Stretch-marks or striae (singular stria), since they are called in dermatology, are a form of scarring damage onto the skin having an away-color shade. They are caused by tearing of the dermis, which over time may diminish, but will not disappear completely. stretch mark pictures Stretchmarks are frequently caused by the quick stretching of the skin associated with rapid development or rapid bodyweight modifications. Stretchmarks can also be relying on bodily hormone changes linked to puberty, pregnancy and bodybuilding hormone alternative treatment, and so on.[1] Healthcare terms for most of these markings includes striaeatrophicae and vergetures, stria distensae, striae cutis distensae, lineae atrophicae, linea albicante, or just striae. Also commonly occurring on the breasts,thighs and hips, lower back and buttocks, are known as striae gravidarum.[2, although stretch marks formed during pregnancy, usually during the last trimester, and usually on the belly]