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Paul Vunak

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Great Masters

Great Masters

5 Secrets to Surviving an Assault

1. Know When You're in A Fight


Often people lose a fight because they don't realize there in one until it is too late! Establish your personal zones and limits of personal security. Predetermine decisions based upon the violation of those zones. You should already have determined what you will do if you discover someone in your house at night. You should know how close you will let someone get to you that may be brandishing an edged weapon. You should know when a verbal confrontation is escalating too a high level what your choice will be and how you will act. You should have a plan if strangers approach your car in a parking lot or at a stoplight. These are not decisions you want to ponder in the stunned reality of the moment. Pre-determine your choices and your actions.

2. Awareness and Avoidance

Awareness and Avoidance are the two common attributes that are emphasized more than any other tactic, technique or device! Your awareness of your surroundings, the people, the location, the exits, the potential improvised weapons, obstructions, cover, concealment and the like will give you the edge in any situation. This level of awareness will often help you to avoid physical assaults and confrontations.

Small choices in everyday life can make a big difference in avoiding, escaping or surviving a physical assault. Choices like... sitting in a restaurant with your back to the wall so you can see anyone and everyone approaching you. Leaving enough space between you and the car in front of you to avoid being boxed in and car jacked. Driving in the right-hand lane to avoid a carjacker from approaching your driver side window.

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