Enterprise 1-23-20

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Collins gives Plainfield’s state of the village address. sEE PAGE 3. sPOrTs

East falls to south at wws PAGE 7 yOur COmPlETE sOurCE fOr PlAinfiEld nEws sinCE 1887 THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2020 | VOLUME 133 NO. 23 | ENTERPRISEPUBLICATIONS.COM | SERVING WILL AND KENDALL COUNTIES | 16 PAGES | 75 CENTS

disTriCT 202

Program will focus on suicide awareness, prevention Plainfield Parent Community network (PPCn) will present this special free program at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 30

District 202 will share steps families can take to be more aware of teen suicide and support and protect their children. The District 202 Plainfield Parent Community Network (PPCN) will present this special free program at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 30, 2020 in the auditorium at Plainfield South High School, 7800 W. Caton Farm Road, Plainfield. Doors will open and community resources will be available at 6 p.m. The program is designed and intended for parents with students of all ages, caregivers, family members, teachers and educational staff, social workers, nurses, mental health providers and counselors. “It is vitally important that adults understand the social pressures that continue to confront our children and learn how we can help our


sEE ‘PrOGrAm’ PAGE 4

SCHOOLS......................... ............. .............4 COUNTY NEWS........................... ..... ..........5 TAKE 5 PUZZLE PAGE.................. ..............6 SPORTS................................... ......... ..........7 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE......... .............11

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