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schools communicate with families, while lowest ratings were related to families’ opportunities to influence school decisions.

• School and community-based program leaders, educators, early childhood professionals, and caregivers who participated in Professional Development


for All demonstrated increased understanding of how to establish workplace conditions that support educators’ well-being. They also credited PD for All with increasing their knowledge of assets and resources that families bring to children’s learning experiences in and out of school.


This year’s evaluation reflects a year of continued success in implementing programmatic activities. Institute staff working to support School as Hub programming continued to partner with school leadership, home visitors, and family facilitators to provide families and staff with needed support. In addition, the Institute prioritized engaging district partners in transition year activities in preparation for the next phase of the Superintendents’ Early Childhood Plan in the fall of 2022.

The 2021-2022 transition year presented significant challenges to schools and school districts related to ongoing disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Challenges identified by school leaders and staff included a decrease in academic progress, a need to intentionally support children’s social and emotional learning, and an increase in challenging classroom behaviors. Institute staff responded with flexibility and empathy, partnering with school leaders and staff to meet the unique needs of schools, children, and families. At the same time, Institute staff continued efforts to build district, school, and educator capacity to implement the School as Hub program.

In 2021-2022, the Institute also engaged district leaders in a landscape assessment to establish a solid foundation for effective efforts in the years ahead. We look forward to advancing this work in the coming years, through district-Institute partnership efforts aimed at goals and action plans devised by the school districts connecting a focus on early childhood birth through Grade 3 efforts to strategic goals and plans for the broader K-12 district.

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