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Things to consider before you start
Written by: FarmerKhalil – Animal Nutritionist
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Define your operation purpose before venturing into goat rearing; is your production formeat, milk or a hobby. This decision guides action plans, for example some goat breeds are specific to production type. A boer goat is domesticated for meat production while a saanen for milk.
Consider your business needs and expansion plan, some key questions:
1. What is the maximum carrying capacity this land can support, and 2. How will I feed these animals?
A major challenge faced by goat farmers is farm theft and predation by dogs; ensure measures are in place to protect your investment. This should include fencing, protective housing features, camera systems, guard dogs, community policing also a close relationship with the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
Networking with successful goat farmers or expert will provide a solid support for your business growth and productivity. The willingness to research and seek guidance can provide a smoother business start-up which if not understood can lead to avoidable mistakes.
Ensure a budget is done including a solid implementation plan supported by a cash inflow and outflow statement.