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US Navy sent naval destroyers to Alaska after presence of Russian and Chinese ships
Ships from China and Russia were last week off the US coast of Alaska. The US Navy sent four naval destroyers to the area.
The United States Navy last week sent four destroyers to the Alaskan coast after detecting almost a dozen Russian and Chinese warships, in what is seen as an unprecedented escalation, but still without posing a threat to US territory.
The destroyers sent were the USS John McCain, the USS Benfold, the USS John Finn and the USS Chung-Hoon, CBS News reported Monday.
According to military sources, US aircraft monitored the activities of foreign armies during the combined exercise.
A report from the US Northern Command detailed that the ChineseRussian patrol remained in international waters, without posing a threat.
The actions take place in the midst of the invasion war that Moscow launched against Ukraine on February 24, 2022 under what Russian President Valdimir Putin announced as “a special military operation.” Beijing and Moscow have deepened ties as the West, through a military alliance (NATO) with the US as one of the largest providers of support, has spearheaded various economic sanctions initiatives to bring Russia to an agreement ending hostilities. China, for its part, recriminates the US
En el centro del país. Autoridades mexicanas dijeron el viernes que fueron localizadas casi 500 personas retenidas dentro de un predio en centro del país, en momentos en que diversas naciones buscan contener los crecientes flujos migratorios, principalmente hacia Estados Unidos. El Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) de México, informó en un comunicado que, de los 491 migrantes encontrados, 52 eran menores no acompañados. La mayoría de ellos, agregó, procedían de Guatemala, solamente un grupo de seis de Honduras. Las personas, dijo el INM, estaban “retenidas en un predio del municipio
Yehualtepec, al sureste de Puebla”. Ese estado está a unos 200 kilómetros de Ciudad de México, donde migrantes suelen pedir refugio o mecanismos para regularizar su estancia en el país para continuar su camino hacia Estados Unidos. En el mismo documento, el INM informó que el hallazgo derivó de trabajos de investigación realizados por diversas autoridades, aunque no dio detalles. Imágenes difundidas por la institución mostraban a cientos de personas de pie, entre ellos niños, en un patio de tierra dentro de un amplio terreno, donde al fondo se observaba una especie de bodega.
La semana pasada, México y Estados Unidos dijeron que estaban trabajando en un plan para procesar a migrantes en el sur del país latinoamericano, un proyecto que contempla a cubanos, haitianos, nicaragüenses y venezolanos.
Cada año, decenas de miles de personas de diversas naciones atraviesan México para ir a Estados Unidos, ya sea por medio del asilo o de forma indocumentada. Muchos de ellos son secuestrados, asesinados o captados por traficantes de personas que les prometen llevarlos a territorio estadounidense. Nota publicada en : VOA support for Taiwan, something that continues to strain relations between these two great powers. However, the Chinese diplomatic delegation in Washington said the patrol was part of an annual cooperation plan and “has nothing to do with current regional and international situations.”.
Note published in Spanish in:: VOA
Translated by: BDN
In the center of the country. Mexican authorities said on Friday that almost 500 people were located inside a property in the center of the country, at a time when various nations seek to contain the growing migratory flows, mainly to the United States. The National Institute of Migration (INM) of Mexico, reported in a statement that, of the 491 migrants found, 52 were unaccompanied minors. Most of them, he added, came from Guatemala, only a group of six from Honduras. The people, the INM said, were “held on a property in the Yehualtepec municipality, southeast of Puebla.” That state is about 200 kilometers from Mexico City, where migrants often ask for refuge or mechanisms to regularize their stay in the country to continue their journey to the United States. In the same document, the INM reported that the finding was derived from investigative work carried out by various authorities, although it did not provide details. Images released by the institution showed hundreds of people standing, including children, in a dirt patio within a large area, where a kind of warehouse could be seen in the background. Last week, Mexico and the United States said they were working on a plan to process migrants in the south of the Latin American country, a project that includes Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans. Every year, tens of thousands of people from various nations cross Mexico to go to the United States, either through asylum or undocumented. Many of them are kidnapped, killed or captured by human traffickers who promise to take them to US soil..
Note published in Spanish in:: VOA
Translated by: BDN