Extra Roma Budo International 315 june - fortnight 2016

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The Philippines has a long history of life and death combat. From ancient times to the modern day, the fighting arts of the Filipino archipelago have proven themselves time and again to be efficient, effective and extremely deadly forms of fighting. There are countless systems of Filipino martial arts spread throughout the thousands of islands in this region. Many are family arts and no “outsider� will likely ever learn them. Fortunately, many have also been made available to the rest of the world. From the Kyusho perspective the study begins with learning revival and restorations, but then develops mobile arm targeting as its Martial foundation. When you dissect an attack, besides a kicking action, all other attacks start with the arms, but the challenge is that the arms are the fastest moving parts of the body with the greatest range of motion and directional attack capability. So it is a very challenging section of training that should be integrated into every session, in so many variations. There are other ways to make this level a bit easier and one is in the skill of Arm Trapping. Kali Master Raffi Derderian and Kyusho Practitioner Evan Pantazi - a collaborative film


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international.com

Why this event? There is no other way of putting it: Budo Masters was a great success! But we are not only speaking in quantitative terms (in which it was also a hit), but most especially in qualitative terms: quality of Masters, quality of environment, quality of organization, quality of students, etc. The original idea came when, after 30 years dealing with Masters of such different styles in the magazine, I realized that they hardly knew each o t h e r, e x c e p t o f c o u r s e , f o r t h e i r appearances in our pages. What would it happen if we tried gathering them all? Would it be something everybody would favor? Or maybe they would be reluctant to mix with others? Through my dealing with them, I've come to realize that the paradigm of distrust among styles has been diluted over the years. Martial Arts change, but mostly because those who practice them change. Not all of them, of course! But a select majority has been showing an increasing new willingness.


n recent decades this reality has been going from strength to strength and slowly has imposed itself like an unstoppable river. Probably, something like that would have been simply unthinkable before the emergence of Budo International, a multinational magazine (the only one in history in more than One language... right now we appear in Eight! And soon it'll be Nine: Japanese!), a communications medium that could be read on several continents, and of course, thanks to the emergence of the Internet as a communication vehicle. However, the Internet is but a vehicle on its own; the philosophy behind this magazine has worked intensely in the advent of a more open view regarding the Martial phenomenon. The very structure and the varied contents of the magazine already came to define somehow this opening. We are not a magazine exclusively dedicated to classic or modern Martial Arts... or fighting sports ... or police or military combat disciplines ... or the movie

phenomenon associated with them. We are a magazine with a wide view of the phenomenon, cultures and formulations of ANYTHING that has to do with Martial Arts. This new type of product began to settle down with our appearance. In all these years there have been even debates, for example, when combats without rules started. Other European and American magazines refused to translate this phenomenon arguing that they were not Martial Arts, and for a long time we were the only ones to inform about it. When we integrated the military or police Arts, we were also criticized ... avant-gardes always receive the first blows... Thirty years of Magazine have given us a lot, but of course, not EVERYTHING. The Martial phenomenon is huge and extensive, and its props are many and widespread over many countries. Moreover, it's clear that not everyone becomes part of the select club of this magazine. If we attract what we emanate, it is natural that those who were in tune with my own vision of Martial Arts (in the sense of broadmindedness, respect for the peculiarity, appreciation of same as a wealth, and especially leaving behind any idea of comparison), have been consolidated as a heterogeneous group, yes, but strong and outstanding, with a great projection that transits in a superior approach to the Martial phenomenon; a nonexclusive, comprehensive and respectful vision. We all know that egos are big in this Martial world; it's logical, he who deals with violence deals with the confrontation forces and no one joins anything of which he doesn't have at least a frequency point or some similarity within himself. However, in their highest view, the disciplinary Arts are ways of self-improvement, i.e., one has to transgress the boundaries of the well-known thing, to reach new horizons, undoubtedly positioning and attitudes distant (and at times antithetical) from the point where it all began. This is the moment from which the warrior becomes General and when he matures, he becomes prudent, humble and tempered, because he is aware of his power and he knows well the terrible consequences that any war implies. The Masters who have transited along our pages during these thirty years of history, most of them friends, at least in a broad 90 %, have converged with me in more mature and deep positioning regarding the environment, relationships and the Martial world in general. Budo Masters brought to light this jump in the paradigm, because the attendees were at such level. Courtesy, respect, good ways and cordiality substituted the original distrust, challenge, criticism and disdain … in short, smallness! Commando Krav Maga Master Moni Aizik told me a joke that is perfectly suitable for the case: - "How many Martial Artists are required to change a light bulb?"

“There is no other way of putting it: Budo Masters was a great success!” “Martial Arts change, but mostly because those who practice them change.”

“Two exhibitions represented the traditions of China and Japan in charge of the pupils of Sifu Cangelosi and of Shidoshi Jordan Augusto, the two Grandmasters of their respective Arts respected in the whole world.” - Answer: "1001… One to change it and one thousand to criticize him!" Budo Masters showed that with the right people, with the proper and most advanced Masters within the paradigm of the sector itself, far away from it, the result is just and noble, because nobility has already installed on their personality. On the other hand, since every pupil is but a reflection of his Master, the attending students did honor the name and category of their Masters, demonstrating at all times to be highly respectful, attentive and striving, essential features in every student, initiated, aspirant or “chela” in ancient cultures. And I say "ancient", yes! Because although some of the present systems could be modern, they are all inserted in a dimension and anthropological, cultural and energetic old scenarios, as old as war. It is not in vain that Martial Arts exist under the patronage of the god MARS and no other! However, once matured, developed and deepened, Martial Arts remain under the tutelage of wise Athena, prudent and productive goddess who, wrapped in her gold armor, the gold that represents consciousness (she was born from the head of Jupiter!), settles disputes with justice and equity; she is the guardian of peace, culture and trade. Oh, yeah! ... Martial artists have changed a lot in the last thirty years, and humbly, WE have had something to do with that.

The idea Once the idea was born, I couldn't think of a better place than Rome, or a better person to carry it out than my friend, Master Paolo Cangelosi. Years ago I witnessed the excellent organization of the 30th anniversary of his school. A wonderful host; a fair, honest and dedicated man... Who better than him? As for the place, it was also clear to me... what better spot than ROME? Eternal Rome! Cradle of the empire, cradle of the West! A city so rich and beautiful, the city to which you never get tired of returning! Once I told Sifu Cangelosi the idea he set to work. Paolo and his wife Minou captained the team in which, Sifu Fabio Tozzi, his representative in Rome (an extraordinary person) did an excellent job. He and some of his students took charge of every single detail. Thanks to this team everything was possible: planning, work, dedication and effort. The success is definitely theirs! THANK YOU! For my part all I did was putting the idea to assert in the magazine through publicity. Many friends contacted me asking for information and the event was practically designed in the first two days. There were many who came. Others, for reasons of force majeure, or prior commitments, couldn't make it, but they will no doubt in future editions. The list of Masters who have passed and worked with Budo International is

“Two intense days of seminars and a gala with two magnificent exhibitions. All this will be available free on a summary video of about an hour.”

“I must congratulate them all for their courage and vision of attending this meeting, because the fact of doing so depicts a great positioning inside each one of them.”

enormous. Today we have over 750 video titles, 200 books, and 30 years of magazines ... it's all too logical that in future editions more friends will join the party, because this experience has been certainly wonderful and its consequences are shining even further. As proof, an example is sufficient: yesterday, Master Jose Luis Montes called me asking me for Master Patrick Levet's telephone number, which he had lost … in order to bring him to Barcelona to give a seminar… examples as this one are a constant after the Rome BUDO MASTERS meeting. No, it is not the same thing seeing someone in the magazine than meeting him personally, right? It is natural that links of common interests and collaboration are established among good people; in a positive environment, the positive thing creates the appropriate frame for more positivity.

The Masters I will not name here all the great teachers who attended and were part in this first BUDO MASTERS; you only have to look at the poster to know who they are, because they are well-known faces to the followers of this magazine. There were old friends (some of them I hadn't seen for 10 years!) Others, new friends, who, having begun working with Budo just two or three years ago, we had not yet had the pleasure of meeting personally. I must congratulate them all for their courage and vision of attending this meeting, because the fact of doing so depicts a great positioning inside each one of them. Now about the oldest friends, it was a pleasure to meet them again, because we have all matured, but we stay on duty! Life passes fast and some people are especially nice to meet again. To the new friends, what a unique experience is that of widening the range of friendships, in a time in which one is becoming more and more demanding! To all of them, thanks very much, because without them this event had not been a success; this Extra issue is done and dedicated to each and every one of them.

The event Two intense days of seminars and a gala with two magnificent exhibitions. All this will be available free on a

summary video of about an hour; for those who want more, other videos with the entire event will be put up for sale in DVD format or download online at our web www.budointernational.com and at very affordable rates. In the seminars, the MASTERS of Budo Masters shared their techniques with the audience (about 350 people), both on Saturday morning, and on Sunday. The Gala was more than pleasant, a moment of encounter and fun, of socialization and participation. Masters were honored with a diploma and attendees with a certificate of attendance. A Wall video broadcasted overnight images of the Masters and a photo call placed in a corner was the delight of the audience, who didn't stop taking pictures with each other. Two exhibitions represented the traditions of China and Japan by students of Sifu Cangelosi and Shidoshi Jordan Augusto, the two Grand Masters of their respective Arts, respected worldwide. A video Wall emitted during the whole night images of the Masters, while a photo call placed in a corner did the delights of the assistants, who didn't stop photographing with each other. Two exhibitions represented the traditions of China and Japan in charge of the pupils of Sifu Cangelosi and of Shidoshi Jordan Augusto, the two Grandmasters of their respective Arts respected in the whole world. As two sides of a coin, one provided the liveliness, the sonority and the coloring of Chinese culture, with the Lion dance, a choreography in honor of Ip Man and a beautiful representation Tai Chi; the other gave us the delicacy, precision and minimalist austerity of a genuine Japanese Koryu, the school Kaze no Ryu Ogawa Ha, in a fantastic demonstration of Iaijutsu, and Aiki Ju Jutsu, in the manner and ways in which they were performed in front of the emperors of Japan. The one musical, the other in absolute silence, both, in their own way, delighted an expert audience, that had brought together in the same dinner more Teachers per square meter than could never have gathered. I myself had the privilege and the honor of personally hand out the diploma to each Master. The diploma award ceremony was riddled with respect and sincere affection, expressed in the hugs and warmth of the honorees. Out of program, Master Pellegrini was kind enough to

“To all of them, thanks very much, because without them this event had not been a success; this Extra issue is done and dedicated to each and every one of them.”

“Practitioners around the world without any restriction of style, degree or any other boundary are welcome.”

“After a wonderful week in Rome, of so many reencounters and, of course, new meetings, Sifu Cangelosi suggested me to repeat the experience on a biannual basis.” grace us Paolo Cangelosi and myself, with distinctions that both of us greatly appreciated, because we know that they were delivered from the affection and admiration that we dedicate to each other and that has the depth and strength of an enduring truth that implies years of relationship, years of working together.

The future After a wonderful week in Rome, of so many reencounters and, of course, new meetings, Sifu Cangelosi suggested me to repeat the experience on a biannual basis. I think it's a great idea, because whether it's true that it would be a pleasure to do it every year, the fact remains that many people had to make a great effort to be present on this occasion. Groups and Masters from China, United States, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Switzerland, Holland, Brazil or Argentina, to name just some of the countries, travelled to Rome for the occasion. Travelling is not cheap and we feel that an event like this should have a longer periodicity, so that everyone can prepare in time for the occasion; therefore the next meeting will be in April 2018 ... so start getting ready!

Who can attend the event? Practitioners around the world without any restriction of style, degree or any other boundary are welcome. Those who come to act within the group of Masters of Budo, as BUDO MASTERS, are required to be, of course, Masters already known to us, who collaborate or have collaborated with the magazine, that is, people in which we actually trust from our own experience; a club open to those who want to feel part of it; here we are, willing to welcome them inside this select group of rapporteurs, people who possess t h e v a l u e , t h e s k i l l a n d b re a d t h o f v i s i o n t o s e e beyond the forms; a renewed future for the warrior traditions of the whole planet. We men are finite, but that which makes up our world remains; eternal forces, like the warrior's way, which can be lived in their highest expression, or in their smallness. The choice is always something personal, although not everyone is summoned, and not all the summoned ones are to be chosen, but the personal dream belongs to oneself. We are here to make this possible; it's our duty, our obligation.

“We men are finite, but that which makes up our world remains; eternal forces, like the warrior's way, which can be lived in their highest expression, or in their smallness.”

Alfredo Tucci welcomed everyone. In the environment you could feel friendliness, cordiality and a tremendous expectation: "Welcome! The very fact of being here means you are already great! There is nothing to prove ... we are here to share, to learn, to enjoy from difference and respect! "

"More than 350 people in the first morning of Seminars: excitement, curiosity, respect, sympathy, camaraderie... Sifu Cangelosi as host took charge himself of preparing and managing the smooth functioning of every detail."

"Students and teachers from all countries and styles together, with respect for others' practice... an unbeatable atmosphere."

"Notwithstanding the difficulty of practicing techniques from styles other than their own, there was not a single injury among the participants in the two days of classes! Such was the good energy that was flowing all over the place."

"Before starting a class, during breaks, anytime was good to take a picture! Below: “A group of students of Sifu Cangelosi enjoy the sympathy of GM Pellegrini."

Top: “Master Yanis Vilella, Jesús Talán, Soke Juan Diaz, Patrick Levet, Rui Ribeiro… Quite an assortment of Masters!" "Applauses were a constant demonstration of respect and enthusiasm for all the Masters."

"Indigenous Martial Arts of the Canary Islands were superbly represented by Master Carlos Barrera, in the picture saluting Shidoshi Jordan (Bugei)" Below: “Good humor, ever-present in the whole event, created new ties and friendships. Harry Gorter (Karate Netherlands) with Shidoshi Jordan and Shidoshi Thiago (Brazil)."

Weng Chun and Shaolin masters from Germany, China, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands: - "We knew each other from the magazine; now it's even better, we have finally met face to face!"

"Master Marco Morabito, from Genoa, with some of his students" Below: "Part of the group of Marco Mattiuci, Head of Hwa Rang Do in Italy: If a Teacher is known for his students, these left their Master at the highest level. Great Martial Artist and a gentleman ... Marco Mattiuci."

"Avi Nardia, by reasons of 'force majeure', was forced to cancel his attendance at the last moment, but a group of his students was present, led by his representative in Italy."

"To the right, group of Masters: David Delannoy, David Buisan, Marco Mattiuci, Germano Monosi, Harry Gorter, Jurg Ziegler, Gary Wasniesky, Paolo Cangelosi, Juan Diaz, Bruno Tombolato, Marco Morabito, Jesús Talán, Carlos Barrera, David Martínez, Bram Frank, José Luis Montes, Alessandro Colonnese, Raúl Gutiérrez, Cristina, Salvatore Oliva..."

"Justo Diéguez KEYSI with Master Raúl Gutiérrez."

"Alfredo Tucci with the group of Master Yaron Lichtenstein, Krav Maga 9th Dan. On his left, his son Rotem. The event was well attended by his representatives from several countries, as well as his wife and his daughter."

"As usual, Master Pellegrini, Combat Hapkido, not only taught an outstanding class with his wife Trina Pellegrini and other assistants and instructors of his school, but he also seduced the audience with his enormous personality and experience. Of Italian origin although American citizen, Pellegrini addressed to the public in both languages." - "REMEMBER! I speak perfect Italian, so if you say anything wrong about me I will understand you!"

"Trina Pellegrini showed that years alongside a genius teach you to be just great. Impeccable techniques, perfect controls ... excellent class."

“1... 2... 3... 4... GET TO TRAIN!”


OPEN FOR EVERYONE! What: 5 days of training, sweating, enjoying, meeting, conducted by GM Andreas Hoffmann in his home and World Weng Chun HQ in Bamberg Germany. The Camps will focus on Weng Chun Kung Fu for all levels and is open for everyone. During the camps we have also optional sessions on Vietnam Weng Chun,Sanda,BJJ, and Shaolin Qigong/Philosophy. You can also join just one or two days. The cost of the camp is just 250€ (member)/300€ (regular) for 5 days, 1 day 60€ (member)/70€(regular). When: WENG CHUN SUMMERCAMP 1: Wednesday 3rd - Sunday 7th August 2016, Wednesday 2pm - 7pm, Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Sunday 10am-2pm optional sessions extra at evening - this camp is designed for all levels with the focus on the basic and middle level of weng chun WENG CHUN SUMMERCAMP 2: Wednesday 10th - Sunday 14th August 2016, Wednesday 2pm - 7pm, Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Sunday 10am-2pm optional sessions extra - this camp is designed for all levels with the focus on the middle and advanced levels of weng chun Where: Weng Chun Kung Fu HQ, Memmelsdorferstrasse 82 R, 96052 Bamberg, Germany. 5 minutes walk to the trainstation and 40 minutes by car or train from Nürnberg/Nuremberg airport. If you are interested or you like to enlist email wengchunbamberg@googlemail.com www.weng-chun.com

Andreas Hoffmann International WengChun® Association HQ Weng Chun Kung Fu, Selbstverteidigung, Fitness durch Kampfkunst, Kinder Kung Fu, Sanda, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Ginastica Naturale Shaolin Qigong, Shaolin Chan, Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua, TCM email: wengchunbamberg@googlemail.com website: www.weng-chun.com address: Memmelsdorferstrasse 82 R, 96052 Bamberg 095137379 Konto IBAN DE02 7705 0000 0578 7215 32 Swift Bic BYLADEM1SKB

"Instructors and advanced students of Master Pellegrini arrived from different countries, highlighting Master Juan Romero Pons, his representative in Spain, who came leading a group."

"Portuguese Master Rui Ribeiro, living history of Karate in the Iberian Peninsula, imparted an extraordinarily rich, quite dynamic and precise master class. He holds in his person the values and knowledge of ancient schools of Karate; from the Yoseikan to the Shoto Kai, he has been an icon of good work, a knowledge that he soon will share in a new video."

Sifu Salvador Sanchez shared his exquisite vision of WingTsun emphasizing the spaces in combat, a topic which certainly interested everyone equally, regardless of the style."

"As usual, Sifu Salvador Sanchez showed his magnificent WingTsun with reasoned and practical explanations."

"Representing the Krav Maga RED group, Christian Wilmouth and Dan Zadhour (France and Belgium respectively) advocated for a practical and experienced self-defense."

"The Masters of different styles were able to share their ideas without squeamish, displaying their open mindedness, sympathy and good disposition." "Always vehement in his explanations, Master Wilmouth sure knows how to transmit his enthusiasm in his classes. Congratulations!

"Great class, great martial spirit, magnificent exhibition! ..."

David MartĂ­nez, Hankido Master.

With Sifu Alfred Neudorfer, WT Universe, a man with a sensitive, deep and intelligent approach toward WT.

Salvatore Oliva

"Despite the acoustic conditions at the entry of the enclosure, we improvise a small set to interview the Masters that we found.

With the Dutch Karateka Harry Gorter

"Salvador Sanchez and Christian Wilmouth, intelligence applied to combat"

"Students always... Masters occasionally! The spirit of the one who is always learning..."

"COMMANDO KRAV MAGA. Professor Moni Aizik with some of his representatives shared his vision of self-defense before an audience delighted with his explanations."

“Throughout the whole event, Moni Aizik explained to everyone who would listen, how delighted he was of having been present at the Rome BUDO MASTERS, and that excellent spirit was transmitted to his classes.�

"Moni, who spends his life traveling from seminar to seminar, was at ease before an attentive audience"

Sifu Rossa Bannera Ferrante. Inner power and strength with the WT Universe.

Marco Morabito. IKMO Martial Arts.

Bram Frank. American expert in knife combat.

Shifu Yan Ti travelled from the Shaolin Temple to be with us.

"GREAT! Sifu Paolo Cangelosi put aside for a moment the command staff as an organizer, to participate as one more with a master class on TAO YIN, health and energy movements of Chinese tradition."

"Breathing, slow movements, stretching, and a haven of calm to take a second wind in an intense, extensive and frantic course."

"Regardless of age, grade or status, all attendees enjoyed Sifu Cangelosi's class."

"YIN AND YANG! There was everything in the master classes of BUDO MASTERS!"

GM Gary Wasniesky, TYGA Karate, prepares new film.

Master Cristina Alvarez, KAJUKENBO.

Yanis Vilella, the dear Russian Master in the "lazy" school.

Master Andreas Weitzel, Russian SYSTEMA in Europe.

"Master Mark Gridley with Trina Pellegrini and GM Pellegrini, extraordinary people with whom we shared endearing moments and we all learned a lot."

What happens when two people practice Chi-Sao, what is the meaning of their practice and what the objectives? In this 3rd DVD, "Chi Sao from the base to an advanced level," Sifu Salvador SĂĄnchez addresses perhaps the most important aspect of Wing Chun: ChiSao, the soul of the system itself, which provides the practitioner with some special characteristics which are completely different from others, and gives him great virtues. This role deals with some aspects quite basic in principle, but as you delve into them, they'll be surprising to you. It is a very clear feature traditional Chinese culture; what it's very obvious at first glance, it nevertheless contains a second or third reading, which will surely change your approach, practice and understanding. We will discuss how to practice Chi Sao through our working drills and how to apply those drills, that ability in a sparring, linking certain concepts, perhaps not so much tied to traditional Kung Fu, such as biomechanics, structures, knowledge of physics, etc., in order to obtain better results in our practice.

REF.: • DVD/TAOWS3 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international.com

"MARK Gridley, an expert in vital points, gave an excellent class that interested everyone."

"Jesus Talรกn demonstrated that the Kyokushin Karate arouses passions."

"With his strong voice and big personality, Master Jesus Talรกn made clear the strength and forcefulness of Mas Oyama's Karate."

"Jose Luis Montes, an expert on civil and police self-defense, police sub-inspector in Spain, taught control and self-defense techniques with his usual knowhow."

In this DVD, G.M. Larry Tatum (10th Dan) develops techniques of the Kenpo program at the highest level. Particularly, some of his “favorites” like Flashing Mace, Parting Wings, Entwined Lance… Masterfully executed and based on the experience of the movement, G.M. Tatum incorporates his innovative teachings in these techniques that will help you add and complement your training in the Kenpo system. Besides, they provide the individual with the best choice for selfdefense, based on the logical and practical thinking, and place him in the path of understanding the art of Kenpo. These are the self-defense and fighting systems of the modern times we live in. They are designed so that the practitioner gets all the benefits that training these techniques can provide. This DVD has the support of Master Adolfo Luelmo (9th Dan), who goes on with a series of techniques performed in a smooth and strong way, for situations of extreme aggression, in which can be appreciated different states of the movement, in a logical and effective way. As a conclusion, Master Camacho Assisi (8th Dan), displays a technique that combines the strength of the arms and his expertise with legs.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international.com

Maestro Marcello Spina representative of RaĂşl GutiĂŠrrez in Italy.

Marco Mattiucci, Hwa Rang Do Italy, Great Martial Artist, Master and gentleman.

Sifu Gianni de Nittis. Choi Li Fut.

With Sifu Bruno Tombolatto, Shaolin Spain, the beloved pupil of GM Shi de Yang.

"Master Peter Weckauf, from Austria, showed why his name sounds strongly in the Martial Arts of our days. Effectiveness, forceful movements, timing, keys to good self-defense."

"Master Andreas Weitzel brought from Germany his know-how and experience in the work of the true RUSSIAN SYSTEMA."

"The Systema, one of the great unknown in the West, aroused much interest among the participants, who discovered in Andreas Weitzel a great communicator and an excellent teacher who knows how to involve everyone in his reflections."

"Shaolin monk Shi Yan Ti shared with the audience the most internal aspects of all Martial Arts, like meditation. Yin and Yang in BUDO MASTERS."

"Ti Yan was able to win over an audience, possibly more prone to action than to rest, something that enchanted the majority."

Master Andreas Hoffmann, Weng Chun.

Master David Buisan, Wolf Extreme Combat.

Master Carlos Barrera, Garrote Canario.

Master Moni Aizik, Krav Maga Commando Combat.

"Sifu Fabio Tozzi, a gentleman in all senses of the word, was instrumental in the BUDO MASTERS. Representative of Sifu Cangelosi in Rome, his assistance and help was crucial to the success of the project, BRAVO!"

"Portuguese Master Luis Manuel Ramos Sanches greets Shidoshi Jordan Augusto, who with its monthly articles has awakened a general interest for a deeper vision of Martial Arts."

"Soke Juan Diaz, creator of Kaisendo and one of the pioneers of Karate in Spain, not only taught his techniques, but enjoyed the whole event. Master Maurice Elmalem (Taekwondo, Guiness Record of crystal breaking) observes the scene."

Master Rafael Sรกnchez, of Spain.

The Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak is a system based on both weapons and empty hands at the same time. It incorporates many of the new-generation weapons, swords, knives, circular kerambits, bars, batons of different lengths and other more particular weapons. Even in our empty hand training methods we face an opponent who attacks us with weapons in both hands, as well as several opponents at once. This type of training makes us more aware of everything that happens during an altercation and what do and not do when facing one or more armed aggressors. In this second DVD, Maha Guru Horacio Rodrigues, heir to the lineage of Pendekar Pak Victor De Thouars, of Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak, addresses its particular way to train and use the different weapons, laying the foundations for more advanced future plans of study and the application of technique. This video includes the principles of work, angulation, Sambuts, Jurus and drills with the short sword "Pedang", short knife "Pissau", short stick "Tonkat Matjan", Sarong, and applications of selfdefense with empty hands.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international.com

"Grand Master RenĂŠ Latosa, Latosa Escrima, honored us with his presence and martial wisdom in a master class that was grand finale of the first day of seminars. Being a great Master is not incompatible with the humility and elegance that this exceptional man gives off."

"Justo DiĂŠguez presented his Keysi system that has distinguished him in countries all over the world and in the production of combat scenes in movies like BATMAN, "The Dark Knight"

Grand Master RenĂŠ Latosa with Grand Master Andreas Hoffmann.

Grandmaster Andreas Hoffmann alongside fellow German Andreas Weitzel and namesake. Many new friends emerged from this event.

"Andreas Hoffmann along with Bruno Tombolato; Weng Chun and Shaolin, charm, harmony and seriousness."

"RaĂşl GutiĂŠrrez with a great friend of this magazine, the Viet Vo Dao Master Patrick Levet, the man who has done more in history for the spreading of Vietnamese Arts and who graced us with his presence and delighted us with his pleasant company once again."

"The Dutch Master Harry Gorter brought with him the strength and character of true Karate."

"A KARATE masterclass by the Dutch Master Harry Gorter, on the very day of his birthday."

"Hankido masterclass by SHIBUJANNIM Master David Martinez."

"In the picture, Shan Cangelosi, a warrior in the ring, son of Sifu Cangelosi, chats with Shidoshi Jordan and Alfredo Tucci. Breaks gave for many interesting talks, and some stop along the PUF way..."

"Shidoshi Thiago MorĂŁes and Shi Yan Ti. Traditional schools always meet in the respect of the difference."

"Alfredo Tucci interviews Shidoshi Jordan Augusto for the videos of the event."

"Shidoshi Juliana Galende with Marco de Cesari. A spectacular environment of encounters and friendships was lived throughout the event."

"Donna Rosa Ferrante Banera and Sifu Alfred Neudorfer, WT Universe, two Masters who shone with their own light in BUDO MASTERS."

"Sifu Alessandro Colonnese, one of the great ones of JKD enjoyed the event in good company."

“Jürg Ziegler Bram Frank & Raúl Gutiérrez.”

"David Martinez, HANKIDO (Spain), came with his best students." - It's been a fantastic experience! - He confessed us in the interview.

"GM John Pellegrini & Alfredo Tucci, two universal 'Italians'."

"Kyoshi Raúl Gutiérrez, accompanied by beautiful Maria Antonia, alongside the Master Enrico Diadori. Top: David Buisan, Wolf Extreme Fight, and Cristina Álvarez, Kajukenbo."

"Kyoshi RaĂşl GutiĂŠrrez, his wife Maria Antonia and Alfredo Tucci, a friendship that extends over time."

"Great camaraderie among Masters: GM Jürg Ziegler, GM René Latosa, GM Bram Frank and Kyoshi Raúl Gutiérrez."


OPEN FOR EVERYONE! What: 5 days of training, sweating, enjoying, meeting, conducted by GM Andreas Hoffmann in his home and World Weng Chun HQ in Bamberg Germany. The Camps will focus on Weng Chun Kung Fu for all levels and is open for everyone. During the camps we have also optional sessions on Vietnam Weng Chun,Sanda,BJJ, and Shaolin Qigong/Philosophy. You can also join just one or two days. The cost of the camp is just 250€ (member)/300€ (regular) for 5 days, 1 day 60€ (member)/70€(regular). When: WENG CHUN SUMMERCAMP 1: Wednesday 3rd - Sunday 7th August 2016, Wednesday 2pm - 7pm, Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Sunday 10am-2pm optional sessions extra at evening - this camp is designed for all levels with the focus on the basic and middle level of weng chun WENG CHUN SUMMERCAMP 2: Wednesday 10th - Sunday 14th August 2016, Wednesday 2pm - 7pm, Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Sunday 10am-2pm optional sessions extra - this camp is designed for all levels with the focus on the middle and advanced levels of weng chun Where: Weng Chun Kung Fu HQ, Memmelsdorferstrasse 82 R, 96052 Bamberg, Germany. 5 minutes walk to the trainstation and 40 minutes by car or train from Nürnberg/Nuremberg airport. If you are interested or you like to enlist email wengchunbamberg@googlemail.com www.weng-chun.com

Andreas Hoffmann International WengChunÂŽ Association HQ Weng Chun Kung Fu, Selbstverteidigung, Fitness durch Kampfkunst, Kinder Kung Fu, Sanda, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Ginastica Naturale Shaolin Qigong, Shaolin Chan, Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua, TCM email: wengchunbamberg@googlemail.com website: www.weng-chun.com address: Memmelsdorferstrasse 82 R, 96052 Bamberg 095137379 Konto IBAN DE02 7705 0000 0578 7215 32 Swift Bic BYLADEM1SKB

"China and Japan united: Shidoshi Thiago Moraes, Shi Yan Ti & Shidoshi Andre Bertoluzzi."

"Alfredo Tucci interviewing Shidoshi Andre Bertoluzzi for the videos. Shidoshi AndrĂŠ, a professional in security in Brazil, his country, is above everything a man of an exceptional character!"

"Part of the exhibition team under the orders of Shidoshi Jordan Augusto, who delighted us with the precision, temper and depth of a true traditional Japanese school: Kaze no Ryu Ogawa Ha."

"Weng Chun GM Andreas Hofmann chatting with the Masters of Wing Tsun Universe"

"Weng Chun GM Andreas Hofmann and his Italian students with Jose Luis Montes. Top: Peter Weckauf salutes in a selfie."

"Two days of intense meetings and exchanges."

"On Sunday morning training sessions continued under the same good spirit ..."

"Master Rafael Sรกnchez and other practitioners enjoying, arguing, training ..."

"Master Gary Wasniesky (London) with Master Maurice Elmalem (New York), Taekwondo and Tyga Karate, two old friends through this magazine, both also involved in Martial film projects."

"Sifu Cangelosi with Sifu Gianni de Nittis (Choi Li Fut): Italian Kung Fu with Universal spirit that spreads over the planet."

"Moni Aizik shows his happiness in the night of the gala, along with his Italian student and Sifu Cangelosi"

"Salvador Sรกnchez came with a group of his students, all of them expert Sifu who teach in Spain" "Shidoshi Juliana Galende, Sifu Cangelosi and Shidoshi Jordan Augusto" "With Marco Morabito, two Genoese that went out into the world!"

"Minou Risso: Without her, this event wouldn't have been possible! She organized, worked and contacted everybody helping her husband Cangelosi."

"Salvatore Oliva, author of many videos and books with this magazine, a Universal Swiss." "Two great ones of the Martial Arts. Born ready! ... Born warriors!"

"Two days of impeccable respect, study, fun and passion for the Martial Arts, what unites us is definitely more than what divides us."

"David Martinez, HANKIDO, showed his high status and vision as a Martial Master."

In this comprehensive instructional video, Andreas Weitzel, founder and head instructor of the SYSTEMA Academy Weitzel (Augsburg, Germany) and one of the leading SYSTEMA Instructors in Europe explains the most important fighting fundamentals. First he vividly elucidates how to walk naturally focusing on the correct execution of steps. He then shows how to use this work in combat applications. A variety of different topics are explained in this movie including: How to unbalance an attacker; How to strike and kick correctly; How to defend against, grabs, throws, strikes and kicks. The explanations in this video are simple but clear with the aim for easy comprehension and lear ning for everyone. During his explanation Andreas always includes and focuses on the most important principles and fundamentals of SYSTEMA by showing how different topics are tightly linked to each other. Furthermore free and spontaneous work against different attacks including weapons is shown under realistic conditions and full speed. In this video Andreas is assisted and supported by Michael Hazenbeller (Rastatt) and Thomas Gößler (Augsburg), two experienced Systema Instructors.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international.com

"Sifu Cangelosi: A Master loved by his students, some of them over 30 years with him! Respect and affection can walk hand in hand as shown by the students of this school."

"Margaret and Gary ... The Wasniesky, came from England to enjoy... And they did!"

"Angela and Paolo ... What strength!" "Cangelosi and his offspring; educated, loving, pure in heart, like their father: the saga continues!"

"Many were those who approached the photo call, students and Masters alike. Above: Sifu Bruno Tombolatto (Shaolin Spain). Left: Soke Juan DĂ­az.

We are pleased to present the second work of the KMRED group. This video bearing the name "Concept and Education" aims to make you discover a part of the concept Krav Maga Research, Evolution and Development, as well as the pedagogy developed within our group. The different exercises that you will discover here are not intended to "feast your eyes" or demonstrate our combative attitudes, because our priority here is that of explaining how we prepare our students so that they become "warriors", capable of "adapting" to the different evolutions of street fighting.

REF.: • DVD/KMRED-2 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international.com

"In the surroundings of Hotel Shangri-La, in its beautiful gardens, there were a lot of meetings. The idea of the BUDO MASTERS was also that of favoring the meeting of Masters who, having shared pages for years, had not had the chance to know each other personally. And for the students, watching closely and meeting personally so many big names on the world scene together was a dream come true. The next meeting will be in 2018!"

"Great technical explanations of Master Marco Mattiucci! Hwa Rang DoÂŽ in action!"

Peter Weckauf, SAMI self-defense.

"Many great moments with the Masters of WT Universe!"

"Shidoshi Juliana Galende, Master of the Kaze no Ryu Ogawa Ha school, enjoyed the event and reunions."

In this DVD, Master Marco Morabito, with exclusive rights for Budo International, presents a preview of the Israeli Krav Maga Survival System. In this colossal work, the basic method and techniques of this discipline are illustrated in a clear and transparent manner. That is, no secrets, but in an extraordinary job that will take you to the very core of self-defense. The techniques are illustrated so that they are easily understood by all. A truly unique opportunity to approach selfdefense or improve your knowledge on the subject. The author is one of today’s top self-defense exponents worldwide and has to his credit an extensive experience both in the military field and in security companies; awarded several times in various countries and acclaimed by his courses and seminars around the world, he has become an international spokesperson for different combat and self-defense systems, little known but highly effective. He has learned and studied all over the world, from Japan to the US, via Poland, Spain, Cape Verde, Germany, Israel, France and Russia, a continued research in remote areas of the world, such as Siberia or the desert of Texas, without stopping at any point in his tireless search for new knowledge without ever stop asking questions. The Israeli Krav Maga Survival System is not a discipline or a set of rigid rules, but a method, a process of continuous and constant evolution. This makes it adaptable to any situation and circumstance and permeable to any changes, and then be able to take stock of its mistakes and use the experience as an opportunity to improve.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

ORDERS: Budo international.com

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