missionscene - December 2011

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December 2011

Mission through the seasons p4

The Big Jubilee Lunch p10

Can you be an Olympic Games pastor?

A bi-monthly publication of the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland


In this edition Page 3

Editorial: Alisdair Longwill introduces this edition, looking at mission through the seasons.

Pages 4-6

Using the seasons: Special events in 2012 year planner, Creative Mission

Pages 7-8 Baptist Events: Find out about what’s going on and how you can get involved: Youth Children and Family Workers’ Residential, Incarnate houseparty, Out of the Ashes tour Page 9-11

Other Events: Events being run by other organisations which may be of interest to you or others in your church Lead Academy taster days, Cafe Church Network training day, Crucible course, Mission opportunity from the EBF, Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Carry the Torch

Pages 12-18 Resources: A range of resources to help you and your church in mission Evangelism: has the pendulum swung too far? More to Christmas card, Biblefresh Advent prayer, Christmas Unwrapped, ChurchAds.net, The Christmas Experience, Share the Story, Get in the Picture and competition, Christianity.org.uk, Paperless Christmas, Christmas crossingplaces Mission File, Bible Messages for Today, Funding Central grants, Poverty and Homelessness Action Week, More than Gold: Olympic Games pastors, New resource from Bible Society, Putting on a Comedy night for the community, Viewfinder service resources for 18-30s Pages 19-24

Youth, Children and Family Workers: News of events and resources suitable for those working with children, young people and families Messy Teenagers, Hand in Hand conference, Youth Children and Family Workers’ Residential, Church-based Toddler Groups, Mainly music, Church-based Toddler Groups, BWA conference, Prayer spaces in schools, Side by Side with God, Top Tips: worshipping with under-5s, FURY Prayers, Seeking Young Adults for the BUGB Younger Leaders’ Forum

Page 24

A final word

Page 25

Contact details: Get in touch with your local representative on the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland

is a bi-monthly publication of the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland

are where • with we are: non-belie vers • with the inten t to be, to think as do, Christ w • with ould in th to say and to an expec e situati tancy th transform at someth on ational w ing ill happe A crossin n gplace m ay involv church e e us as p vent, in art of a w a smalle part, or r group o hole on our o f which w wn in ou e are r daily liv ing.

Sign up to receive a direct link to each new edition at www.fbbi.eu


It goes without saying that Christmas is a significant time of the year. It is significant in many ways – not least of all in that it has the potential to remind us of the mission of God – and of where that mission might lead. God is always reaching outwards to mankind – perfectly illustrated in the sending of Jesus. This is the same Jesus who wonderfully demonstrates how God goes about mission – reaching out in person, through relationships (often sacrificial ones), and within a particular context in history, geography, and culture. In John 20:21, Jesus passes the mantle of God’s mission on to the disciples: ‘…Just as the Father sent me, I [now] send you.’ He sends them (and us!) to engage in the mission of God in Jesus’ own way – reaching out in person, through relationships (often sacrificial ones), and within a particular context in history, geography, and culture.

Christmas for example, is a time of year when people are inclined to socialise. Could you use this time of year to deepen your relationships with friends, neighbours (you normally just ‘nod’ towards) or colleagues - to show the grace and generosity of God and, when you have an opportunity, inquire about how they understand Christmas? Do they think the ‘religious’ aspect of Christmas is still relevant today: if so – in what way? They might even reciprocate and ask us how we understand it?

We will shortly enter the season of Advent. Before very long it will be Easter and spring, then summer (allegedly) and so on… In each of these seasonal contexts God sends us outwards to engage in his mission – just as Jesus did. How can we best make use of the seasons as we engage in the mission of God? Many churches will engage in seasonal evangelism – various Christmas events, Easter services, (summer) Holiday Bible Clubs, (summer) missions. Even Alpha courses tend to be seasonal – beginning at a particular time in the year.

It seems to me that an essential part of the relational ‘equation’ is the on-going development of relationships with others. Not so much ‘hit and run’ as ‘let’s do this again…and sometime soon.’

I wonder how might we as individuals, families or small groups of friends or colleagues engage in the mission of God throughout the seasons? Jesus has called us not only to love God but also to love our neighbours as ourselves. Surely, this means engaging with others and developing relationships with them – both those who are Christians and those who are not-yet Christians. How might you and I best use the variety of the seasons to build on our existing relationships and also to develop new ones?

Christmas is followed by New Year celebrations, which are followed by Burn’s Night, then Easter (just to mention the important ones!). In the summer we have the Olympics…Wimbledon… and in between will be all kind of social events for meeting face to face (or shoulder to shoulder, for men). How might you and I best use these seasonal events as we join in the mission of God? And what might God get up to as we volunteer for his mission? Alisdair Longwill Regional Minister West of England Baptist Association


Special Events in 2012 which make ideal crossingplace opportunities

April 1 - 7 April Holy Week www.hopetogether.org.uk/Articles/221872/HOPE/ Resources/Books/HOPE_for_Easter.aspx

January 28 January to 5 February Poverty and Homelessness Action Week ‘Breaking Barriers’ www.actionweek.org.uk/html/home.html

Sunday 8 April Easter Sunday Thursday 12 April Centenary of the sinking of the Titanic www.internetevangelismday.com/blog/ archives/5174

February Sunday 5 February Education Sunday 2012 www.educationsunday.org.uk

April is Digital Outreach Month Sunday 29 April Internet Evangelism Day www.internetevangelismday.com

Tuesday 14 February Valentine’s Day www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/missionfiles/ doc_download/379-sharing-a-message-of-love-onvalentines-day.html

May Saturday 19 May – 27 July Olympic Torch Relay Find out when the Torch will be near you at: www.london2012.com/olympic-torch-relay-map Find out how you can get involved at: www. morethangold.org.uk/service/the-torch-relay.html

Tuesday 21 February Shrove Tuesday (‘Pancake Day’) www.hopetogether.org.uk/Articles/221872/HOPE/ Resources/Books/HOPE_for_Easter.aspx 22 February - 7 April Lent - beginning on Ash Wednesday www.hopetogether.org.uk/Articles/221872/HOPE/ Resources/Books/HOPE_for_Easter.aspx

Sunday 27 May Pentecost Sunday 28 May - 3 June - tbc National Family Week www.nationalfamilyweek.co.uk

27 February - 11 March Fairtrade Fortnight www.fairtrade.org.uk


Wednesday 29 February A Leap Year use it as a day of blessing

Saturday 2 - Tuesday 5 June Diamond Jubilee bank holiday celebration


Sunday 3 June The Big Jubilee Lunch www.thebiglunch.com/about/jubilee-2012.php

Tuesday 8 March International Women’s Day www.internationalwomensday.com

Sunday 10 June Day of prayer for Toddler groups www.1277.org.uk www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/missionfiles/ doc_download/436-toddler-groups.html

Sunday 18 March Mothering Sunday www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/missionfiles/ doc_download/677-mothering-sunday.html

Sunday 17 June Father’s Day www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/missionfiles/ doc_download/373-fathers-day.html




27 July - 12 August London Olympics 2012 www.morethangold.org.uk

September / October Harvest Thursday 18 October St Luke’s Day www.healthcaresunday.org.uk www.parishnursing.org.uk

August Holiday Clubs for Children

For a sports-themed holiday club to link with the Olympics, see this new resource: www.johnhardwick.org.uk/store/index.php?_ a=product&product_id=21

Sunday 21 October Bible Sunday Resources from www.biblesociety.org.uk

For a range of other themes, see www.scriptureunion.org.uk/ HolidayandMidweekClubs/2368.id

Wednesday 31 October Halloween www.scriptureunion.org.uk/Families/Parents/ Talkingabout/Halloween/1198.id

Holiday at Home for elderly


www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/missionfiles/ mission-ideas-and-resources/doc_download/396second-half-of-life-journey-between-third-andfourth-age.html

Thursday 1 November All Souls Day Remembering loved ones who have died, including through miscarriage, stillbirth and newborn death www.careforthefamily.org.uk/article/?article=434

29 August - 9 September Paralympics 2012 www.morethangold.org.uk www.bmsworldmission.org/undefeated

Sunday 11 November Remembrance Sunday



Early September Back to School with God www.prayforschools.org/events/pfs-events/backto-school-with-god

Sunday 2 December Advent Sunday www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/resourcesfor-advent-and-christmas.html?start=1

Sunday 23 September The Big Welcome www.baptist.org.uk/thebigwelcome

December www.baptist.org.uk/component/docman/doc_ download/790-christmas-crossingplaces.html Get in the Picture www.getinthepicture.org.uk Carol service www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/resourcesfor-advent-and-christmas.html?start=2 Christingle Service www.childrenssociety.org.uk/what-you-can-do/ fundraising-and-appeals/christingle Crib Service www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/missionfiles/ seasonal-resources/doc_download/372-cribservice.html

Sunday 29 September Global Day of Prayer - London http://gdoplondon.com September / October Harvest New resource coming from Hope Together www.hopetogether.org.uk www.bmsworldmission.org/resources/video/ harvest

Tuesday 25 December Christmas Day


Creative Mission Over 50 ideas for special days, celebrations, festivals, community-based projects and seasonal activities

A review of Creative Mission

Creative Mission sets out to demonstrate that mission is fun, practical, easy-to-do and, above all, possible. The book contains a wealth of ideas to help churches, large and small, urban and rural, to connect with people who have occasional contact with the church, as well as suggestions for the church family to join in community events.

I do not know about you, but sometimes I just need an idea to get me started to create a mission event. The book Creative Mission states on the cover that is has over 50 ideas for special days, celebrations, festivals, community-based projects and seasonal activities. In fact, as I looked through this book, I noticed it had far more than 50 ideas. Some were around events Baptists would normally celebrate, such as Harvest, Easter and Christmas; others were less obvious - midsummer’s day, welcoming tourists, Lammastide and Bonus day!

Creative Mission Author: Rona Orme ISBN: 978 1 84101 806 5 RRP: ÂŁ8.99

For each occasion it has a wealth of ideas to help churches, large or small, urban or rural, to connect with people who have occasional contact with a church as well as suggestions for the church family to join in community events. Many of the ideas are for families, children and adults, to enjoy together or alongside one another. The ideas are arranged to fit the four seasons and the church calendar, plus well known secular points in the year.

Publisher: BRF - Barnabas for Children (2011)

Each idea, as well as putting it into context, is backed up by biblical texts, website details to find out more, and ideas to get you thinking out of the box. As well as helping you to think of mission ideas and event, this book would be a great help for anyone who has regular school assemblies or all age worship to plan. This is one of those books that you want to have and use often for inspiration and ideas. You would keep taking it off the shelf to get another idea from it or it would springboard further ideas to note in the margins for future occasions. My prayer is that churches, leaderships and individuals will be inspired by this book to see there are ways both within Christian festivals and using secular events, such as Red Nose Days, for the church to be engaged in the community and world. I wholeheartedly commend this book as a resource that should be on the shelf of every Christian worker. More importantly, that it should affect the way we do mission and our missional thinking. Well worth the ÂŁ8.99 cover price.

Ian Bunce


Incarnate Church Planters’ Gathering // 20-22 March 2012 Healthy churches, healthy planters

The annual gathering is a great opportunity to mix with a wide range of church planters, pioneers, overseers and those wondering if this could be their future. Margaret Gibbs will help us explore ‘Healthy church planters’: Margaret served with BMS World Mission in Nepal and then at the Albanian Bible Institute and is now the BMS Regional Team Leader for Asia. A key part of her role is encouraging the physical and spiritual well-being of BMS personnel.

A number of day and residential events are available throughout the year with inspiring speakers, the opportunity to share ideas and encouragement, and meet with others working in similar situations. Please book your place at events as early as possible and note that some venues have limited space - places may fill up before the closing date.

Stuart Murray Williams will help us to explore ‘Healthy church plants’: Too many churches planted in the past twenty years have failed to thrive, remained immature or developed pathologies of various kinds. What can we do to encourage and resource the planting of healthy, missional churches? Might our fear of measuring ‘success’ be hindering us from asking the hard questions? How can we assess the health and vitality of the churches we plant? The gathering will use a mix of workshops, interactive sessions, talks, coaching and times of prayer and reflection to explore the theme - all this and other content facilitated by the Incarnate Network team.

A space for all sorts Youth, Children and Family Workers’ Gathering


a gathering for those employed in youth and children’s ministries in Baptist churches organised and hosted by the Association Youth officers

Venue, accommodation

Incarnate Church Planters’ Gathering

20-22 March 2012 Derbyshire

Healthy churches, healthy planters

in partnership with Baptist Union of Great Britain Mission Department

Somersal Cottages, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5PD www.somersalcottages.co.uk

King’s Park Conference Centre, Northampton

Booking Terms

22 - 23 May 2012

Book by 1 February at the discounted price of £115 which includes meals, the event and accommodation in shared rooms. Single rooms at £80 supplement. (After 1 February, shared rooms £126, single rooms at £94 supplement.)



Book online at www.incarnate-network.eu

ate Mission Department, Baptist Union of GB, Baptist House PO Box 44 129 Broadway Didcot Oxon OX11 8RT telephone 01235 517713 facsimile 01235 517715 email mission@baptist.org.uk Registered Charity Number 1125912

See page 19 for details, or www.baptist.org.uk/events.html 7

Out of the Ashes Tour 2012 Peter Gladwin was barely one when a domestic fire left him partially disabled and horribly scarred. The third of nine children, he was raised on a very rough council estate in Halifax. Peter was always in trouble with the police, in and out of care homes, spending his time on the streets. Then he was stabbed in a gang fight and effectively lost the use of his right arm. Every relationship failed. For years, Peter took refuge in gambling, drinking and drugs. Then at the age of twenty-four he was the victim of a hit and run. His sister Annette, four years senior, was called after Peter contemplated suicide at the age of twenty-nine. The message she shared was the start of Peter’s profound transformation. In 1993 he started a two-year Theological and Pastoral course at Regent’s Park College, and met his wife Sarah. After years working in drug rehabilitation and as a probation service officer in Hampshire, he now speaks about his experiences in order to help others. Listen to Peter share some of his story at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaVVlHlAE5k

Peter has been a member of Andover Baptist Church for the last 10 years and through an amazing set of circumstances has written his autobiography which was published by Lion Hudson in October. Peter will be touring the UK and Ireland throughout 2012. At this stage, he is particularly focused on securing bookings between January and April 2012, but is willing to consider other dates. Please note that due to the content of Peter’s testimony, this event is unsuitable for those under 15 years of age. The evening will be equally accessible and relevant to both believers and to those outside of the church.

Author: Peter Gladwin Publisher: Lion Hudson RRP: £7.99 ISBN: 978 18542 4992 0 Published: 21 October 2011

For more details of the tour see:


Having listened to Peter, I have been inspired and encouraged by his passion for Jesus and his desire to communicate the impact the gospel can make. His down-to-earth nature, combined with humour, underpinned by biblical truth, make him accessible and a voice that God has and will continue to use to build his Kingdom. I look forward to hearing how his life story will continue to impact many, to God’s glory. David Judkins, Associate Minister, Andover Baptist Church


Crucible Crucible is a training programme for Christians with courage and imagination, who suspect:

By offering two-year learning communities for church leadership teams who share similar ministry contexts, Lead Academy uses a distinctive and creative approach to equipping leaders and helping churches fulfil their vision.

• We live in a mission context and need to think like missionaries. • We need to think creatively about church in diverse and changing cultures. • We serve the God who constantly does new things on the margins.

Many people would like to explore further before they are ready to invest in joining a two-year Learning Community, so why not sign up to one of the Taster days for a stimulating few hours, discover more and find out if this may be just what your leadership team needs?

Crucible consists of three intensive training weekends each year to equip Christians to follow Jesus on the margins.

• Tuesday 17 January - Woodlands Church, Bristol • Thursday 19 January - St Paul’s Church, St Albans

Find out more at www.urbanexpression.org.uk/ crucible/crucible-course Download the 2011-2012 Crucible brochure from www.baptist.org.uk/component/docman/doc_ download/874-crucible-brochure.html

To book go to www.leadacademy.net/events Lead Academy is led by Baptist minister Chris Stoddard and further information is available at: www.leadacademy.net or email info@leadacademy.net

To book your place, contact Doreen Westley at crucible@urbanexpression.org.uk

Cafe Church Network Training Days

Come to a training day that will equip you to run a cafechurch. The next day will be on Saturday 28 January in Bournemouth. More details and booking forms available from: www.cafechurch.net email: info@cafechurch.net / tel: 020 8664 8506

A mission opportunity from the European Baptist Fellowship The EBF is looking for churches in the UK which are interested in mission work in Romania. They have projects in Arad which are looking for help from partner organisations and churches. If you’d like to find out more, please contact Ian Bunce on ibunce@baptist.org.uk


The Big Jubilee Lunch will be a part of the main programme of events over the central weekend of Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The beauty of The Big Lunch is that people themselves decide everything about their own event. The venue can be wherever you want or have space, the theme whatever you fancy - food and people are the key ingredients. You can close your road if you fancy a big street party or use a local park for a small community BBQ - it really is up to you. The Big Lunch team will be available to help you plan your Big Jubilee Lunch event. Get in touch via info@thebiglunch.com, call 0845 850 8181 to speak to one of the team, or see www.thebiglunch.com. HOPE is partnering and supporting the Big Lunch.

To mark 60 years of the Queen’s reign the Diamond Jubilee will take place in 2012. The celebrations will centre around an extended weekend bank holiday weekend in 2012 on 2, 3, 4 and 5 June.

The Jubilee is a major opportunity for the Church to join in what is going on in their communities or to host a big lunch in a street near your church. HOPE are working on some amazing resources and ideas that will help you to use this brilliant mission opportunity - and we’ll share more information soon.

This is a great crossingplace opportunity, as local communities gather to celebrate. Now is the time to start praying, discussing and planning (if you haven’t already!) and find ways for your church to work together with other organisations in the neighbourhood.

Roy Crowne, HOPE’s Executive Director, said: “This is a calendar moment and an unmissable opportunity to make connections in your area, to be part of building up your community and to use opportunities for outreach through our words and actions. This could be just the start of 2012 community engagement with the Olympic celebrations following on. As followers of Jesus we should be in the business of community-building and sharing our hope with others.”

Saturday 2 June - The Queen will attend the Epsom Derby Sunday 3 June - The Big Jubilee Lunch Monday 4 June - BBC Concert at Buckingham Palace

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons: A network of 2,012 Beacons

Tuesday 5 June - Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral and a formal carriage Procession by The Queen.


Sources of help and guidance for the Big Jubilee Lunch Big Jubilee Lunch www.thebiglunch.com/about/jubilee-2012.php A very extensive website with ideas, games, decor, food, recipes, music, art,etc. As a crossingplace opportunity www.hopetogether.org.uk/Groups/181443/HOPE/ The_Big_Lunch/The_Big_Lunch.aspx Resources will be available soon from this website. How to organise a street party www.streetparty.org.uk/residents Full of practical advice on insurance, street closure etc

Beacons Find out more about the events happening near you, and how to register your own event for free www.diamondjubileebeacons.co.uk/Diamond_ Jubilee_Beacons/HOME.html Local government advice www.communities.gov.uk/publications/ communities/streetpartyguide www.direct.gov.uk/en/HomeAndCommunity/ Gettinginvolvedinyourcommunity/Charities/ DG_192701


One ThOusand Leaders TO Carry The TOrCh FOr WembLey 2012 Over one thousand the Great GreatHall Over one thousandleaders, leaders,gathered gathered in in the HallatatWembley WembleyStadium StadiumononSaturday Saturday17th 17 September, September, took challengetoto‘Be ‘BeThe TheTorch’ Torch’for for UK UK revival took upup thethe challenge by helping mobilise Christians acrossacross the British revival by helping mobilise Christians the Isles to fill the stadium for a national day of prayer on 29th British Isles to fill the stadium for a national day of September 2012. prayer on 29 September 2012. At the GDOP London hosted Prayer Summit, leaders from all denominations, streams, networks and ethnic backgrounds responded with arms raised and widespread applause when convener Jonathan Oloyede commissioned them to come back to Wembley in 2012 bringing tens of thousands of praying believers.

Carry The Torch is hosted GDOPand London in in Delegates from Africa, Australia,byEurope USA stood collaboration with denominations (including prayer with teams from the Isles, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Anglia, Birmingham, Newcastle, Nottingham, Liverpool, the Baptist Union of Great Britain), national Manchester and local Leeds.churches There were from many organisations, andleaders regional networks. regions within Yorkshire, the Northeast, Northwest, East/ The Wembley Stadium National Day of Prayer West Midlands, South West, South East and London. Over scheduled Saturday 29 September 2012 2000 others for watched the gathering LIVE via the GDOP is an invitation to the whole of the British Isles. It London website. is hoped that Christians from Scotland, Ireland, There wasWales a tangible spirit of unity and hunger for to England, and the Isles will unite together national transformation as leaders joined hands repent, pray for revival and collaborate for mission. to pray for the nation. For moretogether information Tel: 08456 528 600 www.gdoplondon.com

Many remarked that it was a sign of God’s favour as the This memorable time of commissioning was the climax of sun shone all day over Wembley, while other parts of the an historic day when key national and international leaders11 capital were covered in rain. They all marvelled as a mighty shared from the platform including Gerald Coates, Colin bright rainbow arched right over the stadium just as the

Evangelism: has the pendulum swung too far? The Christian calendar presents opportunities and whilst our society doesn’t perhaps understand Harvest, Pentecost, Easter, other than having some time off, Christmas at least creates a conversation. Most, or a great deal, of society know little or nothing of the ‘reason for the season’ but there are at least some pointers, some connection. The challenge for the Christian community then is to engage with our culture at a time when the opportunity presents itself to explain what it’s really about; to start that conversation; to identify a crossingplace; a God-given moment.

There are, across the ecclesiological spectrum, a great many exciting and creative expressions of mission happening. Urban, rural, fresh, emerging, experimental, and viral, are just a sample of Christians working out how the gospel engages with culture. We are properly gaining ground on understanding our culture, and don’t get me wrong it’s good, very good. However we should ask the question ‘at what cost?’ Have we been pre-occupied with the important and missed the vital?

As a Baptist minister I reckon I’ve had an easier time in starting conversations as within moments of meeting someone they often ask ‘what do you do?’ and hey presto (sorry, Hallelujah) I’m in. Recently at the bistro near to Viz-A-Viz Ministries in Essex, when ordering my hot chocolate and asked about the size (grande, medio, humongous) I was encouraged by the server, “go on…be a devil.” An opportunity.

In all this absolutely necessary re-imagining of mission and recognition of the failure of Christendom, has there been a loss of focus on that part of mission that we call evangelism? The announcement, pronouncement, proclamation of the good news about Jesus? For all the great and right practical expressions of Missio Dei has there been too heavy a price when it comes to speaking about what Jesus has achieved for us at the cross? Has the pendulum swung too far in the direction of demonstration and missed the opportunity, lost the art of articulation?

Chris Duffett, President elect of the BUGB, has many wonderful and creative ways of engaging in conversation and we have much to learn from a man who spends most of his time talking to people about the love of Jesus Christ, and I believe that his presidency will inspire many new initiatives. I’m sure too we could come up with hundreds of examples of creative and relevant evangelism.

Has the militant atheism purported by Dawkins and Toynbee (to name just two) sent us back to declaring that the lost will know Jesus through our actions alone; our voices muffled by hesitancy and loss of confidence? And even if we have the confidence in our personal faith do we have notyet Christians to share our faith with? And what is our motivation? To save them from hell (whatever that means) or share our ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ? A beggar telling another beggar and all that…. And anyway, if presented with the opportunity, how do we start ‘that’ conversation? My wife’s granddad upon meeting a new potential boyfriend for his granddaughter would ask, “Are you washed?” (in the blood!). I’m not sure it’s ever been a good conversation starter for anyone let alone a slightly nervous spotty 18 year old.

Read Chris’s blog at http://duffett.wordpress.com and Chris’s book Smack Heads and Fat Cats which is available for £7.95 from www.gileadbooks.com


More to Christmas Card This year give a Christmas card with a purpose. At Christmas an extra 5.7 million people across the UK attend church. (Churchgoing in the UK, Tearfund research project 2007.) Imagine the difference you could make if you gave all the people who visit your church this Christmas something which will help them to see that Jesus is relevant in their everyday lives.

As we engage I believe we must ask, ‘where’s the fruit?’ ‘Is it working?’ ‘Are we seeing lives transformed?’ If the Mums, Dads and Tots’ group for example, are flourishing then it won’t simply be about numbers attending but about the fruit of the gospel, surely? It’s not simply about telling someone what to do, what to believe. Engagement is about understanding, relevancy, listening, and speaking. If we don’t speak then is the danger that the fruit isn’t harvested? I’m not trying to be simplistic.

The ‘More to Christmas’ card provides an easy way for you to do just that and is an ideal gift for people attending carol services, nativity plays and other special Christmas events. It is also great to give to friends, family and neighbours. Produced by Viz-a-Viz Ministries, the More to Christmas Card includes a DVD with engaging testimonies of people who follow Jesus. The card can also be overprinted with your church’s details. Over 26,000 were sent last year.

Christmas presents a wonderful opportunity to ‘start a conversation’ and that can be over a mince pie, at the Christmas party, at the Carol service, or in the toddler group. In partnership with the Holy Spirit, the confidence we have in God’s word, and the encouragement through prayer and the synergy of others in the local church there is a wonderful opportunity to share our faith in this season of advent.


Allow me to: • Encourage you to pray for the opportunity to speak • Have wisdom to know when to listen, when to speak, what to say • Have clarity in sharing your story, His Story Wouldn’t it be great to have personal evangelism on the agenda of our church meetings? Inspiring and equipping individuals to share their faith? Go on then. Merry Christmas Jon Stannard Jon is the National Director of Viz-A-Viz Ministries UK For more information look at www.vizaviz.org or call 01268 530531


Christmas so easily gets tainted by consumerism, so that many of the things we do each Christmas have little to do with the heart of Christmas. The real message gets lost in a festive flurry of Santas, shopping and tinsel. Several organisations have produced resources to help us to prepare and share the real story of Christmas this year.

Christmas Unwrapped

Advent Prayer – Running the race

The Bible Society has produce some FREE envelope stickers to add to your Christmas cards. Check them out at www.christmasunwrapped.org.uk

Together we can make a difference

Leading up to Christmas this year the Evangelical Alliance is encouraging churches and individuals to take a short time every day of advent to reflect and pray. The benefits could last for a lifetime and beyond.

There are also some great Christmas resources at www.biblesociety.org.uk/christmas11 including: • animated Christmas readings – great for school assemblies or church services • a short Christmas video – which you could embed on your church website

This year’s Advent Prayer leaflet has material from people involved in prayer ministries across the UK. It has been written by the team at More Than Gold - the umbrella organisation working to encourage and equip churches to make the most of the opportunity presented by the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012. They have taken their passion and knowledge to provide some wonderful insights and encouragements.


Once again, ChurchAds.Net have produced a powerful ad campaign for Christmas, proclaiming the message ‘Christmas Starts With Christ’. Visit www.churchads.net to find out how you can get involved.

The Christmas Experience

Linked to the ‘Christmas Starts with Christ’ campaign is this opportunity to follow the dramatic story of Jesus’ birth with a series of free messages via text, email or twitter.

The themes include faith, joy and perseverance. Alongside the reflections are prayers both for us but also for the nations. There are many things that need our prayers as we head into another year. The Advent Prayer material provides a fantastic opportunity both to put Jesus at the centre this Christmas season and to pray for change to come.

Experience the 2000 year old nativity story in real time as eye witness messages are sent direct to you.

Why not get copies of Advent Prayer for your church or prayer group members. Together you can make a difference this advent - a difference that can last long after the decorations have gone.

The story starts on 18 December and finishes on 1 January. It’s free and will give your Christmas a whole new perspective.

To download a free copy or to make a bulk order see: www.eauk.org/advent

Help your church to encounter the Christmas story in a powerful new way, and help those beyond to experience it for the first time. See www.christmasstarts.com/experience/home for details



For people who come into your Christmas events and services and want to find out some more about Christmas and Christianity, don’t forget to put this Christian Enquiry Agency website address on your literature and cards. It now works on smart phones as well. www.christianity.org.uk

Share the Story

Free Christmas cards and bible resources are available for you and your church from SGM Lifewords.

Paperless Christmas

To order, visit www.SGMlifewords.com/Christmas

Last year’s online ‘road movie’ version of the Christmas story proved a great hit. It is available again and is ideal for your Sunday school and youth group. Visit www.paperlesschristmas.org.uk

Get in the Picture helping us think about Christmas and its meaning download your photo from


Competition - Are you taking part in Get in the Picture this year?

Christmas crossingplaces Seasonal events in the year give churches many opportunities to connect with their community, and now’s a good time to be planning ways to share the story of God’s gift to us at Christmas.

This year we’re holding a competition to find the town with the best nativity scene, so take a photo of your scene and submit it via the Get in the Picture website. There is no one way that a nativity scene has to look. You can be as creative and adventurous as you like, safety permitting, but a simple scene can also make a big impact.

To help you with this BUGB has produced a ‘Christmas Crossingplaces’ Mission File which is available to download free of charge from the ‘seasonal resources’ section of the Mission Files library (www.baptist.org.uk/ resources-events/missionfiles.html).

We look forward to seeing how creative you can be!

It includes a variety of suggestions that have come from individuals and churches who have tried them out in recent years.


Bible Messages for Today Thank you to everyone who has contributed their modern day psalms and parables over the past few months. We’ve received a great many thoughtprovoking, uplifting, and inspiring entries and a selection of these has compiled into this new booklet.

28 January – 5 February Our world is filled with barriers between people. Barriers that prevent us from understanding one another. They are created by unfair benefits rules and inadequate wages, by the stigma attached to being poor or homeless, and by the growing gap between the richest and poorest people in our society.

Why not give a copy or two this Christmas and inspire others with these reminders of God at work through all the seasons in our lives. Copies available from the BUGB online store from late November at £6 + p&p.

To combat these issues, this coming January will see the start of Poverty & Homelessness Action Week 2012. The theme is Breaking Barriers and it will help people to get involved with their churches or other groups to help break the barriers that trap people in poverty and homelessness. This year’s new materials for those planning events during Action Week include games and activities for engaging with children and young people, ideas for how to involve the themes in your worship (including preaching suggestions and possible prayers,) and suggestions for events you might like to hold, from hosting coffee mornings to arranging talks led by those with experiences of poverty and homelessness. All the resources are available as free downloads at www.actionweek.org.uk/html/ downloadresources.html If you do decide to put on an event, please register it online, so that anyone visiting the website can find out about your event.

Funding Central Funding Central is a free website for charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. The site provides access to thousands of funding and finance opportunities, plus a wealth of tools and resources supporting organisations to develop sustainable income strategies appropriate to their needs. The website is funded by the Cabinet Office and you need to log on. www.fundingcentral.org.uk


More than Gold Helping your church make the most of the 2012 Games

Can you be an Olympics Games Pastor? Christian Nightlife Initiatives, Street Pastors, London City Mission and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association are joining with More Than Gold to facilitate people who can help out over the Olympics (27 July - 12 August) and Paralympics (29 August - 9 September) as Games Pastors.

Coming to the UK next year is the world’s premier sporting event - the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. The Games offer a unique opportunity for churches to impact the lives of guests from around the world as well as our own communities. The Baptist Union, alongside many other denominations, is pleased to be a Global Sponsor for More Than Gold. The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games provide us with a unique opportunity for Christians and Christian communities in the UK to make our mark. They provide an opportunity for service and ministry to athletes, their families, Games officials and organisers, hundreds of thousands of visitors and to millions of locals throughout the country.

www.morethan gold.

org.uk 0845 475 2012

info@morethang old.org.uk

opportunities to serve a a Games Passt or

Games Pastors will play a lead role in responding to the practical and spirit ual needs of thousands of visitors coming for the Games.

For example – • St Pancras Intern ational Station, the ‘Gateway to the Game s’, expects around 100,000 addit ional travellers Where people gathe every day r – from transport terminals to game • Heathrow Airpo s venues – Game rt will have its busie s Pastors will be there st day ever after the . If you’ve heard of Olympic Closing Street Pastors, Stree Ceremony and its t Angels or Town second busiest day Pastors you will get immediately follow the picture. ing the Paralympics • Every day up to More Than Gold 800,000 extra peop is working with the le will travel into Londo transport hubs and n – spilling out into the streets around Game churches to make s venues, official sure the right big screen Live Sites number of the right and other venues kind of And many will need people are where the support of a they are friendly face and needed. a caring attitude - in the form of a Games Pastor.

Why are Games Pastors needed?

During London 2012, vast numbers will be arriving at airports and train terminals, and thron ging games venues and the approaches to them.

What will Games Pastors do?

Games Pastors will be wherever peop le gather in large numb ers. They will be trained, equipped and supported to assist travellers, sights eers and spectators with pract ical advice and help. And all the while they will have an eye open for those who may be in special need.

Games Pastors are part of the More than Gold initiative providing practical and spiritual care for all during the 2012 Games. They are part of specialised group of trained volunteers sharing compassion and love of Christ to others. They may be the first line response serving as part of a team to everyone attending the Games.

Have a look at the More than Gold Mission File which is full of ideas and resources to help your church make the most of the Games. Download it from www.baptist.org.uk/resources-events/missionfiles/ doc_download/727-more-than-gold.html

Games Pastors will be working at transport hubs, near games venues, as a presence on the streets and possibility supporting community events throughout the period of the Games. The primary task of Games Pastors is to ensure safety for all. They will be available to offer help and support, especially to the vulnerable and provide whatever appropriate assistance and support is necessary, as well as other appropriate duties as required.

Check the website www.morethangold.org.uk and make sure that your church has its own Gold Champion to receive all the latest news for your church.

Want to get the Good News out during 2012?

Bible Society is creating three fantastic resources to support you in your church or group initiatives before, during and after the summer of sports in 2012 (all available from February 2012):

Games Pastors will be a Christian witness during the Games and prayer is an important part of our preparation and activity. It is important that all Games Pastors during the time of the Games have the spiritual back-up of their own church and home groups. Games Pastors should also be able to identify individuals who will need spiritual support during the games as well as practical assistance.

• Graphic comic for young people with a follow-up website for outreach to youths aged 12-14. • Sports lyfe ‘Soul Training’ for small groups. • Sports Good News Bible (with accompanying Bible studies and stories of sporting faith and virtues)

For full details including a job description and an application form go to www.morethangold.org.uk/gamespastors

More details coming soon - or contact resources@biblesociety.org.uk


Has your church considered putting on a comedy night as a community event? A comedy night is a great way to reach out and engage with your community by putting a smile on people’s faces. The idea is for Christians to bring mainstream comedy open to all people into their locality, whether that be in a church building, pub or community hall. It also works as a great form of breaking down pre-conceptions to non-Christians about our faith. Tony Vino is a full-time professional comedian who has been performing for seven years to venues of all shapes and sizes and been regularly booked to perform at high-profile events such as Greenbelt, Easter People, Pentecost, New Wine, Soul Survivor and Spring Harvest. As well as churches and Christian festivals, Tony has been touring the mainstream comedy scene in clubs, pubs, theatres, arts centres and performed internationally. There are example clips of Tony on his website www.tonyvino.co.uk Tony tells us: “When doing a church comedy night I usually perform either one set of over an hour or two x 30-45 minute sections. The show is a mixture of stories, jokes and audience interaction. It is modern original alternative stand-up comedy. All the material is clean and family friendly. What works particularly well is having a meal as part of the night such as a curry and comedy night. Or I can perform at an existing event such as a preAlpha launch.�

If you would like to find out more about putting on a comedy event email Tony on tony@tonyvino.co.uk call him on 07989 234031.

Service resources for 18-20 year olds using recent films Viewfinder Services is a new resource from Damaris which aims to reach 18-30 year olds (which research by the Evangelical Alliance has identified as a missing generation in many UK churches). Each service is shaped around a recent film and uses film clips and interviews to think about issue. The first edition was released in October and uses clips from X-Men: First Class to help 18-30 year olds explore the issues of tolerance and acceptance and to appropriately introduce them to the Christian gospel. A full script and PowerPoint is provided. www.viewfinderservices.org


Messy Teenagers Are you a young helper at Messy Church?

Would you like to help Messy Churches internationally to be better at welcoming teenagers? Come to a day for teenagers King’s Park Conference Centre, Kings Park Road, Northampton, NN3 6LL who help at Messy Churches across the UK and their accompanying adults. Saturday 21 January 2012 - 11:00-16:00 Methodist Church House in central London

A space for all sorts Youth, Children and Family Workers’ Gathering a gathering for those employed in youth and children’s ministries in Baptist churches organised and hosted by the Association Youth officers

King’s Park Conference Centre, Northampton

The day is aimed at young people between the ages of 11-18 with accompanying adults. If you are above this age, please bring a young person Booking with you!

22 - 23 May 2012

The cost for the event is £90 per person (including £30 non-refundable

accommodation in single Cost: £5 for deposit) underincluding 18’s overnight and 18 year olds anden-suite £10 rooms for and all meals. To reserve a place, please book as early as possible at over 18’s and includes www.baptist.org.uk/events.html lunch. Closing date for bookings is Friday 9 March

Please book as early as possible since places may fill up before the closing date For more information, please contact mission@baptist.org.uk

For more information, see: www.messychurch.org.uk/pages/6233.htm

Mission Department, Baptist Union of GB, Baptist House PO Box 44 129 Broadway Didcot Oxon OX11 8RT telephone 01235 517713 facsimile 01235 517715 email mission@baptist.org.uk Registered Charity Number 1125912

This is the third annual conference for people who are paid Youth Workers, Children’s Workers and Family Workers. This year our theme picks up the need for churches to be more welcoming to people of all ages - seeing them not as the church of tomorrow, but followers of Jesus, and part of the whole church community, who can share in every aspect of the life of the church and faith. Of course this challenges the way in which we do church, celebrate faith and view the faith of young people and children. Alongside the main sessions addressing this theme there will also be time for sharing, praying and being relaxed among peers who are doing similar roles in their local church.

Hand in hand conference Friday 3 - Sunday 5 February Whether you have been involved in children’s or family ministry for years or are just starting as a volunteer, the Hand-in-Hand weekend conference in Eastbourne is a great place to be. You’ll find seminars, workshops, ministry showcases, exhibiting organisations and resources that are helpful to you. There will also be time to worship, pray and study the Bible together – sending you home resourced, refreshed and reinvigorated for your work with children and families.

Speakers: Mark Griffiths and Sian Hancock

To encourage you to bring your junior leaders along, there is a half-price ticket for under 21s and some sessions aimed particularly at them.

Cost: £90 per person (including £30 nonrefundable deposit) including overnight accommodation in single en-suite rooms and all meals.

For more information and to book your place, visit www.familyministry.co.uk/conferences.

For more information, and to book, see:


Closing date for bookings is Friday 9 March


‘mainly music’ equips churches to run pre-school music groups with an emphasis on fun and a focus on relationships. These are not music classes, although there are many learning opportunities, but rather a place for parents and carers to enjoy music together with their young children. Started by a mum in New Zealand in 1990, ‘mainly music’ has spread to Australia, South Africa, the United States, and is just getting established in the UK. Back in April 2007 International Baptist Church, Cults, Aberdeen launched ‘mainly music’ on Thursday mornings. At that point in time our church had no existing connections with families with preschool children within our local community, even though the church is located beside a nursery/ primary school! We put up posters, advertised in our local community newsletter. We also began praying that God would send two local mums along to our mainly music group, and these two mums would be the means of telling other mums all about mainly music, mums networking in action!

Well two mums with young children from the church did come along, and they brought a few friends and we started our ‘mainly music’ group, with fear and trepidation!! We were absolutely thrilled when community mums started to come along and they told others. As a team from the church we enjoy doing the weekly programme with ‘mainly music’ providing the schedules of songs to use each week, music tracks, songs on PowerPoint, actions to the songs, props, ideas etc. We soon outgrew meeting in the church lounge and moved into the main church sanctuary. We also include gentle God songs/rhymes within each music session, and these have become firm favourites by the families that attend. It also gives us the opportunity to celebrate Easter, Christmas, calendar dates that allows us to present the real story behind these ‘holiday breaks’. We honour our mums on Mother’s Day and Dads for Father’s Day.


Hillview Community Church ‘Pirates and Princesses’ themed session Hospitality is another key factor, where we provide scrummy home bakes, good quality coffee/tea. Our mums/caregivers are so appreciative of being served by the team, this tea time also allows us to enjoy deep conversations, whilst the children have their snack and play with toys we have set out.

‘mainly music’ is not just another ‘toddler music group’! It’s an amazing God-led ministry connecting our church with our community, creating bonds between adults and children, adults and adults, and church and community. Recently, on 4 September 2011, International Baptist Church was re-launched as Hillview Community Church, and we were so very excited to see many ‘mainly music’ families come along to celebrate our special launch event. We aim to show God’s kingdom through our ‘mainly music’ team, by the way we love and care and interact with one another and with our ‘mainly music’ families. We hope and pray our families see the love Lord Jesus has for them.

We have held theme days, family nights, a bonfire night and last term we had 40 local families registered. ‘mainly music’ produces fantastic and professional resources, giving us so many ideas and help us each step of the way.

For further information and an information pack contact the Area Coach, Barbara Last Tel: 01651 843693 Email: areacoach.scotland@mainlymusic.org www.mainlymusic.org.uk


Church based Toddler groups

It is estimated that in the UK there about 27,000 church based toddler groups. Research has shown that 52% of the UK’s under-5s attend a church-based toddler group. That’s around 2 million children who regularly go somewhere warm and safe to play, but they are not the only ones who benefit. Obviously this is also of benefit to the parents and carers who attend with them. To this end a new consortium of churches and A life-changing agencies has come together to support church toddler groups and help release the mission opportunities that experience. Youth exist through toddler groups. The consortium is called 1277 as, on average, a UK child has just 1,277 days . . . for between birth and starting nursery education. Together, we want to ‘make themstrengthened count’ for the children, their families and for the toddler groups that they attend. To find out more go to encouraged www.1277.org.uk.. .This . is a huge opportunity for the church - what other group in this nation has 52% of its membership in touch emboldened with the Church?

A life-changing experience. Youth strengthened . . . encouraged . . . emboldened Meet, fellowship & worship with Baptist youth from around the world.

Meet, fellowship & worship with Baptist youth from around the world.

on We a att a pac re wo If y endin kage rking our fo g gro the c r gro find up is onfe ups ing inte renc e. o res u mis sio conta t more ted in n@ , bap ct tist .org .uk

Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre

Singapore July 17–21, 2013 Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre


Baptist World Alliance w w w. b w a n e t . o r g

Side by Side with God in Everyday Life This new book from BRF invites churches and families alike to use a simple retelling of stories from the Bible as the basis for helping children to think more deeply about a wide range of everyday topics. It is ideal for children aged 6-10. There are 28 easy-to-use story-based sessions, each one featuring one of the times and seasons outlined in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, such as birth, death, planting, uprooting, laughing, mourning, dancing, giving, listening, love, hate, war and peace. Each session picks out two related Bible stories, which can be used to promote open questions, reflection, discussion, further exploration and prayer, to prompt a deeper understanding of what it means to walk side by side with God in everything we do.

Prayer Spaces in Schools Prayer Spaces in Schools enables children and young people to explore faith and spirituality from a broadly Christian perspective in a safe, creative and interactive way. A range of flexible resources can be adapted to work for participants aged 5-18, bringing an experiential dimension to a variety of subject areas and to pastoral aspects of school life.

Author: Yvonne Morris Publisher: BRF (Aug 2011) ISBN: 978 18410 1855 3 RRP: ÂŁ7.99

See www.prayerspacesinschools.com

Top Tips on Worshipping with Under-5s Top Tips booklets from Scrpture Union are designed for all those working with children and young people. This new title, published in October, gives practical pointers to help under 5s to worship God and grow in relationship with him. It offers encouragement and inspiration from experienced practitioners. Author: Alison Dayer Publisher: Scripture Union (Oct 2011) RRP: ÂŁ3.50 ISBN: 978 18442 7568 7

Prayers by Young People The Fellowship of United Reformed Youth (FURY) is developing an ecumenical prayer/resource book for publication in September. They are inviting young people of all denominations and organisations to write prayers to be included in the book. These should link in with the themes of praise, confession, giving thanks and praying for others. Please encourage young people in your church to write prayers and send them to furyprayers@hotmail.com by 31 May.


Your invitation to get involved!!

Thank you for reading this far through missionscene. We hope and pray that you have found things that are useful to you and your church as you live in the crossingplaces to which God has called you. Missionscene over the past few editions has been developing. We want to continue this into the next edition, om which we will be introducing a letters page. We would love letters on any missional topic, or comments on articles in this edition. Sadly we cannot guarantee to publish every letter, and we retain the right to edit them. Please send your letters by email to missionscene@fbbi.eu. Whilst we are looking for a range of topics, we would be particularly interested in letters suggesting how we could use the extra day, 29 February as a day of blessing. We will be having an article about that next time. We are often getting complimentary comments about missionscene and for that we are grateful. We would love it, as always, to be even better. We are therefore always delighted when people feedback ideas, resources and comments about how it can be improved. So let us know - this is the mission magazine of the Baptist family, and that includes you. May you have a meaningful Advent, and amazing Christmas and, as you enter the new year, may you do so knowing that God has called you to the crossingplaces of his world. Ian Bunce

Seeking Young Adults The Baptist Union of Great Britain has a number of vacancies on the Younger Leaders Forum, (YLF). Meeting over a weekend twice a year, the YLF seeks to make a difference to the discipleship of young people and to inform the Union on what can be done to see this missing generation back in local churches. Only 3.1% of young adults attend church regularly, as compared to 6.3% of all ages. So we are looking for some very creative young leaders to join this group. What sort of people are we looking for? • Between 18-30 (the lower in this range the better) • Creative • A leader or emerging leader • Able to think right out of the box! • Male or female • People of faith and prayer • Being mad helps (as does eating curry and pizza!)

The YLF’s vision statement is: ‘The Baptist Union Younger Leaders’ Forum has a vision to see a generation of young adults united in faith to build each other up and have their voices heard. We will be influential in developing Christcentred community, creating cultural shift and being the voice of young people to the BU Council. As YLF, we are a group of diverse young leaders from Baptist churches nationwide between the ages of 18-30 who meet bi-annually to discuss and challenge the BU regarding: • How the Church relates to young adults in today’s society • The major issues facing Baptist churches from young adults’ perspectives • Our own vision to revive the missing generation of 18-30s within the Church We meet as an authentic worshipping community reliant upon honesty, support and trust, which seeks to provide an opportunity for young developing leaders to establish meaningful relationships and realise their potential.’ If you know someone who is likely to be interested in this group to help to fill the gaps and work with the group to really make a difference, please do talk with them. If someone would like to find out more, please contact Ian Bunce on ibunce@baptist.org.uk to start a discussion.


Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland Baptist Union of Scotland Alan Donaldson 0141 423 6169 alan@scottishbaptist.org.uk Scottish Baptist College Principal - Jim Gordon 0141 848 3988 scottishbaptistcollege@uws.ac.uk

1 Shetland Islands


Northern John Singleton 2 01642 655551 johnsingleton@thenba.org.uk


North Western Sandra Crawford 01942 221595 sandra@nwba.org.uk


Northern Community Learning Network

Glen Marshall 0161 249 2520 glen.marshall@bigfoot.com Yorkshire Jane Day 0113 278 4954 jane.day@yba.org.uk

3 2 4 4


Baptist Union of Wales Marc Owen 5 01267 245660 marc@bedyddwyrcymru.co.uk


Y Coleg Gwyn (North Wales Baptist College) Elfryn Jones 5 01248 362608 coleg-gwyn@hotmail.co.uk


South Wales Andy Hughes 029 2049 1366



Bristol Baptist College Principal - Stephen Finamore 0117 946 7050 admin@bristol-baptist.ac.uk





12 14



Channel Islands

London David Shosanya 0208 543 6447


Spurgeon’s Baptist College Roger Standing 12 020 8653 0850 ex228 r.standing@spurgeons.ac.uk South West Malc Reddaway 07917 330030



Central Helen Wordsworth 10 01788 817292 rev.h@rhwordsworth.plus.com Eastern Richard Lewis 01842 754953


Peter Dunn (Director for Mission) 01235 517648 pdunn@bmsworldmission.org


South Wales Baptist College Principal - Peter Stevenson 8 029 2025 6066 pks@swbc.org.uk West of England Alisdair Longwill 01453 883308 awlongwill@googlemail.com

11 10


Heart of England Adrian Argile 6 0121 472 4986 adrian.argile@blueyonder.co.uk East Midland Mike Fegredo 07972 350242 mfegredo.emba@gmail.com



Southern Counties Colin Norris 07725 039943 c.norris@scba.org.uk Regent’s Park Baptist College Nick Wood 01865 288129 nicholas.wood@regents.ox.ac.uk South Eastern Stuart Davison 01444 253163 stuart@seba-baptist.org.uk


Mat Wilson (IMC Team Leader) 0121 683 7948


www.bmsworldmission.org Irish Baptist Networks Stephen Adams stephen.adams@ibnetworks.org www.ibnetworks.org




BUGB Mission Department Ian Bunce 01235 517716 mission@baptist.org.uk BUGB Mission Department Kathryn Morgan 01235 517704 kmorgan@baptist.org.uk

December 2011

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