NEWS Man caught growing pot was ‘a nice guy’
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T HE ENTERPRISE Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Volume 125 No. 27
75 cents
Serving Will and Kendall counties
PAY TO PLAY Plainfield Consolidated School District 202 officials are considering implementing a “pay to play” policy for student athletes as it continues to battle problems caused by unstable and inadequate revenues. Story on Page 2
28 pages
Hospitals’ exempt status will cost schools By Robin Ambrosia and Laura Katauskas Staff Reporters
Plainfield School District 202 received word that they need to find $750,000 to refund Edwards-Plainfield Hospital in already burdened budget. Edwards and Adventist Bolingbrook Hospitals were part of the statewide fight for hospitals’ to have tax-exempt status. The debate centered on the Illinois Department of Revenue’s policy of denying property tax exemptions for notfor-profit hospitals for the years 2008 through 2010. Edward followed the rules of the tax-exempt policy and paid property taxes on parcels with pending applications for tax-exempt status for both the Plainfield and Naperville campuses, according to an
See HOSPITALS, page 5
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