10 minute read
Conclusion and References
from The Greater University District Plan
by University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning, University at Buffalo
Existing Conditions
The third issue identified is the unutilized vacant property on the corner of Niagara Falls Boulevard and Kenmore Avenue, a busy intersection at the southern start of our site area. This 0.5 acre gravel lot sits on the intersection where the municipalities (Town of Amherst, Town of Tonawanda, and City of Buffalo) meet. The owner of the lot, United Refining Co. from Pennsylvania, had no proposed plan for their property and left it as an empty gravel lot for almost 20 years. Because of this the Town of Amherst ceasing the property using eminent domain. Currently, the town of Amherst appraised 159 Niagara Falls Boulevard at a little over $80,000, but the owner was not pleased with this offer and appealed to the NYS Court of Appeals.
When ceasing the property, the Town of Amherst proposed that the vacant lot should be converted into a small town park that could serve as a location for a weekly farmers market. Our design concept for this empty lot is in line with preliminary plan of Amhert to convert it into a small park. This popular intersection provides a great location for a pocket park because it extremely accessible and beneficial to many different users. Additional green space in this area would provide the neighborhood with a space for gathering, socializing, and recreation, which in turn could improve the health and wellbeing of the surrounding community. The park would provide a natural environment that commuters can enjoy, either people waiting for the bus at the intersection or students who would like a place to rest when biking from UB South Campus towards the Boulevard Mall area. It could also benefit local businesses by providing a location where local employees can go to enjoy their lunch outside and where events can be held, like farmers markets, small concerts, and flea markets. The purpose of this open, interactive green space plan would ultimately be to encourage all of the different groups within the area to go outside, interact, and build community.
The first step in making this plan become a reality would be to settle the case with the current owners and have the Town of Amherst buy the property. The second step would be to change the zoning for this parcel so that the park would be a permitted use. Currently, the Town of Amherst has this area zoned as Commercial Live Work (LW-1). This code specifies that permitted uses include: residential use (single family detached residential or attached dwellings and upper story dwelling units), public and civic uses (daycare center, nursery, private school, minor utilities, and place of worship), and commercial uses (advertising agency, apparel alteration and shoe repair, art/photography studio, beauty/barber shop, office space, and production/sale space of arts and crafts made onsite). This zone does not allow for any industrial uses. To become a park, the Planning Board must approve this parcel to be rezoned as Recreation Conservation (RC).
There are four different ways to potentially fund this park. The first is getting financial support from the municipalities. Even though this parcel is in the Town of Amherst, the intersection borders the Town of Tonawanda and the City of Buffalo. This project could be a great step in improving intermunicipal planning. Second, the surrounding community (residents and businesses) could plan local fundraisers to contribute funds to the development and maintenance of the park. Another option would be to apply for a grant, such as the American Walks Community Change Program. This program gives $1,500 to project that bring a walkable element to a town or city. Finally, potential funding could come from the NFTA specifically to revamp the bus stop adjacent to the park. Having a public meeting for this project would also be beneficial in identifying other sources of funding and neighborhood organizations that could support and help make this project happen.
Assessing the existing conditions, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the area, brought to light current issues and opportunities for improvement. This area has potential for planning across borders to create a cohesive and engaged community environment. The concept designs and plans for implementation were made in response to this opportunity, specifically considering the needs of this community with input from stakeholders along the way. Moving forward, we are recommending an inter-municipal community development organization to provide inclusive programming and micromobility solutions to gaps in the existing transportation systems. With University Plaza, we have outlined recommendations for a private development that includes the community in the rezoning process and provides affordable housing for nearby residents. Finally, making Niagara Falls Boulevard a safer road for cars and pedestrians will encourage more people to use alternative modes of transportation. If implemented, these plans could greatly improve quality of life and bring community cooperation for residents and foster inter-municipal cooperation.
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Margaret Winship Kimberly Amplement
Alexa Ringer Ausra Mussett Brett Moore Aridane Billy Zachary Korosh Jordan Drezelo James Farrow Nick Barile Shuqi Zhao Sergy Dossous Kenrick Brown Seung Jun Lee Joshua Rogers Zachary Korosh Kaiqui Le Sean Heen Fewa Ogunmola Alexis Scheeler
Spring 2019 Environmental Design Studio 450 School of Architecture and Planning University at Buffalo