Life APR - JUN ’13
New Beginnings
4 page Annual Review
4 page
How will the Union look in the future and how will it affect you?
prayer guide
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New Beginnings
by Jonathan Edwards - BUGB General Secretary
ew beginnings are a normal part of life. Nothing stays the same for ever, and so we all need to be constantly ready to change. Whether it is a case of moving house, starting a new job, welcoming a baby into the home or retiring, we are all familiar with change. And honesty compels us to admit that new beginnings are both exciting and daunting. The changes that are taking place within the Baptist Union are certainly both exciting and daunting! If you look back through the past 200 years since the Baptist Union was formed, it has been a story of constant change. Without those changes the Baptist Union would be a complete irrelevance and would presumably have ceased to exist long ago. But for those who are living through the changes it is exhausting and extremely demanding, and we need to make sure that we pray hard for one another amidst the upheaval. I thank God for the incredible privilege of serving as General Secretary for the past seven years. During those years we have seen blessing in many forms. We have seen many new churches planted; a large number of superb new church buildings opened; hundreds of new Christians born again and baptized; large numbers of people coming
forward for ministry and historically high numbers of women amongst them. I believe we have also moved forward significantly in our celebration of the ethnic diversity of our Union. Much has changed. But much more still needs to change. The theme that runs through the whole of this edition of Baptist Life is the theme of change. It’s always inspiring to hear the stories of churches that have been willing to change. That change often requires enormous courage and grace. I remember going to a church that had heard God’s call to leave their very comfortable church building and move to the local youth centre. They swapped nicely padded seats for nasty plastic chairs. That’s what you call courageous! But in moving into the youth centre they knew that they were more accessible to their community and God honoured their courage. The church immediately grew and it continues to thrive. We are all inclined to fight shy of change. But the reality is that the Holy Spirit calls us on a journey of constant change, and he does so because he loves us and wants us to experience more of the life of Christ. May God bless us all as we embrace our own new beginnings.
Credits: Baptist Life is edited by Chris Hall. Design by Alex Baker. Printed on recycled paper Baptist House, PO BOX 44, 129 Broadway, Didcot, OX11 8RT, England Telephone 01235517756 Fax 01235517715 email Registered Charity Number 1125912
Home Mission: Being a blessing Mike Lowe, minister of Boulton Lane Baptist Church in Derby (East Midland Baptist Association) has been supported by a Home Mission Grant since 2007. Here he explains how his church has learnt to be a blessing to its community.
oulton Lane Baptist Church has changed massively since I arrived as a fresh faced naïve minister in training in 2007! Our journey hasn’t always been easy. But on each occasion we’ve moved on positively and have grown stronger as a result. Whether it is a local church or a Union of churches it’s about grasping the nettle, acknowledging difficulties, listening and then discerning a new future together.
Churches have to show their relevance to the outside world and they do that by being a blessing. In recent years our knitting group has been significant, regularly bringing in 15-20 knitters each week, most of those from outside the church. We run a successful computer class, teaching people how to use the latest technology to enable them to connect to friends and family. Our holiday film club brings in 50+ children and their families and our lunch club connects with those inside and outside the church.
home mission One indicator of a healthy mission shaped church is that it’s successful in bringing people to a public declaration of their faith. On 23 December last year we had five baptisms and that was the best Christmas present ever! In the couple of years before that we had six baptisms. Before 2010 there had been a very long gap. The testimonies of those baptised spoke of that journeying. Some started their journey at the knitting club, others through their children attending Girls’ Brigade, others because they came for help. The importance of discipling came through – they all spoke about the church community being genuine family. This year has started with a bang, with us spearheading the first Foodbank in the area. We are working ecumenically and also with Surestart who are identifying local families most in need. We are also raising money for our next big blessing – a community garden. Put simply, without Home Mission I couldn’t have been a minister in training at Boulton Lane nor stayed on as an ordained minister – Home Mission support has been and is critical. Due to our location and very few wage earners amongst the membership, financially Boulton Lane will always be on the edge of viability when it comes to supporting ministry. We are in one of those places where there should be a strong Christian community helping to influence and shape the lives of those in the locality. Home Mission enables us to do that. For more on Home Mission and to make a donation
home mission
Bearing fruit These three Home Mission situations have all been featured on our You Tube channel We revisit them to see how your prayers and giving to Home Mission is continuing to bless God’s work. Ifor and Penny Williams, Breconshire Wales – Featured in There is a Light in the Valley In the two years since the DVD was filmed, the ministry in Breconshire has put down roots and is beginning to grow and bear fruit. Penny is very involved in local groups and has spoken at numerous WI, Young Farmers, and other secular groups and meetings. Ifor has made good use of his farming background in making contacts with the farming community and developing relationships through pastoral work and funerals. Anne Roberts has been well received in her role as Association Minister, and many of the small chapels are now seeking her help and support. Mervyn, the farmer whose life was transformed when he cried out to God for help, has proved to be a true disciple of Christ. He regularly feels prompted to share his faith with friends and neighbours, and he doesn’t hesitate to do so. Paul Unsworth, London – Featured in Just Imagine – Brick Lane Kahaila is a business, a community café and it is also a church. Following its launch in June 2012 it has proved very popular. “I am constantly amazed at how spiritually open people are” says Paul. “Many are intrigued by the idea of church in a café – and already, some people who were not attending church previously have started coming to our services. We have lots of ideas for ways to get to know local people better and are starting to try out some of these. At the moment, we run regular drop-in origami workshops and clothes making workshops. We have run music evenings and creative writing workshops, and we have many dreams and ideas for the future. Please pray for us as we continue to discern what God is calling us to do.” Ali Boulton, Swindon – Featured in Go out into the world Longer story at Ali Boulton was the first resident on the Wichelstowe housing estate in Swindon in April 2009 responding to her calling to serve the community and be a Christian presence. She has been heavily involved in partnering with the housing association and council on residents’ behalf, and facilitating the community association. For three years people met for events, groups and to explore faith in her home. In January 2012 following some baptisms, The Stowe, the group exploring faith, outgrew Ali’s home so moved to the local school. It was formally recognised as a church at the end of the year and welcomed into BUGB. “We are grateful to God for the work he has done in and through The Stowe and are thankful for the support of Home Mission,” says Ali.
Prayer Guide Welcome to the second quarter of the 2013 Prayer Guide – your opportunity to pray for the wider Baptist family over the next three months. God of every end and every new beginning Give the courage to let go of those things that You have called us to leave behind; The comfort of the familiar, The safety of that which is known, And the limitations of that which has no cost. Inspire us afresh with the possibilities of Your Gospel, And the worth of Your Kingdom That we might be prepared to release our grasp on anything That impedes our journey to the future that You offer. AMEN Prayer by Phil Jump, Regional Minister Team Leader, North Western Baptist Association
If you would like more prayer resources, contact your Baptist association or go to
April 7 – 13 April General Secretary Pray for the work of the nominating group who are involved in the selection process for a new General Secretary this week. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we seek God’s person for the next stage in our journey together as God’s people.
14 – 20 April Association Partnerships Pray for the new and emerging partnerships of our associations, in particular for the new way of distributing Home Mission grants to enable effective mission in and through the local church and other initiatives. Pray for wisdom and insight as these partnerships grow and develop.
21 – 27 April Baptist Colleges Pray for Spurgeon’s and Northern Baptist Learning Community as they undergo leadership changes in the coming months. Pray for Regents’ Park as they begin a three year project to widen the use of its Angus Library. Pray for those in Wales who have heard God’s call to mission and ministry and for Bristol’s Centre for Youth Ministry.
28 April – 4 May Baptist Assembly ‘…Like stars in the Universe. Reclaiming Philippians for today’s church’ The 2013 Baptist Assembly is taking place at the Norbreck Castle Hotel in Blackpool from 3 to 6 May. Pray that those attending will be encouraged and challenged to act on what God is telling them as they return to their home churches. Pray for all those taking part and working behind the scenes.
Ann ual
e started 2012 knowing it was to be a year of preparing for change and that it has certainly been. We had recognised for some time that there was a need to overhaul some aspects of our shared life but the realisation that our present ways of working were financially unsustainable was the catalyst for action. We began with an online survey to our churches and consulted widely across our Baptist community to ensure we knew what our churches needs and concerns were. The answers were clear – a continued need for accredited ministry, training and support for local church leadership and more flexible patterns of ministry. There was a desire to be more responsive and innovative in the way we enable and envision local church life and mission. There was a call to rediscover our historic roots of ‘watching over one another’ and for a renewed commitment to sharing our finances and resources to support fellowship and mission in more interdependent ways. In order to achieve this, we agreed changes to our structures to be implemented in 2013: a change to the grant system to bring decision making closer to the local church; a smaller restructured national office with three specialist teams to support us; a smaller Council with less time receiving reports to allow greater deliberation and prayer; more scope for spontaneity and less life long committees; and most importantly, a leadership that brings together our specialist teams, associations and colleges to help give clear direction to our work and vision. All this has had its pain…you don’t do smaller and leaner without affecting individuals, their families, and the Baptist community as a whole. There is a clear intent, however, to become a Union that invests effectively in local mission, working strategically and inspiring confidence that by giving to Home Mission we are enabling an effective gospel vision to emerge and become reality. These changes are designed to enable new possibilities, not to impose them, so whether it is developing new expressions of mission or supporting an existing Christian presence, it is vital that local Baptists develop and share in their own vision, whilst feeling part of the bigger movement. So please pray for our Union, for those involved in the changes and those affected by them. Pray that we shall be inspired and excited by the new opportunities they will bring, and give thanks for the myriad of stories from local churches and communities of God at work amongst Baptists. Finally, let’s pray for a renewed commitment to make these changes work, and to walk and work together for the Kingdom.
Jenny Royal, Moderator of the BUGB Trustee Board
ANNUAL REPORT FIGURES 2012 Income Home Mission Appeal Legacies Investment Income Income from Charitable Activities Other income Unrestricted Income Restricted and Designated Income Gains on Investments Gains on Property Total income Expenditure Grants to Churches and other organisations Associations Other Charitable expenditure Restricted and Designated Charitable expenditure Losses on Investments Direct Charitable expenditure Cost of generating funds Governance costs Total expenditure Net surplus for the year on all funds
The principal working fund of the Union is the Home Mission Fund, and the deficit for the year on that Fund i
Net deficit on Home Mission Fund Note: These figures are based on the audited Consolidated SORP accounts of the Union. Copies are available on request from Support Services at the National Resource in Didcot.
£ (638,156)
£ (685,503)
is noted separately below.
Highlights of 2012 400 Years – It was 400 years since the first Baptist witness in the UK was established in Spitalfields, London. The anniversary inspired the Baptist Assembly theme ‘Beyond 400’ and its location, Central Hall Westminster in London. Sam Sharpe Project – A new educational project to develop the potential of black and ethnic minority leaders inspired by 19th century Jamaican Baptist deacon, Sam Sharpe, who spoke out against the slave trade, was launched in May at the Jamaica High Commission in London. The project is a collaboration between the Oxford Centre for Christianity and Culture at Regent’s Park College, BUGB, BMS World Mission, the Jamaica Baptist Union (representatives of which attended the launch), Northern Baptist Learning Community, and the London and Heart of England Baptist Associations. President Chris – Chris Duffett was inducted as President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain at the Baptist Assembly in May. He encouraged Baptists to get involved in street evangelism through his Big Hearted Tour of the Regional Associations. Diamond Jubilee – Baptist churches organised street festivals to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. 800,000 Jubilee New Testaments were ordered by Baptists and churches from other denominations to distribute to friends and at events. Over 200 Baptist churches submitted comments to the Queen on The Big Jubilee Thank You letter which was then presented to Buckingham Palace. London 2012 – Many Baptist churches held events to celebrate the Olympics coming to London as part of the largest ever ecumenical consortium More than Gold. David Pile the London Baptist Association’s Olympic and Paralympic Church Co-ordinator encouraged churches in the capital to take part. Gold Hill Baptist Church in Buckinghamshire held one of the biggest events attracting over 7,000 people to their opening ceremony celebration. Missing Generation – The Younger Leaders’ Forum launched Missing Generation as a response to many in their 20s and 30s leaving the church. A website was established and a special conference exploring the issue took place in October.
May 5 – 11 May 2013/14 BUGB President At the Baptist Assembly, Ernie Whalley is inducted as President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain. Pray for Ernie as he travels the country visiting churches and associations and encouraging them in their mission to make Jesus known. Pray that churches will find his Bible studies Just like stars in the Universe inspiring and helpful.
12 – 18 May Associations Part of the BUGB’s investment through Home Mission is the work of Regional Associations who play a strategic role as mission enablers. Pray for regional ministers as they support churches in their associations pastorally and practically. Pray for good relationships and discernment in managing their time and workload wisely. Pray for administrators and those serving the associations as volunteers.
19 – 25 May Transitional Steering Group Pray for the meeting of the Transitional Steering Group which is happening this week. Pray for the work of the TSG and for its members as they continue to guide our Union through this period of transition, so that as a Union we may continue to support and grow local churches effective in mission in the 21st century.
26 May – 1 June National Family Week/BIG Lunch Give thanks for these national initiatives, launched in 2009, that promote, celebrate and support family life and build community. Pray for Baptist churches getting involved in events or activities for families in their area, and organising community lunches. Pray that these events will help build relationships and enable the good news of Jesus to reach the local community.
June 2 – 8 June National Day of Prayer for Churchbased Toddler Groups Over half the pre-school children in this country, and their carers or parents, are welcomed to one of the 27,000 church-run toddler groups each week. Taking place at the end of National Family Week, this Day of Prayer is an opportunity to pray for these families, and to give thanks for the dedication of those who run groups.
9 – 15 June All Wales Baptist Assembly From 14 to 15 June Christians are joining together from the South Wales Baptist Association and the Baptist Union of Wales, along with BMS World Mission, for Momentum, the Baptist Assembly in Wales taking place in Carmarthen. Pray that all those attending will be blessed as they worship, share the Word and journey together.
16 – 22 June Refugee Week Refugee Week is a UK-wide programme of arts, cultural and educational events and activities that celebrates the contribution of refugees to the UK and promotes better understanding of why people seek sanctuary. Pray for those traumatised from fleeing their homes and families because of violence and persecution, and for churches and other groups that seek to serve them.
23 – 29 June Specialist Teams
Pray for the three new specialist teams at Didcot as they support the mission of the local church: Ministries, Faith & Society and Support Services. Pray for Paul, Stephen and David as they lead the new teams and help them to be creative in seeking new ways of working and relating.
30 June – 6 July Home Mission Home Mission allows Baptists to express their love and commitment to God and one another. Through giving to Home Mission the prayers and dreams of local churches and initiatives can become a reality. Pray for a fresh understanding and excitement in churches for Home Mission and that it will lead to increased prayer and generous giving.
From the president
Big Hearted Tour
ince becoming President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain last May, Chris Duffett like previous presidents has been visiting the 13 Baptist associations. However through his Big Hearted Tour he has wanted to do something a little different, to help Baptists overcome some of their fears of sharing faith. “The barrier to the good news isn’t out there... It’s in here!” says Chris. “This is something I have heard time and time again at the end of Big Hearted training days, usually after petrified Christians had done some faith sharing in their community and returned having found out it’s a lot easier than they had imagined. Around 2500 Baptists up and down the country in every association have joined in the Big Hearted Tour and sought to let ‘others in’ on what the message of Jesus is all about. “In so doing, many have been surprised to find that good news is actually welcome. There are plenty of people who are willing to engage with it and moreover plenty who are longing for the hope that Christians have. Big Hearted has been about going to those who have yet to hear and see the gospel. Over the year, in cafes, pubs, schools, church halls, at youth events, fun-days and on the streets we have met many who have experienced Baptists being big hearted, seeking to show their generous Father who has given the world the most outrageously lavish gift of Jesus.” The final stop on the Big Hearted Tour is in the South Eastern Baptist Association (12-15 April). For more on the Big Hearted Tour go to
The future
Changes around the Union In 2012 the Baptist Union of Great Britain committed to major structural and organisational changes in the way it operates. The aim? To enable us as a Union to become more flexible, more integrated, and more responsive, all with a view to providing the most appropriate support for the local church in all its expressions. So what do these changes look like? The Transitional Steering Group/Baptist Steering Group
One of the main changes to come out of the Futures Process was the desire to have a much more co-ordinated approach to leadership. Ultimately this will lead to the creation of the Baptist Steering Group (BSG), which will begin operating at the beginning of 2014. The BSG will be chaired by the new General Secretary, and consists of the team leaders of the three specialist teams based in Baptist House, Didcot, six from the Association Partnerships and a representative each from the Baptist colleges, Council and Trustees. Diversity has been embedded into this leadership model. To bridge the gap, a Transitional Steering Group (TSG) will be operating throughout 2013. So far the TSG has: • Intentionally sought to model a covenantal way of working that it hopes will with time be more broadly embraced by BUGB as a whole • Worked with Regional Team Leaders to begin to build the framework of a future mission strategy for BUGB • Begun a review of existing work and projects to consider how these can best contribute to our future work and vision • Begun the process of developing a communications strategy for BUGB, seeking to work in partnership with Regional Associations to make the most of all of our communications channels • Begun work with Associations to develop a more responsive and flexible approach for how our finances are deployed Baptist Union Council Baptist Union Council also looks different in the new set up. Previously consisting around 200 members, this has slimmed down to less than half. It used to spend most of its time receiving reports but now these will flow through one Trustee Board paper and there will be more time for prayer and deliberation.
The Future The changes are designed to enable it to have more space to discuss strategic and visionary issues relating to the life of the Union, as well as listening to the churches and seeking the leading of God. The first new-look Council will take place in November. Association Partnerships Representatives from two or more Associations are now encouraged to meet on a regular basis. These Association Partnerships have one clearly defined role – to make decisions on where Home Mission grants will be allocated. Previously these were taken centrally. It is also hoped that by meeting on a regular basis the Partnerships can identify ways in which Associations can work more effectively together, and share resources and best practice. It’s not another level of structure but is designed to better equip local churches in their mission.
Specialist Teams
The structure of what has been traditionally known as Didcot/ Baptist House/the National Resource has changed, with the closure of five departments and the creation of three new specialist teams: Support Services, Ministries and Faith and Society. The biggest change has taken place in the areas of Faith and Unity, Mission and Communications – these areas are now located in the Faith and Society team.
The Faith and Society team has a number of aims: • to enable the Union to reflect theologically on areas of shared belief and concern • to communicate its common mind in relation to relevant contemporary issues • to enable constituent parts of the Union to communicate well together and to be aware of areas of need and mission opportunity • to enable the Union to express its identity in public life, with other Christian denominations, networks and faith communities Colleges There have also been a number of changes at Baptist colleges. In general terms, they are more involved at leadership level – Rob Ellis, Principal of Regent’s College, is a member of the TSG, and there will be slot for a college representative on the BSG. There have been individual changes too: Roger Standing will replace Nigel Wright as Principal of Spurgeon’s College when the latter retires later this year and at the time of going to press the Northern Baptist Learning Community is still looking for new Principals to succeed Richard Kidd (retired in 2012) and Anne Phillips (retired in August 2013).
The future
Looking to the future
s is evident on every page of this edition of Baptist Life the Baptist Union is in a process of change: there are endings and new beginnings. Baptist Life is no exception, so this edition will be the last in its present form.
With so many changes it is an appropriate moment to pause and to review how we share stories and concerns in order to inspire and challenge individuals and church communities in mission. Over the last few years Baptist Life has certainly done that and has served us well, but as we look to the future we are asking what next? As part of an overall review of communications the new Faith and Society Team has begun to work with the Transitional Steering Group to enable a new strategy to emerge. With mission at our heart we recognise the need to reflect the dynamic movement of Christians that is the Baptist Union today. There is a long way to go, but there are some beginnings: • We are working on a new website which will more accurately reflect who we are as Baptists today: Churches, Associations, Colleges and Specialist Teams in partnership for mission. • We are working on developing further The Baptist Times, which has successfully migrated to an online format. • We are considering how we can effectively engage society with the Christian faith through a proactive relationship with the media. • We are considering how The Baptist Times Weekly Digest can be used more effectively in the local church: many are already including this in their own magazine. • We are developing new strategies for connecting with social media. This is very much ‘a work in progress’ and we are engaged in many conversations to enable the ‘new’ to emerge. In the mean time, if you have any reflection to add to the conversation we would love to hear from you: Stephen Keyworth, Head of Faith and Society Team
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