Important Frequently Asked Questions on Fleas The menace created by fleas in a pet’s life is not a fact hidden from their pet parents. In a pet’s life cycle, the single most cause of distress came from these blood sucking parasites. Fleas, given their nature, feed on the blood of your pet and add misery to his happening life. A thorough understanding of fleas enables you to take appropriate steps in eradicating this menace from your pet’s life.
Take a look at the below questionnaire and brush your flea knowledgeWhat Are Fleas? Fleas are six-legged parasites that feed on the blood of their host. They find warm environment conducive for their reproduction process. A flea life cycle goes through egg, larva, pupa and adult.
What Made Them So Dangerous? Insects like fleas not only suck the blood of their host but also cause itching sensation. A pet, when bitten by flea develops an allergic reaction to released flea saliva. The presence of this saliva on his skin forces him to scratch mindlessly.
If the pet not treated on time, the itching habit can turn into serious skin disorder like Flea Allergy Dermatitis.
How Do I Know My Dog Has Fleas? Use a flea comb to check any traces of fleas present in your dog’s hair. Flea dirt is the common trail, which signals the presence of flea parasite in a pet. The
unnatural itching and scratching habit of a pet also makes a case for flea infestation.
Are Fleas A Cause Of Worry To Only Pets Or Humans Too? Fleas are attracted towards warm-blooded mammals. Dog and humans both come under this category. While, fleas are a constant menace in a dog’s life, they are not averse to us humans. The anatomical features of humans, makes them less vulnerable to fleas, as compared to their best friend- the dog. Use insecticides for getting rid of the fleas present in the outdoor environment. Protect your pet by using flea preventives such as Frontline Plus and Nexgard. Look for any unnatural behavior in your pet like mindless itching and scratching. Consult vet at earliest when you notice such signs. Add extra caution in warm season. The solution to this flea problem lies in the same old thought, which makes a case for checking the flea development in the home environment-internal and external. These parasites resides more in your pet’s dwelling environment than the pet itself. Therefore, clean your pet’s environment. Make it flea free and protect your pet through flea preventatives.