
Page 1

April 2012

A bi-monthly publication of the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland

In this edition Page 3

Editorial: London Baptist Association’s Olympic and Paralympic Co-ordinator, David Pile, introduces this edition.

Pages 4-5

Are you ready?: Alan Donaldson encourages churches to use the opportunities which the year’s events bring to engage with our communities.

Pages 6-7 Baptist Events: Find out about what’s going on and how you can get involved: Baptist Assembly, A Space for All Sorts youth and children’s workers’ Conference, Simply Church, God at Work, Rural Churches’ Day. Pages 8-9

crossingplace Opportunities: A digest of events during the year which make ideal crossingplace opportunities.

Page 10-15

Other Events: Events being run by other organisations of interest to you or others in your church Join the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, Lead Academy, Imagine on the road, mission shaped ministry course, Crucible Course, Church in the Margins, Proximity Conference, Northumbria Community Leadership Schools, LICC Toolbox Course, National Family Week, Inter Faith Week.

Pages 16-26 Resources: A range of resources to help you and your church in mission The BIG Welcome, Inflatable Church, Whole Life Whole Bible, Baptist Men’s Movement, Building Bridges Crossing Cultures, Mission File - Meeting the needs of people with Dementia, Olympic Resources, 12:1 Time Out for Baptists, A Year of Service, Rural Mission and Ministry Course, Get in the Picture. Pages 27-36

Youth, Children and Family Workers: News of events and resources suitable for those working with children, young people and families Raising the Bar, Pray for Schools Fortnight, Youthwork Summit, A Space for All Sorts youth and children’s workers’ Conference, Prayer Day for Toddler Groups, National Family Week, I DO ACT, Olympic Resources, Baptist Youth World Conference.

Page 36

A final word

Page 37

Contact details: Get in touch with your local representative on the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland

is a bi-monthly publication of the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland

are where • with we are: non-belie vers • with the inten t to be, to think as do, Christ w • with ould in th to say and to an expec e situati tancy th transform at someth on ational w ing ill happe A crossin n gplace m ay involv church e e us as p vent, in art of a w a smalle part, or r group o hole on our o f which w wn in ou e are r daily liv ing.

Sign up to receive a direct link to each new edition at www.fbbi.eu


Often in missionscene the focus is on the product of new thinking, new ideas and initiatives but for this one we need to look back to appreciate the challenge that is set before us. This year we have the opportunity to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The last time a UK monarch celebrated this event was over 100 years ago and that was the first in the life of this nation. Not only this, but the Olympics and Paralympics are also happening this year! In 1948 we stepped in to host the Olympic Games because the originally selected nation was unable to do so due to natural disaster. The first Paralympic Games happened some years later. The fact that these three historic events are all taking place this year should helps us appreciate the significance of the opportunity and grasp the responsibility that is set before us.

Before we simply get overwhelmed by it all, we need to recognise that there is an opportunity to match the scale of the occasion. It is because so many people all across the nation will want to celebrate the events corporately rather than individually. We are part of our local communities and also part of God’s new community. As such we have this special opportunity to reach out in love to help host celebrations. The resources in this edition of missionscene provide us with tools to enable us to be hosts. Alternatively we can be active participants in a locally-organised party, which could still serve to draw people to Jesus, as the Gospel accounts demonstrate to us.

Some of the individuals and groups that I have met with since I have been in post have struggled to see how these national events can be of help to them in their ministry. Some are overwhelmed by the scale of events and wonder what difference they can make. My thoughts go to the film The Prince of Egypt. “Why?” I hear you ask. Let me explain… I recently watched this film with my daughter. It depicts the life of Moses and the events leading up to the liberation of the Israelite people. One of the many events which is shown in the film is the event of the first Passover. The film presents a mixture of uncertainty, tension, and cautious obedience. Each person needed to play their part by following the instructions of the Lord, which came through Moses. It was the combined effect of each household which led to the liberation of a nation as the Lord demonstrated his mighty power. The same is true for us. It is only as we play our part by engaging with our communities that we can build a big picture that creates history.

We would dearly love to hear your story about the part you have played during these events. Please send words, images, film, or other creative accounts of how you participated to missionscene by emailing missionscene@fbbi.eu. Then, as a family of Baptists we have something to look back on and can praise the Lord for what he has done through us during this our historic year. Please make the most of the resources available through More Than Gold and Hope, so that we can each play our part in His-story! David Pile Olympic and Paralympic Church Engagement Co-ordinator, London Baptist Association Lord of the rings For an opportunity to explore Olympic and Paralympic engagement further, sign up for the day conference during the Baptist Assembly on Saturday 5 May. See www.baptistassembly.org.uk/information. asp?id=1898 for details.


I love sport. I am not a fan. I am a participant and, despite the impression I am trying to give in the accompanying photo, I am not really such a competent cyclist these days. In fact, during the winter you are more likely to see me curling on the ice than out putting in the winter miles that are key to a successful summer season on the road. As a local Baptist minister and now as General Director of the Baptist Union of Scotland, it’s been clear to me that God has used my love of sport and participation in it for his Kingdom purposes. In all honesty, sport has helped maintain my sanity during times of stress and has given me many opportunities for faithful witness and gospel proclamation, primarily amongst men who did not share my faith. It is the community aspect of sport that I have most benefited from. Over the years I have been a member of a golf club, fencing club, cycling club, curling club, judo club and sailing club. These have blessed me with friendship, release from anxiety, good health, encouragement, accountability and a host of other benefits. However, just as I was receiving, there was also the opportunity to give. For many years I was the unofficial chaplain at the local golf club in Leven, Fife. I was given the opportunity to speak at the annual prizegiving, give pastoral care at times of bereavement and be available for fellow golfers to speak to about the issues they were facing in their lives. It was a privilege to be invited to listen and support people who chose to put their trust in you. The sport connection opened the door of friendship and depth of relationship which enabled me to speak of my faith on a one-to-one level without either me or my friends feeling awkward. Similar connections also opened the door for many other church members to share their faith over the years.

As churches we often try to do presence without relational engagement. We want to speak out the good news but have no basis of relationship for that good news to be heard. We run activities for people rather than with them: toddlers groups, playgroups, seniors lunch clubs etc. We attempt to host evangelistic sports dinners or quiz nights, picking up good ideas and resources but without the foundation of relationship. In the Bible story of Esther we note that much of the success of her mission is due to the shrewdness of her restoring good relationships with her husband whom she had not seen for the previous thirty days. The Olympics give a great opportunity for sports fans to build foundational relationships, to choose to watch the games with friends and family, to visit the local sports clubs and bars, engaging with people who share sporting interests and enjoying their company. ‘Equipping the saints for works of service’ this summer will mean preparing members of our congregations to engage with those who are caught up in the wonderful celebration of sport that will be London 2012.


There is also the opportunity to ‘equip the saints’ to serve our local communities this summer. Whether it is serving in the local community as the torch procession comes through a town nearby, lending the projection equipment many of us have to local community centres or hosting Olympic festivals on our property, there is a great opportunity for service and relational engagement.

Finally, there is the issue of legacy. One of the dreams of the Olympic committee is that we will have a healthier nation following the Olympics, that the Olympics will inspire young and old to get more fit. The church has a great opportunity to join in this legacy. As we seek to follow Jesus’ example of ‘preaching good news to the poor’, surely seeking the health of those who die young in our nation due to illnesses that are avoidable through a healthy diet and regular exercise is commendable.

Throughout the games we will hear stories of commitment, often lifelong commitment, of athletes to their sport. We will be told of their effort and the way every aspect of their life is brought under control with the aim of fulfilling the goal of winning a medal. We will hear winners speak of the mentoring of coaches and the huge team effort required to win an individual medal, never mind a team gold. This a time to honour commitment, in a society where examples of such determination are often missing. It is a time to speak of hope and expectation in the midst of the deep recession. It is an opportunity to illustrate what the Scriptures mean when they say ‘teach one another, encourage one another, love one another’.

Baptist churches could be part of the Olympic legacy, offering affordable Church walking groups, keep fit classes, badminton, dance, football, mountain bike groups, to name a few. Our members could be commended to serve in local sports clubs, where adult support and basic coaches are in short supply. The Olympic legacy dream invites us to commend mission activity not just in the local church but going out from it into our communities, engaging with people who do not know Christ, inviting them into a lifelong commitment which requires discipline, team work and an openness to be coached, mentored and guided to the greatest prize.

Just as the New Testament writers used sport as an illustration of the Christian life, there will be the opportunity for us to use the language of these world stars to help people understand the good news of the Christian faith and the challenges of discipleship.

Alan Donaldson General Director of the Baptist Union of Scotland


You are warmly invited to join us at Central Hall Westminster, London, for our Baptist Assembly 2012. Everyone is welcome at this important event in the life of our denomination as we explore together what it means to be Baptist in today’s world and celebrate together 400 years of Baptist witness in the UK and beyond with our Baptist family in London.

A number of day and residential events are available throughout the year with inspiring speakers, the opportunity to share ideas and encouragement, and meet with others working in similar situations. Please book your place at events as early as possible and note that some venues have limited space - places may fill up before the closing date.

Gathering in the heart of London 400 years after the first Baptist church on home soil began, the Assembly will give delegates a tangible experience of how our worldwide faith impacts the whole of life. For full information about this year’s Assembly, including programme and registration, see: www.baptistassembly.org.uk

A space for all sorts

Pass it on: a day to equip you in local mission The Mission Department is offering this day King’s Park Conference Centre, Kings Park Road, Northampton, NN3 6LL conference during the Baptist Assembly on Saturday 5 May from 10:30 - 15:30 at Central Hall, Westminster.

Youth, Children and Family Workers’ Gathering a gathering for those employed in youth and children’s ministries in Baptist churches organised and hosted by the Association Youth officers

Come and join Chris Duffett (BUGB President 2012-13), the BUGB Mission Department and many others - either as part of the Assembly, or come for the day.

King’s Park Conference Centre, Northampton 22 - 23 May 2012

Please note: This day conference is now Booking at other fully booked. Spaces are available The cost for the event is £90 per person day conferences - overnight see www.baptistassembly. including accommodation in single en-suite rooms and all meals. To reserve a place, please book as early as possible at org.uk/subsection.asp?id=1917 for details of www.baptist.org.uk/events.html Closing date for bookings is Friday 30 March alternatives.

Please book as early as possible since places may fill up before the closing date For more information, please contact mission@baptist.org.uk

Mission Department, Baptist Union of GB, Baptist House PO Box 44 129 Broadway Didcot Oxon OX11 8RT telephone 01235 517713 facsimile 01235 517715 email mission@baptist.org.uk Registered Charity Number 1125912

See page 28 for details, or www.baptist.org.uk/events.html 6

Do churches need so many structures, processes, programmes and organisations? What is essential and what could we dispense with? What do we need to sustain faith, inspire mission and build community? And what do we have the energy and resources to sustain?

Simply Church h a ve w e m a d e it to o c om pl ic a te d ?

Simply Church is an opportunity to explore these issues.

Saturday 26 May Saturday 26 May 2012 10am-–10:00-16:00 4pm Venue: Horreld Baptist Church, Gloucester Road, Bristol BS7 8NY Horfield Baptist Church, Bristol

Cost: £20 (£12 if unwaged) - including lunch For further information, contact Stuart on stuart@murraywilliams.co.uk or 0117 330 7826

Trainers include: Nigel Coles, Nick Bradshaw and Stuart Murray Williams Do churches need so many structures, processes, programmes and organisations? What is essential and what could we dispense with? What do we need to sustain faith, inspire mission and build community? And what do we have the energy and resources to sustain? In a post-Christendom culture many believe church needs to be simpler: • • • • •

That we can no longer maintain the kinds of churches that served previous generations. That we need to prioritise mission and reduce maintenance. That we need to recover the dynamism of a movement and streamline institutional dimensions of church. That we need to plant churches that are reproducible and less dependent on paid staff and their own buildings. That we need to concentrate on making disciples and incarnational mission rather than running churches.

God at Work

chu Simpler churches are a global phenomenon, ourishing especially where the church is growing strongly. Should we be developing simpler churches in western societies, where the church is in decline? What are the dangers and drawbacks? What are the losses as well as the gains? Does this mean planting new churches or can we simplify the churches we already have? How do simpler churches network together and what kind of leadership is needed? Simply Church is an opportunity to explore these issues through a mixture of story-sharing, discussion and missional reeection. Trainers include Nigel Coles, Nick Bradshaw and Stuart Murray Williams

The Challenge of fill th is in to book Workplace Ministry as Mission your pla

Cost: £20 (£12 if unwaged) – includes lunch For further information contact stuart@murraywilliams.co.uk or 0117 330 7826. Booking Form



International Mission Centre, Birmingham Saturday 16 June - 10:30 - 16:00 Address


Phone Number

Email Address

Please reserve places at the Simply Church event on Saturday 26 May 2012 at £20 per person (£12 unwaged). I enclose a cheque payable to ‘West of England Baptist Association’. Please send to Simply Church, 24 Effingham Road, Bristol BS6 5BJ

Sponsored By

You are invited to a day arranged by the Baptist Union’s Work and Economy Group, exploring how workplace ministry and chaplaincy responds to the mission imperative of Jesus. South Wales Baptist College

Simply Church is a Crucible Elements event co-sponsored by the West of England Baptist Association, South Wales Baptist Association, South Wales Baptist College, Bristol Baptist College, Urban Expression and the Incarnate Network. It is a stand-alone event and a taster day for the Crucible course (for further details, see www.cruciblecourse.org.uk).

The day will focus around the six points of Jesus’ Mode of Mission - as written about by Douglas Webster - and through that explore the ministry of presence, offering a prophetic voice, exercising a ministry of pastoral care and other aspects of the role.

Rural Churches’ Day Becoming your community’s heartbeat

An interactive day to explore how churches in a rural context can engage with their communities

This day will be ideal both as a tool for those already involved in workplace ministry, to reflect on their role, and for those who are interested in getting involved in the future - whether ordained or not, and whether spare-time, part-time or full-time.

Tuesday 11 September 10:30 - 15:30 Aylestone Baptist Church, Leicester Speaker: Simon Mattholie CEO, Rural Ministries

This day conference is offered primarily to Baptists, but other Christians are very welcome also.

Hosted by: Ian Bunce Head of Mission Department, BUGB

Cost: £18 including lunch and refreshments discounted to £15 for Baptists

Cost: £20.00 per person, including lunch

To enrol for the day, please contact Ian Millgate in the Ministry Department of the Baptist Union of Great Britain on imillgate@baptist.org.uk

Closing date for bookings: Tuesday 21 August For more information and booking, see: www.baptist.org.uk/events.html

Please contact Ian as soon as possible as places are limited.


Seasonal events in the year give churches many opportunities to connect with their community. This year, there are some extra events in the calendar which make ideal opportunities for churches to get involved in community events and engage with people. This Mission Opportunities Digest outlines the main events of this year, and highlights a number of resources to help you to make the most of these crossingplace opportunities. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Saturday 2 - Tuesday 5 June The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee presents churches with an opportunity to take a lead in community celebrations focused around the Big Jubilee Lunch on Sunday 3 June. For details, see: www.baptist.org.uk/diamondjubilee and the HOPE website: www.hopetogether.org.uk

National Prayer Day for Toddler Groups Sunday 10 June Pray for your local toddler group, its leaders and all the families with whom it comes into contact. Download a poster and prayer cards for your event from www.baptist.org.uk/age-specificmission/toddlers.html?start=1 See the 1277 website for details and resources nearer the time - www.1277.org.uk

Olympics 2012 27 July - 12 August Paralympics 2012 29 August - 9 Sept The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games provide a unique opportunity for Christians and Christian communities in the UK to make a mark. More Than Gold has many resources available to inspire and equip churches to make the most of the 2012 Games.

Father’s Day Sunday 17 June Father’s Day gives churches a point at which to recognise and honour the important role of fatherhood. There are many opportunities for churches to engage with men, and some of these are explored in the Father’s Day Mission File available at: www.baptist.org.uk/resourcesevents/missionfiles/seasonal-resources/ doc_download/373-fathers-day.html.

For more information, download the More than Gold Mission File from: www.baptist.org. uk/resources-events/missionfiles/doc_ download/727-more-than-gold.html Make sure that your church has a ‘Gold Champion’ to keep up-to-date with the latest information or visit the More than Gold website at: www.morethangold.org.uk


Advent and Christmas There are many crossingplace opportunities for churches to engage in at this time of year to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those in their communities. Have a look at the Christmas crossingplaces Mission File which has a variety of tried-and-tested ideas, including the popular Get in the Picture initiative. Download it from: www.baptist.org.uk/component/docman/ doc_download/842-get-in-the-picture.html

National Family Week 25 - 31 August This week aims to highlight the importance of quality time together and promote the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle. There are lots of ways for churches to get involved during the week. See: www.baptist.org.uk/component/ docman/doc_download/1094-nationalfamily-week-2012.html

Prayer for the Nation 8 - 9 September HOPE is holding a weekend of prayer and fasting for the UK. www.hopeprayer.org.uk

The Baptist Union’s Inflatable Church If you’re planning an outdoor community event, why not consider making a real impact with the Baptist Union’s inflatable church, which is available for churches to hire.

The Big Welcome Sunday 23 September The Big Welcome is an opportunity for churches to make an extra-special effort to invite people to a service or other event on a particular day. It may be through a Sunday service, a special Sunday lunch, Cafe Church, a concert or whatever you choose. For details, and to order resources, see: www.thebigwelcome.org

You can use it in many situations and adapt it for a variety of purposes, such as:

• a quiet area for prayer during a local event • an exhibition about your church • a life size nativity scene with church members dressing up as the main characters • a prayer space for praying on the streets • an Easter garden • a coffee shop • a book stall • a place for seekers to come and find out more about the Christian faith • a quiet place

Global Day of Prayer - Wembley Stadium Sunday 29 September www.gdoplondon.com Harvest September / October See the new Harvest resource book coming soon from Hope www.hopetogether.org.uk

Find out more at: www.baptist.org.uk/ resources-events/missionfiles/doc_ download/399-inflatable-church.html

Creative Mission

Halloween Wednesday 31 October Churches have an opportunity to offer a positive alternative to the ‘Trick or Treating’ idea, such as holding a light party to celebrate Jesus, the light of the world. The Evangelical Alliance has links to a number of helpful resources: www.eauk.org/idea/alternative-halloweencelebrations.cfm

Creative Mission contains over 50 ideas for special days, celebrations, festivals, community-based projects and seasonal activities for all churches - large and small, urban and rural. Author: Rona Orme ISBN: 978 1 84101 806 5 RRP: £8.99 Publisher: BRF - Barnabas for Children (2011)


Join the Diamond Jubilee celebrations Communities across Britain and the Commonwealth are preparing to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and churches have a special part to play. Here’s how. The Queen has invited the nation to eat lunch together as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the Big Jubilee Lunch on Sunday, 3 June, is part of the official festivities. A specially-written, televised Grace – a prayer of thanks – is to start the lunch. Churches have a key role at the heart of their communities to make this happen. HOPE’s Executive Director, Roy Crowne, explains: ‘Hope is a national movement working with churches of all denominations to encourage more mission, together, in words and action. The Big Jubilee Lunch is an unmissable opportunity for churches to make connections, building communities and taking the opportunity to share faith in words and actions. As followers of Jesus we should be in the business of community-building and sharing the hope we have with others.’

The Big Lunch is a very simple idea from the Eden Project. The aim is to get as many people as possible across the whole of the UK to have lunch with their neighbours in a simple act of community, friendship and fun. Last year around two million people took part. This year, the Eden Project has asked HOPE to help get churches involved, and a record number of people are expected to enjoy lunch together during the Diamond Jubilee weekend.


Keep it simple

Roy Crowne says, ‘Churches have a key role to help build a stronger sense of community; they are at the heart of nearly every town, village and city. You can hold your local event in a back garden or car park, a shopping precinct or school playground; you don’t have to close a street. Your lunch can be a simple bring-your-own picnic or barbecue; it doesn’t have to be a spit-roast or a banquet – though some churches and cathedrals are planning to take part with largescale events catering for thousands with sponsorship from local businesses! Invite other churches and neighbourhood groups to plan the event with you; you’ll be amazed at how local people will join in if you take the first step.’ Churches can be involved in dozens of practical ways. Rachel Jordan, one of the HOPE leadership team and the National Adviser for Mission and Evangelism for the Church of England says: ‘The things you need are the things your church already has, like teacups, cutlery, tables and chairs. All you have to do is to take them outside of your church building for one day of the year and share them with your community.’ ‘The scale of the recent Royal Wedding celebrations all over the country proved that the public love street parties,’ says Steve Clifford, Chair of HOPE and General Director of the Evangelical Alliance. ‘Communities really come together over a national celebration like this. In many places people were getting to know neighbours they had never spoken to before and creating a shared local spirit. Christians can be at the heart of all this.’

The message from HOPE for church groups wanting to get involved in a Big Jubilee Lunch is: ‘Keep it simple! It’s not too late to plan a party to remember.’ Victoria Baptist Church in Eastbourne is just one church making plans to mark the event, using their church car park and foyer, which are opposite the local secondary school. Senior Minister Ian White says: ‘We think it’s highly significant to celebrate the diamond Jubilee of the Queen. Whatever your views about royalty, we have a monarch who has consistently had Christian values as a backdrop to her reign. This is something worth celebrating and treasuring. Worth a knees-up in my book!’

Download the new Mission File, with links to all you need to know about celebrating the Diamond Jubilee with your community, from: www.baptist.org.uk/diamondjubilee


Free party planning resources

Children’s prayers for Queen and country

HOPE has free community-building ideas, school lesson plans, plays and ideas for games to make your planning easy. Download the HOPE Jubilee video from www.hopetogether.org.uk to inspire your church to get involved. Contact other local churches so you can work together to make sure all your local school children, senior citizens, singles and families are invited to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

Invite children in your area to write their prayers for the Queen, the country and their families. From Easter (8 April) until the Big Jubilee Lunch (3 June) children across the UK are invited to write their own prayers which local churches can collect and pray on behalf of the children. The Children’s Diamond Jubilee Prayer forms are downloadable from the HOPE website with details on how to make this happen in your area.

The Big Thank You

Souvenir mini-mag

HOPE would like churches of all denominations to send a Big Thank You to the Queen. The Baptist Union has produced a Big Thank You letter for Baptist churches to download and print - there are four versions to suit different uses. Download your copies from www.baptist.org.uk/diamondjubilee

HOPE’s Diamond Jubilee Souvenir minimagazine is a gift you can give to help your neighbours and friends understand the Christian symbolism at the heart of the monarchy, as we celebrate the Queen’s 60 years of service to the Commonwealth. Preview a digital copy and order online from www.cpo-online.org.uk

The letters and good wishes from Baptist churches and events will be gathered at Baptist House and delivered together to Her Majesty the Queen after the main Jubilee celebrations. They should be sent to Baptist House by 22 June.

Churches at the heart of communities Register your Big Jubilee Lunch at www.thebiglunch.com and visit www.hopetogether.org.uk for free resources, so what you do locally is part of the national picture of churches serving their neighbourhoods, putting faith into action.


mission shaped ministry

equipping you to plant and sustain fresh expressions of church You are invited to share a one-year learning journey in a supportive community to be equipped for a lifetime of good practice and learning in growing fresh expressions of church

By offering two-year learning communities for church leadership teams who share similar ministry contexts, Lead Academy uses a distinctive and creative approach to equipping leaders and helping churches fulfil their vision.

Aberdeen From Saturday 5 May 2012

New Learning Communities Many churches are considering joining a learning community, and if you are one of them then this is a great time to explore what’s on offer. If you are interested, or would like to find out more, do have a look at the Lead Academy website, and get in touch. Applications are currently invited for:

John Drane, Olive Fleming Drane, Andrew Roberts, Graham Cray and Ian Adams Fresh Expressions mission shaped ministry was launched in 2007. Since then, it has been presented in 56 centres across the UK with more than 2,000 people taking part in the one-year, part-time learning journey. Individuals or teams, leaders and members, clergy and lay people learn side by side in the sessions to make msm a major contributor to lay and ordained ministry training.

Scottish Churches Starting 16 – 17 April 2012 Breaking Growth Barriers: Medium-sized Churches - (120 – 200 adult attendees) Starting late spring / early summer 2012

The course’s 24-units are usually presented over: • three Saturdays; • a residential weekend; • six or seven weekday evenings.

For further information see: www.leadacademy.net or email info@leadacademy.net

Course content includes the mission of God, vision and values, gospel and culture, evangelism, discipleship, leadership and team roles, spirituality, worship and the sacraments, how to keep going when things get tough, and what is Church?

LICC has just launched three major new resources to equip leaders and churches for whole-life discipleship. From April onwards, Neil Hudson, Imagine Project Director, is running a series of workshops for church leadership teams wanting to create whole-life disciple-making communities.

Cost: £300 per person, which covers all materials, refreshments and the weekend away. Financial support may be available. For more information, and to book your place, contact the Course Administrator, Anna Reid, on Email: areid@cofscotland.org.uk Tel: 0131 2255 722

These will be taking place in Winchester (25 April), Coventry (10 May), London (22 May), Lymington (30 May) and more to come...


For details, and booking, see: www.licc.org.uk/ imagine/resources/imagine-on-the-road



Crucible Course Weekend

For the last 15 years, the Eden Network has a developed a movement that embraces Incarnational Living, Church Planting, Urban Youth Ministry, Missional Community and Urban Church. Proximity 2012 is hosted by the Eden Network and will bring these ministries together in one place in Manchester for two days of vision, conversation, inspiration and celebration on 25-26 May.

The next crucible course weekend is to be held on 12 - 13 May. See www.cruciblecourse.org.uk for further details and book as soon as possible if you wish to attend. Crucible is also hosting a growing range of introductory training events in venues around the UK, in partnership with local agencies. The current list of events is as follows, with more days coming and more details at www.cruciblecourse. org.uk/crucible-elements

For details and booking see: http://eden-network.org/proximity/whats-it-all-about

21 April: ‘Christianity: I thought it would be more exciting than this’ - Southend 19 May: ‘Church Planting in a Rural Context’ Bristol

Leadership Schools 2012 Nether Springs, Acton Home Farm, Felton, Northumberland NE65 9NU

Church in the Margins

Missional Leadership Monday 4 - Thursday 7 June Designed for those in church leadership, this relaxed week will explore aspects of missional leadership with practical applications to leading churches and communities missionally. The school will provide an opportunity to study, share, pray and also explore the beautiful area of Northumberland. Led by Roy Searle and Craig Millward Cost: £165 per person

A day conference for anyone involved in pioneer mission or fresh expressions of church among people ‘in the margins’. On: Thursday 24 May 10:00 - 16:00 At: Methodist Church House, London With: Mike Sares - planted Scum of the Earth (Denver, Colorado) - a church for those who often don’t seem to fit in normal churches www.scumoftheearth.net

Women and Men in Ministry Monday 8 - Saturday 13 October Join Roy Searle, Catherine Askew and Lina Andronoviene from the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague for a relaxed week of exploring, sharing and nurturing creativity as we look at the challenges and opportunities of leadership within the church and communities for both men and women. Cost: £285 per person

and Eunice Attwood - Methodist deacon (and ex vice-president of Methodist Conference) working in Newcastle city centre among prostitutes and others ‘on the edges’. Cost: £6 (including lunch)

For more details including a booking form contact Ellen on 01670 787645 or email office@northumbriacommunity.org

Download a booking form from www.methodist.org.uk/venturefx Closing date for bookings: 13 May




Inter Faith Week

See Life Differently Live Life Differently

18 - 27 November In this Diamond Jubilee year, there will be a special extended Inter Faith Week, reflecting the fact that there are likely to be additional activities taking place. The opening Sunday of the Week will coincide with Mitzvah Day.

Five days engaging with the Bible and contemporary culture as whole-life disciples

Inter Faith Week: • Highlights the good work done by local faith, inter faith and faith-based groups and organisations • Draws new people into inter faith learning and co-operation • Enables greater interaction between people of different backgrounds • Helps develop integrated and neighbourly communities • Celebrates diversity and commonality • Opens new possibilities for partnership

LICC’s Toolbox course is back again! Designed to help Christians understand the culture they live in and how the Bible speaks to that culture, this course aims to build whole-life disciples of Christ. Booking is now open for the 2012 and 2013 courses: • • • •

11-15 10-14 10-14 16-20

June 2012 Sept 2012 June 2013 Sept 2013

Having a special Week provides a focal point for building good relationships and working partnerships, and helping to open inter faith activity up to a wider audience. It aims to make more and more people aware of the importance of this vital work and enable them to participate in it.

Make sure you book early to ensure your place! Read more about the course and download the booking form on the Toolbox website: www.licc.org.uk/engaging-with-culture/licc-toolbox The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity St Peter’s, Vere Street London W1G 0DQ Tel: 020 7399 9555 www.licc.org.uk

See www.interfaithweek.org for more details.


Inviting one person we know to something we love and giving them a warm welcome There’s a space for you

Last year 3000 people responded to a BIG Welcome invitation by a friend in a Baptist church. This year we are delighted to be working in partnership with Elim and Methodist churches throughout the country, and we pray that even more people will be invited to a special BIG Welcome event in 2012.

The prayer coasters have been designed to be used before your BIG Welcome event in creative ways - eg: • Ask your church to write on the names of those they are going to invite to your BIG Welcome event. • Link the coasters together in a prayer wall with the names of the people being prayed for. • Spend time praying. • Ask each member of your church to take away a puzzle piece and continue to pray for that person.

New for 2012 is a BIG Welcome website (www.thebigwelcome.org) dedicated to providing all you need to help plan your BIG Welcome. Have a look at the website to find more information about this year’s posters, invitations, etc, (all of which can be ordered in English or Welsh) and place your order. Watch the video from the partner denominations encouraging your church to take part.

Take up the challenge, and begin to plan ways to offer a warm welcome to those who do not usually come to church.

Gift coaster

We are using the theme of welcoming the prodigal this year, and offering a variety of flexible resources suitable for you to use at your Sunday service and at other times. We suggest planning your event(s) on or around Sunday 23 September, but the resources are undated, so you can fit them with your church’s calendar.


Prayer coaster

We want everyone to know that there’s a space for them in your church, so we’re using the image of a jigsaw puzzle on this year’s publicity.

The giveaway coasters can be given to everyone who comes to your BIG Welcome event, as a daily reminder of the time they spent with your church family.

Ordering resources for your church’s events This year’s resources to help you prepare for your BIG Welcome event are: • posters ranging from A4 - A0 size, which can be overprinted by our supplier • invitations with space for your event details, or overprinted by our supplier • prayer coasters for church members • gift coasters for people who come to your event • banners - in vinyl or pop-up formats which can be overprinted with your church’s details Three sizes of ‘Essential Packs’ are available with a selection of resources suitable for varying sizes of church. Alternatively, you can order the individual items separately to make up a pack which is suitable for your church. For full details of what’s available, and the prices, please see the website. The invitations and posters will be produced on paper which can be overprinted using a photocopier, laser printer or inkjet printer. They can also be ordered for overprinting by our supplier, Verite, with details of your church’s activity. Verite will contact you direct to discuss your requirements once you have placed your order. Packs will be made to order, and sent in late July/early August, so you can start advertising your event(s) in plenty of time. More information about how to use these resources and how to prepare your church to offer a BIG Welcome is available in the revised BIG Welcome Mission File - download a copy free of charge from www.thebigwelcome.org

There’s no need to stick to one day in the year to offer people a BIG Welcome. Why not plan a BIG Welcome family fun day, a BIG Welcome at Christmas – the possibilities are endless! Feedback from The BIG Welcome 2011: We had a great time! We made special welcome badges and steward badges using people of all ages so no one felt excluded. We served fresh fairtrade coffee and Morrison’s extra jammy doughnuts. ... We kept everything really simple, had some fun, and spoke about Jesus - one lady said that we should do these kind of services more often, everyone enjoyed themselves!

www.thebigwelcome.org 17

Lives Committed to Christ in Blow-up Church in Andover Carnival day 2011 in Andover got off to a good start with the sun shining very brightly. The blow-up church caused a lot of interest from the moment it was inflated. Inside we set up a number of different zones for prayer: 1 Graffiti Wall - asking people to write on the wall any questions they would like to ask God.

Then using scripture he showed that everyone falls short; James then took people through further scripture sharing the gospel. Telling them to believe this was not enough; they needed to act upon it. At the end they were challenged to receive God’s gift of forgiveness and walk out a free person. Of the 12 people accepting the challenge 9 made a decision for Christ on that day in the blow-up church. Praise the Lord. Brian Pollard Secretary of Andover Churches Together

2 A Map of the world, with newspapers encouraging people to pray for the world. 3 Using the bubble tube - we had a space to reflect. 4 An opportunity to reflect on the forgiveness of God. Outside the church we had a Faith Book Poster (based on Face Book), which grabbed people’s attention. As the day moved on, people were happy to chat and come into the cool (we had a fan on). Then Major James Cussen of the Salvation Army felt it was time to offer people an opportunity to ‘Take The Challenge’. People responded, the question was “Do you think you are a good person?”


The Baptist Union of Great Britain’s inflatable church is available for churches to hire for local events. Why not consider hiring it so that your church gets noticed at your local community event? Find out more, and download a Mission File with all the information you need, from: www.baptist.org.uk/crossingplaces/evangelism/ resources.html

Whole Life Whole Bible

Building Bridges, Crossing Cultures

50 readings on living in the light of scripture

A Life Shaped by India and by Inner City Birmingham

Where we spend most of our time - at home, at work, in the neighbourhood - matters to God and to his mission in and for the world. Far from restricting our faith to the ‘personal’ sphere, disengaged from everyday living, Scripture encourages us to take the Lord of life into the whole of life.

This new book by one of the former Joppa Group founders gives a first hand account of his experiences during the closing years of the `missionary era’ in India. Edward Williams’ life has placed him at the fulcrum of different and opposing forces: with his education as a scientist on the one hand and his Christian belief in God on the other. In addition, he was brought up in the West, but his missionary work meant that he lived a large part of his life in the East.

Whole Life Whole Bible is written from the conviction that God’s word illuminates every part of existence, enabling us to see differently and live differently - from Monday to Sunday, in public as well as in private. A walk through the unfolding story of the Bible in 50 readings and reflections shows how our lives are bound up with, and shaped by, God’s plan to restore a broken universe. That big story forms our minds, fuels our imaginations and fashions our daily life as we live in God’s world, in the light of God’s word, wherever we are.

The book also covers Edward’s life in Britain, including reflections on his ministry and his involvement in interfaith relations, which he hopes will be of interest to everyone, as well as to ministers. It is a memoir of life in India and Birmingham, including the author’s reflections upon the events in his life which shaped his thinking and beliefs.

Authors: Antony Billington with Margaret Killingray and Helen Parry Publisher: BRF (20 Jan 2012) ISBN: 978 0 8574 6017 2 RRP: £6.99

Author: Publisher: ISBN: RRP:

See: www.brfonline.org.uk/9780857460172

Edward Williams Aspect Design (22 Dec 2011) 978 1 9057 9597 0 £10.00

Second Half of Life: Meeting the Spiritual Needs of People with Dementia Dementia is a term used for a range Mission Files of physical illnesses which affect the brain. This Mission File offers information and ideas to help you to support those people who have dementia, and has recently been updated with some helpful new resources from Gaynor Hammond. Download the new version from: www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/missionfiles/ doc_download/394-second-half-of-life-meeting-thespiritual-needs-of-people-with-dementia.html SECOND HALF OF LIFE Meeting the spiritual needs of people with dementia

The Baptist Men’s Movement (BMM), founded in 1917, seeks to lead men to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, to encourage their service and to strengthen their witness in the world. Information is available from the BMM website or by contacting Bryan Orchard on secretary@baptistmen.org.uk

The number of people with dementia is steadily increasing. In 2007, 64% of people living in UK care homes had some form of dementia. Of all dementia sufferers that year, two thirds lived in the community while one third lived in a care home. In 2010 in the UK, 1 in 14 people over 65 years of age and 1 in 6 people over 80 years of age has a form of dementia, making a total of 750,000. It is estimated that by 2021 there will be about 940,000 people with dementia in the UK1.

It is easy for people with dementia to be forgotten by the church. For those who are have attended church, the difficulties encountered when visiting and the fact the visit is forgotten minutes after the visitor has left, means that contact with the church is easily lost. For those who have not attended church, it is often thought that there is no possibility of communicating effectively. In fact both Christians and non-Christians with dementia still have spiritual needs that God may use us to meet. As the Psalmist says, ‘Do they know of your miracles or your saving power in the dark world below where all is forgotten?’ (Psalm 88:12) Gaynor Hammond shares from her knowledge and experience of ministering to people with dementia:

Types of Dementia Dementia is a term used for a range of physical illnesses, which affect the brain. Though there are various causes of dementia it is a condition, which results from too many brain cells dying. The most common causes of dementia include: • Alzheimer’s Disease (the most common cause of dementia) • Vascular Dementia – which includes multiinfarct dementia • Lewy Body Disease • Pick’s Disease – sometimes known as frontal lobe dementia

1 Alzheimer’s Society, January 2010

The BMM produces a monthly Men Matters newsletter to keep you up-to-date with their events and activities. These can be downloaded from the BMM website www.baptistmen.org.uk


Key dates in 2012 for the Olympic and Paralympic Games April 1 Apr 18 Apr

Gold Challenge event in Olympic Stadium 100 days to go to the start of the Olympic Games 18-19 Apr International Invitational Wheelchair Rugby test event, Basketball Arena 18-22 Apr FINA Olympic Games Synchronised Swimming Qualification, presented by Visa, test event, Aquatics Centre 23 Apr Men’s Olympic Football Tournament Qualification Play-Off Match, test event, City of Coventry Stadium 23 Apr London 2012 Festival World Shakespeare Festival opens May 2-6 May International Invitational Hockey Tournament, test event, Olympic Park 4-7 May British University & Colleges Sport Outdoor Athletics Championships, test event, Olympic Stadium 8 May London Disability Grand Prix, Olympic Stadium, Paralympic Athletics test event 9 May School Games events in Olympic Park venues 19 May Olympic Torch Relay starts at Land’s End 21 May 100 days to go to the start of the Paralympic Games 25 May Olympic Torch Relay reaches Wales

August 12 Aug 24 Aug 25 Aug

June 3 Jun

Olympic Torch Relay reaches Northern Ireland 6 Jun Olympic Torch Relay reaches Dublin 8 Jun Olympic Torch Relay reaches Scotland 21 Jun Start of London 2012 Festival 23-24 Jun London 2012 Festival Radio 1 Big Weekend event, Hackney Marshes 25 Jun London 2012 World Sport Day celebrations in UK schools

26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug

Olympic Games Closing Ceremony Paralympic Flame lighting in London Paralympic Flame lighting and flame festival in Belfast Paralympic Flame lighting and flame festival in Edinburgh Paralympic Flame lighting and flame festival in Cardiff Paralympic Flame festival in Stoke Mandeville, start of the 24 hour Paralympic Torch Relay to London Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony

September 9 Sep Paralympic Games Closing Ceremony

July 20 Jul

Olympic Flame arrives in London (evening) 21-22 Jul London 2012 Festival River of Music concerts along River Thames 23 Jul Olympic Flame visits Albert Square in EastEnders episode 25 Jul First Olympic Games sports events – Women’s Football Preliminary matches at Cardiff (including Team GB), Coventry and Glasgow 27 Jul Olympic Games Opening Ceremony

The Christian Enquiry Agency and the Olympics

All the Christian responses from UK visitors to the Olympics this year will be channelled to the Christian Enquiry Agency. This would be a good time to be putting the link to the excellent CEA website on your own church website by going to the ABOUT US page, and making contact.

www.christianity.org.uk 20

Free pack helps churches respond to the 2012 Games A vast compendium of resources is now available to help churches make the most of their engagement with the 2012 Games. The 48 page publication offers churches a host of practical ways to engage with their community during the Games and the Torch Relay, which will come within ten miles of most of the UK churches. The ideas include large screen festivals, barbecues, street parties, picnics, breakfasts, children’s games, sports quizzes and sport competitions. There are also resources for church activities, including an all-age sermon outline, sketches, prayers and outlines for small groups. To help churches publicise their activities there are a sample press release and church magazine article. The pack comes from More Than Gold, the agency set up by all the main denominations to help churches make the most of the Games. Produced and funded by Traidcraft, it is available free of charge from www.traidcraftshop.co.uk/ churcheventpack or calling 0845 330 8900.

Jon Burns, UK Director of More Than Gold said, ‘There is a wealth of practical help here for churches. We are so grateful that Traidcraft has made this possible. There is something every church can do during the Torch Relay and the Games themselves. This valuable pack points the way and puts the help they need into their hands’.

Throughout, there is an emphasis on helping churches keep justice in mind with the encouragement to use fair trade products during the Games and beyond. Jane Riley, Traidcraft CEO explained, “With so many churches planning to run events in the context of the 2012 Games, we wanted them to have the vital issue of fair trade in mind. We often produce event packs to help our 6,000 supporters use fair trade products and are glad of the opportunity to serve More Than Gold in this way”. Jane added, ‘The Games will bring the world together. But when it comes to trade there is no level playing field, with discrimination against the poorest and weakest producers. It’d be great if every event that was held by churches in 2012 served fair trade products - what a difference that would make to the lives of people and their families in the developing world.”

The importance of churches being able to respond to the Torch Relay was emphasised by Marty Woods, of Fusion Festivals. He said, ‘In Sydney we had no idea the Torch Relay would be so big. People felt it was like the Olympics was visiting then. As the torch moved around the country, so the excitement grew and whole communities wanted to be part of it’.



There are also lots of additional resources, linked to ideas in the Event Pack for Churches, which can be downloaded from www.traidcraft.co.uk/get_involved/ Churches2/2012_Games

Undefeated has been produced in partnership by BMS World Mission, the Baptist Union of Wales and the Baptist Union of Great Britain. It is designed for a one-hour church service, particularly suitable for use during the Olympics and Paralympics.

Make the most of the 2012 Games by hosting an evangelistic sports quiz, giving sportspeople in your church the opportunity to invite their friends to hear the gospel.

The aim of Undefeated is to help churches to: • Become more inclusive in their welcome towards people with disabilities • Be inspired by the faith of athletes hoping to compete in the Paralympics • Acknowledge the excellence of Paralympic sport • Discover what the Bible has to say about disability • Celebrate the contributions made by people with disabilities in our churches • Remember international issues of justice and disability • Highlight how BMS is serving people with disabilities around the world

A large team of trained speakers is available to both host the six-round sports quiz and deliver a short evangelistic talk relevant to sportspeople at half time. If Christians in Sport are unable to accommodate the dates of your event due to demand, they can provide you with a 2012 Sports Quiz DVD pack. This comes complete with: • 6-round Olympic themed sports quiz • 9-minute gospel talk by Graham Daniels, filmed at the Olympic park • Handy guides to help run and advertise your event

The DVD contains four short videos and a range of other resources. Two of the videos feature sport contributions and comment from four leading athletes with a disability: • wheelchair racer Anne Wafula Strike • archer Robert Shaw • runner Sophia Warner • goalball player Michael Sharkey.

Please note the 2012 Sports Quiz is available for both youth and adults and, although free of charge, donations are welcome. To find out about your nearest Sports Quiz, or request a Sports Quiz in your area, see: www.christiansinsport.org.uk/page.asp?section=706 &sectionTitle=2012+Sports+Quiz

Order your copy, at £6.00 + £2.50 p&p, from www.bmsworldmission.org/undefeated

Holiday at Home Outlook Trust have produced a step by step guide to help you run a successful holiday club for the over 65s in your community, drawing on the theme of the coming Games. It is being sold on the More than Gold web shop at: www.morethangoldresources.org. uk/index.php?page=shop.browse&category_ id=6&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=2&vmcchk =1&Itemid=2


Shine as the Flame Travels An Invitation to join a 70-day Cascade of Prayer The Olympic Torch is to be run throughout the UK for the 70 days leading up to the opening of the 2012 Games. The route takes it through more than 1,000 communities and within ten miles of almost the whole of the UK’s population. Find out where the Torch will travel at: www.morethangold.org.uk/torchplaces The hope is to see: • The Olympic Torch Relay used as a catalyst by hundreds of churches to mobilise united and creative prayer for their communities and the Nations • This cascade of prayer preparing the way for all the service, mission and hospitality taking place in thousands of communities during 2012 and beyond

The More than Gold web shop is the ‘one stop shop’ for all your church needs to reach out to your community before and during the Olympic Games.

• Being developed is a separate prayer initiative for the Paralympic Torch Relay, which has its focus on the UK’s capital cities.

The web shop includes everything from sports gospels to baseball caps, and it comes with the assurance that it all:

Download more information about the Shine as the Flame Travels intitiative from: www.morethangold.org.uk/your-church/prayer.html

• Has been approved by More Than Gold • Meets the guidelines issued by the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games Have a look at what’s available at: www.morethangoldresources.org.uk

Café 2012 is an online resource which will give you everything you need to set up a sports-style Youth Café for 2012! Although the resource is geared towards the 2012 games, if you plan to continue after the games, the Café in a Box resource offers all you need for long-term sustainable projects.

Imagine Youth Cafés opening all over the UK, welcoming young people to a safe environment, offering them a chance to see the 2012 Games with their friends, play games, have fun and experience a true sense of community!

For more information, see www.cafe2012.info


Time Out for Baptists So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-towork, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Romans 12:1

To find out more about the partner organisations and details of how to register for the 12:1 Baptist time out scheme, please see: www.baptist.org.uk/mission-opportunities.html

The Baptist Union of Great Britain wants to develop and serve not only its young emerging leaders but also the baby boomer generation. It has been a desire of the Baptist Union for many years to grow future leaders and radical disciples within the Baptist family; therefore, we wanted to offer an opportunity for Baptist people to experience a time out scheme within a Baptist setting. Ideal for:

• young people considering a gap year This desire has lead to the development of 12:1. • baby boomers in retirement • people of any age wanting to spend time serving God

12:1 is an exciting new partnership between the Baptist Union and four organisations that offer excellent time out opportunities both in the UK and abroad for people of all ages, whether it be students looking for a gap year or baby boomers in retirement. There is something for all.

Time Out

for Baptists ʻSo hereʼs what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.ʼ Romans 12: 1

To find out more, and register your interest in the In many ways it is one scheme withOutfour partners, 12:1 Time Scheme for Baptists, please contact: all within the Baptist track:The Mission Department

Track 1:

Baptist Union of Great Britain Baptist House 129 Broadway Didcot OX11 8RT

BMS World Mission

Track 2: DNA

Email: mission@baptist.org.uk Tel: 01235 517711 Website: www.baptist.org.uk/mission-opportunities.html

Track 3: The Light Project Track 4: Viz-a-Viz - Taste TimeOutFlyer_12.indd 1

09/03/2012 11:11


Rural Mission and Ministry course A part-time programme leading to a Postgraduate Diploma or MA (Rural Mission & Ministry) York Institute for Community Theology This programme offers a unique blend of elements which enables the development of reflective practice, ministry and mission with a deliberate focus on the rural context. The course focuses on you and your needs and offers an opportunity to develop your practice in context with support from an experienced team. You will study from your home base and attend six residentials over two years.

All faith communities have within their ethical teachings the values of compassion, care and social justice. One of the ways that their members put these values into everyday practice is through volunteering. In 2012 a special project called ‘A Year of Service’ is taking place. In each month, for A Year of Service, faith communities will be hosting a day or days of volunteering and inviting people of other faiths and non-religious beliefs to join in. There will also be workplace volunteering opportunities. The Year provides an opportunity for marking in a practical way the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen of whose reign ‘service’ has been a key theme.

For an initial discussion about whether the course would meet your needs, contact Richard Andrew. T: 01904 876518 E: r.andrew@ýorksj.ac.uk www.theologyinthecommunity.org.uk

Monday 28 February saw the formal launch of the project in London at the first faith community volunteering day of A Year of Service, led by the Baha’i community. The Year of Service is a golden opportunity for Christians to make connections with neighbouring communities of another faith or culture in charitable and voluntary work. The idea is to invite our neighbouring faith community to be part of what we are doing, and to get involved in what they are doing. This might be clean-up operations, tree planting, feeding the hungry, working on an allotment, visiting the elderly, helping the homeless.


If your congregation, Churches Together group or other Christian project wants to get involved in the Year of Service, have a look at the website www.ayearofservice.org.uk

to some new Baptist initiatives Rural Mission & Ministry York Institute for Community Theology

• Congratulations to Joe Haward and the launch A part-time programme leading to a Postgraduate of This Hope in Newton Abbot. a look at: Diploma or MAHave (Rural Mission & Ministry) www.thishope.co.uk • Congratulations to Barney and Sara Barron and Warren Park Café Church which has become an independent Baptist church. • Have a look at the Just Imagine video story with Paul Unsworth speaking about the Café Church to be started in Brick Lane in London. See: www. youtube.com/watch?v=oKA4mTgKuJs


Colchester Baptist Church Christmas card 2011

Last Christmas, people in over 100 towns donned tea towels and angel’s wings and took part in an instant nativity. Get in the Picture took place across the country – from Jersey to Greenock, from Norwich to Torquay.

‘This idea became a reality thanks to the skills of a joiner (David Stockwell) and artist (Gill Chelski) who are part of our church family. It was designed in such a way that when polls the faces were unfilled by people we could put cartoon faces in the gaps.

We also held a competition to find the town which had created the best nativity scene for their Get in the Picture project. As in previous years, the standard was very high, with some really creative scenes to encourage people to take part. We asked a team of independent judges to look through them all and choose a winner, and the first prize was awarded to Colchester Baptist Church.

‘The scene was placed outside our church during the day and on quite a few occasions including late-night shopping we invited people to Get In The Picture. ‘I was delighted with how many people were willing to take part. We took well over 200 photos during the different events and invited people to see their pictures on the website. We may not ever know if this made a spiritual impact on people, but everyone who participated enjoyed themselves and has a reminder of the Christmas story. It also provided the basis for our church Christmas card this year!

The church’s minister, Nick Lear, tells us: ‘In 2010 our church took part in Get in the Picture. We set up a nativity scene at the front of our church and during late-night shopping events invited passersby to dress up and have their photographs taken in the nativity costumes. While some people were happy to do so we found that most either said they were too busy or that it was too cold to stand around and get changed. I was keen on the concept of Get in the Picture but wondered if we could do things differently the following year in order to allow more people to participate. ‘I came up with the idea that we could create a Christmas display that resembled a seaside scene with holes cut out for people’s faces. I felt that this would make things easier for people to participate and might look quite attractive outside the church when we were not taking photographs.

‘Next year we will use the scene again and I hope we will be able to do a lot more alongside it – perhaps carol singing, serving hot drinks and mince pies, and perhaps even some street magic.’ Whilst Christmas may seem a long way off, start planning now to offer Get in the Picture in your town this year. Encourage different people to use their particular skills for each stage of the initiative – from praying for the events, to designing the scene, making costumes, publicising the events, welcoming people and taking photographs on the day. For more information about what’s involved, see the Mission File available from www.baptist.org.uk/resourcesevents/missionfiles/doc_download/842-get-in-thepicture.html


Raising the bar

It is vital that churches, first and foremost, gain a heart and understanding of education. The easiest route to this is to value and listen to the teachers in your congregations. Do pray for them! And not just on Education Sunday or during Pray for Schools week. It is important to value and honour these people who are in the very place of influence or, as the outline for Education Sunday this year quoted Henry Brooks Adams (an American Historian 1838 1918): ‘A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops’. Maybe if we are to do this we need to bend over backwards a bit more? David Skinner minister of Houghton Regis Baptist Church Martin Sweet the Spinnaker Trust

Millions will watch athletes attempt to win Gold Medal in the high jump this summer in the Olympics. Most will ‘do’ the Fosbury Flop! How on earth did Dick Fosbury first think of jumping and bending backwards over a bar to win gold in 1956?

For more information about supporting your local school, see: www.baptist.org.uk/crossingplaces/ church-and-school.html

It has long been our passion to see the ‘bar raised’ in the churches’ response to education issues. However, this is more than just about assemblies. Education is where close on 100% of 5-18 years old reside. This is where they learn, discover and become adults. Surely there is no debate as to whether the church should offer to play our part in that process. The real question is not ‘have we the right?’, although some will question that, but ‘have we the heart and the resources?’

Pray for Schools Fortnight

Many will appreciate the issues surrounding RE and collective worship. The RE community have expressed their concern since, even though statutory, the place of RE within the school is under threat from various quarters. If RE is where most children find out about Christianity, maybe we need to get more involved?

6-20 May 2012 Running the Race This year’s theme for Pray for Schools fortnight is ‘running the race’, based on the call for perserverence from Hebrews 12: 1-14.

In contrast, some secularists are worried that collective worship in schools is an opportunity for the church to be coercive, and are using the national press to express their opinions. So whilst we believe the church should view this as an opportunity to serve both teacher and pupils, if we are to do so, we will need to raise the bar and improve and develop the quality of what we deliver into our local schools. Our involvement simply needs to be good, appropriate and, as far as the school is concerned, a resource. Our willingness must be because we want to serve the school and the wider community.

The vision of Pray for Schools fortnight is to bring together people from local churches and those involved in education – parents, students, teachers, meals supervisors, Governors and anyone else with a heart for young people – to pray strategically for schools in their area and those involved in them. To register your event, find out about events in your area, and download resources, see: www.prayforschools.org/pfs-events/pray-for-schoolsfortnight


A space for all sorts The Youthwork Summit is a one day event for volunteer and paid Christian youth workers..... and Kings Park Northampton, we’d love youKing’s to Park joinConference us on Centre, Saturday 19Road, May in NN3 6LL London for this year’s event. What’s different about the Summit is the range and variety of speakers and subjects you’ll hear in just a single day. You’ll hear: • academics with the latest research on young people • practitioners with the latest ideas and projects • experts from business, television and beyond.

Youth, Children and Family Workers’ Gathering a gathering for those employed in youth and children’s ministries in Baptist churches organised and hosted by the Association Youth officers

King’s Park Conference Centre, Northampton 22 - 23 May 2012


All of them have The cost for the event is £90 per person overnight accommodation in single en-suite rooms and all one task ... toincluding leave meals. To reserve a place, please book asTickets early as possible at you more informed www.baptist.org.uk/events.html £30 and inspired in Closing date for bookings is Friday 30 March book as early as possible since places may fill up before the closing date your youth Please work, For more information, please contact mission@baptist.org.uk equipped with new ideas and material that fits your Visions&Dreams #YWS12 context perfectly. Book online at: youthwork summit.com

It costs £30 for the day, and there’s a range of extra events the day before, including an Early Day conference with our keynote speaker, Mark Oestreicher.

“I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” Joel 2:28

A day where ideas and stories change your world. Forget what you thought a youth work event was. YWS is different. If you’ve never been to a Youthwork Summit event, it’s time to join the party. Since 2010, we’ve been organising a unique annual one-day convention for every kind of Christian involved in every kind of work with young people. Why unique? Because over the course

of just one day, you’ll hear more than 30 diverse voices presenting their big ideas about Christian youth work. For 5, 10… 15 minutes at the most, we ask a mix of world-leading experts and grass roots practitioners to take to the stage for a series of high-impact presentations – then create an atmosphere of interaction and engagement to ensure their ideas are accessed and developed by our delegates.

Event Programme: London Fri. May 18. 2012 EARLY DAY Panorama 10.30–4.30

Start your experience of the Summit a day early with in-depth practical teaching from our keynote speaker.

THE BIG CHILL Curryoke 7.30–late

Come and join us anytime from 7.30pm and meet many of the contributors and Summit team.


Panorama: Seeing the Big Picture for your youth work A unique opportunity to spend a day with one of the world’s leading youth ministry coaches, exploring together what it means to create a vision for our youth ministry that takes a wide-angled, longterm transformational view. We’ll see how adolescence is rapidly changing, how every context is different and how to craft values that both allow for great practice and create space for God to move. A practical day that gives you a chance to take stock, learn and dream for the future – Mark Oestreicher




A glorious mix of karaoke and banter through the evening with drinks and a choice of curries.



Download the programme from: www.baptist.org.uk/component/docman/doc_ download/1126-youthwork-summit-programme.html and pass it on to your youth work volunteers and friends. Come together as a team to get the best out of the day.

Mission Department, Baptist Union of GB, Baptist House PO Box 44 129 Broadway Didcot Oxon OX11 8RT telephone 01235 517713 facsimile 01235 517715 email mission@baptist.org.uk Registered Charity Number 1125912

This is the third annual conference for people who are paid Youth Workers, Children’s Workers and Family Workers. This year our theme picks up the need for churches to be more welcoming to people of all ages - seeing them not as the church of tomorrow, but followers of Jesus, and part of the whole church community, who can share in every aspect of the life of the church and faith. Of course this challenges the way in which we do church, celebrate faith and view the faith of young people and children. Alongside the main sessions addressing this theme there will also be time for sharing, praying and being relaxed among peers who are doing similar roles in their local church. Speakers: Mark Griffiths and Sian Hancock Cost: £90 per person including overnight accommodation in single en-suite rooms and all meals.

For more information and to buy your ticket, go to: www.youthworksummit.com

For more information, and to book, see:


Closing date for bookings is 20 April


A National Day of Prayer for Church-based Toddler Groups

Announcing the

National Prayer Day for

Sunday 10 June

Parent and Toddler

The 1277 group is encouraging churches to pray for their toddler groups. Download a poster to advertise your event from: www.baptist.org.uk/component/docman/doc_ download/1103-national-prayer-day-for-toddlergroups.html

Groups on

Sunday, 10 June 2012 An initiative of


Pray for your local toddler group, its leaders and all the families with whom it comes into contact

I commit to pray for parent and toddler groups, their leaders and the families and communities they impact.

Local Information

Father, as we seek to nurture, develop and encourage our children, would You challenge us with Your love, deepen us with Your grace and teach us with Your wisdom, so that through us Your Kingdom comes and Your will is done. Amen

Download a prayer card for your event: www.baptist.org.uk/component/docman/doc_ download/1102-1277-prayer-card.html If you would like to order hard copies of the Member prayer cards, please contact Mike Barnes on Organisations 0207 3674 788.


Join National Family Week and celebrate family life in the UK

The Baptist Union of Great Britain is delighted to support National Family Week and hopes churches will use the publicity surrounding the national week to further develop links with their local community.

National Family Week aims to highlight the importance of quality time together and promote the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Free Promotion

Register your event online and benefit from free promotion through the National Family Week Event Finder, helping to promote your church and event to families searching for events in their local area.

National Family Week 2012 takes place from Saturday 25 - Friday 31 August and aims to be bigger and better, engaging with thousands of families nationwide.

In addition, you will also have access to free promotional materials and branded merchandise such as posters, stickers, balloons and goodie bags to bring added value to your National Family Week event.

Get involved

Although not a religious festival, National Family Week offers a great opportunity for churches to reach out into the local community and engage with families through a variety of events under the National Family Week banner. To help get you started, download the Baptist Union of Great Britain Ideas Sheet from: www.baptist.org.uk/component/ docman/doc_download/1094-national-familyweek-2012.html

To find out more about National Family Week and how to register your event, please visit: www.nationalfamilyweek.co.uk

Exactly what type of activity or event is entirely up to you and these events can take place anytime during August. However the main events including one Headline and ten Flagship Events will take place during the week of 25 – 31 August 2012.


I DO ACT Baptist minister Simon Ford reflects on his training as a volunteer ‘Games Maker’ team member in preparation for this summer’s events.

“To deliver a fantastic experience for everyone we come into contact with”. This is the challenge given to 70,000 volunteer Games Makers at the Olympics this summer. The volunteers are being orientated, trained, accredited, equipped and motivated to take customer service to another level. The target is to be the best ‘hosts’.

Be Distinctive

Isn’t it brilliant that God made each of us different, and yet how much of our lives do we put effort into trying to be the same, to fit in with those around us?

As churches hosting people on a Sunday, or as Youth volunteers leading a group of young people, or Messy Church helpers welcoming an assortment of families, what can we learn from the Olympics?

One year, setting up for a Holiday Club, one leader decided to go over the top in decorating the area where her group would be. By the following morning, all the other areas were beginning to show a striking resemblance. Since then we challenge each group of leaders to ensure their area is distinctive.

With the help of Eddie Izzard, the Games Makers learnt the acronym: I DO ACT. Inspirational, Distinctive, Open, Alert, Consistent, Team. And as churches we can surely learn from this.

I write a plan for one of our youth groups that meet weekly. After a meal and games the young people split into five groups for teaching and discussion. A visitor to the venue during this group time would find it hard to believe that all the groups had the same material. Why? Because the leaders are bringing who they are to their group.

Be Inspirational

Look for ways to inspire others, and to make their contact with the Church the most positive possible. It is easy to think that it is the job of the speaker or main leader to be the one who gives the inspiration, but why shouldn’t every single team member seek to bring out the best in others. What does this look like? Well we can all think of people who have been an inspiration to us, those who have believed in us, gone out of their way to help us or have simply done more than what was expected.

The way I speak to a young person or a single dad should be different to how you would do it. Obvious! Yes, but let’s ensure we remain distinctive.

A 12 year old just told me, that Kings, in ‘the old days’ had to be inspirational, otherwise no-one would follow them. The Olympics want their Games Makers to be inspirational so that everyone is motivated to achieve their best or have the most enjoyment. But does God want us to be inspirational? Anita Septimus wrote ‘You don’t choose the day you enter the world and you don’t chose the day you leave. It’s what you do in between that makes all the difference.’ In that between bit I want to inspire others to have self-confidence, to develop good relationships and to seek out God.


Be Open

Be Alert

This greeting and openness needs to be extended to the stranger or the unpopular one or the shy character. I remember praying with a group of youth leaders that we would always show love to everyone, especially the one who, as they come in late, causes us to inwardly groan and confess we had hoped they would not come. The following five minutes was spent laughing as I apologised to a leader who walked in late at the beginning of my prayer!

What is the best way of meeting people’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs? Do we recognise the danger of simply entertaining the young people or spoon-feeding them without giving them opportunities to put their faith into action? Do we seriously consider how each of our activities can meet people’s deepest needs as well as what is being presented?

An important part of the Games Maker’s role is to be aware of people’s needs and of any potential danger. Is someone in need of medical help? Is that an unattended bag? The task at the Olympics is to be alert to meet people’s immediate needs and to keep the venues as safe as possible. But for us in churches we need to take a much longer term view.

Be approachable and honest with everyone you encounter. Of course, as people greeting or meeting others we need to ensure that our welcome is friendly and genuine. We need to be open to the distinctive unique individuals that need our love and respect.

Much has been written elsewhere about the importance of safety and minimising any potential danger. I am writing this just after playing the part of Kai (Uncle Mordecai) in our church’s production of Esther. In this I am mainly referred to as ‘The Lurker’. It’s a part that can make people laugh, but are we aware of the lurkers within our children’s work?

Looking at what is not in the Gospels is sometimes very helpful, and Jesus never encounters anyone who he is not open towards. There is no hint that the ‘wrong person’ was interfering or getting in the way of his preparation! Are we sometimes in danger of sticking so much to our plan that we close ourselves to those who most need our time. The volunteers are also encouraged to be honest, for example when an answer is not known or a request for help cannot be given. Are we as Churches or individuals honest as to what we do or do not know or can offer.


Be Consistent

Be part of a Team

The importance of greeting every person with the same enthusiasm, ensuring we show fairness and equality. We know the importance of consistency in every aspect of Church work. For the Games Makers this will be important at the end of a long shift and the 624th person comes by asking the directions to the nearest toilet.

Each one of us is an important part of a team. It is crucial I make my contribution, to make the team a success. Apparently the Games Maker Team is the largest group of peace time volunteers ever gathered in Britain. Of course this is ignoring the amazing team of Christians serving in all sorts of situations up and down the country. As I take my place in the Games Maker Team for 17 days this summer, I am thankful that for the rest of the year I am part of an even better team.

As a follower of Jesus, how much more important is it that I am consistent in my desire to show the love of God to people – not denying the reality of my distinctive faith journey but still having that consistency.

Simon Ford

Youth Specialist at Cosham Baptist Church and Games Maker Team volunteer


This summer sees the Olympic Games coming to the UK. There will be events all over the country and lots of different ways to get involved. Many organisations have created brilliant resources, many of which are free, to help you in using the Games as a catalyst for outreach.

Ambassadors in Sport

Here we highlight a few of the resources available:

For more information, see: http://ais-uk.org

This football-based mission organisation is available to assist with soccer schools. AIS has the experience, ‘know how’ and the training courses (eg the TREC training course) to help you and your church deliver some fantastic sport outreach events in this coming year ... your church may enjoy it so much and see such positive results that you will keep doing it long after the closing ceremony – now that will be a positive legacy for your community!


Many young people love sport and it’s a great way to open up the gospel with young people from outside a church community. Decathlon helps you do just that! Using games derived from ten different sports, Decathlon takes young people through some of the essentials of the Christian faith, such as who God is, God’s grace and the freedom offered by Jesus.

Global Community Games

A wealth of free resources are available for mission and outreach aimed at Children and Youth – Bible based, sports, games, social action and through partnerships. These are available to download when you sign up on the website: www.globalcommunitygames.com/default.aspx

Publisher: Scripture Union (2011) ISBN: 978 1 8442 7587 8 RRP: £11.99 www.scriptureunion.org.uk/ProductFolder/ Decathlon/153610.id

The Games

A one-day school-based activity programme from Scripture Union. A day that mixes fun and activity with educational curriculum-based sessions that incorporate PE, RE, PHSE, Art, Geography and other areas. Developed with More Than Gold as a response to the 2012 Games, it reflects the specific context of working in schools and so is suitable for schools and pupils of all faiths or none.

Imagine Youth Cafés opening all over the UK, welcoming young people to a safe environment, offering them a chance to see the 2012 Games with their friends, play games, have fun and experience a true sense of community! Café 2012 is an online resource which will give you everything you need to set up a sports-style Youth Café for 2012! Although the resource is geared towards the 2012 games, if you plan to continue after the games, the Café in a Box resource offers all you need for long-term sustainable projects.

The hope is that The Games will be a tool that enables local schools and churches to partner together, and build on their existing relationship. Download the resources free of charge from: www.scriptureunion.org.uk/TheGames/156792.id For more information, contact Simon Barker on: Email: SimonB@scriptureunion.org.uk Tel: 01908 856193

For more information, see www.cafe2012.info


Olympic Year Resources from BRF 2012 offers many opportunities for churches to engage with their communities through sport. These new resources from BRF, approved by More than Gold, will help your church to inspire young people towards life-improving change. The Sports Academy Holiday Club

Who Comes First?

This sports-themed holiday club with five complete 2 1/2 hour programmes plus extra ideas for a special service or event.

Inspiring stories from the history of the Games A cross-curricular classroom and assembly resource for Key Stage 2 RE teachers contains material for seven lesson plans and three assemblies.

Running alongside the primary theme of David’s rise from shepherd boy to king of Israel, the material links the biblical teaching to contemporary living by exploring five essential ingredients of sport, not just for healthy living, but also as a tool for spiritual well-being on the journey of faith.

Who Comes First? gives teachers a chance to explore the themes of Respect, Excellence, Friendship, Courage, Determination, Inspiration and Equality with their classes in RE lessons, encouraging pupils to ask hard questions about sporting values, respond to true-life stories in a variety of ways - and reflect on the opportunities and challenges that an athlete’s sense of purpose could possibly have for their own lives.

Author: John Hardwick ISBN: 978 1 84101 433 3 RRP: £11.99

Sports Fun for Messy Churches

Author: Chris Hudson ISBN: 978 0 85746 048 6 RRP: £6.99

Games and activities suitable for all ages and abilities. Includes ideas for community-based outdoor family events, all-age celebration ideas based on Olympic themes and sportsthemed craft activities.

Who Comes First? Barnabas RE Day These days give schools a chance to explore sporting values and challenges through the eyes of faith and belief.

Author: Lucy Moore ISBN: 978 1 84101 824 9 RRP: £5.99

Each session will involve a mix of games, reflective storytelling and participative drama. Workshops normally last 50-60 minutes and will require use of a large indoor space. If requested, a whole-school assembly can be included. The cost is £275 for the whole day.

For more information about these resources, see: www.brfonline.org.uk/sports

Why not gift a Barnabas RE day to your local primary school and make the Olympic year one to remember for the children in your community? For more details, see: www.barnabasinschools. org.uk/whocomesfirst


Well done for getting this far through this bumper edition of missionscene! There is just so much to tell you about that is going on in mission. We hope that something in this publication has inspired you to new steps in your own mission. If you are at the Baptist Assembly, please do stop us and share what is going on in your locality - we love to hear the stories. It is though with sadness that this is the last edition of missionscene before Kathryn Morgan retires as Mission Adviser within the BUGB Mission Department. Kathryn has contributed so much to the Baptist family over the past few years, not least leading on the Baby Boomer materials, developing re:focus and her passion for church and schools. Much of her work is available from the website and will not be wasted. Kathryn, you will be missed; we wish you a happy and fruitful retirement. We know it is not the end of ministry, just a new phase. God bless you.

So until the next edition of missionscene, in the twisted words of a well-known Autumn dancing show, Keeeeep witnessing! Ian Bunce BUGB Mission Department

A life-changing experience. Youth strengthened . . . encouraged . . . emboldened

Meet, fellowship & worship with Baptist youth from around the world.

Singapore 17-21 July 2013 Baptist World Alliance www.bwanet.org 36

We are working on a package for groups attending the conference. If your group is interested in finding out more, contact mission@baptist.org.uk

Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland Baptist Union of Scotland Alan Donaldson 0141 423 6169 alan@scottishbaptist.org.uk Scottish Baptist College Principal - Jim Gordon 0141 848 3988 scottishbaptistcollege@uws.ac.uk

1 Shetland Islands


Northern John Singleton 2 01642 655551 johnsingleton@thenba.org.uk


North Western Sandra Crawford 01942 221595 sandra@nwba.org.uk


Northern Community Learning Network

Glen Marshall 0161 249 2520 glen.marshall@bigfoot.com Yorkshire Jane Day 0113 278 4954 jane.day@yba.org.uk

3 2 4 4


Baptist Union of Wales Marc Owen 5 01267 245660 marc@bedyddwyrcymru.co.uk


Y Coleg Gwyn (North Wales Baptist College) Elfryn Jones 5 01248 362608 coleg-gwyn@hotmail.co.uk


South Wales Andy Hughes 029 2049 1366



Bristol Baptist College Principal - Stephen Finamore 0117 946 7050 admin@bristol-baptist.ac.uk





12 14



Channel Islands

London David Shosanya 0208 543 6447


Spurgeon’s Baptist College Roger Standing 12 020 8653 0850 ex228 r.standing@spurgeons.ac.uk South West Barbara Carpenter 01823 490195



Central Helen Wordsworth 10 01788 817292 rev.h@rhwordsworth.plus.com Eastern Richard Lewis 01842 754953


Peter Dunn (Director for Mission) 01235 517648 pdunn@bmsworldmission.org


South Wales Baptist College Principal - Peter Stevenson 8 029 2025 6066 pks@swbc.org.uk West of England Alisdair Longwill 01453 883308 awlongwill@googlemail.com

11 10


Heart of England Adrian Argile 6 0121 472 4986 adrian.argile@blueyonder.co.uk East Midland Mike Fegredo 07972 350242 mfegredo.emba@gmail.com



Southern Counties Colin Norris 07725 039943 c.norris@scba.org.uk Regent’s Park Baptist College Nick Wood 01865 288129 nicholas.wood@regents.ox.ac.uk South Eastern Stuart Davison 01444 253163 stuart@seba-baptist.org.uk


Mat Wilson (IMC Team Leader) 0121 683 7948


www.bmsworldmission.org Irish Baptist Networks Stephen Adams stephen.adams@ibnetworks.org www.ibnetworks.org



BUGB Mission Department Ian Bunce 01235 517716 mission@baptist.org.uk

15 April 2012

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