No snow may mean spring woes. See page 2 SPORTS
East falls to Romeoville
Edward, Elmhurst announce merger
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T he Enterprise Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Volume 125 No. 25
75 cents
Serving Will and Kendall counties
28 pages
Village bridges tough economy Collins: Talented staff helped Plainfield prosper in 2012 Stable water rates and property tax levies, an increase in residential building permits pulled and a new electric supply agreement saving residents 46 percent were some of the 2012 highlights Mayor Michael Collins discussed Jan. 16 at his annual State of the Village Address. The presentation was part of the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce’s January member luncheon. “The most important thing a mayor can do is hire talented people to help him run the city,” Collins said. “I inherited a great staff and was smart enough to keep them on.” Collins gave kudos to the village staff and their hard work despite the economic downturn
requiring the village to lay off 41 employees in recent years. “Plainfield was $4.4 million in debt when I took office, and now we are $600,000 in the black,” Collins said. “Average residents pay $1.47 per day for Plainfield services. We still maintain a AA S&P bond rating, which indicates we are stable.” “There were 112 building residential building permits pulled this year,” Collins said. “While it may not sound like much, it’s more than the 88 pulled in 2011 and 58 in 2010. We’re moving forward.” The village’s purchase of the former Baci’s Restaurant building was a large historic preservation project in 2012.The 144-year-old building was the original home of the “old St. Mary’s Church” See VILLAGE, page 3
During the state of the village, Mayor Michael Collins announced that the the newly built Renwick Road Bridge earned the Project of the Year Award by the southwest branch of the American Public Works Association in the transportation category. The Oct. 2012 grand opening was celebrated because the replacement of the previous one lane bridge built in 1912 had been a topic of discussion for many years. Collins commended the combined efforts between the village and the Plainfield Township Highway Department since the bridge is located in unincorporated Plainfield.
By Robin Ambrosia Staff reporter
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