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As spring approaches, let’s embrace new beginnings—perhaps by finding a meaningful way to pay it forward.
Executive Editor
Managing Editor
Sabrina Kahwaty
Donna Hoke
Assistant Editor Daniel Curry
Contributing Writers Wendy Guild, Carol Ann Harlos, Jonnemarie Kahwaty, Jennifer Merrick, Carol DiPirro-Stipkovits, Ashley Ziomek
Proofreader Sharon C. Levite
Almost every area of life relies at least partially on volunteers donating the most valuable thing they have—time—to make a positive difference. In the absence of a paycheck, what keeps them coming back is the experience of helping others: it feels good to do good.
Creative Director
Jean-Pierre Thimot
Lead Designer Nicholas Vitello
Senior Graphic Designers / Illustrators
Joshua Flanigan, Kim Miers
Graphic Designers Taramarie Mitravich, Rachel Kaznica
Photographers kc kratt, Luke Copping, Stephen Gabris, Eric Frick, Nancy J. Parisi, Dan Cappellazzo
Director of Sales & Advertising
National Ad Director
Senior Account Executives
In this issue, we offer several volunteer opportunities. While we only scratch the surface of the myriad opportunities as we highlight charitable work with Friends of the Night People, becoming an Explore Buffalo docent, helping at local theaters, and even volunteering on vacation, there really is something for every
Barbara E. Macks
Terri Downey
Mary Beth Holly, Caroline Kunze, Robin Lenhard
Account Executives Keren Green, Rachel Wasserman
Sales Coordinator
Director of Audience Development
Social Media Director interest skill set. If none of these suit you, we hope this issue inspires you to explore your own areas of interest and seek a place for your contribution—your efforts will be rewarded!
Robin Lenhard
Robin Lenhard
Robin Lenhard
Web Master Kim Miers
Administrative & Finance Director Michele Ferguson
Forever Young is published monthly, with an annual Senior Directory. Copyright ©2023 by Buffalo Spree Publishing, Inc. 1412 Sweet Home Road, Suite 12, Amherst, NY 14228 and is open Mon.–Fri. 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. The entire contents of Forever Young are copyrighted 2023 by Buffalo Spree Publishing, Inc. and may not be reproduced in any manner, either whole or in part without written permission from the publishers. All rights reserved. Display advertising information and rates may be obtained by calling (716) 783-9119 ext 2250. For home delivery by mail, send check or money order for $12.00 payable to Forever Young. Standard mail postage paid at Amherst, NY 14228. POSTMASTER send change of address to Forever Young, 1412 Sweet Home Road, Suite 12, Amherst, NY 14228. Manuscripts and free calendar listings should be sent to the editor (skahwaty@foreveryoungwny.com) at 1412 Sweet Home Road, Suite 12, Amherst, NY 14228. Material cannot be returned unless accompanied by a self addressed, stamped envelope of adequate size and strength. The publisher does not take responsibility for the accuracy or legitimacy of the advertising message or any aspect of the business operation or conduct of the advertisers in the paper.
Sabrina Kahwaty Executive Editor

*PLEASE CONTACT EVENT/PROGRAM ORGANIZERS TO CONFIRM INFORMATION PROVIDED Do you have an event or resource to list? Email it to skahwaty@foreveryoungwny.com.
Online IMAGINE BUFFALO SPEAKER SERIES Presented by the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library in conjunction with C-SAAHN and ImagineLifelongLearning.com via Zoom every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. Each week features a local speaker and Q&A. FREE. Visit website for Zoom link: buffalolib.libcal.org
Come as you are, just bring your laughter! Tuesdays at 11 a.m. FREE. Visit facebook.com/BuffaloLaughers for information.
Activities open to the public age 50+, (no residency requirements), Concord Senior Center, 1 School Street, Gowanda; for schedule, visit communityalliance.org; 532-1010
Looking for seniors who enjoy working with their peers or children. Volunteers receive a tax-free stipend, transportation assistance, and supplemental insurance coverage while volunteering. If you are 55+ and want to make a difference, call 2858224 Jennifer Britton (ext. 217) for Senior Companions and Kelly Carr (ext. 228) for Foster Grandparents
Clarence WNY MEDICARE SMART START PROGRAM offers free help applying for Medicare. WNY MEDICARE SMARTSAVER PROGRAM offers free help to review, research, maximize coverage, and minimize out-of-pocket expenses. Services offered through WNY Medicare Resource Center. Info: 833-0252 or wnymedicare.org
Buffalo HEADWAY SUPPORT GROUPS For individuals who have sustained brain injuries, their families, and caregivers; exchange information and resources, and find mutual support and encouragement. Info: 408-3100 or headwayofwny.org
MUSIC Calling all musicians 50+. For info, email Janet Stout at 354janet@gmail.com and visit newhorizonsmusic.org.
Hamburg ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP for males; call 626-0600 or visit alz.org/wnyc for info.
Depew BREAST CANCER NETWORK OF WNY Call 7060060 or visit bcnwny.org for more information.
West Seneca AMANA GARDEN CLUB OF WEST SENECA, is welcoming new members interested in gardening, floral arrangement, and more. For more information, contact Marie: 884-8543
Buffalo PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP United Way – Room 219, 742 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo. Contact: Stephanie Mruzek. Email: eastamherstDSM@ solsticeseniorliving.com. Visit parkinson.org for a full listing of Parkinson’s support groups in WNY.
Buffalo ZERO/US TOO!
PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Buffalo VA Hospital (3495 Bailey Avenue, Room 301) 7-9 p.m. and at Sisters Hospital, St. Joe’s Campus (2605 Harlem Road in the First Floor Community Room)
7-9 p.m., on the third Tuesday of each month. Free and open to all.
Williamsville MCGUIRE GROUP MEMORY CARE SUPPORT: Coordinated with the Alzheimer’s Association, with caregiving tips and coping mechanisms. Info: 6323700 or mcguiregroup.com
Buffalo LGBTQ MEMORY LOSS CAREGIVERS PROGRAM: The Pride Center of WNY offers support and education for people providing care for a person with Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias. For information: 8527743 or pridecenterwny.org
SOCIAL CLUB: This active 50+ crowd holds Meet & Greets second
Fridays at Tim Hortons (8500 Niagara Falls Boulevard) and dances third Friday at Buff Social Club (2565 Young St.). For more info, see Facebook: SINGLES SOCIAL CLUB or call 550-1232
TOPS CLUBS Take Off Pounds
Sensibly Clubs offer tools, programs, support, and fellowship for healthy living and weight management. Akron For info, call Diane 542-4980 Cheektowaga For info, call Karen 247-2334
Cheektowaga For info, call MaryAnn 895-4414
Niagara Falls For info, call Beth 385-7558
Farnham For info, call 934-9619
Lancaster For info, call Eva 407-0539 Silver Creek For info, call 680-0313
Tonawanda For info, call 693-5161
53. Largest share owner
55. “____ to Joy”
57. *Coldest display
61. *”What’s on ____?”
65. Main artery in the body
66. Feathery neckwear
68. Isolated
69. Hipbone-related
70. Octopus’ defense
71. Espresso plus steamed milk
72. Eye contact
73. Word from #32 Down 74. Goes up or down DOWN

1. D.E.A. agent
2. On a deck, perhaps
3. Pad
4. Gem State
5. Depended on
20. One of the Muses
22. Shoshonean
24. Railyard worker
25. Gabbana’s partner
26. Relating to bees
27. Edward Teach’s facial feature
29. *Prepared food department
31. Contributes
32. Get ready to drive (2 words)
33. Type of wheat
34. *Ricotta and eggs section
36. Semiaquatic tetrapod, for short
38. Sips from a flask?
42. Bar by estoppel
45. Novelist HonorÈ de ____
49. Blackbird dessert
51. Paragons
54. Galactic path
56. Pomp
57. Be unsuccessful
58. Dramatic part
59. Sportscaster Andrews
60. JFK or ORD postings
61. Japanese alcoholic beverage
62. Tiny amount
63. Not in favor of
64. Lecherous look
67. *O in BOGO