Acknowledgments This report would not have been possible without the help of the many community organizations, planners, county officials, and individuals who offered their time and resources to our studio as this report was developed. We specifically would like to acknowledge Lisa Kenney and the Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council for their continued support as we developed our report and for their efforts to improve transportation in the region, which inspired this report. We would also like to thank the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority— especially Robert Jones, Nadine Chambers, and Eric Svenson—whose staff offered valued comments and suggestions during our mid-semester review and final project review. Finally, we would like to thank the municipal planners who attended our mid-semester review and final review. Thank you to Jim Jones, Town of Tonawanda Town Engineer, Paul Becker, Town of Hamburg planner, and Julie Fetzer, City of Buffalo Public Works Department.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following report on the applicability of various smart mobilities for the BuffaloNiagara region is a synthesis of the full findings produced by the spring 2019 Masters of Urban Planning Studio Practicum led by Professor Bumjoon Kang, PhD in collaboration with the Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC). The emerging technologies that are quickly transforming the transportation systems of cities worldwide are considered in this report in an effort to present local transportation planning professionals with a framework for implementing these technologies in the Buffalo-Niagara region. Building off of the vision put forth in GBNRTC’s Moving Forward 2050 Plan, this report began by investigating case studies of smart mobility plans across selected domestic and international examples in section 2. Each case study reported out implications of the particular case for the Buffalo/Niagara region. Next, transportation challenges most common in each of the following three types of areas were analyzed: rural, suburban & urban. After reporting on the challenges found in each level of density, smart mobility solutions are suggested for each of the three sections (sections 3-5). Opportunities for implementing shared mobility technologies to augment public transit, including ride-hailing and micro mobility options, are were further analyzed in section 6. In order to visualize opportunities for extending public transportation as enhanced by emerging smart mobility technologies, section 7 analyzes Erie & Niagara Counties through application of a Transit Demand Index (TDI). Section 8 illustrates physical design features of large scale mobility hubs for three urban sites identified through the preceding TDI. Additionally, this section illustrates a more generic small scale mobility hub design that could be implemented in areas of lower densities as an enhancement of bus stops. Section 9 is a Smart Mobility Menu that connects interest in various smart mobility solutions with examples - the idea here is to provide recommendations and smart mobility examples that are applicable to various parts of our region whether they are rural, suburban or urban. Lastly, section 10 assesses what the private sector has to offer in terms of funding and partnership opportunities, including analyses of data sharing practices in the ride hailing sector.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Smart Mobility Studio Report Overview 1.1. Purpose of the Smart Mobility Studio 1.2. Studio Client: Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council 1.3. Smart Mobility Studio Research Process 1.4. Smart Mobility Studio Report Limitations 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Domestic and International Case Studies: Understanding Smart Cities Domestic Smart Mobility Case Study Selection Methodology International Smart Mobility Case Study Selection Methodology Smart Mobility Case Study Review and Report Implications Selected Domestic and International Smart Mobility Case Study Examples
Rural Suburban Urban Shared Mobility and MaaS Data Analysis & Visualization Smart Mobility Hub Locations and Designs for the Buffalo-Niagara Region Smart Mobility Design Menu Smart Mobility Funding, Data Management, and Implementation Interviews Conclusion
Smart Mobility Studio Report Overview
1. SMART MOBILITY STUDIO REPORT OVERVIEW 1.1 Purpose of the Smart Mobility Studio The Smart Mobility Studio’s purpose was to work with real community partners to gain real world planning experience. Analyze the transportation challenges faced by urban, suburban, and rural areas in order to inform local planners in the region of smart mobility opportunities. This report details the data analysis, physical design elements, and implementation strategies recommended for smart mobility adoption in the Buffalo-Niagara region. To address issues related to transportation in the Buffalo-Niagara region, this studio worked to identify smart mobility solutions and considerations for implementing smart mobility. In line with the Greater Buffalo Niagara Transportation Council’s Moving Forward 2050 Plan, this reference report seeks to provide an overview of the possibilities of smart mobility for a variety of municipalities in the Buffalo-Niagara region to help solve their most pressing transportation issues. 1.2 Smart Mobility Studio Client: Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council The Smart Mobility Studio’s client was the Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council. The GBNRTC is the metropolitan planning organization for Erie and Niagara counties and works to identify transportation needs, and push for comprehensive transportation planning in the Buffalo-Niagara region. The Smart Mobility Studio worked in collaboration with the GBNRTC to research smart mobility technologies and implementations that lead to identifying opportunities for their implementation in the Buffalo-Niagara region.
The following section is devoted to an in-depth summary of the Greater Buffalo-Niagara Region’s transportation plan. The purpose of this section is to provide a basis of comparison between this local plan and the case studies researched by the studio. This section also includes a short analysis of Moving Forward 2015: A Regional Transportation Plan for Buffalo-Niagara (Figure 1).
Greater Buffalo-Niagara Region, New York Regional Characteristics Total Population of Greater Buffalo-Niagara Region o 1,135,509
Population of the City of Niagara Falls o 48,460
Population of the City of Buffalo o 258,612
Land area and Population Density (City of Niagara) o 14.09 sq. miles/ 3,563.3 people per sq. mile
Land area and Population Density (City of Buffalo) o 40.38 sq. miles/ 6,470.6 people per sq. mile Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts
Components The following topics are discussed in the Moving Forward 2050 Plan for the Buffalo-Niagara Region: Bi-national transportation planning; Integrating rural, suburban, and urban areas through the uses of mobility hubs; Increased bike infrastructure; Increased pedestrian compatibility; Enhanced highway systems; Autonomous vehicles (both cars and buses; Transportation Network Companies (Uber, Lyft, etc.); smart corridors; and use of modern technology and innovation. Summary Moving Forward 2050, a plan for smart mobility in Erie and Niagara counties, is a region-focused plan to improve transportation in the Buffalo-Niagara area. They cite needing “new, innovative ways of planning, building, and financing [the] transportation system” (Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council, 2018, p 11). The plan outlines ways in which the region can move towards more efficient transportation and systems of smart mobility. It was created in response to a slew of issues facing the Greater Buffalo Niagara Region, including a stagnant economy, a lack of transportation connections, vehicle dependence, excessive energy, land consumption, and dilapidated infrastructure (Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council, 2018). One major challenge facing the region is urban sprawl. The built environment is very spread out, with many smaller suburbs and towns surrounding the city. Many of these suburbs and towns do not have direct connections to the urban core. This leaves many people without access to transportation and without ways to travel to other areas of the region. This includes, but is not limited to, elderly people, people living with disabilities, and people that cannot afford cars and rely on the inadequate public transit available. In order to combat these challenges, the Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC) outlined regional goals. In addition to these goals, the plan outlines specific objectives and regional performance measures that will allow any progress made to be quantifiable.
1. SMART MOBILITY STUDIO REPORT OVERVIEW Plans and Policies In order to accomplish some of these goals, the plan outlines what will here be called plans and policies. There should be strategic investment in in key sectors of the economy that will help it to flourish. These sectors are included in a grouping called Western New York Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) Target Industries. Some examples of REDC Target industries are agriculture, energy, and health and life sciences. More examples can be found on page 24. There should also be bi-national transportation planning that involves finding “quick, effective and safe/secure movement of freight and travelers [which] is imperative to building a robust, dynamic economy in Buffalo-Niagara” (GBNRTC, 2018, p. 27). It should also involve ways to capitalize on cross-border opportunities, because the international aspect of that area is something that has quite a lot of potential. This goes along with another plan/policy that calls for increased pre-clearance for passenger and freight vehicles in order to minimize border delays, and for an expanded NEXUS plan (p. 72). There is already work being done to support bicycles and pedestrians. Some examples include the GBNRTC Online Bicycle map, multi-use trails, and Safe Routes to School Programs, and more can be found on page 45 of the report. See also page 82. The highway system should also be enhanced. This should happen by way of things like electronic signage that can be quickly adjusted to convey relevant messages, alternative fueling options to support a wide range of automobiles, variable speeds for different weather and traffic conditions, and electronic tolling. The region’s highways could move towards being Next-Generation Freeways (p. 68) with the continued introduction of modern technology, such as ramp metering. Ramp metering is a way to control the number of cars entering a highway at a single time from surrounding major arterials and commuter expressways in order to reduce traffic jams and streamline flow. Along with this comes upgrades to commuter expressways, such as the creation of a mobility hub to connect people with buses and other transportation network companies (Uber, Lyft, etc.) bike and car-shares, EV charging stations, and real-time travel information. Commuter expressways could benefit from electronic tolling as well, because it could help limit delays. More information on enhancing the highway and expressway systems can be found on pages 66 through 71.
Plans and Policies cont. In addition to highways, the aforementioned major arterial roads can be turned into “smartly enhanced multi-modal” (GBNRTC, 2018, p. 75) corridors via sharing and reactivating the street, and improving the flow of people and goods. This should occur through more vehicle sharing, the introduction of autonomous vehicles (AV), and smarter traffic lights that are responsive to real-time information. Secondary corridors, or streets that do not have enough traffic to be considered arterials, should have technology integrated into them to help improve walkability and mobility for everyone. Moving Forward 2050 mentions many more plans/policies for improving smaller cities (p. 78), upgrading rural roads (p. 79), diversifying the freight network (p. 84), adapting underutilized infrastructure (p. 86), rethinking Route 5 and Main Street (p. 88), innovative funding (p. 112), and new forms of governance (p. 114). It also gives mention of the Main Street Knowledge Corridor, which spans the distance between the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus (BNMC) and the Erie Community College (ECC) North Campus. The Corridor goes through both the urban core of Buffalo and through some nearby suburbs. It also connects several “major educational institutions” (GBNRTC, 2018, p. 90). The BNMC is working on a Smart Corridor in the area of Main Street near its campus, which will “incorporate smart transportation infrastructure and technology, and energy efficiency into the campus” (GBNRTC, 2018, p. 90). BNMC hopes to eventually connect the different educational institutions, neighborhoods, and jurisdictions that are intersected by Main Street to create a “complete corridor” (GBNRTC, 2018, p. 90). The idea of the corridor is to combine technology, research, and transportation planning, so that communities, and businesses in the area can all benefit. More information on the future of the Knowledge Corridor can be found on pages 90 and 91.
Critical Analysis Moving Forward 2050 is a good example of a transportation plan. It is well-formatted, and easy to read. The information is presented in a way that makes sense and flows logically. It makes good use of photographs, illustrations, and other graphics. It is not excessively wordy, and there are informative call-out boxes that draw the attention to important details. These components contribute to making the plan accessible to the general population. It is also one of the few plans investigated for the previous case studies that had an extensive risk management section. It outlined multiple concerns, including the unclear liability of autonomous vehicles, possible unemployment and lost revenues, and low level AV market penetration. The plan gives ratings to each concern in terms of high, medium, or low likelihood of occurrence and high, medium, or low impact if it were to occur. Each of these risks also has a possible solution. By including that section, GBNRTC shows that it put significant thought into what things could make this plan impractical for the Greater Buffalo Niagara Region, but has chosen to propose lofty goals with the hopes of helping the region reach its greatest potential. In addition, this plan has detailed objectives for its broader goals, and distinct measures of performance with which to access success or failure. In this way, it will be clear if a part of the plan is not working, and adjustments can be made.
1.3 SMART MOBILITY STUDIO RESEARCH PROCESS 1. The studio met with the Greater Buffalo Niagara Transportation Council (GBNRTC) to better understand the client’s goals and objectives concerning smart mobility implementations in the Buffalo-Niagara region. 2. The studio focused on researching domestic and international case studies that exemplified innovative implementations of smart mobility solutions. This process enabled the studio to better understand the various applications, technologies, and designs associated with smart mobility solutions. 3. Research on how shared mobility and MaaS (Mobility as a Service) continue to grow and impact transportation networks in the U.S. and other cities throughout the world. 4. Conducted interviews with local municipalities, NGOs, and private transportation companies to identify issues and challenges that they face in the context of smart mobility implementations. 5. Conducted a mid-review with the client (GBNRTC) to show completed research and identify directions that would lead to a final product that would be beneficial to the client. 6. Met with NFTA staff to better understand how the local transportation agency perceives how smart mobility impacts the Buffalo-Niagara region and public transportation services. 7. Data Analysis, Design, and Implementation teams crafted design concepts, produced tools for implementing smart mobility solutions, and made recommendations for planners, transportation service providers, and the private sector 8. Final Review with the client (GBNRTC) at their office in Buffalo, NY
1.4 SMART MOBILITY STUDIO REPORT LIMITATIONS This reference report collects a variety of smart mobility solutions and considerations for implementing those solutions, our studio identified several limitations. The urban planning studio course is set over a 15 week period, so developing the scope of the report, gathering data, analyzing data, and producing the report took place in a very limited time frame. Further, students working on the studio project take a variety of other classes, have a number of other projects, and work outside of academics. Therefore, this report covers a wide breadth of smart mobility interventions and considerations, but does not touch upon every issue related to smart mobility interventions to solve transportation problems. Some issues that we do not fully describe are the costs of all smart mobility projects, community outreach concerning smart mobility, labor governance concerning smart mobility interventions (especially for ride-sharing applications), clear effect of smart mobility on public transit, among others.
Domestic and International Case Studies: Understanding Smart Cities
The domestic smart mobility plans vision statements selected were collected from submissions to the 2015 USDOT [US Department of Transportation] Smart City Challenge. Additional case studies included in this analysis were selected based on submission criteria provided by the 2015 Smart City Challenge. There were 78 total submissions for the 2015 Smart City Challenge. We gathered information from 20 Smart City Plans pertaining to specific geographic regions in the United States. The plans selected in this section had to follow specific criteria: (1) Implement a multipurpose mobility platform; (2) Expand and Prioritize Advanced Mobility Technologies; (3) Enhance Parking Experience; and (4) Enhance Transportation Corridors. The 2015 USDOT Smart City Challenge was the starting point for our examination of smart mobility programs throughout the U.S. because the challenge asked the same question to all participants: “asking... mid-sized cities across America to develop ideas for an integrated, first-ofits-kind smart transportation system that would use data, applications, and technology to help people and goods move more quickly, cheaply, and efficiently.” (2015 USDOT Smart City Challenge) The domestic case studies included in this report were selected because they represent the most comprehensive analysis of smart mobility programs from the 78 plans submitted for the Smart City Challenge. The plans were separated into U.S. regions (Northeast, West, South, and Midwest) because each region shares similar issues and characteristics (Figure 2). These similarities are most evident when reviewing how climate and culture impact each city’s implementation strategies for smart mobility programs.
2.2 INTERNATIONAL SMART MOBILITY CASE STUDY SELECTION METHODOLOGY The international smart mobility plans selected were identified by performing a keyword search and literature review. This search was used as a starting point because the plans identified represent a wide range of smart mobility initiatives both in terms of scale and geographic distribution. One plan, policy, or project was selected for each continent, excluding Antarctica, to ensure that a global perspective on smart mobility was represented (Figure 3).
2.2 INTERNATIONAL SMART MOBILITY CASE STUDY SELECTION METHODOLOGY These plans had to meet at least one of the following selection criteria: To ensure that the plans identified aligned with the domestic policy they should (1) implement a multipurpose mobility platform; (2) enhance smart mobility hubs or transportation corridors; or (3) enhance parking experience. To ensure that they would be applicable to the Buffalo-Niagara region they had to (4) address a challenge faced by the BuffaloNiagara region; or (5) have an analogous population or geographic area to the BuffaloNiagara region. Priority was given to plans that had been successfully funded and had begun implementation. The information pulled from each city’s plan include characteristics (population size, land area, and population density), and key smart city components. Additionally, there are implications for the Buffalo-Niagara region that detail how components from each plan can be applied to the region.
2.3 SMART MOBILITY CASE STUDY REVIEW AND REPORT IMPLICATIONS The case study selection and review process helped inform this report’s next stage. The studio separated into teams that reviewed urban, suburban, and rural challenges and opportunities for implementing smart mobility strategies and technologies in the Buffalo-Niagara region. The studio’s review of many smart city case studies led the team to the conclusion that a comprehensive smart mobility menu composed for the Buffalo-Niagara region should include all sectors and environments - from villages to the urban core. In the following section, we selected three case studies that exemplify excellent smart city and smart mobility plans to contextualize the following sections of this report. We also have provided a review of Moving Forward 2050: A Regional Transportation Plan for Buffalo-Niagara, which we used as a guiding document throughout our studio’s research process. The remaining case studies and their summaries may be found in the appendix.
1. Pittsburgh, PA: Smart PGH City Characteristics: Population o 302,400 residents · Land area and Population Density: 58.35 sq. mi/ 5,182.51 people per sq. mile (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
1. Pittsburgh, PA: Smart PGH
City Characteristics: Population 302,400 residents - Land area and Population Density: 58.35 sq. mi/ 5,182.51 people per sq. mile (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
2.4 SELECTED DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL SMART MOBILITY CASE STUDY EXAMPLES Components SmartPGH is not about the deployment of new technology for technology’s sake. At the core of their approach is a people-first strategy. Smart PGH prioritizes technology interventions that will improve the lives of those most in need. Pittsburgh also has one of the highest air pollution levels in the country, and poor air quality is well known to cause serious health and social impacts. The Smart PGH project aims to improve connections between historically isolated neighborhoods and major centers of employment and educational and healthcare services (Figure 4). To reduce transportation emissions by 50% by 2030, Smart PGH will jump-start electric conversion in the city through demonstration projects in street lighting, electric vehicles, and power generation. Plans and Policies The economic, social, and environmental performance of these investments will be tracked through an iterative Sustainable Return on Investment model combining door-to-door sociological “Community Census” surveys with data analysis. Led by the SmartPGH Consortium, a governance body made up of leaders from all sectors who will be responsible for infrastructure planning and capital coordination. 1. Convert up to 40,000 streetlights to LEDs to reduce energy use 2. Establish smart street lights with sensors to monitor local air quality 3. Install electric vehicle charging stations 4. Convert the city’s public fleet to electric vehicles In order to fully capitalize on this momentum and ensure future success, the City is moving forward with a plan to create a new Department of Mobility and Infrastructure in budget year 2017 to strengthen relationships with partners, improve communication and coordination internally and externally, shorten project timelines, and streamline processes.
2.4 SELECTED DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL SMART MOBILITY CASE STUDY EXAMPLES Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region The federated nature of the SmartPGH Consortium model allows for partners to select data storage options that best meet their needs. Rather than having a single repository of all data collected, datasets will be collected and stored in the manner that is most costeffective or efficient. The WPRDC will provide Consortium partners with training and assistance on extracting data from internal systems, data transformation, metadata transformation, and data licensing. It is important that the initiatives set out by SmartPGH do not become entangled with political turnover. The creation and protection of an independent department that is wellfunded and responsible for carrying out the goals of SmartPGH will be key to its success.
2. Richmond, Virginia City Characteristics Population o 227,032 Land area and Population Density o 59.81 sq. miles/ 3,414.7 people per sq. mile (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components Richmond’s smart mobility project includes multi-modal transportation, affordable and reliable transportation, autonomous Vehicles; safety Plans and Policies Richmond’s plans are more modest than others, focusing on improving the existing transportation in the city rather than introducing concepts that may not be feasible short term (Figure 5). Like other cities, they hope to improve the connectivity and support different forms of transportation. They are also looking to improve city infrastructure so that sensors can be added, warning drivers of hazardous conditions and other safety concerns. To support disadvantaged groups, Richmond proposed pedal-electric assist bicycles, low-speed autonomous shuttles, and other advanced options to keep them safe while traveling as well as expanding their options.
Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Richmond has a similar size and faces similar transportation issues as Buffalo. The modest approach, focusing on more feasible concepts that will improve life in the short term is an approach that may be beneficial to Buffalo. Richmond is looking to improve current systems instead in the short-term, introducing smart concepts that are applicable to today’s problems. Those short-term solutions such as connectivity expansion and pedal-electric assist bicycles can be implemented within a 5-year span.
3. Nishikata, Japan City Characteristics Population o 6,975 Land area and Population Density o 19.9 sq. miles/ 350.5 sq. mi Plans and Policies In partnership with the private company DeNA Co, the Tochigi Prefecture ministry of transportation has begun testing of an autonomous bus initiative in the rural town of Nishikata. The majority of the population in the town is over 65, and many face challenges when trying to perform daily activities that require a car. Currently the bus transports residents within the tests service area to a municipal complex with healthcare services. If the initial tests yield positive results, Japan’s government has plans to expand the program and convert highway rest stops into hubs from which elderly residents can be picked up. The transportation ministry plans to conduct similar tests in 12 other municipalities across the country. By using autonomous vehicles to provide assistance to elderly people living in rural areas with dwindling populations, the prefecture hopes to increase their independence and ability to access healthcare.
Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region The testing of autonomous vehicles in hilly areas in road conditions ranging from puddles to fallen debris will be important in Western New York. Â There are often challenging road conditions across the region, particularly during the winter, and the tests in the Tochigi Prefecture provide a model for establishing a baseline for autonomous vehicles operational safety in less than ideal conditions. If autonomous vehicles are able to operate in rural areas safely, it could provide a valuable service, especially in rural areas of Western New York.
Rural Smart Mobility
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Erie and Niagara County’s rural towns and villages provide Western New Yorkers’ with an alternative to busy city life, whether for residence, work, or recreation. Their protection and strategic development are key to maintaining the character and livelihood of Western New York. One Region Forward’s “Region of Villages” concept offers five goals for rural communities: (1) “grow where we have already grown,” (2) “build and protect walkable communities,” (3) “connect region by expanding transportation options,” (4) “protect farmland and natural environments,” and (5) “maintain fiscally sound local governments” (Error! Reference source not found.) (One Region Forward, ND). Unfortunately, the lack of adequate and accessible public transportation, extended distances between destinations, and sense of isolation experienced in rural communities and small villages poses a number of mobility obstacles throughout the region that could hinder the pursuit of these goals. Specifically, rural communities are impacted by substandard driving safety and poor access to critical services. Through the implementation of innovative transportation technologies, there are a variety of opportunities to address these concerns specific to rural communities and drive further social and economic prosperity (Error! Reference source not found.). As emphasized throughout this document, smart mobility solutions to significant transportation problems in different geographies can be adopted and implemented by local municipalities and counties. Below, significant problems related to transportation limitations in villages and rural areas are described, followed solutions specific to those problems, and a description of smart mobility or innovation transportation technologies that can help remedy a variety of issues villages and their rural areas face. Specific case studies of smart mobility and innovative technology solutions are provided to offer examples of how solutions may be implemented in rural and village settings.
This section aims to provide innovative transportation examples that can help municipalities and county governments identify similar solutions to their own rural transportation obstacles. Later sections in this report provide strategies for implementing and funding innovative transportation solutions.
Figure 1. One Region Forward's Region of Villages scenario. Source: One Region Forward.
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Road Safety One of the major obstacles to development and prosperity in rural communities is insufficient road safety. On a national scale, rural communities are more threatened by road-related accidents than urban communities. In fact, rural communities, despite accounting for only 19% of the nation’s population and 30% of the total vehicle miles traveled, were responsible for 50% of traffic fatalities in 2016 (NCSA, 2018). Compared to urban highways, drivers on rural roads die at a rate 2.5 times greater per mile (Berkes, 2009). In 2014, in the Northeast US specifically, vehicle-related death rates were almost 3 times as high in rural areas versus urban areas - 10.8 deaths per 100,000 population in rural areas and 3.5 deaths per 100,000 population in urban areas (Beck et al, 2017). These statistics on road-related deaths are concerning, especially for places like Erie and Niagara County where a large portion of the region is considered rural. A number of issues contribute to road safety problem in rural areas, including driving under the influence, speeding, wildlife collisions, seatbelt ignorance, and poor rural road infrastructure and design (Berkes, 2009). Understanding the context and impact of these road safety concerns can inform planning in rural communities so that their transportation needs can be effectively addressed. Driving under the Influence Drunk driving and driving under the influence are a major source of roadway accidents in rural communities. Across all of the United States, death rates associated with alcohol-impaired driving were higher in nonmetropolitan counties (6.2 deaths per 100,000 population) than metropolitan counties (2.4 deaths per 100,000 counties) (Beck et al, 2017). This is not only an issue for adults in rural communities. Another study found that high school students in rural areas are more likely to be a passenger in a vehicle with a driver under the influence (Smalley et al, 2018).
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Seat Belt Refusal Insufficient seat belt use is another root cause of road-related deaths in rural communities. Drivers in rural areas of the United States are less likely to selfreport wearing seat belts; about 74.7% of rural residents report that they do wear a seat belt compared to 88.8% of urban residents. Without wearing a seat belt, individuals are more likely to experience serious physical harm or death as a result of vehicular accidents (Beck et al, 2014). Not only are rural residents less likely to wear seatbelts, but there is a lower rate of seat belt use associated with fatal vehicle crashes in rural areas. In 2016, 49% of fatal crashes in rural areas had unrestrained passengers, as opposed to 46% in urban areas (Figure 7) (NCSA, 2018). Furthermore, 62% of fatal pickup truck accidents in rural areas in 2016 included unrestrained passengers, which is the highest percentage of fatalities related to seat belt use in both urban and rural areas. (NCSA, 2018).
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Poor Road Infrastructure While driver and passenger behaviors, like driving under the influence and seat belt refusal, contribute to higher vehicular accident rates in rural communities, the design and state of rural road infrastructure also affects road safety. In a national survey, infrastructure problems in rural areas was cited as a significant barrier to transportation systems (Henning-Smith et al., 2017). Compared to urban roads, rural roads are narrower, trees are closer to the road, and the ditches are deeper, posing greater threats for vehicles that go off-road (Berkes, 2009). Driven by limited funding resources in villages and rural communities, rural roads are subject to poor construction quality, outdated infrastructure, lack of equipment, and understaffing. (HenningSmith et al., 2017). Limited Roadside Assistance Higher vehicular accident and death rates in rural communities is exacerbated by limited roadside assistance. Because of the spatial isolation of rural communities from city and suburban resources, critical services like roadside assistance are not readily available. In 2016, 67% of rural drivers involved in fatal vehicle crashes died at the scene, compared to 50% of urban drivers (NCSA, 2018). Longer response times for roadside assistance and medical care threatens the safety of rural drivers and passengers. Furthermore, rural roads have less traffic, so individuals who are in an automobile accident and are unable to call for emergency services may have to wait extended periods of time before another driver sees and reports the incident.
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Access to Critical Services Introduction Access to critical services is challenging for many rural and village residents, resulting from large distances between destinations and the lack of sufficient public transit in rural areas and villages, as discussed in the introduction to this chapter. Although Western New York residents living in rural areas and villages are more likely to own a car than those living in more urban settings (Figure 8), distance between destinations remains an extreme barrier for those without the ability to drive or own a car (Erie County NY Community Health Assessment, 2017-19). Especially difficult for rural and village residents is inclement weather for much of the colder months that limits transportation as a result of unsafe driving conditions or poor road maintenance and snow clearance, which was also discussed in the safety section of this chapter. For the purposes of this chapter, access to critical services is defined as access to health services and food. Transportation issues in rural associated with critical services specifically impact residents’ access to health care and food.
Access to health care and emergency medical treatment is limited, given the distance between healthcare facilities in rural areas in Western New York are greater than in urban areas. Especially given the six months of the year that brings unpredictable and inclement weather, travelling across large geographic areas to reach critical health services can be extremely difficult and often dangerous (Erie County NY Community Health Assessment, 201719). 28
A significant reason for the lack of health care services in villages is due to rural hospitals difficulty meeting occupancy and staffing levels to provide an adequate range of health care services. This staffing inadequacy is especially prevalent in mental and behavioral health (Western New York Community Needs Assessment Summary, 2014).
Further, many rural areas within Erie and Niagara County are classified as Health Professional Shortage Areas and many include high populations of Medicaid beneficiaries (Western New York Community Needs Assessment Summary, 2014).Often, medicaid benefits are only accepted by certain health care providers, referred to as “safety-net” providers. Unfortunately, the ratio of Medicaid population to safety net providers is over 2,250:1 in Erie County and 4,500:1 in Niagara County (Western New York Community Needs Assessment Summary, 2014). Therefore, throughout the whole of Niagara and Erie Counties, including rural areas, access for low-income residents to primary health care providers is very low and may include long wait times or added expenses of seeing a provider who does not take Medicaid (Figure 9; Figure 10).
Even more difficult than accessing primary care providers in rural areas, is accessing emergency centers in hospital emergency rooms or urgent care centers. Urgent care and ambulatory surgery centers are concentrated in urban areas throughout Western New York, limiting access for rural residents in a medical emergency (Western New York Community Needs Assessment, 2017-19). As discussed in the safety section of this chapter, limited roadside assistance issues related to fatal vehicular crashes exemplifies the issue of transportation access for rural medical emergencies, as well as transportation safety for villages. In addition to the limited number of providers in rural communities, the concentration of elderly individuals is another challenge in health access for villages and rural communities. Elderly individuals require more frequent and intensive health care services than other populations and the elderly population is higher in rural areas than urban areas in Western New York (Western New York Community Needs Assessment Summary, 2014). The intersection and accumulation of health care access issues within villages creates especially dire circumstances for the elderly, low-income, or chronically ill residents in Western New York.
Although village and rural communities have a higher rate of vehicle ownership, lack of public transport creates problems for people in small communities who are not able to drive or are low-income. Without a vehicle, living even just one mile away from a full-service supermarket hinders access to quality food (Bell et. al, 2013; Western New York Health Needs Assessment, 2014). In many cases, it is common for the closest grocery store to be 10 miles away for village and rural residents (Bell et. al, 2013). In 2014, 23.6% of rural households with children were deemed food-insecure and in 2016, 15% of rural Americans were food insecure (Jensen et al., 2014; Corbett, 2018). As vertical integration and consolidation of small grocery stores increases throughout the nation’s food system, the trend of few large box grocery stores serving several communities becomes more prevalent. This trend increases the distance for village and rural residents despite their access to transportation, yet creates food security concerns for vulnerable rural and village populations (Figure 11) (Bell et. al, 2013).
Although village and rural communities have a higher rate of vehicle ownership, lack of public transport creates problems for people in small communities who are not able to drive or are low-income. Without a vehicle, living even just one mile away from a full-service supermarket hinders access to quality food (Bell et. al, 2013; Western New York Health Needs Assessment, 2014). In many cases, it is common for the closest grocery store to be 10 miles away for village and rural residents (Bell et. al, 2013). In 2014, 23.6% of rural households with children were deemed food-insecure and in 2016, 15% of rural Americans were food insecure (Jensen et al., 2014; Corbett, 2018). As vertical integration and consolidation of small grocery stores increases throughout the nation’s food system, the trend of few large box grocery stores serving several communities becomes more prevalent. This trend increases the distance for village and rural residents despite their access to transportation, yet creates food security concerns for vulnerable rural and village populations (Figure 11) (Bell et. al, 2013).
Solutions Using smart mobility to solve the above problems that people in rural areas and villages experience regarding access to critical services and increasing safety is possible for many municipalities. Many private companies that use smart mobility specifically focus on rural regions and offer potential opportunities for municipalities to solve the most pressing issues impacted by rural specific transportation problems. In some cases, counties and municipalities themselves spearheaded smart mobility solutions. As technology improves, it has great potential to solve problems associated with the lack of public transportation and distance transportation that limits the ability for many to access what they need or remain safe in order to live healthy, productive lives. Municipalities that begin to adopt smart mobility interventions can improve mobility for their residents by making life safer, healthier, and more connected to the larger Buffalo-Niagara region. With the help of funding strategies described in later sections, rural municipalities with restricted budgets can find opportunities to consider implementing smart mobility through innovative technologies with both private and public opportunities. The following case studies offer examples of smart mobility solutions that are villages and rural areas in Niagara and Erie County could adopt.
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Case Studies Driving under the Influence As passenger vehicles become increasingly advanced technologically, new solutions to impaired driving have surfaced. Vehicles that can detect alcohol impairment are especially recognized as a promising method of minimizing driving under the influence. Qinetiq’s Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) is an on-board system that tests a driver’s blood alcohol content before turning on the car and makes it impossible to start the car when the alcohol level is too high. This emerging technology may be included in manually driven cars in the near future, either by law or insurance incentives, and could reduce incidents caused by intoxicated driving in rural areas (Atiyeh & Moskowitz, 2011). Seat Belt Refusal Since New York State already has primary seat belt enforcement laws, innovative automobile technologies can be implemented to further increase seat belt use. Two effective solutions are seat belt notification systems that sound an alarm when seat belts are not in use, even in the back seat, and transmission interlock systems, which prevent drivers from operating the vehicle without seat belt deployment. Alarm systems are better received by the public, but transmission interlock systems are more successful at increasing seat belt usage. For rural communities with high frequency of seat belt refusal, these emerging seat belt technologies offer an opportunity to reduce likelihood of injury in automobile accidents (Transportation Research Board, 2004). Upgraded and safer seat belt systems would require innovative implementation strategies in rural communities. They could be encouraged through an incentive system, like offering an award to drivers who purchase a car with an advanced seat belt system. A rural community could also use strategic funding structure, such as allocating money collected from seat belt refusal fines towards assisting residents in upgrading their vehicles’ seat belt systems.
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Case Studies Poor Road Infrastructure A number of road design strategies can make rural roads safer, such as rumble strips, shoulder widening, pavement markings, guardrails, and curve reduction. Unfortunately, funding for rural road improvements is limited and typically resourced at the state level and is not site-specific (TRIP, 2017). This makes improving driver assistance technologies especially attractive in rural communities. Automobiles that are able to detect and warn the driver of dangerous driving conditions or obstacles could prevent accidents on rural roads, especially those caused by wildlife collisions (NHTSA, ND). Limited Roadside Assistance Fortunately, the emergence of crash-reporting smartphone apps is opening up opportunities to reduce emergency roadside assistance wait times in rural communities. One particular app, called Noonlight uses algorithms to detect sudden changes in a user’s location, motion, and force of movement that indicate the user has been in a crash. Then, the app automatically calls 911 to report the incident. If assistance is not needed, the user can enter a code and cancel the emergency assistance request. This app is effective for multiple modes of transportation, including driving, biking, and walking. Through automatic crashreporting apps like Noonlight, the threatening wait times for emergency roadside services associated with rural communities can be minimized (Holley, 2018). In order to encourage the use of crash reporting apps, rural municipalities would need to attract the adoption of these app services through outreach events and public announcements.
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Case Studies Access to Health Care One innovative solution to limited access to health care services involves bringing medications and services from urban areas to rural facilities. Zipline, a company that currently is active in Rwanda and Ghana, delivers medical supplies, equipment, medicines, and lab samples via drone. Currently, the service is used for extremely isolated communities or for populations affected by natural disasters (Shankland, 2018). However, this company or this concept could have a number of applications for villages and urban areas. First, medical facilities in rural areas could use the service to inexpensively and quickly receive supplies from other medical facilities or manufacturers. For example, a rural hospital may not have the equipment for certain procedures because they are not very common, despite their ability to perform said procedure. Instead of sending a patient to an urban location or schedule the procedure far into the future, a medical facility could utilize Zipline to properly provide for all of their patients’ needs. United States air rights laws currently would not permit this service from operation, yet testing of the product is currently taking place in the central valley of California. Therefore, it is important to consider Zipline or similar services as potential solutions to better connect resources from nearby urban areas to villages, increasing access to critical health.
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Case Studies Access to Food A variety of innovative transportation solutions have been developed to address issues of food access caused by lack of transportation. First, some municipalities and regional governments are subsidizing transportation for their residents to farmers markets where residents can purchase fresh foods. Allegan County in Michigan offers free transportation to a partnering farmers market that specifically accept SNAP benefits, WIC benefits, and participate in other programs that offer benefits to low-income farmers market shoppers like Double Up Food Bucks that double the purchasing power of food stamp benefits (Mead, 2016). The Allegan County program includes seniors, as well with Senior Project Fresh that offers similar low-income benefits (Mead, 2016). In addition, the program allows any senior to send a proxy who needs transportation for those seniors that may struggle moving around a market (Mead, 2016). Another innovative solution does not bring consumers to fresh food, but fresh food to consumers. A company called My Hometown Delivery, operating in Montana, is a shopping delivery service prioritizing rural access. Community members register to become drivers, set their own rates, and connect with people in their community who need a delivery like groceries (My Hometown Delivery, 2019). Finally, mobile markets and ‘veggie vans’ are becoming popular across the country, often targeting food insecurity in urban areas, but is a viable option for increasing access to healthy foods in villages, as well. Mobile markets are similar to farmers markets, except that a refrigerated truck travels from a farm or supermarket where food is picked up, to a food desert location (Hill, 2019). Mobile markets do have the capacity to bring a significant amount of fresh food to villages and rural locations, as long as an intermediary organization or a partnership between a municipality and a food producer or retailer is established (Hill, 2019).
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Case Studies Multi-Faceted Solutions A few smart mobility solutions apply to several problems facing transportation in villages and rural areas. Below multi-faceted solutions are described: Ride-Hailing Services Ride-hailing services, which offer demand-based transportation, can address a number of the concerns specific to rural regions. Because rural communities typically have scarce public transportation resources, ride-hailing provides a mobility service for people who are unable to drive or do not have access to a vehicle. This service could prevent intoxicated driving by providing an alternative to dependence on designated drivers. Furthermore, ride-hailing opens up more flexible and immediate opportunities for travel, which is especially critical for individuals seeking basic necessities and emergency health care services. In 2017, Lyft announced that it is extending its service range to all areas accessible by road within their 32-state jurisdiction - this means expansion into rural communities (Pierson, 2017). Ride-hailing services would establish better access to rural communities to health care and food services.
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Case Studies Bike-Share Services Bike-share services also address a number of transportation concerns facing villages and rural areas. For shorter distances, bike-share programs increase mobility for residents by expanding transportation options, with healthy, cost effective benefits. Members of a bike-share have the ability to ‘rent’ the bike for a period of time before returning it to a docking location (with or without docking infrastructure) near the person’s desired destination. Especially for communities that do have health and food service, but walking creates an accessibility problem, bike-shares may be a viable solution. Bike-share services are most popular in urban areas, however, one company - Zagster - has expanded to smaller cities like Carmel, Indiana and Westfield, Indiana (The successful community bike share, 2016). Allen County in Kansas, which has a population of just 13,000, has expanded mobility through a ‘bike library’ program where residents rent bikes at several locations throughout the county and bikes can be rented from hours to months at a time (King, 2017). MaaS to Connect a Variety of Smart Mobility Solutions Mobility as a service (MaaS) is the concept of transitioning away from privatelyowned transportation modes and towards transportation models that use mobility as a service consumed by users. MaaS achieves this goal by combining multiple innovative transportation technologies, including ride-hailing, ridesharing, bike-sharing, transportation apps, and others. If MaaS is implemented through stakeholder collaboration and communities are able to adopt and understand integrated technologies, MaaS could service the many of the challenges specific to rural communities by eliminating private vehicle dependence. It is critical, however, to recognize that immense changes to operational and regulatory models would be required to implement MaaS in rural areas, where there is very little existing physical and governance infrastructure from which to build MaaS. (Eckhardt, 2018). 39
3. RURAL SMART MOBILITY Concerns Related to Smart Mobility in Villages and Rural Areas A variety of concerns about innovative technologies or smart mobilities are necessary to discuss so that municipalities considering smart mobility interventions consider the situation in entirety. First, increased isolation as a result of technology use could pose as a potential problem to the social vitality of rural and village communities. For example, smart mobility interventions that prioritize bringing critical services to residents raises potential concerns of increased isolation, particularly for vulnerable groups like children and seniors. Attracting private companies like Zipline, Zagster or My Hometown Delivery may be difficult for village municipalities with limited resources. Further, financial constraints make improving road infrastructure and implementing new road infrastructure designs, as in the above section. Smart mobility and innovative technologies are investments that typically require a significant amount of capital upfront. However, in the following chapter outlining implementation through planning, policy, and design, solutions to financial constraints are discussed in full. Finally, consumption of agricultural land is a problem for villages and rural areas across the nation and implementing some smart mobility interventions may increase the possibility of encroaching upon agricultural land, specifically with infrastructure improvements, construction, and possible new companies entering the community. With concerns of preserving open and agricultural lands, understanding village resident perceptions of smart mobility and innovative transportation through technology, which can then help to guide municipalities’ implementation of those interventions while keeping the public’s interests in mind.
Suburban Smart Mobility
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Introduction Western New York historically has seen fragmented development of villages and small cities since its first settlements emerged, and suburbanization in the region has only served to further fragment the region and strain transportation systems. The exponential growth of suburban development left many municipalities with no other choice than to enable “developers [to] make network layout and connectivity decisions for streets built as part of their subdivisions and commercial sites . . . [resulting in] poor connectivity, inconvenient circulation, and over- crowded arterials� (Nelson, 2009). Today, many suburbs of Western New York are challenged by the externalities of rapid growth that have reduced effective transportation mobility, including isolation from urban centers, poor connectivity within suburbs, auto-centric streetscapes, limited transportation options, and unsafe road conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY The fragmented and sprawling development of suburbs contributed to the overwhelming reliance of suburban communities on personal vehicles to access commercial hubs, office parks, schools, and critical medical services. Oversized road infrastructure combined with the assumptions that suburban households own a personal vehicle, has created suburban “ . . . transit deserts, or areas where people don't own or can't afford cars and lack convenient access to other major forms of transportation” (Williams, n.d.). This holds true in Western New York where Erie County has the highest percentage of households without a vehicle in the region at fourteen percent; the largest share of those households being in Buffalo and Lackawanna (New York State Department of Health, 2014). In Niagara County eleven percent of households do not own a personal vehicle, the majority of which is concentrated in Lockport (New York State Department of Health, 2014).As a result of personal vehicle reliance, suburban street designs favor wide arterial corridors, winding residential roads, and cul-de-sac layouts, all of which “. . . are car-oriented and pedestrian-hostile, compared to grid layouts, which enhance walkability by virtue of their permeable configuration” (Cozens, 2008.). The design off suburban streets in Erie and Niagara County has contributed to higher rates of severe injury and traumatic brain injuries in pedestrians and bicyclists (Figure 12), despite these groups comprising a smaller share of total traffic accidents in the region (Cozens, 2008; (New York State Department of Health, 2016b, 2016a).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Problem 1: Limited Mobility in Isolated Suburbs Introduction to Challenges Challenges Public transportation connections to suburbs in Erie and Niagara Counties are weak. Buffalo’s inner-ring suburbs have some access to transportation, while the majority of suburban cities and towns in the county have no access to public transportation. Suburbs of Niagara Falls have even less access to transportation, as seen in Figure 13. Reliance on personal vehicles in suburbs has made it extremely difficult for municipalities to fund public transportation investments, despite the need for transit options in these areas. Even in suburbs where there is some access to public transportation first- and last-mile transit options are virtually nonexistent and much of these areas are have limited or no walkability. This means that even those who are able to access public transportation in suburbs have difficulty reaching designated pick-up points without access to a vehicle. In addition to the lack of connection to urban centers, the popular trend of business districts in suburban communities is creating challenges for the employees working in those districts. Contrary to someone who works in the heart of a city’s downtown, “those who work in many campus style office parks are virtually stranded in the midday if they do not drive their own car to work” and have limited chances to leave their place of work (Cervero, 1989). This trend is seen in Western New York as well where suburban office parks are common
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Potential Solutions As previously mentioned, suburban municipalities struggle to fund public transportation options largely as a result of personal vehicle reliance. However, smart mobility can present an opportunity to resolve many challenges associated with lack of transportation options in suburban communities and, potentially, reduce the cost burden of these interventions as well. For instance, public-private partnerships between suburban municipalities and ride- hailing services can alleviate first- and last-mile transit options for residents in suburban communities. Riders can request ride-hailing services on demand to reach critical mobility hubs to connect to suburban and urban public transportation networks. A case study of San Joaquin County, California is examined in the following case studies as an example of public-private partnerships to connect suburban users to public transit. Another potential smart mobility solution to suburban transportation deserts is the increased development of mobility hubs. The case below from Houston Texas provides an example of focusing development around mobility hubs. In the case of Houston, planners see the mobility hubs and the corridors connecting them as an opportunity to ease people’s commutes and enhance mobility between suburban developments and economic centers. Planners also see these transportation nodes as an opportunity to implement new mobility technologies since the infrastructure is continuously going through improvements. Another mobility challenge in suburban communities is the isolation of employees of office parks. A potential solution to this challenge is the use of bike shares, escooters, or other smart mobilities to connect employees of suburban office parks to local amenities. These connections will enable suburban employees to support local businesses on their breaks. An example of this intervention can be found locally at BlueCross BlueShield here in Buffalo where the company hosts an employee bike-share program. A case study of this example follows.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY The case studies provided in the next section are examples of how other municipalities are solving the same mobility issues seen in isolated suburbs. While not all of these case studies are located in suburban communities, these solutions can be adapted to suit the needs of suburban communities in Western New York. It is important to note that some of these examples are in places that have their own unique regional challenges and any implementation of similar strategies in Western New York will need to bear this in mind and adapt the technologies accordingly. Case Studies 1. Multimodal Connections to Economic Activity Centers 2. Ride Hailing as First and Last Mile Transit Service: San Joaquin RTD Go! Multimodal Connections to Economic Activity Centers Ride Hailing as First & Last Mile Transit Service: San Joaquin RTD Go! San Joaquin County, California Lead Agency: San Joaquin Regional Transit District Partners: Uber The San Joaquin Regional Transit District has entered a partnership with Uber in 2017 to provided first and last mile connections for public transit riders living in suburban towns of the county (Kreutz, 2017). Commuters in areas not serviced by traditional bus lines, including the suburban towns of Escalon, Linden, and Lockeford, can utilize Uber ride hailing services to access existing public transportation (San Joaquin RTD, 2017). Riders receive a 50% discount of up to five dollars per ride when using the service to access eleven eligible transit stations in the county (Figure 14) (San Joaquin RTD, 2017). Riders can enter the discount code “SJRTD18” to receive their eligible subsidy on the Uber application. Additionally, riders can call RTD Go! and a dispatcher will set up the service for them (Kreutz, 2017). Trips using this service are limited to peak commuting hours between 4:00am and 10:00am in the morning and between 4:00pm to 10:00pm in the evening (San Joaquin RTD, 2017). Riders with limited mobility of who require wheelchair accessible transportation can call RTD Go! to set up a ride in these eligible areas provided by JVG Transportation, a paratransit contractor with the county (Caravan News, 2018).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY According to RTD’s marketing manager, Terry Williams, RTD set aside $50,000 for the initial launch of the program (Kreutz, 2017). The funding came from the RTD’s general budget with additional funding coming from grants. The exact grants that RTD applied for are not released, but RTD did work with representatives from Uber to negotiate pricing options. According to RTD CEO Donna DeMartino, since the programs initial launch in the spring of 2017, the program has been a success and RTD is extending the services for this program (Caravan News, 2018).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Takeaways Through a public-private partnership, the San Joaquin Transportation Authority is able to expand the service are of their public transit to outlying suburbs and towns without the added cost of increasing bus line or extending bus routes. The discount code makes the subsidy easy for riders to use and improves efficiency in determining eligibility for the discount.
· Through a public-private partnership, the San Joaquin Transportation Authority is able to expand the service are of their public transit to outlying suburbs and towns without the added cost of increasing bus line or extending bus routes. · The discount code makes the subsidy easy for riders to use and improves efficiency in determining eligibility for the discount. · This service is likely to discourage personal vehicle use for some commuters and increase ridership of the San Joaquin Transportation Authority traditional public transit. · The ability of riders to also call RTD Go! to setup a ride enables individuals without access to a smartphone or who might be visually impaired to also utilize the service. Considerations · The availability of Uber vehicles may vary in outlying towns, which could increase wait times for program users or leave them stranded for extended periods of time. There is no indication that the San Joaquin Transportation Authority has negotiated with Uber to increase the availability of vehicles in these areas. · The inability of Uber to serve ride with mobility issues or wheelchair accessibility needs requires the municipality to work with other subcontractors. There is opportunity for municipalities partnering with rideshare companies, such as Uber, to mandate that they have a certain number of wheelchair accessible vehicle to better serve this population.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Texas Medical Center Mobility Hub Harris County, Texas Lead Agency: Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority Partners: Texas Medical Center of Houston Houston METRO is connecting surrounding suburban communities to the Texas Medical Center in Houston. The Houston METRO routes busses that enter suburban communities to a central location in the suburban communities. At this central location, one bus runs directly from that location to the Texas Medical Campus. For employees who do not work in the medical complex, Houston METRO along with the privately owned businesses developed a system where a shuttle would pick up and drop off employees from this central transit hub to their place of employment (Houston METRO, 2018). This concept of mobility hubs and ‘park and ride’ is not a new idea. However, the Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority sees the mobility hubs as an opportunity to implement new technological advancements. The Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority recognizes that the mobility hubs, and the corridors that connect them, is a promising testing ground for new innovative technologies. Since the bus route running from the suburban mobility hub to the medical center mobility hub is an express route, the Transit Authority is considering future infrastructure improvements that will give priority to the express bus along the route. The Transit Authority gives the example of smart traffic light sensors that sense when the bus is approaching an intersection to give priority to the express bus (Begley, 2019). The Transit Authority is also thinking of ways to implement new technology into the mobility hub itself. The example provided by the Transit Authority is installing charging stations for electric vehicles, and interactive maps that allow commuters to plan their commutes using real time information (Houston METRO, 2018).
Takeaways · The Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority is prioritizing busses that begin at suburban mobility hubs and end at urban mobility hubs. They hope that is can potentially encourage the use of public transportation and lessen the dependence on personal automobiles. · Mobility hubs serve as a central location for commuters to travel to and from their jobs. These mobility hubs can serve as the testing ground for these new transportation technologies. Considerations · The busses that offer the express trips to the hubs only offer trips from hub to hub. There are currently limited options to get to the hub from the commuter’s home. Due to Houston’s sprawled development, commuters often take their cars to this mobility hub. From there, then the commuter takes the express bus, but the “first mile” of the trip is still a challenge. · There are also concerns on if this type of system continuing sprawled development patterns. The mindset behind this is concern is people will feel more comfortable living further from economic centers since their commute time is either shorter or unaffected using these express services.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Employee Bike Share Program: BlueCross BlueShield Blue Bike Buffalo, New York Lead Agency: BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York Partners: BlueCross BlueShield, GoBike Buffalo Employees who work in suburban business districts are often isolation from the surrounding community and cannot access local businesses and restaurants during their breaks without use of a personal vehicle. A local example of employers trying to alleviate some of the concerns of isolated employees takes place in Downtown Buffalo. Starting in 2014, BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York provides its employees with a bike share program so that employees can travel around the City of Buffalo during their breaks (BlueCross BlueShield, 2015). The initial pilot of the program included 20 bikes that employees can check out for free to travel around downtown during their breaks (Drury, 2015). In the initial launch the bikes were checked out 600 times between May and September of 2014 (Drury, 2015). Since the success of the trial launch, BlueCross BlueShield has provided the Blue Bike program for employees for six seasons. The company’s 1500 employees use their employee ID badges to obtain bikes from building security and “are given a helmet, bike lock, a map of the surrounding downtown area and basic safety tips [including] . . . wearing a helmet, using hand signals when turning and ensuring visibility at all times” (BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York, 2017). As new mobility trends begin to emerge, these types of employee mobility programs can shift from bikes to electric scooters or electric bikes. These new technologies could allow the employee to travel greater distances during their breaks. Takeaways · There is an opportunity for private companies in suburban office parks to leverage smart mobility technology to improve multimodal transportation and connectivity for their own employees. Suburban municipalities can present this case study as a successful example of a company improving mobility as well as the health of its employees by introducing a private bike-share program. · Private employee bike share programs also shift the cost of these services from municipalities to employers. · Encouraging private shared mobility in suburbs enables employees to access the surrounding neighborhood and support local businesses on their breaks while reducing traffic on the road. · Continued innovation in smart mobility by electronic bikes and scooters can increase opportunities for employees with differing athletic abilities to partake in active transportation in suburbs.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Considerations · Many suburban communities lack adequate bike and pedestrian infrastructure that is essential for bike-share programs such as this to reach their full potential. Municipalities will need to consider complete street models going forward to support cyclists and pedestrians. · Another concern is that bike share programs in Western New York are seasonal as a result of limited all-weather bicycle infrastructure. Programs such as this will only improve office park mobility during spring and summer without additional considerations. Problem 2: Lack of Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Introduction to Challenges Challenges As mentioned previously, the auto-centric design of streetscapes in Western New York suburbs lends itself to Erie and Niagara Counties see higher rates of severe injuries to pedestrians and cyclists Lacking pedestrian infrastructure and dangerous road conditions pose a particular threat to those in suburban school zones. In Western New York many suburban schools are located along wide arterial corridors that are unsafe for students to cross. The design of these roads not only makes it difficult to cross, but it also lends itself to high vehicular speeds within these areas as well. The design of these roads not only makes it difficult to cross, but it also lends itself to high vehicular speeds within these areas as well. Within the Buffalo and Niagara Region, schools are finding it difficult to enforce school zone speed limits since the signage is not in compliance with the New York State DOT (Baggerman, 2019). Schools like Kenmore East High School and Sweet Home Middle School are examples of these hazardous conditions. Kenmore East High School is located primarily in a residential area, but the roads surrounding the school are connected at confusing and dangerous intersections. Sweet Home Middle School is located on Maple Road, which is a four lane roadway with a 45 mph speed limit reducing to a 35 mph speed limit in front of the school. The New York State DOT requirements give specific guidelines for school zones, but these specifications are primarily “one size fits all” solutions that disregard unique the streetscape challenges of suburbs (NUTCD, 2009).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Potential Solutions Improving the overall safety and walkability of suburban roadways also involves general infrastructure improvements that create “complete streets,” or include considerations for multi modes of transportation including pedestrians and cyclists. Both Erie and Niagara Counties have passed complete streets policies (M. Roundtree, Phone Interview, March 22, 2019). Going forward, municipalities should consider including smart mobility technologies into their complete streets’ infrastructure improvements. These technologies could include pedestrian warning systems as well as camera enforcement of speed limits. The New York City Department of Transportation reports that “a systematic analysis and review of studies of speed camera effectiveness reported 14 to 65 percent reductions in the percentage of vehicles traveling above the speed limits” (New York City DOT, 2018). The same analysis revealed that anywhere between a 11 to 44 percent reduction in crash-related fatalities as well as serious injuries in areas where speed cameras are located (New York City DOT, 2018). This is a key finding because speed, and subsequent driver reaction time, has been found to be a critical contributor to serious injury in crashes. For instance, “[a] pedestrian who is struck by a vehicle traveling at 30 MPH is twice as likely to be killed as a pedestrian struck by a vehicle travelling at 25 MPH” (New York City DOT, 2018). In April of 2018, about $4.8 million from The New York State Pedestrian Safety Action Plan was awarded to several first ring suburbs around the City of Buffalo, including Cheektowaga, Amherst, and Tonawanda, received funding for pedestrian safety from The New York State Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (Radlich, 2018). The funding was allocated with the intention it be used to increase pedestrian safety at particular intersections, some of which are in school zones (Radlich, 2018). However, if the municipality develops a comprehensive plan to develop and encourage new smart mobility technologies, future funding sources could contribute to that overall goal. As mentioned previously, there is an opportunity for municipalities to include smart mobility technologies in their streetscape improvements to help prevent more pedestrian fatalities and injuries in these suburban neighborhoods.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY The following case studies explore pedestrian warning system technologies implemented in suburban and rural Ohio communities as well as speed camera enforcement in New York City. Both of these smart mobility interventions can be adapted to solve the challenges of pedestrian cyclist safety in suburban streets and school zones. While the New York City case is in a large metro area, the reasoning and methodologies beyond the strategy can be applied to safety in suburban school zones as well. Case Studies 1. Public-Private Testing of Smart Technology on Ohio Route 33 & in the City of Marysville 2. New York City Smart Enforcement in School Zone Smart Pedestrian Infrastructure in Suburban Communities Public-Private Testing of Smart Technology on Ohio Route 33 & in the City of Marysville Union County and Franklin County, Ohio Lead Agency: Drive Ohio, NW 33 Innovation Corridor Council of Governments Partners: Union County, City of Marysville, City of Dublin, and Smart Columbus, the Ohio Department of Public Safety, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, The Ohio State University, Case Western Reserve University, University of Cincinnati, University of Dayton, Wright State University, the Transportation Research Center, and the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission. Union County, the City of Marysville, and the City of Dublin, are collaborating with other local organizations and business to solve the issue of pedestrian infrastructure in rural, exurban, and suburban communities, respectively, through the use of smart technologies (Soller, Gibson, Caracciolo, 2017). The project vision is stated as follows: “‘to demonstrate how smaller cities can leverage intelligent transportation technology to improve congestion, safety, and employment access’” (Soller, Gibson, Caracciolo, 2017). The NW 33 Smart Mobility Corridor project, spanning a 35-mile portion of highway along U.S. Route 33 north of Columbus, Ohio, will provide a testing bed for smart infrastructure and autonomous vehicles in a non-urban setting (Union County CIC, 2019c). The corridor is geographically strategic for smart technology testing because it “is home to one of the largest concentration[s] of manufacturers, R&D firms, and logistics companies” in the state of Ohio, boosting over 250 corridor companies and 66 automotive companies (Union County CIC, 2019c). The increased investment in smart mobility technology is a draw for a variety of businesses to the region.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY The project includes testing of dedicated short range communication devices, connected and autonomous vehicles, connected traffic management and safety systems--pedestrian warning system, smart traffic signaling, and other warning systems--as well as data communication and management systems (Soller, Gibson, Caracciolo, 2017). A major component of this project is the installation of 432 strands of redundant fiber optic cables that will enable high speed communication between smart devices (Union County CIC, 2019a). These cables will be installed along 39 miles of the US 33 corridor as well as 42 miles “along [the] Industrial Parkway from Dublin to East Liberty and throughout the City of Marysville� (Union County CIC, 2019a). Connected Marysville is an initiative within the NW 33 Smart Mobility Corridor project that includes the installation of 27 traffic signals and 67 dedicated short range communication roadside units throughout the city as well as 1,200 on board units for the delivery of safety messaging to vehicles (Union County CIC, 2019b). Connected Marysville will enable the testing of autonomous vehicle platooning, where a group of vehicles travel safely while close together and at high speeds, as well as the testing of connected traffic signals that offer real time signal timing to smart phone application or in-car delivery systems (Union County CIC, 2019b). Connect traffic signals include a Pedestrian Warning System designed to improve the safety of pedestrians by using real time signaling to warn both pedestrians and vehicles of potential crossing hazards (Soller, Gibson, Caracciolo, 2017). The crossing signals offer real time updates to changing traffic conditions and adjust the crossing signs accordingly. For example, sensors pointed at crosswalks are able to sense how long it is taking for someone to cross the road and adjust the light timing accordingly. The technology is implemented over a long period of time and lays the foundation for new emerging technologies. Research for the NW 33 Smart Mobility Corridor project began in 2014 and continues to phase in the implementation of new technologies (Soller, Gibson, Caracciolo, 2017). In 2016 Union County, the City of Marysville, and the City of Dublin formed the NW 33 Innovation Corridor Council of Governments to collectively seek additional funding and provide oversight for the project (Soller, Gibson, Caracciolo, 2017). In total the NW 33 Smart Mobility Corridor project has received $217 million in funding for smart mobility research and development from a variety sources (Figure 13), including public grants, public-private matching funds, and private investment, and expects 224 million to be invested in the corridor by the beginning of 2019 (Soller, Gibson, Caracciolo, 2017).
Takeaways · Increased investment in smart mobility infrastructure by suburban and rural municipalities can incentivize the location of innovative companies to those areas. · There is opportunity for suburban and rural municipalities to partner for the pursuit of funding to invest in fiber optic and other connected infrastructure that will enable the use of smart mobility technology. · There is also opportunity for suburban and rural municipalities to partner with private sector companies to fund the investment in smart mobility infrastructure. · Small suburban communities have a competitive advantage over large urban areas in the testing innovative smart mobility technology. Low to moderate traffic flow and other streetscape factors present the ideal conditions for smart mobility testing. · Smart and connected mobility technology will increase vehicular and pedestrian safety as well as improve traffic efficiency. The Pedestrian Warning System piloted in the NW 33 Smart Mobility Corridor and Connected Marysville projects can be utilized by suburban communities across the country to reduce traffic-related injuries and death of pedestrians and, potentially, cyclists. These technologies could be especially productive in suburban school zones. · The sensor informed real-time adjustment of traffic signals will make streetscapes more accessible to elderly and disabled individuals. These real-time signals will allow for the additional time it will take someone who is elderly or disabled to safely cross the street. 56
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Considerations · The large startup costs required for the installation of smart mobility infrastructure can present a barrier to suburban communities. Innovative funding approaches will need to be considered to make projects such as this a reality. · Maintenance of new smart mobility infrastructure will come at a financial cost and will also require an especially skilled labor force that suburban communities might not have access to--particularly because these technologies are emerging. · The two country region identified in this case study was a strategic geography to implement many of these technologies because of an existing innovative technology industry. Similar concepts in suburban communities will need to assess their existing industry assets to adapt a similar connected corridor and community project. New York City Smart Enforcement in School Zones New York, New York Lead Agency: New York City Partners: New York City Schools Section 1180-b of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic law, enacted in 2013, “granted New York City the authority to pilot an automated speed enforcement program to deter speeding in 20 school speed zones” (New York City DOT, 2018). The pilot officially launched in January of 2014 and in June of that year the pilot was expanded to 140 additional school zones (New York City DOT, 2018). The New York City speed camera program uses radar and laser technology to determine a vehicle's speed and captures (New York City DOT, 2018). The camera records images of the rear of the vehicle and license plate if it is found to be traveling 10 or more miles above the posted speed limit (New York City DOT, 2018). In school zones, speed cameras are only enforced during posted school hours (New York City DOT, 2018). Every recorded violation is then reviewed by a DOT staff member to ensure accuracy (New York City DOT, 2018). Drivers found to be in violation of posted speeds during school hours are fined a flat rate of fifty dollars—as limited by the State of New York—regardless of the speed the individual was traveling, previous driving record, or any other factor (New York City DOT, 2018).
New York City has reported that speeding at fixed speed enforcement camera locations within school zones reduced the number of speeding violations by an average of 63 percent and that injuries at these locations have dropped by 17 percent (New York City DOT, 2018) Figure 18 shows decreases in total crashes, injuries, and severe injuries (New York City DOT, 2018). Additionally, the New York City Automated Speed Enforcement Program Report found that “vehicle owners who receive a speed camera violation are far less likely to receive a second violation� (New York City DOT, 2018).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY From 2015 to 2017 the New York Speed Camera Program cost a just under $100 million between operating and capital costs (New York City DOT, 2018). However, the program brought in over $180 million dollars, netting over $80 million dollars (New York City DOT, 2018). Takeaways · Despite only being operated during the school season and only during certain hours and speed camera enforcement programs reduced pedestrian and cyclist injuries, severe and fatal traffic related injuries, and total vehicle crashes. · Speed camera enforcement camera operating at all hours and cameras located at high crash intersections could significantly improve pedestrian safety in suburban communities. · Suburban schools in Western New York, as previously mentioned, are often located on large arterial corridors. Speed enforcement cameras in school zones along these large roads could significantly improve pedestrian and cyclist safety. · Although fines issued by speed cameras in the State of New York are a flat $50 total, speed enforcement programs present an opportunity for suburban communities to generate increased revenue. · Although it is based in an urban setting, suburban communities in the Buffalo Niagara Region can learn from New York City’s example of implementing smart technologies in school zones. · Although speeding cameras are not a new smart technology, infrastructure improvements like speeding cameras could establish school zones as a prime example of how smart technologies can improve the health and safety of residents. The radar systems create a profit for suburban municipalities, but funding from Federal or State level grants could cover the initial cost of this technology. The opportunity for a private or nonprofit entity to cover the initial cost for the smart systems is also a possibility for these municipalities.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Considerations · There is a history of opposition from residents to traffic camera enforcement systems, however the limited $50 fine for camera issued speeding violations will actually reduce the cost to the driver compared to the fines and penalties associated with an officer-issued fine. · Additionally, the overall operating cost of each individual camera will be less than the cost of posting an enforcement officer within a school zone, thus reducing the cost of enforcement on the taxpayer. · There are significant startup costs associated with beginning a speed camera enforcement program, which might prevent suburban communities from using this technology. However, the increased revenue from violations has the potential to not only pay for the program itself, but also generate a surplus revenue for the municipality. Problem 3: Aging & Limited Mobility in Suburbs Challenges Western New York has seen consistent demographic shifts toward high percentages of individuals over 65 years old living in suburbs (Figure 19), particularly in Amherst, Cheektowaga, West Seneca, Clarence, and Elma outside of Buffalo as well as Lewiston outside of Niagara Falls (New York State Department of Health, 2014). The Town of Amherst is even currently seeking an “age-friendly” designation from New York State as a result of these demographic shifts and their continued focus on becoming more accessible for older and/or disabled adults. As individuals age they are more likely to be affected by disease or disability that can impact their ability to operate a personal vehicle, therefore limiting “their access to doctor appointments, food shopping, and other basic needs” (Choi et al, 2017). Without a personal vehicle, many older individual must “depend on friends or family, inadequate public transit or specialty van services” to access basic necessities (New York State Department of Health, 2014).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Existing paratransit systems are typically underfunded, inefficient, and fail to deliver a good customer experience. It is also apparent that the cost of paratransit implementation is rising with the increase in demand by riders, “high vehicle costs, urban congestion and long trip lengths” (Kaufman, Smith, Connell, & Marulli, 2016). A report from the US Government Accountability Office “found that the average cost of providing an ADA paratransit trip increased an alarming 10 percent from 2007 to 2010” (Kaufman et al., 2016). While there are a variety of paratransit services throughout Erie and Niagara County, the cost can be very high, particularly for those with a disability, the registration and reservation processes are inefficient, and the service areas of these providers is limited. In Erie and Niagara County a one-way trip using paratransit can cost users anywhere from $1 to $35, depending on a variety of factors (Erie County Department of Senior Services, n.d.).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Potential Solutions The majority of current paratransit services still utilize phone-based dispatch centers that rely on paper-based systems for membership registration and ride reservations. Ride matching and route determinations are typically done manually by dispatchers. The New York University Wager Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management have developed a framework (Figure 20) for paratransit services to leverage technology upgrades to automate and optimize “onboarding, reservations, dispatch and routing and user experience” (Kaufman et al., 2016). An industry shift toward digital registration and member databases will streamline the process and create data points that can be used to improve efficiency in other areas. Multi- channel reservation systems, including phone, website, SMS messaging, and mobile apps, will improve the customer experience, automate ride matching, and increase efficiency in optimizing vehicle routes. The use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), as used by Uber, Lyft, and Google, can improve customer experience by showing “a real-time, comprehensive list of services, including taxi and for-hire vehicle dispatches, social service agencies and community transport” (Kaufman et al., 2016). Connecting paratransit services to existing public transportation options, even those in urban centers like Buffalo, can allow paratransit to “serve as first- or last-mile solutions, rather than door-to-door services” and eliminate cost for both customers and paratransit administrators (Kaufman et al., 2016).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY The following case studies were examined because they can provide insight for Western New York in implementing smart mobility technologies to resolve mobility challenges related to aging and disabled populations. Case studies in Boston, Massachusetts; Southeast Michigan; Los Angeles, California; and Arlington, Texas provide examples of how other municipalities have leveraged innovative paratransit technologies, including subsidized ridesharing, integrated web based systems, and autonomous vehicles. While several of the following case studies do not take place in suburban communities, the specific transportation technology utilized in the case could be a viable option for suburban communities in Erie and Niagara County. It is important to note that each case study is embedded in its own regional context. However, the smart motilities outlined below present compelling solutions that could be adapted to suit the unique challenges facing Western New York. Subsidized Ridesharing Case Studies On-Demand Paratransit Pilot Program: The RIDE Boston, Massachusetts Lead Agency: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Partners: Uber, Lyft, and Curb The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) paratransit service, The RIDE, was the first city to implement (through July 1, 2019) an On-Demand Paratransit Pilot Program in partnership with private ridesharing and taxi companies Uber, Lyft, and Curb (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, 2019). The pilot program was designed to improve response times, “. . . provide a less expensive service option for customers, improve mobility management, create an on-demand individualized service using nondedicated vehicles and reduce strain on the existing ADA program� (Kaufman et al., 2016).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Taxi Services In this model, introduced in fall 2015, eligible users could use accessible taxis at a subsidized rate. At the outset of this pilot, riders were issued a prepaid debit card that could only be used with eligible taxi services and every $2 loaded onto the card by the rider was matched by $13 from the MBTA (Kaufman et al., 2016). Additionally, the MBTA required all taxis trips to be capped at $13, representing an $18 cost reduction to users compares to the $31 average cost of a trip using The RIDE (Kaufman et al., 2016). CURB was added to the pilot program recently with a subsidy of up to $40 per trip. Users create an account with CURB to manage trips and payment (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, 2019). However, CURB service areas are limited to Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, and Somerville (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, 2019). Ride Sharing In this model, introduced in fall 2016, passengers pay $2 per trip to Uber and Lyft and the MBTA subsidizes the cost of the trip up to $40 (Figure 21) (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. 2019). Each user has a limited number of subsidized trips each month (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, 2019). Additionally, to bridge the technology divide with paratransit user, has started offering phone-based reservations. The MBTA has required companies, “to spread vehicles across the service area to ensure rapid response times,� manage data collection, serve as the primary user contact and service provider (Kaufman et al., 2016).
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Takeaways: · Public-private partnerships with ridesharing companies transfer logistics, technological support needs, data collection, and payment management of paratransit to private companies. This reduces the associated costs for municipalities. There is opportunity for municipalities in Western New York to shift paratransit coordination costs to private companies to not only reduce strain on their existing services, but to also reduce overhead costs. · Additionally, the subsidies provided to riders reduce the cost to user by up $40 per ride, incentivizing individual to utilize ridesharing over traditional paratransit. · The integrated API used by the Lyft, Uber, and CURB apps improve the user experience, allows for instant trip booking, and enables real-time trip management. Traditional paratransit, as mentioned, involves lengthy reservation requirements and wait times for drivers. · The integrated GPS route optimization of these services increases route efficiency and shortens the length of trips, especially compared to traditional manually selected routes and ride-matching of traditional paratransit. · The multichannel booking capabilities of Lyft and Uber enable individuals with difficulties using technology or visual impairments to also utilize the service as well. · The integration of ride hailing services with paratransit expands the service area immensely. In a region like Western New York, that is characterized by sprawled development, the integration of public-private partnerships with ride hailing services will enable paratransit to reach residents, particularly seniors, in outlying suburbs that do not have access to paratransit.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Subsidized Ride Sharing Concerns · The RIDE program does include wheelchair-accessible vehicles, however the pilot program is not substitute ADA compliant paratransit. Therefore, inefficiencies in ADA compliant paratransit will need to be addressed through other smart mobility technologies. · Paratransit advocates are concerned that Uber and Lyft vehicles are not accessible for physically disabled individuals. Additionally, their drivers are not trained in regards to the challenges that mentally and physically disabled riders experience and how to assist these riders with those challenges. The RIDE does inform paratransit users that if they need a driver to assist them to or from their door that they should utilize traditional paratransit services. · Data management of public information by private companies is always a concern. How will the privacy of users of a public program be protected? Will this information be shared with third parties? Will data be available to public transportation entities? Communities in Western New York will need to take data privacy concerns into consideration when negotiating partnerships with ride sharing companies. Integrated Web Based Systems Online Centralized Fare Account System Boston, Massachusetts Lead Agency: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Partners: Greater Lynn Senior Services, Veterans Transportation Services, National Express In 2012 the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) instituted an online trip management portal and a centralized fare account system that enabled users to manage their paratransit payments through an online account in addition to by phone, by mail, of in person. The creation of an online centralized payment accounts system improved the ease of use for individuals across three different providers and increased efficiency for paratransit providers. Through the centralized online system users can “request trips, view past trips, cancel trips, and check the status of current trips” (Kaufman et al., 2016). Digital booking options give the opportunity for subcontractors to utilize GPS systems to optimize routes and automate ride matching for paratransit users.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Subsidized Ride Sharing Concerns · The RIDE program does include wheelchair-accessible vehicles, however the pilot program is not substitute ADA compliant paratransit. Therefore, inefficiencies in ADA compliant paratransit will need to be addressed through other smart mobility technologies. · Paratransit advocates are concerned that Uber and Lyft vehicles are not accessible for physically disabled individuals. Additionally, their drivers are not trained in regards to the challenges that mentally and physically disabled riders experience and how to assist these riders with those challenges. The RIDE does inform paratransit users that if they need a driver to assist them to or from their door that they should utilize traditional paratransit services. · Data management of public information by private companies is always a concern. How will the privacy of users of a public program be protected? Will this information be shared with third parties? Will data be available to public transportation entities? Communities in Western New York will need to take data privacy concerns into consideration when negotiating partnerships with ride sharing companies. Integrated Web Based Systems Online Centralized Fare Account System Boston, Massachusetts Lead Agency: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Partners: Greater Lynn Senior Services, Veterans Transportation Services, National Express In 2012 the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) instituted an online trip management portal and a centralized fare account system that enabled users to manage their paratransit payments through an online account in addition to by phone, by mail, of in person. The creation of an online centralized payment accounts system improved the ease of use for individuals across three different providers and increased efficiency for paratransit providers. Through the centralized online system users can “request trips, view past trips, cancel trips, and check the status of current trips” (Kaufman et al., 2016). Digital booking options give the opportunity for subcontractors to utilize GPS systems to optimize routes and automate ride matching for paratransit users.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Takeaways · The introduction of a centralized trip management system improves the user experience by enabling real-time trip management and streamlining the payment process across various paratransit subcontractors. · Erie and Niagara County have a variety of paratransit subcontractors as well as nonprofit and community volunteer paratransit options. A centralized booking and payment system for paratransit options in each county would greatly improve the user experience. Additionally, one channel competition between paratransit providers would drive efficiencies in price points, wait times, and other user experiences. · Multichannel booking makes paratransit services accessible to a variety of riders no matter their familiarity with technology or potential disability. · Subcontractors were previously tasked with managing payment systems. Now, with one centralized fare management system, this strain is reduced for existing paratransit services. · GPS enabled route design as well as automated ride matching reduces the length of trips for users tremendously. Additionally, the use of digital ride booking makes the coordination of paratransit rides more efficient for subcontractors because they are able to use GPS and automated ride matching to optimize routes and eliminate waste, such as excess gas use or inefficient use of staff time. Integrated Paratransit Platform Southeast Michigan Lead Agency: Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan Partners: Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority, Detroit Department of Transportation, Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation, Southeast Michigan Council of Government, the Area Agency on Aging 1B, and Menlo Innovations January 15, 2019 the State of Michigan announced $1,050,000 in Michigan Mobility grant funds for the creation of “an integrated online booking and trip management platform that can create a ‘one click’ experience” for users of all regional paratransit services (Schultz, 2019). The Michigan Mobility Challenge is an $8 million legislative appropriation that began in 2018 to “use technology and innovation to address core mobility gaps for seniors, persons with disabilities, and veterans across the state” (Michigan State Transportation Department, 2019). 68
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Takeaways · While the State of Michigan has yet to rollout their integrated paratransit platform, the announcement of funding its development shows a commitment of state government for innovative mobility solutions. Funding for upgraded paratransit technology is a common issue throughout Western New York. The example of Michigan’s investment in this technology could set the stage for the State of New York to also make smart paratransit a funding priority. · Again, integrated paratransit platforms improve the user experience through the centralization of trip management system. This enables users to compare wait times and process of various paratransit providers. This also enables users to request and cancel trips in real-time. · The use of digital ride booking makes the coordination of paratransit rides more efficient for subcontractors because they are able to use GPS and automated ride matching to optimize routes. This reduces wait times for riders and reduces costs for subcontractors (i.e. wasted gas and/or employee time). Integrated Web Based Systems Concerns · The initial cost of system upgrades and web based development are high. This poses an issue for suburban communities that lack funding for public transit or paratransit services. Communities in Western New York will need to look at innovative funding options to implement an integrated paratransit application for the region. · Municipalities should keep in mind that any centralized account system that is implemented for paratransit services will need to be accessible to differently abled individuals, for example the blind, and will need to be available in multiple languages as well.
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Autonomous Vehicles: Autonomous Vehicle Paratransit Partnership Los Angeles, California Lead Agency: Access Services Partners: Lilee Systems, Baidu USA Baidu, a Chinese technology company, has announced a pilot program in 2018 of its Apollo autonomous vehicle platform in partnership with Access Services, a paratransit provider in Los Angeles County (Etherington, 2018). The pilot identified the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare Center was the most feasible route for the pilot autonomous paratransit project after analyzing three other existing fixed-route bus lines: VA Long Beach Healthcare System, Lancaster Station, and Rancho Los Amigos. Further research is scheduled from July 2018 to October 2019 (Tsuei, n.d.). Access Services and Baidu have identified three different electric vehicle models that will be tested in the pilot. The EZ10 has the capacity to fit six seated and six standing individuals, a maximum speed of 25 miles per hour, and 150 miles per charge (Tsuei, n.d.). The Navya ARMA has the capacity to carry eleven seated and four standing individuals, a maximum speed of 28 miles per hour, and 150 miles per charge (Tsuei, n.d.). The Waymo hybrid minivan has the capacity to seat seven individuals, has typical speed capabilities, and gets 33 miles per charge on electric alone (Tsuei, n.d.). On Demand pilot services are scheduled to begin in November of 2019 (Tsuei, n.d.). Takeaways 路 The Baidu and Access public-private partnership shows the potential for automation to transform paratransit market. There is an opportunity for municipalities in Western New York to form similar partnership in the future to bring automation into the optimization of paratransit services in the region. 路 Automated, fixed-route paratransit services could serve as connection for senior living facilities to commercial centers, socializing opportunities, and critical medical services for seniors living in suburban communities. 路 The use of electric vehicles and driverless shuttles can help to reduce operating costs associated with gasoline prices and staff time. 路 The Baidu Access pilot program does provide wheelchair-accessible vehicles and can substitute for ADA compliant paratransit, unlike other smart mobility options for paratransit innovation. 70
4. SUBURBAN SMART MOBILITY Autonomous Shuttle: Milo Pilot Project Arlington, Texas Lead Agency: City of Arlington Partners: EasyMile, the Arlington Convention and Visitors’ Bureau, First Transit, Texas A&M University's Transportation Institute, and the Texas AV Proving Ground Partnership The Milo Pilot Project is a yearlong test of an electric autonomous shuttle bus (Error! Reference source not found.) in downtown Arlington Texas. The shuttle offers rides “from parking lots in the entertainment district to Texas Rangers and Dallas Cowboys games and other special events” (Jayson, 2018). This pilot program launched in August of 2017 is “the first autonomous shuttle offered by a municipal government to the public on a continuous basis” (City of Arlington, n.d.). The shuttle has a designated operator for safety, offers a dozen seats, and is ADA compliant (Jayson, 2018; Poe, 2018). The Milo shuttle moves at speeds between 10 and 12 miles per hour (City of Arlington, n.d.). Signs have been posted along the shuttle’s 13 minute, off-street trail to warn pedestrians, cyclists, and other users of the trail to be aware of the autonomous vehicle (City of Arlington, n.d.). The French company, EasyMile, boosts “that after operating over 10,000 miles all over the world, in many different environments, these vehicles have never been in an accident (City of Arlington, n.d.). The City of Arlington “pursued a sole-source procurement with EasyMile based on their provision of a wheelchair ramp” for the shuttle, ensuring it is ADA compliant for public use (City of Arlington, n.d.). The Texas A&M Transportation Institute is currently “developing protocols and algorithms for people with and without disabilities and autonomous vehicles to communicate with each other in words, sound and on electronic displays” to address challenges of contemporary paratransit through shuttle automation (Saripalli, 2017). Researchers are also investigating other accessibility solutions including “including automated wheelchair ramps and improved seating arrangements for multiple wheelchair-using passengers” (Saripalli, 2017). The City of Arlington admits that one of the largest challenges to getting the pilot program off the ground was in obtaining the correct forms of insurance both for the vehicle and for the operations, including general liability insurance and workers’ compensation policies. Other challenges included: additional costs associated the data plan, sim cards, trail preparations, charging capabilities, and marketing materials, staff time, route planning, storage, cleaning, maintenance, and other preparation elements (City of Arlington, n.d.). 71
Takeaways ¡ The continued research on improved automated paratransit services provides a template for this technology to transform paratransit and improve mobility for elderly and disabled individuals. Additionally, improved software could enable autonomous paratransit vehicles to interact with differently abled individuals, as stated earlier. ¡ Continued improvement and testing of automated shuttle services, such as this pilot, will increase route optimization, decrease wait times, and improve the user experience when applied to paratransit. ¡ The Milo pilot program is wheelchair-accessible and has the potential to substitute ADA compliant paratransit with continued testing.
Autonomous Vehicle Concerns 路 A major concern regarding the implementation of autonomous vehicles in Western New York is the lack of State approvals for the operations of these vehicles. Only limited research is permitted in the State of New York. In order to even pilot autonomous shuttle services in Western New York major state-level policy and regulations will need to be established. 路 Additionally, as mentioned in the case study, there is a major cost associated with the start of autonomous shuttle services, not only considering the purchase of technology, but also considering insurance requirements, maintenance, storage needs, and general route coordination. Suburban communities, particularly those in Western New York, lack funding to implement autonomous shuttles at this point. Innovative partnerships and funding approaches would need to be explore to pursue this avenue. Fortunately, the University at Buffalo has expertise in autonomous shuttle testing and could prove to be a strategic partner in the region. 路 Societal perception of autonomous vehicles, particularly those of senior residents, might be negative. Considerable public education and trust building campaigns would need to be undertaken to implement autonomous paratransit in the region. 路 Beyond wheelchair accessibility, autonomous paratransit vehicles will need to be specially adapted to interact with individuals with mental and physical disabilities. This will need to be a priority for any implementation of autonomous paratransit in the region.
Urban Smart Mobility
5. URBAN SMART MOBILITY Introduction The aim of this section is to highlight the current challenges that City of Buffalo faces regarding transportation, highlights smart mobility opportunities to overcome these challenges, and concerns about implementing smart mobility in urban spaces. In addition, this section develops several planning and design parameters for mobility hubs and corridors. The City of Buffalo has undergone several challenges related to transportation, environment, and infrastructure at large. Each challenge has a potential smart mobility solution. The City of Buffalo’s urban core — Downtown Buffalo—offers a number of economic, cultural, and governmental activities that take place. The majority of employees working in the downtown area are coming from outside of the City of Buffalo and mainly they are car dependent. Due to the concentration of certain uses in the urban core, the influx of employees during peak hours will create congestion. In addition, there will be a huge parking demand in the core. Although, downtown Buffalo offers 37,500 parking spaces, there is still demand for the parking in the core area because people are unwilling to park further from their destination. Congestion and parking are also interrelated since street parking consumes transport capacity by removing one or two lanes for circulation. Further, looking for a parking space creates additional delays and impairs circulation. Smart mobility can help tackle the issues of congestion by strengthening public transportation. Autonomous vehicles (AV) have capacity to provide efficient transportation by reducing congestion caused by accidents, allowing vehicles to travel closer together, and decrease parking demand. In addition, using different transportation modes such as bike share, rideshare, or car share to get to the destination will decrease car congestion (Figure 23). Riders using carpooling services provided by ride-share companies like Uber and Lyft could reduce the number of cars on the road by 75 percent, according to a new study from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Figure 24).
Lack of Public Transportation and Access to Employment A closer look at the levels of service throughout the county finds that the NFTA’s most frequent lines are largely confined to the city of Buffalo, with routes of moderate frequency connecting to the first-ring suburbs. In the rest of the county, routes are often infrequent, do not offer service on the weekends, and provide insufficient flexibility for people trying to access employers with varying shifts and schedules. The issues related to public transportation can be listed as follows: 1. Low frequency of public transit to the areas outside of Buffalo, where major employment centers are located. 2. Most high-to-moderate frequency routes are confined to particular areas within boundary of the city of Buffalo. 3. Bus stops are not well equipped with facilities (proper waiting area, shelter) that encourage people, especially vulnerable riders (handicaps, pregnant women, etc.) to use public transportation. 4. Lack of trips that link destinations in direct route 5. The train route and its stops along Main Street are not supported by the population living within ½ mile. Therefore, most of the riders depend on other mode of transportation to get the train.
5. URBAN SMART MOBILITY Lack of Public Transportation and Access to Employment A closer look at the levels of service throughout the county finds that the NFTA’s most frequent lines are largely confined to the city of Buffalo, with routes of moderate frequency connecting to the first-ring suburbs. In the rest of the county, routes are often infrequent, do not offer service on the weekends, and provide insufficient flexibility for people trying to access employers with varying shifts and schedules. The issues related to public transportation can be listed as follows: 1. Low frequency of public transit to the areas outside of Buffalo, where major employment centers are located. 2. Most high-to-moderate frequency routes are confined to particular areas within boundary of the city of Buffalo. 3. Bus stops are not well equipped with facilities (proper waiting area, shelter) that encourage people, especially vulnerable riders (handicaps, pregnant women, etc.) to use public transportation. 4. Lack of trips that link destinations in direct route 5. The train route and its stops along Main Street are not supported by the population living within ½ mile. Therefore, most of the riders depend on other mode of transportation to get the train. Employment Centers There are five major employment centers in Erie County: Downtown Buffalo; River Road in Tonawanda; the area around Sweet Home Road in Amherst; a substantial area in the northeastern suburbs that includes the Airport, Wehrle Drive, Main Street, and Transit Road; and Walden Avenue in Cheektowaga. Four out of five of these major employment centers are located outside the city of Buffalo. A West Side resident with a car, for instance, can zip to Geico in Amherst in just over 20 minutes, someone making the same trip without a car can expect to spend nearly an hour and 20 minutes using public transit to get to the same place. From the East Side, the same trip still takes more than twice as long by bus, according to a report to be released today by the Partnership for the Public Good, a community think tank in Buffalo. This mass transit burden disproportionately hurts low income people of color. It also limits the pool of prospective employees that major companies want to reach to meet their hiring needs, according to the group's new "Working Toward Equality" report. The report focuses on local issues of race, employment and public transportation[Figure 25] .’
The use of dynamic pricing can assist economically disadvantaged riders’ trips or underserved areas. Ride-sharing can provide immediate relief to those with high transportation cost burdens. Environmental Impact of Transportation Traffic congestion, reliance on private vehicles, and lack of alternative transportation modes generate negative impact on the environment. The environmental impact of transportation could be reduced by implementing green smart mobility solutions. 1. A study from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory concluded that professional carpooling might help the environment, by reducing the amount of carbon emissions created by cars on the road. 2.
Fully automated vehicles would reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Investment in public transportation system and other alternative transportation modes such as biking, scootering can lower negative environmental impacts Loss of Spaces and Lack of People Interaction with Built Environment The excess amount of parking spaces (surface and structure parking), single floor buildings in downtown area, and the existing elevated highways (flyovers), prevent people from interacting with one another as well as with city amenities (nature and built environment). The parking structures present an opportunity for higher utility land uses, including residential, commercial, and mixed uses. Higher utility uses and denser development has the potential to increase public transportation ridership and increase the social connections between people and the connections between people and the built environment. Additionally, the New York State Governor, Andrew Cuomo, recently announced a national design competition to seek alternative designs for adaptive reuse of the Skyway, a large elevated highway (Figure 26). 78
5. URBAN SMART MOBILITY development will be available across the city. The demands for parking space and garages will decrease dramatically, while increasing opportunities to reuses these spaces for smart mobility interventions. This would increase residents’ accessibility to various businesses throughout the region. A great opportunity of new and smart mobility and infrastructure that follows is to increase the interaction between people and built environment. Lack of Non-motorized Transportation Modes and Its Infrastructure The mobility of pedestrians, bicycles and other non- motorized vehicles is impaired because of intense traffic along streets and avenues where that bike lanes share with other vehicles. Deteriorated street and sidewalk pavements make biking and walking difficult, particularly for vulnerable population such as wheelchair users and mothers with strollers. The image of potholes in the City of Buffalo from 2017 to 2019 demonstrates the how poor the road infrastructure is in the city (Figure 17).
5. URBAN SMART MOBILITY There are several opportunities to address the issues related to the poor infrastructure and lack of non-motorized transportation modes. These opportunities can be summarized below: 路 Provide safe and comfortable walking, bicycling, and other form of active transportation after fixing the issues related to payment and sidewalks. 路
Promote healthy lifestyles by using active transport
Promote access to health food and facilities
Reduce per capita health expenditure
Lack of Enforcing Traffic Law to reduce accidents and increase safety Exceeding speed limits, drunk or distracted driving and failure to wear a seat belt are still the leading causes of death and serious injury on roads. Despite legislation designed to prevent all four, many drivers involved in fatal traffic collisions clearly failed to comply with one or more road traffic laws at the time of their collision (Figure 28). Improvements in traffic law enforcement should be part of an integrated road safety policy and have been shown to lead to rapid reductions in deaths and injuries when applying best practice.
Safer transportation system in line with smart technologies can help reduce accident rates, traffic congestion, time and costs that result from the traditional transportation system. ¡ Autonomous vehicles can eliminate risky driving behavior, anticipate collision factors, and control speed, making the streets even safer for people on foot, people on bikes, and people in vehicles. Urban Mobility Hub as Solutions to Urban Transportation Problem Mobility hubs are defined as major transit stations, which plays the role of a place with connectivity for different modes of transportation where walking to rapid transit come together in an intensive concentration of land uses like institutional, educational, commercial and residential activities takes place. They are planned level of transit service accessible within a 5 to 10 minute walk from any land use. It’s essential that mobility hubs support the connection between public transit and various other travel options. Determining Potential Smart Mobility Hub Locations in Buffalo, NY The Mobility Hub could be provided at defined locations around existing and new transit stations, allowing transit riders to seamlessly access other modes of transportation once they arrive at the station. The strategy that used to indicate some potential locations in city of Buffalo was some data analysis like, Population density, bicycles and vehicles crashed location, existing and proposed bicycle lanes, number of ridership and household income. Population Density The population density map shows the targeted locations for the mobility hub have high population if we compare it with other intersections.
Crash Analysis Map The intersection of W Ferry Street and Grant Street has higher frequency of bicycle/motor crash incidents in the west side of Buffalo. While the intersection of Bailey Avenue and Kensington Street has higher frequency of bicycle/motor crash incidents in the east side of Buffalo.
Bike Lanes Analysis Map The proposed locations for the mobility hub match with the vision of the future bike lanes. The missing links and disconnectedness in the city of Buffalo bike lanes are creating significant problems in accessibility especially in the east and west side of Buffalo. The proposed map shows the densifying of bike lanes through neighborhoods and connect the uncompleted lanes in the main corridors and streets to increase the accessibility.
Bus Ridership by Location The intersection of West Ferry Street and Grant Street has higher bus ridership in the west side of Buffalo. The intersection of Bailey Avenue and Kensington Street has one of the highest bus ridership in the east side of Buffalo.
Household Income Map The median household income map (Figure 32) demonstrates that the two selected locations for mobility hubs in the City of Buffalo have a mix of low- and middle-income households. It may be a challenge to target different income classes and anticipate their interaction with a smart mobility hub. However, focusing on low-income populations for a smart mobility hub would help facilitate job accessibility and encourage development in the adjacent corridors. Extending the future vision of making the Smart Mobility Hub connect with the adjacent neighborhoods by encouraging the improvements along the neighborhoods streets and make it more walkable.
Potential Locations for Urban Smart Mobility Hub Buffalo, NY · Eastside Location: The intersection between Bailey Avenue and Kensington Avenue · Westside Location: The intersection between West Ferry Street and Grant Street
Shared Mobility & MaaS
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS Emerging Trends in Shared Mobility Emerging mobility technologies and trends are quickly transforming urban transportation networks. Ridesharing/Transportation Network Companies (TNC) available through smartphone apps are becoming an increasingly bigger provider of mobility. And more recently e-scooters have popped up on the streets of many American cities and cities worldwide. How will public transportation be affected if people turn to these technologies in increasing numbers? Traditional mobility providers such as public transportation agencies must contend with these new emerging technologies. Public transportation agencies must position themselves to coexist with TNCs and e-scooters, perhaps by incentivizing them to be used as first miles/last mile solutions. Without some level of coordination, public transportation may lose out to these emerging forms of shared mobility. According to one recent study, Uber may actually have the effect of increasing ridership in larger cities and in places with smaller transit agencies. Furthermore, Uber may enhance rail ridership while detracting from bus ridership (Hall, Palsson, & Price, 2018). Both of these findings would suggest that without innovative and forward thinking planning strategies, WNY’s public transportation (which is not situated within a large city and is heavily reliant on bus routes) would stand to lose out from competition with TNCs. How can these services be better integrated? Partnerships to promote first/mile last mile solutions through shared mobility is one answer. Another is integrated route planning technology that helps a user plan a personalized trip via multiple modes without needing a private automobile. Car-sharing Car-sharing is a type of car rental designed for short periods of time (20 minutes, an hour, 2 hours). It allows users to avail the service when they need to do their week’s grocery shopping and do not feel like using public transportation to lug their groceries home. One-way car sharing allows users to pick up and drop off their shared car in different locations.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS App based ridesharing companies have been operating in WNY since June 29, 2017. Their services in WNY have been limited to basic services (UberX or UberXL & Lyft or Lyft XL). In larger, more established markets Uber and Lyft provide many more different services including the handicapped accessible UberWAV (wheelchair accessible vehicle) option. UberWAV is currently in a trial phase and is only in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC. According to Uber’s website, the price of UberWAV is “comparable” to UberX. UberWAV has yet to be introduced into any smaller markets comparable to Buffalo. Ride-splitting An additional service provided by TNCs is ride-splitting. Ride-splitting is cheaper than traditional TNC services like UberX & Lyft because it allows customers to share rides with other customers who are traveling to a similar destination. When using ridesplitting, the app will group customers together that are traveling from similar starting and ending points and assign them one driver who will pick them all up and drop them at their respective destinations through a route deemed most efficient through the TNC app. Compared to all of these customers using separate TNC trips and cars, theoretically the ride-splitting model would reduce the number of individual trips/cars needed to transport the people who are sharing the ride. This table shows the various Uber and Lyft services offered in selected American cities and Toronto. For the most part Uber and Lyft only operate their ride-splitting options in larger and/or denser markets. Ride-splitting is not available in cities of comparable population size and density to Buffalo (Cleveland, Pittsburgh, & Rochester) however it is available in smaller cities in New Jersey, perhaps because of linkages with New Jersey Transit commuter rail stations. Meanwhile some larger cities/metropolitan areas that are less densely populated like Detroit and Phoenix currently do not have ride-splitting. (“Yes” indicates the service is offered, “No” indicates that the service is not offered).
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS Currently Uber and Lyft only offer ride-splitting in denser markets. According to a conversation with Eric Plummer, Marketing Manager at Lyft’s New Jersey operations, Lyft may expand Lyft Shared to markets like Western New York if the density is there. This would be likely in the coming years if current trends continue. Bruce Schaller’s report on how TNCs are affecting traffic finds that ride-splitting options may actually lead to more traffic because it reduces public transit usage. People who cannot afford regular TNC service and are reliant on public transit are likely to opt out of public transit use when offered a cheaper TNC in the form of ride-splitting. These ride-splitting services are not always operating with multiple passengers and in fact spend a considerable amount of time driving around either between jobs or with just one passenger (Schaller, 2018). Bike-sharing Bike sharing systems which initially sprung up in a few select European cities made a big entrance into the American market with the introduction of New York City’s CitiBike in 2013. This initial generation of bike sharing systems requires users to pick up and return bicycles at specific locations. The bicycles lock in place at the docks scattered throughout the city. Buffalo saw the deployment of Reddy Bike-share in July, 2016 which incentivizes users to lock bikes at specific dock locations but also allows users to lock to their bike (thus ending their ride) to any bike rack. This provides for more flexibility of use, as users can end their ride at the location of their choosing and they are not limited by the location of docks. The newest model of bike sharing systems is the dockless bike share. These bikes can theoretically be parked anywhere as the bikes lock to themselves when the user decides that their journey is over and they have deployed the kickstand. This provides for greater ease of use for users as can end their trip anywhere within the bike share’s operational extent. However, this type of bike sharing system, if left unregulated, can lead to bike being parked in a disorderly manner (such as parking in loading zones, handicapped parking spots, the middle of sidewalks, etc.). Also, since bikes lock to themselves rather than using lock-to technology to lock to a bike rack or dock, parked dockless bikes can be knocked over and look like litter.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS Dockless bike sharing systems have been deployed in nearby communities. In New York, dockless bike sharing systems have been deployed in the outer boroughs of New York City, Westchester County, and in the Finger Lakes Region. In June 2018, White Plains saw the introduction of Ofo and LimeBike dockless bike shares. The one year pilot program has not needed tax dollars and both services were required to pay a “small permit fee” for their 150 bikes. This rollout was done through cooperation with the city government. Ofo pulled out while LimeBike’s 150 bikes remain (Liebson, 2018). According to Jeff Goodmark, Operations Manager for Lime in the Finger Lakes Region, Ithaca has been the main focal point of operations for Lime’s dockless bike shares in the Finger Lakes region. They have also tried small bike sharing systems in Dryden and in Watkins Glenn. Central Ohio has also seen the introduction of dockless bike sharing systems. Joining CoGo an existing dock based bike share with about 300 bikes, LimeBike moved into Dublin (northern Suburb of Columbus) in May and into Columbus with fleets of 250 and 450 bikes respectively. LimeBike worked with city officials to deploy their bikes. According to the company two out of every five rides start or end at a transit stop and the company is interested in working with Central Ohio Transit Authority to promote first miles/last mile solutions (Ghose, 2018). There are however significant safety concerns for bike-sharing systems: mainly the lack of helmet usage associated with bike sharing systems. King County, Washington has had a helmet law dating back to August 2003 requiring cyclists of all ages to wear helmets. Pronto Cycle, Seattle’s initial bike-share outfit, had stationed boxes of helmets for users to borrow through the honor system (Cohen & Shaheen, 2018). Now with the introduction of dockless bikes shares that throw even more randomness to where and when people may use bikes, how will helmet use change? A recent study of four locations in Seattle compared the number of cyclists using helmets between privately owned bicycle riders and recently introduced bike share users in July 2018. Only 20% of observed bike share users were using helmets while 91% of people using private bikes were using helmets (Mooney, Lee & O’Connor, 2018).
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS Emerging trends in bike sharing systems includes the introduction of e-bikes or pedal assist bikes. These bikes have a battery pack that and motor that allows for the user to activate the motor when they are feeling tired in order to give them a boost. On April 3, 2018 New York City’s DOT announced that pedal assist bicycles would be permitted in the city. However, throttle bikes (which can travel over 20 mph) are still not permitted under state law. This policy shift indicates a statewide trend towards allowing e-bikes and e-scooters which will be expanded upon further below. Electric scooters E-scooters operating as a shared form of micro mobility operate very similarly to dockless bike sharing systems in that they can be parked anywhere and lock to themselves (Figure 34). This means they can be parked inappropriately and easily be tipped over becoming litter. The Electric scooter market is largely unregulated and as with other emerging shared mobility companies, companies offering dockless electric scooters have moved or attempted to move into new markets without cities really knowing what they are getting into. Typically, these companies charge $1 per ride plus 15 cents per minute of usage. The two giants of the e-scooter shared mobility industry are Bird and Lime (which also operates LimeBike). While these two providers operate in many markets, other companies include Scoot (only operates in the US in SF), Jump (also does bicycle share & owned by Uber, operating in 9 US cities), Lyft (operating in 13 US cities) & Spin (also does bicycle share & was bought by Ford in 2018). Like TNCs, dockless electric scooter sharing companies rely on the gig economy in order to operate. “Juicers” are independent contractors that work for e-scooter companies to pick up scooters at night and recharge them, before redistributing them to designated parking locations. The industry also has regular employees (Portland Bureau of Transportation, 2018). Parking enforcement and safety remain as unresolved issues as different cities have differing regulations (some cities forbid sidewalk riding while other cities forbid street riding or riding on bike trails). 91
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS Since the deployment of e-scooters on American streets is a relatively recent phenomenon, there have been few studies of its effects. In Portland, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) conducted a study of these effects during a trial period of e-scooters in that city. The main objectives of the pilot project were reducing private vehicle usage, safety, equity, and reducing pollution/other environmental benefits (Portland Bureau of Transportation, 2018). The study found that after the pilot program was completed 62% of Portlanders viewed escooters favorably (this was even higher for the following groups: 71% - Portlanders under 35, 74% - people of color, & 66% - people with income below $30,000). Most people used escooters for transportation (71%) and 34% of Portlanders and 48% of visitors used escooters instead of ride hailing services. E-scooters also seem to have attracted new people to attractive transportation with 74% of local users saying they never used the city’s bikeshare and 42% never bicycling. There were of course safety concerns which the study attributes to unsafe riding on sidewalks and infrastructure shortcomings. Companies fell short of equity goals and requirements in that only one company adhered to stipulations requiring 100 scooters to be placed in East Portland and offering of a low income fare (Portland Bureau of Transportation, 2018). The high favorability rates of e-scooters reported in the Portland study raise questions about the accuracy of the study. Is PBOT too eager to promote e-scooters? Or are these results unique to Portland, a city that already has a progressive record when it comes to bicycle infrastructure and transit innovations. Further study of attitudes towards e-scooters is needed in order to get a more accurate representation of their public perception. Cities have attempted to regulate e-scooters with varying success and stipulations. In Indianapolis, city legislation forbids e-scooters from being ridden on sidewalks or recreational trails. Despite these limitations on paper, enforcement of this law has been spotty as many people are riding on sidewalks including one person that was hit by a truck coming out of a downtown parking garage. Additionally, users are forbidden from parking their scooters in driveways, curb ramps, handicapped parking places, and loading zones. A $25 fine is incurred for parking in the areas, a fine that is assessed to the e-scooter company. The companies are still looking into how to pass this fee onto negligent users. Meanwhile in Denver, city regulations regarded e-scooters as toy vehicles and they were initially forbidden from being ridden on roadways or bike lanes. As for parking regulations in Denver, users are asked to park scooters at transit and bus stops. Companies in both cities are charged a $15,000 permitting fee plus $1 per day per scooter to operate in Indianapolis and $30 per scooter for one year in Denver (May & Hill, 2018). 92
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS As for E-Scooter regulation in New York State, they are currently illegal. However, Cuomo’s Executive Budget for 2020 would allow municipalities to decide for themselves whether or not to allow e-scooters within their jurisdictions (Office of the Governor, 2019). This would open the door to e-scooter deployment in New York State. Potentially within weeks-months we will see e-scooters on our streets. Besides the parking issues similar to dockless bike sharing systems, e-scooters also share the helmet issue similar to bike sharing systems. Users are supposed to wear helmets and companies have tried to encourage helmet use, even by offering to pay for free helmets (minus the cost of shipping) for active users, in the case of Bird. Lime’s Respect the Ride campaign is a multifaceted safety campaign which will supposedly include the giving away of 250,000 helmets. There is also the concern of sustainability as there have been reports of scooters not being durable. According to Quartz’s analysis of Louisville, Kentucky’s open data collection of data on scooter trips, the average Bird scooter in that city only lasted 28.8 days. If lifespans of e-scooters are this short, how can these companies turn a profit when average scooter trips are 18 minutes (costing $3.70) and scooters make on average 3.49 rides per day while the scooters themselves most likely cost $350-500 (Griswold, 2019). The profit margin of e-scooter companies is questionable.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS Conclusion E-scooters and Micro Mobility E-scooters and e-bikes are coming soon. If current trends continue, we will see large scale expansions of e-scooter services with bike shares slowing in their growth. Already Ofo pulled out of the US market and Lime is focusing their business expansions on escooters. E-scooters took the micro-mobility market by storm in 2018 and with New York State’s Executive Budget for 2020, e-scooters and e-bikes are destined to be introduced in Western New York. Under the framework outlined in the Executive Budget, it will be up to municipalities to create a framework for regulating e-scooters and e-bikes. Another major takeaway from emerging trends in micro mobility is that micro mobility is not only an option for urban cores. Lime & Bird have set up their operations in smaller towns and on university campuses. It is thus conceivable based on this research and conversations with people and Lyft and Lime that these companies may want to provide their services in some of our smaller towns and villages. All these forms of mobility will in the end provide more transportation options. Rather than traveling in a personal vehicle, people will have more options when it comes to getting from point A to B. Private companies with large venture capital funding structures are interested in locating to our area (or already have located here in the case of Uber and Lyft). However, in order to make micro-mobility more viable in our region, infrastructure will need to be approved. Industry insiders Anders Gunnersen (Director of Operations at Reddy Bikeshare), Eric Plummer and Jeff Goodmark all agree that WNY’s bicycle infrastructure will need to be improved in order to 1) attract more people to use bicycles and possibly e-scooters and 2) make these forms of transportation safer for users of these services and unwitting pedestrians who are caught sharing sidewalks with e-scooter users.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS MaaS - Mobility as a Service With increased availability of various transportation options in recent times and gradual, steady increase in privatization of vehicles, congestion in transportation has arisen as a result. While there has been lot of efforts, programs and attempts made to address the upcoming issues in context of transportation, private vehicles’ numbers have been growing irrespective of these efforts. Mobility as a Service is a concept that was formulated to address congestion issue. It was basically integrating the services provided by private network providers and public services to make people use more public transportation with the help of private transport network providers. This type of public private partnership has proved to have been effective and has yielded results showing improvement in increased usage of public transportation.  MaaS exhibits features that comprehend the major service providing applications and then uses their application interface to obtain data to display it to the users. There are many private transportation networks that have been providing ridesharing, ride splitting, car rental services and many more, which means there are more and more options for people (Figure 35). It is therefore better if people are provided with a comprehended statistical data which will enable them to choose between the network providers based on their convenience, affordability, time for travelling and many such influencing factors, which is precisely what mobility as a service delivers. Mobility in cities evolves into a service we use as needed, which eliminates the idea of owning a private vehicle contributing to solving congestion and air pollution issues (Warwick G, Tiffany D F, Justine B, and Brett B, 2017, Deloitte Review).
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS One best comparable example would be Netflix. Instead of owning the movie we want to see, we pay an operator that owns the rights to distribute the films. With a monthly fee, we can watch as many movies as you wish. What if, for a fixed price, you would have access to all means of transport provided through one serviceprovider? MaaS Global sees the future of transportation in this way.
In the United States, data from the Federal Transit Administration’s National Transit Database show a 2.5 percent decline in total transit ridership from 2016 to 2017, with bus ridership displaying a 5 percent drop. There is a nationwide decline in transit ridership observed that has been in progress since 2014, in spite of increase in population and employment in the United States (Figure 36) (Randal T, November 2018, Charting Public Transit’s Decline).
The Finnish City of Helsinki is where the concept of Mobility as a Service came into existence. It aimed for a well-functioning public transport network covering the wider metropolitan area. With the city center on a peninsula surrounded by the Baltic Sea on its three sides, Helsinki has only limited space for parking or traffic jams with the increase in private automobiles. Its new mobility system, was fabricated from the ideas by one of its architect Sampo Hietanen (ITS Finland CEO). He aimed to build a sustainable customer centric transportation by integrating public transit system and private companies (demand responsive transit system). The Whim App offers unlimited rides on public transit, access to city bikes, cheap shortdistance taxis and rental cars—all for one monthly fee. Whim negotiates with private mobility providers before including them in the application and takes a small amount of commission when trips are booked by users/riders (some private services active in Helsinki such as Drive Now and Uber are not currently available on Whim). Whim is already leveraging its growth in Helsinki to expand into other European cities Birmingham and Antwerp, and Singapore. The company mentioned North America is in its growth plans as well. With the Whim app, riders can plan and pay for trips in public transportation, bikes hare, taxis, and car-share. They need not shuttle between apps and everything is available in Whim. Whim offers three levels of service: 1. A free, pay-as-you-go option 2. A 49€ (approximately $55) monthly “Whim Urban” subscription offering unlimited public transportation and reduced rates for taxi (10€, approximately $11) and car-share (49€) and 3. A 499€ (approximately $565) “Whim Unlimited” package that adds unlimited taxi and car share access. Most of Whim’s 7,000 Helsinki subscribers use Whim Urban. 97
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS Limitations of MaaS In case a Whim subscriber receives unlimited or discounted taxi service from a private service provider, the incentive to use public transportation gradually decreases (Figure 37, Figure 38). If taxi trips increase, that would directly lead to an overall decrease in public transportation ridership. This may cause an increase in vehicle miles traveled and, congestion. There’s no proper information yet about how Whim changes the transportation behavior and pattern of its subscribers, but MaaS Global is studying it. If shared mobility is not well integrated with public transportation, what will happen? Though the idea of integrating shared mobility and public transportation has been considered and contemplated as suitable solution attributing congestion and other transportation issues, quite a few limitations have emerged as the concept was implemented and outcomes were scrutinized based on various locations. The collaboration between the private transport network companies turns out to be quite challenging and complicated as those companies will be aware of the company’s profit and its prominence in the market. The impacts if the shared mobility is not well integrated are specific and clear, which will affect the usage of public transportation and association with mobility as a service conception. · Major and significant impact would be increased traffic situation, which leads to Congestion. · Escalates the Vehicles Miles Travelled (VMT) as more usage of private vehicles on road leading back to existing situation or could go worse. · The Travel Network Companies (TNC’s) could compete with public transit leading to more traffic.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS These impacts automatically affect the whole sequence of Mobility as a Service and results in not serving the concept’s purpose. The risks of TNCs replicating/competing directly with public transit … and actually leading to more traffic. One of the impacts mentioned is the Travel Network Companies (TNC’s) could compete with public transit, the risks associated with it are increased operation of private automobiles on the road. Recent research even shows data in which vehicle-miles traveled and congestion is increasing in many cities and transit ridership is declining since the gradual evolution of private service entities throughout the years (Figure 37, Figure 39).
Maas considers the transportation network as an ecosystem instead of viewing them as a network of Individual and independent service providers. MaaS facilitates features where it fades the division between the various transportation means or the division may even totally disappear.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS The influence of digitalization in transportation contributes to the process of developing a smart city. Maas obliquely resolves the ownership of private automobiles, one of the targeted problems, which is applicable to any city. Convenience is not the only advantage, but it helps people to prefer cycling or walking, assisting in choosing healthier options. While taking all sorts of efforts, the concept of MaaS addresses parking problems. Parking issue is a major complication among the transportation planning, when solved it could lead to better and alternative usage of huge parcels of land across the country.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS With the emergence of technology and innovation, there are various ways in which it encourages the ease of use across different modes. · People are provided with real time information about all the transportation modes available based on the user’s needs. · The information comprises fare prices and time travelled to reach the desired destination, allowing users to choose between the options based on their affordability and convenience. · It emphasizes the availability of public transit · Offers first miles/last mile transportation options from private TNC’s to riders, in a way encouraging riders to take up public transportation · Comprehends data on ride sharing, ride-splitting, rental options and bike sharing delivering environment friendly transportation options, and assisting users in choosing these types of services rather than owning or using private vehicles (Figure 40).
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS How can these different forms of shared mobility be integrated? · Providing first miles/last mile transit options collaborating with public transit service providers, promoting public transportation’s utilization and also increasing ridership of Private TNC’s (majorly Lyft and Uber in the United States) · Establishing bike docks, for bike sharing near main transportation nodes bus stops, metros and other transport hubs, connecting from hubs to destination points. · Availing bike docks, car sharing hubs and car rentals in major commercial points and frequently travelled region of the city. · Incentivized fare rates can be initiated for both public transit and private service providers, where the modes complementing each other and encouraging riders to opt for both modes. · Dockless bikes are now becoming prominent consideration for smart cities. They are cheap, zero-emissions, easy-to-access bikes and mainly reducing unnecessary car trips for shorter trips or shorter time.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS Uber and Lyft - MaaS Statistical data indicates that since 2016, at least 27 or more communities across the United States have collaborated with Uber, Lyft and other Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) to boost and augment conventional transport services (Figure 43).
Unlike an Uber or Lyft, public transportation authorities exist to provide services to the public and not necessarily to turn a profit. But like a private company, they still have budgets, ridership numbers and business goals to meet (Laura B, August 2018, Where Ride-Hailing and Transit Go Hand in Hand). Many (PSTA, Altamonte and Centennial) of these partnerships are happening in the smaller cities. And there seems to be a strong positive correlation between the smaller the city and the more involved the partnership is, which makes sense.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS Uber’s partnership in the United States, and its services that are closer to MaaS · Uber is recently partnering with peer-to-peer car sharing company called Getaround in San Francisco. Uber is testing this partnership, by including the renting option, which enables Bay Area users to be able to book and drive “Uber Rent”. The renting option allows users to take vehicles by the hour or day, at prices set by the individuals who owned the vehicles on the Getaround program. · Around last year (2018) in Washington, D.C, Uber established its ownership of Jump - New York City based dockless bike sharing company. This enables the users to be able to book a Jump bike from Uber App. This feature was already available to users in San Francisco from Uber’s pilot program with Jump (February). · Uber revealed recently that it has partnered with Masabi. Masabi is a London-based company which facilitates Mobile Transit Ticketing in almost 30 cities around the world. It allows users to purchase tickets through application, and showing the same to the conductors while commuting. Masabi is working to deliver services among the Uber’s option menu wherever Masabi is available. This feature enables users in location such as New York, Boston, Los Angeles and few others places to book regular commuter rail tickets with the same app (Uber) they use to book a regular Uber pick-up when they have reached the desired destination.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS · All these partnerships and deals that are established and trying to establish by Uber is all about determining alternatives to reduce the usage of private/personal vehicles in cities, says the head of transportation policy and research for Uber, Andrew Salzberg. Uber, with all these efforts trying to cover maximum modes of transportation, is focusing to become an “Everything Company” in transit system. It is looking forward to meet demands of all sort. · Lyft has recently invested in Motivate- a New York based company that operates bike sharing system in some of largest US cities, where one of the largest cities includes New York (Citi Bike). Lyft and Uber have constantly been involved in integration and acquisition of various small scale transit companies to convert themselves as a Mobility as a service provider, comprehending most of all the transit network modes one by one. (Laura B., April 2018, Uber Pivots to On-Demand Everything) Existing Cases for integration of shared mobilities with public transit (Pittsburgh and Milwaukee) - for each of these we need to think about the results (was there an increase in public transit use because of these policy changes? Increase in bike share usage? What are the numbers?) The Linking Bike Share and Transit seminar online was a collaboration between the Better Bike Share Partnership and the National Association of City Transportation Officials. Staff from Pittsburgh and Milwaukee weighed in on how exactly they linked their bike share and transit systems, and what the user experience is like in the real world. ·
· Shared Mobility in Pittsburgh, PA - Public Transit and Bike Share Pittsburgh uses shared technology to provide free bike share access across the city. Pittsburgh is the first U.S. city to offer free Healthy Ride bike share access to transit riders in September 2017. The Pittsburgh Bike Share (managing entity of Healthy Ride) explained that the most essential element is to take care of the delicate details in order to make it difficult for the transit agency to say “no” when connecting the systems. Pittsburgh Bike Share, aims for system integration through Healthy Ride’s launch in 2015. The system at present has 50 stations with 500 bikes, and will be expanding in 2018. Initial results show a 4.3% increase in Healthy Ride ridership, as opposed to previously flat growth. While overall revenues have dropped slightly, the managing entity is hopeful that they could find a corporate sponsor to help cover additional costs, given how the new feature has expanded access overall. (Stefani C, NA, Pittsburgh and Milwaukee explain how they linked bike share to transit) Shared Mobility in Milwaukee, WI - Public Transit and Bike Share Milwaukee has experienced an extreme drop in transit ridership between 2016 and 2017 (Figure 42). In Milwaukee, the process of linking bike share through the local transit card was quite different than in Pittsburgh, and advertising has also been a major part of connecting the two network systems. ·
As the technology between the Milwaukee County Transit System and Bublr Bikes is distinct (unlike the similar RFID readers on both bikes and buses in Pittsburgh), the combined card in Milwaukee is actually two different cards brought in together. Riders acquire a special Bublr Bikes sticker that attaches to the MCTS fare card and allows for connection to both systems, “Eighty percent of Bublr stations share overlap with bus routes,” says Brendan Conway, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of MCTS. “The bus will now say the approaching intersection and that there is Bublr Bike station. The transit app will also say whether there is a Bublr Bike station within a quarter mile.” Milwaukee has also been involved in co-branding the bikes with the MCTS logo, and are considering the concept of joint station maintenance and other collaboration processes. Bike share professionals and advocates would be well-advised to check up on both Pittsburgh and Milwaukee’s experiments with transit connectivity as the systems grow and evolve.
Shared Mobility and MaaS Implementation All this information acquired based on the world cities example, show us why mobility as a service should be integrated in exclusive manner to effectively utilize the transportation planning strategies. In the United States, Universal Basic Mobility has been in the talk for long, which is basically a system of partnerships and/or policies that provide a minimum level of mobility to all people of society. In many cities, areas with poor mobility shows high rate of unemployment and low incomes. The integration of the transit networks and public transportation system can be achieved by means of associating municipal partnerships along with mobility companies, municipal policy and federal policies. The scope is much better in case of Buffalo, NY as the transportation network systems needs to improvised, for the overall development of the city. The ride sharing and ride splitting in Buffalo has not yet found a strong foundation. In fact, there is all the freedom to present innovative ideas for shared mobility, mobility as a service, and smart mobility for enhancing the transit systems. This could not only exhibit an enhancement in the department of transportation, but also could prove to be beneficial for the riders during bad weather conditions in Buffalo, as the place experiences extremities in weather.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS The shared mobility programs that could be implemented in Buffalo include: 1. Public transportation authority and private service providers (like Lyft and Uber) to collaborate and associate to support and assist in implementing mobility as a service. 2. Lyft and Uber partnerships with the NFTA for First miles/Last mile to offer services from the major transport hubs to the desired destinations. Provide incentivized shared mobility options for the area where low incomes are located as they need the services like these the most. 3. The private TNC’s could provide lesser ride fares to the tourist attraction places, frequently visited locations and major commercial areas within the county to attract people in choosing shared transportation rather than usage of private vehicles. 4. Provide bike sharing facilities in locations where there are less availability or frequency of public transit as these bike sharing could be enormously effective in those regions. 5. Make partnerships with microtransit service providers to offer services in areas of poor mobility 6. Identify potential locations for placing small scale mobility hubs that compliment mobility as a service and shared mobility systems.
6. SHARED MOBILITY & MAAS 7. Identify potential locations for placing small scale mobility hubs that compliment mobility as a service and shared mobility systems. 8. As part of the planning process for the Citi Bike bike-sharing program, the New York City Department of Transportation conducted 159 public meetings, presentations, and demonstrations between the fall of 2011 and the spring of 2013. The City of Buffalo could also conduct open houses and public meetings to acquire feedbacks and opinions about the feasibility of these proposals and programs. These suggestions were identified to provide smart mobility solutions that express the limitations and satisfy the needs of residents throughout the Buffalo-Niagara region to increase transportation equity through shared mobility implementations.
Data Analysis & Visualization
7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Introduction  More often than not, transportation planning is informed by density calculations. Whether a city engineer is determining where to place pedestrian signaling technologies or a public transportation planner is determining where to place a new bus shelter, the decision ultimately comes down to where the intervention will impact the most individuals: riders, drivers, pedestrians, etc. Measures of volume are particularly important when it comes to public transportation planning because of the reliance on fares to fund a portion of the system cost. As a result of this reliance on volume, some vulnerable populations may be overlooked during the decision making process. Mobility as a service (MaaS), as described in previous chapters, takes a more holistic approach to public transportation planning, including considerations for vulnerable populations not being served by existing public transit systems, barriers to public transit usage including language, ability, or other characteristic, as well as strategic connections between populations, public transit, and public service providers. The following chapter identifies populations in the Erie-Niagara region that rely on public transportation or need public transportation solutions. A Transit Demand Index (TDI) was created using these identified variables to inform urban planners and transportation professionals in the region as to where vulnerable populations need public transportation solutions such as those outlined in previous chapters. We hope that this TDI will guide transportation professionals to consider smart mobility solutions to better serve all residents in the Erie-Niagara region. Additionally, a dot density map was created to visualize areas in the region that have the highest ridership on existing NFTA public transit routes. Areas with the highest existing ridership are prime locations for large scale mobility hubs, as discussed throughout this report. We hope that transportation professionals and urban planners considering smart mobility in the region will consider the implications of ridership density when considering ideal locations for large scale mobility hubs. 112
7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Creating the Transit Demand Index Data Collection To develop the Transportation Demand Index (TDI) for Erie and Niagara County at the census tract level demographic information was retrieved from the 2017 5-year estimates (2013 - 2017) of the American Community Survey (ACS). American Fact Finder, an open source tool for U.S. Census data, was used to retrieve demographic variable data for all census tracts in Erie and Niagara County. The following raw variable data was retrieved: Total Population (B01003), Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months (S1701), Work Status in the Past 12 Months - Unemployed (S2303), Age by Sex (S0101), and Household Size by Vehicle Available - No Vehicle Available (B08201). Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority urban and rural routes were retrieved from the NFTA Data Analyst, Eric Svenson.
Variable Selection Variables used to create the TDI were selected based on documented literature, as well as public transportation needs and current usage trends specific to Erie and Niagara County. A number of socioeconomic factors have been shown to be correlated to public transit usage, and, therefore, can be used as good predictors of transit behavioral trends. The literature shows that that “household income, age, race/ethnicity, car ownership” and immigration status have a significant correlation to public transit usage (Gutierrez, 2011; Guiliano, 2003; Rosenbloom et al., 1998). The number of individuals below the poverty line was identified as an indicator of public transit demand because, in addition to documented literature, the overwhelming majority of current NFTA riders are very low income. According to Robert Jones, Manager of Service Planning at NFTA, 82 percent of riders are very low income and 67 percent make below $25,000, annually (Jones, R., 2019). Unemployment was included in this analysis of transit demand because many people who are unemployed often use public transportation during the job search, as well as the ability to get to and from a place of employment.
7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Individuals who are age 65 or older were included in this analysis for several reasons. As mentioned in previous chapters of this report, senior populations are growing at exponential rates, particularly in suburbs and rural areas. As individuals age mobility becomes more and more of an issue, whether because of their own ability to drive a personal vehicle, potential disabilities, or constraints of a fixed income. Households without personal vehicles, as mentioned in previous chapters, are in particular need of public transportation in a region like Erie-Niagara because of carcentric infrastructure development and urban sprawl. Total population was considered in this analysis because population density is a still a major consideration when making · public transportation investments and has been shown to be a predictor of transit usage at the station level (Gutierrez, 2011).
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7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Transit Demand Index Methodology To construct the TDI each variable estimate was standardized to enable variables with different units of measurement to be easily compared. See the standardization equation below:  Z = ((đ?‘Ľ - Âľ)/ Ďƒ ) Where x is the raw value, or population estimate for a given variable; where Âľ is the mean value of x; where Ďƒ is the standard deviation of x.  Standard scores were used to calculate the TDI for each census tract. The Transportation Demand Index (TDI) for each census tract was calculated using the following formula: đ?‘‡đ??ˇđ??źđ?‘– = đ?›˝1 đ?‘Ľđ?‘–,1 + đ?›˝2 đ?‘Ľđ?‘–,2 + đ?›˝3 đ?‘Ľđ?‘–,3 +
‌+ đ?›˝đ?‘? đ?‘Ľđ?‘–,đ?‘? ,
Where TDIi  is the transit demand index for census tract i, đ?›˝đ?‘˜Â is the weight for the k-th predictor variable k={1,2,...,p} , and đ?‘Ľđ?‘–,đ?‘˜Â  is the normalized k-th predictor variable. The TDI for each census tract in Erie and Niagara County was then mapped to demonstrate the spatial relationship between transit demand indicators. The TDI map was visualized with a standard deviation classification, which enables the map to orient groups of variables (identified in the legend) by how much they vary from the standard mean, or average (roughly 0.0). This means that census tracts below 0, or with negative scores, scored least in terms of potential transit demand, and census tracts above 0 have the highest potential for transit demand. ¡      Referring back to the visualization of individual variable concentrations illustrates how the TDI combines each variable to create a cumulative predictor of transit demand. Current NFTA routes, urban and rural, were overlaid onto the TDI map to indicate areas in the region that are not currently served by traditional public transportation.
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7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Interpreting the Transit Demand Index The transit demand index (TDI) combines each individual variable to show where the highest demand for transportation exists. Each variable is also mapped on its own to provide context for how the TDI is built. Included are maps that show the variables themselves and also the variable with NFTA bus routes and rural routes overlaid to show how different census tracts are being served by existing transportation. Each variable map and the TDI map act as tools to be used by GBNRTC, public transportation organizations, local municipalities, urban planning professionals, and other transportation professionals to inform future planning for smart mobility options in the Buffalo-Niagara region. The data shown in the maps should be used by organizations alongside their internal data to provide an extra source of information to determine the best locations for mobility hubs or expansion of mobility as a service. The first variable, population density, was used to show where the highest concentration of people are living in both counties. The population density map with the NFTA routes shows how NFTA is already providing service to densely populated areas except a few rural locations. A transportation professional working in one of these densely populated locations might consider how smart mobility could be leveraged to better connect into existing transit. A professional working in a less densely populated area, particularly in rural areas, might consider how smart mobility, such as a small scale mobility hub or a public-private partnership with a ride hailing company could be used to connect to end route locations. The second variable used for the TDI was the number of individuals living below the poverty line. The map shows census tracts with high numbers of people living in · poverty and they access to existing bus routes. Many of the most impoverished census tracts exist within the urban areas of Buffalo and Niagara Falls but there are some rural census tracts showing higher levels of poverty as well. Transportation and planning professionals operating in higher poverty rural census tracts might consider investments to create more mobility options for low income residents. This is particularly important since we know that roughly 82% of NFTA riders are very low-income, making income a large inconsideration in regional transit use. ·
7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION The third variable used for the TDI was the number of individuals unemployed. The map shows high amounts of unemployment individuals in rural census tracts, and many of these rural census tracts with high rates of unemployment are not serviced by existing NFTA routes. It follows that the individuals facing unemployment in these areas struggle to access employment centers in urban and suburban geographies. Increased mobility options, like those discussed in previous chapters, could make regional job centers more accessible for unemployed populations in rural communities and should be considered by transportation professionals in these areas. The fourth variable used for the TDI was the number of individuals age 65 and up. The map shows a higher concentration of elderly populations in suburban and rural census tracts. NFTA routes do service many of those census tracts, however planners in these areas could consider mobility as a service and advanced paratransit options could to increase senior mobility, better connect the aging population to public transportation, and improve the rider experience for elderly populations. The fifth variable used for the TDI was households without vehicles. A great number of public transportation users do not have access to vehicles and the map shows that more people without vehicles are living in urban and suburban areas instead of rural ones. Existing NFTA routes service a majority of the census tracts with high populations of households without vehicle access. There remain some rural areas that do see relatively high proportions of the population without access to a vehicle. Small scale mobility hubs, bikes shares, and other forms of smart mobility in these areas should be considered to increase mobility of populations without access to a vehicle who are cut off from existing public transportation. · ·
7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Finally, by combining all five variables, we get a Transit Demand Index for Erie and Niagara County. The TDI map shows the census tracts where the highest demand for transportation is based on summation of all variables. Transportation professionals can use this TDI map along with other available data to make informed decisions regarding smart mobility investments in the Erie-Niagara region. There are high demand areas within each geographic category: urban, suburban, and rural. There are rural census tracts in both Erie and Niagara County that have high demand for transportation that are not serviced by existing NFTA routes. An argument can be made by transportation professionals that these census tracts would be ideal locations for mobility hubs and other innovative mobility solutions. A strategic approach to the placement of mobility hubs in both counties could improve public transportation connectivity throughout the region.
Figure 50. Population Density & NFTA Routes in Erie & Niagara County. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau ACS, 2013- 2017; NFTA, 2018.
Figure 51. Population without a Vehicle and NFTA Routes in Erie & Niagara County. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau ACS, 2013- 2017; NFTA, 2018.
Figure 52. Population Living in Poverty and NFTA Routes in Erie & Niagara County. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau ACS, 2013- 2017; NFTA, 2018.
Figure 53. Population Unemployed and NFTA Routes in Erie & Niagara County. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau ACS, 2013- 2017; NFTA, 2018.
Figure 54. Population 65 and Older and NFTA Routes in Erie & Niagara County. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau ACS, 2013- 2017; NFTA, 2018.
Figure 55. Transit Demand Index and NFTA Routes in Erie & Niagara County. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau ACS, 2013- 2017; NFTA, 2018.
Figure 56. Transit Demand Index and NFTA Routes in Erie & Niagara County. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau ACS, 2013- 2017; NFTA, 2018.
7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Creating the Dot Density Map Data Collection Ridership Data for the creation of the dot density map was retrieved from the NFTA Data Analyst, Eric Svenson. Svenson shared point level 2018 ridership data for all NFTA stops in Erie and Niagara County. Total weekday ridership, boarding and exiting ridership, was used to construct the dot density map because these numbers reflect peak commuting ridership. Dot Density Methodology The point density tool in ArcMap GIS was used to calculate the density of total weekday riders around each one meter raster cell. The value assigned to each point, total weekday riders at each NFTA stop, within a one meter cell was summed and then divided by that one meter area. One meter was selected as the analysis unit in order to get fine grain processing of density. The raster output was then masked with the projected Erie and Niagara shapefile. Once rendered, zero values were excluded. The final map shows low ridership in the very light red and high ridership in the very dark red. ·
Figure 56. Transit Demand Index and NFTA Routes in Erie & Niagara County. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau ACS, 2013- 2017; NFTA, 2018.
Figure 57. NFTA Weekday Ridership Density Erie & Niagara County. Data Source: NFTA, 2018.
7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Interpreting Dot Density Map The dot density map represents the intensity of NFTA weekday ridership at different transit stops throughout Erie and Niagara County. The map shows that there are more people who frequent public transportation in the City of Buffalo, particularly in the downtown area, university station on the East Side, and parts of the West Side. In Niagara County, weekday ridership is highest in the City of Niagara Falls. This map is intended to serve as a tool to determine where mobility hubs could be placed based on existing ridership at a specific location during peak commute times. Using this data, it makes sense to focus on urban areas for large scale mobility hubs. High ridership transit stops have the density to support transit oriented development that compliments smart mobility. Small scale mobility hubs would make sense in areas where there is consistent existing ridership, as well as in areas that have a high need for first and last mile mobility solutions, particularly areas that are connected to public transportation but whose riders may require further travel outside of the NFTA service area. Those smaller mobility hubs could support mobility as a service options, including car and bike sharing. Overall, the dot density map is another tool that should be used in conjunction with other maps to make data driven decisions about where mobility hubs, large and small, could be placed in the Erie-Niagara Region. ·
7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Limitations Demographic data used in the creation of the maps comes from the United States Census American Community Survey Five Year Estimates which has a margin of error. The demographics selected were based on conversations had with GBNRTC, NFTA, and other institutions that expressed the kinds of data they were interested in. Additional time to include in-depth stakeholder feedback throughout the development of the TDI would greatly improve the accuracy of this method. To create the transit demand index, each variable was weighted equally. A Delphi survey including public transportation stakeholders could be implemented to determine variable weights and ensure greater accuracy. Therefore, the TDI may report higher demand in census tracts that actually may not have a high demand. It is important to look at the maps for each individual variable along with the final TDI to see how data may have been skewed. Additionally, rural transportation routes in Niagara County, managed by the Rural Niagara Transportation, were not included in this report. A shapefile for the rural routes could not be located, but a user map with the existing routes shows that there are public transportation options in rural Niagara County (Figure 58). Advanced GIS techniques could be utilized to create a shapefile of these routes. ·
Figure 58. Rural Niagara Transportation Routes. Source:
7. DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION Conclusion This chapter focuses on data collection and interpretation. To provide readers with data driven tools to assist in making decisions concerning where smart mobility can be implemented in the Buffalo-Niagara region. Using demographic data collected from the United States Census Bureau, a transit demand index was created. The transit demand index or TDI shows where the highest demand for transportation in Erie and Niagara County exists based on poverty, unemployment, age over 65, no access to a vehicle, and population density. In addition, the TDI, a dot density map was created using weekday ridership data from the NFTA to show the spatial relationship of the most heavily trafficked public transit stops. Together, the TDI and dot density maps can be used to make data driven decisions about where small or large mobility hubs can potentially be located. ·
Smart Mobility Hub Locations and Designs for the Buffalo-Niagara Region
University Station is located on the northern tip of the city of Buffalo (Figure 60). It is considered a starting point or gateway into the City of Buffalo. The intention of selecting this existing structure is to reduce the cost of building a new mobility hub and to eliminate the “end point” and instead, make it a place where multiple transportation systems connect. The criteria of selecting this site as potential smart mobility hub can be summarized as follow: · Existing structure and ample surface parking · Strategically located to UB south campus · Connection point between City of Buffalo and surrounding suburban areas · Higher public transportation ridership · The adjacent area to the station, the adjacent corridor—Main Street, and commercial uses might be a potential location for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) · Opportunities to solve the issues that make the transit-riding experience difficult such as outdoor— unsheltered waiting area; lack of facilities such as bathrooms, family area, coffee shops, etc.
Figure 60. Existing NFTA University Station. Basemap source: Google Maps.
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION The goal of this mobility hub design is to transform NFTA-University Station into a destination, rather than a regular transit stop. The transformation occurs by adapting the following place making principles (Figure 61): 1. Smart Park and Smart ride Instead of vast surface parking, the design has a smart, structured parking connected to the main mobility hub with an enclosed bridge. The structured parking and connecting bridge make the mobility hub easily accessible. 2. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) To make use of the existing infrastructure, we propose a mixed-use building enclosing the structured parking with connection to both levels of the mobility hub. In addition, the design proposes mixed-use building at the opposite side of the University Station across the main street. 3. Enclosed waiting area at the circle of the bus stops Currently, bus riders wait for their buses either in the unprotected bus stops or in the main lobby where they have to rush to catch buses. In order to make the public bussing system more efficient and comfortable, we propose an enclosed waiting area that follows the bus loop. 4. Adding a second floor to the existing building The existing building is currently not supported by any facility that makes the experience of using the public transportation system a desired destination. The second floor is proposed to accommodate public/family restrooms, cafes, management offices, reading nooks, etc. to make the space more enjoyable and serving the public’s needs. 5. Bus layover zone connected to main building The design proposes a place where the drivers can take a break and park their buses safely and connecting it with the main building 6. Autonomous supporting surfaces / electric car parking with charging docks Electric and autonomous vehicles are becoming more popular; therefore, a parking lot has been dedicated for these types of vehicles at grade level for easy accessibility. 7. Prioritizing unprotected public space users such as pedestrians and bicyclists in the design The mobility hub provides several locations for bike racks and interconnected bike paths with the adjacent bike network. 8. Redesign street section to put pedestrian, public transportation user, and bicyclists first The street cross section has been revised to reduce the pavement area (skinny-street) and to increase the connectivity across the main street. In addition, the street edge has been revised to accommodate the installment of new technologies such as wayfinding, smart bus stops, bike racks, smart lighting system, and flexible zone. In the concept design below, the above mentioned principles that combine place-making principles, and intelligent technologies that solve the existing challenges and help transform the existing station into a smart mobility hub. For more details, reference is made to Design Guidelines Chart.
Figure 61. Proposed mobility hub at University Station. Basemap source: Google Maps
The adjacent street cross section clearly demonstrates the idea of Pedestrian First by emphasizing on increase the area of pedestrian movement and interaction. In addition, provide proper way-finding smart signs, bike racks, and bike lane (Figure 62).
Figure 62 and 65. Existing and proposed cross-sections of Main Street next to the proposed mobility hub at University Station. Source (upper image): Google Maps.
Westside Station - Niagara and West Ferry Streets The proposed location for the mobility hub at intersection of Niagara St. and W. Ferry St. has potential characteristics. First, Ferry Street is the only street that crosses city of Buffalo from the East at Bailey Avenue to the Main Street, and all the way to the West at Niagara Street. Second, Niagara St. is the only peripheral street that starts from the Niagara Square, Downtown, and runs along Erie Lake and Niagara River all the way up to Niagara Falls.
Figure 63. Existing intersection of Niagara and West Ferry Street. Source: Google Maps.
Ferry Street works as a connector between east and west of Buffalo, while Niagara St., works as a connector between north and south (Figure 63). In addition, the area where the proposed site located is highly populated and very close to the Broderick Park (destination), where the Broderick Park connected with Niagara Street by bridge. Considering waterfront, the site has a potential to be TOD (Figure 63). Therefore, the proposed location is well justified to be a mobility hub where people can move and meet, and enjoy that experience. Contrary to the University station where buses enter the station in a full roundabout, we have approached the circulation differently in this site. We envision the proposed mobility hub as destination by itself and a stop where it connects destination. Therefore, we have proposed a Bus-Loop and protected waiting area at bus stops and connecting it with the main terminal/station lobby. Throughout the design process, we have adapted almost the same principles that we applied in the University Station. The core principles evolved around place making strategy—mixed use development, prioritize pedestrian over vehicles, focusing on non-motorized transportation modes, connectivity, stacking parking, covered waiting area, bike station and racks, etc. (Figure 64; Figure 65).
Figure 64. Proposed mobility hub and adjacent corridor at Niagara and West Ferry Street. Basemap source: Google Maps.
Conclusion and Recommendations We have asserted throughout designing of both sites, University Station and Westside Station, and their adjacent streets that we should be focusing on Smart Place first. The Smart Place is the framework that smart mobility can function. The optimized use of intelligent transportation technologies cannot be accomplished without optimized land-use planning. Therefore, we recommend that relevant government/semi-government agencies should adapted the following principles that might be depicted through land use policy, or new zoning and building codes: • Transit Oriented Development that relies on a mixed of land uses, building typologies and mixed of people—highly populated nodes. • Provide adequate infrastructure for non-modernized transportation modes, such as bike lanes, bike station and racks. • Incentive policies that discourage people from using their own vehicles. • Provide safe pedestrian network, especially mid-block crossing. • Provide a sheltered bus stop, particularly in area where riders have to wait long time outside. • Various Community Facilities scale to be located in residential area according to the density in order to reduce travelled miles. • Continuous maintenance works of the infrastructure. • Built-to-line in order to reduce the street crossing distance and make the space more human-scaled oriented. • Stack the surface parking behind the buildings. • Walkable block size. • Prioritize pedestrian over automobiles.
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION Smart Mobility Hub and Smart Corridor Bailey Ave. and Kensington Ave. The intersection of Bailey Avenue and Kensington Avenue is spine of East Buffalo and important transportation node that usually it is being congested during the rush hours on account of poor infrastructure and lack of development. With some implementation it could be one of the most important destination that could attract businesses and encourage the economic development of the east side of Buffalo. The intersection of Bailey Avenue and Kensington Avenue is very active intersection in the account of number of cars and buses who are using this intersection to reach different destination. It located in an area with many active facilities like, University at Buffalo, Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Sisters of Charity Hospital. Also, this intersection located in less than half a mile from Kensington Expressway which is connecting the Downtown area with the Airport (Figure 66).
Figure 66. Location of the proposed mobility hub at the intersection of Bailey and Kensington Avenue, and the amenities within one- and two-mile radii. Basemap source: Google Maps.
The vision is to create pedestrian friendly, walkable street with a mix of uses such as shopping, dining, entertainment, affordable housing units, business spaces, and health and wellness facilities. And we believed that Smart Mobility Hub and Smart Avenue is a good start that would encourage to transform Bailey Avenue into Transit Oriented Development and attract new business, also we are trying to make a good example that we can generalize it in different locations. We began to indicate the foundational elements of the SM Hub and Smart Corridor to implement and incorporate them in our design and create a development that could present potential opportunities to solve current issues in urban area (Figure 67).
Figure 67. Amenities proposed for the smart mobility hub at Bailey and Kensington Avenue. Basemap source: Google Maps
Our design for Bailey Avenue is including SM Hub building that has potential activities like; decent waiting areas, Wi-Fi free connection, ATMs, travel kiosk, ITS and Smart Technology learning center, library, cafĂŠ shop, indoor market, wellness facility and other recreational facilities that we can include then inside the building. Also, we will include some sustainable techniques in this building to increase the energy efficiency like using solar panels and intelligent energy controls (Figure 70). This building also has outdoor public space with landscape and seating area where people can sit and enjoy during their waiting (Figure 69). Other building that we want to create is mixed-use building that has retailers in the first floor and parking garage for 60 cars in the second and third floor. This building will be located across the street from the SM Hub building and connected with it through covered bridge where people can use it as an indoor connection between the garage and SM Hub building during the winter sever weather. The parking garage has enough space for car share, autonomous vehicle and electric vehicle parking, also it has electric charging stations, travel kiosk and free Wi-Fi connection (Figure 68). We are extended the vision to transfer Bailey Avenue to be walkable and pedestrian friendly Smart Corridor with Safer transportation system and less traffic congestion by redesigning the corridor to have bus stop area, decent shared lane between cars and buses, bike lane, flexible parking zone and curbside, electric charging zone, pedestrian lane and green space. Also, this corridor has space for bike racks, bike share, travel kiosk, red light cameras and electronic speed signs. This Smart Corridor would encourage to create Transit Oriented Development with mixed-use buildings on the both sides of this corridor and providing space for retails, business offices and potential location for affordable housing units (Figure 71; Figure 72). For more details, reference is made to Design Guidelines Chart.
Figure 68. Proposed site plan at the intersection of Bailey and Kensington Avenue, including a smart mobility hub building, a mixed-use building, public space, and transit-oriented development along Bailey Avenue.
Figure 69. These images show the public space area, bus stop, bike racks, bike share, travel kiosk, and pedestrian bridge that connect the garages with the smart mobility hub building.
Figure 70. Aerial view for the proposed design and the use of solar panels to increase the energy efficiency.
Figure 71. This image shows the north-facing perspective of the proposed design for Bailey Avenue, which will have a bus stop area, shared lanes between cars and buses, bike lanes, a travel kiosk, a parking zone, and a flexible curbside.
Figure 72. This image shows the south-facing perspective of the proposed design for Bailey Avenue, which will have a bus stop area, shared lanes between cars and buses, bike lanes, a travel kiosk, a parking zone, and a flexible curbside.
Small Scale Mobility Hub (Bus Stations)
Figure 73. Small-scale mobility hub design.
Bus stops are the front door to American public transit systems: they are where half of transit riders wait for service, they are a visual representation of transit service in every region in the country, and they can and do serve all transit riders. Great bus stops are comfortable places to wait, surrounded by safe and accessible walking conditions — and they are important drivers of bus ridership and customer satisfaction. Great bus stops result from collaboration; careful design and placement; and continuous funding, maintenance, and improvement. (Transit Centers, 2018)
Considering the small scale mobility for the city of Buffalo, the essential infrastructure and amenities required were analyzed and incorporated. The design of the mobility hub was not only to upgrade the existing infrastructure, but also to add elements of smart mobility and Mobility as a Service ideas into it. The purpose is to provide qualitative mobility hub that offers transportation services on demand and comfortable space for a functional neighborhood aiding transit oriented development (Figure 73). Since each different location presents unique limitations and opportunities, Buffalo’s case geographical location analysis was earlier carried out, and the potential locations for placing the small scale mobility hubs in localities were identified. Incorporation of transit supportive infrastructure can aid in improving performance, convenience, and comfort, which are the key factors in taking the transportation experience for the transit users to a whole new level.
Better bus stops create better transit Americans are more likely to use transit if they can walk to it and have a comfortable place to wait. A TransitCenter survey of transit riders revealed that general upgrades to transit stop facilities and adding real-time information are among the most desired improvements to transit service. The study also suggests that people are more likely to use transit frequently if they can walk to get there, highlighting the importance of safe and comfortable walking environments near transit. For example, 80 percent of people who use transit for most trips walk to access service, compared to 55 percent of occasional transit riders. (Transit centers, 2018) Amenities at bus stops make the wait easier to endure, according to a University of Minnesota study. The study found that transit riders tend to overestimate the amount of time they wait for the vehicle by 1.5 to 4 times, but stop amenities go far in reducing the perceived waiting time. Researchers found that on average, riders at stops without amenities who waited for 10 minutes perceived that time to be 21 minutes. Amenities markedly reduced the perceived time for the same wait, to 13 minutes at stops with shelters and benches, and to 11 minutes at stops with shelters, benches, and real-time information. The study also suggests that amenities can make riders feel safer: for women who perceived their surroundings to be unsafe, stop amenities cut the perceived wait time in half. (Transit centers, 2018) Bus stops also market the existence and quality of the service itself, both helping to retain existing riders and attract new ones. Transportation Cooperative Research Program report notes that a bus stop sign with good design and placement can inform and attract potential customers. The same can be said for bus stops themselves — smartly-placed and responsibly-managed stops indicate a customer-focused agency that considers its riders as it plans service. A poorly-managed stop communicates the opposite: that the agency does not prioritize riders’ needs and may suggest to riders that buses are lower quality. (Transit centers, 2018)
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION The elements that are integrated into the transit stops to make them small scale mobility hubs are as follows: • Flex zone curbside • Docked bike-sharing • Real time Information Display • Vending Machine • Upgraded Bus shelter with heating system/heated seating • Solar Panels • Charging point for E-vehicles Flex zone Curbside The reason for incorporating flex zone curbside is to provide sufficient space for loading and unloading passengers in the bus stops without causing traffic congestion to the vehicles coming behind. Since there is more than one location chosen for the mobility hub, the neighboring land uses may not be the same everywhere. For instance, if there are mixed use space or commercial space near the bus stop, the curbside is used for loading and unloading freight delivery, hailing cabs, drops passengers, park cars, as well as to socialize and do business in parklets and strategies. However, there are limitations to carry over business during winter, due to the extreme weather conditions. Bike-Sharing As the problems of first-mile last-mile is quite prevalent, there are efforts to address this issue in various ways. One such well received idea, was to provide bike-sharing facilities in bus stops, where people could use the bikes once they get down from the bus to their desired destination, renting the bike on hourly basis (Figure 74). There are cases like Pittsburgh and Milwaukee where bike sharing programs have been combined with the local transportation authority. In Pittsburgh, the collaboration was between Better Bike Share Partnership and the National Association of City Transportation Official, which witnessed increase in the Healthy Ride ridership. Bublr bikes joined hands with local transit authority in Milwaukee and riders were given Bublr bikes sticker that was connected to MCTS fare card connecting both systems. These cases give us an idea of how the collaboration between transit authority and the bike sharing, which have been effective too. Therefore, when the bikes are placed in the bus stops would be significant increase in bike ridership, as well as giving the people the option of healthy riding. The intention of the small scale mobility hub is to attract people to use more public transportation and to encourage healthy living in Buffalo. Adding elements of shared mobile services is a step closer to achieving it. Improving the bike-sharing services can incentivize many potential riders to use bikes for their daily trips.
Figure 74. Small-scale mobility hub design, showing the inclusion of a bike rack next to the bus stop.
Design Criteria for the bikes: 1. Safety and stability in all weather conditions 2. Upright riding position for confident riding in traffic 3. Easy to operate; easy to mount and to hold in stopped position, including for shorter rider 4. Reliable and intuitive braking system 5. Protection from grease, dirt, and tire spray including enclosed drivetrain and full fenders 6. One size to fit 90% of adult population with seat-only adjustment 7. Theft deterrent (potentially through use of components not compatible with other bicycles and/or requiring tools not commonly available) 8. Low-maintenance/durable, corrosion resistant 9. Puncture resistant tires (to prevent flats) 10. Lighting system including rear flasher and front headlight 11. Front, rear, and side reflectors 12. Compatibility with bus racks 13. Gears and shifters that are easy to use and sufficient for use on hills Additional Desired Bike Design Elements 1. Capacity for sponsorship advertising that can be easily changed 2. Equipped with lock to enable user to secure bike to any bike rack or post while making a quick stop 3. Equipped with tracking devices, if cost-effective 4. Cargo capacity for typical briefcase, book bag, grocery bag weighing up to 20 pounds
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION Real-Time Information Display The focus of most of these deployments was to increase operational efficiency, not to provide customer information. As these deployments matured, transit agencies recognized that data from an AVL system could be used to provide customers with real-time predictions of bus arrivals. At the same time, many transit systems in Europe were demonstrating the benefits of providing such real-time information to their customers. (TCRP Synthesis 48, 2003) As a result, transit agencies have discovered a growing interest in providing real-time bus arrival information to customers once they have deployed the automatic vehicle location (AVL) technology. Transit agencies of various sizes are beginning to invest in real-time information systems (Figure 75), with the realization that they can have a significant and positive impact on their customers. Also, intelligent transportation systems products that specialize in providing real-time transit information exist on the market today and are being procured and deployed by transit agencies of all sizes. (TCRP Synthesis 48, 2003) With advancement in technology and more real time information being available to common people in all platforms, the availability of alternatives for any transportation modes has become more transparent and easier. Limitations exists here too, as this information is available on separate platforms (public transport, Private-Lyft/Uber, Bike-sharing, etc.) and not everyone is aware of all these services. There is also other limitation where low income people are without smartphones or without credit/debit cards. This makes them excluded from the various services offered and unaware of the updates.
Figure 75. Small-scale mobility hub design, showing the inclusion of a real-time information display within the bus stop.
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION Hence, the provision of real-time information display would give the people using the bus shelter the local transportation modes and services information along with time taken to travel and fares for each mode. This will allow people to choose according to their convenience, affordability and emergency to travel to desired location. There are various private organizations that are working to integrate Mobility as a Service and provide inclusive transportation modes. If transportation authorities are investing in providing real-time information it could make people aware of modes other than just private transportation and therefore, entice general public to use it as a result. Information amenities at Mobility Hubs like these would be an advantage to both first time visitors/users in the city and long-time residents to be reliant for navigating to and from the transit stops. This is central to improving first-last mile connectivity. Vending Machine Provision of vending machine in the bus shelter, would give snacking option during waiting time for a bus or cab. This will be of greater help to people who use the hub during colder months. It would be beneficial if small scale Mobility Hubs are enhancing the first-last mile connectivity for the riders by giving opportunities for increased access to needed goods, food being an important one. Thus, spaces in Mobility Hubs should be flexible spaces to accommodate a various range of facilities from seating, conversing and vendor fairs, which are seen as forms of support services to enhance the conventional transit hubs. Upgraded Bus shelter with heating system/heated seating As it’s mentioned time and again about the extreme weather scenario in Buffalo and how it plays a major role in influencing transportation pattern in the region, provision of heat in the mobility hub was a main priority (Figure 76). As people would not want to spend more time out in the snow and lesser temperature, the semi-open bus shelters that are currently existing don’t provide much resistance from outer weather conditions. Hence, it’s extremely difficult to manage to wait, with transportation services facing difficulties too to arrive on time in extreme scenarios. Therefore, providing a heating system inside would be immensely beneficial to the users. Cases from Korea, where heated seating provided in bus shelters set an example to tackle these kinds of situations. As bus shelters are a substantially important waiting area amenity, people need to be given essentials and comfort throughout the travel experience. Surveys of bus stop users show that overall comfort is determined primarily by the thermal environment (Nikolopoulou et al., 2011) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012). In areas of extreme heat or extreme cold, it is important that the designer develop a level of “radiant” sensitivity (Scudo, Dessi, & Rogora, 2004) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012). At the bus stop level, the microclimate is determined both by regional factors such as solar gains, local factors like the urban heat island effect, and site factors like surface temperatures (Kleerekoper, van Esch, & Salcedo, 2011; Scudo et al., 2004) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012). As a result, it is important to consider the ventilation of the site, albedo of materials used as they affect the overall thermal environment (Asaeda & Thanh, 1996) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012). Ambient temperature is found to be one of the strongest factors for both men and women choosing to walk when other modes are available (Owen et al., 2004) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012). A temperature of 24 degrees Celsius is most desired by those waiting outdoors (Chun & Tamura, 2005) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012). While 24 degrees is ideal, people are found to be more accepting of variations in outdoor environments. In general, comfort range for commuters is +/- 3 degrees Celsius in the winter, and +/- 10 degrees Celsius during other seasons (bin Saleh & Pitts, 2004) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012).
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION Another major factor in determining the comfort level of a stop is past experience. People’s perceptions of what is comfortable is often set by their past experience in that location (Chun & Tamura, 2005) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012). Even when thermal conditions are not ideal, people will engage in adaptive behaviors up to a certain point, such as drinking cool fluids or adjusting clothing (Katzschner, Bosch, & Roettgen, 2004) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012). While thermal comfort is of primary concern at a bus stop, there is no need for narrow range HVAC systems in most circumstances due to these adaptive behaviors (Chun & Tamura, 2005) (Kevin Jingyi Zhang 2012).
Figure 76. Small-scale mobility hub design, showing the inclusion of a covered bus stop with a heating system.
Solar Panels Transportation energy use and emissions could be reduced significantly by making use usage of renewable energy sources for powering the amenities in the hub or bus shelters. Therefore, the transit facilities should be designed to meet high standards of energy conservation by incorporating existing green building standards and strategies. As the small scale mobility hub consist of amenities like vending machine, heating system and e-vehicles charging point, the source for these are from solar panels that are fixed on the roof of the bus shelter (Figure 77). This would prove to be an environment friendly approach and make the mobility hub selfsustainable. Renewable energy incorporation addresses climate change problems as well. Bus stops and shelters are used along any bus transit system. These areas provide information to travelers along the route to make sure they get where they need to go at the times they need to get there. Daytime travelers do not have to worry about visibility; however, at night, lighting is required to ensure the bus driver spots them and they can see the information on the routes. This is where solar lighting can easily come in to play.
Figure 77. Small-scale mobility hub design, showing the use of solar panels to power the amenities in the hub.
Charging point for E-vehicles With the increased emergence of e-vehicles for alternative non-polluting vehicles options, people are beginning to switch to it. However, charging points for e-vehicles are not found everywhere, and it becomes difficult to use in a long run. Providing charging points in all bus stops would be encouraging evehicle users to continue using it and multiple access to charging points helps first time users in the city (Figure 78). A significant obstacle to adopting electric vehicles is mainly due to the lack of supportive infrastructure available.
Figure 78. Small-scale mobility hub design, showing the inclusion of a charging station for electric vehicles.
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION Management of amenities provided in the bus station Bike Share User accountability A program should be managed by the bike provider to prevent and have use data if/ due to theft, repair issues, and time intensity of tracking/managing inventory. Linking directly to the user’s ID or credit card seems to be a preferred solution. A master card/key should be made available to unlock any bike, which will be handled by the provider. The keys/ cards be distributed to registered users, and the honor system was the exclusive method of accountability amongst the pool of users. This bike share programs were not effective at deterring theft and abuse (i.e., users taking the bikes home). The user should be linked with a unique bike for a specific time period. Theft Bike locks alone are not sufficient to prevent theft. Bike attrition rates due to theft were very high in most cities around USA. Building financial accountability into the check-out process will be necessary to cover the cost of bike replacements due to theft. Also, all bike locks are not made equal. The U-Bolt variety is a better choice than cable locks. Liability and safety Almost all bike share programs require a signed waiver. Depending on how the program functions, the waiver is either signed once by a new “member� or upon each use. Some programs provide lights and bells. Safe riding resources are typically made available but not required. Ease-of-use goals tend to outweigh the utility of safe riding tests, but these are typically included to the extent possible through passive education and information on bike skills classes (it can be a recorded video). The issues of helmets and bike maintenance are also important from a risk management perspective. Maintenance A significant bike share program challenge. Professional bike shop partners are most commonly utilized for large repairs or annual fleet tune-ups. It is expensive and not advisable to pay bike shops for routine maintenance, such as flat tire repairs and filling tires with air (all bike tubes naturally lose a small amount of air over time and need to be filled with an air pump on a regular basis to maintain a consistent air pressure). If the bikes are purchased through a shop, then one should be able to negotiate a better deal for large-scale maintenance since these could be done in the off-season (winter in Buffalo, NY) and would be expected income as part of a larger partnership. Routine, small scale maintenance, such as regular bike safety checks and bolt tightening, tire checks and flat fixes, and brake adjustments can be done often most effectively handled by bike share program staff (opportunity for creation of employment). Helmets Bike share programs typically recommend rather than require helmets. In many cases, helmets are also provided. NY state law (like most state law) does not require adults to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle, but the evidence for use of helmets reducing risk of severe injury and death is incontestable. Helmet storage needs to be considered; helmet damage through routine handling should be minimized. Modern helmets with an adjustable helmet band are designed to fit 90% of adult head sizes. Risk management is the primary consideration when designing a helmet policy.
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION Management of amenities provided in the bus station User fee The fees can be structured to cover annual operating costs, but there is no existing business model for bike share in which capital costs are also recouped. A bike share as a city level program therefore requires municipal or institutional funds to cover initial capital costs. Fleet longevity The wear and tear on a bike share bike is expected to be greater than for a privately-owned bike. Each bike should be expected to last between two to four years. Fleet replacement due to wear and tear (along with attrition due to theft and loss) should be built into budget assumptions. Salt from winter road treatments causes rapid deterioration of bicycle parts, drastically reducing bicycle longevity. Bicycles should therefore not be available for use during winter months. In case of Buffalo, NY, the time period would be approximately from mid-March to mid-December. Program Management The GBNRTC partnering with the bike provider (private company) would have a transparent management program. It could be a private partnership. Bike Accessories High-quality, easy to use locks which are incorporated in the frame or mount to the frame are essential. Lights and bells are recommended. Ideally, lights are bolted to the frame and operate on power from a generator in the front hub, but this increases the cost of the bikes significantly. LED lights are likely the best alternate option, with batteries being purchased and exchanged as part of regular bike maintenance checks. Vending Machine Accessories These new units can feature touch-screen item selection and, in addition enhanced payment options including credit card, Apple Pay, and Google Wallet. Each machine's custom look showcases Buffalo-specific designs highlighting the City’s history, landmarks, and athletic endeavors. More than just good looks and convenience, the units also should feature LED lighting and ENERGY STAR® ratings that will help reduce the City’s carbon footprint. Service Full-service vending machines are the most popular option because they are completely free. The machines are owned and operated entirely by the vendor. The vendor fills and restocks the machine, maintains it, collects the money and keeps the profits. You have some say in which items are stocked, but not complete control. Installment and Profit The downside to full-service machines, however, is that vendors usually require a minimum of 25 to 75 employees to install them. Otherwise, they won't turn a profit. Snack machines are less profitable than soda machines, so they tend to have higher minimums. Some vendors require you to install both.
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION Advantages in reporting system Real time internet based data transfer allows for instantaneous reporting. Automated pick lists for vendor management teams. Automated SMS alerts for stock-outs. Automated alerts for excessive usage. Ability to integrate with existing maintenance systems. Custom designed reports. Ability to integrate with customers’ existing maintenance and access systems. Real Time Information Accessories This system should contain both dynamic signage and audio information that helps transit riders identify the locations of their desired bus routes. That audio information is added to it so as to benefit differently-abled people, and senior citizens. Information Display Current time and date. Route number and final destination of vehicle. Waiting time, either in countdown format or time range and Service disruptions or other important service messages. Prediction The key to real time information is prediction. This system should show the riders the time of bus arrival, exact location of bus, seat availability, and route. For example, a dispatcher or specially designed software could monitor vehicle locations and predicted arrival times to determine if the predictions are accurate. Monitoring accuracy can be used as a way to determine if any predicted data should be provided to the customer. For example, London Buses reported that if AVL performance drops below 65% (because a driver did not log on to the system or buses were not yet equipped with AVL technology), a route will be removed from the Countdown sign, and a message displayed on the sign will indicate that the route is currently not available. The AVL technology has to perform consistently at 80% before the route is displayed on a sign. (TCRP Synthesis 48, 2003). Solar Panels Features Included Lamping options such as LED, CFL, LPS, HPS and Metal Halide. Manufacturer supplied photo metrics. Dark Sky Certified fixtures available. Diverse line of fixtures. Goals To understand the existing technologies and make a workable plan to construct a smart solar bus stop. To evaluate the economic and future prospects for smart solar bus stop. To understand the feasibility of a smart solar bus, stop. (Solar Bus Stop Chang Li (BC), Jun Liang (CS), Christopher Tibbetts (CS), Zhansong Xu (ME) Advisor: Professor Kent J. Rissmiller (Social Science & Policy Studies Department)) Structure Shelter with solar panels on the roof. A LED display for real-time schedule and other information. Lighting system. Excess energy is sent back to the grid. To also use the power for the provided vehicle charging compartment in the bus station. Benefits No Trenching for Power Cables. No Utility Bills. Not Affected by Power Outages. Safe Low Voltage DC Power.
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION Heated Seats Function Heaters should run during the winter times 24/7. It will be charges or given the power by the solar panel attached to the shelter. Effectiveness People in many areas think heaters do not work when in fact in is actually working. This is due to the not very effective heaters installed in many places. It would be good if quality control is balanced. Repair If the heaters are not working there should be a button for the riders to hit, which passes over the information to the controlled or maintenance body. Vehicle Charging Stations Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation There are a variety of options available for EV charging equipment installations. EVs arrive from auto manufacturers with portable chargers which can be plugged into standard 120-volt household outlets. This is often adequate for home or workplace charging locations with long parking durations and provides charging opportunities at minimal cost. (CCRPC EV Charging Installation Guide, 2014). Specialized charging equipment is available with higher power flows to reduce the amount of time it takes to charge EVs. This equipment ranges in cost from $500 to $20,000 or more depending on the CCRPC EV Charging Installation Guide June 2014 Page 6 capabilities and amount of power provided. Higher powered “fast charging” units are available which can reduce charging times from several hours to 30 minutes or less. (CCRPC EV Charging Installation Guide, 2014) Advantages Low installation cost. Low impact on electric utility peak demand charges which are often applied to commercial accounts (CCRPC EV Charging Installation Guide, 2014). Availability of power Proximity to electric power (in case of this design this would not be a problem because each bus station will have solar panel attached to the shelter) service is often the key factor in determining installation cost. Placing charging equipment near existing power service will reduce cost and installation time, particularly if there is reserve capacity available to reduce any upgrade costs. (CCRPC EV Charging Installation Guide, 2014). Constructability As stated above, placing equipment near power sources will reduce the extent of trenching needed for conduit runs. Many installations will still require some amount of trenching and in these situations, it is best to go through softer features, such as grass medians, rather than sidewalks, asphalt or areas with extensive landscape features. (CCRPC EV Charging Installation Guide, 2014). Environmental protection Charging equipment exposure to the elements should be minimized as much as possible. Areas prone to flooding or standing water should be avoided as much as possible. (CCRPC EV Charging Installation Guide, 2014).
8. SMART MOBILITY HUB LOCATIONS AND DESIGNS FOR THE BUFFALO-NIAGARA REGION Modal Connections Locating charging in areas with linkages to other modes of transportation, such as sidewalks, bus stops, and park & rides provides owners with access to additional destinations and opportunities. (CCRPC EV Charging Installation Guide, 2014). Charging Levels Standardized indicators of electrical force, or voltage, at which an EV’s battery is recharged. EVSE is classified into categories by the rate at which batteries are charged: AC Level 1; AC Level 2; and DC Fast Charging. (CCRPC EV Charging Installation Guide, 2014). Cost Estimation - Small Scale Mobility Hub Here is a cost breakdown, including labor, for each element of the small-scale mobility hub, using pricing in New York State (Table 2). Cost ranges from $65000 to $85000 depending on the product’s quality and quantity used. Maintenance cost could be less, but should be included in case it is necessary. Municipalities can decide which elements they prioritize in order to bring down the cost.
Table 2. Cost estimate breakdown for a small-scale mobility hub.
9. Smart Mobility Design Menu
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 1.1 Purpose of the Menu The purpose of this chapter is to connect interest with examples. This chapter serves as a type of menu for municipalities or agencies interested in implementing smart mobility in a region. The guidelines offered do not go into specific details about the technology and infrastructure mentioned. Instead, this section briefly describes each example and provides additional resources for the reader to explore. Before going any further in this chapter, it is important to note that the smart mobility technologies mentioned in this chapter serve as a representation of only a handful of all of the smart mobility technologies available. Further research is suggested, but this chapter provides additional resources towards the end. Physical design examples are also included at the end of this section so that the reader can see how these ideas can be applied in the context of a mid-size city, and get an impression of what they might look like in yours! 1.2 Reading the Menu The menu is divided into four categories; Bicycles & Scooters, Automobiles, Public Transportation, and Smart Technology & Infrastructure. Those categories are further divided into sections that focus on specific smart mobility technologies. Each section begins with a discussion of the smart technology. The discussion introduces the smart technology and the benefits associated with implementing this form of technology in a region. The discussion section also provides an explanation behind why the technology mentioned is vital, recommended, or optional depending on the geographic scale. It is important to note that these recommendations are subjective and based on the research conducted during the development of this report. The suggestions are not final and should be carefully considered by any agency or municipality looking to implement these types of technologies. Each section then goes into specific guidelines to consider when implementing these technologies in a mobility hub or mobility corridor context. At some points of this chapter there are call outs to suggest that there is an opportunity for sustainable and green practices. The symbol represents an environmental opportunity for smart mobility implementation. The symbol represents an integration opportunity for smart mobility implementation. The two sections that go into further detail about environmental opportunities and integration opportunities are located at the end of this chapter. The report follows the structure of Table 3 - Smart mobility hub/corridor design guidelines for varying geographies.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU Table 3. Smart mobility hub/corridor design guidelines for varying geographies.
Note: Table inspired by the Los Angeles “Smart Mobility Hub: A Reader’s Guide.”
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU Section 2: Bicycles and Scooter 2.1 Bicycle and Scooter Share
Figure 79. Dockless bike share. Source:
2.1.1- Discussion Bike shares (Figure 79) make cycling more affordable and accessible. The high cost of purchasing a bike may be a deterrent for many low income individuals. Individuals who are at work or school may wish to ride a bike during their break time, however, bringing a personal bicycle is prohibitively difficult for many. Additionally, tourists often do not bring non-motorized modes of transportation with them when traveling. By installing bike shares at strategic locations throughout cities, officials can make this a much more accessible form of transportation for both commuters and for recreational purposes. For more information on creation of a large scare bike share program, please see Brazil’s nationwide bike sharing system. The bike stations will be solar powered, and will be partnered with an app that is customizable to each city to allow users to find stations. Bike shares are not only applicable in dense, urban settings. Rural communities can utilize bike shares to increase access to critical - but often distance - resources, like medical providers, grocery stores, and employers. Zagster, which operates in two towns in Indiana, uses a model built to make bike sharing effective in rural areas. Allen County, Kansas has also successfully implemented a rural bike share system (see Section 3). This is also true for many other non-traditional modes of transportation such as e-scooters, electric skateboards, and rollerblades. While people may be interested in trying out a novel form of transportation, the high cost of purchasing one for personal use is a deterrent for many. Share programs greatly reduce the cost of entry for adoption. Additionally, having public share programs can encourage residents to pursue new recreational activities, and increase resident quality of life. Bicycles and scooter shares provide low cost ecofriendly options in dense areas like cities and the suburbs. For this reason, we have classified bicycle and scooter shares as vital for urban mobility hubs and corridors, as well as suburban mobility hubs. Given that some suburban and rural areas may not have the geographic density to make bicycling a viable option, the placement of bike shares should be executed in these areas only if it is appropriate. For this reason, we have designated bicycle and scooter shares as recommended for rural mobility hubs, and optional for both suburban and rural mobility corridors.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 2.1.2- Mobility Hub Guidelines Bike share programs should be available at multiple locations throughout a city Bike share should have easy to use interfaces Bike shares should be discounted at select public transit locations, encouraging people to use them as a means of first and last mile transportation Share programs should be located in employment centers so that stranded employees in business parks can access them for recreational purposes Bike stations can be solar-powered to reduce energy use Share programs can use apps that sync with other smart mobility options in a city. 2.1.3- Corridor Guidelines It is crucial to have infrastructure to support bicycles, scooters, and other forms of transportation It is important to have a city or ideally region wide program so that users do not have to worry about managing multiple apps or programs 2.2 Bicycle and Scooter Lanes
Figure 80. Bike lane. Source: NYC DOT.
2.2.1- Discussion A lack of non-motorized transportation modes is a challenge for many individuals who cannot or choose not to drive. Additionally, many cities lack infrastructure to support alternative modes of transportation. Bicyclist and pedestrian friendly roads can create more accessible cities, reduce pollution from cars and other automated vehicles and increase levels of physical activity for residents (Figure 80). It is necessary to have infrastructure to support cyclists, and ensure that people will use bike and scooter shares if they are available. Therefore, we have deemed bicycle and scooter lanes vital for urban and suburban mobility corridors. If there is a presence of a bike share or active cyclist community, they are recommended for rural mobility corridors. 2.2.2- Mobility Hub Guidelines Lanes leading towards and away from mobility hubs should be clearly marked so that commuters can identify them.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 2.2.3- Corridor Guidelines: Markings on lanes should be clear so that they are used by cyclists, not cars Lanes should extend through the full length of a mobility corridor with shares and parking at multiple locations to encourage use. Lanes should have monitoring to collect data on usage. Physical barriers between a lane and the road can make cyclists feel safer and increase utilization of infrastructure. Eco-highlight: bike lanes can be made from environmentally friendly materials such as porous asphalt
2.3 Bicycle and Scooter Parking
Figure 81. Bike parking. Source:
2.3.1- Discussion: Appropriate and clearly labeled parking (Figure 81) is key for bike and e-scooter shares. Without adequate and easy to find parking, users may not return their bike or scooter to the docking station. This can lead to lost or damaged property, and reduce the effectiveness of a share program. Having accessible and clearly labeled bike parking is also key for large institutions such as universities, employment centers, and retail hubs. Often, bike racks are located in the rear of a business, which does not make it easily identifiable or accessible. If workers or consumers are not aware of bike parking, they will be less likely to ride to a location. If parking is not provided for bicycle and scooter shares, people are less likely to utilize such amenities and there is a higher chance that bicycles and scooters will simply not be returned, which may result in them being lost or damaged. For this reason, we have designated bicycle and scooter parking vital for urban and suburban, mobility hubs and corridors, as well as rural mobility hubs. If a bike sharing program is not present, these may not be needed so we have deemed them optional for rural mobility corridors.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 2.3.2- Mobility Hub Guidelines It is crucial to have adequate amounts of bike parking at employment centers, retail hubs, and large institutions. The parking must be clearly labeled so that personal bikes are not left at bike shares, and vice versa. The parking must be easy to identify, with signage throughout the hub indicating its location. The parking must be accessible to those with physical disabilities. Parking for bicycles can utilize porous pavement, rather than the traditional impervious surface, to reduce storm water runoff. 2.3.3- Corridor Guidelines Parking should be located at frequent intervals along mobility corridors. Parking should be available at high traffic locations, such as sports arenas and shopping centers. Share companies should share their data on usage and parking to help identify areas of need for future program expansions. Parking can utilize features such as solar panels to power the stations.
Section 3- Automobiles:
Figure 82. Tesla electric vehicle charging. Source: Bullard, 2018. Photographer: Stefan Wermuth/Bloomberg.
3.1- Electric Vehicle Charging 3.1.1- Discussion Electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly than vehicles that are powered with gasoline. They reduce automobile emissions, and contribute to cleaner air and a cleaner environment. They allow consumers to have the experience of owning and driving a personal vehicle without many of the negative externalities associated with internal combustion engines (US Department of Energy) . Being that they are electric, they are easy to link up to online applications and easier to connect digitally . They can be charged in any place that has access to the electrical grid, and since this is the case in most places, it is not complicated to provide charging stations (Figure 82) in and around any area. In fact, cities, suburbs, and even rural communities within Erie and Niagara County are already seeing the value in implementing publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations. For example, the small village of East Aurora has an electric vehicle charging station installed at the senior center. For more information on this, please see an interview with East Aurora Town Supervisor James Bach (See Section 11). A higher usage of electric vehicles will help reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and will help create a cleaner environment for all (US Department of Energy). We have categorized electric vehicle charging stations as vital for urban and suburban mobility hubs and corridors, in order to provide the infrastructure that is needed to support more electric vehicles on the road. We have categorized charging stations as vital for rural mobility hubs for the above reason, but only optional for rural corridors. This is due to the fact that many rural roads may not be conducive to installing charging stations due to topography and natural features of the landscape.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 3.1.2- Mobility Hub Guidelines A sufficient amount of electric vehicle charging stations must be provided in order to meet demand, avoid backups, and long waits for charging time. Payment for charging should be not only be linked to an app, but also have a card option for users that do not have a smartphone. Charging stations should be covered in order to protect drivers from inclement weather, similar to gas stations. Charging stations should be powered by renewable sources, like solar panels, when possible. 3.1.3 Corridor Guidelines There is the potential to locate small groups of charging stations in off-street parking lots along corridor. This presents the opportunity for a partnership with the local businesses that own these parking lots. Select onstreet parking spots could be allocated for charging stations. EV charging could be incorporated as a part of a flexible curb zone design by having restricted times of use. There should be enough space at and around the charging station for it to be accessible by people with varying levels of physical ability. 3.2- Autonomous Vehicles 3.2.1- Discussion Autonomous vehicles are vehicles that drive themselves via computer software and sophisticated sensors (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2018). They are not legal for private drivers to operate in the State of New York, but they are being tested in controlled settings and are already on the road in many other places throughout the country (Lombardo, 2018). Some hope that autonomous vehicles will assist people in commuting to their jobs by picking them up and dropping them off, and performing other ride-hailing services for others during the day. This could encourage people not to drive personal vehicles to work and reduce the need for surface parking and parking structures (Olaverri-Monreal, 2016). Autonomous vehicles provide opportunities for people to maximize their time while traveling to and from their destinations. People could work from inside their vehicle on the way to work if they do not have to be behind the wheel. They also have the potential to decrease traffic deaths associated with human error, and reduce congestion by streamlining the flow of traffic (Olaverri-Monreal, 2016). One company, nuTonomy, is in the process of integrating publicly-accessible autonomous vehicles within Singapore. Portland, Oregon also is planning for autonomous vehicles through the Smart Autonomous Vehicles Initiative (SAVI). For more information on how autonomous vehicles can be used and public private partnerships, please see case studies involving AV (Appendix). We have categorized autonomous vehicles as optional for all mobility hubs and corridors because they are not yet legally allowed to operate. In the event that they do become an option for drivers, they function like regular cars and do not need special structural allowances. 3.2.2- Mobility hub guidelines In the event of legalization of AVs, zones should be specifically designated for dropping off and picking up. These zones could be shared with ride-hailing services and TNCs like Uber and Lyft. Â 3.2.3- Corridor Guidelines There should be technology implemented that allows communication between AVs and electronic systems in place to warn drivers about adverse weather and road conditions, traffic, accidents, faster routes of travel, etc. There should also be coordination between smart traffic lights and AVs, especially to ensure that pedestrians cross safely
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 3.3- Ride-sharing and ride-hailing:
Figure 83. Zipcar, a car-share company. Source: Zipcar.
Figure 84. Lyft vehicle on a city street. Source: Flamm, 2019.
3.3.1- Discussion Ride sharing (sometimes called car sharing) refers to services that allow people to coordinate and share a vehicle to accomplish day to day activities that require driving, or to travel longer distances (Figure 83). Ride hailing, on the other hand, refers to services that allow people to summon a car to take them to a destination, such as a taxi, or an Uber/Lyft (Figure 84). Ride sharing helps to decrease the number of cars on the road by allowing groups of people to share the same vehicle. This could potentially discourage people from owning their own personal vehicle, which could prove to be more expensive that simply participating in a rideshare (Toothman). Patrons of the service only use the vehicle when they need to, and when they don’t need it, it is not in use. This differs from ride hailing, because those cars are usually owned by the driver and are in use driving back and forth from pick-ups and drop-offs or waiting for their next customer. They can potentially contribute to congestion because they can add more cars to the road, but a study done by MIT suggests that they could actually reduce the number of cars on the road by about a third (Conner-Simons, 2018). This would lead to less vehicle-driven greenhouse gas emissions . That being said, they are a convenient and increasingly popular mode of transportation and should be accounted for. There are also opportunities in some areas for public-private partnerships with TNCs to increase mobility for people living with disabilities, the elderly, and other populations that have trouble being mobile.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU We have categorized ride-sharing and ride-hailing as not applicable for urban, suburban, and rural corridors because vehicles associated with those programs will use the street just as any other vehicle would. We categorized ride-sharing and hailing as recommended for urban mobility hubs. Physical ride-sharing infrastructure consists of parking spots designated for cars that are a part of the share. This is recommended and not vital because we hope that the mobility hub would provide enough alternate methods of transportation that a car-share might not even be needed. The same reasoning extends to ride-hailing. However, for suburban areas where destinations are more spread out, we categorized ride-sharing and hailing as vital. Ride-sharing and hailing are vital for rural mobility hubs as well, for the same reason that they are vital in the suburbs, but also because ride-sharing and ride-hailing are lacking, yet greatly desired. For more information on thoughts and concerns regarding these services in rural areas, please see section of report devoted to interviews done with stakeholders (See Section 3). For rural areas, ride-sharing can reduce reliance on privately-owned vehicles and ride-hailing can increase road safety and accessibility to critical services. For more information on ride-sharing and hailing in rural areas, please see rural case studies (See Section 3). For more information on ride-sharing and ride-hailing, please see Chapter Seven: Shared Mobility and Mobility as a Service. 3.3.2- Mobility Hub Guidelines There should be specific pick-up and drop-off zones for ride hailing services, similarly to those found in airport terminals. This way, ride hailing vehicles will not mix with other modes of transportation (buses, EVs, personal pickups and drop-offs) and impede the flow of traffic. There should be designated parking spots for ride sharing vehicles that other cars are prohibited from parking in, to encourage people to share in this manner. For more information on public private partnerships, how TNCs can assist with mobility, please see the San Joaquin RTD Go! Case study, in Chapter Five. 3.3.3- Corridor Guidelines There should be allowances for ride-hailing pick-ups and drop-offs on permanent curb space, or in the flex curb zones in, in order to avoid the backing up of traffic associated with people being dropped off in the middle of the street due to a lack of parking.
3.4- Vehicle Parking
Figure 85. Vehicles in a parking lot. Source: Marshall, 2016.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 3.4.1- Discussion Parking is a serious consideration with or without smart mobility (Figure 85). Smart mobility brings with it new requirements. Parking for e-scooters, parking for bikes, potential parking for AVs, parking that includes charging stations for EVs. Eliminating parking as we know it is something else that smart mobility brings with it. By increasing and diversifying the methods that people can use to get around, the need for parking diminishes. If more people have access to public transit from their house, or use a ride sharing service, there will be less cars to park at the final destination. The idea of smart mobility is that destinations will all be linked by various transportation options that are in turn linked to each other, creating a seamless environment for transport. A bike share might take you to a bus stop which might take you to the local mobility hub which will connect you with your train or next bus, which will connect you with your final destination. Less cars need to be driven and parked. For parking that is provided, there are opportunities for “smart parking�. Information about available parking spaces can be available for users to make choices beforehand based on the type of parking they desire. This could be further or closer to their destination, covered or uncovered, etc. (Wessel, 2016). For more information on parking and how to integrate it, please see Singapore Smart Mobility 2030 plan in the Appendix. We have categorized vehicle parking as optional for urban, suburban, and rural corridors because on-street parking will hopefully become less and less necessary as alternate modes of transportation become more prevalent. We have categorized parking as recommended for urban and suburban mobility hubs, simply because we recognize that the Buffalo-Niagara Region is very auto-dependent, and that many people own and use a private vehicle. It would be unrealistic to provide no parking at all. We categorized parking as optional for rural mobility hubs only because the scale of the mobility hub and the function it serves in a rural setting may not require parking in the same way an urban setting does. 3.4.2- Mobility Hub Guidelines There should be an off-street parking facility (if necessary) allotted either above or adjacent to the mobility hub. Regardless of general, there should be a sufficient amount of off-street parking to accommodate electric vehicles that need to charge, and to accommodate car-share cars. This parking should be covered. Parking options should be integrated into an app or larger system of information so that drivers can pick parking beforehand based on specifications. Parking should incorporate permeable surfaces whenever possible to reduce storm water runoff. 3.4.3- Corridor Guidelines Parking along the street should be indented from the curb to avoid encroaching on lanes of traffic or threatening bicyclist safety. Parking should be considered as a part of a flex curb zone and change in availability and purpose during different times of the day.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU Section 4: Public Transit 4.1 Smart Traffic
Figure 86. Illustration of smart traffic signals. Source: 7starlake.
4.1.1 - Discussion Smart traffic is any traffic adaptation which allows a city to optimize the flow of traffic, in particular for public transit vehicles (Figure 86). Technologies like transit priority signals can prioritize the movement of public transit and emergency response vehicles to move more quickly through cities, and new technologies allow drivers to make real time adaptations to their routes based on traffic flow. This in turn reduces both travel time and wait time for transit users, and makes public transit a more punctual and appealing option. Smart traffic management allows cities to reduce travel times, time spent waiting at signals, time spent waiting at stops, and lower vehicle emissions . Given the many benefits offered by smart traffic, we have deemed it vital for urban and suburban mobility corridors. As rural areas experience less traffic overall, we have deemed it recommended for rural mobility corridors. 4.1.3 - Corridor Guidelines Transit priority signals can reduce wait time. Smart traffic signals can give priority to public transit. Smart traffic signals can give pedestrians extra time to cross the street before traffic lights change. Flashing beacons can be used to enhance overhead signage. Decentralized systems allow for groups of intersections to be added over time, reducing implementation cost. Dynamic signs can allow for real time adaptations. Reduced travel times result in lower vehicle emissions, which contributes to better air quality in cities 4.2 Public Transit Lanes
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 4.2.1- Discussion Separated lanes for different modes of transportation allow priority for more desirable modes of transportation, such as bus lanes, carpool lanes, and electric vehicle lanes (Figure 87). With the implementation of public transit lanes, cities can clearly indicate that public transit is a priority. Additionally, separate lanes can reduce both wait times and travel times for public transit riders, making it a more appealing option and increasing ridership. Adaptations such as part time lanes can allow for flexibility during times of high demand, such as rush hour. As public transit lanes offer many advantages to existing public transit programs, we have deemed them vital for urban and suburban mobility hubs and corridors. Given that rural areas may not have as many public transit options, we have deemed it optional for rural mobility hubs and corridors. It should be implemented only if a rural area has enough public transit to make a public transit lane appropriate. 4.2.2 - Mobility Hub Guidelines Signage should clearly indicate public transit connections. Signage should help passengers identify transfers between modes of transit, or between public transit lines. Public transit connections should be accessible to those with limited mobility 4.2.3 - Corridor Guidelines Flashing indicators can be used to alert pedestrians when transit lanes are in force. Overhead signage should include information about permitted vehicles. Signage should include information about time or day restrictions and permitted turns. Part time lanes should be able to adapt in real time to changes in traffic flow. 4.3 Public Transit Stops
Figure 88. Smart bus station design. Source:
Figure 89. Fruit bus stop in Konagai, in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Source:
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 4.3.1 - Discussion Public transit stops should account for both accessibility and comfort in their design. Potential riders will be more likely to utilize public transit if stops are appealing, easy to locate, and have accurate real time information about public transit wait times (Figure 88). Additionally, allowing for creativity in the design of a public transit stop can have many benefits for a city. It gives neighborhoods a means of self-expression, and allows cities to support the arts by commissioning visual artists to work with public transit departments (Figure 89). City beautification efforts can increase tourism, and help boost local economies. Given the many benefits provided to riders by smart public transit stops, and their key role in connecting multiple smart mobility services, we have deemed them vital for mobility hubs and corridors in urban, suburban, and rural areas. 4.3.2 - Mobility Hub Guidelines Novel stops can provide communities with a means of self-expression. Novel stops can provide cities with a way of supporting the arts. Heated seats increase comfort for transit riders, particularly during winter months. Cities should account for climate when constructing transit stops. Stops should be easily identifiable. Stops should be accessible for those with limited mobility. Stops should include transit directions and signage in multiple languages. Linkage of services through apps allows users to have readily available up to date information on transit arrival times . Public transit apps should include information about the accommodations available at individual stops. Public transit stops that consume energy for lighting, heating, or wayfinding should rely on renewable energy, like solar panels, as a source of electricity . 4.3.3 - Corridor Guidelines Apps for public transit can make complex transit systems easier to understand . Maps depicting transit systems should be easily understood. Public transit apps should allow riders to search for the stop nearest to them. Section 5: Smart Technology and Infrastructure 5.1 Flexible Curb Space
Figure 90. Diagram of flexible curb space. Source: San Francisco Department of Transportation, 2019.
5.1.1 Discussion Flexible curb space is one way to improve the experiences of travelers using different modes of transportation and open up right-of-ways to a variety of public uses (Figure 90) (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2018). Different curb heights, removable bollards, and road paint are three methods that can be implemented to give a curb a variety of uses that can be purposefully change by the month, week, day, or hour. Being able to change the use of curb space can help manage which transportation mode is prioritized at a certain time and help to protect the safety and efficiency of that mode. Flexible curb space is most vital in urban areas, where the right-of-way is usually being used for a number of purposes and space limited. Having flexible curb space in an urban area would help to manage these purposes, prevent congestion, and improve the right-of-way for more vulnerable travelers, like pedestrians and people on bicycles and scooters.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU Flexible curb space is recommended in suburban areas, especially along main streets where flex zones could help to support commercial and mixed-use facilities. Rural areas may not need flexible curbs because the right-of-ways are typically less dense and congested, but they could be optional site-specific situations. For more information on the application and benefits of flexible curb space, please refer to the Seattle, Washington case study, where flex zone curbside management was included in the city’s comprehensive plan (See Appendix). Also, this report’s mobility hub and corridor design models include visual representations of flexible curbs (See Section 8). 5.1.2 Corridor Guidelines Be context-sensitive and meet the needs of the local community. Prioritize the pedestrian, then bicycles, buses, and private cars. Include a policy for who will adjust the curb space. Use the opportunity to include impermeable surfaces and street vegetation to improve curbside aesthetics and environmental services. 5.2 Traffic Enforcement
Figure 91. Diagram of a metered ramp being used to control traffic flow onto a highway. Source: Parsons Brinckerhoff, n.d.
Figure 92. Red light camera. Source: City of Portland Police Bureau, 2019.
Figure 93. Speed sign. Source: Arizona Department of Transportation, 2017.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 5.2.1 Discussion In the advent of smart mobility, smart technologies can be used to enforce traffic rules and safety. As the diversity of transportation modes increases, it is especially imperative that travelers are obeying traffic regulations. Smart technology and infrastructure can be used to prioritize pedestrians, then bicyclists, buses, and private cars, respectively. Forms of traffic enforcement are one mode through which smart technology can improve travel experience. Metered ramps can help to regulate traffic flow onto thruways (Figure 91) (U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, 2017), red light cameras can automatically ticket cars that run a red light (Figure 92) (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015), and speed sensors can measure and display the speed of oncoming traffic to encourage drivers to adhere to the speed limit (Figure 93) (Veneziano et al., 2012). Â These additional smart mobility features should be considered not only at mobility hubs and corridors, but also on larger scales to maximize travel safety and enhance travel experience throughout the region. They are vital especially in urban and suburban areas, where higher traffic flow demands greater traffic management. Rural roads, though, account for a death rate 2.5 time higher than urban roads (Berkes, 2019), so it is recommended that rural areas use smart traffic enforcement technologies to make rural roads safer. Speed signs would be particularly useful in rural areas as a simple, yet effective, way to make roads safer (See Section 11). 5.2.2 Corridor Guidelines Red light cameras. Distributed equitably and periodically moved to different locations. Strategically placed in high-risk areas, like school zones, work zones, and near health care facilities. Powered by solar panels, when feasible . Located in high-risk areas, like highways prone to traffic accidents or used as an emergency route. Integrate with travel apps and notification platforms to warn travelers of traffic delays . 5.3 Travel Kiosk
Figure 94. Kiosk displaying a variety of travel information. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration, 2018. Figure 95. Kiosk being used for wayfinding. Source: SEPTA, n.d.
5.3.1 Discussion Travel kiosks are large, dynamic interfaces that provide real-time schedule updates and wayfinding to transportation users (Figure 94; Figure 95). The information they provide can be adapted to meet the needs of the travelers and the datasets available. Unlike static signage, the kiosk’s digital information can be updated as changes to the transportation systems are made. This not only makes navigating transportation easier for customers, but also presents transportation providers with an effective means of communication with their customers. To be of even greater service, the kiosks can include other additional features, like Wi-Fi, charging stations, safety alerts, and points of interest (Intel, n.d.), all of which make the transportation experience more efficient, informative, and enjoyable. While some of this information could alternatively be made available through smartphone applications, the kiosk does not exclude individuals who cannot own or operate an iPhone, making it a more equitable transportation platform.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU Travel kiosks are vital in urban areas because of the complexity of the public transportation system and the need for real-time travel information so that public transportation is easier to use. More information on the use of kiosks in urban mobility hubs and corridors is available in the section regarding urban transportation (see Section 5). Kiosks are also vital in suburban areas, where public transportation systems are less available and travel kiosks can help travelers connect with other transportation modes, like ride-hailing, ride-sharing, and bike-shares. Because the most common mode of transportation in rural areas is privately-owned vehicles, travel kiosks may be of less use. However, rural areas also have an aging population who need greater accessibility to other modes of transportation in order to reach critical services, like health care and food providers (Western New York Community Needs Assessment Summary, 2014). Travel kiosks at small-scale mobility hubs in rural areas are recommended to help these more vulnerable and isolated populations navigate to and from resources. 5.3.2 Mobility Hub Guidelines Located at a central transportation service Include information on all local transportation services . Provide real-time wayfinding . Accessible to a variety of demographics, especially non-English speakers, the elderly, and visually-impaired individuals. Travel kiosks should be powered by renewable sources, like solar panels, whenever possible
Figure 96. Interface of the Noonlight smartphone application. Source: Noonlight, n.d. Figure 97. Interface of the Transit smartphone application. Source: Transit, n.d.
5.4.1 Discussion Smartphone applications are already integrated into some existing smart mobility technologies. New ride-hailing services, like Uber and Lyft, depend on customers using the smartphone app to order and pay for rides; E-scooter companies, like Bird and Lyme, rely on smartphone apps so that customers can check out and return scooters on their own; and public transportation services are making apps available to customers so they can use e-tickets and track schedules. In addition to these large scale applications, there are other less intensive ways that apps can upgrade transportation modes and services, without being directly linked into a specific transportation provider. For example, the app, Noonlight, improves driver and pedestrian safety by auto-alerting emergency services when the user is in a crash (Figure 97) (see Section 3). Other apps present an interface that links different modes of transportation to help customers navigate spaces more easily, such as Google Maps, Waze, and Transit (Figure 98). Apps offer an opportunity to improve transportation systems without installing new transportation infrastructure - this makes them vital for all geographic spaces. However, the inability to own or operate a smartphone is a major concern for app usage in transportation that needs to be considered. 178
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 5.4.2 Mobility Hub and Corridor Guidelines · Accessible to a variety of demographics, especially non-English speakers, the elderly, and individuals with visual impairments · Training materials or workshops should be offered to users to help them learn how to use the apps · Protect the privacy of the users · Smartphone apps should, when possible, serve as an interface that connects and improves transportation modes and processes Section 6: Environmental Opportunities
Figure 98. Solar panel charging an electric vehicle. Source: Maryland Energy Administration, 2017. Figure 99. Solar panel over a bus stop. Source: Oregon Department of Transportation, n.d. Figure 100. Street and bike lane utilizing green infrastructure. Source: New York City Department of Transportation, 2015.
6.1 Discussion The introduction of smart mobility technologies into communities opens up a great opportunity to redesign our transportation infrastructure in ways that are more ecologically conscious. The growth of electronics usage that will accompany the adoption of upgraded transportation services and technologies also opens the door for the introduction of efficient and renewable energy systems. New smart mobility technologies can prioritize the use of renewable and efficient energy systems, like solar panels, in an effort to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and emission of greenhouse gases. New smart mobility infrastructure can also assist in rectifying some of the environmental damages imparted on urbanized areas by dependence on privately-owned, fossil-fuel-based automobiles. As mobility hubs and corridors are designed with compactness and efficiency in mind and free up more space to the public, that new space can be used in ways that improve urban conditions. For example, unused permeable surfaces, like parking spaces and extra lanes, can be transformed into green spaces that mitigate storm water runoff, reduce the urban heat island effect, improve air quality, and make streetscapes more aesthetically pleasing. As municipal and private figures develop smart mobility infrastructure, they should be aware of both regulations and planning documents that lay out the existing laws and future goals regarding environmental health within the region. As technology becomes a greater part of transportation modes and systems, it is also imperative that municipalities consider the potential environmental issues that can arise with increased use of advanced technology. No piece of technology last forever, and landfills are already at an alarming capacity. Equipment like solar panels, batteries, computers, cell phones, and LED bulbs are built with valuable materials, especially metals, which can and should be recycled. Other equipment, like batteries, can contain hazardous materials that should not enter the common landfill or be left to degrade within the community. It is important that municipalities acknowledge the implications of technological waste disposal, educate the community about proper waste disposal, and provide recycling resources so that smart mobility technologies can benefit communities without endangering the environment.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 6.2 Opportunities Mobility hubs, bus stations, kiosks, electric car charging stations, and other infrastructure requiring energy can be powered completely or partially by solar panels (Figure 98; Figure 99). Mobility hubs and corridors can incorporate green space and permeable surfaces (Figure 100). Mobility hubs, bus stations, kiosks, and other gathering points can include information about how to properly dispose of the recyclable or hazardous materials in smart mobility devices and equipment. Section 7: Integration 7.1 Discussion The integration of services and mobility infrastructure is key to creating an efficient network of mobility options. While the use of the technology and infrastructure mentioned above does provide some level of improvement to mobility, using these amenities in a way that complement one another will ultimately lead to a more efficient system. Achieving full integration is no easy task. Ownership and reliability of mobility infrastructure often falls into the hands of several different municipalities and agencies. With this said, it is necessary for any municipality performing upgrades to mobility infrastructure to collaborate with local municipalities or agencies that may be working to improve mobility. For example, traffic lights are often owned by different agencies in The City of Buffalo. If the City of Buffalo is planning on adopting new prioritizing traffic signals on a major transit corridor, The City of Buffalo should collaborate with local State and County agencies to ensure the new traffic signals are synchronized with other signals not controlled by the City of Buffalo. When done correctly, smart mobility hubs and transit corridors can help communities and regions diversify their mobility options. In order to implement successful smart mobility technology, municipalities and agencies must consider a wide range of opportunities and challenges. In an ideal transportation system that adopts smart mobility technology, the commuter will have a wide range of transit options available to them. With a fully integrated system, a commuter could rely less on their personal automobile and have the option to travel swiftly and safely to their destination using alternative transit options. An example of an ideal integrated smart mobility system could start with a person beginning their commute by traveling to a local mobility hub via bicycle, walking, or a shared car service. At the smart mobility hub, the commuter will be protected from the elements while they check the real-time transit schedule on their phone or at a kiosk. From the smart mobility hub, they commuter travels on a bus that is given its own land and priority at intersections via smart traffic signals. The commuter would then exit the bus at another smart mobility hub or transit stop. From there, the commuter would travel to their final destination via bicycle, walking, or a shared car service. If the commuter choses to travel via foot or bicycle, they would be protected during their commute by separated bike lanes, pedestrian prioritization signals, and other smart technologies. If implemented properly, smart mobility will decrease congestion at peak hours and allow municipalities to prepare for worst case scenario congestion. Â The final point to be made about integration is one part of smart mobility cannot work alone to solve greater mobility issues in cities and towns. A collective effort is vital to the useful adoption of smart mobility. Cities and towns often have to catch up to the continuously changing trends in mobility. Agencies and municipalities must see smart mobility as a way to fix current mobility issues while also preparing their regions for future mobility issues. The mobility hubs and corridors must include vital infrastructure to meet the current needs of smart mobility while also being flexible enough to allow them to be easily updated as new mobility technologies emerge.
9. SMART MOBILITY DESIGN MENU 7.2 Opportunities Smart mobility also has the potential to be integrated with other master development plans in a region. Economic development in a region can be complemented by smart mobility. With an increase in the number of mobility hubs and transit corridors, a wide range of destinations become reachable by transit. These newly reachable areas can expect an increase in foot traffic. These new destinations provide economic development opportunities both in and around the smart mobility hubs and corridors. Smart mobility also provides municipalities the opportunity to invest in infrastructure improvement projects. Smart mobility hubs and corridors help contribute to a more walkable and bike-able environment community. These smart mobility projects also help contribute to welcoming public and private spaces. Smart mobility could compliment other green energy and sustainable development master plans. There is potential for a decrease in the energy used for transportation and a decrease in the emissions produced from vehicles. The materials used for mobility hubs and corridors shall also reflect sustainable practices. Any mobility hub created shall be designed to conserve energy and manage any waste in an efficient manner. Section 8: Conclusion 8.1 Closing Statement Smart mobility technologies are continuously updating and advancing our built environment. The products and interventions mentioned in this menu will continue to advance, and it is likely that some will become outdated in the future. Similarly, as needs and challenges change in different regions the necessity of these smart mobility interventions will differ in the future. With these continuously changing conditions in mind, it is important that municipalities and agencies continue to assess mobility trends and seek ways to resolve these challenges with new smart technology trends. It is also worth noting that agencies and municipalities can implement the interventions mentioned in this menu at a large scale or a small scale. The implementation of these technologies can enhance existing conditions, or can be used to build a completely new mobility system. The structure and layout of this menu was strongly influenced by “Mobility hubs: A reader’s guide,” a smart mobility document prepared by the Urban Design Studio of the Los Angeles City Planning Department. Sources for “Mobility hubs: A reader’s guide,” along with additional resources that offer more information about these new mobility technologies are provided in the reference section of this report for further exploration of these technologies. 8.2 Additional Information This menu provides details on a select number of smart mobility features related to the interests and expertise of the persons that assembled this document. For more information on smart mobility and corridor design, please see the additional resources provided below:
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Alta Planning + Design’s “Preparing for New Mobility: Writing Effective Solutions” (2017) APTA’s “Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit” (2016) The City of Los Angeles’ “Urban Mobility in a Digital Age: A Transportation Technology Strategy for Los Angeles” (2016) NACTO’s “Blueprint for Autonomous Urbanism” (2017) NACTO’s “Curb Appeal: Curbside Management Strategies for Improving Transit Reliability” (2017) NACTO’s Design Guides for Urban Streets, Global Streets, Urban Bikeways, and Transit Streets. The National League of City’s “Autonomous Vehicle Pilots Across America” (2018) The National League of City’s “Trends in Smart City Development” (2016) The Regional Plan Association’s “New Mobility: Autonomous Vehicles and the Region” (2017) The Seattle Department of Transportation’s “New Mobility Playbook” (2017)
Smart Mobility Funding, Data Management, and Implementation
10. SMART MOBILITY FUNDING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION Funding for smart mobility can be difficult for municipalities that struggle to fund current transportation needs, let alone to fund innovative technologies to improve mobility. Additionally, even with financial resources to improve transit, implementing new technologies can be risky for municipalities or regional transportation agencies that approach transportation changes conservatively due to worries of disrupting resident travel. Outside of traditional methods of funding strategies for smart mobility like grant funding, private-public partnerships have become a significant strategy for many municipalities. Discovering opportunities to work with private partners can enable municipalities in implementing smart mobility technologies to solve transportation problems. Private-public partnerships have the potential to make smart mobility more accessible for municipalities, however without certain considerations, such as data management, partnerships may not fulfill transportation goals that the innovations were meant to address. Some public-private partnerships for smart mobility have not been successful and concerns for smart mobility projects solely funded by public-private partnerships are also important to note. The purpose of this section is not to explain all forms of funding for smart mobility interventions, as professionals reading this reference book have intimate understanding and experience with funding options for transportation. Instead, this section aims to identify creative private-public funding strategies for smart mobility and smart city innovations. The following will highlight successful cases that offer potential strategies for public-private partnerships that municipalities and public agencies could adapt. Following the case studies, this report will conclude with a list of guidelines to follow when public entities seek to form private-public partnerships specific to funding smart mobility interventions and concerns of private-public partnerships for funding smart mobility projects. Columbus, Ohio: The Columbus Partnership Columbus, Ohio established The Columbus Partnership as a nonprofit organization to oversee and organize the public-private partnerships that helped to fund the Columbus Smart Cities Initiative. The Columbus Partnership (2019) began as an acceleration fund that brought together 65 partners working on a variety of smart mobility projects for the city. As a result of winning the Smart Cities Initiative federal grant, private companies throughout Columbus were attracted to join The Columbus Partnership (2019) and agree to invest in the public-private partnership to create a Smart Columbus. In addition to municipal funding and federal Smart Cities grant funding, The Columbus Partnership accrued $360 million in private investments. Private partner benefits from their investments were received both directly and indirectly. In some cases, partners collect user fees from residents using their application as a form of direct benefit from investment in the smart mobility infrastructure. In other cases, partners receive indirect benefits believing that through creating a smart city, partners are building a stronger Columbus, which strengthens the cities’ economy and therefore individual businesses as well. Significance for Buffalo-Niagara Region The Columbus Partnership (2019) is a helpful example for the Buffalo-Niagara Region of a private-public partnership to fund smart mobility. Columbus, Ohio is relatively similar to the City of Buffalo, as a postindustrial, Rust Belt City. The partnership provides an example of connecting many private and public stakeholders to fund innovative transportation solutions in a Rust Belt City, like Buffalo and Niagara Falls that have experienced disinvestment for decades. Second, the partnership created a third party to oversee the partnerships and manage funding from both private and public partners. Dedicating a third party to organize partnerships for smart mobility projects creates a system of accountability to ensure the execution of the project. The Buffalo-Niagara region could utilize a similar strategy of creating a third party to support and encourage implementing smart mobility project funding.
10. SMART MOBILITY FUNDING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION Kansas City, Missouri: Wi-Fi kiosk project Conversely to the Columbus, Ohio case, Kansas City, Missouri was a runner up in the Department of Transportation Smart Cities Initiative grant, but did not receive the federal funding. Despite this, Kansas City, Missouri still implemented their Smart City plan with help from private funds, as well as public funds (KCMO, 2019). The city partnered with Cisco and Sprint to form the Think Big Partnership. The Think Big partnership helped implement the city’s Smart City plan to install Wi-Fi kiosks along a new streetcar corridor implemented throughout the city as part of the Smart City project (KCMO, 2019). This project is a great example of a smart mobility project that was initiated through a smart corridor project. Hence, a large smart mobility project in a city can spark private capital interest for other smart mobility projects. The private partners, Sprint and Cisco, installed 25 kiosks along the streetcar corridor. Each kiosk offers real time transportation information, entertainment and other services to pedestrians. The project was $16 million in total, with just $3.7 million in funds from the Kansas City, Missouri municipality. Sprint and Cisco did not receive direct monetary benefits from the city, but instead the companies have complete access to the data from the Wi-Fi kiosks and advertisement space on the Wi-Fi kiosks. Significance for the Buffalo-Niagara region One key takeaway from the Kansas City Wi-Fi kiosk smart mobility project for the Buffalo-Niagara Region is the data component as a non-monetary benefit for private-public partnerships. Second, offering exclusive advertising access to private companies that help fund smart mobility projects is an effective strategy for attracting private companies to fund projects. Even without being awarded a large national grant, Kansas City was still able to attract private companies who believed that better connecting the city through smart mobility transportation infrastructure will increase innovation throughout the city, attracting other businesses to the area. Framing the Kansas City Smart City (2019) project as creating a “living lab” to attract smart mobility businesses was an effective tool for creating the private-public partnership, while offering non-monetary benefits like access to data and exclusive advertisement space to sweeten the deal (KMCO, 2019). Further, Kansas City still owns all data collected through smart mobility infrastructure, but allows private partners access. This ensures that the city can utilize the data to better inform future smart mobility projects and assess the impact of current smart city solutions. In addition to the two case studies above, the following provides tips for municipal planners creating plans for private-public partnerships. These tips for successful partnerships was aggregated by Deloitte (2019). 1. Define desired outcomes of project Planners must define the issues that they wish to address in their smart mobility project. Defining project scope helps clarify the objectives and goals of the project to then create a consistent message when attracting private company funding. 2. Assess your assets you have at your disposal for project Determining what assets planners have at their disposal for smart mobility projects. Considering recycling assets is another strategy, especially in municipalities with limited funding. Gaining a complete understanding of what your city can do with available public funding and the total possible value of that funding is significant to creating a plan for private-public partnerships to fund smart mobility.
10. SMART MOBILITY FUNDING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION 3. Partner’s business model Identify all possible partners that the city would like to attract and private companies that may have an interest in the project. From here, it is critical that planners review those potential partners’ business models. Reviewing the financial sustainability of potential partners is significant, especially in smart mobility, as projects are capital intensive. Without financially sustainable business partners, funds for smart mobility projects are not guaranteed and likely to evaporate. In reviewing potential partner’s business models, it is imperative to continually ask, “Will this hurt or help our project goals.” 4. Appoint point person from government Selecting a person to spearhead to the private-public partnership for consistent management, goal setting, and measuring helps to keep private partners reliable for their contributions to the project. This point person should be a clear decision maker who can both organize funds to properly complete the project, as well as be a public champion of the smart mobility project. Creating clear dedication within municipal governments by appointing a point person to oversee the partnership sends a positive message of commitment to both potential private partners and the public. This person will aid in building relationships between the city and private partners solely (initially) for the smart mobility project. 5. Build public support Building public support is crucial to the success of a public-private partnership. Considering that the public may be unfamiliar or wary of innovative technologies, earning public support proves to potential private partners that the municipality and city residents feel strongly and are excited about completing the project. Private companies are much more likely to join a partnership for smart mobility projects when the public clearly supports the project and will increase public awareness or create positive public opinion for said private company. In order to build public support for smart mobility, planners must make the public benefits of the project explicitly clear. Further, aligning benefits of the project with current activities of potential private partners can help gain support from both the public and private companies. Finally, building strong support amongst city residents, politicians, and businesses can help attract outside private companies with smart mobility ideas, as well as grant funding opportunities. 6. Develop business case Planners must also develop a case to pitch to private businesses that describes the potential value of the partnership to the private business. This value can take a variety of forms from direct payment through membership fees on an app to non-monetary benefits of creating innovation districts to build the city’s economic power and attract like businesses. Whether a city promises to offer free advertisement as a direct return on investment, offer rights to city owned data, or pitch the general economic development that can be generated as a result of completing smart city projects. 7. Create third party to oversee partnership Finally, like in Columbus, Ohio with The Columbus Partnership (2019) that aggregated funds from 65 private partners. The point person selected would serve to organize this third party to increase political leverage of the partnership, establish clear roles, set clear objectives for allocation of funds, and provide a platform for decision making and planning.\
10. SMART MOBILITY FUNDING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION Concerns In following these tips and taking notes from the case studies, municipal planners can work to create successful public-private partnerships specific for smart mobility projects. Despite the positive cases, not all publicprivate partnerships for smart mobility projects are successful. For example, in our meeting with NFTA, we gathered information on failed private-public partnerships, specifically for first-last mile solutions for public transit. These private-public partnerships included grant funding with private partners and ride-share companies that did not last. Key takeaways from NFTA staff were that the first-last mile solutions were not funded with private money, but instead private partners took a loss on profits instead. Therefore, when grant money was used in full, private partners had no incentive to continue the program as they had no direct or indirect benefits and had no real stake in the program. Again, a third party and government point person were not assigned to keep partners accountable and ensure the success of the program. (NFTA meeting, 2019). How do we regulate E-scooters in Western New York? What makes sense for our region? When determining how to best manage e-scooters if they come to Western New York, it is important to keep in mind that these vehicles are unique. As Mitch LaRosa and Anders Gunnersen of Shared Mobility Inc. stressed, e-scooters are a completely different form of mobility than bicycles, and the regulations surrounding their use should thus be uniquely tailored to them. E-scooters are capable of operating at higher speeds than bicycles. Additionally, as compared to bike-share users (and regular bicyclists) users of e-scooters are more likely to not have the same familiarity or level of comfort with using micro-mobility in a space shared with cars. Many e-scooter users feel more comfortable on sidewalks where they do not have to worry about getting hit by a car. However, when they are operating on sidewalks, there is greater risk to pedestrians than there would be with bicycles given the higher speeds that escooters are capable of. Thus, e-scooter regulations must pay particular attention to limiting or outright banning sidewalk usage. In the case of Western New York, urban areas with roads that have 30 miles per hour speed limits should not allow e-scooter usage on adjacent sidewalks. However, in suburban areas that have higher speed roads that do not have a shoulder or bike lane, e-scooters should be permitted on adjacent sidewalks as long as they adhere to a slower speed limit. Following the Denver example below may be instructive in the case of suburban e-scooter usage on sidewalks. San Francisco E-scooters were initially introduced in San Francisco without government approval or permitting. In response the city imposed a ban on scooters and then allowed e-scooter companies to apply to its Powered Scooter Share Permit and Pilot Program. Applications were rated on a variety of categories in order to determine which company would offer service that was most beneficial to San Francisco. The categories include: 1. Safety - This included the company’s plans to educate its users in safe riding practices and plans for distributing helmets for riders 2. Disabled Access - Including parking of scooters that does not block right of ways and strict guidelines for user compliance with responsible parking rules 3. Equitable Access - Including variable pricing to encourage low-income residents as users and plans for widespread service areas that ensure availability of scooters in underserved areas 4. Community outreach - Making sure low-income residents know about the service and methods by which customers and non-customers can stay informed about the service
10. SMART MOBILITY FUNDING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION 5. Sustainability - demonstrating commitment to environmental sustainability 6. Experience & Qualifications - Basically the company’s reputation as an operator of shared mobility services; how well they have supported the above guidelines with past iterations of services in San Francisco and beyond. It is interesting to note that the two e-scooter leaders nationwide, Bird and Lime, did not fare well in this rating system. Instead only Scoot and Skip were permitted to operate in San Francisco and they remain the only escooter operators in the city (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, 2018, August 30). The metrics that San Francisco used in determining which companies to choose as operators of e-scooters in the city represents a good approach to prioritizing factors of the industry that must be considered by local government regulations. While e-scooter rollout in San Francisco had initially been this haphazard process that operated outside the regulatory power of the city, the Powered Scooter Share Permit and Pilot Program allowed for a more measured approach to managing e-scooters. When it comes to e-scooter parking, San Francisco has imposed strict guidelines. They have summarized these into “ten general guidelines.” Scooters must be parked responsibly without interfering with sidewalk users’ maneuverability and parked “on the area of the sidewalk closest to the curb or in specially-designed areas, such as bike racks” (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, 2018, October 12). Scooters must always be parked vertically and scooters in San Francisco have a small cable that is used to attach the scooter to a bike rack or other locking site. After reporting of an improperly parked scooter, the scooter owner (usually the company operating the e-scooter share network) has one hour to remove the scooter before the city impounds it. Thus, e-scooter companies are highly incentivized to ensure that their users are complying with city parking regulations. California State Law on e-scooters At the state level, California defines e-scooters as: “A motorized scooter is a two-wheeled device that has handlebars, a floorboard designed to be stood upon when riding, and is powered by a motor.” E-scooters do not require insurance or license plates however local authorities may regulate their registration. Scooters may operate on bicycle paths, trails, or bikeways but not on sidewalks. Individuals cannot operate an e-scooter: · “Without wearing a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet, if they are under age 18. · Unless it is equipped with a brake that will enable the operator to make a braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement. · Without a valid driver’s license or instruction permit. · With any passengers. · While carrying any package, bundle, or article that prevents the operator from keeping at least one hand upon the handlebars. · On the highway with the handlebars raised so that the operator must elevate his or her hands above the level of his or her shoulders in order to grasp the normal steering grip area. · On a highway with a posted speed limit greater than 25 miles per hour (mph) unless it is within a Class II or IV bikeway. However, a local authority may adopt an ordinance or resolution authorizing operation of a motorized scooter on a highway with a posted speed limit of up to 35 mph. “A Class II bikeway provides a striped lane for one-way bike travel on a street or highway. A Class IV bikeway, often referred to as a cycle track or protected bike lane, is for the exclusive use of bicycles, physically separated from motor traffic with a vertical feature. The separation may include, but is not limited to, grade separation, flexible posts, inflexible barriers, or on-street parking. Separated bikeways can provide for oneway or two-way travel."
10. SMART MOBILITY FUNDING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION Denver The city of Denver, which had initially had a similarly San Francisco like rollout of e-scooters decided to go back to the drawing board. Initially according to state law, e-scooters were considered “toy vehicles” and were relegated to sidewalks only. This proved dangerous as e-scooters cruised around on Denver sidewalks. In Denver’s revised regulations on the subject, they use the term “electric mobility scooter” or EMS to refer to e-scooters. EMS operators generally are granted the same rights as other vehicle drivers on the roadway and must adhere to all traffic laws including stopping at red lights. E-scooters can only carry one person at a time and the user must not be carrying something in their hands that prevents them from keeping at least one hand on the handlebars. E-scooters must yield right of way to pedestrians at all times. Denver has regulations on riding on bicycle lanes, roadways, and sidewalks that would make sense in our region too. E-scooters are allowed on any bicycle lane and on roadways with a maximum of 30 miles per hour as the speed limit. If there are no bicycle lanes available and the speed limit is greater than 30 miles per hour, then the e-scooter may be operated on the sidewalk. E-scooters operating on the sidewalk in this case may not exceed a speed limit of 6 miles per hour. As for roadway operating speed, the ordinance states that “It is unlawful for any person to operate an EMS on a roadway or bicycle lane at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing or in excess of the posted speed limit". As for parking, the ordinance says that parking should be done “in such a manner as to not impede the normal and reasonable movement of pedestrian or other traffic.” The laws also stipulate that e-scooters should be equipped with lights and reflectors. From dusk until dawn, scooters must be equipped with white lights that are visible from a distance of 500 feet in the front and red lights that are visible for 600 feet to the rear (City of Denver, 2019). These regulations adopted January 2019 represent a good model for Western New York to follow when regulating e-scooters. Conclusions on general operating guidelines Both San Francisco and Denver provide good examples of e-scooter regulations for shared mobility operators. As for parking, San Francisco seems to have the best regulations in this area. Their Appendix 1: Powered Scooter Parking Requirements and General Guidelines provides a clear vision of responsible parking for an industry that has been criticized for its lack of parking uniformity. Ensuring that e-scooters are locked to a bike rack or other designated parking area rather than just standing with a kickstand ensures that e-scooters are not parked in such a way that impedes sidewalk traffic flow. Having a cable lock for the scooters ensures that scooters are not lying on the ground, thus becoming an eyesore. As far as the issue of operating on sidewalks, Denver’s regulations seem to provide a good model for allowing sidewalk riding in certain cases, mainly when roadways have high speed automobile traffic competing for space. Sidewalk riding of e-scooters is dangerous at higher speeds and when there are pedestrians present on the sidewalk. Certain business districts with pedestrians using the sidewalks are not suitable places to have escooters on sidewalks as well. But suburban high speed roads like Sheridan Drive or Transit Road that do not have bicycle lanes or bicycle infrastructure but do have traffic traveling in excess of 35 miles per hour and few pedestrians: these would be appropriate for e-scooters on sidewalks. The 6 mile per hour speed limit proposed by Denver for sidewalk riding in these cases may be a bit too slow, perhaps 10 miles per hour speed limit for sidewalk riding on high speed roads without bicycle infrastructure would be more appropriate.
10. SMART MOBILITY FUNDING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION Data management for TNCs As tech companies that are built upon big data are increasingly dominating the global economy, the question of data ownership has become much more pertinent of an issue. Germany and Europe have taken the lead of ensuring that citizens have greater latitude to own their data through the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR regulates data management across many industries. In the United States, the California Consumer Privacy Act has attempted to bring a similar regulatory environment to the United States, including provisions to protect one’s right to tell a business not to share and/or sell personal information. Personal user data is collected through usage of TNC services. Route planning services like Google Maps also collect great amounts of personal mobility data. This data when aggregated can be beneficial to transportation planners, urban planning academics, and others in the field. TNCs are reluctant to share data with local governments and their open data portals. These companies have not been proven to be profitable and they are banking on their long term value to be based partly in the wide swaths of data that they own. This data represents mobility patterns for millions of trips taken using their services; data that would be very useful to transportation planners assessing trends in mobility. While these companies earn money by using public rights of way, to what extent should citizens, municipalities, and urban planners have ownership over their mobility data. New York City and Other City Regulations In August of 2018, the City of New York put the brakes on new ride sharing licenses and TNCs had to start handing over trip data to the Traffic & Limousine Commission which is the regulatory authority for taxi services (Cook, 2018). In January of 2019, the city began collecting detailed trip information form ride hailing services. This includes the date, time, location of pickups and drop-offs (down to the intersection), vehicle license number, trip mileage, trip fare, route, and driver’s pay. It is up to city officials to anonymize the data before releasing in on the open data portal. This can be an issue if city officials do not anonymize data sufficiently. The city will benefit from knowing route information to get a sense of traffic patterns and the extent to which TNCs are contributing to traffic in certain congested areas of the city, like Midtown. Going back to a 2007 requirement of being able to pay for regular yellow cabs by credit card, the New York City TLC has been a nationwide leader in tracking traffic patterns of taxis. This combined with the large market size of New York City gives the TLC a lot of latitude when it comes to requiring higher levels of data sharing (Marshall, 2019). Historically regulation of taxi services has been left to local authorities. With the emergence of TNCs, 48 states and Washington DC have enacted statewide regulations of the industry. Five states have laws that only concern insurance requirements for TNCs. In these states, local laws regulating the industry further are also allowed. In Texas, TNC operators Uber and Lyft had pulled out of Austin after the city enacted regulations that the industry felt were too stringent. The Austin regulation included fingerprint background checks for drivers. In 2017, the State of Texas passed HB 100, legislation governing TNCs that superseded Austin’s fingerprinting requirement and TNCs returned to Austin (Moran, Ettelman, Stoeltje, Hansen, & Pant, 2017). 34 states and Washington DC have some degree of data retention requirements on the part of TNCs, requiring driver and trip data to be retained for one year. Six states have further data sharing rules including more detailed trip information such as timestamps of trip start and end times and vehicle occupancy. California, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington DC all require reporting of data on accessible ride requests. This is to ensure that planners can assess the degree to which TNCs are meeting the need for WAVs (Moran, Ettelman, Stoeltje, Hansen, & Pant, 2017).
10. SMART MOBILITY FUNDING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION By April 2016, Chicago, Houston, New Orleans, New York City, Portland, San Antonio, Seattle, and the state of California had put in place data sharing regulations. In Boston, data was shared voluntarily. It has been pointed out by experts that since these municipalities have larger markets for TNC services, they have more negotiating leverage when it comes to requiring data sharing requirements (Moran, Ettelman, Stoeltje, Hansen, & Pant, 2017). Statewide regulation of TNCs in California In California, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regulates TNCs. Companies are required to submit six data-sharing reports quarterly that are used for enforcement purposes and not shared with municipalities. Subjects for data sharing include services being provided to disabled persons, trip data, and driver details including driver training (Moran, Ettelman, Stoeltje, Hansen, & Pant, 2017). Other Platforms for data sharing: Shared Streets & Uber Movement Shared Streets, created by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) and the Open Transport Partnership represents a third party approach to the issue of private-public sharing of mobility data. While New York City may have the institutional legacy and market size to demand sharing of data from TNCs, many other smaller cities are not in the same position. According to SharedStreets’ website, “It’s a data standard and a platform that serves as a launching pad for public-private collaboration, and a clearinghouse for data exchange.” They are interested in creating a streamlined process for data sharing between private companies and the public. Uber provides anonymized trip data for Boston, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, & Washington D.C. through Uber Movement.[1] While this may represent an effort by Uber to be more transparent with its data, Uber Movement is rather limited in that trip information is limited to travel time. They do not share information related to how much the driver makes on the ride, typical fares for selected trips, and other facets of Uber’s service. Perhaps most importantly for transportation planners, Uber Movement does not show which roads and routes are being used most by Uber trips (information that could be informative for determining which roads are likely to see the most traffic as well as wear and tear. The other major source of limitations for Uber Movement’s usability is that fact that it is only available for a limited number of cities worldwide and in North America. Ultimately, while Uber Movement may give the general public the ability to explore Uber’s trip data, the publicly available information on the site barely scrapes the surface of what Uber could be offering, either to the general public, or at the very least to transportation planners and urban planning researchers. Data Sharing: Conclusions Having access to the vast quantities of trip data that Uber and Lyft collect would be very beneficial to transportation planners and urban planning researchers. As companies that operate on public roads that are maintained by taxes, TNCs have an obligation to share the data that they collect with planners and researchers. Additionally, there are personal privacy issues associated with the collection of these vast quantities of travel data; privacy issues that concern ownership of one’s personal data, a discourse on rights that is not always prioritized in the United States as compared to European regulations. While bigger cities like New York and Chicago have the bargaining power to demand data sharing from TNCs, as a smaller city with a smaller market for ride-hailing, Buffalo does not have very much latitude when it comes to demanding data sharing. More promising in terms of bargaining power would be potential efforts on the state level that could demand greater data sharing from TNCs, yet this may prove difficult since New York City’s unique governmental authority in setting its own far reaching TNC data management plan.
10. SMART MOBILITY FUNDING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION With the possibility of e-scooters coming to Western New York, it is important to remember that private shared mobility companies (TNC operators and e-scooter operators) are, to a great extent, trying to profit off of data ownership. Important questions to consider when thinking about what percentage of our shared mobility demand should be met by private companies and what percentage should be met through publicly funded transit agencies or non-profits - these questions should not leave out the question of data sharing. It is common practice for NFTA and other public transit agencies to make their schedules readily available to third parties (in the form of General Transit Feed Specification) however a similar level of open sharing of data is not the norm for TNCs. In a similar vein, Reddy Bikeshare and community non-profit operators of bike shares are much more willing to sharing their data. Western New York planners and regulators should pay very close attention to the topic of data management and sharing when allowing private companies to operate shared mobility services within their jurisdictions.
11. Interviews
11. INTERVIEWS For research purposes, students in this studio interviewed personnel from various municipalities, non-governmental organizations, and private transportation companies. The discussions focused on the future of smart mobility in Erie and Niagara County and the evolution of mobility services in private transportation network companies, like e-scooters, e-bikes, bikesharing, shared mobility, and mobility as a service.
Private Transportation Service Providers Lyft - Future services and integrating MaaS Concept Eric Plummer, Market Manager for Lyft, New Jersey, was interviewed by Tyler Madell in the context of bike-sharing and CitiBike services in Jersey City and New York City. He said that his team is currently focusing on non-New York regions. He mentioned that shared Lyft rides could come in bigger cities in upstate New York, like Binghamton and Buffalo, and there are no immediate plans for e-scooter expansion. Plummer mentioned a program in Washington D.C. where access to grocery stores is being increased as well as a program in Detroit that is increasing pregnant women’s access to medical services. It seems that there is potential for including public transit in the Lyft app, which would help users find the fasted travel routes, even if that means directing them to public transit instead of Lyft. Talking about the company’s vision, he says that by eliminating the use of individual car ownership, users will go to one app and look for the cheapest transportation options. Also, the Lyft app will be the brand for mobility services by providing various options (ride hailing, e-scooter, and bike-share). When questioned about services in rural areas, he says that it’s difficult to expand to these areas with lesser densities. He says it's all about density, and that Lyft will work in rural areas after an initial focus on denser cities.
11. INTERVIEWS Reddy Bike Shares - Bike Sharing and E-scooters Anders Gunnerson, Director of Operations of Reddy Bikeshare, was interviewed by Tyler Madell to gather information on the emergence of dockless bike sharing and policies to incorporate them into the already existing transit system. Reddybike worked to create a policy that requires written permission from every store owner to have a docking station and a regular commitment to rebalancing the bikes – this policy hopes to limit the influx of dockless bike shares. While dockless bikes are phasing out, and there’s a shift towards e-scooters, there are a few limitations, including: 1. Often vandalized, due to a lack of locking technology 2. Not eco-friendly 3. More dangerous because there is no way for a company to enforce helmet rules and the brakes are not being inspected 4. They should be ridden on the street Gunnerson also points out the potential competition that Reddy Bikes will experience in Buffalo, and that there is no exclusivity for Reddybike. This means that other companies could set up micro-mobility options here. He predicts that e-scooters will be in Buffalo in a year, and Shared Mobility would want a cost share or to be the operators of a Bird System. He indicates that there is difficulty in setting up mobility hubs as different agencies have complications working together. Reddy Bike has had impediments trying to reach people below the poverty line. Gunnerson says that they don't have enough resources and are working with GoBike to figure out these things. GoBike tries to encourage more people to bike, working towards equity. Gunnerson concludes by saying that proposed ebike and e-scooter regulations will be drafted by Shared Mobility in the coming weeks and months and will work with Buffalo’s Department of Public Works.
11. INTERVIEWS Lime - Bike Sharing and Shared Mobility Jeff Goodmark, Operation Manager at Lime for the Finger Lakes/Upstate New York Region, was interviewed by Tyler Madell regarding bike sharing and shared mobility. He says that Buffalo, certainly one of the largest cities in the region, is very interested in operating. His thoughts about e-bikes and escooters were: - “Scooters are currently illegal, but we’re less than a couple of weeks away from that changing,” he explains - People chose e-bikes over bikes and scooters over e-bikes - Connecting people to the heart of the city and mass transit is why scooters are more advantageous - Cities need to build infrastructure to make biking and scootering more safe In the context of equity, Goodmark tells that equitable access is a central part of Lime’s vision and points out Tompkins County as an example. It is the market leader for Lime Access, by allowing access without credit card. As parking a particularly complicated topic, he says they made partnerships with business owners of Juice Bars so that scooters can be parked at the business, being mutually beneficial to shop owners and users. In the case of Buffalo, he says that it is going to be different and Lime has to be flexible. He concluded by saying that these services are great for future cities because they reduce cars, are equitable, give people a new transportation option - and Lime is very focused on equity.
11. INTERVIEWS Shared Mobility in Buffalo Mitch LaRosa, Transportation Specialist and Mobility Advocate was interviewed by Tyler Madell about Shared Mobility in Buffalo, in which he explained that Buffalo is being used as incubator space. Shared Mobility basically operates in small to mid-sized cities and underserved communities. He also mentions that there is another project currently going on, which is volunteer transit to see how older citizens are impacted by Shared Mobility. Reddy Bike also generates revenue, and is funded through federal transit. He talks about Volunteer Shared transit, a less developed technology, which is considered shared mobility, but not smart mobility. Challenges with paratransit, he says, is that Lyft/Uber services don’t apply or get excluded if the users are handicapped or visually impaired, in spite of these services being helpful in general. Also, Uber and Lyft don’t make money, which won’t push them to provide such services.
Mobility Services in Rural Communities To acquire more information about mobility services in rural communities, Bryan Bobbitt, Village Coordinator, Village of Middleport was interviewed by Grace DeSantis and Drew Canfield. He suggests that a major problem that rural villages, like Middleport, face is the lack of local taxis and the significantly expensive rates of taxis from larger, surrounding towns. Not having village taxis not only impacts residents’ capacity to travel to larger towns and cities for recreational purposes, but also adversely affects residents who need to reach medical services. In Middleport, for example, the closest hospital is a distant 20-minute drive, so access to ride-hailing services would be of great service to individuals who do not have a car or are unable to drive. Through this conversation with Bobbitt about the importance of ride-hailing services in rural areas, we understand that it is critical that new mobility services, especially those intended to aid elderly or disabled individuals should prioritize inclusive design features. 196
11. INTERVIEWS Another opportunity for rural villages is to use shared mobility services to augment rural tourism. Because of its location along the Erie Canal, Middleport is visited by boaters and bicyclists throughout the summer. Locating a bikeshare, water-bike and kayak rentals, and e-scooters around tourist spots could provide a means for boaters and bicyclists to further explore Middleport, encouraging visitors to support the village’s local businesses. Unfortunately, in many rural settings, like Middleport, there are limited local sources of funding, making state grants and other funding opportunities the primary means of establishing transportation upgrades. Another obstacle for rural areas, in regards to smart mobility integration, is that most rural regions have a growing elderly population that is less accustomed to and dependent on modern technologies. Smart mobility technologies, like autonomous vehicles and smartphone mobility apps, may present a technological barrier or stem distrust from some community members. In this case, it would be recommended to implement methods of community outreach that inform the public of new transportation services and how to use them. One form of smart mobility technology that may be more widely accepted and easily integrated into rural communities are speed sensors. As discussed in Chapter 3, one reason why rural regions experience more traffic-related deaths than urban areas is because of dangerous road conditions. Rural towns and villages, like Middleport, could use speed sensors and speed signs to encourage drivers to adhere to the speed limit, especially in high-risk areas like school zones.
11. INTERVIEWS From the interview with Bobbitt, four main conclusions about smart mobility in rural communities were drawn: 1. Ride-hailing could increase access to medical services and other distant locations 2. Shared mobility services can be used to augment tourism, possible even in the boating industry 3. Limited local funding in small towns and villages and the technological barriers posed by smart mobility are two major obstacles to the integration of innovative transportation services in rural areas 4. Speed sensors could be a first-step towards implementing smart mobility in rural communities
Grace DeSantis interviewed James Bach, Town Supervisor of East Aurora on smart mobility in rural town and village communities. From this interview, we learn that a number of challenges are associated with implementing innovating transportation services in rural communities. First, the poor state of basic road and bridge infrastructure is a major concern for rural communities, like East Aurora, that must be prioritized over new transportation opportunities. To further complicate this, there is limited local funding for repairing infrastructure, making rural towns and villages dependent on state and regional grants. Some of the available grant programs, however, prioritize the least affluent rural communities, making it more challenging for more economically stable or affluence communities, like East Aurora, to receive grants for transportation upgrades.
11. INTERVIEWS Second, roads in rural areas can be dangerous due to the density of vegetation, high speeds, and sharper turns. This raises safety concerns in the advent of escooters and the rise of bicycle use. Many rural communities in Western New York are participating or considering participation in the Rails to Trails program, which converts old railroad tracks into biking trails. This could inspire an increase in the use of nonmotorized vehicles on rural roads, compelling rural communities to implement safety precautions. Â A third transportation concern, which is specific to East Aurora, is that the increase in social venues has resulted in higher traffic flow and inadequate parking spaces. Rural communities experiencing this issue will need to decide how to manage the high demand for parking without hindering local businesses. Initiatives like metered parking, ride-sharing, and ride-hailing services are three potential methods for reducing demand on parking; however, there are limited funding sources for rural areas to conduct traffic studies and implement transportation projects, making it more difficult to resolve this issue. While data ownership by private transportation companies that provide ride-sharing and ride-hailing services should be considered critically, it may not be a serious issue for most residents in rural areas, since the benefits of these services would likely outweigh concerns. Despite these three transportation challenges, East Aurora has managed to support some effective smart mobility services. The Village installed an electric vehicle charging station at the Senior Center that is frequently used, and also participates in two critical and heavily used regional transportation services: 1. Rural Transit Service provides rides for senior citizens, the disabled, and low/moderate income individuals so that they can reach medical appointments, the pharmacy, school or work, grocery stores, banks, and other critical locations. The service is run by volunteers, it is funded through taxes and donations from the Town and Village, and the vehicles are donated by Erie County or local auto shops. 2. The Going Places Van provides services very similar to the Rural Transit Service, but it only provides rides to senior citizens who are 62 years of age or older. 199
11. INTERVIEWS From the interview with Bach, four main conclusions about smart mobility in rural communities were drawn: 1. Repairing poor road infrastructure may need to be a higher priority than implementing new transportation technologies, and there is already limited funding for basic improvements 2. The road conditions in rural areas are particularly dangerous for bicyclists and people on e-scooters 3. There are a number of smart mobility technologies that could relieve traffic and parking concerns, but limited funding for conducting traffic studies and implementing projects remains an obstacle 4. Electric vehicle charging stations and regionally-operated rural transportation services can support mobility in rural communities
Interviews with County’s Department officials Department of Environment & Planning Drew Canfield interviewed Mark Roundtree, Erie County Principal Planner for the Department of Environment & Planning. The main transportation obstacle expressed by Roundtree is the growing population of elderly individuals from the baby boomer generation. The aging population is an issue for all of Erie County, particularly in rural areas, and the County Department of Senior Services is working to address this issue. Designing complete streets for different modes of transportation and pedestrians is also a challenge. Funding is cited as the main obstacle for basic maintenance of road infrastructure, as well as for taking up projects that have complete streets and more pedestrian amenities. Roundtree suggests that the county’s role in smart mobility is to build and improve existing infrastructure to support new technology, such as broadband fiber networks. Erie County did conduct “a broadband feasibility study which inventoried telecommunication fiber in the county.” He mentions that the state law makes it difficult to use e-bikes and e-scooters as a transportation. 200
11. INTERVIEWS Department of Environment & Planning The County is advocating that municipalities try their best to get ahead of the technology in their zoning and local regulations, since policy making and zoning are a challenge when dealing with cutting-edge technology. One way the county is involved in regionally integrating the transportation between isolated communities is through the County Shoreline Trail. This is a pedestrian and bicycle recreational path along the Erie County waterfront that prioritizes the isolated communities. The County Shoreline Trail could be upgraded using smart mobility to improve recreational transportation for a variety of riders, for tourism, and to connect these communities. The major challenges in rural areas are addressed by the expansion of Uber and Lyft in New York State, which have helped to increase mobility in rural areas and provide an alternative to unsafe driving in rural areas. In the case of suburban challenges, the county advocates for complete streets, smart growth, and retrofitting of suburban streetscape to make suburban communities more efficiently navigated. The complete streets agreement between Niagara and Erie County predates One Region Forward and advocates for smart growth and complete streets.
Department of Rural Transportation Barbara Hill, Niagara County Commissioner of Rural Transportation was interviewed by Drew Canfield. In the case of Niagara County, Hill points out that the lack of funding, resources, and road infrastructure are issues that the transportation department consider a hindrance for development. Ride-sharing partnership services like Uber and Lyft are in use in the County and the County Council on Aging has a public-private partnership with Uber called “Go-Go Grandma” to increase mobility of seniors.
11. INTERVIEWS Department of Senior Services Programming  Sydney Zuckerman, Interviewed Ryan Gadzo, Research Analyst for Erie County Department of Senior Services Programming. A number of municipalities have transportation services for senior populations, such as medical rides, van services, and few services run by community based organizations, with over 60 clients. Some municipalities don’t have vans, so they have to contract with other organizations, and hence call ahead of time to make sure have the correct vehicles for rides. These services usually set schedules and the riders are mostly familiar with the driver. The services are in talks with Lyft for potential partnership opportunities. GoGoGrandparent is the one paying for the rides. The municipalities are also looking for rideshare services in the future once the details are worked out. However, return trips are an unsolved issue in these services. The main problem in Western New York for seniors are public transit and paratransit, as many people are out of the service range. If they are not near bus routes, then access becomes a difficult task. Nevertheless, the best way to use technology and make it work for their purposes are looked upon. There is also a need for better coordination between municipality resources. Gadzo recommends a funding solution for private corporations and using strengths in the region for regional service programs. As generally observed, acquiring grants and funding can be a tedious job. Gadzo finishes the interview by giving us a glimpse on their current work in West Seneca, where tablets will host a ride-scheduling software that mirrors the scheduling system, eliminating some transport issues.
11. INTERVIEWS Department of Land Conservatory Violet Perry interviewed JaJean Rose-Burney, Deputy Director of the Western New York Land Conservancy (WNYLC). The WNYLC protects open spaces from forests to farms and are also involved in conservation, wildlife protection, recreation and public land access, trails, restoration, re-use, and community development. The region’s current transportation situation was explained by Rose-Burney, specifying that the majority of the projects that WNYLC works are on rural. He says that there are accessibility difficulties to the nature preserves that they own, also including Lewiston where there is a project going on currently. He also feels that public transportation infrastructure (like light rail/trains or larger infrastructure) is not necessary as they are located in the off-beaten paths. Rose-Burney discusses better infrastructure on Grand Island, since the current city project has a lot more to do with transportation. The rail to trail bike corridor that they are working on could also be shared with lightrail near where the subway ends. NFTA owns this corridor, which could have implications for potential transportation collaboration. Rose-Burney also mentions that, if connections were created between urban, suburban, and rural areas through GBNRTC, sprawl would likely take place and could have negative impacts on land conservation. “If there were more TODs, transit would be focused around them and not sprawling out all over the place,” says Rose-Burney. He also thinks that TNC’s (like Uber and Lyft) create problems with traffic and allow for people to sprawl further. He suggests that smart mobility, coupled with land use planning that is designed to increase density and not sprawl, could be helpful, benefiting village cores and town centers. He further adds that Buffalo needs to re-densify and re-inhabit open space and vacancy, leading to outward expansion and a need for transportation planning as a result. Rose-Burney expressed his perception of smart mobility in the region in terms of land use and conservation. Increased mobility and accessibility options, reduced auto-dependency, and land use planning for vibrant communities are his vision. He puts forward his thoughts, like concerns about the open space and conservation side of things, when considering smart mobility in cities and out of cities. He recommends policies and ideas that can protect open spaces and make transit more feasible. 203
11. INTERVIEWS Buffalo-Niagara Medical Campus William Smith, BNMC Smart Corridor, was interviewed by Mustafa Ardalan regarding implementing smart corridors. He explains that the purpose is to explore new technologies to create a safer, more efficient, and sustainable transportation network along Main St in Buffalo. BNMC created a Transportation Management Association (TMA) in 2012, which includes representatives from BNMC anchor institutions and regional transportation agencies, including NFTA, NYSDOT, GBNRTC, and others, through which they are able to help influence both internal and external policies. He hopes that new technologies will make the system more userfriendly, integrated, connected, and safer for pedestrians and cyclists. He expresses access to and the reliability of public transit is a major barrier. For determining mobility locations, he focuses on: - Connections to transit - Walkability - Bike-ability - Demographics (transit dependent populations) - Access to employment centers When asked if the plan is accessible to people with low incomes, he points out that transit and other mobility services need to be priced to incentivize alternative modes over single occupancy vehicles.
11. INTERVIEWS Interview Process Highlights Private TNCs (Transportation Network Companies) focus is on improving and establishing services in denser locations because they are more difficult to implement in rural areas. Lyft is aiming to become a Mobility as a Service provider by integrating with public transit and other smart mobility options. Lime is very focused on equity, reducing cars, and giving people more options. E-scooters exhibit many limitations; they require revised regulations for safety of users and management of placing the scooters. E-scooter regulations are expected to be drafted in the near future by Shared Mobility and will work with Buffalo’s department of public works. - People chose e-bikes over bikes and scooters over e-bikes - Scooters connect people to mass transit and city centers Mobility services in rural areas are currently expensive, and introducing shared mobility would be highly beneficial for users. - Shared mobility services could include inclusive designs - Smart mobilities in rural areas could augment tourism - Ride-hailing services are highly demanded From the conversations with rural transportation authorities, it is evident that funding is vital and critical for any development in transportation infrastructure, including integration of smart mobility and MaaS (mobility as service). Lack of funding is a hindrance to many transportation issue solving techniques. Â
11. INTERVIEWS Interview Process Conclusion Based on the interviews and the information obtained, we can conclude that there are efforts to incorporate smart mobility options and policies/regulations are being refined. Mainly, private transportation network companies like Lyft are working towards integrating various paratransit options to offer varied services to users (MaaS) in one platform. Shared mobility services are considered for complementing other smart mobility services. Bike sharing and e-scooters are integrated in major cities in public transit hubs, providing ecofriendly travel options. Mobility services in rural areas with appropriate funding would make efficient, smart and shared mobility services. Smart corridors would be accommodating advanced technologies in transportation and provide user-friendly, integrated streets for pedestrians/cyclists. Equal support from the government and administration is necessary, which points out the issues of funding. Funding will play a major role in any step towards smart mobility and environment-friendly transportation planning.Â
12. Conclusion
12. CONCLUSION Smart Mobility, in whatever form it took, served cities best when it met the existing community needs. During the process of creating this report, community engagement emerged as a key component of success in Smart Mobility implementation. Cities which invested in new technologies simply for the sake of having what they saw as the newest innovation often saw poor return on those investments, and little or no improvement in the overall function of their cities transit systems. Cities that had community engagement and involved the public not only in identifying those needs, but finding and implementing the solutions as well had better outcomes by far. Additionally, planners much be aware of issues of equity when selecting Smart Mobility solutions. Technology is not an end unto itself, it is a tool, and new technologies that are implemented without consideration for existing economic or social challenges may exacerbate those challenges. If cities are not aware of or ready to address existing equity issues, they will not be able to implement effective Smart Mobility solutions. We hope that this report provides some context for Smart Mobility technology as municipalities from villages to urban centers look to move towards a more equitable transportation future. This report in many ways has been a labor of love. The students in this studio come from a wide range of backgrounds, from Biology to East Asian History to Political Science. We were brought together by an interest in transportation, and a passion for finding innovative solutions to better serve our communities. We hope that this report sparks that same interests you, and that our recommendations help you to find solutions that better the lives of the public you serve. We are grateful to the GBNRTC for this opportunity and their partnership.
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Appendix The appendix section reviews the remaining case studies from the study outlined in Section 2.   Domestic and International Case Studies: Understanding Smart Cities. Following domestic and international case studies that were researched in the development in Section 2, the appendix reviews cases selected in the initial stages of the planning studio class. These case studies were the classes' initial introduction to smart mobility and helped researchers conceptualize smart mobility and the possibilities in urban planning.
APPENDIX Remaining cases from Section 2: Domestic and International Case Studies: Understanding Smart Cities.
Figure 102. Mobility Innovation Lab. Source:
Boston, MA: Mobility Information Lab City Characteristics: Population - 650,000 residents with an additional - 340,000 daytime population Land area and Population Density: - 48 sq. miles / 13,514.67 ppl per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts) “Zero deaths. Zero injuries. Zero disparities. Zero emissions. Zero stress. Boston will create and run a Mobility Innovation Lab for transportation that integrates research, entrepreneurship and practice.” Mayor Walsh & the City of Boston’s Vision for Transportation. As a coastal economic powerhouse with older infrastructure, Boston hopes to lead the way in increasing resiliency and improving sustainability by embracing zero emission vehicles and supporting more walking and biking.
Boston seeks to create a “Teaching Hospital for Transportation”, co-locating practice, research, and the development of new technology (Figure 102). Cohorts of entrepreneurs from leading startup accelerators, teams of researchers from universities, and government leaders will work side by side to create our next generation streetscapes. Components · Intelligent, sensor-based infrastructure Urban analytics · Connected Vehicles · Smart Grid, Roadway Electrification, Electric Vehicles
The Programmable City: new updates mean pushing software and plugging in modular hardware, not rebuilding from scratch with each new improvement. The cityscape must be radically programmable. 1. Digital Simulator: allow innovators to model their intervention using a variety of contextual and specific data sets, to understand the impact of their idea on equity, safety and resilience. 2. Beta Blocks or Fleet: designated corridors and vehicles in Boston that will be instrumented so that new technology, materials and uses can be easily tried and evaluated. Locations will be chosen to provide a full range of built environments. 3. Peer Cities: cities will help scale ideas quickly by extending data standards, rafting policy, and helping entrepreneurs and researchers communicate and adjust their concept for the next set of constituents and practitioners.
APPENDIX To ensure that data is research and product ready, we will implement APIs and the privacy & security policies necessary to ensure easy access and appropriate use. Plans and Policies 1. Partner with local universities to provide a simulator that uses as inputs the design, services and data of our city. The microcosm of a programmable city, this simulator will be publicly available through the Mobility Innovation Lab. The simulator will, in particular, allow us to screen for anticipated impact on equity, safety and resilience. Boston University, and MIT have variants of this simulators. 2. Designate 3-5 “Beta Block” corridors in our city. These blocks are specifically for testing all the newest ideas: instrumented to make it easy to push or plug in new technology, try out new roadway materials, propose new curb rules, and evaluate experiments. 3. To take success pilots to scale, we will partner with 5-7 cities across the country and support a “Scale Team” of 3-5 dedicated staff. The Scale Team would be embedded in transportation departments in other cities; they would give entrepreneurs a perspective of how various components work in different cities during concept development and early iteration, and next help take proven concepts to other cities.
Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region In order for the Mobility Innovation Lab Teaching Hospital for Transportation to effectuate the City of Boston’s transportation goals, the stakeholders would have to be able to work together and share their research and data with one another. In Boston’s highly competitive higher education and research ecosystem, it may be difficult to convince these institutions to work together in the best interest of their host city’s transportation vision. Boston’s Smart City Challenge does not elaborate on how these institutions will exactly work together, or how much each one will be involved. Also, relying on start-ups to implement integral transportation infrastructure services could present risks in the long term - as these businesses grow or falter.
APPENDIX Boston builds on pre-existing relationships with higher education institutions and communities. This allows the municipality to identify the deficient areas of expertise and reach out to the appropriate department or institution that would be willing to use its resources and students to better understand and implement smart mobility. The BuffaloNiagara region should emulate Boston’s educational and government cooperation strategies to set up an agency or lab that works to implement and process smart mobility data to help inform future plans and decisions.
Providence, RI: LINK Redevelopment proposal City Characteristics: Population - 180,393 residents Land area and Population Density: - 20.6 sq. miles / 8,756.94 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 20132017 ACS via Quick Facts)LINK Redevelopment Proposal - Providence, RI Figure 103. Map of the Providence, RI smart transportation corridor elements. Source:
APPENDIX Components The removal of I-95 lane splits in downtown Providence in 2018 opened up 19 acres of land open for development and 8 acres of parkland, the city is primed for the implementation of smart mobility and transportation technologies. Providence seeks to enhance community connectivity, driving equitability, and enhance economic development downtown using the newly provided white space (Figure 103). Providence is in the midst of a plan to install up to 16,000 LED street lights that are Internet of Things sensor enabled; streamlining and digitizing outdated City operations, increase university participation in MetroLab, increase Wi-Fi availability, support smarter vehicle, bike and walking strategies, and laying the foundation for Providence’s LINK District to be a Center of Excellence in the global knowledge economy.
Plans and Policies The City of Providence, RIDOT, and RIPTA will develop two new intermodal transit hubs, one to be integrated into the Providence Amtrak/MBTA station and one adjacent to the Hospital District. The two hubs will be tied together by a 1.4-mile transit emphasis corridor that will provide frequent service and enhanced passenger amenities that tie the LINK District directly to the Hospital District, the rest of Downtown, and to regional Amtrak and MBTA commuter rail services at Providence Station. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region The LINK district is now able to be considered for implementation due to the removal of sections of the I-95 highway in downtown Providence. The city government works with the RIDOT and RIPTA, as well as local universities (URI, Brown, MIT, and RISD) to develop downtown Providence and benefit from the removal of a disruptive highway. The efforts in Providence could help inform the City of Buffalo’s endeavors to determine the future of The Skyway and other disruptive highways that are located in downtown Buffalo. Utilizing smart mobility technologies to develop areas impacted by the removal of highways could help spur economic development.
Rochester, NY: ROC Forward City Characteristics: Population - 208,406 residents Land area and Population Density: - 37.14 sq. miles / 5,611.36 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick
Figure 104. Map from "ROC Forward." Source: r.pdf.
Components The City of Rochester hopes to enhance long-term transportation solutions that better connect communities to employment centers, education centers, health care facilities, and services (Figure 104).
Plans and Policies The City of Rochester will foster a partnership between the City, EasyMile, Kodak, and the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA) to deploy automated transit shuttles on the internal street network of Eastman Business Park (EBP), a 1,200 acre private technology campus in the City of Rochester. The city will also partner with GE to implement and install intelligent LED light fixtures with sensors, transmitters, and microprocessors. Working with RIT, the city will be able to analyze this data to better understand traffic optimization, better parking management, and a more comprehensive understanding of the transportation system’s environmental impacts. The city is also interested in implementing “Mobility on Demand� concepts to facilitate more residents to choose car-free or car-light lifestyles. In order to do this, the city wants to expand their public transportation in neighborhoods that experience higher poverty rates 245
APPENDIX Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Rochester, NY shares many of the challenges and geographic characteristics that face the Buffalo-Niagara region. In order to address poverty and employment issues, Rochester envisions using smart city technologies like mobility on demand to help enable residents, that do not have a personal vehicle, to have better access to employment, healthcare, and other essential daily activities. Buffalo could also benefit from the traffic data that Rochester compiles, as they share a common major thoroughfare, the I-90, as well as experiencing similar weather-related traffic issues. Buffalo could use Rochester’s data to help better understand or implement their own smart mobility technologies. Newark, NJ: Smart City Corridors City Characteristics: Population - 285,154 residents Land area and Population Density: - 26.11 sq. miles / 10,921.25 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts) Components The City of Newark’s Smart City Vision is defined by five overarching goals: improve intermodal mobility and facilitate more efficient mode choice; promote responsible and sustainable environmentally sensitive development; provide more efficient municipal services; advance livable communities; and encourage economic growth. Plans and Policies Use traffic data gathered from smart technology implementations to empower citizens to make more informed decisions affecting their mobility. This includes ensuring those citizens and the companies and platforms providing data have accurate and up to date information about travel times, roadway conditions, and environmental conditions. The city also seeks to embrace ride-sharing travel modes as a compliment to their existing public transportation system. The existing system will be bolstered by creating an ITS system, enabled by placing sensors throughout existing transportation infrastructure to improve the quality of life and livability of Newark’s neighborhoods. 246
APPENDIX Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Newark’s plan for implementing smart mobility technologies focuses heavily on implementing data sensors throughout their transportation network and utilizing that data for helping people make better informed transportation choices, as well as increasing economic development through transportation efficiency. The BuffaloNiagara region would benefit from a greater emphasis on collecting and analyzing transportation data to make better informed decisions on implementing further smart mobility technologies. For example, data sensors placed at intersections can help the DOT better plan for snow removal based on real-time snow accumulation. Data sensors could also be integrated into mobile maps, MaaS, or NFTA systems that show real-time traffic and pedestrian data, helping people make more efficient travel decisions. Although data sensors are a low-lift smart technology implementation, they need to be maintained by an entity that would be obligated under a long-term agreement. Also, the data collected would need to be available to the public in an easy-to-access format, but also be collected and stored safely.
Western United States
Denver, CO City Characteristics: Population - 704,621 residents Land area and Population Density: - 155 sq. miles / 4,545.94 people per sq. mi
Figure 105. Model for Denver's smart city enrollment strategy. Source:
Components The health of Denver’s economy is closely connected to efficient freight movements, yet growing populations along key freight corridors are creating congestion and reducing reliability. The air pollution and noise caused by freight traffic disproportionately impacts underserved communities. Denver needs to make freight delivery more reliable and reduce air pollution, idling, and engine noise. Establishing a connected freight efficiency corridor with comprehensive freight parking and traffic information systems, freight signal prioritization, designated parking and staging areas. Plans and Policies Denver’s goal to increase transportation efficiency due to population growth and increased freight traffic needs an integrated data gathering and management system (Figure 106.). Denver will model a processing engine that will collect disparate sets of data to provide a fully connected data program. Denver will also address transportation equity concerns by installing interactive kiosks in West, North and Northeast Denver neighborhoods, providing those without bank accounts, smartphones, or credit cards access to information and cash-only payment options. Denver will also deploy a First Miles/Last Mile (FMLM) Subsidy Pilot Program into those neighborhoods by offering ride-sharing drivers guaranteed fares and price discounts. The City of Denver will also launch a connected TMC [traffic management center] and work with the navigation app Waze to improve traffic safety and inform smarter urban planning by connecting our TMC directly with travelers. Denver will also be looking into electrifying transportations hubs to better accommodate electric vehicles and adding fiber optic cable in corridors that will be able to deploy autonomous vehicles.
Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region The Buffalo-Niagara region is an essential hub and corridor for both domestic and international freight traffic. Capturing and utilizing freight traffic data on highways and major intersections could help multiple state and local agencies or departments make better informed decisions as it pertains to freight traffic. Portland, OR City Characteristics: Population - 647,805 residents Land area and Population Density: - 145 sq. miles / 4,467.62 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts) Components People in underserved communities are at a higher risk of missing out on new technological advances; these citizens may lack access to new tools, and more significantly, their needs and issues may not feed into the data collection and study that guides development of those tools. It is critical to ensure that all communities have access new transportation options and improved methods for making informed transportation choices. Plans and Policies Portland wants to make community members a part of the development and implementation of Smart City technologies from beginning to end through a public education campaign and a smart city video contest. The city of Portland has pledged to establish partnerships with community organizations to ensure that low-income, disabled, older, minority, and immigrant residents have a voice. Portland’s plan seeks to engage with residents through walking and van tours, or “pop ups”, idea walls, supper chats and youth-led canvas initiatives to better understand how communities could utilize smart mobility technologies.
Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region An outreach program or initiative coordinated by the city, the DOT, local schools, CDC’s, university partners, etc. to gather quantitative and qualitative transportation needs data from residents could be extremely beneficial in the Buffalo-Niagara region. Enabling local leaders and agencies to have a pulse in real-time of the transportation needs or deficiencies in the system that need to be addressed - and their priority categorized automatically across the system. The Buffalo-Niagara region would be a great place for walking tours, pop-ups, and youth-led canvas initiatives because of the local propensity for good-weather gatherings. Information could be collected to better understand what people in the Buffalo-Niagara region want to have, when it comes to smart mobility technologies. San Francisco, CA City Characteristics: Population - 884,363 residents Land area and Population Density: - 46.87 sq. miles / 18,868.42 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components As the search for affordable housing continues to push people commuting into San Francisco further from the city, the roads into downtown experience ever growing congestion. San Francisco wants to grow the number of regional commuters that use carpooling to improve affordability, increase mobility and relieve congestion on roads and transit (Figure 106). Plans and Policies - Create connected regional carpool lanes and designate curb space for carpool pickup/drop-off - Make carpooling easy by developing a smartphone app for instant carpool matching and establish carpool pickup plazas for riders without smartphones - Use connected infrastructure to monitor and optimize performance of carpool lanes Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Buffalo-Niagara may benefit from the inclusion of carpooling initiatives to decrease single occupancy vehicle trips. The Buffalo-Niagara region does not experience severe congestion issues, but reducing SOV trips is an important step in reducing needless carbon emissions in WNY communities. Tucson, AZ City Characteristics: Population - 535,677 residents Land area and Population Density: - 226.7 sq. miles / 2,362.93 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components Tucson hopes to inspire a shared economy and build communities through greater access to affordable consumer goods and services. The concept of the shared city will be a physical, mobile, and virtual space that is an urban commons where residents and visitors interact with their space. To increase local consumption and interaction, the city will provide a mobile app that will enable people to purchase public transportation from their mobile devices - these transportation choices would include traditional buses, ridesharing, carpooling, and other shared mobility services. The city also hopes to integrate their street grid intersections with additional smart mobility technologies by implementing video sensors at intersections with connected bus stops to help consumers make better transportation-related decisions (Figure 107). Plans and Policies The city will compliment smart vehicles that are connected through apps and collect realtime data through sensors that will be added to traffic lights. Tucson will also install smart LED street lights and work zone traffic control devices along the roadway. The information collected by the intersection sensors will flow to a data center located on the University of Arizona, which will be supported by the City of Tucson - including the City, the Pima Association of Governments, the University of Arizona, the Arizona Department of Transportation, and Pima County. Tucson’s Traffic Operations Center will be expanded to create a more robust, citywide Traffic Management Center which will be connected to the on the ground real-time information. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region The inclusion of a region-wide mobile tool to encourage consumers to choose more active, shared, and public modes of transportation could benefit the local economy. MaaS [Mobility as a Service] would enable people in the Buffalo-Niagara region the ability to choose multiple forms of shared or active transportation and purchase all in one virtual space - like an app or website. Working with regional transportation services and universities, the Buffalo-Niagara region could integrate more connected tools in its existing infrastructure to encourage the development of a MaaS tool to inspire local economic activity.
Seattle, WA City Characteristics: Population - 724,745 residents Land area and Population Density: - 83.78 sq. miles / 8,650.57 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts) Mobile Marketplace Program Management -Seattle, WA
Components Seattle will create a mobile marketplace - a unified consumer and data collection tool that will connect intersection data with public and private vehicles. Public and private agencies will have access to the network and be governed by policies and laws that are established through the Trusted Data Platform (Figure 108.). Plans and Policies Data collection equipment will be added to various intersections in the City of Seattle that will interact with mobile, private, and public vehicles that will provide complimentary transportation data to the already existing data network. The equipment will be connected by an open communications architecture consisting of a regional high-bandwidth wireless network and 5.9GHz DSRC over a fiber optic network and built infrastructure. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region The Buffalo-Niagara region would benefit from the implementation of additional data sensors and collection tools that would enable private and public vehicles to interact with them, providing data for the analysis and real-time assistance to the transportation mode. Encouraging private contribution to data collection and analysis through sharing incentives and infrastructure support will enable the Buffalo-Niagara region to make better transportation decisions as well as more accurate modeling with increased efficiency and transparency. Southern United States Austin, Texas City Characteristics Population: - 950,715 Land area and Population Density: - 297.90 sq. miles/ 2,653.2 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components Austin’s smart mobility plan will implement electric autonomous vehicles, shared use mobility, personal electric vehicles, electric infrastructure, and mobility hubs (Figure 109). Plans and Policies Austin’s smart mobility platform is looking to increase equity, affordability, safety, and community engagement. The proposed concepts look to increase equity by providing mobility opportunities for underserved groups such as the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and any other individual that is unable to drive. The plan looks to increase affordability by encouraging ride sharing via carpooling and other on demand services for people to utilize. They hope this will reduce the amount of money spent on travel and parking. Full automation will eliminate driver error which will, in theory, increase safety. Programming will allow autonomous vehicles to detect bike paths, crosswalks, and react to pedestrians ensure there are no accidents involving people. Shared mobility will increase community interaction, creating a city where people are more social and conscious.
Policy recommendations include not charging for trips within designated areas, making all city vehicles electric, introducing an express lane for all zero-emission vehicles, and zoning for mixed-use development (mobility hubs) in different parts of the city for a connective network. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Austin’s ideas for mixed-use development to create a connected mobility service can translate well to the Buffalo-Niagara Region. Mobility hub connectivity that links different points in the region will increase the regions capabilities to interact and reduce the amount of individual travel in and out of metro areas. Nashville, Tennessee City Characteristics Population - 667,560 Land Area and Population Density - 475.13sq miles/ 1,265.4 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Policy recommendations include not charging for trips within designated areas, making all city vehicles electric, introducing an express lane for all zero-emission vehicles, and zoning for mixed-use development (mobility hubs) in different parts of the city for a connective network. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Austin’s ideas for mixed-use development to create a connected mobility service can translate well to the Buffalo-Niagara Region. Mobility hub connectivity that links different points in the region will increase the regions capabilities to interact and reduce the amount of individual travel in and out of metro areas. Nashville, Tennessee City Characteristics Population - 667,560 Land Area and Population Density - 475.13sq miles/ 1,265.4 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts) Components The plan includes implement a multipurpose mobility platform; expand mobility technologies; enhance the parking experience; enhance transportation corridors (Figure 110). Plans and Policies Nashville seeks to accomplish each concept in a number of ways by following strategic actions, each specific to the concept. Strategic actions suggested for multipurpose mobility platforms include implementing an open modular mobility platform to integrate modes of transportation and use algorithms to optimize techniques for transit.  Additionally, they are looking to implement mobile apps for wayfinding, trip planning, and finding more efficient modes of transportation. Their efforts to expand mobility technologies comes in the form of autonomous vehicles.
They are looking to create policies around autonomous vehicles that will encourage ride sharing and help supplement public transportation while also decreasing transportation costs. To enhance the parking experience, Nashville proposes a pilot for smart meters that can be paid via a mobile app and offers dynamic and progressive pricing in lieu of time limits. They are also looking to increase park and ride availability situated within activity centers (mobility hubs) that connects multimodal transportation into the urban core. Lastly, the enhanced transportation corridors will be subjected to zoning regulations that promote mixed use development that prioritizes mobility. This looks like deemphasizing zoning requirements that center on automobiles and allows the streetscape to be freed up for other forms of mobility such as biking. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Nashville’s plans and policies are modest and for a city like Buffalo, modesty is needed. Buffalo does not have the population or budget to support large scale projects without proper funding but the initiatives mentioned in the Nashville plan could translate well to the City of Buffalo. The Buffalo/Niagara region could take from the park and ride idea and create mobility hubs that prioritize ride sharing in and out of the metro area. These mobility hub park and rides could connect the greater Buffalo/Niagara region and reduce the amount of single passenger vehicles in the area. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City Characteristics Population - 643,648 Land area and Population Density - 606.41sq miles/ 956.4 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components The plan includes electric busses; autonomous street-cars; mobile apps; street sensors Plans and Policies Oklahoma City’s plans to address challenges such as traffic congestion, mobility for marginalized groups, lack of public transportation service, and access for bikers and walking pedestrians. To address these challenges, they propose a series of initiatives. The first initiative is the autonomous street-car that reduces labor cost for the city and provides a connected transportation network (Figure 111.). Via that transportation network, Oklahoma City’s second and third initiatives focus on connectivity with public transportation vehicles and the street infrastructure by using sensors to collect data and make traffic flow smoother. Lastly, the city looks at user focused mobility options such as ride sharing or mobile apps that give real time traffic updates to drivers. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Buffalo’s NFTA rail line could possibly be ran autonomously with the right support. The transit stations along the line could offer mobility services such as kiosk that people can use to order ride shares at a flat price. The train line could also be expanded to reach other cities in the greater Buffalo/Niagara region, creating a connected service and reducing the amount of single occupancy riders. Miami, Florida City Characteristics Population - 399,443 Land area and Population Density - 35.87sq miles/ 11,136 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components Miami’s smart mobility project will utilize urban automation, connected vehicles, sensor based infrastructure, ser-focused mobility services, urban delivery, and logistics (Figure 112.). Plans and Policies Miami’s initiatives partner with local and state organizations such as the Miami-Dade Express Authority and Florida DOT to make their plans operational. With support from these organizations, they hope to improve the imbalance between travel demand and supply, making travel more efficient and equitable. Additionally, they are seeking out innovative tools and strategies to monitor and react to the changing climate, through use of smart infrastructure and make travel out of the city safer in instances of severe weather.
Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region The smart infrastructure from Miami could be used in Buffalo in a similar way in instances of heavy snowfall. The sensors for the smart infrastructure in Miami are used to alert residents of instances of severe weather such as tropical storms or hurricanes. Those sensors could be used in Buffalo to alert residents of heavy snowfall, extreme temperature drops, etc. The sensors could also notify those using connected services of road closures, travel bans, and other important updates that will increase safety for citizens. The Buffalo/Niagara region experiences severe snowfall each year and a smart infrastructure could possibly improve travel during and after such instances. Richmond, Virginia City Characteristics Population - 227,032 Land area and Population Density - 59.81 sq. miles/ 3,414.7 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components Richmond’s smart mobility project includes multi-modal transportation, affordable and reliable transportation, autonomous vehicles; safety Plans and Policies Richmond’s plans are more modest than others, focusing on improving the existing transportation in the city rather than introducing concepts that may not be feasible short term (Figure 113). Like other cities, they hope to improve the connectivity and support different forms of transportation. They are also looking to improve city infrastructure so that sensors can be added, warning drivers of hazardous conditions and other safety concerns. To support disadvantaged groups, Richmond proposed pedal-electric assist bicycles, low-speed autonomous shuttles, and other advanced options to keep them safe while traveling as well as expanding their options. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Richmond has a similar size and faces similar transportation issues as Buffalo. The modest approach, focusing on more feasible concepts that will improve life in the short term is an approach that may be beneficial to Buffalo. Richmond is looking to improve current systems instead in the short-term, introducing smart concepts that are applicable to today’s problems. Those short term solutions such as connectivity expansion and pedalelectric assist bicycles can be implemented within a 5-year span. Midwestern Region Kansas City, Missouri City Characteristics Population - 488,943 Land area and Population Density - 314.95 sq. miles/ 1,459.9 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components The plan includes expanding existing smart infrastructure; autonomous vehicles; Information Sharing  Plans and Policies Using their existing infrastructure, Kansas City is planning to connect neighborhoods by developing rapid transit lines and providing mobility services focused on accessibility. They plan to improve safety by implementing smart lighting technologies that will brighten pedestrian paths when in use at night and provide extra lighting for both drivers and pedestrians, making them more alert. Kansas City also plans to expand their Google fiber use to include Wi-Fi along the transit corridor that will provide an interactive service for citizens utilizing the services provided (Figure 114).  Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region For the Buffalo/Niagara Region, interactive mobility centers would be a doable project if the Wi-Fi infrastructure was available. Kansas City has an advantage by being contracted by google but if Buffalo could secure a similar internet deal, interactive mobility kiosk could be possible.  Mobility hubs could use this high speed connection to better support connected services in potential mobility hubs. Chicago, IL City Characteristics Great Lakes Region/ Rust Belt Population - 2,716,450 Land area and Population Density - 227.63 sq. miles/ 11,841.8 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components The Great Lakes Region/ Rust Belt plan features an advanced traffic management system (ATMS). Â Plans and Policies The Advanced Traffic Management System initiative proposed by Chicago seeks to integrate traffic systems into one by using fiber internet technology. The goal is to accurately report traffic incidents, damages, and other safety factors. Components of the ATMS include integrating emergency services, public transportation locations, traffic signal assessment, and congestion estimates. Multiple forms of data will be collected that will update pedestrians in real time about flow of traffic, traffic signals, and bus and train speeds. Additionally, video analysis will calculate traffic flow to reduce accidents and connect with traffic signals to increase flow of traffic, thus reducing congestion (Figure 115).
APPENDIX Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region The Chicago ATMS initiative is not very applicable to what the Buffalo-Niagara region has in mind. Much of Chicago’s plan was to collect data for the city to increase safety and increase the flow of traffic. The connected infrastructure is applicable to the BuffaloNiagara region but not in the way it is being used by Chicago. Similar to the Kansas City, MO plan, Chicago has a partnership with a fiber internet provider and has that infrastructure already put in place. The Buffalo-Niagara region would have to invest a lot of money into fiber internet and restructuring their infrastructure support it. Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota City Characteristics Population - 704,847 Land area and Population Density - 105,952 sq. miles/ 7,088 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts
Components · Enhanced Mobility; Address Climate Change; Improve Safety
APPENDIX Plans and Policies Minneapolis and Saint Paul chose to focus their smart mobility on three core values. To address each value by supporting technologies such as mobility hubs, sensors, vehicle to vehicle communications, autonomous vehicles, and micro transit (Figure 116). Each technology seeks to achieve outcomes including reduced travel costs, shared usage, integrated payment services, and citizen engagement. They also seek to enhance mobility options by integrating public transportation and ride sharing into one app. For a city that gets a lot of snow, a major initiative for their smart mobility is the snow routes status mobile app that provides real-time alerts about snow emergencies. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Part of Minneapolis and Saint Paul’s plans for connected vehicles are short range communications for snow plows. This communication allows for plows to exchange real-time information as they work. This is extremely applicable to the Buffalo/Niagara region. The snow routes app is also a great way to keep residents informed about severe weather conditions in the area.
Madison, Wisconsin City Characteristics Population - 255,214 Land area and Population Density - 76.79sq miles/ 3,037 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
Components · Autonomous Vehicles; Connected mobilities; Bike Sharing; Microtransit and ridesharing Plans and Policies Madison lays out its goals for smart mobilities through explanation of the technologies. They seek to encompass all of Madison within the connected infrastructure, including corporate and university campuses (Figure 117). Autonomous vehicles will replace shuttles, reducing carbon emissions as well as providing safer transportation options. Sensor based infrastructure will work with the flow of traffic, reducing congestion while simultaneously prioritizing pedestrian safety. Mobile applications that include parking information, real time traffic updates, and public transportation updates will be integrated within the smart infrastructure. Madison seeks to increase on demand mobility and allow for people to make transportation choices that works best for them.
APPENDIX Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Madison and Buffalo are similar in size and both have research universities that work directly with the city on projects. Â Madison and the University of Wisconsin are sharing information to build the smart infrastructure and Buffalo can do the same with the research happening at the University at Buffalo. Â Indianapolis, Indiana City Characteristics Population - 863,002 Land area and Population Density - 361.43sq miles/ 2,270 people per sq. mi (Data sourced from United States Census Bureau, 2010 Census and 2013-2017 ACS via Quick Facts)
APPENDIX Components · Autonomous and Connected Vehicles; Mobile Application; Dynamic Trip Pricing; Real-Time Data Integration Plans and Policies Indianapolis plans to be the first city in the United States to have an all-electric BRT (Bus Rapid Transit). The proposal states that there will be dedicated lines for busses to operate, free of congestion. This seeks to reduce labor cost and increased safety by eliminating the possibility for user error. Real-time data integration comes by way of an updated infrastructure that optimizes traffic flow for smart corridors (Table 4). The data will be shared via mobile app, making any real-time updates accessible by users. Lastly, dynamic pricing encourages shared rider experiences to reduce the carbon footprint and make travel more affordable. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Dynamic pricing is a good takeaway from the Indianapolis plan. Dynamic pricing will encourage more people to share rides, thus decreasing congestion and parking shortages.
International Smart Mobility Plans Singapore Geographic characteristics and demographics Land Area - 279.0 sq. mi Population - 5,638,700 Population Density - 20,212.3/sq. mi
APPENDIX Components · Comprehensive mass transit network, public transportation, green mobility, sustainable smart mobility solutions, autonomous vehicles, automated trains Plans and Policies Singapore has begun implementation of its Smart Mobility 2030 plan, published in 2014 by the Land Transport Authority and Intelligent Transport Society of Singapore. This plan builds on the ITS Master Plan of 2006, which was designed to guide the adoption and systemic implementation of ITS in Singapore. The Smart Mobility 2030 vision is “moving towards a more connected and interactive land transport community” by promoting four focal areas: informative, interactive, assistive, and green mobility.
APPENDIX To ensure high quality transportation, “information” is said to focus on adopting new transport data collection technologies with an emphasis on consistent, accurate, and reliable data. This would allow Singapore to create transportation that better meets the needs of citizens. This focal area encompasses a variety of projects including new transport data collection technologies, enhanced data security and privacy, and improves transport information delivery. The “interactive” piece of the plan is designed to strengthen integration between a variety of information platforms and systems to create seamless interactivity between people and systems. To achieve seamless interface interaction, projects will focus on increasing integration between public transport and road operations, better fleet management systems, and advanced road usage demand management. This would decrease congestion and provide transit users with real time information updates. The “assistive” focus is also aimed at reducing traffic congestion, as well as lowering the number of accidents and associated fatalities. To move towards this goal of safer roadways, Singapore will begin testing autonomous vehicles (AV), as well as fully automated underground driverless mass rapid transit (MRT). The “green mobility” component reflects the environmental considerations of the plan, and emphasizes decreasing carbon emissions and reducing air pollution. To achieve this goal, Singapore will promote the use of public transport, green vehicles, and green infrastructure. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Some of the greatest assets of the Buffalo-Niagara region include its location on two Great Lakes and abundance of high-quality agricultural land. To maintain these asses in the face of climate change, the region must be conscientious of reducing carbon emissions, and improving the quality or our water, air and soil. The green mobility infrastructure outlined in the Smart Mobility 2030 plan can be adapted as appropriate for the region to contribute to the overall environmental sustainability of our region.
APPENDIX The Netherlands City/Country Characteristics Population - 17,283,008 Land area and Population Density - 16,033 sq. miles/ 1,078/sq. mi Plans and Policies The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has created a Smart Mobility plan in conjunction with a variety of private partners. The aim of the plan is to develop self-driving vehicles and improve in-car traffic information for drivers. The government believes that this will reduce congestion and CO2 emissions, and improve road safety. Much of the initiative focuses on improving data transmission and data quality for greater connectivity. The plan also includes clear legal structures regarding data privacy. The plan clearly outlines the role of the government, the role of the private sector, and how collaboration between the two will be handled during implementation of the smart mobility plan. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region One of the risks identified in the Moving Forward 2050 plan is data management and protection of personal data. Issues of data access, communication technology, and digital infrastructure management must be addressed by any government looking to work with autonomous vehicles. Planners, city officials, and private companies in the greater Buffalo Niagara region can learn from the successes and failures of the Netherlands plan implementation to improve their data management policies. Additionally, by focusing on the desired social outcome - improved road safety and reduced CO2 emissions- instead of a desired technological outcome – autonomous vehicles- the Netherlands plan models how regions can utilize technology to improve social issues instead of framing technology as an end unto itself. By focusing on desired socio-economic outcomes instead of specific technologies, the BuffaloNiagara region can ensure that it is meeting its economic, community, and environmental goals.
APPENDIX Brazil City/Country Characteristics Population - 3,287,956 sq. mi Land area and Population Density - 210,147,125 sq. miles/ 64.7/sq. mi Plans and Policies The Itaú Unibanco bank is partnering with the Brazilian government and a private bike sharing company, Tembici, to create a nationwide bike sharing system. The bike stations will be solar powered and connected to an app that is customizable to each municipality. In total 8,000 bikes and 680 stations will be deployed across several Brazilian cities and when completed, the Tembici network will be the largest bikesharing system in South America. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region Expanding bicycle infrastructure was identified in the Moving Forward 2050 plan as a regional priority. A similar program could be created to connect multiple cities across the Buffalo-Niagara region, and encourage use of the bike routes and multi-use trails that already exist in the region. Additionally, the solar powered stations are an example of how multiple types of sustainable technologies can be combined in smart mobility projects. For example, the Buffalo-Niagara region has increased the number of electric charging and alternative fuel stations for cars. By adding solar charging stations for bicycles, the region could build on its existing programs to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Cost of transportation and infrastructure is also identified as a challenge in the Moving Forward 2050 plan. The Brazilian bike sharing program is an excellent example of how to implement smart mobility solutions that are also low-cost. By implementing a multi-city program, Brazil ensures that no single city is taking the full brunt and therefore, financially burdened. Secondly, the cost is further reduced by the banking sponsorship. Following this model, financial burdens could be shared by multiple counties across the region, and a mix of state and private funds could be used to further reduce the overall burden to individual cities. 274
APPENDIX South Island, Canada City Characteristics Population - 367,770 Land Area and Population density - 62 sq. mi/12,079 people per sq. mi
Components The South Island plan prioritizes empowerment and inclusion, smart mobility, green mobility, community engagement, Citizen-Inspired Transformation Plans and Policies South Island was a finalist in Canada's 2018 Smart Cities challenge and was awarded $10 million to implement their Freedom to Move campaign, which is part of the Smart South Island Vision 2040 plan. This plan outlines a multimodal transportation network that is convenient, green and affordable, with a goal of increasing South Islanders’ mobility wellbeing score by 20%. The plan centers community engagement, and focuses on transportation criteria identified through community consultation. The community engagement process was extensive, involving a Smart South Island Symposium, a roundtable with the region’s top employers, and an Indigenous Connect regional conference. The region also launched a website dedicated to the smart cities challenge to keep the community informed and seek online feedback. Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region South Island created a plan to addressed community identified challenges through extensive community engagement. Cities in the WNY region can implement these community engagement tactics as appropriate to help ensure that any smart mobility plans are in line with community needs and desires. The community engagement strategies also can provide models to the Buffalo-Niagara region on how to engage indigenous communities in the planning process.
APPENDIX Addis Ababa, Ethiopia City Characteristics Population - 3,384,569 Land Area and Population density - 203 sq. mi/ 13,378 people per sq. mi Components The Addis Ababa plan includes smart parking, cost efficient, traffic congestion, air quality, and light rail solutions. Plans and Policies Addis Ababa has introduced a smart parking system to address the lack of parking space for the high demand in the city. As part of the Addis Ababa City Structure Plan, the Transport Programs Management Bureau has selected 60 sites to construct smart parking systems. The parking system uses a steel structured building with an automated lift to store cars. The project will cost an estimated 1.5 million US dollars. The city's goal is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve air quality by addressing parking and traffic congestion. The City Structure Plan also includes expansion of the cities electrified light rail transit, first constructed in 2015. By expanding the light rail system, the city hopes to increase use of public transit, and further reduction of GHG emissions. The plan pars both short- and long-term strategies to improve the overall air quality of the city and decrease congestion.
Implications for Buffalo-Niagara Region As previously stated, cost is identified as a challenge in the Moving Forward 2050 plan. The Addis Ababa Smart Parking project is an example of how cities in the Buffalo Niagara region can quickly implement cost effective solutions to transit problems. While larger projects such as high-speed rail may alleviate congestion, they also are costly, take a long time to construct, and may not be feasible for smaller cities. Smart parking structures can be created as part of long-term plans to begin addressing GHG emissions, while simultaneously leaving room for long term planning projects. 277
APPENDIX Additional Smart Mobility Case Studies from Initial Research 1. Quayside Project - Toronto, ON What: The Quayside Project is endeavor by an organization called Waterfront Toronto Revitalization Corporation to build a smart neighborhood/city on the shores of Lake Ontario, right near the heart of Downtown Toronto. Where: The proposed smart city would located in Toronto’s Eastern Waterfront District, between the Gardiner Expressway and Queen’s Quay East, with Bonnycastle and Parliament Streets on either end. The total area of the spot where this project would go specifically is a total of twelve acres.
Background and Vision: In March of 2017, Waterfront Toronto (created by the governments of Canada, Ontario, and the City of Toronto to revitalize the waterfront) sent out a Request for Proposal, or an RFP to find a funding and innovation partner to work with them on the Quayside Project. Waterfront Toronto owns most of the land that will be used, but lacks the resources and expertise to make their vision a reality. In October of that same year, Waterfront Toronto announced that their funding and innovation partner going forward would be a company called Sidewalk Labs LLC, based in New York City. Sidewalks Labs is a subsidiary of Google, which is owned by a parent company called Alphabet Inc. Sidewalk Labs and Waterfront Toronto have entered into a limited partnership to form Sidewalk Toronto, and Sidewalk Labs is funding their Master Development and Innovation Plan (MDIP). They have pledged a total of $50 million USD, with $10 million that was released immediately, and the additional $40 million to be released upon the completion of specific milestones that Sidewalk Labs and Waterfront Toronto agreed upon together.
APPENDIX This MDIP will be a comprehensive plan that strategically incorporates urban design, technology, and infrastructure into a vision of forward-thinking sustainability, affordability, mobility, and economic development. The primary goals of this “neighborhood of the future” are as follows: Sustainability, Resiliency and Urban Innovation: It will employ solutions, technologies and strategies to create a sustainable – striving for climate-positive – resilient community. Complete Communities: It will enhance quality of life through creating a mixed-use, mixed-income neighborhood – providing a range of housing types and amenities – and addressing the need for mobility, accessibility and connectivity. Economic Development and Prosperity: It will serve as a testbed for Canada’s cleantech, building materials and broader innovation-driven sectors, generate prosperity by growing the emerging industry hubs on the waterfront, including employers and job creators in the urban innovation and broader technology sectors. (Waterfront Toronto. n.d.) The master planning process is still underway and the finalized MIDP will be released in 2019. Funding: Since the planning process is still underway, other sources of funding, other than what Sidewalk Labs has committed to the MDIP, have yet to be identified. Objective: According to the Public Engagement Plan, the objectives for this project are to establish a complete community that improves quality of life for a diverse population of residents, workers, and visitors, create a destination for people, companies, startups, and local organizations to advance solutions to the challenges facing cities, such as energy use, housing affordability, and transportation, and make Toronto the global hub of a rising new industry: urban innovation. Sidewalk Toronto also wants this project to serve as a model for sustainable neighborhoods throughout Toronto and other cities (Public Engagement Plan. 2018.).
APPENDIX Project timeline: March 2017: Waterfront Toronto released a Request for Proposals (RFP) in search of an “Innovation and Funding Partner” to assist in creating a plan for “the neighborhood of the future” (Waterfront Toronto. 2019). October 2017: Waterfront Toronto announced Sidewalk Labs LLC as their Innovation and Funding Partner. 2018 - 2019: The Quayside Project will begin an “open and comprehensive public engagement process” (Waterfront Toronto. 2019) April 2018: Sidewalk Toronto established their Digital Strategy Advisory Panel (DSAP), which is “an arms-length body intended to help guide Waterfront Toronto on how best to incorporate data privacy, digital systems, and the safe and ethical use of new technologies in the next phase of waterfront revitalization, starting with the Quayside project” (Waterfront Toronto. 2019.). May 2018: Sidewalk Toronto released their Responsible Data Use Policy Framework that will govern the collection and use of data in the Quayside project. October 2018: The Toronto Open Smart Cities Forum began to organize against the Quayside project, its data governance policies, and its community engagement practices. November 2018: The first Civic Lab was held to educate residents on “smart cities,” digital governance, and data privacy. December 2018: Waterfront Toronto released their first draft of the Master Innovation and Development Plan (MIDP) and their refined evaluation framework.
APPENDIX Elements of the Project: Economic Development: Sidewalk Toronto will work with Sidewalk Labs to relocate Google’s Canadian headquarters to the waterfront as the first anchor tenant to the project. Sidewalk Labs plans to establish an Urban Innovation Institute as the secondary anchor tenant. The project will create 9,000+ construction jobs and the completed project will house 3,900 jobs (Sidewalk Toronto. 2018). Affordability and Community: The draft MIDP is currently projected to be twenty percent commercial space, sixty-eight percent residential (2,500 units), twelve percent flexible lower floors. Forty percent of residential units will be below-market rate housing, and twenty percent of these units will be affordable housing and the remaining totals will be a mix of middle-income and family housing units (Sidewalk Toronto. 2018.). The draft MIDP outlines spaces that will be dedicated for community facilities, including a new elementary school and day care, a workforce development center, and a wellness center. Sustainability: The draft plan outlines the use of mass timber building to promote sustainable construction and cut down on carbon emission during the development process. The plan includes many innovative technologies, including but not limited to photovoltaic panels, battery storage, geothermal wells and sewer heat recovery systems as sources of clean energy for electric, heating and cooling. Green infrastructure and water sensors are included throughout the Quayside project for waste water retention and management. Mobility: A new light rail extension is also outlined will connect the area to city transit (Bliss, 2018). Quayside streets are designed to be people first, and include extensive pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Streets are designed without curbs, use a digital management system, and can be adapted to autonomous vehicles (Sidewalk Toronto. 2018).
APPENDIX Issues: The major challenge regarding the Quayside Project is the prospect of data governance in a neighborhood so dependent on the collection and use of big data. The volume of data collected in this project raises many concerns. One concern is the type of data collected and the privacy issues surrounding that. Where will sensors be located? What type of data will they record? Will there be personal information attached to all of it? Ann Cavoukian, who was a paid consultant for the Quayside project, quit in protest because she received no assurance from Sidewalk Labs that third parties involved with the project would implement “Privacy by Design� principles, which are a set of principles that outline ways to improve and assure privacy in the age of big data. She wanted the sensors to anonymize the data at the source, and not be anonymized by a company after being collected (Globe Staff. 2018). Another concern is where the data will be stored, and who will be able to access it. There are no laws in Ontario that require data of this nature to be stored within the province, and Sidewalk Labs has proposed an independent trust that would manage the data (Bliss. 2018.). This raised more concerns of who will have access to this data, as mentioned previously. If it is stored internationally, it gives foreign entities more of an opportunity to see the information (Globe Staff. 2018.). In addition, even though Sidewalk Labs says it will not be selling the data, Alphabet Inc. is such a massive company that plenty of parties could see all the data without money ever changing hands (Kofman. 2018). One other concern is who will own the data? Sidewalk Labs has said that it will own the intellectual property associated with the information collected (Basillie. 2018.), but that any and all anonymized data will be free and available to the public (Kofman. 2018.). As always, there are the concerns that come with any project involving big data: it is not immune to bias, and it can be even harder to pick out where bias occurs when it comes from a long string of raw numbers and information.
APPENDIX The Toronto community has repeatedly raised concerns of data governance, transparency, and the potential for mass surveillance inherent in the Quayside design. In response to the perceived lack of transparency regarding data governance, an Open Smart Cities Forum was held by concerned residents in October. Implications for Buffalo/Conclusion: The Quayside Project presents an interesting case study of a public-private partnership working together to leverage innovative technology and big data to solve contemporary urban challenges. Quayside is an ambitious model of how governments, urban planners, developers, builders, and engineers can design urban landscapes to improve sustainability, affordability, mobility, and economic development. The strategic use of reusable energies, green building practices, robust affordable housing options, active transportation infrastructure, flexible streetscape and autonomous vehicle integration can be modeled in other localities, including those in Western New York. Toronto will be model for the application of smart technologies in Western New York because of their similar climates. As the Quayside Project becomes clearer, practical applications of specific technologies in the Western New York region will come to light. The Quayside Project also provides insights into the challenges of data governance within “smart cities.� New technologies and the use of real-time data raise privacy concerns for residents. The Quayside Project did not engage with the public early enough in the process to alleviate skepticism of big data technologies. Without a clear understanding of how data would be collected, used, stored, and shared the public opposition to the project grew. The fact that Alphabet, Inc., a prominent and pervasive private data firm, would be overseeing public data management was also a major concern for many people in Toronto. The resignation of several data governance consultants and advisers exacerbated public concerns about data privacy.
APPENDIX When implementing big data solutions in urban design strategies in Western New York, it is imperative that public officials as well as any private entities involved in the project critically engage the community. The public needs to be thoroughly informed of the proposed project very early on in the process. There should be ways for the public to have their questions answered and their concerns taken into consideration in the design process. Sidewalk Toronto’s Responsible Data Use Policy Framework was a step in the right direction to alleviate public concerns. Communities in Western New York should also consider developing data governance policies, preferably in collaboration with the community, and release that information very early in the project planning process. Data policies should be developed not only for each individual project, but also for public data in general. Public education, transparency, and ethical data management are key values that communities in Western New York will need to expound upon in order to implement big data solutions and smart mobilities. 2. Flexzone Curbside Management - Seattle, Washington  Introduction The planning profession’s main subject of management among various others is handling transportation networks and enhance or customize according to current trends. There have been various issues that relate to regulations and concern for equity for all the people and the growth of transportation networks. One such issue of importance in recent times has been curbside management. To be precise, it deals with the physical land use of curbside areas for so long and how its usage can be guided for current and near future use. Fundamentally, Curbside Management is adopting policy and design to accommodate the changing transportation landscape.
APPENDIX On Seattle streets, major transportation services namely buses, cars, streetcars, bikes, and trucks all move passengers and goods. There are sidewalks that offer space required for pedestrians and waiting spot for their buses or cabs. In between these two spaces there comes a flexible space, where people can find buses, park cars (short time), call out for a cab, drop off a passenger and make deliveries. Eventually, this flexible space is used as a socializing space, or do business in parklets and streateries. Therefore, this space is called FlexZone, though it is regarded as curb space or just parking lane. Background and Issues: In 2016, Seattle released its updated Comprehensive Plan. The plan is consistent with Vision 2040 and King County Countywide Planning Policies. Flexzone Curbside Management is part of Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan. One strategy that the comprehensive plan focuses on is reinforcing the benefits of City investments in transit, parks, utilities, community centers, and other infrastructure. Building off that idea, Seattle’s Department of Transportation was put in charge of using investment to shape the City’s streets to accommodate new mobility trends. In the words of Sam Zimbabwe, the Director of Seattle’s DOT, “Increasingly, the flexzone space is used as a place to socialize or do business in parklets and streateries.” This idea of flex zones advent with the rise in a few issues pertaining to the increase in population and traffic congestion. Seattle’s population is currently at 724,745 people and is expected to increase to about 1.8 million people by the year 2050. An increase in the overall population directly results in an increased use of private vehicles, accounting for traffic congestion. There were limited transportation options within the city and the transportation options that are available are limited in terms of connectivity to one another. This situation called for a greater need for traffic calming measures and traffic prioritization. City planners observed that the space within the city limits is not properly utilized. Here the phrase “not properly utilized” expresses the fact that there is enough availability of space and they are not utilized with efficacy, giving out the space for long term parking usage, which occupies the space all day long, making the space unable to use for any other alternative activities.
APPENDIX Vision and objectives: The visions are rather the outcome of various considerations to improve overall transportation utility and providing better walk space/ public usage space and most importantly curbside management. The term curbside management and the birth of the flex zone are linked to the following views and objectives: · · · · · ·
Better utilization of space with the current city limits Increase the transportation options within the city Provide more space for the pedestrians Ease traffic flow and traffic congestion in the city Make sure the local and regional comprehensive plans complement each other Improve equity among residents
Methodology: In order to successfully organize the curbside management, the Seattle reached and examined various factors. Those include: Walksheds - Areas accessible by foot within a certain amount of time from a given point Mode Share - If people were driving alone, carpooling, biking and so on Average Trip Length - Average time taken to travel in minutes City officials and Planners were then able to use this information to make decisions on how to use the public right of way
Scale and Population: The population of king county is 2.189 million people and the city of Seattle is 724,745 people. The target population includes Commuters, Business owners/Delivery Drivers and Public Transit Users. The City of Seattle stretches across 83.78 square miles of King County and all of the streets owned and maintained by the City are subject to this new curbside management. Project Timeline: The Policies regarding Flexzone Curbside Management were implemented in 2016 in Seattle's Master Plan. The plan looks ahead to 2040 but planners and officials are revisiting the plan every few years. There are several streetscape projects currently taking place in the City of Seattle that are using the Flexzone model. A list of these projects can be found using the link at the end of this document titled. Funding: Major funding for the project comes in from the 9-year program “Levy to Move Seattle,” which was approved by Seattle voters in November of 2015. The levy provides an estimated 30% of the city’s transportation budget. “The levy’s objective is to take care of the basics, while also investing in the future with improvements to move more people and goods in and around a growing Seattle” as mentioned by Seattle’s Department of Transportation. Along with this levy, SDOT’s annual budget for 2017 was approximately $450 million. The overall budget comes from taxes, fees, and charges for services, the City’s general fund, grants, and bonds. 289
APPENDIX Stakeholders: City of Seattle King County - Meghan Shepard - Project Manager of Flex Zone/Curb Use Priorities in Seattle Seattle Department of Transportation - Sam Zimbabwe Directory of SDOT Physical Outcome: New policies implemented in 2016 define the curb lane as a “flex zone.” Each street's flex zone reflects the needs for that street. The City is slowly removing curbside parking and creating reliable bus lanes, safe bikeways, freight loading, and public spaces. Complimenting Plans: · Transit Master Plan (2012) · Pedestrian Master Plan (2009) · Seattle Bicycle Master Plan (2014) · Freight Mobility Strategic Plan (2005) Impacts: In response to conflicting pressures to use these Flex zones, the city has set out a strategic vision for these spaces that sets priorities based on different functions it serves. This curbside management efficiently moves goods and people along the curbside. It provides space for socializing and Relaxing (Parklets and Streateries). Implications for Buffalo & Conclusion: Seattle’s Flexzone Curbside Management Project offers insight on how a City in the United States is making better use out of its public right of way. Buffalo is different from Seattle in terms of population projections in the upcoming years. However, both cities face the concern of sprawling onto valuable land and greenspace and a concern of how to deal with emerging smart mobilities. Seattle recognizes these concerns and believes flexible curb space, better use of street right of ways, and new land use practices can help the City with adapting these new trends. Here in Western New York, there is an interest in redefining streetscapes but the new model for streetscapes is still unclear of how to prepare for these new smart mobilities. Through the use of flexible streetscaping and land use regulations, Buffalo can address current issues facing mobility while also implementing proactive planning practice that will help introduce new smart mobilities. 290
APPENDIX The use of flexzone curbside management can also incorporate current plans in Buffalo that involve better bicycle infrastructure and better pedestrian safety. The flexzone curb management can also incorporate potential plans for a smart mobility transit hub. Flexible curb space can complement existing public transit infrastructure and even improve public transit by creating designated traffic lanes where needed in the city. 3. North Avenue Smart Corridor - Atlanta, GA The North Avenue Corridor Project is located in Atlanta, Georgia and consists of a 2.3-milelong stretch from the intersection on Northside Drive to the west and the Freedom Parkway to the east. The project is spearheaded by Renew Atlanta, a municipal program supported by the mayoral office and funded by Atlanta tax payers.
Background: In an effort to better connect the city of Atlanta, integrate smart technologies into the city, and repair aging infrastructure, the mayor’s office and city councilmembers created Renew Atlanta in 2015. In September 2017, the City of Atlanta launched the North Avenue Smart Corridor as an official Renew Atlanta project, which was funded by the Renew Atlanta Infrastructure Bond. (Renew, 2018) The North Avenue Smart Corridor project is using the latest technology to increase safety and improve multimodal traffic operations in this 2.3-mile stretch of roadway. In a partnership with the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Georgia Department of Transportation, data has been gathered and analyzed to assist both short- and long-term transportation planning to create a safer and more efficient place to live, work, and play.
APPENDIX Issue: North Avenue was selected as the project site because it is an essential East-West Corridor in Atlanta, GA that is heavily utilized by multi-modal transport including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and alternative transit users. North Avenue also connects some of Atlanta’s most important destinations, institutions and companies, including Coca-Cola headquarters, AT&T headquarters, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Department of Transportation, the MARTA North Avenue Station, Ponce City Market, and the Atlanta Beltline. (Atkins, 2017) Because of its heavy traffic and diverse mix of transportation methods, North Avenue had one of the highest traffic accident rates in Atlanta. Therefore, implementing a smart corridor can help the city will improve safety, connectivity, and continue to encourage multimodal active transport. Vision: The vision of this project is to increase seamless connections throughout the city with an emphasis on increasing safety. SNC-Lavalin Atkins, a London-based design firm describing their work on the Renew Atlanta North Avenue Smart Corridor: “The adaptive system responds real-time to traffic events for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. The result? Connecting to our jobs, our loved ones, our classes, friends, home and lives—safely, effortlessly, enjoyably.” (Atkins, 2017) Objective: The objective of the North Avenue Corridor is to increase the safety of the busy thoroughfare and better connect the city of Atlanta to some of its most important businesses and institutions through technological systems (Renew Atlanta, 2017). Methodology: The project uses program management, feasibility analysis, design, procurement, integration, construction management, testing and evaluation, performance measure evaluation, and before and after traffic analysis to achieve its goals and measure outcomes. Additionally, the smart mobility data collection utilizes installation of internet of things (IoT) sensors at 26 signalized intersections, urban adaptive signal timing systems, vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, Bluetooth travel time and origin destination systems for automated vehicles, and a reconfiguration of existing roadways by restriping for crash reduction and the ability to operate autonomous vehicles. (Renew Phase 1, 2017)
APPENDIX Scale & Target Population: The scale of the project is the 2.3-mile section of North Avenue, yet despite the small section of the street, the North Avenue Smart Corridor project is connected to a larger effort to make Atlanta a “smart city.” For example, Renew Atlanta has invested in numerous smaller infrastructure projects and SmartATL (who worked on the North Avenue project) works to integrate smart technology throughout the city planning. This small project is a part of the vision for an entire city using similar technologies. The target population of this project are tourists, businesses, Atlanta residents, and students. Project Timeline: The project initially began in March 2015 when Atlanta residents voted to approve an infrastructure bond program, which would fund “Renew Atlanta.” Throughout 2015 and 2016, the Renew Atlanta Program selected North Avenue as the key corridor for infrastructure improvements and as the smart city test lab. Between 2015 and 2017, Renew Atlanta partnered with SmartATL, Georgia Tech, SNC-Lavalin Atkins, the Georgia Department of Transportation, and Together for Safe Roads to develop a plan for the project. Construction officially began in the summer of 2017 and was completed in the fall of 2017. From fall 2017 onward, the project is in its “living lab” phase, as in it is acting as a working, smart corridor, but testing is underway to understand how the street has changed transportation within that 2.3-mile stretch. Since December 2018 and January 2019, the TRAVELSAFE app has been collecting data and feedback from street users. (ITSG, 2017) Funding: The project is funded by the Renew Atlanta Infrastructure Bond, which was granted $250 million to improve Atlanta’s infrastructure after residents voted on the matter. Unfortunately, Renew Atlanta has not released the North Avenue Corridor Project costs from that $250 million (or at least online for easy public access). Stakeholders: Stakeholders of this project include the City of Atlanta (specifically the Mayor’s Office), SNCLavalin Atkins, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Department of Transportation, North Avenue Commuters, Atlanta Residents, and Data Science Community.
APPENDIX Outcome: Since fall 2017, the North Avenue Smart Corridor Project Phase 1 has been completed and so, far operates as desired, although testing the “living lab” in underway. Since its implementation, however, the smart corridor boasts a 25% reduction in vehicular crashes. Unfortunately, little communication about the state of testing or a progress report has not been released to the public. Continued testing through the municipal government, Georgia Tech, the TRAVELSAFE app, and other partners remains ongoing. (GovTech, 2017) The project also gained notoriety in the professional community, receiving numerous awards including: 2018 ACEC Georgia Engineering Excellence Awards in the “Building/Technology Systems” category, 2018 ACEC Academy Award National Recognition , The ITS of Georgia’s 2017 Best of ITS Project of Significance, and the 2018 ACEC People’s Choice Award. (Georgia Tech, 2018) Impacts: The project comes with both positive and negative outcomes. It has reduced traffic accidents by 25% and continues to collect data that can lead to better planning decisions for the future in Atlanta. However, privacy concerns about data collection and the lack of a dedicated bicycle or alternative mobility lane on the street can create problems for non-motorists as they are relegated to the sidewalk or simply existing traffic lane. Inferences & Limitations: The project hosts a number of advantages and disadvantages. First, Advantage: as a City of Atlanta project funded by transportation bonds, the North Avenue, the government owns the data associated with the corridor technology, which is an advantage for future planning. Second, the project seems to have created positive lasting relationships amongst stakeholders, which is also a key advantage for future smart city planning and coordination associated with the testing of these innovative designs. Technology is rapidly advancing, which could be an advantage to improve the current technological features of the corridor. However, troubleshooting may not be cost effective and create limitations to updating technologies or discovering problems. Another disadvantage of the project lies within its diverse goals (reducing emissions, increasing safety, increasing walkability / active transport / Bluetooth / Wi-Fi, etc.), which may be too ambitious, considering the attention to detail, testing, and research necessary for innovative technologies in a real-world setting. Finally, the longevity of the data collection network, servers on street, as well as maintenance concerns are ever present disadvantages of smart technology that the city must grapple with as more projects like North Avenue develop.
Possible Application to Buffalo, NY: The North Avenue Smart Corridor is a real-world living lab that will provide urban planners, designers, engineers, and communities with important data that can be used to transform streets and thrust rust belt cities into the 21st century. Although Buffalo does not face the same traffic issues, specifically related to traffic flow, the safety measures associated with the project would be well suited for many Buffalo corridors. It is important that smart mobility hubs and corridors be built to meet the needs of specific regions. The City of Buffalo and its surrounding municipalities could benefit from snow sensors integrated with smart street lighting. These sensors can measure snowfall in real-time and keep the DOT and Public Works updated where street and curbside clearing is most needed. Sensors may also be placed on water meters to detect leakages and sewage line overflow to activate the local authorities and hasten response time. Possible Erie County Smart Corridor Implementation Sites: · Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus Main Street Smart Corridor · Main Street at University Heights · Niagara Street - Addition to NFTA complete streets project · Main intersections in Tonawanda, Hamburg, Williamsville, etc. · Allentown Smart Street Hub - Elmwood Avenue and Allen St. · Broadway-Fillmore Historic District Smart Street Corridor
APPENDIX Possible Application to Western New York Cities & Townships: Small cities and towns in Western New York would benefit from technologically updated streetscapes. Smart corridors can provide small cities and towns with invaluable localized and contextual data along with claiming new public space for its communities. Many small cities and townships don’t have the volume of infrastructure demands that face larger cities, and could therefore pursue specific smart mobility projects that make the daily lives of their citizens better. Using measured data, townships could make better streetscape and planning decisions that would meet their specific needs. 4. nuTonomy Establishing a Robo-Taxi Service in Singapore Background: nuTonomy is a developer of autonomous vehicle (AV) software and mobile robots that was started by two Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers, Karl Iagnemma and Emilio Frazzoli, in 2013 through the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) ("World’s first driverless taxi system comes to Singapore," 2016). Although it was purchased by Aptiv (previously Delphi Automotive), it still maintains its original name. The company is most known for its AV initiative and operates in three separate locations: Boston, Santa Monica, and Singapore ("nuTonomy is Building Software to Power Tomorrow’s Driverless Fleets," 2017). This initiative is furthest along in Singapore, where nuTonomy has operated their vehicles on public roadways. The AVs being developed by nuTonomy would be compatible with a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) interface. These AVs will not be owned by individuals, rather they will be made available on demand as a taxi service, accessible by a smartphone ride hailing app. Why Singapore: Singapore has, for many years, been interested in reducing personal vehicle ownership and traffic congestion. In 1975, the city-state instituted its first iteration of congestion pricing, a system that was modernized Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system in 1998 (Olszewski & Xie, 2005). These policies combined with extensive investments in public transit have made Singaporeans less dependent on personal automobiles. Successive expansions since construction began in 1983 have seen the development of a highly efficient Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system covering the island (Fesselmeyer & Liu 2018).
APPENDIX Pioneering AV testing was likely located in Singapore due to the unique regulatory environment that enables efficient timelines for development, testing, and implementation. Furthermore, the combination of skills and strengths from the USA and Singapore could create a strong partnership when it comes to AV development. In a 2018 study by KPMG, countries were ranked according to their readiness for AVs through four categories: (1) policy and legislation, (2) technology and innovation, (3) infrastructure, and (4) consumer acceptance. The USA ranked 10th in policy and legislation, 1st in technology and innovation, 7th in infrastructure, and 4th in consumer acceptance. Singapore ranked 1st in policy and legislation, 8th in technology and innovation, 2nd in infrastructure, and 1st in consumer acceptance. Where the USA lacks, Singapore excels, and vice versa, creating a powerful team that is suited for nuTonomy’s success (Threlfall & Roubini ThoughtLab, 2018).
APPENDIX Vision and Objectives: According to nuTonomy’s website, their “Automated Mobility team is focused on developing, and commercializing autonomous vehicles and systems that enable point-to-point mobility via large fleets of autonomous vehicles in challenging urban driving environments” ("nuTonomy is Building Software to Power Tomorrow’s Driverless Fleets," 2017). They have a number of objectives that further this vision in Singapore, including (Matheson, 2016): 1. Reducing congestion through the optimization of pick-up and drop-off paths 2. Providing a more affordable ride-hailing service than the traditional driver-occupied services 3. Minimizing the number of auto-related accidents due to human error 4. Reducing transportation-sector greenhouse gas emissions by deploying a fleet of electric vehicles 5. Increasing the capacity for public transportation by providing an alternative to employing more bus drivers (which Singapore currently lacks the labor force for) Scale: nuTonomy is a still relatively small company, with about 100 employees (Crunchbase, 2019) and, as of 2017, a fleet of 60 vehicles (Korosec, 2017). In 2017, Navigant Research analyzed players of the self-driving automobile industry to rank their likelihood in bringing Level 2, 3, and 4 selfdriving cars to the market by 2027. Navigant gave nuTonomy a score of 51.6/100, which awarded it 17th place. 10 criteria were used to determine the companies’ scores (Muoio, 2017): 1. Vision 2. Go-to-market strategy 3. Partners 4. Production strategy 5. Technology 6. Product capability 7. Sales, marketing, and distribution 8. Product quality and reliability 9. Product portfolio 10. Staying power
APPENDIX Target Population and Stakeholders: nuTonomy’s target population is the residents of Singapore, specifically, those who use taxi and public transportation services. However, their current population is restricted to One North, a business district within Singapore that had been approved for on-road testing of AVs (Lin, 2016). nuTonomy has a number of partners, both public and private, that provide technology, consulting services, and policy guidelines (“Tomorrow’s Car, Today,” 2017).
APPENDIX Funding: nuTonomy is both privately and publicly funded. In January 2016, they received $3.6 million in Seed Round funding from Signal Ventures, Samsung Ventures, Fontinalis Partners, and Dr. Steven LaValle ("nuTonomy Secures $3.6M to Fund Self-Driving Car Technology," 2017). Four months later, it received another $16 million in Series A funding from Signal Ventures, Samsung Ventures, Fontinalis Partners, and EDBI (the Singapore Economic Development Board’s corporate investor) ("nuTonomy completes $16M Series A funding to accelerate delivery of self-driving car software," 2017). In 2017, nuTonomy was purchased by Aptiv (previously Delphi Automotive) for $450 million (Korosec, 2017). Project Timeline: In 2014 nuTonomoy began testing AVs on private tracks. August 2014 saw the creation of The Committee for Autonomous Road Travel in Singapore (CARTS), which represented the first major step by Singapore to devise a framework of AV usage in Singapore (Abdullah, 2019). nuTonomy began their testing of AVs on public roads in Singapore during the summer of 2016 (Matheson, 2016). In January 2017, this testing extended to a few public roads in Boston in partnership with Lyft (Khalid, 2017). AV development was further spurred through the February 2017 Amendment to Road Traffic Act, which exempts AVs from regulation requiring a human driver to be responsible for motor vehicle operation on the road. Additionally, AVs must pass a series of government tests before being allowed on roadways and AVs must share data with the Land Transport Authority (Lago & Trueman, 2019). In October 2017, nuTonomy was acquired by Aptiv (previously Delphi Automotive) (Korosec, 2017). Lastly, on January 31, 2019, provisional industry standards were introduced by Singapore government in the form of Technical Reference 68 (TR 68) (Singapore Standards Council, 2019). Implications, Limitations, and Issues: nuTonomy has had one reported accident. In October 2016, a nuTonomy AV with a safety driver riding as a passenger crashed into a truck while changing lanes. No one was injured (Lin, 2016). While this remains the only such accident in Singapore on public roads it remains to be seen what level of safety will result from wide scale adoption of AVs on Singapore roadways. Given the autocratic nature of Singapore, there appears to be little (if any) political discourse on the subject of AVs. While recent AV testing accidents in the United States have stirred debate on the topic, in Singapore the legacy of limited democracy seems to leave the public out of the discussion on how to move forward with AV implementation. In the United States, these emerging technologies are raising questions of safety, hackers, and data privacy, yet in Singapore the government is content to move full forward with AVs as they seek to reduce personal vehicle ownership and traffic congestion (Lago & Trueman, 2019). 301
APPENDIX The recently enacted TR 68 is set to provide clear guidelines as AVs transition from test phases to full scale commercial implementation (Singapore Standards Council, 2019). The current requirement for AVs to have a safety driver could soon be eliminated (Abdullah, 2019). Additionally, there are projections that AVs may be adopted on a wide scale in Singapore by 2022 (Lago & Trueman, 2019; Teo, 2019). Conclusion: How does nuTonomy relate to Buffalo? One of the major takeaways from this study is that location matters when it comes to implementing AVs. Singapore has the policy and legislation, infrastructure, and consumer acceptance needed to make AVs a success. If Buffalo wants to implement smart mobilities, like AVs, the city should analyze New York State and federal regulations on emerging mobility technologies and compare them to countries that are further along, like Singapore, for policy and implementation guidance. Another major takeaway from this study is how the different attitudes towards personal vehicle ownership are likely to influence the future of AVs in Buffalo and Singapore. This is significant because AVs operate more efficiently and predictably when they are not contending with human drivers in traffic. It is much easier for an AV to predict the driving habits of another AV rather than the driving habits of a human driver. While Singaporean policies have been steering their populace towards a reduction in personal vehicle ownership and may likely see a near future where very few (if any) people own cars, it is hard to imagine a near future where significant numbers of people in Western New York would give up their personal vehicles and instead adopt AVs that are on demand. The American propensity towards personal vehicle ownership is most likely to preclude our region’s wide scale adoption of AVs. 5. Examining the Smart Autonomous Vehicles Initiative - Portland, Oregon Background: Portland, Oregon is looking towards the future by utilizing autonomous vehicles to supplement their public transportation. In a city of roughly 650,000 people, Portland has turned to smart mobilities as a solution to their transportation problems. In 2017, Mayor Ted Wheeler announced a new initiative that would attempt to do just that. The Smart Autonomous Vehicles Initiative (SAVI) was announced with the promise to expand access to public transportation, reduce pollution, and reduce congestion. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are self-driving vehicles that combines sensors and software to control, navigate, and drive the vehicle without input from a human driver. Mayor Wheeler also promised that autonomous vehicles could make Portland streets safe by taking human error out of the equation. A computer operated car should be able to make the proper decisions that would ultimately lead to there being no traffic related deaths at all. These autonomous vehicles would also help the city of Portland meet goals concerning safety, equity, climate change, and economics. 302
APPENDIX The main goal for SAVI is to support the existing public transportation infrastructure. When the RFP for SAVI first went out, Portland was looking for private companies that could fund the autonomous vehicles themselves. Portland would provide permits that would allow the AVs to operate on public streets but being stern about not spending public monies on the project. Another part of the RFP was to emphasize that the AV technology is for providing a service to people, NOT a specific type of vehicle. Although SAVI promises to reduce congestion, there is still concern that the AVs would add to congestion. The thought behind that is that as people become less dependent on their own vehicles, there will be less single occupancy cars on the road, thus reducing congestion. Since the 2017 announcement, a private company called Forth has been chosen to engineer and operate the AVs that will be put on the road. SAVI is ultimately looking to be operational in 2019 and is hoping to achieve its “triple bottom line” of equity, economy, and environment through the initiative. Implementation: In April of 2017, the Mayor sent a directive to the Portland Bureau of Transportation instructing them to take four actions to advance SAVI within the next 60 days: 1. Propose for City Council and public consideration Interim Transportation System Plan (TSP) policies that ensure connected and autonomous vehicles will serve Portland’s safety, equity, climate change, and economic goals 2. Publish a Request for Information (RFI) that invites AV testing specific to advancing safety, equity, climate, and economic goals 3. Adopt an Interim Administrative Rule that provides a clear path to permit innovators to apply to test, pilot or deploy AVs in Portland 4. Develop public engagement, reporting, and evaluation plans that ensure Portland residents, workers, and businesses have opportunities to shape the “rules of the road” for AVs in Portland. In the summer of 2017, the city opened an RFI focused on how AVs could benefit Portland’s existing public transit system, and received 19 responses from interested AV developers, and after evaluation selected Forth. During this process city officials noted that the rapid pace of technological advancement in this field proved somewhat difficult, in that some of the projects they were considering a year ago no longer seem as appealing or useful. Under the current plan, SAVI will be funded by Forth. By engaging with the private sector to further this technology, the city is hoping to limit costs by providing permits for a self-funding entity rather than paying for a pilot from government funds
APPENDIX 6. Smart Columbus Smart City Initiative - Columbus, OH Location: Smart Columbus is the smart city initiative for the Columbus Region. The project located in city of Columbus, OH to serve the entire Columbus region, which encompasses eleven (11) counties including Franklin County. Background: In December 2015, U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) launched Smart City Challenge, asking mid-sized cities across America to develop ideas for an integrated, first-of-its- kind smart transportation system that use data, application, and technology to help people and goods move more quickly, cheaply, and efficiently. The City of Columbus proposed a comprehensive, integrated plan addressing challenges in residential, commercial, freight, and downtown districts using a number of new technologies, including connected infrastructure, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, an integrated data platform, autonomous vehicles, and more. Columbus plans to work closely with residents, community and business leaders, and technical experts to implement their plan. They have committed to collaborate with Austin, Denver, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Portland, and San Francisco to share best practices to help other cities across America replicate their successes. Columbus competed against 77 cities nationwide to win the Smart City Challenge in 2016. Funding Sources and Scope of Work: As the winner of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) first-ever Smart City Challenge, Columbus was awarded $50 million in grant funding and the designation as America’s Smart City. · $40 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) as grant-funded projects. With USDOT funding, Columbus intends to address the most pressing community-centric transportation problems by integrating an ecosystem of advanced and innovative technologies, applications, and services to bridge the sociotechnical gap and meet the needs of residents of all ages and abilities. · $10 million from Vulcan, Inc., a Paul G. Allen Company as grant-funded priorities. With this funding, Columbus intends to accelerate the transition to an electrified, low-emissions transportation system. · Investment by private sector
APPENDIX The Columbus Partnership, representing the Columbus Region’s private sector, is the lead implementation partner for the grant program and is responsible for the initiative’s Acceleration Fund, which is credited as a significant factor in Columbus’ winning of the challenge. The Acceleration Fund is made up of coordinated and aligned investments by the private and public sectors that will complement, scale and sustain Smart Columbus projects and programs into the future. What started as $90 million when we won the challenge, has grown to more than $500 million, with a goal of $1 billion by 2020. The Smart Columbus Vision: Columbus has a bold vision to be a community that provides beauty, prosperity and health for all of its citizens. A beautiful city provides clean transportation options that serve the mobility demands of the city and reduce the impacts on the environment. A healthy city provides safe and inviting opportunities for non-motorized travel and smart technology with a complete digital network that links people to services, such as healthy food and health care.
A prosperous city connects workers to jobs and employers to workers, gets goods to market, supports world-class institutions, and provides reliable travel options affordable to a range of household budgets.
APPENDIX Challenges: Like many cities, Columbus wrestle with aging infrastructure while striving to satisfy growing demands for improved quality of life. We must begin by providing our youngest residents the opportunity to celebrate their first birthdays. Infant mortality rate is widely viewed as the global standard for measuring the health of a community. Absence of reliable access to prenatal care and challenging social and economic conditions are key contributors. Our goal is to reduce infant mortality in Franklin County by 40 percent and cut the racial health disparity gap in half by 2020. Through the smart corridors and smart payment projects to improve mobility, Smart Columbus will improve access to prenatal care and provide ladders of opportunity for residents to address these challenging social and economic conditions. In addition, the City and CelebrateOne are collaborating with COTA for the USDOT Rides to Wellness grants. These additional funds enhance our efforts to increase healthcare access for mothers and lower rates of infant mortality. Smart Columbus Goals: · Drive economic growth by attracting mobility research and development, preparing our workforce for the future, and attracting and creating jobs in new industries. · Improve people's quality of life by connecting them to employment and opportunity, including better access to school, healthcare, fresh food and job training. · Become a world-class logistics leader · Foster sustainability by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions through the adoption alternative fuel vehicles, and by reducing reliance on personal vehicle ownership. · Improve safety by reducing collisions caused by human error, reducing traffic congestion and providing safe, reliable transportation and more efficient, dynamic routing for emergency vehicles. Project Timeline The first year of the grant was spent getting organized, reaching out to potential customers, partners and stakeholders, and getting system engineering underway for all 15 projects. The system engineering phase will extend well into 2018. The first deployments will start to occur late in 2018. 2019 is when you’ll see most of the projects up and running. We will share lessons learned in year four, 2020. At every step of the process we are collecting data so we can document our results.
APPENDIX The eight Smart Columbus projects is grouped into three overarching themes: 1. Enabling Technologies, Enhanced Human Services and Emerging Technologies. Enabling Technologies: These technologies leverage today’s foundation in new and innovative ways to greatly enhance the safety and mobility of the transportation infrastructure. These advanced technologies empower deployments that increase our capabilities because of rich data streams and infrastructure that are designed to handle on-demand responses. The connected vehicle environment (CVE) is an enabling technology that will improve safety by leveraging cutting edge technology to advance the sustainable movement of people and goods. 2. Enhanced Human Services (EHS): These services encompass meeting human needs through the application of technology that focuses on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintain a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of users of the technology-based solutions. Opportunity will be created as a result of the EHS projects that improve access to jobs, healthcare and events. 3. Emerging Technologies: New technologies that are currently developing or will be developed over the next five to ten years will substantially alter the business and social environment. By focusing on key Emerging Technologies, the city will be able to exhibit potential solutions to address and mitigate future transportation and data collection challenges. The method of themes demonstrations an integrated and holistic approach to delivering the Smart Columbus program.
APPENDIX Smart Columbus is taking a district-oriented approach to best demonstrate effective implementation of a comprehensive portfolio of connected technologies that solve focused, relatable city issues and enhance mobility across the region. Four deployment districts were strategically identified based on the unique problem-solving proving ground they offer which creates a foundation of nationwide scalability. 1. Residential (Linden): Linden is a high-opportunity Columbus neighborhood in need of economic improvement. Linden was chosen as the first neighborhood district for its numerous socio-economic challenges, including low household income, lack of major employers and high infant mortality rates. These problems are compounded by the lack of access to transportation options. Despite proximity to the central core of the city, basic services such as healthcare, grocery stores and banking are scarce within its boundaries. Many residents are transit-reliant, yet planning and completing a trip to access employment and services can be challenging, particularly for parents with young children, seniors and travelers with disabilities. There are also many firstmiles/last-mile (FMLM) challenges in the district. 2. Commercial (Easton): Easton is a high-traffic retail destination and jobs center. Located in the northeast part of Columbus, the Easton area is a mixed-use environment consisting of retail, dining, commercial office space, warehousing and residential units accessed primarily by light-duty vehicles and some bus service operating along the fringes of the area. While a major employment center, the jobs are typically low paying and have a high rate of turnover. Research has demonstrated that a major contributor to the instability in these types of jobs is the lack of reliable transportation as well as FMLM challenges related to safety and mobility. Meanwhile, current traffic volumes in the area, particularly during peak times, have caused roadway capacity concerns. Adding an additional freeway exit to support the present volume would be costly and could increase harmful emissions. There are opportunities to improve mobility and reduce emissions and their sources through a reduction in single occupancy vehicles and/or enhanced existing transit service. 3. Downtown: Downtown Columbus is a regional economic anchor and growing urban core. One challenge to continued growth and development of Downtown is the lack of parking availability. The commercial office vacancy rate for all classes of space is 12 percent. Commercial real estate brokers report that they cannot lease office space because prospective tenants cannot find parking for employees. Hotels and other service industries report high staff turnover because of the cost of parking. Major employers report an inability to add jobs downtown. Visitors for events and guests of everyday business activity report regular frustration with finding parking. Experience Columbus, the convention and visitors’ bureau for greater Columbus, receives feedback from visitors as well as meeting and travel planners that parking, especially during large events and conventions, negatively impacts the visitor experience in Columbus. 308
APPENDIX 4. Logistics (Rickenbacker): Rickenbacker International Airport, Rickenbacker Intermodal Terminal and Rickenbacker Logistics Park make this area the 10th most active logistics hub in America. Freight-induced congestion and queuing are significant challenges at the south end of the city where distribution centers have been established in proximity to Rickenbacker International Airport. One significant access road where truck volume and freight-induced. Smart Columbus Program U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office 8 | Project Management Plan for the Smart Columbus Demonstration Program – Final congestion routinely occurs is along Alum Creek Drive on the south side of Rickenbacker Logistics Park. Each of these four deployment districts is shown in Error! Reference source not found.. While there are unique and distinct deployment districts, many projects will also be deployed citywide and be designed in an integrated manner with the SCOS being the integral backbone and heart of all current and future smart city projects. Outcome: Outcomes of the Smart Columbus Program include: Improve Safety: Columbus wants to create safer streets where vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians are less likely to be involved in accidents. Enhance Mobility: Columbus wants to make traversing the city and parking as efficient and convenient as possible. Enhance Access to Opportunities & Services: Columbus wants to make multi-modal transportation options and the ability to access them equitably available to all residents; especially those who need to access to opportunities related to health care, jobs, school, and training. Reduce Environmental Impact: Columbus wants to reduce the negative impact transportation has on the environment through becoming more efficient and embracing multi modal options
APPENDIX Smart Columbus highlights key smart mobility takeaways: · Deploying smart technology solutions for the communities in east side of Buffalo districts to solve the socio-economic challenges like low household income, a lack of major employers, and poor access to recreational amenities. These problems are compounded by the lack of access to transportation options. · Addressing the mobility needs of underserved communities by providing safe, reliable, and affordable transportation alternatives, while also investing in those communities to provide ladders of opportunity. · Implement our vision that encourages walkable, bike-able, and transit-friendly communities that lift up all residents. · Provide cycling networks and Enhance lighting that will increase cyclist safety and facilitate use of the bike share service. · Provide sustainable transportation services in the City of Buffalo that reduce our carbon footprint and preserve our planet. · Using technology to manage traffic congestion and improve safety with demonstrable results. · Implementing innovative technology-based solutions to connect all residents to information and opportunities, and breaking down digital barriers. · Drive economic growth by attracting and creating jobs in new industries. · Supporting smart network applications, vehicle electrification, and technological solutions to reduce greenhouse gases. · Providing a strong data management approach that supports efficient data collection, storage, aggregation, and analysis; data-driven decision-making; performance measurement and monitoring; evaluation; and an open, entrepreneurial environment for app developers and researchers.