Transform 023

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September 2009



Confidence in the Gospel Church secretaries: you are receiving two copies of Transform with this mailing. Please pass one copy to your treasurer.

BUGB President the Revd Kingsley Appiagyei’s

Prayer Call 21 NOVEMBER 2009

Inside Transform Editorial Mission Ministry Faith & Unity Around the Union Staff News Communications Publications Home Mission Finance Legal and Property Issues Safeguarding Events

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the gathering 09 ‘During my year as BUGB President I will be encouraging churches to hold Prayer Days. My prayer is that as many of our churches as possible will respond to the Prayer Call, when as a Baptist family, we will all be lifting hands to pray together for revival. It would be great for pastors/leaders of churches to set a couple of hours when the church would come together and pray. Prayers can be scheduled anytime during the day, as is convenient’. Revd Kingsley Appiagyei

The next Prayer Day is scheduled for 21 November 2009 with a further one in early 2010. Closer to the time, suggestions for your prayer focus will be posted on the BUGB website and advised via WebWatch.

How is Jesus revealed in other cultures? Every culture brings fresh insight and understanding, which challenge and teach us to learn and grow as disciples of Christ. This year’s Gathering will capture some of the cultural expressions and spiritualities from the South Asian perspective. See page 29 for more information...

Baptist House PO Box 44 129 Broadway Didcot OX11 8RT telephone 01235 517700 facsimile 01235 517715 email Registered Charity No. 1125912


CONFIDENCE IN THE GOSPEL The death of Roger Martin in May came as a great shock to the denomination. I cannot remember a death within the Baptist family causing such widespread and deep sadness. We were greatly looking forward to his Presidency, which was due to begin at the 2010 Assembly in Plymouth. Roger was a huge character and it is hard to think of him without a smile, and without being reminded of his passionate confidence in the gospel. Roger continually invited people to make a response to the gospel...and it should come as no surprise that he saw a remarkable response with hundreds of people coming to faith and getting baptised during his ministry. I hope that, as a Baptist family, we will be humble enough to learn from Roger’s life. These are days of profound cynicism and it is easy for that to seep into our lives and to undermine our confidence and strength. Roger’s ministry was founded on a straightforward belief that the gospel worked! He was confident of his God and certain of his ability to bring salvation to all who called upon him. My prayer is that every single church in our Union will be full of confidence in the gospel. Let’s pray that for one another, because there is always the danger that

if we are not confident in God’s good news we will place our confidence in a thousand and one other things. I love those hilarious passages in Isaiah when the prophet mocks the sheer stupidity of someone placing their confidence in a block of wood. He speaks of the man who chops down a tree and uses some of the wood for a fire and some of it to make into a god. Let’s roll around laughing, because it’s so absurd! But time and time again we do the same, and we place our confidence in material things or in organisations, or in methods – rather than placing our whole confidence in God himself. One of the ways in which we can express our confidence in the gospel is through our giving to Home Mission. Through our gifts we enable others to minister in an amazing variety of ways – from the hundreds of ministers who serve in local churches and chaplaincies, to those who work in our associations and those who work with me at Baptist House. As we give to Home Mission we are declaring our confidence in a God who can change lives. Yours ever, in Christ,

Roger Martin 1943 - 2009


Mission Ian Bunce Head of Department

Introduction We all remember the parable of the sower; yes, the one with the path, stony ground, weeds and good soil. We all talk about the soil, but it was the sower who gave generously so that new life would come. Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 reminds us to sow generously; let us spread God’s love with abandonment. Here are a few things to get us thinking! Get in the Picture Every year in the run-up to Christmas, churches across the UK look for ways to connect with others and tell the story of the most outrageously generous gift given by God to all people. Through Christmas services, Carols by Candlelight, nativity plays, community carol singing and mince pie giveaways, the story of the gift of Jesus is one that many of us seek to share with our community. While most people who wouldn’t consider themselves Christians are happy to hear and observe something of the story, they rarely connect with it and think about it in a way that goes beyond a ‘nice baby Jesus story’. Get in the Picture seeks to involve all kinds of people in the Christmas story, encouraging them to participate and experience being part of the nativity in a fun way.


The vision The vision is to offer a picture as a free gift to remind people of the Christmas story. This will be done by … 1. working together as churches in your locality to create a nativity scene for the people from your villages, towns and cities to take part in the Christmas story. 2. inviting individuals and families to dress up and ‘get into the picture’ where a photo is taken. 3. giving them a card to point to the website where they can download their picture to print off or email to friends and family. 4. connecting them further with the Christmas story through the website, which will include your local Christmas service times, an MP3 of the Christmas story being read, a video testimony and other information about Christmas. The national project will create the website, with all the guidelines and layout being done for you. Your local church or group of churches will register and for this registration will get your town page with the ability to upload local Christmas service information and times. Photos that you take and upload will be automatically sorted, sized and put onto the website.

The cost for each registration will be about £50, no matter how many times you use the site this year. It is hoped that churches will put their Get in the Picture nativity into their shopping centres, supermarkets, ‘turning on the light’ celebrations and maybe even into local schools for their Christmas fairs. Guidelines will be given about permissions for photos etc. All you will need to do this project, is a portable nativity scene (live or still), a decent digital camera with tripod, some dressing up clothes and a baby Jesus, and internet access either at home or at church. The challenge is to get those who are shopping, looking for hope, to get into the picture, to get into the Christmas story. If you would like to find out more please email and we will keep you in touch as the project unfolds. The website will go live early September and be active throughout Advent.

So what are crossingplaces? Well, crossingplaces are activities and events which enable the good news of Jesus to be shared with people beyond the church. Some activities happen on church premises, others out in the community, but all of them are intentionally providing opportunities to share the gospel in readily accessible ways. Some crossingplaces are the stepping stones for young and old to move into other parts of church life where their faith journey can continue; sometimes the activity itself has helped establish a congregation, meeting at a variety of times in the week, or even a new church. As well as sharing inspiring stories and useful local information, the Mission Department is working on a number of crossingplaces resources for all age groups from toddlers through to the retired. So check out ideas and pray about what and where the crossingplaces will be for your church, your cell group and yourself in the months to come.

“Wonderful, it’s another of those crossingplaces!” This is the sentence that has been heard repeatedly around the Mission Department, in Mission Grants Committee, and in various places since the launch of crossingplaces at the last Baptist Assembly. Stories have come in from churches, events have been photographed and recordings have been made so that you can now go to the website and find a growing library of what’s happening where.

Parish Nurse Mandy Smith prays with one of her patients.


Mission Inflatable Church The Mission Department has purchased the Baptist Union’s first inflatable church, and it is now available for churches to hire for local events. Why not consider hiring it so that your church gets noticed at your local community event. It is a visible landmark and effective ‘magnet’ to attract people to your church’s display or activity. Possible Uses You can use the inside for various activities, including projecting images or videos onto the white screen area opposite the doorway, and adapt it for a variety of purposes, such as: · a quiet area for prayer during a local event · an exhibition about your church at a town fair · a life size nativity scene with church members dressing up as the main characters · a prayer space for praying on the streets · an Easter garden · a coffee shop · a book stall · a place for seekers to come and find out more about the Christian faith · a quiet place Do let us know how you choose to use it!


Cost The charge per event is £60 (inc VAT) plus the cost of collecting it from and returning it to Baptist House, Didcot. As commercial courier costs are prohibitive for most churches, we recommend that

borrowers make arrangements to collect and return the inflatable church from Didcot themselves. The inflatable church comes in two large bags (each measuring approximately 1.5m x 0.6m x 0.75m) which will fit in a large estate car or MPV. Hiring If your church would like to hire the inflatable church, please contact the Mission Department on 01235 517711 to check availability. A booking form is available for download from uk/resources/inflatablechurch.html but please check availability with the department before sending it with your payment. We’d love to hear about how your church has used the inflatable church and the impact it has had, so a feedback form will be sent to those who hire it out (this is also available to download from the website). For more information see resources/inflatablechurch.html and download the Mission File outlining all you need to know.

Inflatable church being used at the Village Day in Aston Clinton - June 2009

Ministry Paul Goodliff Head of Department

Introduction Supporting ministers is one of the highest priorities of the Ministry Department, and the success of the mentoring scheme for newly accredited ministers is widely recognised. This autumn we roll out fresh ideas for all ministers to consider for continuing support for themselves. Continuing Ministerial Support

One the success stories of recent years has been the Mentoring Scheme that has provided support to Newly Accredited Ministers (NAMs) throughout their probationary period (which is also the second phase of their initial ministerial formation). We have seen drop-out rates fall significantly, in no small part due to this initiative. Those coming to the conclusion of their NAMs period sometimes ask, “what next?” This autumn we are beginning to roll out a scheme that responds to that question, providing a ‘tool box’ of resources and ideas that ministers can use to provide for themselves the necessary continuing personal support for their ministry. In successive editions of Transform we will describe these measures in greater detail,

but for now we want to paint the big picture and give a rationale for their value. In the ‘tool box’ of Continuing Ministerial Support, a minister might find support through: (1) Peer Supervision, (2) Spiritual Direction, (3) Professional Supervision, (4) Cell group/Lunch group/ Prayer group, (5) Support Group and (6) Guided Self-Appraisal. Some of these are low-cost (such as Peer Supervision) while others can be relatively expensive (paid Professional Supervision might cost as much as £1000 per year). Some have been around in different guises for centuries (such as Spiritual Direction) and others are quite novel. In offering these options, I hope that every minister will consider which type of professional support will best help them personally, and how best they can express accountability. My hope is that every minister will find something that they can adopt that will add real value to those support structures that are so vital to ministry. In this way, not only will we become better supported but we will also be less likely to make shipwreck of faith and ministry amongst the tough demands of ministry today. It is too easy to conduct ministry as if we do not really need anyone else. We become little emperors in our own tiny kingdom! In reality, we need others alongside us. Consider a small group of trusted friends in a support group, form a cell group of those you trained with at college, find someone to accompany


Ministry you on your own spiritual journey or seek professional supervision. These could become a life-line for any minister! Not only is the support of huge help, but the knowledge of some kind of accountability can prevent us taking actions that will be harmful to both minister and congregation. As a department at Baptist House, we see Ministry’s role as encouraging missionary ministers, helping them to offer life-giving ministry for a lifetime of service. These new developments will help many to stay the course and be fruitful throughout their ministry, to the glory of God and the building of Christ’s Kingdom. Maternity Leave

Recent changes in maternity leave provisions have required a review of the maternity leave arrangements in the Recommended Terms of Appointment for Baptist Ministers. The new recommendations are that, for the first 8

26 weeks of maternity leave, full stipend should be paid, as at present. For any additional leave taken, up to 13 weeks in duration, Standard Maternity Pay will be payable (currently ÂŁ117.18 per week). This represents no loss of benefits from the previous arrangements, but takes into account the expectations that maternity leave may extend beyond the original six months or so. Indeed, child development evidence suggests that six months is not a good time to suddenly place a baby in child care, and the delay of a month or two is better. We hope churches will act with generosity when maternity leave is considered.

Faith and Unity Graham Sparkes Head of Department

Introduction Over the summer, significant church gatherings took place. The European Baptist Federation met in Amsterdam to mark 400 years of Baptist life and witness, and this was closely followed by the Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering. Meanwhile, in France, the Assembly of the Conference of European Churches brought together Christians from across the continent to witness to one hope in Christ. Such gatherings as these are wonderful opportunities to give and receive, to share generously and to be enriched through the faith of others. They are a vital part of what it means to be part of the wider Christian community! Real Life Worship Does what happens in our worship on Sunday connect with life in the real world? That crucial question has been the starting point for an ongoing dialogue involving a group of ministers, who have now shared something of their discussions and reflections through a series of ‘worship files’. The truth is that many people do struggle to make any connection. The world is in crisis as a result of our failure to care for creation and for those in need. Communities and individuals often have to deal with immensely challenging issues, and face deep pain and grief. Yet perhaps too often our worship does not enable a full engagement with our broken humanity and our need for true transformation. The Real Life Worship files seek to explore

Baptist ways of worshipping – particularly the different elements of a Baptist service of worship – so as to make connections that can give meaning and wholeness. They are there to prompt a continuing discussion and can be found on the BUGB website by going to: prayer_worship_resources.asp?section=37

Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer 4 November 2009 The theme for our prayers this year is ‘Seeing God’s creation 
 with new eyes’. Material is now available to help guide our worship, our praying and our reflecting. It can be found in the ‘Resources’ section of the BUGB website under ‘Prayer and Worship’, or you can request a paper copy by contacting Janet Farnsworth (tel: 01235 517726; email:

International Day of Peace 21 September 2009 The United Nations International Day of Peace invites communities, nations and governments across the world to work to end conflict and to 
 promote peace. The World Council of Churches calls on Christians to take part on the Sunday closest to this date. Baptists have shared in writing prayers, a biblical reflection and a hymn for use on the day. Go to the Joint Public Issue Team website ( or email your request for the materials to:


Faith and Unity Study Resources - coming this autumn Made in God’s Image is a series of six studies around the theme of human embryology and early human life. The material explores the issues from the perspective of faith, beginning by rejoicing in the wonder of human life. Before considering legal and scientific detail, the series looks at the different ways in which people make personal decisions, and also at the importance of pastoral care for people who are directly involved in these modern dilemmas. For information on their availability, email: Hope in God’s Future is a report linking theology and climate change. Written by Baptists, Methodists and United Reformed Christians, its basic structure is inspired by the shape of worship and includes questions for use in group study at the end of each section. It will be available at a cost of £5. For information on the availability of this booklet, email:


Church Constitutions – for LEPs and ‘Union’ churches Just as there is now a model constitution for use by BUGB 
 churches needing to register with the Charity Commission, so we will shortly have similar documents for use by LEP and ‘Union’ churches. The major denominations have been working with the Commission to agree a constitution that is acceptable to all, and during the autumn we will begin

the process of making this available. Watch the Faith and Unity Newsletter for more information. Brief Report of the EBF/BWA Meetings Two major themes challenged hearts and minds at Amsterdam 400. First of all, as we remembered with deep gratitude the faith and courage of Baptist Christians in 1609, we were acutely aware that many brothers and sisters within the European Baptist Federation (EBF) are still suffering persecution today. For example, only one Baptist church building is permitted in the whole of Turkmenistan and worshippers are harassed every Sunday by armed police. Secondly, the EBF Council focused on the uncertain future of the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague, which has fallen prey to the global economic crisis. IBTS offers high quality education to Baptists from across Europe and beyond, and is a vibrant spiritual community, too valuable to lose. The BWA Annual Gathering met at Ede, near Amsterdam, and began to plan its next five years of activity, with Muslim-Christian dialogue and global climate change both high on the agenda. We hold the EBF and the BWA in our prayers.

Around the Union Central Administrative contact: Stephen Copson 01462 442548

of Retford. God gave them the name ‘The Well’ early on in their prayer and planning, and amazingly they found an old well by the front door of the new church building!

In April, the CBA organised a day conference, Living Hospitality, aimed at helping churches to be welcoming communities to Christians from varied ethnic backgrounds. The day was led by Kumar Rajogopalan, David Shosanya (Regional Ministers in the LBA) and Sonia Barron (Anglican). In June, ‘God’s heart for people and places’ was the theme of the keynote address given by David Shosanya, at the CBA Assembly. Seminars focused on ‘How can the church help people in debt’ and ‘Mission opportunities with BMS World Mission for people with unexpected time on their hands’. During the AGM, the new strategy was presented with the strap-line ‘Walking Together in Ministry and Mission’.

Eastern Administrative contact: Hayley Beckett

01263 826377 Over the summer, a team of active over 50’s from the EBA have been working on a shop premises in Great Yarmouth which will form part of the church’s outreach to the local community. Situated between a sex shop and a tattoo parlour, the work has been part-funded by a BUGB Mission Project Grant and the working parties have been provided by Fresh Horizons East. Any active over 50’s who would be interested in finding out how they could give their time and energy to this or similar projects are invited to contact Revd Sheila Martin at

East Midland Administrative contact: Rebecca Nicholls 0115 981 8645

We continue to develop links with minority ethnic fellowships seeking to partner together in mission. We are encouraged by the ministries of both Pastor Stephen Patel and Pastor Paul Lohan and their vision for evangelism in the multicultural areas of Leicester. Retford Baptist Church opened its new premises to enable them to be a spiritual and community resource in the town

Heart of England Administrative contact: Karen Martindale 0121 472 4986

It is just two years since our new Regional Ministry Team came together and we are grateful to God for all that has been achieved. A renewed sense of purpose, new strategy groups, new partnerships, a new office at IMC, new website, even a new logo (!) have all been welcomed by


Around the Union the churches. We are also deeply grateful for the faithful service of so many folk in this association over many years. Northern Administrative contact: David Lennox 0191 413 2205 London Administrative contact: Paul Martin 020 7692 5592

North Western Administrative contact: Mandy Howarth 01942 221595

The NWBA has been undertaking a strategic review of youth and children’s work across the association. Through consultation with ministers, churches and volunteers we have been asking ‘what’s going well?’, ‘what are you struggling with?’ and ‘what are the barriers to mission to under 18’s?’ We have been encouraged by the number of people who have taken part in the consultation evenings, and the stories we are hearing of churches who have had to close their youth and children’s work, only to find God initiating something new in the following months. The information gathered from the consultation will be used to plan the youth and children’s strategy over the next five to ten years. 12

Following an association review, the NBA has produced a Development Plan for the next few years. We have revisited our vision and mission statements and will present new ones at the Autumn Assembly in October. This will reflect our passion to see God’s kingdom at work in power in the North East. The two Regional Ministers will be leading a small group of ministers to Texas as part of our developing links with the Tryon Evergreen Baptist Association. Links are also being developed with the Lithuanian Baptist Union.

South Eastern Administrative contact: Steph Tidy 01444 233431

A very successful conference for ministers and church leaders was held in June with speakers Roy Searle and Stuart MurrayWilliams. This autumn will be the time for the new SEBA Team to become established following the appointment of Team Leader, Stuart Davison and Regional Minister, Paul Kerley. During the year, each of the nine geographical networks has an annual celebration and some of these are

occurring during October and November in addition to several training events. Currently, SEBA is trialling an innovative and exciting partnership with The Baptist Times.

South Wales Administrative contact: Mark Thomas 02920 491366

Momentum, the first Baptist Assembly in Wales (12–13 June), received enthusiastic reviews and was regarded as a resounding success. If you missed any of the action, check out Tony Campolo’s talks on the website Prior to the Assembly, leaders gathered at a packed Mainstream Wales event, to interact with Tony Campolo. As one person commented, “these days are proving to be invaluable both in terms of the quality of speakers and the interaction with other local church leaders”.

South West Administrative contact: Chris Wooding 01392 433533

Baptists in the South West were called to explore the theme ‘Riches in Christ’ at their Annual Assembly on 20 June. Around 200 people attended the event which was held at Wellington Baptist Church in Somerset. Delegates were able to take advantage

of the newly refurbished facilities at the church and enjoy a varied programme of events for both young and old. Speakers from the London Baptist Association shared how their experience in London is an exciting one of a rapidly changing city and how this has caused them to reflect on the whole issue of diversity. Throughout the day they looked at how to face the issues of difference of age, social background or style of theology in the church and how these issues present themselves in different congregations.

Southern Counties Administrative contact: Keith Hawton 023 8041 0691

We held two Pastoral Care days during the summer to deepen our understanding of how experiences of abuse, affect people within and beyond our churches. The days were led by national speakers and leading authors on this subject. They helped us to recognise that it is often the continuing consequences of abuse that we encounter in the lives of other people, and we were resourced to develop in this vital ministry. We are grateful to many in SCBA who enabled us to successfully host the Baptist Assembly in Bournemouth this year. Locks Heath Free Church continues to grow, so much so that they now have their eyes on the nearby redundant MFI Warehouse! Please pray for the negotiations and funding to enable this exciting project. 13

Around the Union West of England Administrative contact: Geoff Starling 0117 965 8828

More than 300 people attended this year’s 3 in 1 Event at Milton Baptist Church in Weston-super-Mare, which combined seminars, our AGM, cream teas, and a celebration service on the theme ‘Making a Difference’. Regional Minister Team Leader, Revd Nigel Coles, was the main speaker at the evening celebration, and there were interviews with WEBA people who are trying to ‘make a difference’, including Alison Boulton, who has just finished her ministerial training and moved into a new housing development in Swindon to develop incarnational mission in a new community.


Yorkshire Administrative contact: Deborah Gamble 0113 278 4954

This autumn will be a significant one in Yorkshire as we look at our overall strategy for the next five years. In late 2008 and early 2009, a series of listening events was held in the churches. The feedback from these is now being looked at by a strategy group who will bring some proposals and suggestions for consideration by our Executive group at their away day on 14 November. Our prayer is that the YBA Strategy for the future will truly reflect the needs and aspirations of Yorkshire Baptist churches.

Staff News Regional

East Midland Revd Dianne Tidball began as Regional Minister Team Leader on 1 July. Dianne and Becky Nicholls (Administrator) will be joined by Revd David Rogers as Regional Minister for the Northern part of the association on 1 August. The newly established team are enthusiastically looking to the autumn as they work together enabling mission and healthy churches around the EMBA. Eastern We said goodbye to our Association Secretary Mrs Eleanor Reed at our Assembly in June. Eleanor retired at the end of August and her successor is Mrs Hayley Beckett from Sheringham. Heart of England This autumn brings anniversaries for two very special people in HEBA. Karen Martindale (Administrator) will have been working for the association for 20 years and Lesley Hubball (Administrative Assistant) for 10 years. Karen and Lesley are greatly appreciated by colleagues

and the churches for their cheerfulness, warmth and faithful service. We thank God for them both! Northern We welcome Chris Bambrough as our Association Youth Specialist who began his work amongst us on 1 September. David Lennox retires in October from being our Association Secretary and we express our gratitude for the immense contribution David has made to the association. South Eastern

On 2 April, we were pleased to appoint the Revd Stuart Davison as Team Leader. Stuart is well known in the association, having been a Regional Minister with us for two years. Then, in June, the Revd Paul Kerley was appointed as a new Regional Minister. Paul is currently at Aldwick Free Church (Baptist), near Bognor Regis, where he has been the minister since 1995 and has previous ministerial experience at Baptist churches in Maidstone, Erith and Earlswood. He will take up his new responsibilities on 1 October and will be based in Kent. South Wales Following our AGM in mid June, a number of significant appointments were


Staff News made not least: • The re-appointment of Revd Gareth Evans as Moderator of the association for a further two years. • The appointment of a new Treasurer, Mr Tony Naudi. • The appointment of five new Trustees. We are delighted with these appointments and look forward to working with them in serving the churches within the association. South West Following our recent staffing review, we are looking ahead and working on a document called ‘New Ways Forward’. As part of this document we are reassessing our mission priorities for the future as an association. West Of England Michael Shaw is moving on from his post as Director of Re:source Bristol in order to begin ministerial training. Revd Mike Pears will be taking over as Facilitator of Re:source, with the remit to initiate and sustain missional partnerships, particularly between larger suburban and smaller urban churches, assisting the smaller congregations to become sustainable centres for urban mission.


Yorkshire In September we will welcome our new Regional Minister for Mission, Revd Jane Day, to the team. Then in October we will say farewell to Cath Mawson who is concluding her role as BMS World Mission Northern Coordinator. A joint Northern associations’ farewell service is being held at Blackley Baptist Church on Sunday 11 October. More information will be available through the association offices. Cath has been a highly valued member of the YBA team and we will miss her greatly.

Communications Amanda Allchorn Head of Department

Introduction Life in the Communications Department is never dull! If we are not building up to major events like Leading Edge and the Assembly, we are busy working with the media or creating publications and online resources for our Baptist family. The autumn is often a time to focus on future developments and the BUGB website is a key area we are reviewing at the moment. Online communication – we need your ideas!

your views and suggestions as busy church leaders. A very short survey has been set up using an easy online programme called Survey Monkey. We pose just eight simple questions and you can complete this quicker than the time it takes to boil a kettle! So please do visit latest_news.html. The survey closes on 30 September 2009. Questions include: What value do you get from using the website? If we did not have one, what would you miss? What else can we put online to help you in your key roles in the local church? BUGB Prayer Guide 2010

Many church leaders reading Transform will know that we have often referred to the ‘quantum leap changes’ in communications, the internet and new/social media over recent years. Our Communications Department have reviewed many of the developments in our communications through this ‘lens’ recently. One major communication tool we are looking to develop further is the Baptist Union website An initial consultation project regarding where the ‘online potential’ of the Baptist Union should be in five years time has just been completed. But this is where we need your help – we would really value

Please note that there will be an exciting change in 2010 regarding the Prayer Guide. From January 2010 this will appear each quarter in the centre of Baptist Life (which replaced BUGB Mag). Our aim is to keep the Prayer Guide as up to date as possible and reach as many people in our churches as we can. This means we will not be sending a separate Prayer Guide in January to each church as we have done in the last few years.


Communications The Baptist Times Appeal

website. There will also be a special delivery of papers for your congregation, so people can see for themselves what it’s like. More details will be provided closer to the time. We believe we’ve been called to serve the denomination’s strategy of encouraging missionary disciples; resource people in their spiritual, congregational and family life; and help act as the denominational glue by keeping Baptists in touch with each other.

We’re changing! The Baptist Times is having a makeover and in a few weeks you’ll be able to see the results. We’ve also taken account of what we’ve learned from our recent reader survey and we’ll be including new content and features. We’re encouraging people to consider taking the paper regularly by subscribing or getting it through a church agent, rather than picking it up from a newsagent. At the moment, we make a slight loss on every paper sold that way! So we’re inviting you to make Sunday 4 October – the Sunday after our redesigned paper is launched – Baptist Times Sunday. We’ll be producing posters and a PowerPoint presentation which will be downloadable from our 18

To help us do this better, we recently launched an appeal which drew a great response from our supporters. If you missed it and would still like to contribute, please send your donation to The Baptist Times, 129 Broadway, Didcot, Oxon OSX11 8XB, or visit our website

Publications Jenny Stewart Manager

NEW RELEASES IN 2009 Discovering New Gifts This popular resource has been redesigned with a more contemporary look and rereleased. Use it for personal study or for house groups/discipleship groups to work through together. Selling price is just 70p each. Communities of Conviction In this the 400th anniversary of the beginnings of Baptist life as we know it, Ian Randall has written a fascinating book on the regional beginnings of the European Baptist family. It tracks how, born amidst persecution and struggle, the Baptist movement has grown into a diverse and vibrant expression of the Christian faith. Selling price is £13.00.

Approaching God Chris Ellis’ new book Approaching God is an excellent guide for worship leaders and worshippers. He gives practical advice for both beginners and more experienced worship leaders and offers enriching reflections on the nature of worship and on the God whom Christians gather to worship – the God who simultaneously approaches us in love and grace. This resource offers clear guidelines and a theological framework that genuinely embrace the characteristics of evangelical worship. Selling price is £14.50. All books available through the ‘Resources’ section of the BUGB website:


Home Mission 2010 Home Mission Budgets – how you can make a difference The autumn is a popular time of year for church leaders to discuss in deacons’ and church meetings what budgets they will set for the following year. Decisions over how much churches give to Home Mission are wrestled over in the light of other demands on the church finances. But as a Baptist people we believe that in giving to Home Mission we are called to enable others to bring dreams and visions into reality through the support of funding from the Baptist family.

by the way we use our resources to fulfil what it is as Baptists God is calling us to do wherever we are. Spurred on by Luke 10:1-12, we looked at these words and compared them with the BUGB charitable objects that often include the phrase, ‘the advancement of the Christian Religion especially by the means of and in accordance with the principles of the Baptist Denomination...’.

Here are some reflections from Malcolm Broad (BUGB Treasurer): “It’s July as I write this article and there is lots going on in the life of the Union, the normal round of meetings, but this year is different with a Pension Review underway, an Investment Fund Manager selection recently completed and an Accountants review still to follow!

Why not try this exercise by using this bible passage in your church, it just might cause you to think afresh about what God is calling you to be in your community.Then maybe look at your financial resources to consider how best to use these in the year ahead. By the time you read this, many of you will be engaged in budget setting for 2010, so we have put together on the BUGB website some ideas, some practical hints and tips on preparing your church budget – I hope you find this useful, perhaps challenging and even stimulating!!”

At the Association Treasurer’s Day in July we spent some time being challenged

Malcolm Broad BUGB Hon Treasurer

Please give generously

Through the generous giving of our 2000+ churches each year, over 400 projects, ministries and other initiatives similar to those in this booklet usly are supported by Home Mission. As God calls and o er g gen Givin Baptists respond, these funds enable visions and dreams to come to life!

Leave a legacy

By leaving a legacy in your will, you would be making a huge difference for others in the future.

Hold a special event

Why not hold or take part in a fun sponsored event to raise money for Home Mission - a great way to bring people together for a purpose. A cake sale at the next church coffee morning is a simple way to raise funds! For more ideas please visit

Collect stamps,coins, medals and postcards

Did you know that these items can be turned into money for Home Mission?! For several years, Home Mission has been collecting and selling stamps, coins medals and postcards to raise funds. Please send items to Alan Cookson (41 Pemberton Close, Aylesbury, Bucks HP21 7NY) or drop them off at the Communications Department at the National Resource if you are visiting Didcot...every little helps! 19

Finance Philip Putman Head of Department

Introduction We have seen an encouraging response to this year’s Home Mission Appeal and are pleased to see that churches are responding to the call to give ‘at least 5% of General Fund income to Home Mission’. We thank you all for your generosity – please continue! The Finance Office staff are available to assist churches with financial queries and the Union’s Honorary Taxation Advisor, Philip Cooke, provides information on taxation topics in each issue of Transform. This issue sees a selection of recent Q & A’s which you may find interesting.

1.00% on money deposited by churches in the Baptist Union Loan Fund. The current rate is advertised each week in The Baptist Times. The deposits assist the provision of loans to churches, and are welcomed by the Corporation.

2010 Stipend The Trustees have fixed the Home Mission Stipend for 2010 at £19,350, an increase of 1.31% on the 2009 Stipend. The Trustees took into account various factors including the significant increases in pension contributions this year, the current inflation factors such as RPI and CPI, together with average wage settlements in the UK and of course the economic climate.


Treasurers should also note that the value of a manse for Pension Fund purposes is £5,825 per annum as from 1 January 2010. This increases the amounts that churches and ministers pay as pension scheme contributions, and significantly increases the benefits which will be received in due course from the fund. Deposit rates The Baptist Union Corporation currently (from 10 March 2009) pays interest at

Loan rates The Baptist Union Corporation is willing to lend at 3.70% (from 10 March 2009) to churches buying, extending or renovating buildings or manses, subject to suitable repayment arrangements being in place. This rate is also subject to change in line with national interest rates. The current rate is advertised each week in The Baptist

Mileage rates

The recommended mileage rates continue at 40p per mile for the first 10,000 miles within each tax year, and 25p for each mile thereafter. Help for Church Administrators The UK Church Administrator Network (UCAN!), launched this summer, is designed to offer encouragement and practical support to those employed by their church as Administrators, Office Assistants or Business Managers. The plan is to develop the network and then offer a variety of services from 2010: conferences, professional forums, theological insights


Finance and an e-newsletter. The hope is that the network will also encourage local linkups and initiatives. The network is being co-ordinated by John Truscott who set up Administry in the 1980s, which had a similar listing until a few years ago. For details and an application form, go to

Compiled by Philip Cooke FCA, Honorary Taxation Adviser to the Baptist Union

The following selection of recent Q’s & A’s may be of wider interest… Mileage allowance - manse to church: Q Since office accommodation is available at the church am I right in thinking that journeys between the manse and the church will be regarded as commuting with the result that mileage allowance cannot be paid or, if it is, it will be taxable? A HMRC accept that the manse is the ‘base’ from which a minister performs all the duties of his or her office. Whilst a church will usually provide a vestry or office facility at church to enable a minister to undertake such duties as need to be performed there, this does not detract from the fact that the manse remains the minister’s base. It is, of course, for church and minister to agree the circumstances in which mileage allowance will be paid but if a church is unable to meet the full cost of manse to church journeys, the minister 22

is entitled to claim any shortfall (compared with the Revenue approved allowance) as an expense in his or her tax return. Form P11D - manse accommodation: Q Do I have to include on form P11D details of the manse accommodation provided for our minister along with details of the various manse service benefits provided by the church? A The benefit of accommodation provided for a pastoral minister of religion is excepted from charge to income tax, as also are amounts paid or reimbursed in respect of council tax, water charges, buildings insurance and exterior maintenance. It is therefore not necessary to include details of any of these items on form P11D. However, if the church reimburses all or part of the manse lighting and heating costs these must be shown on the P11D (section N), as also must any other manse service benefits such as internal repairs and decoration (other than to landlord’s fixtures and fittings) and gardening (section K), and (if applicable) the provision of carpets or soft furnishings (section L). The minister needs to include in his/her personal return (Minister of Religion pages) the amounts shown on the P11D but should also remember to claim a deduction (usually 25%) in respect of the church business use of such service benefits. Furthermore, the minister’s tax liability might be reduced by the 10% service benefit cap, further details of which can be found in the Guidance Notes on Self Assessment and the Minister (document F13 on the BUGB website).

Gift aid relief - annual church ‘getaway’: Q Can we claim Gift Aid relief on the fee paid by members of the fellowship for attending our annual church ‘get-away’? A Because of the effect of the donor benefit rules the short answer is ‘No’ but this brief statement needs further amplification. The donor benefit rules preclude relief if a donor (or a connected person - briefly a spouse or a linear relative of the donor or spouse) receives a personal benefit exceeding 25% of a donation up to £100; or £25 if the donation is between £100 and £1,000; or 5% of a donation between £1,000 and £10,000; or £500 if the donation exceeds £10,000. There is also an over-riding annual (tax year) benefit limit of £500. However, the Revenue have made clear that if events such as this are part of a church’s normal activities and attendance is not conditional on the making of a donation to church funds (ie the event is ‘free to all comers’), then there will be no restriction of Gift Aid relief in respect of ordinary unfettered donations received by a church for the furtherance of its charitable activities. But if a charge is made for the event then Gift Aid relief is not applicable. Tax credits: Q My wife and I lease our property to the church for use as the church manse. We also claim Tax Credits. Does the rental income which we receive have to be taken into account as part of our joint income for this purpose? A Yes - the net rental income (after

deducting allowable expenses including any loan interest) has to be added to your other sources of joint taxable income for the purpose of determining entitlement to Tax Credits. Lease of minister’s property - wear & tear allowance: Q In computing the amount of net rental income upon which we pay tax as a result of leasing our property to the church for use as a manse, are we entitled to claim the annual ‘10% wear & tear allowance’ in respect of furniture and furnishings? A The answer is ‘No’ unless, somewhat unusually, your property has been leased on a furnished basis. This relief only applies to a furnished letting and, historically, churches normally make manses available on an unfurnished basis. Loan to minister: Q We wish to assist our minister with the replacement of his car. Can we make him an interest-free loan? A Yes, you can, and provided the loan (or the aggregate of all outstanding loans) does not exceed £5,000 there will be no taxable benefit. If outstanding loans exceed £5,000 then, to the extent that interest is charged at less than the official rate (currently 4.75% pa), there will be a taxable benefit in kind which will also give rise to a Class 1A NIC charge.


Finance Manse telephone:

Q The company which supplies phone and broadband services at the manse say they cannot issue accounts in the name of the church and insist that they must be in the name of the user. Does this affect the treatment for tax purposes? A In order to qualify for the tax exemption for a ‘workplace’ telephone it is necessary for the employer to be seen as the provider of the manse phone and if this is explained to the phone company it will usually cooperate, perhaps by agreeing to address the account to the Revd ABC c/o xyz Baptist Church or to xyz Baptist Church c/o Revd ABC, if they cannot be persuaded to send the account direct to the church treasurer. The account should, of course, be paid by the church. For further guidance about inclusive telephone/broadband packages please refer to paras 1.13 to 1.15 of the Taxation Guidance Notes for Churches & Ministers (document F5 on the BUGB website).


Carpets in the manse: Q Our prospective new minister has asked whether we can replace some of the carpets in the manse and we are prepared to do so but are not sure whether this will give rise to a tax charge.

A The provision of carpets and soft furnishings by an employer does normally give rise to an annual taxable benefit in kind (see paras. 1.9 to 1.11 of the Taxation Guidance Notes for further details) but the church might care to consider including the new carpets as part of the relocation package. Provided total qualifying relocation expenses do not exceed £8,000 then there will be no tax liability, though it should be noted that the carpets will, in these circumstances, strictly become the property of the minister.

Computers: Q I am a church minister and need to replace my computer which is used almost exclusively for church business purposes. Am I entitled to any tax relief on the purchase of a new one? A Yes - you can presently claim a 100% investment allowance in the year of purchase, though if any personal use is more than insignificant it will be necessary to restrict the claim accordingly. These notes are issued for general guidance only. The author or publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of material contained herein. If you are in any doubt about the correct treatment of any matter you should seek further professional advice. I am prepared to respond to questions of a general nature and my email address is: In order to avoid any such emails being treated as ‘spam’ please state ‘Church Tax Enquiry’ as the subject and indicate the name of your church.

Legal and Property Issues Linda Holder Manager of the Baptist Union Corporation Introduction The Corporation team continues to help churches with various legal queries, charity registration, property transactions and listed building queries. Pandemic Influenza – Swine Flu Churches need to be prepared for the particular issues that may arise for faith communities during a flu pandemic. The Government recognises the role churches can have in supporting those that are affected by an outbreak. Churches may be asked to take steps to try to ensure that their services and activities do not contribute to the spread of the virus. At the time of writing, the Government has provided specific guidance on these issues for faith communities which can be found at: communities/influenzapandemic. This guidance was updated in May 2009. More general information about swine flu is available on the Directgov website: and on the NHS Direct website: Financial Accounting Thresholds Lower financial thresholds for accounting and reporting requirements for charities came into effect on 1 April. The changes include: • raising the threshold above which charities prepare accruals accounts from £100,000 to £250,000; • raising the threshold above which accounts must undergo external scrutiny from £10,000 to £25,000; and • increasing the threshold above which registered charities submit annual

accounts and Trustees’ Annual Reports to the Charity Commission from £10,000 to £25,000. It should be remembered, however, that all charities, including churches with annual incomes under £25,000, must prepare accounts and make them available on request. The Charity Commission has published an updated guide CC15b Charity Reporting and Accounting: The Essentials which can be found at: uk/publications/cc15b.asp. This applies to financial years ending on or after 1 April 2009. Annual Reports and Public Benefit The Charity Commission has published an example annual report for churches that have registered as charities. This can be found at: uk/Library/publicbenefit/pdfs/pbexemilions.pdf. The example text shows how the public benefit requirements can be demonstrated in an annual report. Charity Registration Most churches with an annual income of £100,000 or more have now registered as charities in accordance with the new legal requirements. The registration deadline is 1 October 2009 and any church with this level of income that has not submitted their application to the Charity Commission needs to do so as a matter of urgency. A series of guideline leaflets to assist with this are available on the BUGB website. Charging for Surface Water Drainage In the past surface water drainage charges


Legal and Property Issue have been based on the rateable value of properties and churches have not had to pay these charges because of their zero rating. A number of water companies have now switched from rateable value to area based charging which has resulted in a huge increase in water bills for some churches. The Government’s view is that these large increases are not in accordance with the guidance which Defra has issued to Ofwat in the past. The Prime Minister’s Office has said: ‘It is for individual companies to prepare their charging schemes and for Ofwat, as the economic regulator of the water industry, to review and approve them. Customers with sensitive properties, who are concerned about disproportionate increases in their bills, or inaccurate bills, should raise their concerns with their water company in the first instance or, failing that, with the Consumer Council for Water.’ United Utilities is one of the water companies concerned. They now propose to set their surface water drainage charges for 2009/10 at 2007/08 levels for customers such as churches, which is at levels prior to the introduction of site area charging. The company is also committed to finding a long term solution to this problem for 2010/11 and beyond. Gas Safety CORGI (the Council of Registered Gas Installers) has been superseded by a new safety body, the Gas Safe Register ( In order to comply with the law, anyone carrying out work on gas must now be on the new 26

Register. Individuals within churches who are responsible for repairs and property maintenance need to be aware that gas fitters’ registration documents have changed. Baptistery Heaters We have heard from an electrician that more than half of the baptistery heaters that he has tested have been unsafe. If your church uses an electrical heater for the baptistery please ensure that it is checked as part of your routine programme of portable electrical appliance testing. Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures With effect from 6 April the previous statutory discipline and grievance procedures for employees have been repealed and replaced by an ACAS Code of Practice. The Code provides practical guidance to employers and sets out principles for handling disciplinary and grievance situations. The Code does not apply to dismissals due to redundancy or the non-renewal of fixed term contracts. Employment tribunals will take the Code into account when considering relevant cases. The BUC C12 Employment guideline leaflet has been updated to reflect these changes. New Guideline Leaflet A new leaflet has been published to encourage churches to obtain regular reports on the condition of their church buildings. This can be helpful in identifying small problems that can be solved more easily, before they become big problems. It is B.12 Five Year Inspection Reports – Church Buildings.

Safeguarding Alan Elson Safeguarding Administrator

Following is the revised timetable for changes related to the launch of the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) and the Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS). VBS will be run by the ISA and has serious implications for churches. It is to be obligatory that all those working with children, young people and vulnerable adults are registered with ISA before starting work (paid or voluntary). All workers must be aware of the new scheme and those who appoint workers must follow the new regulations, otherwise they are in danger of committing a criminal offence.

issued nearer this start date. • Old (current version) forms will not be accepted by the CRB. • It will be possible to check online if a worker is registered with ISA; it will take time to build up this list, so at the beginning it will show most people are not registered, they must then apply for registration. • You will be able to ‘register an interest’ in an individual’s ISA registration status; this will mean you will be automatically informed if their status changes.

The timetable for change From 12 October 2009 • Continue to apply for CRB Disclosures using the current application form. • Standard CRB Disclosures will stop revealing information about those barred from working with vulnerable groups. • Those entitled to check the barred lists must apply for Enhanced Disclosures. • If you discipline someone for misconduct concerning children or vulnerable adults and they are dismissed, leave or move to another job, you must report this to ISA. This is a legal obligation. We recommend that you discuss these cases with your Regional Ministry team before sending a report to ISA. Report forms are available on the ISA website (

2011 Existing workers who do not hold CRB Disclosures are to register with ISA. We will devise in-house procedures for the new parts of this process. Training events will be delivered nearer to the launch date to enable churches to become familiar with the new system. The timetable for people to register with ISA will be determined by the age of the Disclosure they currently hold. Do not apply until the right time, otherwise the system will collapse. Everyone who needs to hold ISA registration must be registered before 25 July 2015.

From 26 July 2010 • From 26 July anybody wishing to work with children or vulnerable adults must register with ISA before starting work. • Apply for CRB Disclosure and ISA registration on the same form; this will be

Students who are starting their studies before 26 July 2010 do not have to register, although they will continue to need a CRB Disclosure. Those whose courses starts after that date will have to register with ISA before beginning any practical placement. VBS does not replace the CRB Disclosure; these will continue to be required as will the other procedures connected with sound recruitment practice such as the taking up of 27 references.

Events Jenny Stewart Events Manager



Baptist World Congress - Hawai’i 28 July - 1 August 2010 Planning for next year’s Baptist World Congress is progressing well. We are aware of quite a number of people from across the UK planning to be in attendance. At the recent BWA Gathering, the Congress Programme Committee confirmed the main speakers for the 20th Baptist World Congress to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, next year. BWA President David Coffey will speak on the opening night. Other speakers throughout the week include Karl Johnson, General Secretary of the Jamaica Baptist Union; Paul Msiza, President of the All Africa Baptist Fellowship, General Secretary of the Baptist Convention of South Africa; Alongla Aier, co-founder of Oriental Theological Seminary in the Northeast Indian State of Nagaland and associate professor in English and communication at the school; and Lance Watson, senior pastor of St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia, in the United States. The Congress theme is ‘Hear the Spirit’, and topics to be addressed by the speakers include consecration, proclamation, liberation, and transformation. The bible study material to be used throughout the congress week has been prepared, and will be available in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish and English. Choirs, musicians, dance groups, and other performers from Argentina, Brazil,

Chile, Cuba, England, Estonia, Georgia, India, Senegal, South Africa, South Korea, the United States, and elsewhere are also expected to participate during the five days of events. Proposed workshop topics are varied and include, crises in church leadership, the ethics of genetic engineering, human trafficking, and Christian-Muslim relationships. The 20th Baptist World Congress will be held 28 July to 1 August 2010, at the Hawaii Convention Center and is expected to have in attendance more than 10,000 participants from more than 100 countries. For more information on the Congress, including registration and accommodation, see the Congress website at:

For help with planning your travel, contact Phil Hindle at Thyme Travel at enquiries@thymetravel/ or 01823 690 091. Now is a great time to be starting to make enquiries and bookings to get the best travel deals. Baptist Assembly 30 April – 3 May 2010 Plymouth Pavilions Plans are full steam ahead for the Baptist Assembly 2010 in Plymouth. The theme will be ‘One World, One Mission’ as we reflect on what binds BUGB and BMS World Mission together. Jesus has called us to make the Good News known to everyone in this global village, and that’s bound to demand the best of us. Assembly will help us to reflect

on this as we worship, learn and discuss together. Speakers already booked for the 2010 Assembly are David Coffey, the President of the Baptist World Alliance and Amy Orr-Ewing, the Director of Programmes for the Oxford School of Apologetics. More information will be released in the autumn regarding other speakers and details of the Assembly Programme. More information will be available on the Assembly website in October. National Life in Technicolour Conference 9 – 11 October 2009 Northampton

Our biennial conference is open to those married to UK Baptists in ministry, mission and training, including those who are retired and those who have been widowed. We welcome both men and women.Our speakers this year are Jonathan Edwards, General Secretary of the BUGB, and Alex and Dorcas Afriyie, who are in ministry at the London Network Church.Come and join us for a great weekend, receiving from God and being with others from a similar situation. We aim to provide a time of restoration and renewal away from the home environment where we can be encouraged and strengthened. Enjoy a couple of days with no commitments, no responsibilities and lots of fun. We believe the conference will prove

to be a refreshing blessing to many and is excellent value for money. There are only a few places left, so if you would like more information or need to download a conference booking form, please visit the website and click on the page marked conference. Alternatively call Juliette on 01454 880546. The Gathering 10 October 2009 The Gathering is a special annual event. It seeks to encourage churches to discover the richness that can be found in diversity, as well as explore culturally relevant ways of engaging with black and ethnic minorities within our local communities. This year’s Gathering will explore the theme: ‘How Jesus is revealed in other cultures’, particularly reflecting on spiritualities, theologies and worship from the Indian subcontinent. There will be worship led by an Asian group, an Indian meal, and discussion groups. An evening event will be particularly for young people – though all are welcome! Come and be a part of this exciting conference at Edmonton Baptist church in London. The Gathering starts at 10:00 and the cost is £15, including lunch and refreshments. For further details, contact Deborah Preddie at the London Baptist Association (tel: 0207 692 5592) or see the ‘Events’ section of the BUGB website. 29

Events Mission Department Events Association Money Advice Days enabling churches to support and help those facing financial problems 19 September Grange Road Baptist Church, Darlington 17 October Sawley Baptist Church, Long Eaton 7 November Stoke Green Baptist Church, Ipswich 7 November North Western Baptist Association - (contact Rural Churches’ Day Thursday 8 October at Kings Park Conference Centre, Northampton A day for ministers and those in leadership roles in rural churches (eg deacons, moderators, etc). Speaker: Barry Osborne key to setting up the UK’s Rural Evangelism Network and author of Rural Evangelism in the 21st Century Baptist Christians Present and Engaging in a Multi-faith World Tuesday 13 October – Robert Hall Memorial Baptist Church, Leicester A consultation day for pastors / leaders of churches in multi-faith areas to share stories, ideas and resources enabling churches to become distinctively Christian in a multi-faith community. Children and Family Workers’ Day Help, I’m a Children and Family Worker making a faithful response Wednesday 14 October at the BMS


International Mission Centre, Birmingham In conjunction with Rachel Shackleton and Gill Miles from Spurgeon’s Network. Opening up New Opportunities Monday 19 October at Baptist House, Didcot For those thinking about beginning a new, local mission opportunity that might lead to planting a new church or congregation. An opportunity to hear from the Incarnate Network and BUGB Mission Department. Evangelists’ Day Thursday 5 November at Baptist House, Didcot For people working as evangelists or with responsibility for evangelism in the local church. Main speaker: the Revd Dr Roger Standing, Tutor in Mission, Evangelism and Pioneer Ministry at Spurgeon’s College. Estate Churches’ Day Monday 23 November at Clevedon Baptist Church, North Somerset A day for sharing stories of estate work, to support one another and listen afresh to God Main speaker: Jack Walker from Leigh Park Baptist Church, Havant

For more information on any of these Mission Department events, and to book, see: or contact the Mission Department on or 01235 517713

Regional Central 12 - 14 October: The Ministers’ Conference at King’s Park, Northampton will take the form of a retreat led by Roy Searle from the Northumbria Community. East Midland The team go on tour (Sept/Oct) with a Café Style Roadshow, an opportunity for churches to meet together, worship and encourage one another and explore a new way of being church. 23 - 25 September: Ministers’ Conference at The Hayes, Swanwick. Speakers: Revd Jonathan Edwards and Revd Ruth Gouldbourne. 21 November: Association Day at Beauchamp College, Oadby, Leics, where we will be joined by Revd David Coffey to explore how we ‘regain the gospel confidence’. Eastern We will be holding a day for the encouragement and development of preachers at two different venues in the association on Saturday 3 October - details from A mission resourcing day is planned for later that month - contact Richard at We are also looking forward to welcoming a number of ministers into the association and are arranging a special event for them. Heart of England Working with Bristol, Northern and Regent’s Park Colleges and BMS World Mission, HEBA will be offering BUGB recognised modules under the title ‘Learning at the Centre’ from 31

October. Another initiative begins on 7 November when Glen Marshall is speaking on the theme ‘Christian Leaders for a Christ-like Church’. A series of Sunday evening celebrations, led by the Regional Ministers, begins on 27 November at Chester Road Baptist Church, Sutton Coldfield. North Western 25 – 27 September: Impact Activities weekend at Quinta, Shropshire - a weekend to enable youth leaders to spend quality time with their youth group. 3 October: NWBA Forum, Poynton Baptist Church entitled ‘Beyond the Boundaries’. 15 October: Reflection and prayer for mission, Emmanuel Baptist Church. Northern 19 September: Debt Awareness Day at Corporation Road Baptist Church, Darlington. 28 September: ‘Preach the Word’ lay preacher training. 17 October: Autumn Assembly ‘Inspiring Missionary Disciples’ with Jonathan Edwards. Jonathan is also speaking at the NBA Ministers’ Fellowship on 19 October. 23 November: ‘Preach the Word’ lay preacher training. 21 January: Leadership Evening training event for elders and deacons. South Eastern 19 September: Growing Old Gracefully at Victoria Baptist Church, Eastbourne. 3 October: Cafe Church Network Training Day at Godalming Baptist Church. 11 October: n:vision Adore Event for youth at Burgess Hill.


Events 30 January: SEBA 3rd Anniversary Celebration to include the dedication of the new SEBA Team. Further details in due course. South Wales 24 September: Mainstream Wales (in Pontlliw) with Kwame Adzam. Leadership Roadshows (Beyond our Imagining 2) coming to a location near you: 29 Sept at Hope BC, Bridgend 30 Sept at Pantygwydr BC, Swansea 12 Oct at Jerusalem BC, Pentrebach 13 Oct at Ebbw Bridge BC, Newport 21 Oct at Monmouth BC, Monmouth 22 Oct at Woodville BC, Cardiff 3 December: Council Meeting at Bethel BC, Pontyclun (19:00 – 21:00) 8–10 February 2010: All Wales Baptist Ministers Conference in Saundersfoot with Krish Kandiah. Bookings are now being taken. Southern Counties 13 September: ‘Made in the Image of God’ – affirming women and men as leaders. Come, worship, eat together and engage in biblical and story-based reflections on the mission of God. This is a half-day regional event, from 15:00 to 18:00, at Regent’s Park College, Pusey Street, Oxford. Cost: £5.00. 16 September: We are looking forward to a visit from David Kerrigan and Mark Craig of BMS World Mission on 16 September. They will be meeting with SCBA regional team members and trustees so we can learn more of the vision and work of BMS, and examine ways of working together. 22 October will be our AGM. The main focus will be on the plans to reform and develop the governance of SCBA and the vision and purpose of the regional ministry

team. Details from

West of England 17 October: We are planning a special event with Roy Searle of the Northumbria Community which we hope will bless and equip church leadership teams. 25 – 26 September will see the start of Partnership for Missional Church, an Anglican/Baptist initiative designed to help change the culture within a church. Several WEBA churches have already signed up to this three year process. Yorkshire 21 November: Encouraging Women in Leadership – a YBA event being led by Kate Coleman. For further information, please contact Jane Day at the YBA office.

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