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Nebraska Early Childhood Education Endowment for
Funding Amount
Created in 2006 through LB 1256, the Sixpence endowment was established with a $20 million commitment from private donors, matched by a $40 million investment from Nebraska Educational Lands and Funds. These public and private funds are invested separately, and the combined earnings placed into a common cash fund held by the Nebraska Department of Education. A governor-appointed, six-member Board of Trustees oversees the competitive grant process. Grants are awarded through local school districts, which act as the fiscal agents for their community partnership. Each grantee is required to provide a 100% match to its award through local funds and resources.xxii Since the creation of the endowment, Nebraska lawmakers have three times approved legislation providing additional funding streams enabling Sixpence to reach more infants and toddlers at risk statewide.xxiii In 2013, the Legislature approved an additional allocation of General Fund dollars to the cash fund, enabling Sixpence to increase its statewide reach from 11 to 31 communities. In 2015, LBs 489 and 547 enabled the use of existing federal dollars to fund Sixpence school-child care partnership grants in 34 communities. Statutory authority for the Nebraska Early Childhood Education Endowment is found in sections 79-1104.01 to 1104.05 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes.
Establishing the Funding Estimates
Both the General Fund appropriation and the public endowment income investment are cited from the State of Nebraska FY 2021–2022 and FY 2022–2023 Biennial Budget, August 2021 (page 55).xxiv
Administration of Funds
State statute requires the Nebraska Department of Education to identify a private endowment provider to administer Sixpence grants under the authority of a Board of Trustees. This function has been carried out by Nebraska Children and Families Foundationxxv since the creation of the endowment in 2006. Funds flow through the Office of Early Childhood at NDE to the public-private Sixpence Board of Trustees, where they are awarded to school districts and their partners.