Niles Bugle 3-29-12

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SPORTS Presniakovas named Player of the Year

NEWS Niles trustees continue budget discussion

Night of the Roses

Find your invitation inside this issue!

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GoodJob! Our Village, Our News

MARCH 29, 2012

Vol. 56 No. 25

Hey Niles

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn praises company, employees during surprise visit to Niles Coca-Cola plant

Niles Mayor Robert Callero addresses a crowd of Coca-Cola employees while company executives and Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn look on.

Story/Photos By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter

During an unannounced visit to the Coca-Cola manufacturing plant in Niles, Gov. Pat Quinn praised both the company and its employees for doing a good job of representing Illinois. Quinn’s March 20 stop in town included a presentation by regional Coca-Cola executives, a tour of the plant

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn talks with Lorenzo Jackson, a 16-year employee of Coca-Cola.

and a speech to dozens of employees. Though he asked numerous questions about the company’s fleet of hybrid trucks and said he wanted Illinois “to be the electric car capital of the world,” Quinn told The Bugle he had no agenda behind his visit. He said no pending legislation or grants hinder on his visit. Asked if Coca-Cola was considering leaving Illinois, like Sears and Caterpillar previously threatened, Quinn said he

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn and Niles Mayor Robert Callero enjoy a March 20 tour of the Coca-Cola manufacturing center in Niles.

believes Coke is content. “I was recently in New York on business and ran into one of the Coke representatives,” Quinn said. “He really encouraged me to come and take the tour. It’s always good to make your rounds, keep informed and remind our residents that they’re doing a great job.” During their presentation to the governor, Coke officials told him they hope to reduce the amount of water

used by 20 percent.The company is also looking to reduce its carbon emissions by 15 percent. Both goals have a timetable running through 2020. The actual tour of the facility was exclusive to Quinn and other dignitaries, but afterward he praised Coke employees for driving their company to global heights. See COKE, page 3




Area briefs Stage Door auditions next month An open audition for adults and teens interested in showcasing their musical talent will be held at the Niles Public Library early next month. The Niles Public Library is organizing a celebration of local musical talent called the Stage Door Community Talent Showcase this summer. The idea of having a community showcase came about when members of the Niles’ Songwriters Group emphasized a need for a place where locals can perform in front of an audience. Those who are interested in participating can attend the open audition on Sunday, April 1, 2012 at 2pm in the Library’s large meeting room. “The showcase is called Stage Door because it builds on a tradition of people sharing their talent with the community” said Adult Fiction & Audiovisual Librarian Cyndi Rademacher. To sign up for the audition,

please call Cyndi Rademacher at 847-663-6614 or online at bit. ly/nilestalent. There are a limited number of performance slots, so sign up early. The Niles Public Library District is located at 6960 W. Oakton St, the northeast corner of the Oakton and Waukegan intersection. Library hours are Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m.

CERT Members Complete Training The Niles Police Department is proud to announce that the following people completed training in the Community Emergency Response Team Program, being overseen by the Niles Citizen Corps. This program was made possible through a grant from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency in partnership with the Niles Police Department.

The training consisted of 32 hours of instruction and hands on learning in First Aid, Triage, Fire Suppression and Light Search and Rescue. These individuals who are members of our Volunteers In Police Service Program (VIPS) may be called upon to assist local Law Enforcement and Emergency Services in the event a disaster were to impact the Village of Niles and surrounding communities. These eight individuals will join the already certified members of our CERT Program. First responders are almost always those members of the community who are first impacted by a disaster.By training members of the community, we are making our community stronger and capable in caring for each other until Emergency Services arrive on scene.

Park Ridge goes bowling The Park Ridge Chamber beat

out the Edison Park Chamber last year in the first annual bowling tournament at Edison Park Inn but last night LIN-MAR Motors (Park Ridge) battled it out with LA Valet (Edison Park) in the final round of games and LA Valet came out the winner.The trophy left Park Ridge and will be at the Edison Park Chamber for the next year. “It was fun and another opportunity for members from both chambers to network in a casual atmosphere.” said Gail Haller, executive director of the Park Ridge Chamber. “We love our Edison Park neighbors and look forward to winning the

trophy back next year!” Park Ridge Chamber had 4 teams competing: WineStyles of Park Ridge (Tracy & Doug Bell and Gene & Shannon Halt); Express Auto Center (Marko Ratic, Mikey Tomic, Constantine Sotos, Nathan Ogilvie); LINMAR Motors (Ron Lundin, Keith Bauman, Juan Cabrera, Ron Lundin Jr.); and PinReapers (Rob Jakubczak with American Family Insurance, Jared Skiba with Allegro Music Center, Jenna Gales with Pioneer Press, and Marci Derrick with the Park Ridge Chamber). For more information about the Park Ridge Chamber, visit



Niles trustees continue budget cut discussion By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter

After pulling money out of reserves to pay upfront capital improvement costs and additional pension contributions, the Niles Board of Trustees still has a list of expenses it will consider trimming to keep the 2013 budget reasonable. Having completed a review of the budget during workshops on March 13 and 20, the Village Board will suggest and discuss changes during its final workshop on March 29. Highest on the list is further adjustments to the Niles Free Bus service. While trustees have wanted to reduce or eliminate the south route, Finance Director Scot Neukirch said adding a fare would be more beneficial. “Pace reimburses the village 64 percent of the operational cost,” Neukirch told trustees. “Cutting expenses only saves the village 36 cents per dollar removed.Charging a fare sees a 100 percent profit and maintains current Pace subsidies.” Trustee Joe LoVerde said he doesn’t want to vote on adding a fare unless all operating options

COKE Continued from page 1 “What you are involved in here is advanced manufacturing,” Quinn said. “Nobody else on the planet Earth can pass you in your talents and ingenuity. I think it’s critical that we get that message out, and it’s my job to do that. I have to be the marketer-in-chief of the people of Illinois.” Quinn also recognized Coke for its energy and water consumption policies, saying the company is more profitable and efficient though constantly monitoring its use of resources. He even went so far as to deem Coke’s recycling program as “state of the art.” “Lake Michigan defines our culture here in Illinois and, thanks to the skill of the 600 associates who work here, CocaCola’s devotion to clean water represents our values very well,” Quinn said. “Plus, we don’t want to be beholden to some foreign country for our energy needs.” Niles Mayor Robert Callero also spoke to the crowd of employees, thanking them for being involved in the community.

have been looked at and the village has “tightened its belt” as much as possible. However, Neukirch and Director of Public Works Scott Jochim said fare collection boxes have already been installed on buses for future use. Trustees were unhappy to learn that cuts could have already been made. Neukirch and Village Manager George Van Geem said public hearings would need to be set in order to make cuts, but the village was waiting on Pace to see if new arterial master routes would need to link into current Niles Free Bus routes. Other potential savings include $25,000 by doing a quick fix at the Leaning Tower Fountain instead of making repairs and delaying $60,000 in repairs to the village’s car wash. A minor cut spawned an argument between Trustee Louella Preston and Mayor Robert Callero. Callero removed $8,000 in trustee travel expenses, saying village employees and officials can only travel up to 200 miles on village reimbursements – choosing 200 miles because that’s how far Springfield is from Niles.

“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” Callero said. “I see no need to pay for travel and lodging when you can view a conference online or attend one in Chicago that is just as good. As trustees,we have to set an example for our employees.” Preston said in her roles as a teacher and as an attorney, she is required to continue learning through classes and seminars. She said trustees should be no different, but Callero interrupted saying he’s not preventing her from learning because trustees are still granted access to Chicago-area conferences and reimbursements for online video access to national conferences. A 2011 trip to Colorado was referenced after Preston expressed displeasure over personally being prohibited from traveling since March 2008. Callero said village budgets were in surpluses before then and that Preston never asked for village money to get the video feed from Colorado – an expense he would have approved. In this instance, the other trustees supported Preston. Trustee Andrew Przybylo was the first, saying trips allow for follow-

Coca-Cola... • Employs 2,330 people in Illinois • Pays $128,225,024 in payroll for Illinois employees • Pays $4,032,879 in property and income taxes in Illinois • Operates 19 facilities in Illinois, only two of which are production centers (Niles and Alsip) • Operates 344 vehicles in Illinois, 10 of which are hybrid

Information courtesy of Coca-Cola

“In the past years, Coca-Cola has helped us to build the largest community rain garden in Cook County, just down the street on Touhy Avenue,” Callero said. “Just last year, Coke celebrated its 125th anniversary with employees building, donating and distributing 125 rain barrels to our citizens and helping to build a rain garden at Culver School.Thank you.” Callero said he looks forward to another 125 years of civic partnership with Coca-Cola. Coke officials later described conservation efforts the company is employing along the Mississippi and Mackinaw rivers in Illinois, as well as programs that help improve ditches along farmland to help the ground

better absorb and filter standing water.

up questions and the ability to notice more details. Preston took another approach to the ban on traveling,mentioning more direct village business. “Whenever I have gone to Washington D.C. I have always visited our senators and our congress person,” Preston said. “It has been worthwhile. Congressperson Schakowsky has been very generous with this village and I will say that seeing her in Washington and bringing her packages from Niles to her office in Washington has been very beneficial.” Callero suggested picking up a phone, as well as going to local events to talk with Schakowsky. Other concerns Preston raised regarding the proposed budget was the lack of money for audio/ visual recording of Village Board meetings and her concern over spending money on a economic development person. Later in the meeting, Preston proposed hiring a part-time employee to attend all board and committee meetings and transcribe minutes so the higher paid department heads could be better used for other tasks.

Neukirch reminded the board that salaried department heads do not get paid overtime. In January, Van Geem and the department heads reduced the proposed 2013 village budget by $1.7 million. One means of reduction was to not hire six firefighters. Van Geem said paying overtime to current employees is cheaper than paying wages and pension contributions of new hires. Trustees will suggest and discuss further changes during a March 29 budget hearing,and then approved changes will be made in April in preparation for a May vote. Trustee Chris Hanusiak has advocated for paid advertising on walls and benches in the Niles Senior Center and Family Fitness Center. “The revenue from such advertisements should be used for bringing back some of the programs which have been cut in recent years,” Hanusiak said. Hanusiak said revenue could be used to once again have outdoor concerts in the summertime at the Leaning Tower YMCA, a landmark he claims is popular with all residents – especially seniors.

Correction In a March 1 article about the Niles Board of Ethics, The Bugle incorrectly reported that a unanimous vote on Feb. 21 approved a change to the Employee Manual to address potential conflict of interest situations. Board of Ethics Member Tony Gaudio actually voted against the item, which would require all employees to report their volunteer activities to a supervisor for approval. Gaudio said employees may not be comfortable sharing their involvement in certain religious or socially unpopular organizations, and requiring complete disclosure would be insensitive. The Bugle regrets this error.



Niles Chamber of Commerce coming up roses in April fyi

By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter

It’s a night when up to 400 people gather together to recognize and celebrate what makes Niles great. The Niles Chamber of Commerce and Industry announced its 2012 Night of Roses award recipients on March 23, and is now accepting reservations for the April 21 banquet. Nominations for the 14 awards were made by members of the community at large and a committee of eight chamber members narrowed down the list and made final selections. Top awards include the Bob Wordel Living Legend Award, Business of the Year, and Citizen of the Year awards. The 2012 Bob Wordel Living Legend Award recipient has already been immortalized, as portions of the North Branch of the Chicago River was recently given the honorary named “The Ralph Frese Canoe Trail.” For three decades, Frese worked with the Cook County Forrest Preserve and various state agencies, in his free time, to clean the waterway and its shores. Each January, Frese and his wife organize an 8 a.m. New Year’s Day paddle down the river, which has seen as many as 2,000 participants in previous years. The six-mile trip extends from the dam at Willow Road in Winnetka to Linne Woods in Morton Grove. “Utilizing a water passage is the only trail through nature that doesn’t leave a trace of your passage,” Frese said in January. “Other trails through forests damage nature. Going down any bike trail, you push nature out of the way. The same goes with horses and snowmobiles.” The Business of the Year award goes to Coca-Cola Refreshments, USA. While the company has become a global icon in its 125

Tickets are $50 and include an open bar cocktail hour, dinner, and admission to the awards presentation. Reservations can be made by calling Brenda at the Niles Chamber of Commerce at 847-268-8180 by April 13. All tickets are held at the door.

Bugle file photo

years of existence, it has also called Niles home for some time as well. During an unannounced visit by Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn on March 20, the company was praised for making the state look professional and eco-friendly, as well as for hiring veterans and being energy efficient. Niles Mayor Robert Callero also praised the company for its environmental efforts. “In the past years, CocaCola has helped us to build the largest community rain garden in Cook County, just down the street on Touhy Avenue,” Callero said during the March 20 visit. “Just last year, Coke celebrated its 125th anniversary with employees building, donating and distributing 125 rain barrels to our citizens and helping to build a rain garden at Culver School.” “It is no surprise that CocaCola has been named ‘Business of the Year’ by the Niles Chamber of Commerce,” Callero said. The Citizen of the Year honor goes to Helen Sparkes,a long time citizen of Niles who volunteers with St. John Brebeuf’s Catholic

Woman’s Club, the Niles Public Library and much more. Mike Tarjan was named Coach of the Year for his work with first, second and third graders at St. John Brebeuf, while Christine Aragon’s role in fundraising more than $88,000 for the parish during its gala lead to her receiving the Dynamic Parent Volunteer award. St. John Brebeuf has one more ward recipient, as Adam Taylor was named Teacher of the Year for his efforts to build individualized learning programs as well as enhance the school’s overall curriculum. Another volunteer who puts a lot of time into helping youngsters is Joan Kamys, the Niles Golden Senior. Known as “Grandma,” Kamys spends time at Culver School helping cut paper, filling portfolio binders and copying materials. She also helps with the monthly blood pressure clinics at the Niles Senior Center. Edwin Gwozdz’s generosity comes in the form of driving his neighbors to doctor’s appointments, raking leaves, helping shovel snow, and simply

lending an ear. For his efforts, the chamber named him the Niles Good Neighbor award recipient. The chamber makes sure its government workers are also recognized for honorable work. Danielle Helma was named the Police Officer Special Agent for her valuable technical expertise, which landed her a spot on the North Regional Major Crimes Task Force. Similarly, Bob Greiner was named Fire Fighter Hot Spot award recipient for his ability to be a district chief as well as the department’s training officer – both are time consuming duties. Greiner also volunteers at Parkview School, with Cub Scouts and with the fire department’s “fill the boot” fundraising campaign. When it comes to putting in extra time, Joe LoVerde is second to none. This year’s Unsung Worker “Not Enough Hours in the Day” award recipient worked his way up from the village’s Zoning Board all the way up to the Village Board, all while being the director of the Niles Park District. Most recently, LoVerde

was praised by Park District commissioners for his decision to forgo contracting a construction company to build the outdoor ice rink outside Iceland Skate. Instead, LoVerde took park employees and built the rink on his own, cutting the cost down from $400,000 to $200,000. The Youth of the Year recipient, Ryan McEnerney, has seen firsthand how hard public employees work, as he’s the son of a Niles police officer. After years of watching the intense commitment and physical demand, McEnerney signed up to be a part-time community service officer with the police department and a member of the Niles Fire Explorer, through which he volunteers his time to Burn Camp and the “Fill the Boot” fundraiser. Known for seeing the upside to every situation, the Optimist Club of Niles will find nothing wrong with accepting the Service Organization of the Year award. Throughout its 25 years of service, the club supports programs and raises funds to provide an outlet for children as an opportunity to succeed. The chamber of commerce also recognizes its own membership for outstanding service. Chuck Hartogh, owner of C&M Auto, has been given the Ken Scheel Chamber Member of the Year award for hosting numerous Niles Teen Center “job shadow days” and for his efforts with various chamber events.



Library Board continues struggle over renovations By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter

Confusion and unrest continues among trustees of the Niles Library Board. “We’re stuck with it,” trustee Morgan Dubiel said at the peak of a March 21 argument over renovation plans. The subject was brought up during Library Director Linda Weiss’s report. Dubiel asked for her progress on getting priorities set for renovation purchases and projects. Weiss said not all departments replied to her request, and that several employees, including herself, were confused about the details of the project. “Linda,you act like I’m speaking another language,” Dubiel said. “We’re buying a lot of stuff and some of it must be valued higher than others. I’m sure it’s all very much important to what we’re trying to accomplish as an institution, but we can’t pay for it all with the $4.2 million we’ve set aside.” After taking into account the cost for a new boiler and automated book return system, Dubiel concluded that $3.5

“How about before Product Architecture and Design spends three months bidding stuff we might shoot down, we take a closer look and make a few decisions now... They put $5.2 million into this project, and I still don’t know where the meat is. This way, we can be informative and get ahead too.” - Chris Ball, Library Board trustee million of the $5.6 million renovation remains a mystery to him. Both Dubiel and Trustee Chris Ball asked for an itemized list of proposed expenses, but received mixed responses from Weiss and Board President Barbara Nakanishi, who at one point said those decisions have not yet been made. She later said an estimator submitted appropriate projections. “We can’t be early in the process, but also ready to bid the stuff at the same time,” Dubiel said before voicing concerns over employees’ roll in the renovation. “We can’t be totally dependent on the staff for information. You’re paid salaries to do all this work and show us the data. You don’t come to us

Police arrest hit and run driver On March 21, at approximately 5:22 p.m., Park Ridge Police responded to a hit and run vehicle crash at Oakton Street and Delphia Avenue. Upon arrival, officers learned that a white Audi crashed into the rear of a Volvo waiting in traffic and, in turn, caused the Volvo to crash into a Dodge Caravan waiting in traffic in front of him. The driver of the Audi then left the area at a high rate of speed without providing any information. Several minutes later, the Park Ridge Police Department were notified by Niles Police that they, too, received a report of a

three car hit and run involving an Audi. Both police agencies broadcast an area wide message and officers from the Skokie Police Department located the offending vehicle and stopped it near 5520 Touhy, Skokie. Niles Police took Jasmarie Andrade, 26, Chicago, into custody and processed her for the hit in run occurring in their jurisdiction. After Niles Police released her,the Park Ridge Police arrested her for the hit and run, which occurred at Oakton and Delphia. She was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and failure to reduce speed.

with purchases expecting blind approval.” Nakanishi took a stand, accusing Dubiel of trying to micromanage the project. “I think you’re frustrated because you don’t know every nut and bold of the project,” Nakanishi said. “Our staff and these architects are the experts on this stuff.You will get a packet with all the details when they present to us.” Referencing the outdoor, rooftop patio that trustees agreed to take out of the renovation, Dubiel said the architects priced that project at $300 per square foot a price he said is too high. “I don’t have a good handle on why these things cost so much,” Dubiel said.“My concern is what else might be in the plan that

is on the high end of a price scale? Could we do some things differently in each aspect of the job? Those questions do not represent micromanaging. We have a project priced beyond what we set aside.Taking a closer look is the responsible thing to do.” At one point, various trustees were confused as to what could and could not be done, and the board’s lawyer, Dennis Walsh, had to reiterate what last month’s 5-2 vote meant. According to Walsh, the architect’s proposed drawings and concepts were accepted with permission to move forward. Dubiel once again expressed his displeasure with the “all or nothing” tactic he believes Nakanishi implemented, as well as her willingness to move forward while more than half the board did not understand what was happening. “It’s unfortunate that Chris (Ball) and Morgan (Dubiel) are against this process,” Nakanishi said, denying his claim that others were confused.“You have a mental plot against us. If you have mental patience, you will get a better understanding of

this and be able to catch up with us.” Attempting to use practicality, Ball made a suggestion that he felt would save time. “How about before Product Architecture and Design spends three months bidding stuff we might shoot down, we take a closer look and make a few decisions now,” Ball said. “They put $5.2 million into this project, and I still don’t know where the meat is. This way, we can be informative and get ahead too.” Nakanishi initiated a poll of the board as to who wanted to review an itemized list of proposed expenses. Trustee Sam Puleo was absent. Dubiel and Ball favored a review, while Nakanishi and trustee Linda Ryan favored moving forward with the renovation process. Trustees Dennis O’Donovan and Danette Matyas chose to move forward. “I really like this project and I’m really excited about it, but there’s too much negativity in here,” Ryan said during the poll. “We’re going to put a quality library together for our staff.”


social pressures. Your special someone could be intent on having his or her way in the week to come. You might need all of your social graces in hand to avoid contention.

People enter your life

Money can be the root




thinking outside the box, open it up and share ideas both old and new. In the week ahead, you can think around a problem as well as get inside it to understand it better.

for many reasons. of all 20-minute evil, if you letslot. the lure of it dictate withdrawn library books will be Some Cashpeople only. might be there to inspire you in the week ahead, what you do and allow others manipulate Stroke Club. 3-4:30 p.m. the available for sale. Browse fiction while others are there to shock you out of a rut. You you. In the upcoming week, think logically and don’t APRIL 1 APRIL 7 first Thursday of every month and nonfiction titles for both might be there for them as well, acting as a catalyst. become obsessed by the lure of a quick buck. MARCH 29 at Center for Advanced Care, adults and children, with most Used book sale. 1-4 p.m. at Movin’ and Groovin’. 10 Room 1220, 1700 Luther Lane, DIY Crafts. Across Down 5-6 p.m. at the items priced at 50 cents to $1. the Morton Grove Public Library. a.m. at the Morton Grove Public Park This is a freewater program Morton GrovestarPublicstinger Library. Cash only. Thousands of donated and Library. Do you have a toddler 1 __ Ridge. Cup: Canadian 1 “Ninotchka” Onlywithdrawn time will tell.library You When you to set 36 With 40-Across,Learn forfootball stroketrophy victims and survivors how to make flowers books will be (ages 2-4) who likes dance? 32 Nomadic 2 Pan’s opposite can cross a small stream with one or two unachievable goals, you might set nocturnal 5 They’re waved grazers 3 Outlet type MARCH 31 (plus a guest). Free parking is and wallets using duct tape. for sale. Browseyourself fictionup forJoin the Youth Services staff steps, but crossing a riveravailable takes forethought disappointment. Avoid frustration noisemaker 15 Sound in detected 33 Time toare attack Our Lady 4 Itch and preparation. Your financial ambitions may be titles available the attached parking Instructions and supplies Of Ransom’s and nonfiction this fun Asand active in thefor weekboth ahead byinbeing realistic. a member of a class “Help!” with a stock 5 .000001 meters thwarted this week, are not prepared. garage. For more 37 information provided. Register 35 byStylist’s calling Rummage Bag Sale.if you 9 a.m. adults and children. Allyoubooks thatas well includes music, dancing, team, share the glory as the work. predecessor stethoscope 38 Warning to an 6 Mall map contact Meg Potterfield, 847-723847-929-5122 or go to calendar. to noon. $3 per bag. There will that will fit in a plastic grocery marching, parachute games, 39 Viking language 16 Much of it is overindulgent symbol 4765 or Dorene 847- and creative music Register by 40 See 36-Across shipped via the Wlodarski, bar customer be a variety of items available; bag for just $1. Cash only. 7 Showy trinket Don’t stop believing. You can be pithy about 296-2470. calling 847-929-5122 or go to 41 Fleshy-leaved Strait of Hormuz 39 Bank robber’s clothing, glassware, toys, tools, 8 Place to retire You dream of having someone by your perfection. You don’t live in a perfect APRIL 3 plant Our Of Ransom’s household items, jewelry, small 17 What injured aid 9 TitleLady spelled out side who will never stop believing in you. In world, so don’t be disappointed when people 42 a.m. Blackmailer parties may try 42 Break 90, 9 say appliances, exercise equipment, Homework in Microsoft in Art. 2 ofPre-Sale. the TOPS Club. 8:30-10 every Rummage 6 to the week to come, no matter how hard the situation or things don’t live up to expectations this week. Not 43 Part of NBA: to get at the Feldman Acoustic Tuesday Rec p.m. U.S. $3 admission fee.43There will small furniture, bedding, Word. 6:30-7:30 everyone p.m. atis able the to focus Newas well release movie. 2-3:45 is, keep on lamps, looking for your soul mate. as you do. Abbr. 18 Critical period 44 Green stroke Constitution Center, 8800 W. Kathy Lane, Niles. be a variety of items available; books and more. There is also a Morton Grove Public Library. p.m. at the Niles Public Library. 44 Bridge units 19 Gumshoe 45 Lhasa __ 10 Surfer girls Lose weight with TOPS: Take Off clothing, glassware, 46 toys, tools, “Treasure Room” that will have For grades 3-6. A guide to using Screening of Contagion (PG-13), 45 Unalaska 20 Walked Spring 11 Restless Pounds Everyone household Microsoft a thrillerHonesty centered the threat innocenceWord and 2010. Learn the is on valuable; denizen is 21 “It willSensibly. be fair 47 1928 small destroyeritems that are new or slightlyYouth, 12 Film __ items, jewelry, welcome. Dorene appliances, exercise equipment, the parish skills to get your homework a those deadly inexperience do notbasic necessarily equal neverposed expect itby from withdisease, inferior and 48Wlodarski, See weather:Call for the of the village ofused.The sale benefits 13 Olive branch You could meetdone, people printed, older than and saved values. fervent quest for loveofand 847-296-2470 Lenore small site furniture, lamps, Mascali bedding, as a whole. Forignorance. more information, usingIn your an international team doctors sky __”: Matthew or49 Govt.’s their years or wiser than they look in the week ahead. admiration, you might be less than discriminating in deal Laboratory of 22 Gallery event 48 Physics unit 14 Winter scene Lunquist, 847-729-2530 for more books and more. There is also a call Ruth at 847-823-2550. the library computers. Register contracted by the CDC to Remain open-minded. your choice of companions in the week ahead. Hygiene, now “Treasure 24 Like some candle Sporty cars staple Room” that51 will information. have by calling 847-929-5122 or go to with the outbreak. 50 Ancient rock scents cit. 20 Comparison items that are new 52or__ slightly Alzheimer’s Disease engraving 26 Bach, e.g. 53 __ order word APRIL 9 Old Time Movies. Sundays used. The sale benefits©2012 theTRIBUNE parishMEDIA Workshop. 10-11 a.m. at 53 Gershon of film 27 Reasonable 23 1930 tariff act APRIL 4 SERVICES, INC. at2810 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Niles as a whole. For more information, Terrace Gardens Assisted Living, Read to the Rainbow Dogs. 54 City near Dave Matthews co-sponsor Historical Society. Come watch at 847-823-2550. 8415 N. Waukegan Road in National Poetry Month. 1-2 7 p.m. at the Morton Grove Randolph Air call24Ruth Band label Philadelphia Base 31 Lander OrlyCharlieForce the films atof Chaplin, Morton Grove. Topic is “The p.m. at the North Shore Senior Public Library. Your child can suburb Sea of __, 32 Library 25 Pens’ Deco contents Film Series. Boomer Generation: What You Center of Morton Grove, 6140 Buster Keaton, and55Laurel and Screen practice reading to a certified shallowest in the7 p.m. supporter? 27 Unravel at the Park Ridge Public Need to Know about Alzheimer’s Dempster St., Morton Grove. therapy dog from Morton Hardy. world 34 “Little Caesar” 28 Overhaul Library. Do you dare see Disease.” Every 69 seconds, Celebrate National Poetry Month Grove’s Rainbow Animal Assisted 56 Colorful gangster 29 Got ready to Madam Satan? This off-the-wall someone develops Alzheimer’s by discovering old and new Therapy Foundation. Bring a Snowman fashion show. 57 Pool member 35 They extract trap Through February 29, drop a DeMille musical features a wild disease. Statistics show that favorites in verse. Make sure to book to read, or choose from oxygen from 30 Occasional picture of your stylish snowman masquerade party aboard a over 10 million Baby Boomers bring your library card; books the library’s selection. Register r e v services i o u s p udirigible. zzle’s answers are expected to develop it. will be available for checkout.To by calling 847-929-5122 or go to in the box on the P youth Join us for an informative and register, call 847-470-5223. or reference desk of the Morton MARCH 30 Grove Public Library, or e-mail stimulating workshop presented APRIL 10 Library Council it to Our Lady Of Ransom’s 23rd by the Alzheimer’s Association- Teen Include the names, ages/grades, Annual Rummage Sale. 9 Greater Illinois Chapter that Meeting. 5-6 p.m. at the Morton Senior Coffee Hour: Fall and phone numbers of all the a.m. to 5 p.m. at Paluch Hall, 8300 focuses on normal age-related Grove Public Library. Do you prevention. 10:30-11:30 a.m. builders. In the event of no Greenwood, Niles. There will memory changes, the warning have great ideas for the library? at the Niles Public Library. Over snowfall, use your creativity. be a variety of items available; signs of more serious memory Get involved and earn volunteer one million people over the age Winners will be notified March 9 clothing, glassware, toys, tools, loss, and what you can do to help service hours at the Teen Library of 65 fall every year – one out of Previous puzzle ’s answers for the silliest, fanciest, and most household items, jewelry, small in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Council. New teens are always every three senior citizens. Come appliances, exercise equipment, There is no cost for this program; welcome. Snacks and drinks to this presentation by the Senior originally dressed snowmen. small furniture, lamps, bedding, registration is required. To provided. Helpers of Niles-Lincolnwood to get some tips. Sign up at www. Teddy Bear Time. 9:30-10:05 books and more. There is also a register, call 847.933.2413. APRIL 5 or call 847-663a.m. at the Park Ridge Library. “Treasure Room” that will have Drop in for stories, songs, and items that are new or slightly Used book sale. 10-4 p.m. at Reading with Rover. 7-8:30 6648. Previous puzzle ’s answers fingerplays for infants through used.The sale benefits the parish the Morton Grove Public Library. p.m. at the Niles Public Library. Jumbles: out Comiskey Park’s Last 23 months with an adult. Siblings as a whole. For more information, Thousands of donated and Want to practice reading call Ruth at 847-823-2550. patient World Series. 11:30 a.m. at withdrawn library books will be loud with a friendly, are welcome. • SANDY • WRATH • BLITHE • WATERY struggling the Morton Grove Public Library. available for sale. Browse fiction pup? For beginning orAnswer: and Knitting club. Mondays 4-5 Used book sale. 1-4 p.m. at and nonfiction titles for both readers in grades KWhat Dadup. had to Charles know whenBillington’s he changed thelatest light book or p.m. at the Morton Grove Public the Morton Grove Public Library. adults and children, with most Call Debbie at 847-663-6619 bulb -- WHAT’S WATT See CALENDAR, page 23 Library. No registration required. Thousands of donated and items priced at 50 cents to $1. visit the library to sign up for a

Bring a project or learn a new one. Ages 6 and up.


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Guest column

Reacting to grief and tragedy The tragedy in Sanford Florida should be an opportunity not for more strife and division, but for forgiveness and peace.When something like the death of Trayvon Martin at the hands of George Zimmerman occurs it is a chance to show our true selves. Throughout our world we see many examples of trials and tragedies. Trayvon Martin wasn’t the only young man gunned down in America last week. We are rightly moved deep in our souls by stories and images of acute suffering, despair and death. Grief and sadness are normal and a part of this mortal life, but what’s the correct reaction to these situations?

No words or actions can bring Trayvon back to life. The events of that day are in the past. Our response to those events can either cut deeper and hurt worse or they can heal and bring peace. We often hear the call for “justice”, but as Christians we know that justice often isn’t served, not at least in this life. The events of that day are cloudy and regardless of what facts come forth our reactions will have great effect upon the living. The immediate acts of some to “racialize” the tragedy is the wrong course and serves only ill. Jesus Christ’s advice is clear – “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you…” (Matt. 5:44) When I first heard about this situation and the responses to

What’s on your mind? You are invited to use the Forum page of The Bugle to express your opinions about matters that affect our community. E-mail your letter to the Editorial Department at sweditor@ For more information, call (815) 4362431. Letters to the editor must be signed. Please try to limit your comments to 500 words or less. The editors reserve the right to publish, condense, revise or reject any submissions. Opinions printed on this page, whether in Letters to the Editor or in columns or cartoons, are the opinions of the writer and not necessarily of this newspaper, its publishers, editor or employees. Only editorials reflect the views of the newspaper.

Publisher Rich Masterson Managing Editor Matt Honold Reporters Sherri Dauskurdas Rick Kambic Laura Katauskas Debbie Lively Sports Reporters Mark Gregory Scott Taylor Editorial Deadlines Calendar & News: 3 p.m. Monday, three weeks before date of publication Letters to Editor: 9 a.m. Friday Vice President of Advertising and Marketing Michael James Production Director Andrew Samaan Advertising Sales Voyager Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 1613 Plainfield, IL 60585 (815) 436-2431 Fax (815) 436-2592 Ad Deadlines Space and Copy deadlines for Display and Classified Ads is 3 p.m. Friday before date of insertion. Legals, Obituaries and Happy Ads are due at 3 p.m. Friday.

it I was immediately reminded of another tragedy: at 10:26 AM on Oct. 2, 2006 Charles Roberts entered an Amish one room schoolhouse and after ordering the teacher and all the boys out began systematically shooting little girls ages 6-13. He then killed himself. Two girls died at the school house, one was dead by the time she arrived at the hospital and two sisters survived until the early hours of October 3, when they were taken off life support.

There couldn’t have been a clearer case of innocence and evil. Nothing could undo the horror. Yet, the reaction of the Amish was a lesson in true Christian living. The Amish would have been totally justified in being angry and hating the perpetrator. Blame cast wide and far would have been within human reason. Instead individually and as a group through word and action the Amish didn’t react as the natural man would. No, they forgave, trusting their God and

Illustrated Opinions

the words of their Savior, Jesus Christ. The Trayvon Martin death is a tragedy, but also an opportunity. In many ways our nation needs peace and healing and reconciliation. Many of those comforting the Martin family are Christian Pastors; best that they would set aside justice for forgiveness and peace for revenge. The horrors of this world are undone in the next world to come. That’s the life and promise of Christ.




District 219 DECA students going to Nationals Niles Township High School District 219 students attended the annual State Career Development Conference at the Decatur Conference Center on March 8 through 10. This conference and competition is designed to help develop future leaders for marketing, management and business. Approximately 1,000 students competed at this conference. The following District 219 students advanced to the International Career Development Conference in Salt Lake City, UT on April 28 through May 1: Niles West: Shawn Cherian, Aid Idrizovic and Sneh Sukhadia, first place, Creative Marketing; Ben Truong and Stephanie Younan, second place, Creative Marketing; Tezen Mathew, second place, Entrepreneurship Promotion Project; Bogdan Ilinescu and Elizabeth Troyk, third place, Finance Operations Research Event; Cody Inglesby, Joel Nelson and Robert Urosev, third place, Financial Literacy Promotion Project; Shawn Cherian, Aid Idrizovic and Sneh

Sukhadia, third place, Learn and Earn Project; George Furman III, fourth place, Entrepreneurship Promotion Project; and Smita Jain, Jay Shah and Ben Truong, fourth place, Learn and Earn Project. Niles North: Zain Lakhani and Aqil Hussain, first place, Finance Operations Research Event; Saud Ahmed, Jordan Weiss and Alex Stavropoulous, second place, Business Services Operations Research Event; Sam Eisenberg, Jeff Fox and Harsh Patel, third place, Buying and Merchandising Operations Research; and Elif Gundogdu, third place, Public Relations Project.Sonali Patel was selected as a Voting Delegate. The following students were Top Ten in the State in their categories: Niles West: Brandon Moy, Buying & Merchandising Operations Research Event; Ken Banchoencharoensuk, Buying and Merchandising Team Decision making Event; Pravin Varughese and Talha Ahmed, Buying and Merchandising Operations Research Event; Sam

Porto, Sports and Entertainment Operations Research Event; Ayush Shrestha and Matt Macelli, Public Relations Project Event; Deepa Pardiwala and Jessie Amgalanjargal, International Business Plan Event; Aid Idrizovic, Business Finance Event; Joel Nelson, Hotel and Lodging Management Event; and Badreddine Assioua, Sports and Entertainment Marketing Event. Achieving third place in role play: Aid Irizovic, Business Finance Event; and Angelika Przewoznik and Stephanie Younan, Travel and Tourism Team Event. Niles North: Aqil Hussain, Accounting Operations; Jordan Weiss, Business Services Marketing; Zain Lakhani, Human Resources Management; Ben Rios, Marketing Management; Jeff Fox, Retail Merchandising; Ayrie Gomez, Sports and Entertainment Marketing; Med Jimenez andTroy D’Souza,Buying and Merchandising Operations Research Event; Xavier Ghani, Teresa Khoshaba and Sonali Patel, Buying and Merchandising Operations Event; Mahak Lakhani and Maciej Kowalkowski,

Community Service Project; Ammar Mujtaba, Abdus Saleem and Shariq Salman, Creative Marketing Project; Ayrie Gomez and Justin Thomas, Creative Marketing Project; Saud Ahmed, Maytal Maor and Sonali Patel, Financial Literacy Promotion Project; Muhamed Muftic, Mitul Lakha and Ralph Reyes, Learn and Earn Project; Paul Kim, Brandon Pokrefky and Donna Khuu, Public Relations Project; Ayrie Gomez and Maytal Maor, Public Relations Project; and Paul Kim, Brandon Pokrefky and Aqil Hussain, Entrepreneurship Written Event.

educational institutions that visit the Lit Center for inspiration and guidance, as they seek to build successful programs in their own communities. “This has been another busy year for visitors to our Center,” said Andrew Jeter, Literacy Center Coordinator.“ He commented that seven high schools have made a stop at Niles West this year, with the goal of creating their own literacy center. Jeter mentioned that other schools have heard about the great success of the peer-topeer tutoring at Niles West, either through word-of-mouth, or through various organizations such as the Chicagoland Organization of Writing, Literacy and Learning Centers.

school planning nights in the area. The 2012 College Night will be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11 at Niles West High School, 5701 W. Oakton, Skokie. Representatives from more than 260 colleges, universities, technical schools and the military will be in attendance. Students and their parents will be able to discuss entrance requirements, special programs, admission procedures and course offerings with representatives from a diverse array of colleges and technical schools. All Niles Township students and their parents are invited to participate, regardless of whether they attend a District 219 school. For additional information, please contact College and Career Counselors Daniel Gin at (847) 626-2682 or Tiffany Stallone at (847) 626-2168.

Students who received competency certificates (less than 50% of participants achieve this): Niles West: Talha Ahmed, Accounting Applications Event; Jay Shah, Tony Soldo and Aid Idrizovic, Business Finance; PravinVarughese,Food Marketing Event; Rexly Penaflorida and Cody Inglesby, Hotel and Lodging Management Event; Derek Fujii and Brian Barnabas, Human Resources Management

Event; Robert Urosev, Marketing Management Event; Ravid Sukhadia, Restaurant and Food Service Management Event; Badreddine Assioua, Vera Ratner, Sony Shajan and George Furman III, Sports and Entertainment Marketing Event; Tezen Mathew, Retail Merchandising Event; Deepa Pardiwala, Principles of Marketing Event; Brandon Moy and Ken Banchoencharoensuk, Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event; Elizabeth Troyk, Bogdan Ilinescu, Jessica Daczo and Amelia Discher, Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Event; Smita Jain and Timothy Chan, Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event; and Shawn Cherian, Jobin Joseph, Stephanie Younanan and Angelika Przewoznik, Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making Event. Students who also competed at state: Niles West: Lisa Gustek, Jennifer Magdaleno, Sneh Sukhadia, Alvin Rathappillil, Ben Truong, Sam Porto, Ayush Shrestha and Matt Macelli.

District 219 Briefs D219 advances in History Fair The following District 219 students qualified for the Finals/ State level of the History Fair Competition. For students competing at this level, their scores may determine if they will participate in National History Day, held in June at the University of Maryland. Papers

(Niles North) Regina Roberg for “Chicago’s Pediatric Mental Health Revolution: Contributions of Bruno Bettleheim and the Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School.” (Niles West) Alexa Bits for “Chicago Women’s Liberation Movement”; Patrick Drozd for “Polish American History and Politics in Chicago”; and Emily Ong for “The Chicago Bungalow: Lure of the American Dream.” Historical Websites

(Niles North) Margie Chubin and Kelly Oh for “Ben Reitman: The Doctor Who Gave Societal Misfits a Purpose”; Lillian Wong,

Haley Sproull and Rosemary Larsen for “Remember the Ladies: The Role of Women in the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition”; Sally Oh and Thea Daguison for “Segregation Remains in Chicago: 1919 Chicago Race Riot”; Anum Rehmat, Yassaman Yarmahmoudi and Ashnar Maita for “The Integration of Rainbow Beach: Confronting Racial Discrimination and Segregation in Chicago”; and April Hernandez and Jonathan Oh for“The Pullman Strike: The Battle Between Labor and Capital.” (Niles West) Joseph Darga for “Prohibition in Chicago”; and Jawaria Nagani and Anna Chirayil for “Women’s Suffrage.”

West Literacy Center “an inspiration” The Niles West High School Literacy Center has one of the largest peer tutoring programs in the world, if not the largest. The center records on average about 31,000 student visits a year. This number does not include the various schools and other

Largest college fair in the works High school students in Niles Township will have an opportunity to investigate future educational possibilities at one of the largest post-high

International Night April 14 The community is invited to attend one of Niles North’s

biggest events of the year, when the school’s ethnic and cultural clubs celebrate and honor their heritage. International Night will be held on Saturday, April 14 in the Niles North Fieldhouse at 9800 N. Lawler, Skokie. The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 per person and $10 per family and includes admission to an international food buffet that features mouthwatering delicacies from around the globe. The following clubs will entertain the crowd with traditional and modern dances or performances: Assyrian Club, Black Student Union, Chinese Club, Filipino Club, French Club, German Club, Indo-Pak Club, Israeli Club, Korean Club and Latino Club. Don’t miss this international celebration that brings together the many diverse cultures of Niles North.This is a great collaborative effort between students, staff and the communities that comprise Niles Township. For more information, please contact International Club sponsor Aaron Minkus (847) 626-2319.

Take 5


H o ro s c o p e s


1 __ Cup: Canadian football trophy 5 They’re waved 15 Sound detected with a stethoscope 16 Much of it is shipped via the Strait of Hormuz 17 What injured parties may try to get 18 Critical period 19 Gumshoe 20 Walked 21 “It will be fair weather: for the sky __”: Matthew 22 Gallery event 24 Like some candle scents 26 Bach, e.g. 27 Reasonable 28 Dave Matthews Band label 31 Lander at Orly 32 Library supporter? 34 “Little Caesar” gangster 35 They extract oxygen from

water 36 With 40-Across, nocturnal noisemaker 37 “Help!” predecessor 39 Viking language 40 See 36-Across 41 Fleshy-leaved plant 42 Blackmailer 43 Part of NBA: Abbr. 44 Bridge units 45 Unalaska denizen 48 See 49 Govt.’s Laboratory of Hygiene, now 50 Ancient rock engraving 53 Gershon of film 54 City near Randolph Air Force Base 55 Sea of __, shallowest in the world 56 Colorful 57 Pool member


1 “Ninotchka” star 2 Pan’s opposite 3 Outlet type 4 Itch 5 .000001 meters 6 Mall map symbol 7 Showy trinket 8 Place to retire 9 Title spelled out in Art. 2 of the U.S. Constitution 10 Surfer girls 11 Restless 12 Film __ 13 Olive branch site 14 Winter scene staple 20 Comparison word 23 1930 tariff act co-sponsor 24 Philadelphia suburb 25 Pens’ contents 27 Unravel 28 Overhaul 29 Got ready to trap 30 Occasional

stinger 32 Nomadic grazers 33 Time to attack 35 Stylist’s stock 38 Warning to an overindulgent bar customer 39 Bank robber’s aid 42 Break 90, say 43 Acoustic 44 Green stroke 45 Lhasa __ 46 Spring 47 1928 destroyer of the village of Mascali 48 Physics unit 51 Sporty cars 52 __ cit. 53 __ order


You might not be able to do a handstand, but you can shake a hand. Ambitions could get in the way of friendliness in the week ahead, but by being personable and friendly you can use your energies in the best way.

Never undervalue your expertise. You might not be aware that others look up at you as someone capable and reliable. In the week to come, you might defer to a partner when you should take charge.

Open up. Instead of thinking outside the box, open it up and share ideas both old and new. In the week ahead, you can think around a problem as well as get inside it to understand it better.

Curtsy and bow to social pressures. Your special someone could be intent on having his or her way in the week to come. You might need all of your social graces in hand to avoid contention.

People enter your life for many reasons. Some people might be there to inspire you in the week ahead, while others are there to shock you out of a rut. You might be there for them as well, acting as a catalyst.

Money can be the root of all evil, if you let the lure of it dictate what you do and allow others manipulate you. In the upcoming week, think logically and don’t become obsessed by the lure of a quick buck.

Only time will tell. You can cross a small stream with one or two steps, but crossing a river takes forethought and preparation. Your financial ambitions may be thwarted this week, if you are not prepared.

When you set unachievable goals, you might set yourself up for disappointment. Avoid frustration in the week ahead by being realistic. As a member of a team, you share the glory as well as the work.

Don’t stop believing. You dream of having someone by your side who will never stop believing in you. In the week to come, no matter how hard the situation is, keep on looking for your soul mate.

You can be pithy about perfection. You don’t live in a perfect world, so don’t be disappointed when people or things don’t live up to expectations this week. Not everyone is able to focus as well as you do.

Youth, innocence and inexperience do not necessarily equal ignorance. You could meet people older than their years or wiser than they look in the week ahead. Remain open-minded.

Honesty is valuable; never expect it from those with inferior values. In your fervent quest for love and admiration, you might be less than discriminating in your choice of companions in the week ahead.


Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers Jumbles: • SANDY • WRATH • BLITHE • WATERY


What Dad had to know when he changed the light bulb -- WHAT’S WATT




Bugle Kids

INSIDE: Notre Dame, Maine East baseball preview, page 15; Check out the Niles prep sports roundup online



Presniakovas named Player of the Year By Scott Taylor Sports Reporter

While Plainfield South’s Edvinas Presniakovas was busy setting the District 202 scoring record, he was also being a leader on and off the court. Nothing was more telling than an early January game at Romeoville.

ALL-AREA Trailing by 20 points in the fourth quarter, Presniakovas dove into the scorers table trying to save a loose ball. “It’s nice to be able to score the ball, but what people overlook about me is I do the dirty work too,” Presniakovas said. “I take charges and I had to step up in rebounding. I do whatever it takes for my team to win.” That seemed to spark the Cougars as they rallied and only lost by four. Even though he is known as a scorer, it was the plays like that that made Presniakovas an allaround player and in turn he was awarded the Voyager Media Boys Basketball Player of the Year for 2011-2012. “It means a lot,” Presniakovas said of winning the award. “I’m blessed that I have the ability to win it. I had a great year and it means a lot to me.There are a lot of great players who will be playing a high level of basketball.” Presniakovas finished with 21.8 points per game and 7.8 rebounds, despite being a guard. He led the team with 65 assists, 31 steals and 66 three-pointers. “I wasn’t averaging as many (rebounds) early in the year,” said Presniakovas, who played point guard for much of the season. “When Kevin (Coker) went down, the coaches said I needed to step up rebounding because I was the second tallest player on the court

and Will (Nixon) needed help. I had to battle bigger post players.” He finished with a District 202 record 1,801 points for his career. “Here’s a guy who has done nothing but commit himself to the basketball team and the basketball program,” South coach Ken Bublitz said.“It’s a great award for him,but he will probably agree that it is as much a team goal as it is an individual award. That’s the type of kid he is. He has always played that way and practiced that way. I can’t say enough about him. He’s a cornerstone of our program. He’s a fantastic kid and a great, great ambassador for our program. It’s nice he was able to get it here at home.” While early in his career he was known as a shooter, Presniakovas turned into a complete offensive player his final two years. “I just hit the weights harder,” Presniakovas stated.“My first two years I kind of took the weights for granted. Coming into junior year I hit the weights harder and that made me stronger. I was able to drive and increase the range on my shots. I was able to become a complete player.”

First Team: BRIAN BENNETT A senior from Plainfield East, Bennett lost more than 50 pounds from last year and it paid off. He averaged 15.6 points, 6.9 rebounds, while shooting 59 percent from the floor and 72 percent from the foul line. “Brian made a huge a transition from his junior to senior year,” Plainfield East coach Branden Adkins said. “He not only become

physically better but he also matured a lot as a young man. The adversities and situations that use to hinder him were a non-factor. He is a true example that basketball players are made in the off-season. He is deserving all that he has achieved this season.”

MARLON JOHNSON Joliet West senior center came on big this season, averaging 14.5 points, 9.5 rebounds and 2.3 steals per game for the Tigers. He was also named MVP of the Voyager Media All-Star Shootout. “Marlon was an integral part of our improvement from last year,” said West coach Luke Yaklich.“He brings a great attitude to the floor and was fun to coach and watch develop. He improved more over the course of four years than any other player I have coached. He is a terrific young man and has a bright future ahead of him. He is selecting to play junior college next year and will begin taking visits in the spring.” Scott Taylor/Bugle staff

BEN MOORE One of the top juniors in the state, M o o r e averaged 16 points, eight rebounds and four blocks for B o l i n g b ro o k this season. “He is being recruited by about 20 Division I schools already and has four scholarship offers on the table,” said Bolingbrook coach Rob Brost.

Plainfield South’s Ed Presniakovas averaged an area-best 21.8 points per game to go along with 7.8 rebounds.

SEAN O’MARA T h e sophomore center led Benet with 15.1 points and 8.6 rebounds per game, to go along with 1.9 blocks per game. “Sean was All-tournament at the Hinsdale South Thanksgiving

Tournament, and second team at Proviso West,” Benet coach Gene Geidkamp said. “He was MVP at the Plainfield North Holiday Tournament. He was named AllConference in the ESCC. Sean was a force for us on both ends of the floor. He was not only an excellent low post scorer but a tremendous passer as well. He was also a presence defensively, changing shots and rebounding.” See ALL-AREA, page 12



ALL-AREA Continued from page 11

Second Team: DEE BROWN The senior from Plainfield East tallied 14.1 points per game while shooting 36 percent from beyond the arc and 72 percent from the free throw line. He also had 72 assists and 58 steals. “Dee has been the most consistent player throughout his career,” Adkins said. “He thrives on stepping up in game situations. He leaves Plainfield East being the all-time leading scorer and the only player to eclipse 1,000 points in his career. He will have great success at the next level.”

JAMALL MILLISON Downers Grove South senior tallied 12.66 points per game and

grabbed 110 boards for the Mustangs and was named team MVP. He totaled 367 points on the season, second on the team. “He was chosen by his teammates as the MVP,” said DGS coach Jay Baum. “He is a three-year starter, three year allconference and two year captain. He is a scorer, a ball handler and a lock-down defender. I was privileged to coach him in every game for the four years of his high school career.”

ANDRE NORRIS A senior from Plainfield Central, Norris averaged 13.2 points and nine rebounds per game. He also was strong d e f e n s i v e l y, leading the team with 56 blocks and 37 steals. Finished with a program record 58.6 percent field goal percentage.

Sports “As a two year varsity starter, Andre had tremendous numbers and affected games on both ends of the floor like very few players could,” Central coach Steve Lamberti said. “He worked very hard to help us be as successful as possible, many times sacrificing his own statistics. Andre was one of the most talented and uniquely skilled players ever to wear a Central jersey.”

JOHN SOLARI The thirdyear varsity player came into his own during his junior season, leading the Hawks in scoring (14.8 points per game) and rebounding (5.7 per game). He also shot 62 percent from the field and 83 percent from the line. Solari was instrumental in Maine South’s turnaround during the second half of the season in which the Hawks won 12 of their last 16 contests and advanced to the sectional semifinals.“He was the anchor inside that we needed,”

said Maine South coach Tony Lavorato. “He evolved into our go-to guy. He led us on floor, but also led us through communication. He didn’t fear

anyone and gave us sense of confidence anytime we went to the post.” See ALL-AREA, page 13

Sports ALL-AREA Continued from page 12

JERRON WILBUT S e n i o r averaged 18.36 points, leading Downer s Grove South with 404 points on the season. He added 100 rebounds on the year. “Jerron is an extremely talented basketball player,” Baum said.“He can score with ease getting to the rim as well as from behind the arc. He also is an outstanding defensive player. His potential appears limitless as a basketball player.”

Third Team: JOE FERRICI Ferrici stepped up and provided senior leadership, as well as steady production, for a team that had lost its entire starting lineup from the previous season to graduation. The 6-4 forward averaged a double-double during 2011-12—10 points, 10 rebounds

per game— and was a unanimous allESCC selection. “Joe worked extremely hard in weight room, and I could count on him every game for those kind of numbers,” said Notre Dame coach Tom Les.“Obviously he had a very strong year.” Ferrici wants to continue playing in college; Concordia has been showing interest in him, along with other Division III and Division II schools.

KEVIN HONN A do-it-all senior for DGS, he averaged 11.5 points per game and led the team with 183 rebounds.

WILL NIXON The senior center from Plainfield South averaged 11 points and nine rebounds,

while shooting 61 percent from the floor. “He’s been a phenomenal player for us,” Bublitz said.

JEAN PIETRZAK Pietrzak, an all-Interstate E i g h t Conference pick from We s t m o n t , is equally effective either spotting up for a jumper or taking the ball to the hole. He also handles the ball well for someone his size.The 6-5 junior guard/forward averaged 14 points and 7.3 rebounds per game while shooting 53 percent from the field.

KYLE WARD Lockport s e n i o r averaged 10.8 points, 5.1 rebounds and 3.0 assists for the Porters and was the heart of the Lockport team. “Kyle was an important part of this year’s success,” said Lockport

THE BUGLE MARCH 29, 2012 coach Lawrence Thompson Jr. “He was a do-whatever-the-teamneeded type of player.”

Fourth Team:

floor. “Adam Reynolds was the senior captain of our basketball team,” Minooka coach Scott Tanaka said.



A senior transfer to Romeoville, Akuba averaged 11.5 points and 7.2 rebounds per game with 25 steals and 25 blocks.


JEREMY BURT Burt was the senior leader for a young Plainfield North squad, finishing with 12.4 points per game and an 84 percent mark from the line.

ADAM REYNOLDS Reynolds, a senior forward from Minooka, averaged 10.6 points and 6.4 boards per game, shooting 53 percent from the


The Plainfield East senior averaged 7.4 points from the point guard position. He also had 94 assists and 39 steals, while guarding the best player on the other team nightly.

ZACH WARNER The Plainfield Central senior scored 11.5 points per game and drained 61 three-pointers on the year at a 37 percent clip. Made a District 202 record eight threes in a game.“ Mark Gregory and Mike Sandrolini also contributed






Dons have new coach; Demons should be improved By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

Even though this is Nelson Gord’s first year as Notre Dame’s head baseball coach, he’s quite familiar with the players who’ve come through the program over the years.

BASEBALL Gord, owner of the Play Ball USA Training Academy in Niles, has been working with ND personnel whom he’s mentored at the facility. He also runs the Illinois Indians’ travel league program, which also features Notre Dame players. “I’ve worked with a ton of kids in the Notre Dame program dating back to the 2004 state title team,” Gord noted. The Dons (19-17 overall, fourth in the ESCC in 2011) also will benefit from a veteran coaching staff. IHSBCA Hall of Famer John Wendell, Gord’s high school coach at Buffalo Grove, is in his 40th season. Matt Polinski, Notre Dame’s sophomore coach the past

13 years, also was the head varsity coach at Evanston for 10 seasons. And new pitching coach Trevor Stocking oversaw a Prospect staff that helped the Knights take third in the state in Class 4A last spring. Stocking will have a core of veteran and promising pitchers to work with this season. Seniors Nick Fiorito (who’s committed to Concordia), Charlie Jerger and Tony Marcellino, who set the school record for saves last year, anchor the staff. Gord said junior Dan Nagode,the Dons’ likely starting quarterback next fall, will “log innings for sure,” and senior infielder Keenan Connelly “will hit in the middle of the order and pitch some innings for us.” “He’s been on the radar gun as high as 88 (mph),” said Gord, referring to Connelly. “Keenan is as good as any player around.” Left-handed hitting senior Ryan Czachor and junior Tommy Schaedel have been the Dons’ early-season starters at shortstop and second base, respectively. Matt Walsh, a senior, is behind the

plate. Junior Dion Ursino started at third in each of Notre Dame’s first two games of 2012 (a 2-1 loss to Glenbrook North and a 6-2 victory over Niles North). Senior Sean Pavel is ND’s starting first baseman, while junior Erick Zepeda, who also plays first base, has been the team’s designated hitter. Hard-hitting senior Nick Pieruccini, who led the Dons to the Class 6A state playoffs at quarterback last fall, mans right field again this year. He’ll be joined in the outfield by seniors Robby Getty and Zach Ryan, and juniors Danny Hyde (center field) and Jack Prestoigioicomo. Hyde also pitched two innings against Niles North, while freshman Adnan Sator got the start and went five innings. “The team overall has improved by leaps and bounds from when I took over,” Gord said. “They’ve worked tremendously hard.“

MAINE EAST The Blue Demons took their

lumps last season, finishing with a 4-23 record. However, coach Ron Clark has reason for optimism. Maine East did win its first postseason game since 2007 in last year’s playoffs, and the Demons posted a .500 record during summer league play, which included several close games.They have nearly everyone returning from last year’s team. “It’s the same starters and the same team for the most park,” Clark said. “Our core is back and I’m really excited about that.” All-CSL North selection Cory Evans returns at shortstop and will top a pitching rotation that includes senior twin brothers Andrew and Tyler Glowacki. Lefthander Greg Davis and AJ Plis, both juniors, should see plenty of innings for the Demons, as well. “The pitchers are all pretty much on par with each other,” said Clark, who’s in his second season. “They’re all very capable guys that can throw pitches for strikes. They’re experienced, too, so that helps a ton.” Clark calls returning starting

catcher Phil Papaioannou “one of the better defensive catchers I’ve ever worked with.” Senior right fielder George Zakharia, who hit third for the Demons in 2011, and classmate Steve Khatchadourian, a first baseman listed at 6-2, 245, give Maine East two potentially potent batters. The Glowacki brothers, along with Plis and seniors Ramen Odicho and Nick Harloff, round out a short list who’ll see a bulk of the playing time in the infield. Joining Zakharia in the outfield are seniors Dan Klamerus, whom Clark projects as a middle-ofthe-order hitter, and Muhammad Tabani. “We have 16 (players) on the roster, but that’s fine,” said Clark, whose assistant coaches are Tony Gliffe and former Maine East head coach Stan Breitzman. “They’ll all contribute. The biggest hurdle we have to get over is ourselves. Physically I think we can play with most teams on our schedule.”



Final four offers little surprise STANDINGS Gary Taylor 79 Joe Sparaciao 78 Marge Taylor 77 Tom Harper 77 Edward Gladstone 77 Dan Leach 76 Brian Dudczyk 76 Brian Dunn 73 Scott Taylor 73 Mandie Copley 72 Katie Hartanovich 70 Chris Askew 70 Briana Wilder 70 Note: Bold not eligible for top prizes By Scott Taylor Sports Reporter

There may have been a few surprises along the way, but at the end of the day there is a lot of chalk in the Final Four. Sure, Louisville might be a surprise to some, but in the balanced West, anything could and did happen, especially when Missouri was bounced early. Other than that, I predicted Kentucky and Ohio State to go to the Final Four and Kansas is no real surprise playing close to home and especially after North Carolina point guard Kendall

Ohio State (2)

(1) Kentucky


(4) Louisville Marshall was injured. To me, this has been the worst year of March Madness in a long time. The four teams left standing are among the richest in tradition, so there are no good stories (it doesn’t help that I can’t stand three of those teams). There have been no buzzer beaters, the thing that makes this time of year most special, and there have only been a handful of games go down to the last shot. The only Elite Eight game that was good was Louisville/Florida and the Sweet 16 wasn’t all that great, either. The Wisconsin/ Syracuse game was great, as was

Kansas (2) UNC/Ohio, but the ending was something that everyone expected with the chalk winning. Also ruining the month has been the sub-par refs. There were 48 fouls in the Ohio State/Syracuse game, so who knows who the better team was with all the free throws and foul trouble. There have been multiple games where the refs appeared to favor a team (look at Kentucky’s free throw advantages) and who can forget the UNC-Ashville/Syracuse game? With that said, there are plenty of scenarios left for Voyager Media

Madness to see who takes the top crown and the $100 prize. If Kentucky beats Ohio State in the final, Brianna Widler of Plainfield would take home the top prize, with Edward Gladstone of Romeoville finishing second and myself in third. Chris Askew of Westmont in fifth would get the $25 for third as third and fourth aren’t eligible. If Ohio State beats Kentucky in the final, the top two finishers (Dan Leach and Gary Taylor) are ineligible for cash prizes as well. That would leave Widler to finish first, Gladstone second and Tom Harper of Plainfield third.

If Ohio State faces Louisville, the top two again are ineligible, leaving Harper to finish first, Brian Dunn from Plainfield second and Mandie Copley of Morris third. If Louisville and Kansas meet in the finals, no matter who wins the money winners would be Joe Sparacio of Plainfield, Gladstone and Harper. If Kansas beats Kentucky, Sparacio is first, Gladstone second and Widler third. Kentucky over Kansas would give Gladstone first, while Widler, Askew and Katie Hartanovich of Plainfield would tie for second.




Coming changes in France and Spain for 2012 While their economies may be undergoing turbulence in 2012, positive changes in France and Spain are also in the air making this year a good time to touch down in these essential European destinations. In France, Paris’ progressive mayor, Bertrand Delanoe, is launching an electric-car-share program called Autolib’ (www., which is designed to function much like the city’s successful Velib’ bike-share program. Eventually 3,000 electric cars will plug in at 1,000 (mostly underground) stations - and yes, Americans and Canadians can rent one as long as they have an International Driving Permit. Meanwhile, public transit in Paris is becoming more automated. Staffed ticket windows in Metro stations are gradually being phased out in favor of ticket machines, so don’t expect live transactions at some smaller stations. Since most U.S. credit cards won’t work in these machines, be sure to carry coins or small bills of 20 euros or less. The news is mostly good for art lovers in Paris. At the Orsay Museum - the mecca of Impressionism - a $28 million, multiyear remodel wrapped up in October, when the topfloor Impressionist and PostImpressionist rooms reopened in a larger space. The Louvre’s preClassical Greek section reopens in late 2012, and the museum’s exciting new Islamic art wing debuts this summer. But Paris’ Picasso Museum remains closed for renovation, probably until summer 2013. Beginning in May, there will be a new way to make a pilgrimage to one of the country’s most popular sights - the evocative

Dominic Bonuccelli

Toledo’s Santa Cruz Museum has completely reopened and contains a world-class collection of paintings by El Greco.

island abbey of Mont St. Michel. Visitors will park in remote lots and ride free shuttles to a pedestrian walkway connected to the island. It’s part of a multiyear project to replace the island’s old causeway with a sleek, modern bridge, allowing water to freely circulate around the island once more. At the nearby D-Day beaches in Normandy, the terrific Utah Beach Landing Museum (near Sainte Marie du Mont, www. is now open. Built in the sand dunes around the remains of a German bunker, with floors both above and below sea level, the museum’s finale is a large, glassed-in room overlooking Utah Beach. In the Dordogne, a new Prehistory Welcome Center has joined other worthwhile Cro-

Magnon sights in Les Eyzies-deTayac. The free welcome center provides a solid introduction to the Dordogne region’s important prehistoric sites, with timelines, slideshows, and exhibits that serve as an excellent primer on the origins of the human species. In Nice, the Matisse Museum is expected to close for renovation sometime in 2012 and the Russian Cathedral is closed indefinitely. In Arles, the Arlaten Folk Museum is closed until 2013, and the Fondation Vincent Van Gogh (which, while interesting, contains no original Van Gogh paintings) is moving and should reopen in its new location in the spring of 2012. Near Arles, in Les Baux, the Cathedrale d’Images is set to reopen in March with a new sound-and-light show.

Next door in Spain, several museums in Toledo have reopened after years of renovation. The new Spanish Army Museum, installed within the Alcazar fortress, displays endless rooms of military collections of armor, uniforms, cannons, guns, paintings, and models.The Santa Cruz Museum, finally completely open, displays a world-class collection of El Greco paintings, along with an eclectic mix of medieval and Renaissance art. The reopened and renamed El Greco Museum (no longer called El Greco’s House) offers its small collection of paintings - including the “View and Plan of Toledo,” El Greco’s panoramic map of the city. In Madrid, the Madrid Card sightseeing pass now allows you to skip the lines at sights -

which can save lots of time at the famous Prado art museum and the lavish Royal Palace. And in Barcelona, you can avoid the lines for the Picasso Museum by reserving an entrance time and buying your ticket online with no additional booking fee at Granada’s top sight, the magnificent Alhambra fortress, has opened an official bookstore in a handy city-center location (between Plaza Isabel La Catolica and Plaza Nueva). The bookstore’s info desk can help you print out your pre-reserved Alhambra tickets, and sells advance tickets (but not sameday tickets). With your ticket in hand, you can bypass the mob scene at the main entrance and enter the Alhambra through the Justice Gate (closer to the top attractions of that exquisite palace). In Sevilla, the once nondescript square called Plaza de la Encarnacion (at the north end of downtown) has been boldly redeveloped: A gigantic undulating canopy of five waffle-patterned, mushroomshaped, 100-foot tall structures (called “Metropol Parasol” by its German architect) now provides shade for the formerly sunbaked square. Even with these changes, the essence of France and Spain endures - a heady mix of modern and traditional that is ready to intoxicate curious travelers in 2012 and beyond. Rick Steves ( writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio. Email him at and follow his blog on Facebook. (c) 2012 RICK STEVES



Business & Real Estate

Former trustee begins private practice in Park Ridge Laura J. Morask, a threeterm Maine Township trustee, who retired recently from the Cook County State’s Laura Morask Attor ne y’s Office, will begin private practice April 12 in her new law offices at 713 Devon Ave. Park Ridge. Morask will practice in the areas of criminal law, DUI defense, police representation and municipal law. A graduate of Washington University and Chicago-Kent College of Law, Morask started her career in law as a clerk in the

state’s attorney’s office in 1985, working in appeals, child abuse, narcotics and the felony trial division as she rose through the ranks.A 25-year veteran gang and sex crimes prosecutor, Morask most recently served as Deputy Supervisor of the Preliminary Hearing Unit Branch 44. In 1998, Morask was part of the team that implemented a grant from Congress under the Violence Against Adult Women Act to open up a sex crimes prosecution unit geared to give special attention to the most serious of sex based offenses. “This was one of the most rewarding parts of my career because it made possible the delivery of the highest level of

victim oriented services possible, “she said. “While these types of crimes are the most heinous and challenging, they are also the most rewarding to prosecute as we obtain justice on behalf of a victim.” In 2001, Morask became a special prosecutor in the gang unit of the state’s attorney’s office, prosecuting some of the most notorious street gang members. Morask was part of a multi-jurisdictional task force to dismantle the Black Gangster Disciple Street Gang as well as operating as the Gang Crimes Liaison to the Skokie courthouse. Promoted to Deputy Supervisor of the Preliminary

Hearing Unit Branch 44, Morask helped mentor and train dozens of young prosecutors and law clerks in addition to overseeing all the preliminary hearings and indictments that arose from Branch 44 which covers courts in Chicago’s Westside and downtown communities. “The mentoring of the younger assistants and clerks has always been one of my favorite aspects of my tenure in the state’s attorney’s office,” said Morask. “I came full circle. I had the benefit of clerking in the office as an intern and having several wonderful mentors which is the best training and practice for any law student.” Morask plans on continuing

Continuing to work through loss of loved one Q. My wife r e c e n t l y died from cancer and I am finding it difficult to care at all about my work. I need the income and don’t want to be fired. How can I cope with this loss and still do my job? A. You can cope with this loss by realizing that in the long run this kind of tragedy will give you a perspective and resiliency that will be invaluable to you in work and life. You can also realize that the largest contributor to a quality life is our ability to behave well when we feel rotten. Unfortunately, when someone close to us dies, our immediate family members are the only people who are drastically and permanently affected by a loss. Everyone else will express sympathy, but in truth their life goes on relatively the same as before our tragedy. After the initial time you take off and the funeral, you’ll

come back to a workplace (and society) that expects you to “move on” and get back to “normal.” The truth is that you’ll never return to normal, but you can create a new normal. A new life is unimaginable after the loss of an intimate other, but it is possible. Don’t expect yourself to care about your job or anything else in the same way you did before your wife died. You’ll be grateful right now for the fact that telepathy is not a common skill. No one will know how you feel, but they will notice if your work tasks are getting done. Give yourself a new bar for performance at work. If you can show up and merely do an adequate job after your severe loss, you’re amazing. Simply putting one foot in front of the other when you are deep in bereavement is an extraordinary accomplishment. Also expect that right now you won’t have much hope or optimism about your future. You won’t be able to motivate yourself by thinking of bright

or happy goals. The secret to building a new life is to do the tasks you know will give you richer options in the future, even though you don’t feel like getting out of bed. We often inaccurately believe that we have to feel good and inspired to act in ways that will benefit us - even though, intellectually, we know we can go the gym, eat better or pay our bills and achieve the same results whether we feel like performing these tasks or not. If we don’t do the things that take care of us financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually, our bereavement will be compounded by the fact our life is falling apart. If we do these things (despite our despair), our loss will soften more quickly over time because our life is working. During this time, make sure you seek out a grief support group. Most people in your social network care about you but find death an intolerable issue.Making sure you have people who are also dealing with severe loss will be a critical lifeboat during

a time when you feel your storm will never end.

The last word(s) Q. I took a new job where I have to socialize a lot with clients. Is there a universal topic I can open with to help build these new workplace relationships? A. Yes, ask questions and let your clients talk about themselves. It is the one topic everyone adores. Daneen Skube, Ph.D., executive coach, trainer, therapist and speaker, also appears as the FOX Channel’s “Workplace Guru” each Monday morning. She’s the author of “Interpersonal Edge: Breakthrough Tools for Talking to Anyone, Anywhere, About Anything” (Hay House, 2006). You can contact Dr. Skube at www. or 1420 NW Gilman Blvd., #2845, Issaquah, WA 98027. Sorry, no personal replies. (c) 2012 INTERPERSONAL EDGE

that type of mentoring/ apprenticeship in her new practice to provide that type of personal and collegial help that develops the passion, knowledge and abilities of young law students into outstanding lawyers. Morask can be contacted at her office at 713 W. Devon Avenue, 847-696-7185.





Senior Lifestyle

How does a retiree choose a financial advisor? By Jill Schlesinger Tribune Media Services

If you were a smart saver during your working years, you may be daunted by the task of reversing course and figuring out how to spend during retirement. Or maybe you need help understanding whether or not you need long-term care insurance, extensive estate planning or how best to fund your grandchildren’s educations. If these questions are percolating through your mind, you may want to seek professional guidance. Choosing a financial adviser can be a head-scratching journey, as you navigate all the different types of advice givers with their alphabet soup of professional designations. To help, here are the eight questions to ask any potential financial adviser, stock broker or insurance salesperson before you retain them: 1. Are you registered as an investment adviser? If yes, then the adviser owes you a fiduciary

Niles Senior Center Advanced registration is generally required for programs. March/April Naturally Active Registrations for members have begun.All programs require advanced registration. Individuals must be a registered member of the Niles Senior Center to receive the member price. Membership application forms are available at the Front Desk, Membership Service Desk or on-line. For more information about program eligibility, contact one of our program coordinators. Beginning Conversational Spanish,Wednesdays,April 4-May 9th 10-11AM Registration deadline is March 26. $30M/$35NM Instructor: Lisa Basset of Oakton Community College. For more information, contact Jaymi. Annual Rummage Sale The Rummage Sale date is Saturday, April 21 from 9AM-1PM – so mark your calendars! There are over 40 vendors who will be selling a wide variety of items. There will be a $2 Hot Dog

duty, which is a fancy way of saying that he or she must put your needs first. Investment professionals who aren’t fiduciaries are held to a lesser standard, called “suitability,” which means that anything they sell you has to be appropriate for you, though not necessarily in your best interest. 2. How will I pay for your services? The adviser should clearly state in writing how he or she will be paid for the services provided. The three basic methods of payment are: fees based on an hourly or flat rate; fees based on a percentage of your portfolio value, often called “Assets Under Management” (AUM); or commissions paid per transaction. How often you expect to trade and how proactively you want your money managed will help determine which model works best for you. 3. What experience do you have? Find out how long the adviser has been in practice and where. Also ask if he or she has

any professional certifications, licenses or designations, such as Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Certified Public AccountantPersonal Financial Specialist (CPA-PFS) or Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC). While these are signals of credibility, they don’t guarantee a successful relationship. 4. What services do you offer? The services offered can depend on a number of factors including credentials, licenses and areas of expertise. Some offer advice on a range of topics but do not sell financial products. Others may provide advice only in specific areas such as estate planning or tax matters. 5. What is your approach to financial planning and investing? Some advisers prefer to develop a holistic plan that brings together all of your financial goals. Others provide advice on specific areas, as needed. Make sure the adviser’s viewpoint on investing is neither too cautious nor overly aggressive for your risk tolerance. Also ask whether

the planner makes investment decisions themselves, or depends on others in the firm to do so. What was the adviser’s performance in both good and bad markets, and ask yourself whether it’s more important to you to make money in a rising market or prevent losses in a down market. A great follow-up question: What were the three worst investment decisions you made over the past five years, and how did you correct them? 6. Can you provide three references? Ask for two current clients whose goals and finances match your own, as well as a professional reference, like an accountant or estate attorney. 7. Do you have a financial interest in the entity that houses my account? This is your Madoff-prevention question. When interviewing advisers not associated with large brokerage or insurance companies, ask if they use an independent, thirdparty custodian or clearing firm (this is the entity that produces your statements), which prevents

Lunch available (while supplies last) and a raffle with 50% going to the winner and 50% split between the American Cancer Society and the Niles Food Pantry. For more information, contact Jaymi.

and will focus on the following areas:

provide a way to increase your flexibility, strength and balance. Yoga is all about flexibility, and we can be flexible whether we sit in a chair, hold on to a chair to do standing poses, or even if we use the chair to do supine poses April 5-26 (4 classes) $24M/$29NM May 3-31 (5 classes) $30M/$35NM June 7-28 (4 classes) $24M/$29NM July 5-26 (4 classes) $24/$29NM

2nd Annual Hearing Fair, Friday, April 13, 9:00AM-12Noon, FREE Admission/Open to all The Niles Senior Center, in conjunction with the Schaumburg Township Disability Services will be present with multiple vendors demonstrating low hearing products and services. Speakers and demonstrations include Canine Companions instructing how dogs can help persons with hearing loss live independently; types of hearing loss; and the latest technological advances in hearing loss equipment. Grief Workshop-Three Sessions to Begin April 11 Beginning Wednesday,April 11, the Niles Senior Center will hold a three-session grief workshop for Niles residents touched by the loss of a loved one. Please call Bev Wessels, LCSW, or Trudi Davis LCSW (847 588-8420) for more information and to enroll There is no cost to participate, but prior enrollment is necessary. The workshops will meet Wednesdays, from 1 PM-2 PM

Workshop #1, April 11 – What Has Happened to me? Trying to make sense of the many feelings you experience after the loss of a spouse or loved on is a difficult process. Workshop #2, April 18 – Dealing With Expectations of Ourselves and Others Dealing with other people’s feelings and concerns can raise anxiety, especially if we feel that people want us to “move on” or “be happy again.” Workshop#3, April 25Adjusting to a Different Lifestyle At this workshop, we will explore the stress of living alone and ways to adjust to new social roles and responsibilities. NEW! Belly Dance Workshop, Wednesday, May 2, 11-12Noon $10M/$15NM Presented by Fran Strain of Dancemates. Come and have a great time while learning some new dances. This is geared for every level. Fun for all! Yoga in Chairs, Instructor Andrea Lubershane, Thursdays, 10:45-11:45AM You provide the body, and we’ll

NEW Computer ClassesRegistration Now Open.- Do not wait too long to register. These classes fill quickly. For more information about any of the computer classes, contact Jaymi (847 588-8420). Pre Intro to Computers with Diane Zumpano, Tuesdays & Thursdays –April 17-26 9-10:30AM $20M/$25NM – for individuals who have never used a computer. Basic Introduction to the Internet with Jane Washburne, Tues & Thurs.,Apr. 17-26 3:30-4:30PM $25M/$30NM Introduction to OnLine Banking with Mary Kussmann Wed., April 18 & 25th, 2-3:00PM $25M/$30NM

the adviser from having direct custody of your assets and adds another level of security for your account. In the Madoff example, he was the investment adviser, broker-dealer, clearing agent and custodian for all of his client accounts. 8. How often will we interact? What should you expect in terms of frequency of verbal, written and in-person communication? Also ask whether the adviser will remain your primary contact. Choosing your adviser is one of the more important financial decisions you will make, so just make sure you do your homework and find one that’s right for you.These questions are a great place to start. Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is the Editor-atLarge for She covers the economy, markets, investing or anything else with a dollar sign on her podcast and blog, Jill on Money, as well as on television and radio. She welcomes comments and questions at askjill@moneywatch. com. (c) 2012 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.

Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook, Blogging) with Jane Washburne, Mondays and Wednesdays, April 30-May 9th 3:30-4:30PM $25M/$30NM Introduction to Ebay with Jane Washburne,Tues.&Thurs.May 1524 3:30-4:30PM $25M/$30NM Picasso/Photo Editor, Tuesday & Thursday, May 29 & 31st 3:304:30 $25M/$30NM NSC’s WEEKLY EMAIL CONTEST!!! Make sure you’re on our email list! Every week, there will be a drawing for a $5.00 gift certificate toward any program, class, or trip. All you need to do is make sure you’re on our email list. You will receive info on our newest trips, fantastic programs and variety of classes! Please call (847)588-8420 to get into the weekly drawing!

North Shore Senior Center Senior Center Membership Become a member of North See CENTERS, page 21


CENTERS Continued from page 20 Shore Senior Center in Morton Grove and enjoy opportunities to live longer,happier,healthier lives through an array of programs, activities, trips and services. Members receive a discount on all programs, activities, and trips, Program Calendar & Newsletter six times per year, information on local, state, and federal issues affecting seniors, and invitations to special events and presentations. Membership dues are $20 for an individual and $35 for a couple/household for a full year. Everyone welcome! Call North Shore Senior Center in Morton Grove at 847.470.5223 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove, to become a member. Lunch & Bingo! Every Wednesday from 10 a.m. – Noon Enjoy an exciting game of Bingo, a tasty lunch and great company! Lunch and Bingo takes place every Wednesday. Lunch is catered by a different local restaurant each week. Bingo begins at 10am, and lunch is served at 11:30. Fee is $6 for members and $8 for non-members each week and includes one Bingo card per person, plus lunch from a local restaurant or caterer. To register, call 847.470.5223 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove Date Restaurant Menu March 21 Nancy’s Pizza Baked Chicken with pasta & salad March 28 Great American Bagel Bagel sandwich and soup April 4 Walker Brother’s Apple pancake slice, sausage links & orange juice April 11 Nicky Nolo’s Vienna beef hot dog, fries & ice cream Flashpoints: Hot Topics & Discussion – Tuesday, March 27 1- 2:20 p.m. Explore issues, perspectives and insights into the pressing issues of the moment with other informed people from your community! This peer led group will meet on Tuesday, March 27 from 1 – 2:30 p.m. To register, call 847.470.5223 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove To Bead or Knot & Bead-

Monday, April 2, 2012, 1 – 2 p.m. Craft a necklace in this two hour session from 1 – 3 p.m. on March 2! No prior experience, skill or materials or required! Expert beader Carole Grove will inspire you to unleash your creative side and have fun while learning a new craft. Participants are welcome to bring broken strands of beads to integrate into a new creation. Fees are $10 member; $12 nonmember. To register, call North Shore Senior Center in Morton Grove at 847.470.5223 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove Lunch & A Movie – The Descendents – Thursday, April 5, 12:30 p.m. Join us for lunch followed by a screening of The Descendants, a film that follows the unpredictable journey of an American family at a crossroads. Matt King (George Clooney), a husband and father of two girls, must re-examine his past and navigate his future when his wife is in a boating accident off Waikiki. When daughter Alexandra drops the bombshell that her mother was in the midst of a romantic fling at the time of the accident, Matt has to take a whole new look at his life, not to mention his legacy, during a week of momentous decisions. With his girls in tow, he embarks on a haphazard search for his wife’s lover. Rated PG-13. $6 members, $8 non-members. Advance registration required.To register, call 847.470.5223 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove. Roger William: President of Pianists – Monday, April 16, 12:30 p.m. Autumn Leaves, Born Free, Somewhere My Love — experience these and more timeless favorites as we revel in the dazzling pianistic artistry of Roger Williams. On Monday, April 16 from 1 – 2:30 p.m., Jim Kendros will guide us through each unforgettable hit,describing the wonderful orchestral colorings used by Mr. Williams in these stunning arrangements. A bonus- Jim will offer us a miniconcert featuring some of his own romantic favorites! Program supported in part by a donation from the Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation. Fees are $6 member; $8 nonmember. To register, call 847.470.5223 from

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove. Hail Caesar: Celebration of Sid Caesar – Tuesday, April 24, 1 – 2 p.m. Did Sid really hang Mel Brooks out of a window? And what was it like in the writer’s room with the greatest collection of comedy writers ever assembled? Explore the answers to these fascinating questions and more as we take a look at some of the funniest Sid Caesar sketches of all time on Tuesday April 25 from 1- 2 p.m.! Presentation supported in part by the Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation donation. Fees are $6 member; $8 nonmember. To register, call 847.470.5223 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove. Health Screenings Morton Grove Family and Senior Services Department offers health screenings available at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center, 6140 Dempster Street. Diabetes screenings and blood pressure screening will be held every Tuesday from 9 -11am. Both are free of charge. Cholesterol Screening will be held the first Wednesday of each month. Cost: $10 for residents over age 65. There is a $12 fee for residents under 65 and for non-residents. Swedish Covenant Hospital will be providing cholesterol screenings. Appointments are necessary. Call 847.470.5223 for an appointment.

Income tax assistance is available free of charge for residents who are age 60 or older and who have low or moderate incomes. Volunteers trained by the IRS will assist you in completing Federal and State of Illinois returns. This service is by appointment only beginning February 6, 2012. Contact the Senior Hotline at 847.470.5223 to make an appointment.

Park Ridge Senior Center At 10 am on Thursday,April 12, American Classic Tours and the Senior Center will offer a variety of short term and extended trips. Joe Conroy, President of American Classic Tours Inc. will display the trips that will be available. Trips include Niagara Falls and Toronto, Washington DC, Hollywood in Iowa and much more. All are welcome. Sign-up for the next Yoga class is underway. It runs from April 10-May29 Tuesdays at 11:30AM. The fee is $40. New students may try the first class free. All levels welcome. Trish Nealon is the instructor for this class.


performs the Magic of Disney music from 70 years of Disney Shows. The trip begins at 11:30 am and returns at 6:30pm on Sunday April 22 at a cost of $95. Heard will be favorites including music and film clips from Mary Poppins, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and the Lion King. Included will be a brunch before the show. Price includes show ticket,brunch and transportation. Registration deadline is April 1 so don’t delay. Understanding Estate Planning and LivingTrust will be presented from 7-8pm on Tuesday, April 24 for only $6.00. A will alone can subject you and your family to the court process with long delays, costly expenses and may limit access to assets. Find out how to maintain control and privacy of your affairs and avoid court intervention. Learn why America is abandoning wills and probate in favor of the living trust solution.

Discover the artistry of Cake Decorating 101 from 7-9:30pm on Tuesdays, from April 10-May 29 with a fee of $86. This new hands-on class is designed for the baker or artist looking to learn and experiment with the basics of confectionery design. The Center is offering two Borders, flowers, and text will new senior classes which will be be among techniques learned held at the Community Center. and practiced in this course. Two Seniorcize in the Pool Students will be expected to classes, 10:30-11:25, Mondays, provide a basic set of decorating April 2-June 4 and 10:30-11:25, tools. A list will be provided Wednesdays, April 4-June 6. Fees upon registration. are $50/$77 for the Monday class and $56/$85 for the Wednesday Consider the Park Ridge Senior class. Center if looking for a place to have a meeting, party or other Podiatry Screening and Nail The popular Zumba Gold Tone event. One room can be rented Care Dr. Jeffrey Garrard will provide class is 11am-noon Fridays, April or the entire facility. Call the basic foot care and nail clipping 6-June 8. This takes the dance Center at 825-692-3597 for more on the first Tuesday of each rhythms originated in Zumba information. month between 10 am and noon. to a lower level of intensity for Cost: Medicare will be billed. participants who may need Non-Medicare clients will be modifications with the addition charged $35.00. Appointments of light weight toning sticks. are required. Call 847.470.5223 The class fee is $50/$77 and will for more information or to make also be held at the Community Center. an appointment. AARP Income Tax Preparation

The Elgin Symphony Orchestra





Home Instead awarded Home Nursing Services license Home Instead Senior Care of Skokie/Chicago has expanded its state license to include the category of Home Nursing Services. The Skokie-based company completed a public health audit on March 13, after which it was awarded a home nursing license by the Illinois Department of Public Health. In 2008, legislation required the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) to start licensing private duty home care agencies. The license has three tiers:

CALENDAR Continued from page 6 about Chicago’s baseball teams focuses on the White Sox. Baseball fans and Chicagoans will enjoy reminiscing as Billington discusses the pennant of 1959 in this illustrated book talk. Inside writing and publishing. 7-8:30 p.m. at the Niles Public Library.Todd Stocke, vice president and editorial director for Sourcebooks, Inc., will discuss the digital publishing explosion, and what an editor does to prepare a manuscript for publication. Sign up at www.

APRIL 11 Mango Club. 5-6 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. Learn words and phrases in a different language at Mango Club, using the Mango Languages online resource. Have fun, eat snacks, and find out tips for help with homework. National Library Week meet and greet. 6:30-8 p.m. at the Niles Public Library. Come for some after dinner cake and coffee, learn about the Friends of the Library group, and meet the Niles Public Library trustees.

APRIL 13 Bibliobop dance party. 10 a.m. at the Niles Public Library. Families with babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and kids, come to the library for DJ Miss Cate spins up all the best tunes from the library’s music collection. 25 Books that Influenced Western Civilization. 2 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. Historian and lecturer

Home Services, Home Nursing and Home Health. “We are proud to have been one of the first companies to have been awarded a license back in 2008,” said Michael Melinger, co-owner of Home Instead’s Skokie office. “Now, by expanding our license to include the home nursing category, we will be able to provide greater continuity of care. “Home Instead’s scope of care is, and will remain, non-medical in nature,” added Melinger, who

serves as a member of the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Home Health, Home Nursing and Home Services Advisory Board. “However, the home nursing license will allow us to provide an expanded range of services in a number of situations, including hospice care, which can require the use of a home health aide or nursing assistant in the home.” The Illinois Department of Public Health’s Home Health Home Nursing and Home Services Advisory Board meets

quarterly with officials from IDPH,and advises the department on oversight matters related to home health and private duty care in Illinois. Josh Mitzen of Advocacy Services, a geriatric care manager and private guardian in the Chicago area, sees situations like this firsthand. “I often deal with clients who have complex needs, sometimes requiring the expertise and training of a home health aide, and supervisory visits from a nurse,” said Mitzen.

“Things like filling pillboxes, or significant lifting and transferring… the need for this kind of care is definitely there.” Home Instead Senior Care is an internationally franchised company based in Omaha Nebraska. The company has more than 900 offices in 17 countries worldwide. Each office is independently owned and operated. For more information on Home Instead Senior Care, visit www.homeinsteadchicago. com or call 847-673-1250.

William Haasse has compiled a list of 25 books from ancient times to the present day. Find out what books made the list, and why, in this fun and educational review of literature and history.

computer lab to share your latest Scratch program, make a book trailer or computer game, or show off your latest tech project. Bring your own laptop or use one of the Library’s computers.

the Niles Public Library. Book discussion on “Honolulu” by Alan Brennert.

The Muppets. 4-5:30 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. Screening of “The Muppets.” (2011, PG, 98 min.)

Mother/daughter book club. 7-8 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. Join Mrs. Glenn and her daughter to discuss “All Stations! Distress: April 15, 1912: The Day the Titanic Sank” by Don Brown, chosen to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Bring your mother, aunt, older sister, or other female figure to the discussion. Register and pick up your own free copy at the Youth Services Desk while supplies last. For third and fourth grade girls.

10 the Morton Grove Public Library, in the Cooperman Board Room. Discussion will be on “Earth” by Bill McKibben. In this nonfiction pick, environmental activist McKibben provides sobering details about global warming and climate change.

APRIL 14 Travel and vacation photography. 2-4 p.m. at the Niles Public Library. Award winning photographer and instructor, Paul Petersen, will share the secrets of capturing your special vacation moments.

APRIL 15 Performing Arts Showcase. 2 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. This musical program honors the best of the best area students of the performing arts. These young artists will inspire you with their music, hard work, and dedication. For all ages.

APRIL 17 Teen Tech Squad. 3:30-5 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. Drop by a teens-only

LitLounge. 7 p.m. at The Curragh, 8266 Lincoln Ave., Skokie. This book group is cosponsored by the Morton Grove Public Library and the Skokie Public Library. Discussion will be on “Swamplandia!” by Karen Russell.

APRIL 18 Book discussion. 1-2 p.m. at

Library volunteering. 3:304:30 p.m. at the Niles Public Library. Share a few hours a week volunteering at the library.Attend this informational session for specific details about volunteer opportunities in the library. Register at nileslibrary. org or call the library at 847663-6614.

APRIL 19 Nonfiction book discussion.

Closed Captioned new release. 2-4:15 p.m. at the Niles Public Library. Screening of Anonymous (PG-13). Intrigue and suspense advance the theory that it was really Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford, who penned Shakespeare’s plays.



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