Enterprise 2-20-20

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Plainfield man dies after dog attack injuries. sEE PAGE 2. sPorTs

Plainfield East gets win PAGE 7 your ComPlETE sourCE For PlAinFiEld nEws sinCE 1887 tHursDAy, feBruAry 20, 2020 | VoLuMe 133 No. 27 | eNterPrisePuBLiCAtioNs.CoM | serViNG WiLL AND KeNDALL CouNties | 16 PAGes | 75 CeNts

villAGE nEws

Plainfield crash leaves one dead by briAn sTAnlEy bugle staff

@BugleNewspapers bstanley@buglenewspapers.com

The passenger in the Camry, sarah E. Cruz, 35, was pronounced dead at the scene


A Spring Valley woman died Feb. 13 in a traffic crash on Route 126 in Plainfield. The collision occurred shortly after 9 p.m. between Meadow Lane and Indian Boundary Line Road. According to Police Commander Anthony Novak a 37-year-old man was driving a Toyota Camry east on Route 126 when he lost control of the vehicle and drove into the westbound lanes. The Camry was struck on the passenger side by a BMW X5 driven by a 58-year-old woman. The passenger in the Camry, Sarah E. Cruz, 35, was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver of the Camry suffered lifethreatening injuries, according to police reports, and was airlifted to Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove. The driver of the BMW was taken to Rush Copley Medical Center in Aurora with non-life-threatening injuries. The crash remains under investigation.

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