August 2011
In this edition Page 3
Editorial: Marc Owen welcomes you to this new-look missionscene
Pages 4-6 Baptist Events: Find out about what’s going on and how you can get involved: The Big Welcome, crossingplaces Days, Rural churches’ day, Toddler Group Rocks, Baptist Assembly in Scotland, Being Church for the Boomer Generation? conference, Carey Sunday, BMS Harvest resource
Page 7
Other Events: Events being run by other organisations which may be of interest to you or others in your church National Day of Prayer, Lead Academy, Parish Nursing retreat and introductory course
Pages 8-15
Resources: A range of resources to help you and your church in mission Christmas resources, Creative Mission, Time-out scheme, Christian Nightlife Initiatives network, Biblefresh - getting the best from the Bible, Biblefresh - Get a Grip, Bible messages for today, Spurgeon’s College discount, People’s Bible tour, Buying Bibles for primary schools, Table Talk, Talking of God, Sharing Faith the Jesus Way, New Resources from CWR, Test of faith, Adventure Ministry, Resources for ‘The First Grader’ from Damaris, Outlook Trust newsletter, Third Age, Mission and Ministry course, New videos on BUGB website Pages 16-17
Pages 18-21
Page 22
Church Planting: News of courses and events for those considering starting a new form of church Prism, Crucible course, Church Planting 101, mission shaped ministry, Invest, church planting video Youth, Children and Family Workers: News of events and resources suitable for those working with children, young people and families Back to School with God Sunday, Who let the Dads Out? conference, Just a Child? conference, Playtime conference, Toddler Group Rocks day, BUGB networks, Giving young people a second chance, Youthworker conference, Holiday Club Resources from Scripture Union, Newsletters for Pre-school groups Contact details: Get in touch with your local representative on the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland
is a bi-monthly publication of the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland
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Sign up to receive a direct link to each new edition at
It’s a thrill to be able to write this note of welcome to you as we launch a new look missionscene! You may be wondering why a new look, and why a welcome from a guy in Wales? Over the last 18 months or so, discussions amongst Baptists in Wales had begun to explore how Baptist Christians could better work together for the sake of the gospel rather than drawing up traditional boundary lines. These discussions soon spilled over into what was then known as the Fellowship of British Baptists - FBB (representing the Baptist Unions of Great Britain, Wales, Scotland and BMS World Mission) which I have the joy of chairing. Again, the question was simple – what could Baptist Christians do better together for the sake of the gospel?
The outcome of all this? Well, in recent months, discussions within the BUGB Mission Department and the discussions highlighted above, along with the contribution of BMS, have resulted in a new Mission Forum. Baptist Christians working together on a missional agenda. For some it has been a long time coming, for others they may wonder what all the fuss is about, but at long last, Baptists in these Islands are trying to look at the gospel imperative together, rather than drawing boundary lines according to national identity. Whilst we need to bear in mind the complexities of context and language, mission is the key imperative around which we can collaborate and work together most effectively. Missional thinking borne out of a common missional spirituality that informs all that we do - in reflection, practice and resourcing - it has to be a good thing!
Gradually, it became clear – God was calling us to think collaboratively – laying down past divisions and all for the sake of engaging more effectively in His mission. This soon resulted in the emergence of the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland - FBBI to replace FBB when a small group of Irish Baptists who are ‘encouraging fellowship with the global Baptist family’ (Irish Baptist Networks were invited to join with us. This link to some churches and individuals in Ireland has been an encouragement to us as Baptists in England, Scotland and Wales – recognising our deep and common desire to share in the gospel.
A recent example of this has been the collaborative approach to the ‘Big Welcome’ with the three Unions jointly involved in the initiative including the development of a Welsh language version of the resource. So, watch this space! The new Mission Forum will continue to be a place for prayer, discussion, exploration and reflection out of which we hope and pray will come new creative, imaginative and insightful ideas, thinking and resources to reach women and men, girls and boys with the good news of Jesus Christ. Marc Owen Church Life Secretary/Director of Mission Baptist Union of Wales
Members of the new Mission Forum met in June 2011
Resource packs which have already been ordered are now being despatched - if you have not yet placed your order, please see www.baptist. for details of this year’s posters, invitations and bookmarks and place your order by midAugust. The BIG Welcome has been developed in partnership with Back to Church Sunday - a national project which encourages churches to invite people to a service on one particular Sunday - this year on Sunday 25 September. This year, we are delighted that churches in the Baptist Union of Wales, Baptist Union of Scotland and Baptist Union of Great Britain will be taking part in this evangelistic initiative, with resources available in Welsh and English.
If you would like to order packs in Welsh, please contact Marc Owen on 01267 245660 or email Additional service resources and ideas to help you to prepare to offer a BIG Welcome will be sent by email to each church which has registered this year. Look out for these emails which will be sent during August and September.
For everyone involved, we hope and pray that you will have a wonderful experience of God at work through The BIG Welcome. Our prayer is that God will touch the lives of people who come to your church, whether they come to a special service on Back to Church Sunday, or some other event which you are planning.
Welsh Poster:Layout 15
days Baptist Christians making a difference wherever they are - a day for church groups
Page 1
Speakers: Ian Bunce and Kathryn Morgan Dates: Saturday 1 October - Colchester Saturday 18 November - Burton Latimer For more information and to book see
A number of day and residential events are available throughout the year with inspiring speakers, the opportunity to share ideas and encouragement, and meet with others working in similar situations. Please book your place at events as early as possible and note that some venues have limited space - places may fill up before the closing date. Coming up later this year are the following events being planned by the Baptist Unions:
Rural Churches Day
Thursday 20 October Thornbury Baptist Church, Gloucestershire Becoming your community’s heartbeat A day being jointly organised by the Baptist Union of Great Britain and the Baptist Union of Wales for ministers and those in leadership roles in rural churches (eg deacons, moderators, etc). Speaker: Simon Mattholie - CEO, Rural Ministries 27th – 29th October 2011
For more information and to book see
b a p t i s t a s s e m b l y i n s c o t l a n d .org Being Church for the Boomer Generation?
23 - 25 November 2011 High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon
Toddler Group Rocks
Baby Boomers are a distinct and very large sociological group, born post the Second World War up to 1964. They are now starting to retire and become Third Agers, but need to be regarded differently from the Third Agers that have gone before them.
Tuesday 25 October Albany Road Baptist Church, Cardiff Baptist churches are renowned for toddler groups – these groups are doing well in serving their communities, providing a welcoming, enjoyable and safe environment. Toddler Group Rocks! days are for encouraging group leaders and helping ministers and deacons make Toddler Groups integral to church mission strategy - looking at the ‘stepping stones’ that can be added to make them crossingplaces.
This conference for church leaders will enable them to set and resource a Boomer mission agenda for local churches. The conference will look at: • how we can re-engage who have residual Christian faith but have left church • the ways of relating with those other spiritualities • what church will look like to connect with this generation.
Speakers: Fiona Burt - 1277 Group Richard Hardy - Baptist Minister and Director of the Entheos Trust Kathryn Morgan - BUGB Mission Adviser Claire Wells - Parent Toddler Groups Together Click here for more information and to book or contact
For more information and to book see
Carey Sunday - 21 August 2011 This August, Christians around the world will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of William Carey, often called ‘the father of modern mission’. Carey – born on 17 August 1761 – was instrumental in the forming of the Baptist Missionary Society in 1792 and the following year sailed to India as its first missionary. Sunday 21 August has been designated as ‘Carey Sunday’, endorsed by the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Baptist Union of Scotland and the Baptist Union of Wales. BMS has produced a toolbox of resources to help your church celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of William Carey. For information about the resources available, see
BMS Harvest Resource 2011 The SACREDSOIL appeal is about planting seeds in broken places. A community in the sacred valley of Peru receives practical and spiritual help after floods destroyed their crops. Members of a newlyplanted church share their personal stories after receiving the seeds of the gospel. The DVD includes a short video ideal for any harvest service, a reflection on the parable of the soils, a sermon outline, all-age resources, a poster and a leader’s guide. There is also a 20-minute cookery feature with ex– celebrity chef, Scott Williamson, that is perfect for hosting a Peruvian evening meal at any time of the year. Order your free DVD and harvest gift envelopes from or contact BMS resources on 01235 517617. Alternatively you may like to request a BMS speaker from
Calling all Christian Nurses, Midwives and Health visitors Is your crossingplace in the NHS? Life there at the moment is tough; targets, staff cuts, yet more changes, issues about faith, and under-resourcing are making it a very difficult place to continue working out your sense of calling to care for the sick and promote health. That is why three organisations, the Christian Medical Fellowship, Christian Nurses and Midwives, and Parish Nursing Ministries UK have got together to organise a retreat specially for you. Rediscovering your calling will take place at Emmaus house in Bristol from 21 - 23 September. There’ll be time to refresh and restore your sense of self-care but also opportunities to take a fresh look at a Biblical perspective on health, to pray with others involved in health-care, and to discover new ways in which you can support and be supported in your work. Please book online at
If you’re interested in the concept of Parish Nursing, take a look at: Bookings are now being taken for the next Parish Nursing introductory course which is 17-20 October at IMC, Birmingham.
By offering two-year learning communities for church leadership teams who share similar ministry contexts, Lead Academy uses a distinctive and creative approach to equipping leaders and helping churches fulfil their vision.
And if you’re not sure but you’d just like to meet some parish nurses and explore the idea then book in for the Parish Nursing annual symposium in Market Harborough, 20-21 November.
Available now: Breaking the growth barriers Churches 120 – 200 adult attendees - starting 19-20 September 2011 Breakthrough churches Churches 350+ adult attendees - starting 4-5 October 2011 Scottish Taster Days - discover what Lead Academy can offer you. Glasgow - Thursday 29 September 2011 Perth - Friday 30 September 2011 Full information avaialble at or email
Christmas is coming Seasonal events in the year give churches many opportunities to connect with their community, and now’s a good time to be planning ways to share the story of God’s gift to us at Christmas. To help you with this BUGB has produced a new ‘Christmas Crossingplaces’ Mission File which is available to download free of charge from the ‘seasonal resources’ section of the Mission Files library (www.baptist. missionfiles.html).
Last year, 76 towns across the UK took part in Get in the Picture. The idea is simple - build a nativity scene, get some dressing up clothes, put it in the town centre, shopping place, school fair (or wherever you can!) and get passers-by to dress up and have their photos taken in a nativity scene. They can then download their photo from the website the next day. The initiative encourages people to talk about the meaning of Christmas, and the Get in the Picture website also includes testimonies and information about the Christmas story.
It includes a variety of suggestions that have come from individuals and churches who have tried them out in recent years: • Read about the community choir set up by Ashley Baptist Church in New Milton last Christmas which increased its contact with locals and enabled them to tell the Christmas story in a fresh way. A video of minister Alison John talking about the community choir is available on the website.
Why not plan to do Get in the Picture as a cluster and share your nativity scene and clothes across a few towns? This can also be a great opportunity for ‘Churches Together’ in your area to work together and share resources, expertise and time. You only need to register your town once, no matter how many times you run the event. This year we’ve produced a new Mission File with all the information you need to get started on your local Get in the Picture event. This is available to download from the ‘seasonal resources’ section of our Mission Files library (www.baptist. missionfiles.html) or find out more from www.
• Find some great ideas for engaging with all ages, from toddlers to seniors. • Make an impact in your community with initiatives like a Giant Advent Calendar, Community Christingle service, Christmas Tree festival and Get in the Picture.
Other seasonal crossingplaces ideas, including a year planner, can be found on the BUGB website. Have a look at: evangelism/seasonal-initiatives.html
Ideas for special days, celebrations, festivals, community-based projects and seasonal activities The book Creative Mission, published by BRF, contains a wealth of ideas to help churches, large or small, urban or rural, to connect with people who have occasional contact with a church as well as suggestions for the church family to join in community events. Many of the ideas are for families, children and adults, to enjoy together or alongside one another. The ideas are arranged to fit the four seasons and the church calendar, plus well-known secular points in the year. Author: Rona Orme Publisher: BRF (2011) ISBN 978 18410 1806 5 RRP: ÂŁ8.99 Copies are available from your local Christian bookshop, or order online at
Street Angels
in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland such as Street Angels, Town Pastors, NightLight, etc. Find out about the Christian Nightlife Initiatives Network and Street Angels.
Since launching in Halifax in 2005, the concept and vision of Street Angels has spread widely across the UK - developing a national vision for faith-based projects working within the night-time economy. Baptists are involved in many projects already.
For help in setting up a new initiative, go to
The Christian Nightlife Initiatives Network offers support, resources and promotion for projects
A new development is Love Your Streets offering acts of kindness at any time of day!
2011 is the 400th anniversary of the ‘King James’ translation of the Bible - a unique opportunity for the Church to focus its attention on the Word of God. Biblefresh is an initiative which aims to encourage and inspire Christians across the UK to a deeper level of engagement with the Bible, with a focus during 2011 - the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. It brings together over 40 agencies, including resource providers, children’s and youth organisations, festivals and training organisations.
Biblefresh - Get a Grip Tour In a survey of Christians in summer 2010, 65% stated that they wanted to attend training about how to understand the difficult texts of the Bible.
As a special promotion CWR have joined with Biblefresh to offer free copies of ‘Getting the Best from the Bible’ by Selwyn Hughes to ALL Biblefresh churches. The book can be used over a 6-week period and contains practical help and teaching on the topic of meditating on the Word. It can also be used in a small-group setting and is an ideal resource to mobilise whole churches to get into God’s Word every day.
The Bible is a puzzle, which takes a lifetime to grapple with. But its complexity actually helps us to know God better: the more we wrestle with the written word, the deeper our encounter with the living Word. Get a Grip is a series of events, which take a head, hands and heart approach, helping you intellectually, practically and spiritually with the Bible. These daytime events will be taking place at: Glasgow - 28 October Belfast - tbc Cardiff - 3 November London - 7 November Durham - 8 November
You can order FREE copies of Getting the Best from the Bible for your church for any Biblefresh initiative you might be planning for 2011. They will be packed in boxes of 25 books and can be ordered in multiple boxes. For details and ordering, see:
For full details, see:
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You are invited to write 2011 is the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version of the Bible. Baptists believe that the Bible is just as significant and relevant today. You and others in your church and home group are invited to write modern day messages in two biblical styles and submit them any time before the end of August for inclusion in a publication bible messages for today that will be made available in the autumn. Use your own experiences of God and observations of the world to write either: ◊ a modern-day parable (max 150 words) ◊ a modern-day psalm (max 300 words) ◊ or both!
arranged in six representing an ministry.
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Baptists responding to Biblefresh
All Baptists are invited to write ‘bible messages for today’, based on their own experiences of God and the world. Please encourage people in your church to write and submit their modern-day parables and psalms by the end of August. More information can be found at:
oadway, Didcot OX11 8RT
Spurgeon’s College Discount If you have long wanted to do some biblical study yet never got around to it - here is your opportunity. As a special promotion for Biblefresh, Spurgeon’s College are offering the ‘Reading and Using the Bible’ module on Spurgeon’s Online (distance learning) at £50 instead of £100. To claim you just need to register on the Spurgeon’s Online website and then email quoting: ‘Biblefresh Spurgeon’s offer’.
Buying Bibles for local primary schools Bibles for Children is a national charity that presents Bibles to children in the primary schools of the UK. Presentations of the Bibles are made at a school assembly - with every boy and girl in years 2 - 6 receiving either a copy of The Children’s Bible or the Rainbow Good News Bible.
In the year of the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, The People’s Bible aims to reconnect the British public with the Bible. At venues across the country, people are invited to write a pair of verses to join the occasion and make their mark in history.
The Children’s Bible is a collection of nearly 300 stories from the Bible re-told by Anne De Graaf and is printed in large print with beautiful illustrations by Jose Montero. It has been widely acclaimed and is designed to give children of primary school age the best possible introduction to the Bible.
The People’s Bible is a joint venture between Bible Society in England and Wales and the Scottish Bible Society. It will create a unique legacy for future generations.
A Welsh language edition of The Children’s Bible is also available.
The project began at Edinburgh Castle on 19 June 2011 and will end at Westminster Abbey on 16 November 2011. Check out the website for details of dates and venues in your area, and encourage people to get involved. Or order a small ‘scribe station’ to use in your local town or village.
A follow-on scheme for future years, which caters for new pupils in Year 2 and children in entering year 6, is available. Could your church get involved in sponsoring and supporting this initiative and letting your local primary school know about it? Find out more at:
Volunteers are needed to help run the event locally: • Help set-up and take-down the road show • Help people to make their contribution in The People’s Bible • Provide hospitality for the touring crew and volunteers • Help identify somewhere safe to park the van during the day and overnight For details of the People’s Bible tour, and ways to get involved, see
Table Talk Wouldnʼt it be great to be able to have meaningful conversations with our family and friends about the things that really matter in life? Wouldnʼt it be great to be able to get together around a table to talk, laugh, be understood and get to know anotherʼs point of view? Some of us will be better at this than others but often the problem is knowing how to start! The aim of Table-Talk is to provide a safe place for people to begin to have these kinds of conversations about the important questions in life.
“As a church the table talk concept is changing the way we view evangelism and helping us to talk ‘normally’ with our friends about what we believe.” Ruth Rice, New Life Baptist Church, Nottingham
The hope is that as you get together over six sessions, conversation will flourish and relationships will be built and strengthened.
Table Talk with Friends (available in English and Welsh versions) and Table Talk for Blokes are the first two titles in a series of nine. Each pack costs £24.99 (including UK p&p). For more information, see For a 30 second video about Table Talk for Blokes, see the ‘Courses’ section of
A new faith sharing course from the Methodist Church to help individuals and congregations to talk about their faith journey. Written by a group of evangelism and mission experts from across the country, the course will give people more confidence when it comes to sharing the stories of their faith in everyday life. All the material you need is free to download from: cfm?fuseaction=opentoworld.content&cmid=3400
New resources from CWR for evangelism and for discipling new Christians Travelling Light Answers to seekers’ questions about the Christian Faith, by Jeff Lucas 16-page booklet - £6.99 for a pack of 10 copies. Travelling through Life Every Day for New Christians 30 undated days of Bible readings present foundational truths to help those starting out on their Christian journey, by Jeff Lucas 32-page paperback - £2.75 per copy
Sharing Faith the Jesus Way Written for all those who feel they cannot share their faith, this new book explores principles linked to how Jesus shared the good news. Each chapter includes practical exercises to explore with a friend or wider group. Author: Jim Currin Publisher: BRF (July 2011) ISBN: 978 18410 1862 1 RRP: £7.99
Life - The Journey for New Christians A six lesson DVD Course with Jeff Lucas £18.99 inc VAT 12
Test of FAITH: Does science threaten belief in God?
speak to the way in which their science has enriched their discovery of God and subsequent faith journey.
Equipping the church to address science-faith issues
There are also study resources for churches, adult small groups, UK secondary schools, and Christian youth groups.
The challenge often put forward is that God is a delusion and science has removed the need for faith in anything. We can’t leave the conversation there.
Contributors include Prof. Alister McGrath; Sir John Polkinghorne, FRS; Dr Francis Collins, former Director of the Human Genome Project; Astrophysicist Prof. Katherine Blundell, Oxford University; plus many other leading scientists and theologians.
This award-winning three-part documentary asks the question, ‘How do believing scientists respond to this challenge?’ They have been trained to think and test ideas to the limit. If their faith and their science are both genuine searches for the truth, we need to hear from them.
A wonderful resource for churches. It brilliantly demonstrates that science and Christianity are not enemies but perfectly compatible. I commend it wholeheartedly! Krish Kandiah, The Evangelical Alliance
The Test of FAITH DVD is the centrepiece of a set of resources from The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion that are designed to help churches and other groups navigate the questions raised when science and faith meet. To accompany the DVD is a book, Test of FAITH: Spiritual Journeys with Scientists, containing testimonies from ten scientists, all of whom can
ADVENTURES TO SUPPORT YOUR MINISTRY Contact details: Rock UK Trailblazers offers fantastis low cost outdoor Rock UK Trailblazers fantastic lowproviding cost outdoor in the UK8000 and overseas providing the perfect way to adventures in the offers UK and overseas the adventures Tel: 0844 222 support whether it is for men, outreach, Encourage your contacts to make the most of these perfectyour wayministry, to support your ministry, whether it or family. Email: genuine opportunities deepen people’s Christian faith inWebsite: a fresh and exciting way. Click here for website. is for men, outreach,helping or family. Encourage your contacts to make the most of these genuine opportunities helping deepen people’s Christian faith in a fresh and exciting way.
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The Outlook Trust provides encouragement, inspiration and the enabling of evangelism and mission to anyone who answers God’s call to work among those of older age. It encourages older people to make the most of their lives for God. Its vision is to enable every
In association with Soda Pictures, Damaris has produced free resources for The First Grader (certificate 12A), released in UK cinemas on 24 June 2011. These resources are a brilliant way to help people think about what the Bible has to say on issues like perseverance, the importance of education and the value of older people.
older person (over 55) to hear and respond to the gospel of Christ. Find out more from the Outlook Trust website, or download their latest newsletter. The Wycliffe Centre, Horsleys Green, High Wycombe, Bucks HP14 3XL Tel: 01494 485222 Email:
The First Grader is the true story of Kimani N’gan’ga Maruge, an octogenarian Kenyan man who exercised his right to an education and battled bureaucracy to take his place at primary school. Set against the background of Maruge’s history as a Mau Mau rebel, the film celebrates the power of education and one man’s indomitable spirit.
John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is a wonderful story of a pligrim called Christian and his adventures as he tries to find his way to the City of Gold (Heaven). Liz Stacey has developed an interactive study guide which she’s used with some 80 and 90 year old seniors to help them gain a greater understanding of what the Christian life is all about. Many found faith, and all experienced comfort.
Resources from Damaris include: • Special talk and sermon suggestions from ‘Tools for Talks,’ featuring downloadable clips from the film • A special edition of Movie Moments with Carol Pollard discussing the value of the older generation
The study guide is now available at £25 +p&p (this includes permission to photocopy up to 10 copies). To order a copy, or find out more, contact Liz Stacey on or 01962 808783.
Further information is available at:
Diploma in Third Age, Mission and Ministry
The Third Age Mission and Ministry diploma is a two year part-time/distance learning undergraduate diploma directed at those working with old people whether through Church events, pastoral visitation, weekday clubs, care homes, social centres. The teaching is offered through a mixture of lectures, seminars, workshops, group tutorials and individual learning. Download a prospectus from:
New for 2011! In an ageing population, effective and creative work with older people is becoming an urgent need of our time, and thoughtful reflection on the nature of Christian ministry with old people is especially needed.
Sharing Stories on Video Video is a great way to share stories, and there are some exciting stories of Baptists and their crossingplaces being shared on the BUGB website. These videos can also be downloaded to show during a church service, at your church meeting or as a discussion starter in homegroups. The latest additons to the video library are: Give Youth a Chance The team from Hivings Free Church, Chesham talk about the impact of a Home Mission ‘Mission Project’ grant on their community. Through their youth club the church is aiming to provide motivation, confidence and hope, and anti-social behaviour on the estate has already been reduced. Crossingplaces in Glendale In this video made for the Baptist Assembly 2011, Roy Searle speaks about planting the Christian gospel through crossingplaces in the remote rural region of Glendale.
Glendale Crossingplaces (video hosted on Incarnate website) This recent church plant in rural north Northumberland is supported by giving to Home Mission. In this short video, produced by Incarnate, Bill Eugster talks about the importance of forming relationships in establishing a community exploring what the Kingdom of God might look like now, in this land of the ancient Celtic saints. Community Choir Mission Adviser Kathryn Morgan speaks to Alison John about the Community Choir which she set up for Christmas.
Laurie Burn Baptist minister Laurie Burn shares the story of Totterdown Baptist Church in Bristol which has initiated a number of community projects advertised through the church’s community newsletter.
Tracy Cotterell Tracy, of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, talks about encouraging Christians to be missionary disciples, making a difference where they are.
Cafe Church - Penny Marsh In this video produced by Incarnate, church planter Penny Marsh speaks about planting a cafe church at the Bluewater Shopping Centre. To see all the BUGB videos, have a look at:
to help those who are considering starting a new form of church
PRISM is the name given by the Baptist Union of Scotland (BUS) to a new pioneer planting initiative. The idea is that as light is broken up into different colours as it passes through a prism, so God’s light shines through the church and has many different colourful expressions. It is hoped that through PRISM the colour and vibrancy of Baptist churches in Scotland will be enhanced.
Crucible is a training programme for Christians with courage and imagination, who suspect: • We live in a mission context and need to think like missionaries. • We need to think creatively about church in diverse and changing cultures. • We serve the God who constantly does new things on the margins.
The traditional view of church planting is to send a team from the planting congregation into another geographical area to start a new church in a similar style to the sending church. The concept behind PRISM is the releasing and resourcing of individuals who have a vision for something different; maybe a new format of worship, a new structure of meeting or a church that would reach a distinct group of people not presently reached by the church.
Find out more at crucible/crucible-course or download the latest Crucible brochure
PRISM will seek to build a team around the pioneers from several local churches, providing resources and appropriate training where necessary. Since our vision is for radical innovative expressions of church, the pioneers will be exposed to significant faith challenges. We will walk that journey of faith with them, rather than sending them off into the sunset. At present there are many people who feel called to full-time pastoral ministry who share Baptist convictions but question whether they would fit the traditional Baptist church ministry as we know it. PRISM provides a way of releasing this new generation of visionary leaders. However the major catalyst is the change in society. There are many people today who would never look towards church to find the answers they are searching for. The hope is that the PRISM initiative will create forms of church that are more accessible to post-Christian Scotland.
Church Planting 101, Bristol
Churches are asked to direct the BUS to individuals in their congregation who have the potential to be Pioneers and lead new ministries or to get together with other local churches in a region and cast a vision of planting something fresh together.
Saturday, 1st October 2011
Church Planting 101, Cardiff Church planting
Fresh expressions of church
Saturday, 8th October 2011
Emerging churches
Incarnational communities
Can’t make Bristol? Church Planting 101 in Cardiff the week after - Church planting
Fresh expressions of church
Emerging churches
Incarnational communities
Can’t make Cardiff? Church Planting 101 in Bristol the week before -
For more information see uk/sites/default/files/files/prism.pdf
mission shaped ministry is a year’s course to prepare a pioneer, or preferably a church planting team together, in setting up a new church or congregation, re-imagining the church for our time and contexts. Attendance at the course is normally six weekday evenings, three Saturdays and one weekend over the year, and participants are taken on a learning journey as part of a supportive community.
24 September • Cambridgeshire/Suffolk Contact: Claire Darracott • Birmingham Contact: Jonathan Dowman • Kent and South East Contact: Carol Evans
Courses are starting in the autumn: 3 September • Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Contact: David Fidler 17 September • Cumbria and North Lancashire Contact: Paul Dunstan • Sheffield Contact: Trish Stafford • Lincolnshire Contact: Simon Dean • North East and Borders Contact: Helen Symonds
1 October • Aberdeen Contact: Anna Reid • Muswell Hill, London Contact: Morfa Jones Details of all the courses can be found at:
Video on Baptist Church Planting
Invest is a leadership training and mentoring programme for those who sense that God might be leading them into creating new expressions of church. Teaching is provided in residential blocks through: • An Induction Week • Four Teaching Weekends throughout the year Students will be placed in a church where the values of the course are being lived out and explored. The intended outcome of Invest is to equip Christians to participate in creating new expressions of church. Each participant will have mentoring with an experienced church planter to facilitate a process of personal insight and reflection together with growth in relationship with God.
Baptist Union church, Church From Scratch in Essex, has recently recorded a film with BUGB General Secretary, Jonathan Edwards, on church planting. To watch it, click on the image above, or visit
For more information, see:
The challenge of connecting with young people in our society, and supporting their families is being addressed by many Baptist churches. Some of these employ a youth worker and/or children and family worker, to support church families, including children and teenagers, and help the church develop links with families in the community.
Who Let the Dads Out? is a national initiative all about creating space where dads and their young children can have fun together and is founded on the Christian principle of wanting to demonstrate God’s love to communities.
The following pages include information about resources and events to support such workers. Please forward this information to those in your church who might benefit from it.
The third annual Who Let the Dads Out? conference Reaching out to Fathers and Father Figures Saturday 17 September Heaton Mersey Methodist Church, Stockport. Click here for more information or see:
Back to School with God Sunday Pray for Schools is encouraging local churches to send children, young people, and anyone working in schools Back to School with God, at the start of each academic year. Back to School with God is about inviting God to be part of school life, and affirming support for those who are part of the local school community. It is an opportunity for churches to commission their young people and school staff, and to encourage ongoing prayer for local schools throughout the year. The prayers available for download could be included in a church service near the beginning of term in September. Other ideas include interviewing a teacher or young person about their life at school, or asking them to do a reading as part of the service.
Arise Ministries Phoenix Court, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon, Essex SS14 3EZ telephone: 01268 530531 email: web:
Schools Prayer Network Scotland has promoted Back to School with God across Scotland for several years, and has lots of additional resources including outlines of services.
Be inspired so you can go on inspiring others!
Whether you are thinking about starting a toddler group, have only been running one for a few years or you are a veteran in the world of toddler groups, Care for the Family wants to inspire you to look at toddler groups in a new way, and hear your inspirational ideas too!
Toddler groups are a lifeline to the parents and toddlers who come along each week. They are also an extremely accessible ‘first step’ into the church for these families.
See p5
Children and Family Workers’ Network
If you are employed as a Children and Family Worker in a BUGB church and would like to be part of the Network, please complete the form on the website and return it to the BUGB Mission Department. Alternatively, email
Toddler Group Rocks
Tuesday 25 October Albany Road Baptist Church, Cardiff
Youthworkers’ Network
Click here for more information and to book or contact
If you are employed as a Youthworker in a BUGB church and would like to be part of the Network, please complete the form on the website and return it to the BUGB Mission Department. Alternatively, email
Giving Young People a Second Chance
TLG is holding a free Church Leaders’ Day on 11 October in Bradford. If your church wants to reach out to some of the hardest to reach young people in your area, this day is a great opportunity to hear more about how TLG works and to meet the TLG team. Contact David Horsfall on or 01274 900 385 or visit The Lighthouse Group website.
The Lighthouse Group (TLG) is a Christian charity that seeks to empower and equip the local church to transform the lives of young people who are struggling in education. TLG Education Centres are churchowned and run schools where secondary school children facing exclusion can come to continue their education. Early Intervention Centres are where church-based volunteer behaviour coaches go into local primary schools to mentor children struggling with behavioural, educational, social or emotion difficulties. TLG wants to see the local church become the first port of call for a young person in crisis.
See also the new BUGB video Give Youth a Chance click on the image below:
Youthwork the conference helping young people become world changers
young people to play their part in tackling extreme poverty. Other speakers include: Rob Parsons (Care for the family), Gavin Calver (Youth for Christ), Patrick Regan (XLP), Cris Rogers (Church leader) and many more. Worship throughout the weekend will be led by Vicky Beeching.
Faith is about living in the future now, knowing that God has called us to bring hope to the world. This is what youth workers know and do – day in, day out, week in, week out.
With 35 sessions across the weekend, a large exhibition area to pick up ideas, plus After Hours entertainment – any youth worker, whether full/part time or volunteer, will leave equipped, encouraged and full of new ideas.
This year’s annual Youthwork the conference (Eastbourne, 18-20 November) will focus on how youth workers play a key role in encouraging young people to get off the sidelines and get their hands dirty to become real world changers.
If you have a youth worker in your church, send them along for only £90 if you book before 30 September.
Speakers include Scott Todd from Compassion and 21 year old activist Zach Hunter both of whom have spoken extensively on motivating
For more info visit:
Supporting Pre-schoolers and their Families During the summer, many churches host holiday clubs for local school-aged children, whilst their toddler groups close for the six weeks.
If you are working with pre-school groups, you’ve probably come across Scripture Union’s Tiddlywinks range of resources, intended to help under-5s workers to have fun with young children whilst they learn more about God.
Why not put on pre-school activities for these younger children alongside your activities for older children. Over the last few years all of Scripture Union’s holiday club materials have had under-5s resources available to be downloaded for free from the website. Each session links to the same Bible passages as the main resource and is designed to be used for a whole week or for one or two days.
You may not know that each month you can find a free idea taken from one of Scripture Union’s resources available to download from the website. Have a look at: download.aspx?filename=Family%20Fun%20day. pdf&nodeid=151000
To see the full range, including 2011’s Mission Rescue resource for under-5s, see HolidayclubsforUnder5s/
Sign up too for the Tiddlywinks newsletter from Scripture Union for leaders working with under 5s in church and toddler groups. The newsletter contains links to new and seasonal resources, news about training events and tips and ideas for your under 5s group. Register to receive the e-newsletter at: https:// id?sid=1052
The Playtime newsletter, from Care for the Family, is full of real-life stories, practical ideas, and helpful information for toddler group leaders and their teams. Get a much-needed dose of encouragement straight to your inbox, five times a year, by signing up at cr.aspx – and encourage your team to sign up for their own copy, too.
Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland Baptist Union of Scotland Alan Donaldson 0141 423 6169 Scottish Baptist College Principal - Jim Gordon 0141 848 3988
1 Shetland Islands
Northern John Singleton 2 01642 655551 North Western Sandra Crawford 01942 221595
Northern Baptist College Glen Marshall 0161 249 2520 Yorkshire Jane Day 0113 278 4954
3 2 4 4
Baptist Union of Wales Marc Owen 5 01267 245660
Y Coleg Gwyn (North Wales Baptist College) Elfryn Jones 5 01248 362608
South Wales Andy Hughes 029 2049 1366
West of England Alisdair Longwill 01453 883308 Bristol Baptist College Principal - Stephen Finamore 0117 946 7050
12 14
Channel Islands
London David Shosanya 0208 543 6447
Spurgeon’s Baptist College Roger Standing 12 020 8653 0850 ex228 South West Malc Reddaway 07917 330030
Central Helen Wordsworth 10 01788 817292 Eastern Richard Lewis 01842 754953
South Wales Baptist College Principal - John Weaver 8 029 2025 6066
Heart of England Adrian Argile 6 0121 472 4986 East Midland Dianne Tidball 07971 337872
Southern Counties Colin Norris 07725 039943 Regent’s Park Baptist College Nick Wood 01865 288129 South Eastern Stuart Davison 01444 253163
BMS World Mission Peter Dunn
Irish Baptist Networks Stephen Adams
BUGB Mission Department Ian Bunce 01235 517716 BUGB Mission Department Kathryn Morgan 01235 517704
August 2011