Pabst Brand Standards

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pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

This is what we got.

table of contents

1.0 back in the day 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 1.11

table of contents letter from our founder unique selling point new identity competition evolution

2.0 branding and stuff 2.0 2.7 2.9

3.0 4.0

logo integrity trademark logo don’ts

color me crazy 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9

color breakdown identity on photography identity on color logo versions color don’ts

here’s some support 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.7

tagline typography photography secondary graphics

5.0 real life applications 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.29

business system website applications grid


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

letter from our founder

Dear Pabsters, As a seasoned sea captain, I spent many a day sampling and exploring different routes of brewing and beer quality. Over the years I have spent refining my perfect beer, the award winning Pabst Blue Ribbon has taught me that the true joy comes from watching a friend enjoying a sip of your delicious creation. That is why we here at Pabst are focused on developing consistently good beer, which is timeless and enjoyed by millions. As the founding father the original, all American brew, I declare every day to be a day to enjoy a beer with a friend. That is, make a friend with a beer, or be a friend with your friend while sipping a beer. Wow, things are getting confusing over here at Pabst. All I know, is we make some damn good beer. At Pabst we’re as passionate about the beer we make as you are about the beer you drink! Since 1844, we’ve been creating great beers for great times that continue to win awards at national and international festivals, like the Great American Beer Festival®. Pabst has won 120 medals there – more than any other brewery! In fact, Pabst has been honored as the Large Brewery of the Year two times – back-to-back in 2006 and 2007. Each of our brands follows time-honored, uncompromised brewing processes that are more than traditional, they’re legendary. Our brands are like family and hometown friends – a familiar part of your life, timeless and always true to character. With more than 25 different and distinct beers, you’re sure to discover a beer that is more than just a drink, it’s a part of your heritage. Sincerely,

Fredrick Pabst


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

We get called lots of things, we’re pretty darn unique.

unique selling point


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

Say Hello Familiar yet different. We’re lookin’ real good.

Here’s our new logo. Say hello. He looks familiar, doesn’t he? Well he is the cousin to what we used to have. Familiar, yet hotter. Hands off, we’re still related. Though there is something strangely attractive.

fun fact:

Pabst was first served on draft in 1866 at the local University of Michigan to local students and teachers, all who demanded more Pabst and kept the real dream alive.

new identity


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual


Us vs. Them They’re a bunch of hicks anyway.

Pabst’s competitors are a seasoned bunch, but compared to us, they don’t have no class. Breweries range from mass producing corporations to smaller, refined microbreweries, yet none of those them beers can stand up to a cold, crisp Pabst beggin’’ you to take another sip. Or to shotgun the 12 pack.


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual




Lookin’ Hot We were lookin’ pretty good, but now we’re lookin’ better.

Our logo redesign didn’t focus on trashing the original logo. We knew we already looked pretty good. We focused on bringing a new feeling to Pabst, one that drinkers already felt. Our new logo is warm and fun, a little bit classy, a little bit trashy. Drink up, Pabsters, this ones for you.


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

First Love Our primary mark. Other than our Mom tattoo.

This primary mark is the official Pabst logo. To be used predominantly in all print, environment, and industry pieces. If Pabst Blue Ribbon as a beverage needs to be distinguished please see the following pages.

fun fact: Pabst has won over 200 awards in America alone, that’s why we have a blue ribbon under our name. We’re that friggin’ good.

logo integrity

2.5 mm


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

Secondary Mark We were lookin’ pretty good, but now we’re lookin’ better.

When you need to differentiate Pabst from Pabst Blue Ribbon, please use this mark. This is the main mark to be used when not using the singular logo. Please take great care to replicate exactly.

logo integrity

2.5 mm 4 mm


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

Be stingy with this one. We got this after a night drinking Pabst, but don’t regret it.

The horizontal version of our logo is to be used sparingly, only when the vertical version of the logo will absolutely not work. Please don’t tell too many people about it, we try to keep it a secret. We don’t want this stamped all over the place.

logo integrity

2.5 mm 5 mm


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

legal marks


We’re Legal We have reached drinking age and are ready to party.

Registration mark is to be applied to all logo usage whether locked up with the singular Pabst mark, or used with the Pabst logo with blue ribbon work lock up. Mark should be used exactly as shown.

fun fact: Kegs of delicious Pabst Blue Ribbon beer are affordable. You can have some for breakfast and then have more left for lunch.

pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

Don’t Mess Do one of these things and we’ll gouge your eyeballs out.

We here at Pabst have no shame. Don’t ever mess with our mark. We’ve popped out many an eyeball with out thumbs and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. If you have a doubt, don’t do it. If you think you shouldn’t, don’t. If we see you messin’ around there’ll be hell to pay.

unacceptable usage


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

pantone violet


pantone hexachrome orange

c100 m100 y0 k0

c0 m50 y100 k0

r38 g33 b130


414 M

c22 m22 y27 k0 r187 g175 b162


r232 g126 b12


429 M

c0 m0 y0 k35

r163 g165 b167


pantone black


c0 m0 y0 k100 r0 g0 b0

1797 M

c0 m100 y30 k0 r215 g0 b28


2695 M

c100 m100 y30 k50 r17 g10 b53

color breakdown

Color Me Pabsty We love these colors so much, we decided to marry them.

These are the primary colors of Pabst. We love these colors and have spent many hours agonizing about their perfect hue. So if you mess them up we’ll sue you and use the money to buy a new trailer with a built in jacuzzi. In case you run out of options with our primary color palette, we have provides some beautiful accent colors which are to be used sparingly. Remember when Aunt Rhonda wore the christmas sweater with the earrings, necklace, light up reindeer hat, matching bracelets, and hand painted santa galoshes? That’s what we’re talking about when we say accessories.


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

our favorite.

second best.

black sheep.

unloved middle child.

acceptable versions

Like Kernels on a Cob Sometimes we can’t go in two colors, so just put us in one.

Our logo is preferably run in two colors, yet situations sometimes change what is preferable. If you catch Maury and your wife sharing a cold one in the backyard, sometimes cool calculated silence is better than grabbing the shotgun. Use our logo these ways, and don’t argue with us. We’ve been dealing with these two for a while.


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

Plain Dumb Keep our colors just the way we wanted them.

It seems pretty obvious, but we’ve been around some slow people in our life, and it never hurts to say things twice. Or more. Don’t change the colors we have indicated to be used. Don’t do silly things with out logo. We know it seems fun, but trust us, it’s not. And after a night with that patterned one, you’ll be wishing you just said no.

fun fact: Pabst has been the number one beer to be taken camping since 1989. Got to say something for keeping our logs burning and our bellies full.

unnaceptable colors


only use the correct color

never two colors

no gradients in logo

never make opaque

never different colors

no patterns in logo

pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

Not on Uncle Ed, He’s Weird Our logo doesn’t go on busy pictures. We like pretty things.

Never have the logo touch busy pictures or picture elements in our toolbox. We don’t want to be spread over Uncle Ed. Do not put on anything darker than 35% black. We get confused enough trying to get from the trailer to the outhouse, so let us see our logo clearly. Only do so if the picture allows for complete contrast and visibility, as the example shown above.

background usage

this is acceptable We don’t want to go over our busy images and collages. As long as we rest on a clean background, we’re tickled pink as a porker.


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

background color

That’s it Pabst goes on orange and white things only.

Never have the logo touch pictures or picture elements in our toolbox. We want full contrast to be seen, if you put it on pictures it will get lost. We get lost enough already trying to get from the trailer to work, so let us see our logo clearly.


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



Our tagline defines us. We’re pretty cool and stuff.

pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

Pabst Memphis Slab medium 21/150/34

ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz012345 67890!@#$%^&*()

You’re just our type Though Pabst looks all crazy and stuff, we’re pretty specific.

All text weight body copy is to be set in Pabst Memphis Slab medium. Captions and Notes are only to be Pabst Rough Cancelled and Pabst Fat Sans. All Headers are done in Pabst Monoline Script.


Pabst Monoline Script 12/150/14

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ R ST U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j klmnopqrstuvwxyz0123 4567890!@#$%^&*()

Pabst Fat Sans 12/150/14

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZabcdefg hijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

Pabst Tall Sans 12/150/14

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZabcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz01234567890! @#$%^&*()

Pabst Rough Cancelled 12/150/14

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz0123456 7890!@#$%^&*()


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual


Crazy Times We have some amazing photos, help add to the collection.

Photography elements need to reflect the same look and feel. Photos should look like they were shot unprofessionally, home of a home done look. All people shots should be in actual environments and either of very nice lookin’ people, or rather bad ones. Our secondary graphics need to reflect a certain look and feel. Grungy trashed redneck, meets the hipster buried deep within each of us. Keep the images treated roughly with off printed colors and ripped edges. We know we look good, now lets look better. We like brown paper and out the door stickers, along with deer heads and emo kids.


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

Gotta Have some Support Our secondary graphics lift in all the right spots.

We want our style to be dirty and worn in, throughout this book the secondary graphics that should be used are obvious. From brown paper bags to stained paper and watermarks, try to keep our look and feel consistent. Our collages say a lot about us and we like lookin’ trashy, inside and out.

seccondary graphics


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

Mr . cletus buck corporate sales

55 trucker blvd. san antonio

TEXAS, 78279 (21 0)9 98- 189 4

actual size

Our Business System Who knew we could be so polite. Not even we did!

Business system which is made of the business card, letterhead and envelope are to be used for all corporate communications and mailings. Though it looks kind of scary compared to what we’re used to, we need to have a finished front so people don’t run away. So once we get them, their ours.



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trucker blvd.

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TEXAS, 78279

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bo n.c om


pabst blue ribbon

brand manual

beers community

store history

find pbr



our story

beers community

store history

find pbr

The original brewery was founded in 1844 as The Empir later Best and Company, by the immigrant German bre The brewery was run by Jacob, Sr. and his sons Phillip, Jr., and Lorenz; Phillip took control of the company in 18 the brewery on Chestnut Street Hill in Milwaukee with 18 barrels (2.9 m3). Later, in 1863, Frederick Pabst, a stea and son-in-law of Phillip Best, bought a share in Best an by which time the brewery was already selling a lager began bottling in 1875 under the name Best Select.

Pabst was renowned in Milwaukee for its brewery tours Pabst’s tour were rewarded with sometimes bottomless at its end-of-tour Sternewirt Pub. Complete with a statu Frederick Pabst and waitresses pouring from pitchers o Ribbon, Pabst Bock, and Andeker, the pub was popular ists and locals, especially students from nearby Marque

Our website Yep, we got the website running and are really high tech.

Business system which is made of the business card, letterhead and envelope are to be used for all corporate communications and mailings. Though it looks scary compared to what we’re used to, we need to have a finished front so people don’t run away. So once we get them, their ours.

pabst blue ribbon

brand manual


354 12 ml

FL. oZ

5.0% aLC/VoL

Got some New Cans So this is the stronghold for out new feel, our cans.

The following pages will show you all the things the Pabst brand can carry on to. We are very versatile and like to go all over the place. And we’re not just talking about coasters.




pabst blue ribbon

brand manual










.TSE 4481









4481 .TSE



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



pabst blue ribbon

brand manual



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