Bugle Newspapers 7-21-22

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# bUgL e n e W s


news from plainfield Joliet shorewood Lockport crest Hill bolingbrook romeoville downers grove Westmont Woodridge Lisle niles morton grove park ridge & more

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W e d n es day, JU Ly 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | b U g L e n e W spap e r s. c o m | pag e 3


Isp redefining clear and present danger on FoId review by peter HancocK

capItoL neWs ILLInoIs

The Illinois State Police announced Monday they will start using a broader definition of what constitutes a “clear and present danger” when reviewing a person’s Firearm Owners Identification card. That’s a factor ISP considers when deciding whether to grant someone a FOID card or to revoke or suspend a card that has already been issued. The change is meant to address gaps in the process that were identified in the wake of the July 4 mass shooting in Highland Park. The alleged shooter in that case had been the subject of a clear and present danger investigation, but under standards used at that time, ISP determined there was insufficient evidence to support such a determination. “These changes will immediately allow ISP to see a fuller picture of an applicant’s history and keep the people of Illinois safe from those who should not be in possession of firearms,” Gov. JB Pritzker said in a statement. Under current law, known as the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act, ISP can deny a FOID card application or suspend or revoke an existing card for any person deemed to be a clear and present danger of harming themselves or someone else. Under that statute, a physician, clinical psychologist or other qualified examiner can classify someone as a clear and present danger if he or she “communicates a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim or poses a clear and imminent risk of serious physical injury to himself, herself, or another person.” A person can also be classified as a clear and present danger if they demonstrate “threatening physical or verbal behavior such as violent, suicidal, or assaultive threats, actions or other behavior, as determined by a physician, clinical psychologist, qualified examiner, school administrator, or law enforcement official.” That law requires physicians, clinical psychologists, law enforcement officers and school administrators to promptly report any such behavior to ISP.

In 2013, however, ISP filed administrative rules that provide a stricter, more limiting definition. Those rules defined a clear and present danger as someone who poses “an actual, impending, or imminent threat of substantial bodily harm to themselves or another person that is articulable and significant or who will be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety or contrary to the public interest if they were granted access to a weapon.” ISP said the new rules announced Monday will revert to the original, statutory definition, allowing them to consider a broader range of information when determining whether someone poses a clear and present danger. The 2013 rule also prohibited ISP from maintaining report records of people who are not determined to be

a clear and present danger. The new rules would require ISP to maintain those records. ISP adopted the new definitions through what are known as “emergency rules.” That’s allowed under state law when an agency determines it needs to take swift action to protect public interest, safety or welfare. But those rules are still subject to review by the General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, or JCAR, whose next scheduled meeting is Aug. 17. ISP said it also plans to submit the changes to JCAR in the form of permanent rules through the regular rulemaking process as well. ISP took the rulemaking action in response to the July 4 shooting in Highland Park after authorities announced

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the local police department had several interactions with the alleged Highland Park gunman that predated his application for a FOID card. ISP did not judge any of those interactions as disqualifying for firearm ownership under the previous administrative rules. In September 2019, according to ISP, the Highland Park Police Department filed a clear and present danger report regarding the man who is now the suspect in the July 4 mass shooting, Robert Crimo III. The report indicated Crimo had made threats to his family. When police went to Crimo’s house, both he and his mother denied there had been any threat of violence and Crimo told police he did not feel like hurting himself or others. The reviewing officer concluded there was insufficient evidence, under the standards

in place, to support a clear and present danger determination. At the time of that incident, Crimo had not applied for a FOID card. Roughly three months later, however, he did apply for a FOID card and, because he was only 19 at the time, his father sponsored his application. When his application was reviewed in January 2020, according to ISP, there was insufficient information to deny his application on the basis that he posed a clear and present danger. Last week, state Rep. Mark Batinick, R-Plainfield, filed legislation that would hold parents criminally liable for damages caused by their minor children whenever the parent consents to their child getting a FOID card. As of Monday, it had two cosponsors, one Republican and one Democrat.

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real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000067 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW AND/OR DEVISEES AND/OR LEGATEES OF BOBBY MURPHY, DEREK MURPHY, JAMES MURPHY AKA HAL MURPHY, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 29 AMBASSADOR AVENUE, ROMEOVILLE, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 12-02-27-310-0150000 On November 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00331. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. DG ENTERPRISES, LLC - X, LLC PETITIONER 8146-925143 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000068 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: BONNIE KACZOR, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 20 ARLINGTON DRIVE, ROMEOVILLE, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 12-02-34-102-0100000 On November 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00358. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. DG ENTERPRISES, LLC - X, LLC PETITIONER 8146-925144 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000068 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: BONNIE KACZOR, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 20 ARLINGTON DRIVE, ROMEOVILLE, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 12-02-34-102-0100000 On November 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00358. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. DG ENTERPRISES, LLC - X, LLC PETITIONER 8146-925144 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000083 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: GIANA ROBINSON, WILBERT JAVARRIO, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 24861 FRANKLIN LANE, PLAINFIELD, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 07-01-20-405-0371002 On November 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00083. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. DOLOMITE ENTERPRISES, LLC PETITIONER 8131-925155 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000084 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: NICHOLAS ODUH, LUCKY ODUH, BMO HARRIS BANK NA, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 246 JUNIPER LANE, BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 12-02-10-210-0520000 On November 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00209. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. DOLOMITE ENTERPRISES, LLC PETITIONER 8147-925156 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000087 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: TODD HUGHES, JAMEE HUGHES, ALYSSA HUGHES, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 589 GREYSTONE LANE, BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 12-02-21-202-0020000 On November 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00318. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. GDAX LLC PETITIONER 8147-925159 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000088 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: ISSELA CRUZADO, TERRY MORGAN, WELLS FARGO BANK NA, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 690 SOUTH ZACHARY DRIVE, ROMEOVILLE, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 11-04-18-410-0850000 On November 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00644. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. GDAX LLC PETITIONER 8146-925160 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000091 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: CAITLIN HEDBERG, ADAM HEDBERG, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 22247 SOUTH GAWAIN DRIVE, SHOREWOOD, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 05-06-28-301-0210000 On November 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-01084. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. GDAX LLC PETITIONER 10732-925163 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000091 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: CAITLIN HEDBERG, ADAM HEDBERG, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 22247 SOUTH GAWAIN DRIVE, SHOREWOOD, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 05-06-28-301-0210000 On November 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-01084. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. GDAX LLC PETITIONER 10732-925163 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000099 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: 544 SPRUCE LLC, 544 SPRUCE LLC C/O REG AGENT CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY, SAMUEL HERNANDEZ, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 544 SPRUCE ROAD, BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 12-02-12-309-0330000 On December 1, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00240. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. OLD SCHOOL INVESTMENTS LLC PETITIONER 8147-925171 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000100 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: ALLEN MROZ, COLLEEN REHR, ALLEN REHR, JOHN HILL, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 11Q FERNWOOD DRIVE, BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 12-02-15-219-0020000 On December 1, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00279. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. OLD SCHOOL INVESTMENTS LLC PETITIONER 8147-925172 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000101 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: CHRISTOPHER PLZAK, STACEY KEAGLE, AUTUMN KROHN, WILMINGTON TRUST, NA AS OWNER TRUSTEE OF OSAT TRUST 2019-2, FAY, FARROW & ASSOC PC C/O REG AGENT JOHN LEONARD FAY, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 14063 FRONT ROYAL COURT, PLAINFIELD, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 11-04-06-301-0070000 On December 1, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00609. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. OLD SCHOOL INVESTMENTS LLC PETITIONER 8131-925173 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000107 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: JENNIFER FOLEY, CHRISTOPHER BLAUSER, KEEGAN FOLEY, PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC C/O REG AGENT IL CORP SERVICE COMPANY, MIDLAND FUNDING LLC C/O REG AGENT MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT INC, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 404 DEVONSHIRE COURT, BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 12-02-14-303-1320000 On December 1, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00264. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. PRAIRIE LOCK, LLC PETITIONER 8147-925179 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000108 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW AND/OR DEVISEES AND/OR LEGATEES OF MARY ELLEN CHAPMAN, JOHN CHAPMAN, DAWN CHAPMAN AKA DAWN QUIGLEY AKA DAWN HENDRIX, SEAN CHAPMAN, KEITH CHAPMAN, CRAIG CHAPMAN, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 15308 SOUTH ROUTE 59, PLAINFIELD, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 06-03-16-220-0050000 On December 1, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00418. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. PRAIRIE LOCK, LLC PETITIONER 8131-925180 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000114 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: WILLIAM CHI, DEBBY CHI AKA DEBBY WU, ELIZABETH VERCHIO, EUGENE VERCHIO, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 651 COCHISE CIRCLE, BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 12-02-09-422-0050000 On December 1, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00198. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. ROCKCREEK, LLC PETITIONER 8147-925185 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

real estate CASE NO. 2022TX000116 FILED May 18, 2022 TAKE NOTICE TO: MAGDA ANAYA, CHRISTOPHER GOMEZ, WESGLEN MASTER ASSOCIATION C/O VANGUARD COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT, WILL COUNTY CLERK; OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY OR ACTUAL POSSESSION OF SAID PROPERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Tax Deed on the following described property: Property located at: 247 ALYSSUM COURT, ROMEOVILLE, ILLINOIS Property Index Number: 11-04-07-309-0120000 On December 1, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit Court of Will County, Will County Courthouse, Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends to make an application for an order on the petition that a Tax Deed be issued. The real estate was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent real estate taxes and/or special assessments for the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00623. The period of redemption will expire on November 16, 2022. ROCKCREEK, LLC PETITIONER 8146-925187 Published 7/23/22, 7/30/22, 8/3/22

3. Contact information for the Plaintiff/Petitioner: STAVER ACCIDENT INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. 120 W MADISON STREET, We d n es day, JU LY 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | b u g l e n e w spap e r s. c o m | pag e SUITE 400 CHICAGO, IL 60602 Telephone: 3122362900 Email: TEAM@ PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICEv CHICAGOLAWYER.COM CASEImportant NO. 2022TX000115 STATE OF ILLINOIS, information for FILED 18, 2022 theMay person getting this CIRCUIT COURT Notice is hereby given that the TAKE NOTICE form You have been sued. Northern Will County Special WILL COUNTY TO: CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST CO Read all of the documents Recreation Association (NWCSRA) AS SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO FIRST NASUMMONS attached thisJOLIET Summons. TIONAL BANKtoOF UTA KNOWN will receive bids for a 15-Passenger CLAUDIA AS To TRUST #4311,in the CARL participate case,SRACHTA, Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle w/ URRIOLA-RODRIGUEZ PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP you mustTOWNSHIP follow theC/O instruc 2 Tie-Downs. As indicated in the Plaintiff / Petitioner ADMINISTRATOR, WILL COUNTY CLERK; tions listed below. If you do specifications, pre-qualification V. OCCUPANTS, PARTIES IN OCCUPANCY not, the POSSESSION court may decide statements and sealed bids are MAI XUAN HO OR ACTUAL OF SAID PROPthe case without hearing due to NWCSRA, 10 Montrose Dr., ERTY; AND UNKNOWN OWNERS or PARDefendant / Respondent you andINyou could lose TIES from INTERESTED SAID LAND OR LOTS Romeoville, IL 60446 no later than Case Number ANDthe UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS case. Appearance and 1pm on July 18, 2022 at which 2022 LA 107 This is NOTICE of the filing of the petition for Answer/Response forms can time, bids will be publicly opened Alias Summons Tax Deed on the following described property: be found at: illinoiscourts. and read aloud. All Bids must be IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Property located at: 14604 SOUTH WILKINS ovidocuments-and-forms/ enclosed in a sealed envelope PLACE, PLAINFIELD, ILLINOIS 1. Defendant/Respondent’s approved-forms/. Property Index Number: 06-03-10-103-040clearly marked on the outside: “BID address and service 0000 a. To respond to this Sum –15-PASSENGER WHEELCHAIR information: On December 1, 2022 at 9:00 AM, in the Circuit mons, you must file Appear ACCESSIBLE VEHICLE W/ 2 TIEMAI XUAN HO Courtance of Will County, Will County Courthouse, and Answer/Response DOWNS”, NWCSRA, 10 Montrose 12549 WINGSTEM STREET Will County Court Annex, 57 North Ottawa St, forms with the court within Dr., Romeoville, IL 60446. InterestPLAINFIELD, IL 60585 Room 236, Joliet, Illinois, the Petitioner intends 30 an days after you have ed bidders must submit information to make application for an order on the petiTelephone: 7085349934 been served counting tion that a Tax Deed (not be issued. The real estate to the NWCSRA Exec. Director by 2. Information about the was sold on December 5, 2019, for delinquent the day of service) by e-filing the above stated date and time. lawsuit: Amount claimed: real estate taxes and/or special assessments for or at: Contact mselep@nwcsra.org for $ 50,001.00 the year 2018. Certificate No. 18-00398. The pe100 WEST JEFFERSON information. NWCSRA reserves the 3. Contact information riod of redemption will expire on November STREET JOLIET, IL 60432 right to reject any or all Bids as it for the Plaintiff/Petitioner: 16, 2022. Witness LLC thisPETITIONER Date: may see fit. The successful bidder ROCKCREEK, STAVER ACCIDENT INJURY 6/22/2022 10:59 AM 8131-925186 shall comply with all aspects of the LAWYERS, P.C. Published 7/30/22, 8/3/22 Clerk7/23/22, of the Court: Prevailing Wage Act. 120 W MADISON STREET, Andrea Lynn Chasteen SUITE 400 Published 7/6/22 7/13/22 7/20/22 Published July 14, 2022 CHICAGO, IL 60602 Telephone: 3122362900 Email: TEAM@ CHICAGOLAWYER.COM Important information for the person getting this form You have been sued. Read all of the documents attached to this Summons. To participate in the case, you must follow the instruc tions listed below. If you do not, the court may decide the case without hearing from you and you could lose the case. Appearance and Answer/Response forms can be found at: illinoiscourts. ovidocuments-and-forms/ approved-forms/. a. To respond to this Sum mons, you must file Appear ance and Answer/Response forms with the court within 30 days after you have been served (not counting the day of service) by e-filing or at: 100 WEST JEFFERSON STREET JOLIET, IL 60432 Witness this Date: 6/22/2022 10:59 AM Clerk of the Court: Andrea Lynn Chasteen Published 7/6/22 7/13/22 7/20/22


real estate

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