Electronics recycling firm eyes Plainfield. SPORTS
See page 4.
Corrigan scores 43 points; breaks record
District approves property tax levy
Page 13
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T he Enterprise Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Volume 125 No. 20
Serving Will and Kendall counties
Lady of the House looks back Biggert shares memories after 14 years in Congress
28 pages
Emergency plans reviewed at Monday Board meeting By Robin Ambrosia Staff Reporter
“When I was first elected, we stayed in Washington more,” Biggert said. “Transportation was a lot harder. We didn’t spend as much time in their district. It was like the Indy 500 when we would
In the beginning of Monday night’s village board meeting, Plainfield Mayor Michael Collins asked for a moment of silence in honor for those who lost their lives last Friday. Collins, also, requested Plainfield Police Chief John Konopek present an overview of police protocol in light of the tragedy last week. “First and foremost, there are no current threats or any type of intelligence to indicate similar activity in the Plainfield School District,” Konopek said. “We work with the school district on a daily basis in conjunction with the other police jurisdictions that the school district falls into as well as Will County to ensure the safety of the students and teachers is paramount.” Konopek explained the
See BIGGERT, page 2
See EMERGENCY, page 5
By Robin Ambrosia Staff Reporter
Robin Ambrosia/Bugle Staff
U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert packs up 14 years of files, correspondence and memories after losing her seat to Bill Foster.
Rostenkowski would share the 18-hour drive home in a station wagon with a mattress in the back.” Biggert suggests the camaraderie has weakened among the house members because they don’t spend as much time in Washington.
Even though she was defeated by Bill Foster for the 13th Congressional District, U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert has a wealth of memories she will never lose. Biggert reflects on her time serving with three presidents, under the proverbial glass ceiling in Washington and the camaraderie of years gone by in an interview held in her district office last week. There used to be more solidarity among the Illinois Republican Congressional Delegation, as well as camaraderie with the Illinois Congressional Democrats, Biggert said. “Before I got there, members would get to know everyone’s families,” Biggert said. “In the ‘80s, I remember when Illinois Republican U.S. Rep. Bob Michels and Illinois Democrat U.S. Rep. Daniel
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