1 minute read
A Weapon Shouldn't Be A Weapon Shouldn't Be
die in this duel. He panicked and was overwhelmed with fear from death. The fencer drifter immediately apologized to the tea ceremony master and declined the duel.
This is a wonderful story that has been retold in fencing schools for centuries. The tea ceremony master, although he never trained martial arts, showed the main quality of a dangerous person. A dangerous man is prepared to be injured in order to hurt the other person and is prepared to be killed in order to kill. To clarify, if the only goal that you have is to destroy your enemy, you are dangerous. If you are more concerned about your own safety than victory during the course of combat, you are considered a victim. Being prepared to die gives every person an advantage during fighting because even a very aggressive opponent will probably give a maximum of 90% of himself in combat; the remaining 10% is what remains for fear of survival.
There is a difference even among weapons. In order for you to understand this completely, we will use another legend about the kenjutsu sword fighting skill and famous Japanese swords.