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Nebraska Department of Education – Flow-Through Provider Fees





Funds (noted as “flow-through provider fees” in this report) are fees collected by attendees of early childhood professional development training. These training fees are deposited into one of two cash fundsxxx and expended solely for the purpose of training. Statutory authority for the Early Childhood Program Training Cash Fundxxxi is found in Nebraska Revised Statute 43-2607. Statutory authority for the State Department of Education Cash Fundxxxii is found in Nebraska Revised Statute 79-1064.

Establishing the Funding Estimates

Funding investment for NDE “flow-through provider fees” was reported in the December 2019 report of the State Government Cash and Revolving Funds.xxxiii The reported total reflects dollars from the Early Childhood Program Training Fundxxxiv and the State Department of Education Cash Fund.xxxv

Administration of Funds

The Early Childhood Training Center of the Nebraska Department of Education offers professional development opportunities for members of the early childhood workforce in seven geographical areas of the state. Many of these opportunities are funded by fees paid by attendees. These funds paid by attendees are expended solely for the purpose of training. None of these funds are retained by NDE for administrative purposes.

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