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T he Enterprise Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Volume 125 No. 26


Serving Will and Kendall counties

143rd Street extension is back on the master plan

28 pages

A load off his mind… and body

By Robin Ambrosia Staff reporter

When this study is complete, we’ll have one transportation comprehensive document that we can present to residents and developers, which will tell the story of the transportation plans of the village -- Allen Persons, Director of Public Works. The controversial plan to extend 143rd Street was back in front of the Plainfield Village Board Jan. 28 as part of an update on the village’s Transportation Plan. Tara Orben of Baxter and Woodman, the company conducting the study on the village’s short- and long-term transportation needs with Teska and Associates, told the board the proposal to expand 143rd Street from Route 59 to Route 126 was the number one project listed. While village officials have discussed this extension for the past 10 years, affected homeowners banded together to form the 143rd Street Neighbors Organization to prevent the extension of 143rd Street. The village’s website has the engineering portion of the project listed as completed. “The transportation plan’s next step will be to prioritize projects based on community input we have received,” Orben said. “Residents may visit www. plainfieldtransportation.com.” The issue of creating a Lockport

75 cents

Diabetes diagnosis motivates Plainfield man to shed 150 pounds By Robin Ambrosia Staff reporter


Plainfield Village Trustee demonstrates before and after effects by wearing belt he used prior to his 150-pound weight loss.

Did you choose losing weight as a New Year’s resolution, changed your eating habits dramatically only to have trouble staying with it? Paul Fay encourages people to start small with both healthy eating habits and beginning an exercise program. And he would know. In two years, Fay lost the equivalent weight to a fellow human being. Through an educational and spiritual journey, Fay lost 150 pounds as well as being diagnosed as no longer diabetic without the aid of any weight-loss surgery. Fay’s journey began soon after the Plainfield trustee was diagnosed with diabetes in November 2009. “I’ve tried every diet there is, since I’ve been heavy all my life,” Fay said. “After being diagnosed with diabetes, I went to six weeks of diabetes nutrition classes at Edward (Hospital). “One of the things I learned


See 143rd, page 4

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