Plainfield police make 3 drug arrests See page 10 SPORTS
Pair of locals take second in state
Postal service pushes Saturday delivery cut PAGE 13
T HE ENTERPRISE Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Volume 125 No. 29
75 cents
Serving Will and Kendall counties
28 pages
THE DUFFER DECREES 1. “We’re beer drinkers with a hockey problem.”
What happens in the locker room stays in the locker room. The older we get, the better we were. A true Duffer never complains about his assigned nickname lest he will get another, perhaps worse. We know we are not going to get better. The best we can hope for is a momentary flash of brilliance.
2. 3. 4.
‘Great Grandpa’ Greg Lopatka (center) made Duffer history last year with playing against his grandsons, Jeff (left) and Mike, while his great-grandchildren cheered them on. Lopatka was one of the original members of the Duffers Hockey Club in 1972.
Opinions............................................6 Community Events...........................8 Police Report..................................10 Sports.............................................13 Puzzles............................................20 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! — Call (815) 436-2431 or go online to
Robin Ambrosia reports on 40 years of family hockey: Page 3
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