General Terms & Conditions MICE Schweizerhof | EN

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General Terms and Conditions for Group Bookings and Events, Version


I. Scope of application

1. These General Terms and Conditions for Group Bookings and Events (hereinafter “T&Cs”) apply to the provision of accommodation services (hereinafter “Reservation”) for a minimum of 10 rooms or 10 people and to the provision of events and associated services delivered by Hotel Schweizerhof Bern AG (hereinafter “Hotel Schweizerhof”) for its customers. All Hotel Schweizerhof offerings are based on these T&Cs, which form an integral part of any Reservation, service, or sale of goods.

2. Any room reservations made with the same arrival and departure dates for 10 or more rooms will be treated as a group reservation and will be subject to these separate General Terms and Conditions for Group Bookings and Events.

3. These T&Cs shall prevail if they conflict with the customer’s terms of contract.

4. Any terms and conditions of the customer are only applicable if this has been agreed in advance in writing between the parties.

II. Conclusion of contract

1. After making a Reservation, the customer will receive written confirmation from Hotel Schweizerhof. A contract is only concluded with the customer upon written confirmation from Hotel Schweizerhof.

2. The attached terms, rate structure and the inventory provided apply to group bookings and events that are processed by Hotel Schweizerhof.

3. If the group reservation is processed under a company name, all arriving guests will be asked to present a valid company ID and an official ID at check-in, to rule out any misuse by persons who are not a corporate or business partner.

III. Services, payments, pricing and billing

1. Hotel Schweizerhof shall provide the services ordered by the customer and confirmed by Hotel Schweizerhof via email. However, the hotel reserves the right to change the rooms, provided that the alternatives offered meet the needs and interests of the customer, and are deemed acceptable by the customer.

Unless otherwise agreed by email or in writing, the customer does not acquire any right to assignment of a specific room within a room category.

2. Subletting of any booked rooms, or spaces or other venues, and the use thereof for job interviews, sales or other events, require the prior written consent of the hotel.

If such consent is given, the customer must make the obligations contained within these T&Cs binding upon all third parties to whom the customer sublets rooms or other spaces. Furthermore, the customer must advise the subtenants of the duties of care incumbent upon them (in particular, the obligation to use the rented property with due care).

3. There are no parking spaces available in front of the hotel. The hotel offers a valet parking service that is charged as follows:

CHF 25.00 for up to 5 hours

CHF 50.00 per day

The hotel requires at least seven days’ notice prior to the event regarding the approximate number of guests who will be using this service.

4. Guests who cancel their stay earlier than planned will be charged an early departure fee. The fee is 100% of the cost of the originally booked and remaining stay.

5. Guests must be of legal age (18 years and above) and present a valid official ID to reserve and check into a room.

6. Hotel Schweizerhof offers a wake-up service. It wakes up guests exercising due care. The execution of the wake-up service cannot be guaranteed. Hotel Schweizerhof is not liable if the guest fails to wake up, or for any disadvantages or losses that arise for the guest as a result thereof.

7. Messages, post and parcels for the customer will be handled with due care. Hotel Schweizerhof will handle the delivery, storage and, if expressly requested, forwarding of the same for a fee. Hotel Schweizerhof will not assume any liability in connection with messages, post and parcels. In particular, Hotel Schweizerhof is not liable for the on-time delivery of messages, post and parcels.

8. The customer is responsible for insuring any exhibits and other items brought in by the customer. By bringing in exhibits and other items, the customer confirms that the delivered exhibits and other items are sufficiently insured. Hotel Schweizerhof may request proof of adequate insurance coverage from the customer at any time. Hotel Schweizerhof is liable for exhibits and other items brought in only in the event of intent or gross negligence on the part of Hotel Schweizerhof. Liability for support staff is excluded. Any compensation claim by the customer is forfeit if the customer fails to report the damage to Hotel Schweizerhof immediately upon discovery.

9. All prices are in Swiss francs (CHF) and include the statutory value-added tax (VAT). The room rates listed are quoted exclusive of cantonal visitor’s tax. If the statutory fees and levies as well as taxes change between conclusion of the contract and fulfilment of the contract, the prices will be adjusted accordingly.

10. If more than four months have elapsed between conclusion and fulfilment of the contract, and the hotel has increased the prices for all services across the board during this period, then the contractually agreed prices may be increased accordingly, by up to a maximum of 5%.

The price may be increased by a further 5% if the period between conclusion and fulfilment of the contract is greater than one year.

Price changes as a result of value added tax adjustments are not taken into account when calculating this maximum price increase pursuant to Clause 10.

11. If the customer would like to change the number of hotel rooms reserved, avail of additional hotel services, or change the length of stay, this requires the written consent of the hotel. The hotel reserves the right to make price adjustments as required.

12. In the event of a no-show or early departure on the part of a customer, the service booked is due in full.

13. The hotel is entitled to request a reasonable advance payment at any time. The advance payment amount and payment dates shall be agreed in writing in the contract. If the customer does not meet the advance payment obligation in a timely manner, the hotel is entitled to withdraw from the contract after setting a reasonable grace period. The customer shall be held liable for any resulting damages.

Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the following advance payment terms and conditions shall apply to block bookings/group reservations without events:

Up to 10 rooms:

14 days before arrival: 100% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services

Up to 25 rooms:

30 days before arrival: 100% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services

From 26 rooms:

42 days before arrival: 100% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services

For events:

Expected turnover up to CHF 5,000.00

42 days before the event: 100% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services. Any remaining amounts must be settled within 10 days in accordance with the final invoice.

Expected turnover from CHF 5,000.00

90 days before the event: 100% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services. Any remaining amounts must be settled within 10 days in accordance with the final invoice.

The hotel reserves the right to stipulate individual contractual terms and conditions for advance payments.

Any refunds will usually be issued within 10 days in accordance with the final invoice and the fully completed and returned Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) form.

14. If a flat rate fee for conferences has been agreed, this is considered to be per event day and attendee unless agreed otherwise.

15. The hotel must receive the final menu and wine selection no later than 14 days before the event.

16. The customer undertakes to pay the agreed price or the rate normally charged by Hotel Schweizerhof for the hotel room and other goods or services. This also applies to goods and services purchased by guests/visitors of the customer (including incidental services such as F&B consumables, telephone calls, etc.).

17. If the agreed advance payment has not been received by Hotel Schweizerhof 48 hours before the start of the event, Hotel Schweizerhof reserves the right to request a cash deposit or deposit in the form of a credit card guarantee.

18. Unless and until advance payment is requested by Hotel Schweizerhof, the full amount of the goods and services used will be due for payment no later than upon the customer’s departure. Payments may be made with commonly-used credit and debit cards, via vouchers issued by Hotel Schweizerhof, or in cash.

A voucher cannot be used as a means of payment if no specific service has been provided by Hotel Schweizerhof in advance. Likewise, deposits cannot be made with a voucher.

19. If the parties have agreed in advance to payment by invoice, the entire invoice amount will be due 10 days after the invoice date. In the case of default, Hotel Schweizerhof is entitled to charge interest at 5% p.a. from the first day of arrears, and reserves the right to issue an invoice to the customer for any additional damages.

If the hotel grants the customer a payment extension or credit and the customer does not make any payment within the deadline set, the hotel may immediately rescind the payment extension or granting of credit, and the entire deferred amount will become due for immediate payment.

IV. Bringing outside food and drinks to the event

Unless agreed otherwise in writing, the customer is obliged to purchase all food and beverages from the hotel. Otherwise, a fee agreed in advance will be invoiced to cover overhead costs (corkage fee). Hotel Schweizerhof assumes no responsibility or liability for any goods brought in from outside.

V. Surcharges

The hotel must be closed between 12.30 a.m. and 5.00 a.m. as per the cantonal authorities. These closing times must be observed. The customer may apply for a special permit from the local authorities.

From 12:00 a.m., the following night-time supplement is charged: Surcharge for 1-50 people: CHF 250.00 per hour

Surcharge for 51 people and above: CHF 400.00 per hour

Only possible up to 3.00 a.m.

VI. Technical equipment and connections

1. If the hotel provides technical and other materials from third parties for the customer at the customer’s request, the hotel shall act in the name of and on behalf of the customer. The customer shall assume all liability for the careful use of these materials, and for the proper return of the same in perfect order. The customer shall indemnify the hotel against all third-party claims arising from the provision of these materials.

2. Prior written consent from the hotel is required for the customer to use the main connections and other networks of the hotel to connect the customer’s own electrical or other technical devices. If the customer connects his own devices, although suitable hotel devices were made available, prior consent from the hotel is subject to the proviso that the customer must pay a fee for not using said devices.

The customer is liable for any malfunction of, or damage to the main connections or other equipment of the hotel that arises from the use by the customer of his own materials, unless the hotel is responsible for such malfunctions or damage.

The hotel may separately invoice the energy costs incurred by the use of materials brought in by the customer, in the form of an appropriate flat rate.

3. If the customer would like to use telephones or other communication equipment that are the property of the customer, this requires the prior written consent of Hotel Schweizerhof. This consent may be subject to payment of a connection fee.

4. Additional services, such as technical support provided by Hotel Schweizerhof, may be invoiced to the customer.

5. The inclusion of show acts, background music and performers (orchestra, DJ, playback devices, etc.) must be discussed and/or clarified with the hotel at the time the Reservation is made. The music volume may not negatively affect the hotel or other guests in adjoining rooms (max. 86 decibels are permitted). The hotel reserves the right to lower the volume level.

VII. Loss or damage of items / clearance of the venue

1. Exhibits or other items, including personal effects that are brought into the event rooms or other venues of the hotel, will be stored at the customer’s own risk.

An explicit agreement is required to cover the safekeeping of items by Hotel Schweizerhof.

2. All exhibits or other items that are brought into the hotel premises must be removed without delay after the event has ended and may not be stored in a publicly accessible area of the hotel - even for a short time.

If the customer fails to comply with this provision, the hotel is entitled to remove the items and store them at the customer’s own expense and risk.

If the items remain in the event rooms, the hotel is entitled to charge the customer for the costs and room rental for the period concerned.

Any materials that are not picked up after the event dates will be removed and stored at the event organiser’s expense. The removal costs will form part of the final invoice issued by Hotel Schweizerhof.

3. The customer must ensure that all waste is properly disposed of in accordance with the locally applicable requirements regarding waste sorting and disposal. All residual materials will be removed and, if necessary, disposed of after the event date, at the expense of the customer. The costs incurred will be charged to the customer as part of the final invoice. Hotel Schweizerhof reserves the right to levy surcharges for the waste management company engaged to carry out this task.

VIII. Contract cancellation / termination by Hotel Schweizerhof

If advance payment has been agreed between the customer and Hotel Schweizerhof, and the customer does not pay within the reasonable grace period set by Hotel Schweizerhof, Hotel Schweizerhof may, at its own discretion, terminate the contract and/or claim damages for nonperformance of the contract.

Hotel Schweizerhof is entitled to terminate the contract for good cause. This applies in particular to the following cases:

1) The customer makes misleading or false statements regarding material facts when booking a room, namely about their person or the purpose of the hotel booking.

2) The customer has not settled outstanding and payable claims of Hotel Schweizerhof.

3) The customer has seriously breached the house rules.

4) Hotel Schweizerhof has reasonable grounds to believe that the customer’s use of Hotel Schweizerhof’s services or goods could adversely affect the smooth operation, safety or reputation of Hotel Schweizerhof in the public eye.

In the event of a legitimate termination of the contract by Hotel Schweizerhof, the customer is not entitled to any compensation.

In case of termination of the contract pursuant to Section VIII. 1) to 4), the customer must pay the agreed price for the contractually agreed services despite termination of the contract.

The customer may only terminate the contract with the hotel insofar as this was jointly agreed with the hotel in advance in writing.

If the customer does not exercise the right to terminate granted within the contractually agreed time limit, the right to terminate will be forfeit and the contract will remain in full force. In this case, the customer must pay the contractually agreed compensation, even if the customer has not used the requested goods and services, namely the reserved hotel rooms.

The customer has no right of retention. Settlement is only permitted with the express consent of the hotel.

If it has been agreed with the customer that in the event of contract termination compensation must be paid for lost catering sales (in the form of defined percentages), the relevant catering sales will be billed to the customer according to the following formula: Set menu price for the banquet multiplied by the number of people.

If no set menu price has been agreed, the basis used will be the lowest-priced three-course menu for events at the time the event would have been held.

The basis for compensation for lost drinks sales is the calculated catering revenue. 30% of this will be invoiced to the customer.

If a flat rate or other F&B service has been agreed, 75% of the flat rate should be used as compensation for the hotel.

The aforementioned calculation models already include deductions for the hotel’s expenditure saved.

If written cancellation is received for an event with an expected turnover of up to CHF 5,000.00 at least 42 days prior to the event, then it may be cancelled at no charge. For any later cancellation, we will invoice the following costs:

• 21-41 days in advance: 50% of the contractually agreed services

• 11-20 days in advance: 75% of the contractually agreed services

• 0-10 days in advance: 100% of the contractually agreed services

If written cancellation is received for an event with an expected turnover of more than CHF 5,000.00 at least 90 days prior to the event, then it may be cancelled at no charge. For any later cancellation, we will invoice the following costs:

• 60-89 days in advance: 50% of the contractually agreed services

• 30-59 days in advance: 75% of the contractually agreed services

• 0-29 days in advance: 100% of the contractually agreed services

Any additional services delivered in advance by Hotel Schweizerhof must in all cases be paid for by the customer.

The hotel reserves the right to stipulate individual contractual terms and conditions for cancellation.

IX. Changes to attendance figures or event date

1. The hotel’s events department must be informed of any reduction in attendance figures greater than 5% in advance in writing, at least 10 days before the start of the event (in the event of an “approximate number”, absolute numbers will be used). If the hotel does not give written approval for a variance of more than 5% in attendance figures, the agreed attendance figures less 5% will be used as the basis for event planning and cost calculation. The number of attendees may still be adjusted by 5% up to five days before the event and this will be deemed the basis for billing.

2. If the attendance figures go down by more than 10%, the hotel is entitled to increase the agreed price by a reasonable amount. Furthermore, the hotel is entitled in this case to provide other suitable venues, provided this is acceptable to the event organiser.

3. If the attendance figures are increased, the invoice will be based on the actual attendance figures. If the effective attendance figures are higher, the hotel cannot guarantee that all attendees can be accommodated, since the maximum capacity of the venue and the corresponding seating cannot be exceeded.

4. If the start or end of the event is changed without the prior written consent of the hotel, the hotel is entitled to invoice a reasonable fee for service readiness, unless the change was made by the hotel.

Hotel rooms

1. Reserved hotel rooms can be occupied by the customer from 3.00 p.m. on the agreed day of arrival.

2. Hotel rooms must be vacated no later than 12 noon on the day of scheduled departure. Thereafter, Hotel Schweizerhof may apply the following surcharges for loss of use and subject to availability:

• up to 4.00 p.m.: 50% of the normal room rate (daily rate)

• from 4.00 p.m.: 100% of the normal room rate (daily rate)

Hotel Schweizerhof reserves the right to assert further claims for damages.

3. Room reservations made by the customer are subject to the terms and conditions of the room rate booked and agreed at the time of booking. These terms are dynamic and may include other features for the same plan at different times.

4. If the reserved hotel rooms cannot be provided, Hotel Schweizerhof is responsible for organising accommodation in a hotel of a similar category and comparable quality. In addition, Hotel Schweizerhof will pay the following costs incurred in connection therewith:

• transportation from Hotel Schweizerhof to the hotel of a similar category

Hotel Schweizerhof will not pay for any costs other than those mentioned above. The assumption of costs is limited to the difference between the booked daily price and the price offered by the replacement hotel. Consequently, the customer owes Hotel Schweizerhof the agreed price of the entire stay, irrespective of the change of accommodation. The hotel of a similar category will then invoice Hotel Schweizerhof directly.

5. For block bookings/room allocations, the hotel will receive an attendee list with the following details at least 14 days before the arrival of the customer: first name and surname of all guests, arrival time, guest payment terms and conditions. Once the time limit specified by the hotel has passed, any rooms still available out of the relevant allocation will be released for general sale. The cancellation terms and conditions below apply both to the cancellation of bookings and to noshows, and in the case of early departure.

Individual bookings may be cancelled in accordance with the Reservation confirmation.

If written cancellation is received as follows for a block booking for several hotel rooms (from a total of 4 rooms), then cancellation is free of charge.

• Up to 10 rooms: 14 days before arrival

• Up to 25 rooms: 30 days before arrival

• From 26 rooms: 42 days before arrival

For any later cancellation, we will invoice the following costs: Up to 10 rooms:

• 7-13 days before arrival: 75% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services

• From 6 days before arrival: 100% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services

Up to 25 rooms:

• 11-29 days before arrival: 75% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services

• From 10 days before arrival: 100% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services

From 26 rooms:

• 21-41 days before arrival: 75% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services

• From 20 days before arrival: 100% of the total amount for the contractually agreed services

Furthermore, payment in full is always applicable to all cancellations for services delivered in advance by the hotel and its partners.

The hotel reserves the right to stipulate individual contractual terms and conditions for cancellation.


1. The customer is entitled to access and use the spa/fitness facilities of Hotel Schweizerhof during the respective opening hours and within the scope of availability. Hotel Schweizerhof reserves the right to make changes to the offering and opening hours. Hotel Schweizerhof also reserves the right to close the spa/fitness facilities at its sole discretion, for example, in the event of force majeure, inspections or for other operational reasons. Guests will not receive compensation if the spa/fitness facilities are not available or are limited during the hotel stay. In the event of Hotel Schweizerhof closing the spa/fitness facilities, customers who have already purchased spa/fitness admission for the period concerned will receive a voucher to use the spa/fitness on a different day. Refund of the entrance fee or any other compensation to the customer, as well as any liability of Hotel Schweizerhof in connection with the closure of the spa/fitness facilities is excluded. The customer must be at least 16 years of age to use the spa/fitness facilities without adult supervision.

2. Liability

The customer or legal representative thereof is personally liable for all damages caused by improper use of the facilities and equipment of Hotel Schweizerhof. Hotel Schweizerhof is not liable for selfharm caused by improper use of the spa/fitness facilities, the equipment and access areas thereof or caused by personal health conditions that the customer fails to bring to the attention of the Hotel Schweizerhof team in order to receive appropriate instruction and access authorisation.

Hotel Schweizerhof reserves the right to deny the customer access to the spa/fitness facilities if the customer is not in a medically and physically sound condition.

Hotel Schweizerhof shall only be liable for damages resulting from the use of the spa/fitness facilities if such damages were caused by an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by Hotel Schweizerhof. In all other respects, all liability provisions pursuant to Section IX of these T&Cs shall apply.

3. Spa/fitness etiquette

The customer must comply with the spa/fitness etiquette and follow staff instructions. The currently applicable spa/fitness etiquette is on display at the entrance to the spa and can be viewed by customers. The customer declares that he/she has been informed of the spa/fitness etiquette prior to conclusion of the contract and that he/she agrees to abide by these rules.

4. Cancellations and delays

Spa/fitness service cancellations are free of charge up to 24 hours in advance. Fees will apply in full in the event of late cancellation or cancellation without notice. In the event of a delay, there is no reduction in costs or extension of the services already booked.

5. Valuables

Lockers are available at the spa. Hotel Schweizerhof assumes no responsibility or liability for unsecured valuables.

6. Mobile phones, photos and videos

The use of video and photographic equipment in the spa area is prohibited. This is to protect privacy.

XII. Force majeure

1. Neither of the parties shall be deemed to be in breach of contract to the extent that the performance of their respective contractual obligations is prevented or significantly impeded by an event of force majeure. For the purposes of this provision, the term “force majeure” includes any cause and/or event not caused by or beyond the control of the customer, i.e. in particular: Fire, flood, hurricane, earthquake, volcanic eruption, strike, explosion, riot, war, terrorism, (military) coup, snow slide/avalanche, pandemic/epidemic (e.g. Covid-19) or any health situation as well as any decision by the Swiss authorities.

XI. Spa / fitness

2. In the event of force majeure, the customer cannot make any claim for compensation and/or lost profit. In this case, the parties agree to postpone the hotel stay to a new date according to Hotel Schweizerhof’s availability within 12 months from the date of the end of the force majeure. The terms and conditions of the contract concluded between the parties shall continue to apply unchanged to this replacement date. It is not possible to withdraw from the contract.

3. Each party is obliged to notify the other party of the occurrence and end of a case of force majeure within three days. The period during which the hotel stay can be redeemed after the force majeure has ended shall begin on the day following the notification of the end of the force majeure.

4. If the hotel stay is not redeemed by the customer within 12 months of receipt of the notice announcing the end of the force majeure, the customer’s entitlement to the services will lapse. However, the customer remains obliged to pay the agreed price to Hotel Schweizerhof. If Hotel Schweizerhof is unable to offer a replacement date to the customer within the 12-month period specified, the time limit will be extended by six months to allow the customer to subsequently stay at the hotel.

5. Hotel Schweizerhof will upon request grant the customer a 6-month extension to the 12-month period for a subsequent stay at the hotel if the customer submits a corresponding request to Hotel Schweizerhof within the 12-month period. If the hotel stay is not redeemed by the customer within Hotel Schweizerhof’s grace period, the customer’s entitlement to the services will lapse. However, the customer remains obliged to pay the agreed price to Hotel Schweizerhof.

In the above case, the customer will receive a voucher corresponding to the amount, which can be redeemed for future stays at Hotel Schweizerhof, among other things.

Hotel Schweizerhof reserves the right to adjust rates accordingly based on occupancy, availability and season. Consequently, the customer has no claim to the originally booked price, either for goods or services.

XIII. Safety regulations

1. The customer agrees to comply with all of Hotel Schweizerhof’s fire safety regulations, in particular with regard to keeping escape routes clear, and to comply with the no-smoking policy, etc. If the customer brings along decorative materials, these must conform to official fire safety regulations.

2. The customer must ensure that no additional persons gain access to the room types booked over and above those permitted by the rules and regulations of Hotel Schweizerhof. If the maximum number of persons permitted for the room types booked is exceeded, the customer is required to book the corresponding number of additional rooms until the maximum number of persons permitted for the room types booked is met. Hotel Schweizerhof is not obliged to accept the bookings. Customers who do not book additional rooms, despite exceeding the maximum number of persons allowed, may be removed from the premises by Hotel Schweizerhof and the customers shall still be required to pay for the rooms booked.

3. The maximum number of persons set by Hotel Schweizerhof is binding. Hotel Schweizerhof declines all liability in the event of a breach of these regulations.

4. Placement of any decorative materials or other objects on walls, doors and ceilings always requires the prior consent of Hotel Schweizerhof. The customer is liable for all damages, including subsequent damages, incurred by Hotel Schweizerhof due to the use of these materials.

XIV. Liability, defects, statute of limitations

1. The customer is liable to Hotel Schweizerhof for all damage, loss or other impairment caused by said customer, its employees, agents or event participants, or other third parties.

2. Hotel Schweizerhof declines all liability for theft and property damage caused by a customer or third party.

3. Any compensation claims by the customer against Hotel Schweizerhof are excluded to the extent permitted by law.

Claims for damages and/or losses resulting from death, personal injury or impairment of health, as well as other direct damages and/or losses, can only be asserted by the customer if these damages have occurred due to an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by Hotel Schweizerhof. Further liability, in particular in the case of slight or moderate negligence or for indirect damages, including loss of profit and compensation for indirect losses and/or damages, is expressly excluded.

The customer is obliged to advise Hotel Schweizerhof in a timely manner of the possibility of an exceptionally large amount of damage.

4. In the event of shortcomings in the services provided by Hotel Schweizerhof, Hotel Schweizerhof will endeavour to remedy the shortcoming as soon as it becomes apparent, or as soon as such a shortcoming is reported by a customer.

The customer’s complaint must be reported immediately after discovery of the shortcoming, otherwise all warranty rights shall be forfeit. The customer undertakes to take all reasonable measures to remedy the shortcoming and minimise any potential damage as much as possible.

5. In deviation from the limitation periods of the Code of Obligations, the relative limitation period for non-contractual and quasi-contractual claims is one year and the absolute limitation period is five years.

Statutory provisions apply with regard to the limitation period of contractual claims.

6. The customer is obliged to maintain public order.

The customer undertakes to indemnify Hotel Schweizerhof against claims under civil and public law asserted against Hotel Schweizerhof by authorities or third parties, and to bear in full the costs incurred by Hotel Schweizerhof in this connection (including lost profits, lawyers’ fees).

7. When arranging external services, Hotel Schweizerhof does not assume any liability for services ordered by the customer. Hotel Schweizerhof does not assume any liability for support staff.

8. Items lost and/or found must be reported immediately by the owner to upon becoming aware of the loss. Lost and/or found items will be kept by Hotel Schweizerhof for 4 months from the date they are found. After this period, valuable items such as jewelry and watches with a value higher than CHF 500 will be handed over to a lost and found office. All other (valuable) items will be disposed of after this period and will no longer be kept at the Hotel Hotel Schweizerhof does not assume any liability for lost items. Proactive contact with the presumed owner will not be made if an item is found by Hotel Schweizerhof.

XV. Customer liability

1. The customer, the customer’s employees and third parties are obliged to exercise the utmost care when using the venues and interior facilities and fittings.

2. The customer is liable for all bodily injury, damage to the hotel building or to hotel equipment that is caused by the customer, the event participants, the customer’s employees or third parties for whom the customer is responsible. The fault of the customer is assumed. By providing suitable evidence, the customer can be exonerated.

3. All decorative materials, electrical cables and other wiring that is brought into the hotel venues must comply with fire department regulations. The hotel is entitled to request an official certification in this regard. Rucksacks, crates and other boxes brought in by the customer must be removed or stowed in a rented storage room.

In the context of preventing potential damage, the setup and installation of decorative and similar materials must be discussed and agreed separately with the hotel in advance. The customer agrees to observe all of the hotel’s fire and safety regulations (in particular, keeping escape routes clear, complying with the no-smoking policy, etc.). Loose cables must be taped to prevent tripping. The customer is fully liable in the event of an accident.

The customer is responsible for all damage arising for the hotel due to the use of these materials. Where reasonable grounds exist, the hotel may request appropriate guarantees.

4. The maximum numbers specified by the hotel are binding. If these are breached, the hotel will assume no liability of any kind.

The customer is responsible for ensuring that the number of people who gain access to a room does not exceed the capacity of that room.

5. Insuring the exhibits and other items brought in by the customer, event participants or third parties is the customer’s responsibility. The hotel may request the customer to provide proof of sufficient insurance coverage at any time.

6. The customer is obliged to advise the hotel in a timely manner of the possibility of an exceptionally large amount of damage.

XVI. Permits

1. In the absence of any contractual agreement to the contrary, the customer must obtain all necessary authorisations (private and public) in good time, at the customer’s own expense. The customer is responsible for compliance with requirements under public law and other regulations.

2. The customer must pay any copyright royalties in relation to music and other performances. For musical entertainment, the customer is obliged to keep all legal documents readily available that authorise the customer to use the music, audio recordings, etc. If this authorisation cannot be documented, the hotel requests that the customer notifies SUISA ("SUISse Auteurs" [Society of Swiss songwriters, composers and music publishers]).


Bellariastrasse 82 PO Box 782

8038 Zurich, Switzerland

The customer’s use of any logos/images of Hotel Schweizerhof in any form requires prior written consent from Hotel Schweizerhof. If said logos/images are published without such approval, Hotel Schweizerhof may withdraw from the contract. The customer is liable for any losses incurred by Hotel Schweizerhof due to the use of these logos/images.

The use of external security services requires prior consent from the hotel.

XVII. Data privacy

The Privacy Policy is applicable in its current version. Hotel Schweizerhof is entitled to update the Privacy Policy at any time.

XVIII. Applicable law and jurisdiction; severability

1. All contracts between Hotel Schweizerhof and the customer are subject to Swiss substantive law, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The ordinary courts of the canton of Bern shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes between Hotel Schweizerhof and the customer arising from these contracts.

2. If one or more provisions of these T&Cs are invalid, the remaining contractual provisions shall remain unaffected. In this case, the invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision which comes closest to the purpose of the invalid provision and the contract as a whole.

3. In the event of any contradictions, the German-language version will take precedence.

Bern, April 2023

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