January 2012
400 YEARS OLD - AND STILL CHANGING! Read online at www.baptist.org.uk/transform
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Editorial Church life these days is not the way it used to be … and nor should it be.
400 YEARS OLD – AND STILL CHANGING! As we celebrate 400 years of Baptist life in this country, we need to look back and learn some of the lessons from the past. Ours is a colourful history and includes many times of persecution, marginalization and struggle as well as times of confidence, courage and growth. But there is one consistent theme that runs through the centuries and that is that Baptists have been continually changing. The common theme throughout has been the determination to be faithful to Scripture, and to ensuring that Christ is the head of every local church as well as the church universal. This has caused Baptists to be consistently missional, believing that following Christ always involves our involvement in his ongoing mission to the world. This New Year will bring many changes, like the previous 399! Some of those changes will be welcome and we will embrace them with joy, but others will be unwelcome and we will need grace and courage to face them. I warmly welcome the way in which I see churches reaching out to their communities with a new generosity. This has involved some fundamental changes to our buildings, ministries and activities. I also see wonderful new expressions of worship, reflecting the passionate desire of people to bring to God worship that is truthful, contemporary and inspiring.
At all levels of our society’s life we are facing financial problems on a colossal scale. I am writing this many weeks before you read it, and I tremble to think what the financial situation will be in the New Year. Our churches are not immune from these problems. Indeed, our Baptist Union is in the process of reflecting on our own circumstances and the need to reduce expenditure. Previous experience suggests that God’s people will respond to the challenges with enormous generosity, but it seems inevitable that we are going to need to make some tough decisions this year. Very few people enjoy change, because it’s disturbing and unsettling. But it is also an essential aspect of the life of faith. Hebrews 11 gives us a snapshot of women and men of faith, and every one of them experienced enormous change in their lives. Think of people like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon and David. Their faith is demonstrated by their willingness to change and to travel. I have no idea the ways in which you or I will need to change this year – but I know that we will! I pray that this 400th Anniversary Year will be one of great blessing for you and that the Spirit will give you both the courage and the peace to embrace change.
Jonathan Edwards BUGB General Secretary 3
Mission Ian Bunce Head of Department
Introduction As usual there is so much we could tell you about, and space dictates that we highlight just a few, but we do hope that you enjoyed the edition of missionscene that dropped onto the doormat of each church secretary recently. This publication gives far more details of mission ideas, thinking and resources. To see the latest edition, please go to www.fbbi.eu, there you will also have the opportunity to register to be informed when the new editions are published. More than Gold: Helping your church make the most of the 2012 Games Coming to the UK this year is the world’s premier sporting event - the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. There will be enormous media coverage, with millions of people of all ages expected to watch the Games on television. The Games also offer a unique opportunity for churches to impact the lives of guests from around the world as well as our own communities. The Baptist Union, alongside many other denominations, is pleased to be a Global Sponsor for More Than Gold. The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games provide us with a unique opportunity for Christians and Christian communities in the UK to make our mark. They provide an opportunity for service and ministry to athletes, their families, Games officials and organisers, hundreds of thousands of visitors and to millions of locals throughout the country. Have a look at the More than Gold Mission File which is full of ideas and 4
resources to help your church make the most of the Games. Download it from www. baptist.org.uk/resources-events/missionfiles/ doc_download/727-more-than-gold.html Check the website www.morethangold.org. uk and make sure that your church has its own Gold Champion to receive all the latest news for your church. Diamond Jubilee
To mark 60 years of the Queen’s reign, the Diamond Jubilee celebrations will centre around an extended bank holiday weekend on 2-5 June. This is a great crossingplace opportunity, as local communities gather to celebrate. Now is the time to start praying, discussing and planning (if you haven’t already!) and find ways for your church to work together with other organisations in the neighbourhood. The Big Jubilee Lunch will be a part of the main programme of events over the central weekend of Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The beauty of The Big Lunch is that people themselves decide everything about their own event. The venue can be wherever you want or have space, the theme whatever you fancy - food and people are the key ingredients. You can close your road if you fancy a big street party or use a local park for a small community BBQ - it really is up to you. The Big Lunch team will be available to help you plan your Big Jubilee Lunch event. Get in touch via info@thebiglunch.com, call 0845 850 8181 to speak to one of the team, or see www.thebiglunch.com.
The BIG Welcome
Offering a warm welcome to people coming to church is a simple concept seen in churches throughout the country every week. Many churches are blessed by teams of ‘welcomers’ the friendly faces who make sure that those who are visiting, as well as regular attenders, feel welcome. So what is the BIG Welcome all about? Over the last two years, the Mission Department has been encouraging churches to make an extra-special effort to invite people to a service or other event on a particular day. It may be through a Sunday service, a special Sunday lunch, Cafe Church, a concert or whatever you choose. The idea has been developed through a partnership with Back to Church Sunday, which encourages us to invite one person we know to something we love. The important thing is that people are invited by personal invitation, and when they respond we make them feel very welcome. In 2011, around 280 Baptist churches registered to take part in the BIG Welcome, and on average around 12 guests were welcomed at each church to their particular BIG Welcome event. The majority of these churches used the printed resources (invitations, posters, prayer bookmarks and gift bookmarks) to help them in their planning. For those churches inviting people to a Sunday worship service, many also used the sample service outlines and adapted them to suit their needs, and used the video Top 10 Tips for Welcome to
help prepare the congregation in advance. Some churches were very creative in their approach to the BIG Welcome: • Including it in the church’s 60th birthday weekend events • Offering coffee and cakes in the garden in front of the church on the Saturday • Introducing a week-long BIG Welcome to invite people to other weekday ministries • Holding a family barn dance on the Saturday for the community, and then offering free bacon sandwiches before the Sunday service • Organising an open day on the Saturday with bouncy castles, face painting, gospel presentations and barbecue We want to build on the BIG Welcome idea, and help you to run other BIG Welcome events during the year - the possibilities are endless!! Resources for this year’s BIG Welcome are being designed now, and further information will be sent to every church soon. You can start to prepare the church in prayer now, and encourage people to get ready to invite someone they know to something they love. Prayers by Young People The Fellowship of United Reformed Youth (FURY) is developing an ecumenical prayer/ resource book for publication in September. They are inviting young people of all denominations and organisations to write prayers to be included in the book. These should link in with the themes of praise, confession, giving thanks and praying for others. Please encourage young people in your church to write prayers and send them to furyprayers@hotmail.com by 31 May.
Mission Seeking Young Adults The Baptist Union has a number of vacancies on the Younger Leaders Forum (YLF). Meeting over a weekend twice a year, the YLF seeks to make a difference to the discipleship of young people and to inform the Union on what can be done to see this missing generation back in local churches. Only 3.1% of young adults attend church regularly, as compared to 6.3% of all ages. So we are looking for some very creative young leaders to join this group. Their vision statement is: ‘The Baptist Union Younger Leaders’ Forum has a vision to see a generation of young adults united in faith to build each other up and have their voices heard. We will be influential in developing Christ-centred community, creating cultural shift and being the voice of young people to the BUGB Council. As YLF, we are a group of diverse young leaders from Baptist churches nationwide between the ages of 18-30 who meet biannually to discuss and challenge the BUGB regarding: • How the Church relates to young adults in today’s society • The major issues facing Baptist churches from young adults’ perspectives • Our own vision to revive the missing generation of 18-30s within the Church We meet as an authentic worshipping community reliant upon honesty, support and trust, which seeks to provide an opportunity for young developing leaders to establish meaningful relationships and realise their potential.’
What sort of people are we looking for? - Between 18-30 (the lower in this range the better) - Creative - A leader or emerging leader - Able to think right out of the box! - Male or female - People of faith and prayer - Being mad helps (as does eating curry and pizza!) If you know someone who is likely to be interested in this group to help fill the gaps and work with the group to really make a difference, please do talk with them. If someone would like to find out more, please contact Ian on ibunce@baptist.org.uk to start a discussion.
Ministry Paul Goodliff Head of Department
Human Sexuality Working Group A fairly widespread group of trainers are still available to deliver the Baptist Union’s Human Sexuality Training package. This is in the form of a workshop that lasts a day (say, 10:0016:00) and could be offered on a Saturday to a church or group of churches. In considering the pastoral and ethical challenge that samesex relationships offer to the churches, the workshop considers the biblical, scientific, psychological and pastoral aspects of this issue. If your church would like to consider receiving this training, then contact Paul Goodliff: pgoodliff@baptist.org.uk Baptist Ministers’ Spouses Survey In partnership with Connexion, the Ministry Department is conducting a wide-ranging survey of the experience and understanding of the spouses of Baptist ministers. It is being enabled through a Survey Monkey online survey, and if the spouse of your minister is unaware of this survey, please draw their attention to this. The survey can be found and then completed using this link: www.surveymonkey.com/s/NXMWVX9 It is straightforward to complete, confidential and should not take a great deal of time, but the views of every ministerial spouse are valuable, and so do remind your spouse about this (if you are a minister reading this) or if you are another church leader, point any ministers’ spouses you know in this direction. Register of Nationally Accredited Church Workers It is now possible to seek accreditation as a church worker in the following categories: youth work, children’s and families work, parish nursing and church-based community work. If you are a church worker in one of those roles, then first look at the Baptist Union website, then talk to your minister and your Regional Ministry team. They will assist you in exploring
whether national accreditation for your area of service is possible. Should you wish to discuss things further with the Ministry Department, then call Revd Vikki Bunce in the first instance, or email her at vbunce@baptist.org.uk United Navy, Army and Air Force Board Baptist military chaplains fall under the oversight of the United Board, which represents the Baptist Union, United Reformed Church, Congregational Federation and both Elim Pentecostal and Assemblies of God Pentecostal churches. We have chaplains serving in all three services, often in senior roles, and despite the much-heralded cuts in the armed services personnel resulting from the Strategic Defence Review, the services continue to recruit chaplains. You may be a younger minister seeking where your next sphere of service might be, or have had a background in the military before training for ministry. If you want to talk further, or simply find out if you are not too old to start in this chaplaincy role, then the Convenor of the Board, Revd Ian McFarlane would be delighted to engage with you. He can be emailed at ianmcfarlane@bookhambaptist.org For all, however, whether considering this ministry for themselves or not, the call to pray for our military chaplains is always sounded. Pray especially for those who serve in the theatre of war, in Afghanistan especially, and for those who give strategic leadership, including the Chaplain General, an Army padre and Baptist, Revd Jonathan Woodhouse, together with his colleagues in the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force: the Chaplain of the Fleet and the Chaplain-in-Chief.
Faith and Unity Introduction The Department was sorry to lose Rosemary Kidd, who retired in October after working with us for four years. However, we are looking forward to working with our new Head of Department, Stephen Keyworth, who has been seconded part-time for a year from the Northern Baptist Learning Community. Long Spoons? Every year a delegation of leaders from the Free Churches attend each of the main political Party Autumn Conferences. By attending some of the sessions and meeting with MPs, the delegation is able to demonstrate the support of the churches for those involved in the political process. This year BUGB General Secretary, Jonathan Edwards, attended the Conservative Party Conference, and BUGB President, Pat Took, attended all three. Pat writes: This year I had the good fortune to attend the Party Conferences. I appreciate that this might not be everyone’s choice activity but for me it reawakened several generations of political activism. My encounters with Lord Shutt, Sir Alan Beith, Hilary Benn, David Blunkett, Eric Pickles and Dominic Grieve raised the question – given that we hold all allegiances under an overarching allegiance to God, how should we relate to those who have the ordering of society here and now? Our Delegation of Free Church leaders was organised by the Joint Public Issues Team, to help forge helpful relationships, express our support for Christian politicians and engage in the democratic process. We had many concerns – Welfare Reforms, short term Council tenancies, emergency housing provision, Universal Credit, benefits caps, the NHS, the Robin 8
Hood Tax, the Localism bill, sentencing after the riots, the effects of equality legislation.... Huddled in corners surrounded by Clegg/ Cameron lookalikes and ferociously elegant women, we shared our concerns. We received a courteous hearing, some useful advice, and some fascinating insights into the workings of coalitions. But the issue that recurred repeatedly was the worry of politicians about their loss of public trust. They needed us to affirm that most politicians are motivated by a desire to serve, to make things better. Of course other motivation is in the mix. But cynicism is the enemy of truth. To influence the world for kindness, justice and peace we must be where decisions are made, joining political parties, serving as councillors, becoming MPs. We will need the savvy of serpents and the innocence of doves, but not long spoons.
The Gathering
The theme of the 2011 Gathering on 15 October was Shaping Our Future - what does it mean to be men and women working together. BUGB President Pat Took and Anthony Reddie, author and academic tutor, considered what the world might be like if inequalities between the genders did not exist and how this might benefit the Baptist Union. In workshops the theme was further developed and discussed in our plenary. So where do we go from here? This was a collaborative event between the Woman’s Justice and Racial Justice Committees. Our plan is to find ways in which we can feed the invaluable lessons, learnt from the Gathering, into other parts of our family.
Pushing at the Boundaries of Unity Baptists and Anglicans are often in conversation! Parents chat in the playground, volunteers discuss the next stage of the town-wide youth project, and ministers talk together over lunch. But from 1992 to 2005 a small group of Baptists met with a small group of Anglicans, both groups appointed by their respective denomination, to talk through some of the issues which have been difficult and controversial, to affirm those things on which there is agreement and to clarify differences of opinion. This group produced a report, Pushing at the Boundaries of Unity: Anglicans and Baptists in Conversation, which was published in 2005, and is available from the BUGB Online Store. Both Churches are keen for this conversation to continue and to include many more people. A study guide has now been produced in the hope that it will encourage small groups of Anglicans and Baptists together, perhaps from neighbouring churches, to wrestle with some of the questions the reports asks, and in so doing to get to know each other better and share more deeply together in God’s mission. The study guides are free and available to download from the BUGB website: www. baptist.org.uk/theological-reflection/pbustudies.html Working Together ‘Working Together’ is a new series of Bible studies from Christian Aid which offers a faith perspective on some of the most damaging aspects of global poverty, by looking at the theological
implications of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the eight targets agreed by the United Nations as essential to the eradication of poverty. The commentaries are each accompanied by a contemporary reflection, a series of discussion starters, a prayer and a suggestion for action. To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible, the book also includes a reflection by Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the importance of the Bible in the vernacular to those in poverty. It can be downloaded from: www.christianaid.org.uk/resources/ churches/resources/working-together.aspx Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January 2012 The theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2012 comes to us from the churches in Poland, who have reflected upon their own experience as a nation, and in particular how, as a nation, they have been changed and transformed by the many upheavals of their history, and sustained by their faith. Change is also at the heart of the ecumenical movement. When we pray for the unity of the church we are praying that the churches that we know and which are so familiar to us will change as they conform more closely to Christ. This is an exciting vision, but also a challenging one. Furthermore, when we pray for this transforming unity we are also praying for change in the world. The materials for the Week of Prayer can be downloaded from www.ctbi.org.uk/569
Council Richard Nicholls General Manager
Baptist Union Council drew together about 150 people for its November meetings at the Hayes in Swanwick, Derbyshire. During the three days of Council the President, Revd Dr Pat Took, served as Chaplain helping us to see the Lord at the centre of our life together. Council was informed that the Baptist Times Directors had, with great regret, concluded that The Baptist Times would have to cease trading. A slow but continual decrease in the number of subscriptions had combined with adverse advertising conditions to make the newspaper unsustainable. The Baptist Union Trustees had not felt able to increase its level of subsidy and so, after more than 150 years, the newspaper had to close. Council expressed its deep appreciation to Bill Johnston and the Board for their hard work, and to the Baptist Times team ably led by Mark Woods, who had produced a newspaper of a consistently high standard. Malcolm Broad, the Baptist Union Treasurer, informed Council of the serious financial situation that was facing the Baptist Union. Thanks to the Union’s financial reserves this situation could be covered in the short term and Council approved the budget for 2012, which included an appeal figure of £4.5m. Churches continue to be urged to give at least 5% of their general income to 10
Home Mission. However, it was important that work should be done to achieve a balanced budget as soon as possible and Council recognised the need to pray and work hard to achieve this. Council split up into small groups to reflect on the activities of the Union with a view to discerning those aspects of our life together that are most important and those that could, if necessary, be discontinued. There was a great desire that any changes should be driven by mission and that everything should be done to encourage and support the huge amount of creativity and vitality in the denomination. Council agreed to set up a Futures Group which would bring back reports to Council and it was agreed to hold an additional Council in June 2012. The Futures Group will be composed of the Baptist Union Trustees, the Senior Management Team and Association Team Leaders together with representatives of the Colleges and BMS World Mission. Council also felt that it would be important to bring in wisdom from someone outside Baptist circles. The Futures Group will be facilitated by a smaller Futures Steering Group and Council was invited to pray for this important initiative. The General Director and Convenor of the Baptist Union of Scotland are both members of our Baptist Union Council. Alan Donaldson and Jacqueline Primrose made a presentation about the recent changes that had taken place within their Union. The changes were necessitated by the need to reduce 20% of their Union’s costs. This had led to many creative changes including moving into new purpose built offices. They spoke of their recent Assembly entitled ‘Outrageous Generosity’ and of the joyful and painful realities of life at a time of great change.
Recent Councils have devoted a great deal of time to the matter of pensions and it was necessary at this Council to consider new rules for the Baptist Pension Fund and to agree the contribution rates in respect of the funding of the shortfall in the ministers’ fund. Ruth Bottoms and Robert Ashurst presented these complex matters in a clear and comprehensive way and, having agreed to the proposals, Council broke into sustained applause in recognition of the vast amount of hard work that the Pensions Review Group had done to navigate a path through these extremely difficult matters. The Ministry Executive reported on work for 2012 that would include the development of a capability measure for ministers; a review of selection processes, funding of ministerial students and the way in which men and women are formed for ministry; and the implementation of the work that would enable Church Workers to be accredited by us and placed on the Register of Nationally Accredited Church Workers. Reports from the Sector Ministry Committee and the Churches Ministerial Counselling Service were also received. The Mission department presented to Council the work it had been doing, including reporting on the success of ‘The Big Welcome’ and the high take up of ‘Get in the Picture’. It also explained the great benefit from the new way of working with the Baptist Union of Scotland, Baptist Union of Wales, BMS World Mission, and the Network of Irish Churches. It reported on how the department’s role had needed to change to reflect this.
this discussion please see pages 14 and 15 of Mission Scene that was sent to your church recently. It can also be found on the FBBI website at www.FBBI.eu. Council was delighted to hear of the appointment of the Revd Stephen Keyworth as Head of the Faith and Unity Department. Stephen would be joining the Department in January and continue to work part time as a Tutor at the Northern Baptist Learning Community. A presentation was made to update Council about the new three-year Home Mission Network initiative called ‘Just Imagine’, which reflected on our Baptist Roots and discussions regarding the future. The vision is that as a Baptist family we will become more sacrificial and generous in our giving to each other and that over the next few years we will gain a fresh passion and understanding of what Home Mission is all about. To support this new resource, ideas and ways to engage people in our churches are being developed. The recently filmed DVD called Just Imagine was shown to Council. This would be found on You Tube and a disk sent to churches in January. A Facebook ‘viral campaign’ would also be launched to encourage people to prayerfully ‘Imagine’. Alongside this, the West of England and London Baptist Associations are developing plans regarding more strategic ways to promote Home Mission.
The Mission Forum then presented a discussion on Missional Spirituality that Council was invited to join in. For details of 11
Around the Union Central Administrative contact: Stephen Copson 01462 442548 stephen.c@centralba.org.uk The Association Council continues to reflect on its strategy, function and constitution. In October we had the CBA Ministers Conference where the theme ‘Faith in the Public Space’ was explored by Jonathan Edwards, Kathryn Morgan and Nick Spencer of the theological think-tank Theos. Summer too saw various events to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of William Carey, linking mission then and now.
East Midlands Administrative contact: Rebecca Nicholls 0115 981 8645 administrator@embaptists.co.uk Churches continue to see fruit in Alpha and there are good developments with the Growing Leaders course with which a number of churches are involved. Four of our churches are embarking on significant building projects as their current premises are inadequate for the mission and ministry they are currently called to do. The Association continues to invest in leaders with special days for churches, meetings for ministers and sessions for particular leadership needs.
Eastern Administrative contact: Hayley Beckett 01263 826377 secretary@easternbaptist.org.uk As part of our initiative for Lay Preacher Training we held a very successful day for local preachers last October. The day was led by Revd Dr Ian Randall and over 20 people attended. Another is planned for 3 March 2012 at Swaffham BC to be led by Revd Richard Lewis. Congratulations to Paul Hills, our EBA Regional Minister/Team Leader who has been appointed as the first Ecumenical Canon of Ely Cathedral.
Heart of England Administrative contact: Karen Martindale 0121 472 4986 mailbox@baptist-heartofengland.org Our annual welcome to new ministers, pastors and church workers in HEBA was held at IMC on 2 November. This has proved a popular occasion and enables people to meet others new to the area as well as find out how the association can help them in the local church. Another celebratory occasion was the lunch for Newly Accredited Ministers who have completed their probationary period. A record number met together at the Beacon International Centre in Stafford for worship, a de-brief and sit-down meal! Congratulations everyone!
London Administrative contact: Norman Kincaid 020 7692 5592 norman.kincaid@londonbaptist.org.uk The LBA is delighted that after a protracted appointment process a new Team Leader has been appointed - Geoff Andrews. Geoff has been the minister of Perry Rise Baptist Church, Forest Hill and a District Minister in the South Eastern District of the LBA. The LBA is also looking forward to welcoming the Baptist Assembly to London in May and is planning an exciting programme of day conferences on the Saturday. We hope that the wider Baptist family will enjoy coming to London for a different flavour of Assembly.
North Western Administrative contact: Mandy Howarth 01942 221595 baptnw1@aol.com There are a couple of changes to association life this year, not least is that we will not be holding our usual spring forum. Instead, the team are working with Network Ministers to arrange individual events within the different networks in the hope that we can better meet the differing needs of the various areas. Look out for details being circulated around your network. We are also looking forward to Revd Chris Duffet joining us at our Ministers’ Conference in March, where he will be helping us begin to unpack our theme for the year of ‘Down to Earth’.
Northern Administrative enquiries: 0191 273 7641 admin@thenba.org.uk Andy Scarcliff led was the main speaker when the NBA met for their Autumn Assembly at Whitley Bay. ‘Expectant People’ was the theme for the day reflecting a more general call to a fresh openness to God under the overall theme of EXPECT which encourages individuals and churches to reconsider what it means to expect God to be present when we meet in His name and what He expects of His people. Preston Grange Community Church was welcomed into membership the Association at the Assembly.
South Eastern Administrative contact: Steph Tidy 01444 233431 admin@seba-baptist.org.uk Our major event was Make Waves, SEBA’s first association-wide celebration. With speaker, David Coffey and Worship Leader, Dave Bilbrough, around 650 filled the sports hall auditorium to capacity and an n:vision youth event was arranged nearby so whole families could go. A new SEBA publicity leaflet was launched at the gathering including information about our nine geographical networks. Representatives of these have gathered for two “network days” to discuss and plan. With Spurgeon’s College, we are planning courses for our churches’ deacons and elders to help them understand their roles.
Around the Union South Wales Administrative contact: Jackie Godding 02920 491366 office@swbabugb.org.uk
South West Administrative contact: Chris Wooding 01392 433533 chris@swbaptists.org.uk
Southern Counties Administrative contact: Keith Hawton 023 8041 0691 k.hawton@scba.org.uk ‘Pastoring communities’ through practical initiatives and local leadership is increasingly making a difference. This includes Leigh Park and Warren Park near Havant, an ecumenical street pastors team in Abingdon, lay-pastor involvement in Cholsey, and incarnational ministry in the neighbouring Cotswold villages of Guiting Power and Naunton where a food bank has been set up. Also increasing is the desire of clusters to act together translocally to mutually support and grow mission presence eg in Reading, in south, west and north Oxfordshire, and around the north Cotswolds.
West of England Administrative contact: Gary McFarlane 0117 965 8828 office@webassoc.org.uk In 2012 WEBA clusters will be encouraged to organise local ‘3 in 1’ Events, rolling out our two year theme of ‘Encouraging Missionary Disciples’ and the call in Matthew 28:19. Cluster representatives met at The Old Forge in October and discussed shaping these events to suit local needs; dates and times will be published as each event is planned.
Yorkshire Administrative contact: Deborah Gamble 0113 278 4954 debbie.gamble@yba.org.uk Gaynor Hammond, Baptist minister and member of the YBA team as NBLC Regional Tutor, has written a book entitled Help! We have dementia! This is aimed at family carers and friends of people who have dementia, and shares stories from those who have cared for their loved ones through the stages of dementia. It is hoped that this will be a source of strength and encouragement. The book can be purchased by contacting Gaynor at faithinelderlypeople@yahoo.co.uk; the price is £6 including P&P.
Staff News National Rosemary Kidd The Revd Dr Rosemary retired from the Faith and Unity Department at the end of October. Her four years of work as Faith and Unity Coordinator was mostly taken up with working with the ecumenical Joint Public Issues Team, working on issues of social justice and engaging with the political process. She was also involved in the women in leadership process through Council. We will miss Rosemary’s passion for justice and thought for others, but we are sure Rosemary will not miss the weekly commute from her home in Derbyshire! We wish her well as she explores new avenues for her ministry. Stephen Keyworth We are very pleased that the Revd Stephen Keyworth will be joining the Faith and Unity Department as Head of Department from 1 January 2012. Stephen has been seconded part-time, initially for a year, from the Northern Baptist Learning Community and we have appreciated the creative thinking that has gone into this appointment. Stephen will take responsibility for the justice groups and be involved in the work of the Joint Public Issues Team, as well as acting as National Ecumenical Officer for the Baptist Union. Other aspects of Faith and Unity’s work will be overseen by the Executive and members of the Senior Management Team. Regional Central Regents Park College Oxford, has appointed Anne Lane as part-time Tutor in Community Learning for the Association, shared with CBA and Southern Counties Baptist Association. Part of Anne’s responsibilities will be to
establish a training programme for people in CBA churches. Eastern Welcome back to Richard Lewis, one of our Regional Ministers, who has just completed a three month sabbatical in Australia and to Hayley Beckett, our Association Secretary and Youth Co-ordinator, after the birth of her daughter in the summer. Heart of England In November, one of our longest serving Trustees stood down after 10 years of service in HEBA. Alan Markham has been Chair of the Staffing Working Group and we’re grateful for all his hard work. He is still Secretary of Newcastle-under-Lyme Baptist Church, so there will be plenty to keep him occupied! London Revd Geoff Andrews has been appointed as the new Regional Minister Team Leader. During 2011 the following appointments were also made: Revd David Pile - Olympics and Paralympics Church Engagement Coordinator Norman Kincaid - Association Administrator Cynthia Arthur - Administrative Assistant. Yorkshire The first few months of 2012 will be a time of transition for the YBA. We will be saying farewell to Ernie Whalley (Regional Minister/ Team Leader) as he retires in February, and also to Gaynor Hammond as she too retires from her role as Regional Tutor with Northern Baptist Learning Community. We will miss them both. In January we welcome Graham Ensor to the staff team of the YBA as our new Regional Minister/Team Leader. The whole of the YBA appreciates the prayerful support of the wider Baptist family as we enter this new phase in the life of the association and its churches. 15
Communications Amanda Allchorn Head of Department
Introduction As always the Communications Department has been busy! Alongside our normal pattern of producing Transform, Baptist Life, developing the Baptist Union website etc we have been also growing the new and exciting Home Mission initiative called Just Imagine. But there is also another important change on the horizon for our team early in 2012. You will have read in the Baptist Union Council Report here in Transform that The Baptist Times newspaper sadly ceased trading at the end of 2011 and a final special edition planned for January 2012. The Baptist Times brand will however live on in the form of a new and exciting online resource to be launched in the spring of 2012 (www.baptisttimes.org.uk). The current News Editor will become the BT Online Editor based within the BUGB Communications
Department. The new site will offer daily updated news, opinion pieces, features and a downloadable ‘Weekly Digest’ for churches to either print off and/or email to others. Alongside this website the team will harness further social media opportunities, and BT Facebook and Twitter, to reach a wider and more diverse audience. Other aspects of the website are also in development and Baptist Life (circulation 62,000) is also being reviewed. Please do pray for us as we consult with others and develop this new service. In a fast moving media world our prayer is that this will be of value to thousands inside and outside the Baptist family here in the UK and beyond. Our vision is that the new website will reflect the energy, creativity and vitality of our Baptist family as we serve God.
BUGB Communications will be announcing our yearly awards in May 2012 at the Baptist Assembly. 16
For more information on this year’s awards and how you can nominate your church visit www.baptist.org.uk/commsawards2012 from 16 January 2012.
Just Imagine
Home Mission supports, equips and empowers
Just Imagine... investing in Kingdom activities which bring life
When I arrived at Totterdown Baptist Church in August 2006 the fellowship of some 40 members meeting in a 600-seater Victorian Grade 2 Listed barn-of-a-building were taking quite a financial risk in calling a full-time minister. When I looked through the accounts with the treasurer, the books were just about balancing and I was pleased to notice that the church gave away 10% of its total income. However, I was less happy with the fact that only half of this was shared between Baptist Home Mission and BMS World Mission and the remaining half to other causes. At an early church meeting I encouraged the church to consider increasing our giving to our Baptist family to the recommended 5% each to BMS and Home Mission, whilst still giving to other causes. The church agreed to a phased increase, so that in 2007 we increased from 2.5% to 3.75%, then in 2008 to the full 5%. This meant that we were now committing 15% of our gross income to mission causes. Since making this step of faith and also focussing outwards on community involvement, the church has grown to its current membership of 67, about 12 people
have been baptised, the giving has increased and last year we gave away £12,700 to mission causes. In addition to this, we have undertaken major building improvements totalling nearly £200,000 which has made the building more attractive and user friendly to those attending church, and also the large number of people attending community activities such as playgroup, toddlers, youth clubs, dance lessons, alcoholics anonymous etc. Of this huge sum, the playgroup received an unexpected grant of over £60,000 from the local authority for improvements to kitchen, toilets, access and storage. We have found the God of surprises to be our provider! The temptation when funds are tight is to minimise outgoings in order to survive, and reduce mission giving. However, this can result in the church moving into survival mode, thus condemning itself to slow death. The proper thing to do is to focus on what we are really about – mission – and to invest in Kingdom activities which bring life. At TBC (Totterdown Baptist Church) we have tried to put mission at the heart of our agenda, and we have found that God has blessed us abundantly in many ways. Our mission statement is “Being God’s family – helping people to know Jesus.” As part of the Baptist family, we believe that our first priority beyond our own local mission is to support the wider family cause. After all, didn’t Jesus say, “Seek first the Kingdom of God – and all these things will be added to you”? Revd Laurie Burn, Minister Totterdown Baptist Church, Bristol www.tbc.org.uk
Just Imagine
Home Mission supports, equips and empowers
Just Imagine...being at the cutting edge of mission
work. Just over a year ago we appointed an Eden team leader, in partnership with the Message Trust, based in Manchester. The support and encouragement we receive from the wider Baptist family, particularly as expressed through our Home Mission visitors, has played its part too.
When I first came to Buttershaw, after serving with BMS as a missionary nurse in Congo, I saw it as a continuation of my calling to mission. Whether through World Mission or Home Mission, we are called to serve God in whichever locality we are placed. Over the years that I have been here, I have come to appreciate more and more what it means to be part of a church supported by Home Mission. So what do I see as the value of Home Mission? To the church. After a number of years without a minister, the church now had full time leadership which has been sustained through the years, enabling us to continue to build on what was begun over 20 years ago. The church had a vision to reach out and impact the community, something which could not be achieved overnight. We’re very grateful to the Baptist family for their long-term commitment to the church’s mission here. The church received regular, consistent teaching and discipling, challenging at times but vital to developing our spiritual lives as we learnt more of God and His ways and deepened our relationship with Him. We are not exercising our mission in a vacuum but out of what we receive from Him.
We are doubly blessed in being given an additional grant allowing us to have a second member of our team to be involved in youth
To the community. We seek to bless our community in a variety of ways, especially through our Family Centre, with the various services and activities we provide. As a church we arrange a variety of events – fun days and pantomime for families; events for women, and the men, plus activities for young people by our Eden team. We also support and help individuals in particular need, whether with food parcels, a top up for their electricity card or help to access benefit agencies. All this happens as relationships are formed with neighbours around us. Life groups are seen as a point of contact with non-Christians – we want not only to bless but also to introduce people to Christ. To individuals. Home Mission enables our minister to serve amongst those for whom he is passionate – the underprivileged and undervalued in our society. The same goes for those of us who share his passion. Most importantly, Home Mission is of value to those whose lives are transformed by Christ. To the whole Baptist family. We’re all called to mission, and I believe every church should consider itself a Home Mission church. Through giving, encouragement and prayer, we can all be involved in some way at the cutting edge of mission in our country. Thank you for enabling us to be involved in God’s Kingdom work here in Buttershaw. Joan Parker, Church Treasurer Buttershaw Baptist Church, Bradford www.buttershawbaptist.org.uk
NEW resources for a new year DVD
Filming people from Baptist churches across the country, we have produced a short 2-minute Just Imagine DVD that captures the essence of what Home Mission is all about. Included on the DVD is a reading from Matthew 26:613 (the story of Mary of Bethany anointing Jesus with oil; an important example of extravagant generosity), and a prayer for the work of Home Mission. DVDs will be sent out to Home Mission reps soon and the film is also available to download at www.baptist. org.uk/resources/bugb-youtube-videos. html. BOOKLET There are many people and places with a story to tell about how they have benefited from Home Mission support. A new Just Imagine booklet which will capture some of these stories will be sent out to Home Mission reps early this year. These will be ideal to give out at your Home Mission events or services. BOOKMARKS Just Imagine helping to transform the lives of young people - by giving to Home Mission you are!
Just Imagine helping to support new ways of being church - by giving to Home Mission you are!
Just Imagine helping to reach out to isolated rural communities - by giving to Home Mission you are!
Just Imagine helping small churches to grow and bring love to an ignored estate by giving to Home Mission you are!
just imagine if we didn’t...
just imagine if we didn’t...
Grant to support, equip and empower a Community Youth Worker through ‘Word on the Street’ (Gillingham, Kent)
Grant to support, equip and empower the minister of Jacob’s Well in Yate, (near Bristol)
Grant to support, equip and empower a Missioner for Breconshire
Grant to support the minister at Hivings Free Church (Chesham, Bucks)
Home Mission supports, equips and empowers.
Home Mission supports, equips and empowers.
Home Mission supports, equips and empowers.
Home Mission supports, equips and empowers.
just imagine if we didn’t...
just imagine if we didn’t...
A set of 4 Just Imagine bookmarks have been developed to encourage prayer for the work of mission and ministry supported by Home
Bookmark 1_doublesided.indd 1
08/12/2011 14:10 Bookmark 2.indd 1
12/12/2011 11:12 Bookmark 3.indd 1
12/12/2011 11:13Bookmark 4.indd 1
Mission. Each has a text and prayer on the back and prove to be a popular resource. Home Mission reps will be able to get hold of these via regional associations in January. Some will also be available from the national resource. SERMON OUTLINE A useful sermon outline has been prepared by Revd Mark Woods and will be available from the BUGB website early this year. ALL AGE WORSHIP We are enlisting the help of a creative father and son team to create a resource suitable for an all age service. This online resource which will include an animation will help churches to capture a fresh passion for the heart of Home Mission. Look out for further information in the spring.
Collect stamps,coins, medals and postcards Did you know that these items can be turned into money for Home Mission? For severalyears, Home Mission has been collecting and selling stamps, coins medals and postcards to raise funds. Please send items to Alan Cookson (41 Pemberton Close, Aylesbury, Bucks HP21 7NY) or drop them off at the Communications Department at the National Resource if you are visiting Didcot...every little helps!
12/12/2011 11:14
Finance Philip Putman Head of Department
Introduction This is a busy time of year for the staff of the Union’s Finance Office, who are in the midst of preparing end of year financial statements for the many charities and companies for which they administer the funds. The staff are always available to assist churches and ministers with many topics ranging from loans and gift aid to pensions and deposits. Taxation queries are often forwarded to the Honorary Taxation Advisor, Philip Cooke, and many of the frequently asked questions appear in this, and every issue of Transform. 2012 Home Mission Stipend The Trustees have fixed the Home Mission Stipend for 2012 at £20,000, an increase of 1.78% on the 2011 Stipend. The Manse Value used in the pensionable income calculation for ministerial members of the Baptist Pension Scheme has been set at £6,000 from 1 January 2012. Deposit rates The Baptist Union Corporation currently (from 1 November 2009) pays interest at 0.80% on money deposited by churches in the Baptist Union Loan Fund. The current rate is available in the Finance section of the BUGB website or by phoning the Finance Office. The deposits assist the provision of loans to churches, and are welcomed by the Corporation. Loan rates The Baptist Union Corporation is willing to lend at 3.50% (from 1 November 2009) to churches buying, extending or renovating buildings or manses, subject to suitable repayment arrangements being in place. This rate is also subject to change in line with national interest rates. The current rate is available in the Finance section of the BUGB website or by phoning the Finance Office. 20
Mileage rates During 2011 the Government announced an increase to the recommended mileage rates as from 6 April 2011. For the first 10,000 miles in each tax year, the rate is 45p and for mileage over 10,000 the rate is 25p. Charity Numbers Many churches assume that as they are in membership of the Baptist Union they are able to use the registered charity numbers for the Baptist Union Corporation and the Baptist Union of Great Britain. This is not the case. Churches that are regarded as ‘excepted charities’ under section 3(5) of the Charities Act 1993, as amended by the Charities Act 2006 do not have a charity number at all, and should quote the Charities Act reference above. Those churches that have registered due to their level of income should quote the number issued to them by the Charity Commission.
Compiled by Philip Cooke FCA, Honorary Taxation Adviser to the Baptist Union I gather that the ‘Question & Answer’ format (based on recent enquiries) is found by some readers to be helpful so here is a further selection. Some of the issues have been dealt with in previous issues of Transform, but the fact that certain questions crop up again and again perhaps indicates a degree of change in the treasurer role. Manse phone package with TV element:
inclusion of a TV element in the package will nullify the exemption resulting in the net cost of the whole package (ie net of any contribution made by the minister) having to be treated as a taxable and Class 1A NIC chargeable benefit. However, the minister would not then be able to claim tax relief for any part of the line/broadband rental or for any church business calls unless there is a detailed record of such calls. A possible solution might be to try to persuade the service provider to charge separately for the respective elements, in which case only the net cost of the TV element (if any, after setting off the minister‘s contribution) should give rise to a taxable benefit. [Please refer to Taxation Guidance Notes for Churches & Ministers - document F5 on the BUGB website - for further details relating to the provision of a telephone line and broadband connection.] Letting the church manse: Q: We are currently letting our church manse and receiving rental income but wonder whether this gives rise to a tax liability? A: Because the church is regarded as a charity such rental income is exempt from tax.
Q: Our minister would like us to set up an inclusive manse phone (line rental, calls and broadband) and TV package. The cost of each element is not broken down but the minister is prepared to make a contribution towards the TV element. If we did this would the net cost still be tax-free?. A: This question has arisen more frequently as competition between the various service providers increases but, sadly, the answer is - no! Briefly, the provision of a ‘workplace’ telephone line with broadband connection is exempt from charge to tax provided any personal use is insignificant, but the
Capital gains tax on sale of ministerowned property
Q: My wife inherited a property some years ago which, because we live in a churchowned manse, we chose to let pending the
Finance time we might wish to occupy it ourselves. In anticipation of our retirement we would now like to sell the property and purchase another in a different area. Would this be likely to lead to a charge to capital gains tax? A: A person living in job-related accommodation (such as a manse) is able to nominate another property as his/her ‘main residence’ for capital gains tax purposes so that any gain arising on a sale would be exempt, even though the property may have been let in the meantime. Notice of such nomination should be given (by simple letter) within two years of the property becoming a main residence, but HMRC will usually accept a late notice. Of course, any net rental income (after deducting any allowable expenses) received from letting the property is taxable and should be included in the UK Property pages of the tax returns of the owners. Internal decoration of manse:
Q: We intended to redecorate the interior of the church manse and replace some of the carpets before our new minister joined us almost twelve months ago but for various reasons were unable to do so. If we do this work now, will it give rise to a taxable benefit? A: The short answer is ‘Yes’, but if you act quickly you should be able to take advantage of the Relocation expense provisions which allow an employer to meet the cost of certain ‘qualifying’ expenses occasioned by the move
without giving rise to any taxable benefit, provided the total relocation expenses do not exceed £8,000. However, such expenditure must be incurred by the end of the tax year following the year in which relocation takes place. For further details please refer to Taxation Guidance Notes for Churches & Ministers - document F5 on the BUGB website. Reimbursement of lighting and heating expenses:
Q: We reimburse our minister’s lighting and heating expenses and include the total amount in section N of the annual form P11D because we understand that this gives rise to a taxable benefit, against which we understand the minister is able to claim in his tax return up to 25% in respect of church-business use. However, we have been told that we ought to be treating this reimbursement as additional pay through the PAYE system with consequent charges to income tax and national insurance. Is this correct? A: Provided the lighting and heating accounts are in the name of, and are paid by, the minister then the way that you are dealing with the reimbursements is correct. Such reimbursements are specifically excluded from charge to either Class 1 or Class 1A NICs though, as you correctly state, they do give rise to a taxable benefit and this is why they cannot be included in a
P11D dispensation. If, however, the accounts were in the name of the church, rather than the minister, the taxable benefit should be shown in section K of the P11D and there would then be a Class 1A NIC charge. [A church which is unable to bear the cost of manse lighting and heating in addition to stipend is entitled to agree with the minister a reduction in stipend in order to take advantage of the saving in NICs. Please refer to Taxation Guidance Notes for Churches & Ministers - document F5 on the BUGB website - for further details.] Gift aid relief on small cash donations:
Q: I gather that charities can now claim Gift Aid relief on cash gifts even though they are not supported by a Gift Aid declaration. How do we go about this? A: The Chancellor announced in his Budget statement in March a Gift Aid style relief on small donations not exceeding £10 without the need for completion of a Gift Aid declaration, but it is not scheduled to come into effect until April 2013. The relief will be subject to an overall donations limit of £5,000 per charity which, if the basic rate of tax remains at 20%, indicates a maximum relief of £1,000 (or £1,250 if ‘grossing-up‘ is permitted). It is intended to be available to those charities which have been recognised by HMRC for Gift Aid purposes for three years and have a good compliance record during that period. It is likely that further details will become available around the time of the next Budget statement.
Tax relief on purchase of computer:
Q: Can I really claim tax relief for the cost of replacing my computer which I use almost exclusively for church purposes? A: Yes - a minister who needs to provide a computer or related equipment for churchbusiness purposes is entitled to claim an investment allowance under the capital allowances regime though some restriction might be necessary if personal use is more than insignificant. The appropriate box for the claim in the MoR pages of the tax return is box 21. College fees:
Q: We want to help our Minister in Training with the cost of his college fees and other incidental expenses. Can we do this without it being liable to tax? A: Yes - because this kind of training is regarded as ‘work-related’ an employer can contribute towards the cost without any tax implications. It is recommended that payments in respect of fees and any other
Finance college costs be made directly to the college, though it is also permissible to reimburse travelling and other incidental costs directly to the minister.
Ministers’ expenses:
Fixing the rental of property leased from a minister:
Q: Must we adopt a ‘market’ level of rent in relation to our intended lease of a property owned by our minister and his wife for use as a church manse? A: The recommendation that the rental be set at a ‘market’ level for the size and location of a particular property is chiefly to demonstrate the commerciality of the leasing arrangement. The rental should not exceed a ’market’ level but it is accepted that not every church will be able to afford a full market rental, especially those in the more highlypriced areas. In such cases the parties (church and minister) will need to negotiate the most feasible level of rent possible. The ‘manse value’ which is used by the Ministers’ Pension Fund to assess pension contributions and benefits is not intended to represent a benchmark for fixing a lease rental but churches who are unable to afford a market rental often take the view that the agreed rental ought not to fall below this figure, which for the year 2012 is £6,000 pa. 24
Q: In reading HMRC’s notes on the completion of a minister’s tax return I am unable to find any reference to computer consumables such as ink cartridges. Can I claim for these in my return? A: Yes, you most certainly can and any other ‘stationery’ type of expense incurred in carrying out your ministerial duties. You might care to refer to the Self Assessment Tax Return Guidance Notes - document F13 on the BUGB website - for details of other expenses which might be applicable. These notes are issued for general guidance only. The author or publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss occasioned to any persons acting or refraining from action as a result of material contained herein. If you are in any doubt about the correct treatment of any matter you should seek further professional advice. I am prepared to respond to questions of a general nature and my email address is: philipjcooke@aol.com. In order to avoid emails being treated as ’spam’ please state under ‘Subject’ the name of your church plus the words ‘Church tax enquiry’.
Legal and Property Issues Linda Holder Manager of the Baptist Union Corporation
Introduction How do you feel when a church in your area completes a big church building project? Encouraged, or deflated? The TV programme Grand Designs conveniently compresses the joys and sorrows of a construction project into a one hour slot, ending with impressive images of the (usually) completed building. Real life is rather different! So for the successful church with its new building you may not know the years of disappointments, delays, planning, and faithful prayer that eventually produced the wonderful outcome – but we often see this through our work at Baptist House. Many people in local Baptist churches are faithfully doing the essential tasks. Real faithfulness that grows from our relationship with God enables us to serve others, doing work behind the scenes that helps a church towards health and growth. Your faithful prayers and energy given to those tasks that God has called you to do, or that just need to be done, is vitally important. A generous aunt regularly advised me to ‘share your joys.’ So, to those churches living with others’ growth and success, why not look around to see where you can ‘share your joys’ and offer encouragement to others? These pages are about the ‘stuff’ that happens in real church life, and we cannot pretend it is always exciting or easy – so let us find ways to continue to be faithful and to encourage one another! Copyright Licensing – Playing Recorded Music Changes to the law on copyright licensing mean that from 1 January 2012 any church that plays sound recordings, or has groups
that use their premises during the week who play sound recordings, must purchase a PPL Church Licence. Acts of worship are exempt. The cost of a PPL Church Licence is as follows: Number of People in Congregation
Annual Licence Fee
1 – 14 15 – 49 50 – 99 100 – 249 250 – 499 500 – 999
£21.68 £32.44 £59.94 £98.17 £136.39 £180.64
Many churches will already have a PRS for Music Church Licence purchased through CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International). It is important to note that churches now need both a PRS for Music Church Licence and a new PPL Church Licence in order to play sound recordings; both are available from CCLI who are sending out information with churches’ annual licence renewal reminders. More detail can be found on the CCLI website here: http://ccli.co.uk/ pdfs/ppl-leaflet1.pdf Metal Theft English Heritage has issued new guidance on metal theft from church buildings as this is an increasing problem. This guidance is especially helpful to churches that are listed or in conservation areas where there is often a requirement to replace stolen lead with new lead. The guidance includes information about the circumstances when alternative materials might be used. The guidance can be found on the English Heritage website here: www.english-heritage.org.uk/ professional/advice/advice-by-topic/placesof-worship/theft-protection/ 25
Legal and Property Issues Baptist Insurance also has guidance, particularly on protecting church property see, www.baptist-insurance.co.uk/ uploads/2435%20ECC%20CPS%20A4%20 2pp%20%5B6%5D_tcm22-15907.pdf#false Charity Registration Churches with an annual income of less than £100,000 are currently excepted from the need to register with the Charity Commission. This threshold is being reviewed by the government but will remain until 1 October 2012 at the very least. If changes are proposed as part of the government review we will let churches know. Churches whose annual income has risen so that it is over £100,000 will need to register. Charitable Incorporated Organisations We have been working with the Baptist Union’s solicitors to produce a governing document for Baptist churches who want to change their legal structure to a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation). A CIO is a new legal framework available to charities who want an incorporated structure. All CIOs will be registered with the Charity Commission, whatever their annual income, but need not register as a company with Companies House. We now await the publication of the legal regulations by the government and will be able to offer further guidance once these are available – hopefully in 2012. Guidance from Baptist Insurance Baptist Insurance have written some helpful guidance for churches which is available at www.baptist-insurance.co.uk under ‘Church Guidance’. Topics include health and safety, security and church functions. 26
Guideline Leaflets Two new leaflets are now available, these are: LB09 Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme C35 Churches and Change of Name
The following leaflets have been updated: A02 Buying a Manse B02 Buying Land or Premises for a Church B04 Redeveloping Church Premises C04 Church Amalgamation C22 Churches and Coffee Shops C29 Churches, Charities and Incorporation C31 Creating a New Church or Organisation
All of these leaflets are available on the BUGB website.
Safeguarding Alan Elson Safeguarding Administrator
Protection of Freedoms Bill At the time of writing, this Bill is in the House of Lords where it will receive its second reading in early November. This will be followed by a Committee stage and Report before returning to the House of Commons and receiving the Royal Assent in the New Year (we anticipate spring). The Act will then be implemented in phases. The Department for Education are working on the production of specific guidance and we have been told our views will be sought. There remain some concerns about how the new systems will work in practice and we have been making strong representations to the Government about these issues. As things stand at the moment it is still ‘business as usual’ for CRB Disclosures. Once we are clear about the new legislation and the way in which it will work, new guidance will be published with a timetable for implementation.
is mentioned in several places in the book. I am sorry that people have been frustrated by not being able to access the site at the moment. As soon as it opens we will tell you. Responding Well The Church of England publication Responding Well was released last year. It provides a very useful and sensitive approach to questions about how we respond to the needs of those who have been sexually abused. Details can be found on their website. New email address Please use the new email address to contact me (safeguarding@baptist.org.uk). This has been set up to remain after my retirement this year.
Eligibility for Disclosures This is still an important issue on the CRB agenda; it is most important that churches take care not to encourage inappropriate or illegal applications to be made. In essence Disclosures can only be issued for people who teach, train, care for or supervise any of the vulnerable groups or those who ‘manage’ those who undertake such tasks. This advice may have to be revised when we see the specific guidance related to the new Act. Independent Safeguarding Authority We were recently told that the ISA will be publishing a new version of their referral from and guidance notes to accompany it. These will be available on the ISA website. Before referring people to ISA, please discuss the appropriateness of this action with your Regional Minister. Safe To Grow We would encourage you to ensure that you have the new version of Safe To Grow – it was published last year at the Assembly. Work is currently ongoing to develop the website that
Events National Mission Youth and Children’s Workers’ Residential 22-23 May: King’s Park Conference Centre, Northampton. Cost: £90 per person, including all meals and overnight accommodation in en-suite rooms. Theme: A space for Allsorts: Rediscovering the Church for all ages. Speakers: Revd Dr Mark Griffiths and Sian Hancock For more information and to book, see www.baptist.org.uk/events.html or contact the Mission Department on mission@baptist.org.uk or 01235 517713 Please book early - this helps us with our planning, prevents us from making unnecessary cancellations, and saves the Union from incurring last minute expenses. We appreciate your help and look forward to receiving your bookings! Please note - some venues have limited space, and places may fill up before the closing date listed. Regional Central In January and February there will be four “Help! I’m a Deacon” training sessions: 10 January: Broadway BC, Chesham 23 January: Mount Pleasant BC, Northampton 30 January: Kings Langley BC 1 February: Central BC, Luton In March there will be a series of meetings on training for evangelism with Paul Griffiiths to help churches with ideas in messy church, coffee shops and other social events.
East Midlands 2 February: Welcome to New EMBA Ministers. 25 February: INSPIRE at West Bridgford BC, Nottingham (18:30-21:30). Event run by 18-30s to inspire and encourage 18-30s in EMBA churches. 21 April: Association Day & AGM at Retford BC, Nottinghamshire. Keynote speaker: Revd Glen Marshall (Tutor at NBLC). Eastern 20-22 February: Annual Ministers’ Conference, High Leigh, Hoddesdon. 24 February - six sessions concluding 30 March: The E Word, evangelism training at Braintree Baptist Church with Sheila Martin. Contact Vilma Broadhurst at vilmabroadhurst@btinternet.com 3 March: So you think you can preach?, Swaffham BC. A training day for those called to lay preaching with Richard Lewis. Contact jill.mayes@easternbaptist.org.uk Heart of England 10 March: Our partnership with Saltmine continues. Outreach Director Jon Turner is leading an evangelism training day with Regional Minister Adrian Argile in Newcastle-under-Lyme. Jon is also speaking at the annual Palm Sunday Celebration for the Worcestershire Group. 18 March: The Regional Ministry Team will be leading a Celebration for North Birmingham churches at George Road, Erdington. 17 April: The Regional Ministry Team will be leading a Conversation with the Staffordshire Group at Chadsmoor, Cannock.
London 14 January: Induction of Revd Geoff Andrews as Regional Minister Team Leader, Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church (at 14:30). 6-8 February: Pastors’ Consultation at High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon. North Western 3 March: Mosaic - Children’s & Youth Leaders’ Multi-workshop Day, Nazarene Theological College, Manchester. 6 March: (20:00) AGM, The Resource Centre, Wigan. 19-21 March: Ministers’ Conference, Forest Hills Hotel, Frodsham. 2 April: Holy Week Retreat, Hawkshead Hill Baptist – walked retreat. 3 April: Holy Week Retreat, Hill Lane Baptist, Briercliffe. Northern 6-8 February: NBA Ministers Conference at Cober Hill with Andrew Rollinson. South Eastern 14 January: Meeting with Kenward Trust re Alcohol and Drugs at Kenward House, Yalding. 24 January: n:vision leaders refreshment evening at Dalesdown, Horsham. 28 January: “msm” (mission shaped ministry) course starts and continues monthly until June. 31 January - 1 February: SEBA Team Retreat at St Andrew’s, Edenbridge. 2 March: ‘Toolbox’ youth & children’s workers training day at Tonbridge. 11 March: n:vision ADORE at Cuckfield. 20-22 March: Ministers’ & Church Leaders’ Conference with Revd Dr Steve Brady (Moorlands College) at Ashburnham Place, Battle. 23-25 March: SEBA Women’s Ministry Weekend at Pilgrim Hall, Uckfield.
South Wales 6-8 February: Annual conference for Ministers from the South Wales Baptist Association, North Wales English Baptist Union and Baptist Union of Wales, held in beautiful Saundersfoot. Our guest speaker is Revd Roy Searle, one of the founders of Northumbria Community. We look forward to another great time of interaction, worship, fellowship and teaching. Southern Counties 14 January: First of six Women in Leadership Saturdays at Didcot Baptist Church. Leaders: Kate Coleman, Cham KaurMann and Grace Owen. Seeking to develop women leaders for public life, work, community and church. 13-15 February: Ministers Conference, Bournemouth. Speaker: David Kerrigan. Includes opportunity to meet Anne Lane, the new Tutor in Community Learning at Regent’s Park College. West of England 6-8 February: WEBA Ministers’ Conference, Sidholme Hotel in Sidmouth, Devon. Yorkshire Unless stated, further information is available through the YBA. 15 January: Farewell event for Gaynor Hammond, Rawdon Trinity Church. Contact NBLC for details. 28 January: Farewell event for Ernie Whalley, Huddersfield. 18 February: Induction service for Graham Ensor, South Parade Baptist Church, Leeds. 20-22 February: YBMF Ministers Retreat, Scarborough. Contact Revd Sally Nelson for bookings, etc. 21 April: YBA Assembly & AGM 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership, in the Kirklees area during 2012/2013. More details from www.on-course/7deadlysins 29
Friday 4 May – Sunday 6 May 2012 Central Hall Westminster, London Back in the 1990’s when I was a deacon in my church and a mere 30-something – and long before I became a member of staff at the Baptist Union – I attended my first Assembly at Westminster Central Hall. In 2012 I will be returning, having been involved in planning the event since joining the Union as Head of Communications in 2005 – so it will be great fun to be there. Over years I attended the Assembly when I could and was struck by the way it offered opportunities to make and meet up with friends, enjoy worship and learn together in the main arena and seminars, and much more. I wonder whether you have been to the Assembly recently? It has changed so much over the years and I think you would be surprised at how valuable it is to be there as a church leader. Everyone is welcome at this important event in the life of our denomination as we explore together what it means to be Baptist in today’s world and celebrate together 400 years of Baptist witness in the UK and beyond with our Baptist family in London. Gathering in the heart of London 400 years after the first Baptist church on home soil began, the Assembly will give delegates a tangible experience of how our worldwide faith impacts the whole of life. 30
Guest speakers this year include speaker and author Tony Campolo, Senior Pastor of Jesus House for All Nations Pastor Agu Irukwu, Jane Day Regional Minister for Mission in the Yorkshire Baptist Association, incoming BUGB President and Street Evangelist Chris Duffett and Noel Robinson and band. On the Saturday we will be moving out of the main arena for the day and offering 13 Day Conferences mainly based in Central London. There will also be a children and youth programme for 3 year olds and over. So why not consider coming. If you live near or in London you could commute in by train, rather than stay over. It would be brilliant to see you there. Check out information already sent to your church or visit www.baptistassembly.org.uk for more details and registration. Amanda Allchorn Head of Communications communications@baptist.org.uk
Preview of the Assembly Programme FRIDAY 4 MAY 3.00pm – 5.00pm 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Prepare with Prayer, Focus Groups and Welcome to Assembly Opening Celebration at Central Hall, Westminster Worship led by Noel Robinson and band Guest Speaker: the incoming President of the Baptist Union, Chris Duffett
SATURDAY 5 MAY 10.30am – 3.30pm 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Day Conferences at different locations across London Evening Celebration at Central Hall, Westminster, including recognition and prayer for ministers and mission personnel Guest Speaker: Tony Campolo
SUNDAY 6 MAY (All events at Central Hall, Westminster) 9.30am – 10.30am Annual General Meetings of Baptist Union and BMS World Mission 11.00am – 12.30pm Morning Worship, including Communion Guest Speaker: Jane Day 12.45pm – 1.45pm Lunch & College Reunions 2.15pm – 3.30pm Conversations – with Tony Campolo, representatives from the Jamaican Baptist Union and an opportunity to reflect together 4.00pm Closing Celebration with In Memoriam for ministers and mission personnel who have died since the last Assembly Guest Speaker: Pastor Agu Irukwu CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Throughout the weekend there are excellent activities for children of school years 3 and over and young people based at Central Hall, Westminster. Friday – evening Saturday – day session (10.00am – 4.00pm) and evening Sunday – morning and afternoon sessions
ONLINE at www.baptistassembly.org.uk CALL the Assembly Office and request a registration form on 01235 517621 If you are coming as a church representative, please register via your Church Secretary or Administrator. Register for the whole Assembly at just £95 before 1 March 2012 (£105 after that date) Or book for individual sessions: Friday evening £20 Saturday (all day, which includes a packed lunch) £50 Saturday evening £20 Sunday £40