisher’s original forest green cloth, the spine lettered and decorated in gilt and black, the upper cover lettered and pictorially decorated with a leaping antelope in gilt, and blocked in black, original coated yellow endleaves. [1], xiii, [1], 258, 32 publisher’s catalogue pp. A very good and bright copy, the cloth in pleasing condition with only minor evidence of age or use, the text-block sound and clean, Lifford Reading Society list of books tipped in, generally speaking, a very well preserved copy of this rare book.
FIRST EDITION OF THIS SCARCE WORK ON MILITARY AFFAIRS AND SPORT IN SOUTH AFRICA. Lucas served in the Cape Mounted Rifles and was present and active in the worst of the hostilities between white and black in the mid-1800’s. The author writes also of various hunts he engaged in. There are chapters on the Zulus and Zulu land, the diamond fields, the peculiarities of warfare against the native peoples, on some of the animals present such as ostrich, lion and the area of Bloem Fontaine. $695.
The Life and Travels of Mungo Park
A Very Handsome Copy in Fine Blue Calf Gilt - 1896
11 [Park, Mungo]. THE LIFE AND TRAVELS OF MUNGO PARK With Supplementary Details of the Results of Reecent Discovery in Africa (Edinburgh: W.P. Nimmo, Hay, & Mitchell, 1896) First Edition, reissue of 1896. With a frontispiece illustration depicting Mungo Park on one of his travels. 8vo, very handsomely bound in full navy-blue calf, the spine with raised bands gilt tooled, the compartments fully gilt with gilt panels, corner tools and central tooling, all gilt, red morocco lettering label gilt, upper and lower covers with gilt rolled tooling at the borders, the upper cover with a central gilt heraldic device, turnovers gilt, edges gilt stopped, marbled endleaves, all page edges marbled. 256 pp. A fine copy, beautifully preserved.
FIRST EDITION, ONE OF A NUMBER OF REISSUES BY THE PUBLISHER WHO HELD THE RIGHTS TO THE WORK. The book recounts the author’s first journey to Africa and his second and subsequent journey. Also added to the book is a discourse on the state of discovery in Africa after Park., down to Livingstone and Stanley.
The African Association of London’s previous four expeditions to explore the Niger river had failed by the time they charged Park, a Scotsman, with the commission to explore the Gambia, Senegal, and Niger rivers in 1795. He covered well over 100 miles before he fell ill in 1797 and returned back to England. His unaffected style and natural sense of storytelling in the subsequent publication of his adventures make this one of the most popular accounts of African exploration. He returned to Africa in 1805 to search for the
source of the Niger in a canoe, and met great hardships both on the river and with the natives that eventually cost him his own life and the life of his men.
“Until the publication of Park’s book in 1799 hardly anything was known of the interior of Africa, apart from the northeast region and coastal area...Park’s TRAVELS had an immediate success and was translated into most European languages. It has become a classic of travel literature, and its scientific observations on the botany and meteorology of the region, and on the social and domestic life of the Negroes, have remained of lasting value. Park’s career was cut short, but he made the first great practice advance in the opening-up of Central Africa.” PMM 253. $195.
Somaliland - C.V.A. Peel - First Edition
Hunting and Exploring in Eastern Africa - 1900
12 Peel, C.V.A. SOMALILAND Being an Account of Two Expeditions into the Far Interior Together with a Complete List of Every Animal and Bird Known to Inhabit That Country, and a List of the Reptiles Collected by the Author. (London: F. E. Robinson, 1900) First Edition. Illustrated throughout with engravings, photogravures and photographs both full-page and throughout the text, and with a folding map at the end of the volume. 8vo, publisher’s original light green cloth, the spine lettered in gilt, the upper cover lettered in dark brown and decorated with a pictorial illustration of the author and his dogs in gilt. xv, 345, 2 ads pp. A very good copy, quite well preserved, the text-block clean and in good order as are the illustrations, the binding with light evidence of age or use primarily at the tips, some mellowing to the cloth at the edges and somewhat more at the spine panel.
SCARCE FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTH. A record of two sporting trips to Somaliland. A special attribute of the book is an attempt for the first time to provide a list of the animals, especially the land animals and the birds that live in the region explored by the author. Peel hunted the big game of the region, concentrating especially on lions, rhinoceros, leopards and the antelope species available. Czech. p. 216 (2011) $495.
In the Rare Original Decorated Cloth Bindings - Gilt
13 Schweinfurth, Georg. THE HEART OF AFRICA. Three Years’ Travels and Adventures in the Unexplored Regions of Central Africa From 1868 to 1871. (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle, 1874) 2 volumes. Second edition, published to coincide with the first edition in the original German, which did not appear until the same year. The binding and text are the same as the first edition, and it is probable that the books are remaining copies of the first edition issue with a new title page and new date replacing that of a year earlier. It was not until the third issuance of the book in 1878 that the size, binding and text-block were changed. With over 120 woodcut illustrations including 25 full page plates and two maps, one of which in colour and is well-sized and folding. Royal, thick 8vo, publisher’s original dark green cloth, the spines pictorially decorated in black and lettered in gilt, the upper covers with double black lines at the borders enclosing a black ruled frame enclosing the large central gilt device depicting King Munza in full dress. xvi, 559 pp.; x, 521, 24 ads. pp. An attractive and handsome copy of this rare set, the original green cloth and gilt work still very well preserved, the volumes sometime expertly and unobtrusively re-cased preserving all of the original materials
OF AFRICANA. In the introduction it is stated that for various reasons, “out of a host of men who have attempted to penetrate Africa from north to south only two have achieved success.” Dr. Schweinfurth is one of the two men. Dr. Schweinfurth traveled through central Africa as a botanist and did much to increase our knowledge on that area. His book is a broad exploration of the region. The people, the customs, the land and of course the natural world are explored in his three year journey.
Schweinfurth traveled for three years in Africa and had already become famous for his travels before he returned. “Travelling, not in the footsteps of Baker, but in a westerly direction, he reached the neighbourhood of Baker’s lake, passing through the country of the Niam-Niam, and visiting the unknown kingdom of Monbuttoo. As an explorer, he stands in the highest rank, and merits to be classed with Mungo Park, Denham and Capperton, Livingstone, Burton, Speke and Grant, Barth and Rohlfs. He can also claim two qualifications which no African traveller has hitherto possessed. He is a scientific botanist, and also an accomplished draughtsman.” [intro] This is an important work in geography, ethnography and the study of the human species. Severin, pp. 246-248. $950.
A. Donaldson Smith - First Edition - A Classic Work
14 Smith, A. Donaldson. THROUGH UNKNOWN AFRICAN COUNTRIES (London: Edward Arnold, 1897) First Edition. Profusely illustrated throughout with photogravures, woodcut reproductions, photographs and with six maps. Tall 8vo, publisher’s original gray-green cloth, the spine lettered in gilt, the upper cover ruled and lettered in gilt and with a gilt pictorial device of an elephant at the center of the upper cover. xvi, 471, 4 ads pp. A very handsome copy indeed, very well preserved and near as very fine with only very light evidence of age or use. The join of the pastedown and free-fly at the inner front hinge lightly shaken.
FIRST EDITION OF THIS CLASSIC WORK ON HUNTING AND TREKKING IN UNKNOWN REGIONS OF AFRICA. As the author describes it in the introduction; “At the time it was universal opinion that it would be impossible to enter the Galla countries, let alone reach Lake Rudolf, with less than two or three hundred well-drilled followers.” Smith traveled this hidden area, and hunted a wide variety of animals while also working to collect information on unclassified species of birds, reptiles and plants. There is much on rhinoceros, leopard and elephant and the book is considered one of the best of the hunting cloassics. $2250.
Through South Africa - Original Cloth - 1898
A Very Scarce First Edition by Sir Henry M. Stanley
15 Stanley, Henry. THROUGH SOUTH AFRICA (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1898) First Edition, with an American title-page to the English sheets, still incorporating the English ads. With a large folding map and several illustrations throughout. 8vo, publisher’s original yellow cloth lettered on the upper cover and spine in dark brown. [4 ads], xx, 140, [3 ads], pp. A very good copy, probably unused, the text-block clean and fresh, the map never unfolded though separated from the fold-in, the cloth very lightly aged, extremities well preserved with a bit of age evidence, the spine panel a touch mellowed.
VERY SCARCE FIRST EDITION. “This little volume consists of the letters I wrote from Bulawayo, Johannesburg and Pretoria for the journal South Africa, which is exclusively devoted to matters relating to the region whence it derives its title. Each letter contains the researchers of a week. As the public had already a sufficiency of books dealing with the history, geography, politics, raids and revolts, I confided myself to such impressions as one, who since 1867 had been closely connected with equatorial northern and western Africa, might derive from a first view of the interior of South Africa” From the author’s preface. This is the first edition in book form of the Letters to “South Africa” Newspaper Revised with a New Introductory Chapter. $250.
Rare First Edition of a Great Work on Southern Africa - 1835 Steedman’s Wanderings and Adventures in the Interior
16 Steedman, Andrew. WANDERINGS AND ADVENTURES IN THE INTERIOR OF SOUTHERN AFRICA. (London: Longman & Co., 1835) 2 volumes. First Edition. Illustrated with early lithographs and wood engravings, including an engraved frontispiece to each volume, engraved vignette title-page to each volume and ten other engraved plates, and with a fine large folding map at the end of Vol. I, complete as called for. 8vo, in the very rare publisher’s original ribbed dark olive cloth, the spines gilt lettered within an ornate gilt frame. x, 330; v, 358 pp. An unusually bright set of this important work, the bindings showing only some rubbing at the bottom of the spine panels caused by shelving, the upper hinge on volume two is rather weak, internally fine with just some of the typical browning to the edges of the plates as is usual to engravings of the period, the text-block very clean and fresh.
FIRST EDITION OF A TRULY IMPORTANT BOOK, SELDOM SEEN AT ALL, VERY RARE IN ORIGINAL CLOTH AND IN THIS CONDITION. The account of the author’s travels during his ten years of residence in the Cape. “During his expeditions, Mr. Steedman traversed a great part of the Cape Colony and Kaffaria, penetrating the county up to Griqualand West. He was an industrious and able collector and naturalist, and the volumes contain much valuable information respecting the fauna of the country...The work gives many details respecting early travels in South Africa, with sketches of native races, and their history and wars, the pioneer colonists of Natal &c. “
Andrew Steedman came to the Cape Colony from England as an independent 1820 Settler, arriving on the last of the settler ships, the Duke of Marlborough. He subsequently settled in Cape Town and ran a general fitting-out warehouse. The business must have been successful, for it enabled him to undertake three major journeys into the interior in search of natural history specimens.
Steedman’s first journey took him to Port Elizabeth by sea and from there to Grahamstown, where he obtained permission from the military to travel beyond the Keiskamma River (into the Ciskei). Travelling on horseback he visited Fort Wiltshire (some 20 km south of present Alice), visited various local chiefs down to Wesleyville (some 30 km south of present King William’s Town), and returned to Port Elizabeth by more or less the same route.
On 18 February 1829 Steedman married Kate P. Rose in Cape Town and remained there for over a year before he set out on his
second journey in September 1830. By ox-waggon he travelled to the Great Karoo via the Hex River Valley, on to Beaufort West and Graaff Reinet, and from there via the Kompasberg to Colesberg. After nearly drowning in an attempt to cross the swollen Orange River he returned to Colesberg where he attended the laying of the foundation stone of the Dutch Reformed Church. From Colesberg he proceeded to Cradock and via Glen Lynden (on the Baviaans River east of Somerset East) to Grahamstown. After spending some time there he once again visited the Ciskei, reaching Tyume mission station and re-visiting Fort Wiltshire, where he obtained much information about the local people and their customs from assistant staff-surgeon Nathaniel Morgan. From Grahamstown he returned to Cape Town overland by the established route.
Steedman set out on his third journey in September of 1831 with the intention of reaching Lattakoo (now Dithakong, some 60km north-east of Kuruman), chief town of the Tlhaping, the southernmost Tswana. He sent his ox-waggon on its way and first accompanied a friend to Beaufort West on horseback. From there he travelled to the mission station at Griquatown. Illness prevented him from continuing on to Lattakoo and after recovering he returned to Cape Town in November 1831.
During his travels Steedman collected over 300 animals, including some
that had not yet been described, as well as ethnographic specimens. In 1833 he returned to England and arranged an exhibition of his animals in the Colosseum, Regent’s Park, London. Mendelssohn 432 Mendelssohn 432; Biographical database of South Africa. $1550.
The Game of British East Africa - Original Decorated Cloth
17 Stigand, Captain C. H. THE GAME OF BRITISH EAST AFRICA (London: Horace Cox, 1913) Second Edition. Profusely illustrated with photographs on full page plates throughout. 4to, publisher’s original green cloth blindstamped in an alligator skin pattern, gilt-lettered on the spine and upper cover, and with a black pictorial design of an African hunter on the top cover. xii, including errata, 310, including appendix and index, 8 ads pp. A handsome copy, sometime rebacked using the original spine panel and other materials, end-leaves renewed, clean and very well preserved internally, the binding strong and tight.
SCARCE WORK IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTH. This book is an attempt to record vanishing species of African wildlife, their habits, colouration, spoor and populations. Stigand considered that with civilization advancing at such a rapid pace, there would be little opportunity in the future to find and observe animals still undisturbed by the encroachment of humans on the landscape. Very scarce. $425.
Ludwig Von Höhnel’s Discovery of the African Lakes Discovery of Lakes Rudolf and Stefanie: A Narrative First Editions in English - In the Rarest Blue Cloth
18 Von Höhnel, Ludwig. DISCOVERY OF LAKES RUDOLF AND STEFANIE: A NARRATIVE OF COUNT SAMUEL TELEKI’S EXPLORING AND HUNTING EXPEDITION IN EAST EQUATORIAL AFRICA IN 1887 & 1888. (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1894) 2 volumes. First Edition. Scarcest variant, bound in the blue decorated cloth. With 179 original illustrations including 36 wood-engraved full page plates and 5 coloured maps on two large folding map sheets. Tall 8vo, publisher’s original pale blue cloth lettered in gilt and with gilt pictorial designs of African tribesmen and gazelles on top covers and spines, edges untrimmed. xx, 435; xii, 397 pp. A very handsome and pleasing set of this scarce first edition in the scarcest binding colour and with a few old and occasional but small and discreet library markings. The set was part of a reference library and not a lending library, thus remains in very pleasing, as fine condition. Shelf numbers in the lower quadrant of the spines sometime discreetly coloured over in pigment matching the binding colour, only light aging to the volumes. A very attractive pair.
RARE FIRST EDITION IN THE MOST PREFERRED OF THE CLOTH COLOURS. This is the scarce account of the exploring and hunting expedition of Count Samuel Telki Von Szek and Lieutenant Ludwig Von Höhnel to Eastern Equatorial Africa. Although the narrative was produced for the general reader and therefore deals more with the adventures and experiences then with the scientific work it contains considerable information of value. As the title suggest, the primary contribution of the expedition was the discovery of Lakes Rudolph and Stephanie in the mountainous region just northeast of Victoria Nyanza and thus adding one more piece to the great puzzle of the African watershed whose complexity had eluded European explorers for decades. There are also accounts of exploration during ascents of Mounts Kilimanjaro and Meru and considerable work of anthropological interest. This copy is in the rare blue cloth. It is the first and only edition in English and was translated from the original German by Nancy Bell (N. D’Anvers). $3250.
Including Tipped in Sepia Photograph Portraits
19 Weinthal, Leo (Compiler). THE STORY OF THE CAPE TO CAIRO RAILWAY AND RIVER ROUTE, from 1887 to 1922. (London: The Pioneer Publishing Company, [1923]) 4 volumes in total, 3 being text volumes and the fourth being a portfolio of large folding maps and the index. Scarce First Edition. This set with the rare maps and index volume. A fourth volume of text was issued later, but the set is complete and up to date with the four volumes first issued. Magnificently and extensively illustrated including numerous mounted photograph portraits, illustrations from photographs, drawings and engravings, colour plates, panoramas, some folding, reproductions of letters and documents, maps throughout, some folding and 12 very large folding colour maps in pocket of the fifth volume. 4to, in the publisher’s best binding of three quarter dark-green morocco over green cloth covered boards, the spine gilt ruled and decorated featuring an gilt tool of Africa with the route shown in blind, gilt frameworks in the other compartments and with gilt lettering and volume numbers. xxxvi, 727; xx, 510; xvi, 454; xii, 456, 12; maps, 49 index. A fine and handsome set, internally fresh and clean and appearing largely as new, the bindings very handsome and beautifully preserved. One map listed is not included in the map and index portfolio.
FIRST EDITION AND THE RARE COMPLETE EARLIEST ISSUED SET OF FOUR VOLUMES. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENTAL VOLUME WAS ISSUED IN 1926. A SCARCE AND EXTRAORDINARY MONUMENT TO BRITISH COLONIAL AFRICA. This exhaustive work on one of the most difficult engineering projects of its age is, as stated by J.C. Smuts in the foreword, a “monumental record of African Pioneering”. There are over 2000 pages of text and the illustrations are exceptional in every regard. There are numerous portraits being actual tipped in sepia photographs, colour plates and breathtaking maps. Though the work centers on the railway and river route, it also encompasses virtually every aspect of British exploration, pioneering and development in Africa.
Weinthal has compiled this great work from a list of sources and contributors that would all by themselves constitute a great Africana library. To name just a small percentage of them we find; Winston Churchill, Sir Percy Fitzpatrick, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry Johnston, Flinders Petrie, Frederick Selous, J.C. Smuts and Francis Younghusband. While the focus stays largely on the route and development of the rail line there is no shortage of information on the native peoples, the game and wildlife, the gold and diamond mining operations, the geography, the cartography and much, much more. This set is complete with all of the portraits, plates, maps, etc. The list of illustrations in volume 3 references a plate of the mountain gorilla, this plate is always missing, as here and as is correct. We surmise the compilers were unable at the last minute to obtain the rights to reproduce the image from its original source material. $2450.
20 Willoughby, Captain Sir John C. EAST
the narrative of a sporting trip from Zanzibar to the Borders of the Masai (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889) First Edition. Illustrated with eighteen plates taken from photographs by the author, and with a very large colour folding map (ca. 15 1/2” x 21”). Large octavo, handsomely bound in the publisher’s original dark green cloth with gilt pictorial vignette of an African native on upper cover and author’s signature in gilt, the spine gilt lettered and decorated with the bust of a rhinoceros in gilt. xii, 312 pp. including Index and 24 pp. catalogue of publisher ads. A good copy, the cloth still dark green and without fading, the gilt bright and well preserved, especially to the cover art gilt-work, the extremities a bit rubbed from shelving and wear, bookplate of R. Daniel, Jr., his ownership signature and stamp to endleaves, map tab loose from binding, a good thing as the map can be viewed without damaging it.
FIRST EDITION OF A VERY WELL RESPECTED BOOK. Willoughby traveled from Zanzibar to the borders of the Masai. One of the first books to discuss the hunting of game and the animals present in this region of Africa. Willoughby, on leave, met his friend Sir Robert Harvey and the two set out for virgin land with Mombassa being the starting point for the journey inland from
the coast to the forest of ground in the plains surrounding the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, an isolated and giant mountain on the borders of the warlike Masai. They had a reliable following and a lead man, a Maltese who had proved his eminent fitness during his term of service to Mr. J. Thomson, the well known explorer of Masai-land. A journey of two hundred fifty miles from the coast and within ten miles of the base of Mount Kilima-njaro. Here, they would set up a base camp from which to journey out in search of animals of the area. $325.
21 Weller, Henry Owen. KENYA WITHOUT PREJUDICE: A Balanced, Critical Review of the Country and Its People... With a Foreword by the Rt. Hon. A. Neville Chamberlain, P.C., M.P. (London: East Africa Newspaper, Publishing, 1931) First edition, in the RARE DUSTJACKET. Illustrated with one full-page map, and additionally a large folding map of the Kenya and Uganda railway added, though not required in a complete copy of the book. 8vo, publisher’s original sienna cloth lettered and ruled in gilt on the spine, bordered in blind on the upper cover, with the original printed dustjacket. xi, 162, [8 ads]. A fine and clean copy with like dustjacket, unusually well preserved.
DUSTJACKET. “The Author brings to his task of describing Kenya and its people a matured and balanced judgment. ‘Kenya,’ he says, “is a good country” ---good to visit and good as a home for British settler. To smooth the path of the tourist he gives valuable hints and warnings derived from his own experience; to assist the intending settler he discusses most informingly the problems of health, education, transport, and production---all non-technically and most readably.
“His comments on ‘The Church in Kenya,” provocative though they may be, are entirely constructive and without prejudice. On ‘The Native Races’ he is penetrating and humorous, always just in his estimate of the part they must play in the future of the country. His chapter on ‘The Indian’ is frank but fair. The ‘Historical Note’ provides a clever summary founded on careful research, without which none of Kenya’s problems can be properly be understood.
“Well and wisely written, KENYA WITHOUT PREJUDICE lives up to its title, and will appeal to all, whether at Home or in East Africa, who are, or may be, interested in British Colonisation in East Africa” [dustjacket notes]. $295.
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