Niles Bugle 5-31-12

Page 1

NEWS Library board appoints new trustee


SPORTS Filipczak a state champion PAGE 17


Our Village, Our News

MAY 31, 2012

Vol. 56 No. 34

A Unanimous Vote Trustees vote to install new village sign

Rick Kambic/Bugle Staff

By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter


new sign will soon stand within the circle drive outside the Niles Village Hall. Seven months after voting to remove the Blase Plaza sign, trustees voted unanimously on May 22 to install a “Village of Niles, Inc. 1899” sign that will include depictions of the Leaning Tower of Pisa replica and a white oak tree. “I was pleasantly surprised to see my fellow trustees approve the sign so convincingly,” Trustee Rosemary Riordan Palicki said. “Myself and the two other committee members feel that the design we came up with is something the village can embrace without any possibly of controversy.” Palicki chaired the renaming committee and worked along side former trustee George Alpogianis and Plan Commission Chairman See SIGN, page 2


THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

SIGN Continued from page 1 Thomas Kanelos – who both attended the May 22 meeting to present the idea and answer questions. The committee wanted a theme of past a present. Palicki said the leaning tower represents a gathering place for rest, relaxation and recreation, and also functionality because it was designed as a water tower. The oak tree was chosen because it’s the state tree and village officials recently planted one in the rain garden. Palicki said that tree, like the village, will go strong in decades to come. Along the bottom of the sign, the quote “Where people count” will also be printed. The committee’s proposal suggested an accompanying piece of artwork too. Voted on separately, trustees approved a contest for residents to design a statue that would depict the Bloomberg Businessweek “Best Place to Raise Kids” award. Local businesses will be solicited for donations to pay for the statue

and contest prize. Village Manager George Van Geem said the new sign itself should cost between $3,000 and $4,000. Palicki expects the sign will be up by mid-to-late fall, and said the committee will wait until then to begin the communitywide contest. “We’re going to take a break for a while,” Palicki said. “My focus will be to provide any assistance I can in getting the sign itself put up. That way when we start the contest we have something to point to. The bid process is not my responsibility or expertise but you never know what tweaks in the design might be needed once a company has been selected.” Palicki said various advertisements can reach potential adult participants at any point in time but schools are the best way to connect with children and waiting for school to restart would be fair. Once the committee reviews all the submissions, one or more finalists will eventually be presented to the board for approval. Aside from Trustee Louella Preston asking for the contest to be community-wide instead of


Rick Kambic/Bugle Staff

Members of the renaming committee, former trustee George Alpogianis and Plan Commission Chairman Thomas Kanelos, explain their idea for a statue to be placed next to the newly approved “Village of Niles, Inc. 1899” sign.

just for students, the only other trustee comment came from Joe LoVerde when he asked why the All-American City Logo was not used. Palicki explained that a sketch of the sign with both national awards on it appeared “too busy” and said the Leaning Tower replica is a great substitute for representing Niles’ past. LoVerde accepted the explanation without further comment or questions. Mayor Robert Callero praised the politically diverse committee

for working in harmony to develop a quality sign. “You have done exemplary

work,” Callero said. No residents provided public comment to the board.

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012


Niles Library Board appoints new trustee By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter

A shorthanded Niles Library Board voted 3-2 on May 24 to appoint Karen Dimond into a vacant trustee seat, which became open after Sam Puleo’s resignation was accepted on May 16. In the six days between posting the vacancy and appointing Dimond, four residents submitted applications and another showed up at the special meeting asking to be considered. Board President Barbara Nakanishi said making the board whole again was critical and urgent, but waiting for Trustee Morgan Dubiel to return was not necessary. The library has been without a business manager since Jim McNutt resigned on Feb. 22, claiming he was told to resign or be fired. Nakanishi said business manager candidates were also going to be interviewed during the May 24 special board meeting, but other trustees felt two sets of interviews in one evening would be an overload.

Catherine Kaczanowski

Karen Dimond

After naming Dimond as the new trustee, the remaining board members reviewed a preliminary budget for fiscal year 2013. Having lived in Niles since 1989, Dimond has been on the Niles Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals since June 26, 2007 and currently serves as its vice chairman. Dimond also served eight years on the Board of Education for East Maine School District 63 and is an assistant state’s attorney at the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office. Both Nakanishi and Dubiel also serve on the Niles Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. Dimond will be sworn in at the next regular or special board meeting.

Billy Van Cannon

Four other candidates were interviewed that night: Mary Marusek, Billy Van Cannon, Catherine Kaczanowski and Maureen Polcyn. Marusek has lived in Niles for 45 years and unsuccessfully ran for the Niles Village Board in 2011, but did spend time on the Niles Park District Board of Commissioners. She was first appointed in 1978, won her first election in 1981, and then served as president in 1984 and in 1987. Van Cannon is a concerned citizen who attended the Feb. 29 board meeting after reading newspaper articles he did not agree with. Van Cannon asked trustees to postpone the $5.6 million renovation since residents are having trouble

Maureen Polcyn

paying their taxes. Van Cannon has worked at Motorola since 1995 but has only lived in Niles for little over one year. During the open portion of the meeting, trustee Chris Ball told fellow board members that he asked Van Cannon to apply because a concerned citizen researching the library and speaking during a board meeting is rare and admirable. However, Van Cannon missed the application deadline. Trustees decided to interview him regardless. Kaczanowski applied because a family friend works at the library. For 38 years, Kaczanowski has worked at the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission doing audits, long range planning, and now

Mary Marusek

investigations. She moved to Niles from Chicago in 1996. Polcyn served on the Niles Library Board from 2003 until 2010 when she decided not to run for reelection. The daughter of late Village Trustee Bart Murphy, Polcyn has been a longtime resident of Niles. She applied because Nakanishi and Trustee Dennis O’Donovan asked her to and she knew the transition would be easier on everyone because of her past service. Polcyn told trustees she would not seek reelection when the term in question expires in May 2013. In the 3-2 decision,O’Donovan and Trustee Linda Ryan voted against appointing Dimond.

Van Geem appointment rejected, Hynes details series of events By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter

As he expected, Niles trustees voted 4-2 to reject the appointment of Village Manager George Van Geem. Later in that May 22 Village Board meeting, Trustee Louella Preston motioned to vote on Callero’s other appointments individually instead of in groups. Department heads, committee appointees and reserve police officers sat anxiously and departed as soon as their appointments cleared a vote. Though no other employee or volunteer was rejected, that process was undertaken so trustees could remove “George R. Van Geem” from all committees and replace it with “village manager.” “I saw all this coming,” Van Geem said. “It was still disappointing to witness first

hand but at least it wasn’t a surprise.” Callero did not appoint Van Geem to a 30-day term. Instead, he said after the meeting that Van Geem is a “hold over” who stays on staff until another appointment is made. Callero did admit that he has no intention of seeking other candidates. Trustees Andrew Przybylo and Joe LoVerde voted to keep Van Geem, who has been a village employee for about 20 years. The board also voted 5-1 to override Mayor Robert Callero’s April 24 veto, which involved an ordinance that hired an outside attorney to advise trustees on conflict of interest situations. Only Przybylo opposed this vote. Prior to voting, Trustee James Hynes offered a full disclosure of why trustees want the outside attorney – most of which was confirmed by both Callero and

Van Geem. “Over a period of time, a number of trustees made comments or had discussions regarding finding a new village manager,” Hynes said. “I took it to discussing with each one individually and a consensus

was made that it would be inappropriate to wait until the May meeting when the mayor made his appointments to spring this wish upon him. Instead, we decided to offer a buyout package in exchange for a resignation.”

Hynes said the trustees first discussed the idea together as a group during a Jan. 4 executive session. He said trustees voted 5-1 in favor of offering Van Geem a buyout and then voted 6-0 on See VAN GEEM, page 4


THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

VAN GEEM Continued from page 3 the terms of the buyout. Trustees allegedly deemed Hynes as the lead person in the situation. Hynes said he presented the offer to Van Geem on Jan. 26. He said negotiations continued for about three weeks until Feb. 1 when Van Geem said he did not want six months of salary and benefits, and instead asked for one year’s worth like the prior two village managers got. Hynes said that request was reasonable, but very little information was found on the prior separation agreements – most notably no approved ordinances. “At that point we were faced with a difficult decision,” Hynes said.“What do we do with regard to these apparently improper payments to these past to village managers because any payout like this must be in an ordinance form and approved by the board? What should we do about this? What can we do about this? What are our obligations?” The outside attorney, according to Hynes, would help explore that option, as well as what options lay ahead in case Callero followed through with his threat to appoint Van Geem to consecutive 30-day terms indefinitely if trustees reject the

appointment. Callero maintains that Hynes tried to sneak a vote to alter mayoral powers onto the agenda of an April 18 special board meeting. Przybylo emphasized the looming question of “why?” “I asked twice in those meetings, before I refused to go to that third meeting, ‘What is the reason for this separation agreement?’ and all I was by Trustee Preston was ‘We don’t need a reason,’” Przybylo said. Przybylo also said the other five trustees should have been reasonable when Callero asked them not offer Van Geem the buyout until the budget process was over. “The movement to dislodge Mr. Van Geem was unwarranted, improper and disrespectful to you as mayor,” Przybylo said. Trustee Chris Hanusiak said Callero ignored several questions from trustees during executive session and then told department heads to cease communication with any trustees – requiring them to answer all questions by sending responses to the mayor’s office. While the trustees did reject Van Geem’s appointment, to no avail, he worries about the longterm effects of such a situation. He confirmed Hanusiak’s claim, but said it was necessary for those two days because the organization was in disarray and Callero needed to rekindle the

Rick Kambic/Bugle Staff

Trustees James Hynes and Andrew Przybylo show their frustrations during a vote to remove George Van Geem’s name from the Police and Fire Pension Board during the May 22 Village Board meeting. Trustees eventually approved another motion once all confusion was sorted out.

staff. “The longer this carries on, the more effect it has on productivity and morale,” Van Geem said, noting that he’s realized there may come a time when his staying does more harm than good. “It’s a tough call. I still haven’t been able to determine when that might be,” Van Geem said. “I think I’ve done a lot of good work for the village and can continue it, so I’m not seeing a reason for me to leave but if we ever get to the point were I feel like my presence is bad for the village of Niles, then I would leave.”

But ultimately, Van Geem said he and Callero hold all the cards, unless trustees approve an ordinance restricting the mayor’s ability to make consecutive 30day appointments. Otherwise, Van Geem said he can’t even be fired. “That’s their problem: I can’t be terminated,” Van Geem said. “The vote to reject my appointment didn’t terminate my employment. It takes on the character of a ‘no confidence’ vote. The only person who can get rid of me is the mayor. He’s the one and only guy.” At the end of the May 22

meeting, Hynes made a peace offering. Instead of having it voted onto the June agenda, Hynes asked Callero to find two lawyers who can represent the two sides and then have them work together to answer the many questions. Immediately after that, Preston requested a legislative committee consisting of three trustees be formed to research procedures and rights of trustees. The idea was voted onto the June agenda by a 4-2 vote: LoVerde and Przybylo opposing the idea.

Niles West’s Angelov wins top microbiology award Five District 219 students were among 1,500 of the brightest high school students in the world assembled at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, the world’s premier science fair for high school students, last week in Pittsburgh. District 219 sent five finalists to the competition: Felix Angelov from Niles West, and from Niles North Ayana Jamal, Ariella Hoffman-Peterson, Haley Sproull and Elan Ness-Cohn. Intel ISEF awards first through fourth place awards in 17 categories. At the May 18 awards ceremony, Niles West’s Felix Angelov was 1 of only 17 students to take a “Best in Category” award, placing him in the top 1 percent of all students presenting work at the Fair. He took home the top microbiology award for identifying how

chemical signaling between certain types of bacteria might help prevent disease. He worked with bacteria that are a close—but harmless—relative of the germs that cause cholera. He found a way to block the bacteria from recognizing a chemical trigger that causes real cholera germs to release their poisons. Angelov won a $5,000 cash prize for the achievement, as well as a $3,000 first place award in Microbiology. Due to his win, Niles West will receive $1,000, as will Angelov’s affiliated science fair, IJAS. Niles North’s Ayana Jamal earned a fourth place Grand Prize award in the Health and Medical Sciences category and fellow student Haley Sproull received a fourth place Grand Prize award in the Environmental Management category. Both students received a $500 prize. Jamal also received

a special $1,000 first place award from the Endocrine Society and a fourth place $250 award from the American Association of Clinical Chemistry. Jamal and Hoffman-Peterson were invited to present their work at the 2012 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting held in October. Angelov was also awarded a special award from the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science. The International Summer Science Institute at the Weizmann Institute of Science provides students with an opportunity to work alongside Weizmann Institute researchers, as well as learn about life in Israel. Angelov won an all-expense paid fourweek trip and scholarship to the Bessie Lawrence International Summer Science Institute.

One highlight of the Intel ISEF Fair was the Excellence in Science and Technology panel discussion with eight Nobel Laureates. Hoffman-Peterson was selected to present her question during the panel discussion and was invited to a special luncheon with Nobel Prize Laureates, including District 219 alumni Martin Chalfie (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008, Niles East Class of 1965) and H. Robert Horvitz (Nobel Prize in Physiology/ Medicine 2002, Niles East Class of 1964). This is the third consecutive year that District 219 has qualified students for Intel ISEF. District 219 Director of Science Lois Wisniewski stated, “This is an amazing opportunity for our students. Once they travel down this path, there’s no limit to what they can achieve.” The finalists are enrolled in

the STEM Inquiry and Research at District 219. SIR teachers are Ruth Gleicher, JulieAnn Villa and Britt Czupryna (Niles West) and Jacki Naughton (Niles North). The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair includes some of the most promising rising student entrepreneurs, innovators and scientists from around the world. These top students hailed from 446 affiliate fairs in 70 countries, regions and territories for the chance to compete for over $3 million in scholarships and prizes. Finalists are selected annually from hundreds of affiliated fairs. Their projects are then evaluated onsite by more than 1,200 judges from nearly every scientific discipline, each with a Ph.D. or the equivalent of 6 years of related professional experience in one of the scientific disciplines.

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012


Maine East student achieves Eagle Scout rank Maine East Water Polo standout and member of Boy Scout Troop #175, Antonio Gonzalez, has just achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Troop 175’s Scoutmaster Greg Cieply, along with Committee Chairman David Okun are extremely pleased to have presented Antonio with a token symbol of his great achievement. Antonio has successfully completed his Eagle Scout project, as well as passed the scrutiny of the specially assembled group of local folks, who formed their Eagle Board of Review. Antonio will be formally honored at a special Eagle Court of Honor, later this year. He’ll receive his Eagle patch, Neckerchief and slide to commemorate this great accomplishment. Eagle Scout Gonzalez worked hard to acquire donations to assist a local charity called ”Save the Children”, when he organizing a special concert last year. Antonio even played the viola with a group of

Submitted Photo

Pictured are new Eagle Scout Antonio Gonzalez and members of his Board of Review, David Beierwaltes, Phyllis Palliser, Eagle Coordinator Peter Paul, New Eagle Scout Antonio Gonzalez , John Grooms, Rich Zaprzalka and Eagle Scout John Slater.

volunteer musicians, as part of this concert. His efforts helped provide almost $500 for this charity. Antonio joins fellow Eagle scouts at Troop 175, completing 22 Merit badges on his way to becoming the Troop’s third

Eagle Scout in 2012, the 46th Eagle overall, as well as the 28th Eagle scout from Troop 175, since 2000. The sponsoring organizations, St. John Brebeuf Holy Name Men’s Club and North American Martyrs Council 4338, of the

Knights of Columbus, offer their heartiest congratulations to Antonio, along with his entire family on the occasion of this great accomplishment. Charter Organization Representative Leo Weiss welcomes this young man to the

exclusive group of individuals called Eagle Scouts. Troop 175 has expectations to invest the Eagle Rank to more talented young men in the future, upon their successful completion of all the rigid requirements for this prestigious rank.


plus some power to you in the week ahead, since you may have a feeling that you can do anything. Strong ambitions need a suitable outlet; don’t miss any opportunity to excel.

time to learn what makes your mate tick. You and a significant other can discuss ambitions and financial plans. Avoid making impetuous purchases out of pure boredom.

Console yourself by

If you do what others


THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012


on moneymaking activities. won’t, you can JUNE accomplish JUNE 8 12 what a day of fun as we celebrate Family chess focusing and brain In the week ahead, you must remember that others can’t. In the week ahead, your talents Stroke Club. 3-4:30 p.m. the reading with a variety of exciting games. 4-5:30 Bibliobop Dance Party. 10 Senior Coffee Hour. 10:30p.m. at the the heart is a muscle and that heartbreak gives you a shine when you become involved in action-oriented first Thursday of every month at activities. Meet Candace Fleming, Morton chance a.m. at the Niles Public Library. 11:30 a.m. at the Niles Public Grove Public that Library. to strengthen muscle. activities. Group dynamics tend to highlight your Center for Advanced Care, Room author of books such as “Amelia Come play chess and other logic Bring your family and friends as Library.What you eat has a major abilities. 1220,Across 1700 Luther Lane, Park Lost” and DJ Miss Cate cranks up the tunes effect on your health. Get tips “The Lincolns,” explore games to challenge your brain. Down Ridge. This is a free program for so you can boogie down at the on nutrition and wellness by the latest reading apps, and Skype 1 Kilmer of 41 Muffler 1 Swears 38 Attention __ A fixation It is better to express staff “Batman Forever” 43 Intimate apparelwith 2 Certain stage solo author 40 Choice JUNE The 6 hair of the dog stroke victims and survivors (plus library. on fixing. The Abington of Glenview Jim Benton, of reading? the yourself than to repress yourself. In Nostalgic softparking ispurchase 3 Scratch Casino and game Book Talks: Graphic Novels. isn’t always the best a 4guest). Free available popular members. Call 847-663-1234 or “Dear Dumb42Diary” cure, since you might end up with fleas. In the the week ahead, you may have more than one drinks 44 Wrinkle-prone 4 Composer Rorem 45 Its largest moon upcoming week, the more you try to fix a problem, the JUNE 9 in9 Latish the attached parking garage. visit to “Franny K. Stein” series for kids. 1-2 p.m. at the North Shore opportunity to turn a situation to your advantage wake-up fabric 5 HTC smartphone is Triton more likely you will create another problem. Fortime more information contact Crafty Saturday. 10 a.m. to 4 register. Senior Center, 6140 Dempster especially if you are focused on accomplishment. 46 Work with one’s 6 Mr. Fixit’s genre 47 Drops on a 14 Potterfield, Object of 847-723-4765 a hands 7 “Don’t remind blade? Meg or Summer Reading Volunteer St., Morton Grove. They say a p.m. at the Morton Grove Public conquistador’s 48 NATO foundingOrientation. me” 50 Each Dorene Wlodarski, 847-296-2470. 10:30 a.m. to picture is worth a thousand Library. Drop in to the Youth Niles Cub Scout Pack 175 quest member 8 Attach, in a way 52 Monument importantDepartment to you One of the to make a Fundraiser. 11 secrets a.m. toto 9 noon at the Niles Public Library. words. Come see for yourselfIf it isServices 15 Conjure up 49 Classy org.? 9 Most likely to word to succeed, you will find a way - but success is an understanding of when TOPS Club. 8:30-10 a.m. every seasonal craft while supplies last. p.m. at Kiddie Kingdom, 7411 Volunteers (must be seventh the many stories 16 As a friend, to 51 Dulles crack 53 Gyro essentials as you explore if it isn’t, you will find an excuse. During the to say yes. With powerful Pluto in your sign, Francoisat the Feldman alternative 10 Bring down the Renderone Tuesday Rec grade Milwaukee Ave., Niles, IL 60714, or above) must54attend being upcoming told in week, graphic novel you could be powerfully drawn to ambition could be your middle name. In the week 17 What8800 olderW. Kathy 53Lane, Post snide curtain weaponless Center, Niles. training Door Community 847-983-8286. orientation to be eligible format, ways fromtomemoirs tomoney sci-fi in toyourStage manipulate favor. ahead, focus energies on achievement.Kiddie Kingdom baseball pitchers comments on 11 Tiny Pacific 55 Godzilla’s Lose weight with TOPS: Take Music Showcase. 3 p.m. at will donate 15% of all food and to work shifts at the annual literary fiction. Materials will be might do? a blog? republic stomping ground Off Pounds Sensibly. Everyone is the Niles Public Library. Enjoy token sales to the Niles Cub summer reading game. Help 20 “Scarborough ‘ 59 Italian 12 Rally, as a crowd 56 “Wait __ Dark”:available for checkout, so bring Fair” herb diminutive 13 Thinyounger sprays 1967 film welcome. Call Dorene Wlodarski, of performers, including Scout Pack mentor children, gain your library card. To register, callFocusan array on making Taking175 a leapfor intothat the day. 21 Huey, Dewey 18 Think 57 Pageantand trophy847-470-5223. 847-296-2470 or suffix Lenore public an Indian dancer, father and son Kiddie Kingdom serves a variety service experience, progress, not perfection. You must roll dark can be dangerous. In the week to and Louie, e.g. 60 “Pagliacci” 19 Actress Swenson 58 “Okey-__!” up your sleeves to get jobs duo, done, even ifmore. they Registration come, you may be prompted to searchbeef, for thepasta, Lunquist, 847-729-2530 for more and is of delicious pizza, have fun. Call 847-663-1234 or 22 Dull routine clown 24 Fall (over) 62 Verb-to-noun aren’t done perfectly. In the upcoming week don’t cosmic musical that salad shows what yourGet part is in information. requested; call 847-663-1234 orscoreand dishes. coupons 23 Fetch Halloween 61 Dundee denialsvisit 25 Geneticist’s suffix to Oldest Chicago. 7-8:30 p.m. at leap to conclusions or take risks with your money. the melody of life. Avoid impulsiveness. costumes from 64 Join the highregister concerns 63 Droop-nosed the Niles Public Library. Chicago visit to from www.kiddiekingdomfun. for the session. attic? wrestling 26 Art colony town fliers OldtheTime Sundays com. When you go please say author and educator, David sign up to attend. 27 Mice and lice team? 27 Medicine chest 65 Mr. Potato Head at2910 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Niles you are here to support the Niles New Release Movies. 2-4 Witter, discusses his recent book Quick-flash 68 Early Indoitem piece JUNE 10 Historical Society. Come watch Cub Scouts Pack 175. p.m. at the Niles Public Library. link European 28 K-12 66 “Small Craft onin a slide lecture presentation 30 French 69 Actress Dunne Screening 32 “Ew!” of “The Descendants” a Milk Sea” highlighting historic sites and Summer Reading Kick-off. the filmsland of Charlie Chaplin, massKeaton, and 70Laurel Volsteadand 33 Mary musician Buster (rated R),Bobbsey’s about an indifferent the oldest business enterprises 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. shows at the Doris Day Film Series. 2-4 31 Early __: Prohibition older daughter 67 Home viewing Hardy. husband and father of two girls, still to be found in Chicago. Call Niles Public Library. Be amazed p.m. at the Niles Public Library. pamphleteer enabler 34 Poetic room who is forced to reexamine his 847-663-1234 or visit nileslibrary. by seeing things levitate, live Watch Doris Day in “Teacher’s 35 Big name in 71 Campfire treat preposition baseball cards it MAY 3172 Enjoyed, as apast36 Keeps animals appear, and solid elements Pet” (1958, NR) and then discuss and atembrace his future org/calendar to register. 39 “Can I Coffee get a beach blanket 37 Galileo Galileisuffers a boating Senior Hour. 10:30- when disappear before your eyes. Come the film. his wife word in?” 73 “Go for it!” Airport city JUNE 7 11:30 a.m. at the Niles Public accident off Waikiki. half an hour before the show Library.Jack Diamond brings Doris Doris Day Film Series. 2-4 begins to pick up a free ticket, Math Club. 5 p.m. at the P r e v Register i o u s p u z z l e ’ s aJUNE n s w e 3r s Day to the Niles Library. Morton Grove Public Library. For p.m. at the Niles Public Library. because space is limited. online at grades 3-6. Do you think math is Niles Garden Club. 3-4 Watch Alfred Hitchcock’s “The JUNE 11 scary? Come to Math Club to get p.m. at the Niles Public Library, Man Who Knew Too Much” JUNE 1 Yarn Gang. 4:15-5 p.m. at the tips, tricks, and activities to help 6960 W. Oakton Street, Niles. (1956, NR), then take part in an Drama Club. 4:30-5:30 p.m. at At the inaugural meeting of informal discussion about the Morton Grove Public Library.Want math make sense. Register by the Morton Grove Public Library. the Niles Garden Club, Steven film. to learn to knit or crochet? Have calling 847-929-5122. For grades 1 and up. Get creative C. Vinezeano, Assistant Village some skill and want to learn what with acting and improv games at Manager, will discuss the Niles Getting Dirty. 6:30-7:30 p.m. to do next? Drop in, no experience Mango Languages the library. Drop-in. needed. This session, learn to Workshop. 7-8 p.m. at the Niles Community Rain Garden. There at the Morton Grove Public Previous puzzle ’s answers crochet a friendship bracelet. Public Library. Want to take a will also be refreshments, a door Library. For grades 5-8. Discover Sounds of Summer. 6-8 p.m. prize, and discussion about family the science behind things that bite out of foreign languages? Try in downtown Park Ridge. Music gardening and bulb basics. Call grow. In this session, get the Read to the rainbow dogs. Mango to learn a new language or will fill the streets and stores of 847-663-1234 or visit nileslibrary. dirt on dirt. Register by calling 7 p.m. at the Morton Grove improve your English skills. Call Park Ridge on this special First org/calendar to register. 847-929-5122 or go to calendar. Public Library. Your child can 847-663-1234 or visit nileslibrary. Friday. Enjoy local musicians as practice reading to a Pcertified r e v i o u sorg/calendar p u z z l e ’ s to a nregister. swers JUNE 5 you shop, dine, and celebrate therapy dog from Morton Grove’s Jumbles: summer. Therapy Family Bingo Night. 7 p.m. Doris Day Film Series. 2-4 Magic by Randy. 2 p.m. at the Rainbow Animal Assisted Foundation. Bring a book at the• Niles Public Library. Enjoy p.m. at the Niles Public Library. Morton Grove Public Library. • SNOWY to • COLON BAMBOO • AERATE JUNE 2 read or choose from the library’s some family-style Bingo games Watch Doris Day in “Young at Professional magician Randy Answer: Reading Fest. 10 a.m. to 2:45 Heart” (1954, NR), and take part Bernstein will amaze the whole selection. Register When by calling with prizes and treats. For the partners argued over use of their yacht, p.m. at the Morton Grove Public in an informal discussion after family with his comedic style 847-929-5122 or go toit turned calendar. families with children aged 5 into -- A “ROW” BOAT Library. Come to the library for the film. and up. and fantastic tricks.



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Forum Letter to the Editor

Keep Prairie View Shopping Center out of TIF district On a recent visit to Morton Grove’s Village Hall, I had an opportunity to view a rendering of the proposed new Prairie View Shopping Center. And I must say that it was quite impressive. The current shopping center has served the village for a half century, but now, unfortunately, is well past its prime. I was heartened to hear that the ownership is interested in redeveloping the shopping center. This would involve a major financial investment in the tens of millions of dollars. Although nothing has been finalized, I have criticism of the Village Board’s consideration of including the shopping center in a TIF district. If doing so would incent the owners to go forward with the redevelopment, then I

am all for it. Providing assistance to develop major projects is no longer an uncommon practice. I am sure that, if the Village was not willing to help, if asked, that there are any number of other communities who would be willing to help. I am old enough to remember what a blight Lawrencewood Shopping Center in Niles was. Through the use of TIF funding, Lawrencewood became a vibrant, successful shopping center, an enterprise now known as Civic Center Plaza, that provides tremendous benefit to the Village of Niles. I hope and trust that our Village Board will have the wisdom and foresight to do the same. Jim Verhunce Morton Grove

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Publisher Rich Masterson Managing Editor Matt Honold Reporters Sherri Dauskurdas Rick Kambic Laura Katauskas Jonathan Samples Sports Reporters Mark Gregory Scott Taylor Editorial Deadlines Calendar & News: 3 p.m. Monday, three weeks before date of publication Letters to Editor: 9 a.m. Friday

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THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

Illustrated Opinions



THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012


Murray, Balduf named principals of two District 64 schools The Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 Board of Education at its May 21 meeting confirmed the appointment of Dr. Anthony Murray as principal of Lincoln Middle School and Brett Balduf as principal of Carpenter School effective July 1.

Lincoln Murray is replacing Joel Martin, who was appointed the district’s assistant superintendent for Human Resources earlier this spring. Murray comes to District 64 from Wood Dale School District 7, where he has been principal of Wood Dale Junior High School for six years.As principal, Murray focused on improving student achievement, including creating a new schedule to align with instructional priorities, leading a professional learning community with teachers, and implementing a plan to improve student behavior. At the district level, he also served on the social studies committee to write new curriculum aligned with the common core standards. Previously, Murray was assistant principal for three years at Indian Trail Junior High

School in Addison. Earlier in his career, he was an eighth grade junior high school teacher of U.S. history, English and reading in Community Consolidated School District 15 in the northwest suburbs for nine years. During this time, Murray also was an adjunct professor in secondary social studies methods at NationalLouis University. “Dr. Murray’s experience in inspiring teacher, student and parent collaboration to improve student achievement demonstrates his effective leadership, which will be an excellent match for Lincoln’s long-standing commitment to high academic standards,” Superintendent Philip Bender said.“Dr. Murray’s doctoral work on social emotional learning for middle school students also is closely aligned with District 64’s emphasis on educating the whole child and creating a positive climate and culture at our schools. “We believe his wide-ranging use of technology, focus on effective instruction, and remarkable communication skills will help him build enduring and vital partnerships

throughout the Lincoln community.” Murray received both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in history from Loyola University. He received both an administrative certificate and his Doctor of Education degree from National-Louis University. In all, 80 applications were received for the post and eight were invited to be interviewed by the screening panel. A combined team of teachers, parents, administrators, Bender, and a Board of Education member then interviewed four finalists. Bender also toured Murray’s current school before recommending his appointment to the Board.

Carpenter Balduf is replacing Dr. Marcy Canel, who is leaving District 64 to pursue other opportunities in education. A current Park Ridge resident, Balduf comes to District 64 having served a 12 years in River Trails School District 26 in Mt. Prospect. He most recently was assistant principal of Indian Grove elementary school for six

years, including one year shared with a sister school. Among his accomplishments, Balduf facilitated all special services programming for students and served as pre-school coordinator for its Early Childhood Program. He also utilized technology to help build an effective response to intervention program at the school. At the district level, he coled the character education leadership team and planned professional development for paraprofessional staff. Previously, Balduf was the social worker at River Trails Middle School for six years, where his wide-ranging tasks included counseling students, providing liaison to families, and training peer mediators. Earlier in his career, he worked at Maryville Academy in Des Plaines as a case manager and family educator for boys at the residential home. “We believe Mr. Balduf’s wideranging experiences as both a social worker and administrator in working with children from pre-school through adolescence demonstrate his commitment that student needs must come first and that every child can be a learner,” Superintendent

Bender said. “He also is very comfortable with technology and works closely with staff to analyze data on student growth to improve instruction and also with parents to help them understand the process, which are important initiatives at Carpenter and in District 64. “As an effective communicator, his ability to create strong relationships with students, parents and staff members will prove an outstanding match for the close-knit community at Carpenter.” Balduf received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Illinois at Chicago.He received his administrative certificate from DePaul University. In all, 93 applications were received for the post and nine were invited to be interviewed by the screening panel. A combined team of teachers, parents, administrators, Bender, and a Board of Education member then interviewed four finalists. Bender also visited Balduf’s current school before recommending his appointment to the Board.

Emerson Middle School named a national ‘School to Watch’ Emerson Middle School will be enjoying the national limelight for another three years with the news that it has been successfully re-designated as a national “School to Watch.” Emerson is one of just over 100 schools in the country, and only four in Illinois, to earn the distinction of being a “School to Watch.” The program is sponsored by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform. Emerson received the original accolade in 2009. “We are extremely proud of Emerson for once again being willing to present itself as a model for other schools to follow and learn from the best practices of our teachers and curriculum that is so supportive and studentfocused,” Superintendent Philip Bender said. “Hats off to the entire Emerson community for

this well-deserved recognition of excellence.” The award is presented to middle schools that are academically excellent, responsive to the needs and interests of young adolescents, and committed to helping all students achieve at high levels. In addition, each school has strong leadership, teachers who work together to improve curriculum and instruction, and a commitment to assessment and accountability to foster continuous improvement. An evaluation team visited Emerson on Jan. 27 and met with Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning Diane Betts, Emerson Principal James Morrison, representatives from community organizations, parents, staff, and students. “They observed classes, thoroughly toured the school, and spoke at length with the

various groups,” Bender said. The evaluation team was “impressed for a variety of reasons” Bender said. “The team noted how frequently they heard the importance of ‘rigor’ and ‘challenge’ when speaking of academics, how the schedule was driven by student needs, and that teachers were available to assist students whenever necessary,” he said. “The wealth of exploratory and encore activities offered at our middle schools was noted as evidence that the students enjoy being here and believe their voices are heard and ideas respected.” The evaluation team was headed by an Illinois State University professor, and included another University administrator along with an active middle school principal and a middle school teacher. In addition, last fall the

school submitted extensive documentation in support of its application on the different practices being examined, including academic excellence, developmental responsiveness,

social equity and organizational support. The award was officially presented on May 29 and Emerson staff and students celebrated with an assembly.

Take 5

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

H o ro s c o p e s


1 Kilmer of “Batman Forever” 4 Nostalgic soft drinks 9 Latish wake-up time 14 Object of a conquistador’s quest 15 Conjure up 16 As a friend, to Francois 17 What older baseball pitchers might do? 20 “Scarborough ‘ Fair” herb 21 Huey, Dewey and Louie, e.g. 22 Dull routine 23 Fetch Halloween costumes from the attic? 27 Mice and lice 29 Quick-flash link 30 French land mass 31 Early pamphleteer 35 Big name in baseball cards 39 “Can I get a word in?”

41 Muffler 43 Intimate apparel purchase 44 Wrinkle-prone fabric 46 Work with one’s hands 48 NATO founding member 49 Classy org.? 51 Dulles alternative 53 Post snide comments on a blog? 59 Italian diminutive suffix 60 “Pagliacci” clown 61 Dundee denials 64 Join the high school wrestling team? 68 Early IndoEuropean 69 Actress Dunne 70 Volstead __: Prohibition enabler 71 Campfire treat 72 Enjoyed, as a beach blanket 73 “Go for it!”


1 Swears 2 Certain stage solo 3 Scratch 4 Composer Rorem 5 HTC smartphone 6 Mr. Fixit’s genre 7 “Don’t remind me” 8 Attach, in a way 9 Most likely to crack 10 Bring down the curtain 11 Tiny Pacific republic 12 Rally, as a crowd 13 Thin sprays 18 Think 19 Actress Swenson 24 Fall (over) 25 Geneticist’s concerns 26 Art colony town 27 Medicine chest item 28 K-12 32 “Ew!” 33 Mary Bobbsey’s older daughter 34 Poetic preposition 36 Keeps at it 37 Galileo Galilei Airport city

38 Attention __ 40 Choice reading? 42 Casino game 45 Its largest moon is Triton 47 Drops on a blade? 50 Each 52 Monument word 53 Gyro essentials 54 Render weaponless 55 Godzilla’s stomping ground 56 “Wait __ Dark”: 1967 film 57 Pageant trophy 58 “Okey-__!” 62 Verb-to-noun suffix 63 Droop-nosed fliers 65 Mr. Potato Head piece 66 “Small Craft on a Milk Sea” musician 67 Home viewing room

You can’t always wait for the world to catch up. You may set an inspiring pace in the week ahead. People will admire your industriousness in the workplace and your leadership abilities in group settings.

Life is a learning process. In the week ahead, you would be wise to develop strategies to avoid being overwhelmed when events unfold too quickly. The boss might be less charming and more demanding.

Power to the people plus some power to you in the week ahead, since you may have a feeling that you can do anything. Strong ambitions need a suitable outlet; don’t miss any opportunity to excel.

This week is a good time to learn what makes your mate tick. You and a significant other can discuss ambitions and financial plans. Avoid making impetuous purchases out of pure boredom.

Console yourself by focusing on moneymaking activities. In the week ahead, you must remember that the heart is a muscle and that heartbreak gives you a chance to strengthen that muscle.

If you do what others won’t, you can accomplish what others can’t. In the week ahead, your talents shine when you become involved in action-oriented activities. Group dynamics tend to highlight your abilities.

A fixation on fixing. The hair of the dog isn’t always the best cure, since you might end up with fleas. In the upcoming week, the more you try to fix a problem, the more likely you will create another problem.

It is better to express yourself than to repress yourself. In the week ahead, you may have more than one opportunity to turn a situation to your advantage especially if you are focused on accomplishment.

If it is important to you to succeed, you will find a way - but if it isn’t, you will find an excuse. During the upcoming week, you could be powerfully drawn to ways to manipulate money in your favor.

One of the secrets to success is an understanding of when to say yes. With powerful Pluto in your sign, ambition could be your middle name. In the week ahead, focus energies on achievement.

Focus on making progress, not perfection. You must roll up your sleeves to get jobs done, even if they aren’t done perfectly. In the upcoming week don’t leap to conclusions or take risks with your money.

Taking a leap into the dark can be dangerous. In the week to come, you may be prompted to search for the cosmic musical score that shows what your part is in the melody of life. Avoid impulsiveness.



Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers Jumbles: • SNOWY • COLON • BAMBOO • AERATE


When the partners argued over use of their yacht, it turned into -- A “ROW” BOAT



THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

Bugle Kids

Fifty Plus

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

New changes for Social Security and federal benefit recipients The U.S. Department of the Treasury is phasing out paper federal benefit checks. Everyone who receives Social Security, Supplement Security Income (SSI) or other federal benefit payments by check is required to switch to electronic payments by March 1, 2013. “This move will save taxpayers $1 billion over the next 10 years, while ensuring all federal benefit recipients receive their money in the safest, most reliable way possible,” says David A. Lebryk, commissioner of the Treasury Department’s Financial Management Service. While about 90 percent of Social Security and SSI payments are being made electronically, there are still approximately 7 million checks issued to beneficiaries monthly. Switching to electronic payments now is one simple step you can take to free up your summer days.

No more check troubles

There are lots of hassles with paper checks that can get in the way of enjoying summer. Electronic payments eliminate monthly trips to the bank or credit union to cash or deposit checks.When your summer plans involve travel, you don’t have to worry about a check sitting unsecured in your mailbox while you’re away. “I encourage federal benefit recipients or their caregivers to make the switch to electronic payments today,” says Lebryk. “You’ll be ensuring funds are delivered in a safe, convenient way, while saving yourself an extra ‘to-do’this summer.”

Two electronic options The Treasury Department is recommending two electronic options that make receiving payments easier. The Go Direct(R) campaign makes it fast, free and easy to switch to electronic payments online at

or through the U.S. Treasury Electronic Payment Solution Center toll-free at 1-800-333-1795. You can choose either: • Direct deposit to a checking or savings account. Your federal benefit payment will go straight into your account on payment day each month. • Direct Express(R) Debit MasterCard(R) card. If you don’t have a bank account or prefer a prepaid debit card, switch to the Direct Express(R) card. There are no sign-up fees, overdraft fees or monthly fees. Some fees for optional services may apply. For information on card fees and features, visit This information has been provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service. The Go Direct(R) campaign is sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Direct Express(R) logo, Go Direct(R) and Direct Express(R) are registered service marks, and the

Go Direct(R) logo is a service mark, of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service. The Direct Express(R) Debit MasterCard(R) card is issued by Comerica Bank, pursuant to a license by MasterCard International Incorporated. MasterCard(R) and the MasterCard(R) Brand Mark are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated.



THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

Fifty Plus

Fifty Plus

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012



THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

Fifty Plus

Five tips for planning for retirement Consider the following five points when reviewing and taking charge of your retirement savings: • Invest your income boosts:If you receive an increase in income like a company bonus, salary increase, tax return or an expense reduction like paying off a car or a loan, it’s a great time to put those extra dollars towards retirement savings. • Consolidate assets: If you still have retirement funds from previous employers, roll those balances into your current company’s retirement plan.Having all your retirement assets in one place simplifies retirement investing and income planning. • Reduce taxable income: The money you contribute to your employer-sponsored retirement plan is not included in your current taxable income.So the more you save, the lower your income taxes. Taxes aren’t due on the money saved or on any investment earnings until the

money is taken out of your 401(k) plan. And the good news is that by the time you withdraw money and pay taxes, you’ll most likely be in a lower tax bracket. • Review your investments: Ask your employer about retirement planning education, online tools, or one-on-one support to help you make sure your investment strategy is in line with your overall retirement goals as well as your risk tolerance. Take advantage of all the resources available to you.

• Maximize match benefits: Make sure you’re contributing enough to take full advantage of any company matching program.This is one of the most valuable benefits of saving for retirement through your employer. If you’re not doing this,you’re simply leaving money on the table. If you’re enrolled in your company’s retirement plan, you’re already on the right track. Remember to stay on track and take greater charge of your retirement plan.

Fifty Plus

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012



THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

Fifty Plus

INSIDE: Maine South falls to GBS in volleyball sectional, page 18; Hawks soccer falls to Loyola,

page 19

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012



G LD By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

Michal Filipczak, state champion. It has a nice ring to it. “It feels really nice,” said Filipczak, the Maine South star who, after finishing runnerup in last spring’s Class 3A 800-meter championship, was crowned the state champion on Saturday. “I worked really hard this season. Standing up there (at the winner’s podium) I was incredibly happy. I did what I wanted to do.” Filipczak finished just ahead of Geneva’s Peter Archibald with a time of 1:52.01 (compared to Archibald’s 1:52.60). Niles West senior Neal Omar earned allstate honors in the 800, as well, after placing seventh in 1:55.57. Victory, however, nearly turned into disappointment for the Hawks senior. Filipczak admitted he felt tired going into the final straightaway, and the wind, which was blowing directly in his face, had picked up. Prior to these developments, Filipczak—who matched his personal best (1:51.93) in Friday’s preliminaries—was hoping to break the state 800 record of 1:49.71 set in 1998. “The wind just hit me,” he said. “I thought, ‘Oh my God.’ I was afraid I was going to fall before the (finish) line.” But Filipczak persevered and won it all. He’ll be running for

Duke University’s track team next season. “I started racing smarter (this year),” he said. “Everything I was working on this year paid off.” Maine East also has an allstate track performer. Senior James Shields finished sixth in the triple jump and bettered his school record by going 46 feet, 8 inches. Terrance Bramlett, a senior, turned in Niles West’s best individual performance last weekend with a sixth-place finish in the shot put. He threw 55-8 to gain all-state status. “I’m so proud and so happy for Terrance,” said Niles West coach Chris Vivone. “That kid went down there and competed his butt off.” The same can be said of Omar, who complemented his efforts in the 800 by running the anchor leg of Niles West’s 4 x 800 relay team. Omar ran a personal best split to help propel the Wolves to seventh place. Seniors Marc Julien and Blake Helton, along with junior Yandiel Cardenas, also are part of the all-state medal quartet. “We debated all week what we wanted to do,” Vivone said. “Did we want to save Neal for the 800 or run him in both (events)? We decided to go ahead and run him in both. Neal came back and really helped the team with his split. He really did a nice job of making up some ground.”

Mike Sandrolini/BugleStaff

Maine South’s Michal Filipczak won the state title in the 800-meter run.


THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

South defeats East in regional opener By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

Keenan Kelly was Maine South’s Mr. Clutch throughout regional play last week. Kelly—who singled, doubled and tripled in three at-bats and drove in three runs during Hawks’ regional-opening victory

ROUNDUP over Lincoln Park—came up big in the regional final opposite host Maine West on Saturday. The game went 10 innings, but Kelly ended it by looping a fly ball down the right-field line that dropped in for a hit to plate Lawrence Darlak with the winning run. Maine South’s 3-2 victory set up a sectional semifinal date Wednesday at Evanston against Niles West.

Pat Aloisio (10-1) pitched the entire game for Maine South, and as has been the case during many of Aloisio’s outings this season, the Hawks play good defense behind him. Kyle Richardson, for example, gunned down a Maine West baserunner at the plate in the second inning who was trying to score from third. The Hawks (31-5) trailed 2-0 going into the bottom of the sixth, but made it 2-1 after Richardson’s double drove in Jimmy Frankos, who had reached base after being hit by a pitch. Richardson later scored on a passed ball to tie it. John Forsythe and Mike Virgilio pitched the Hawks to victory (10-0) in the regional opener.

Notre Dame The Dons used eight different

pitchers in their thrilling 2-1 regional semifinal win against Johnsburg May 24 that went eight innings and enabled them to advance to the title game of their own Class 3A regional. Tony Marcellino picked up the win in relief. Charlie Jerger started the game, while Nick Fiorito, Danny Hyde, Keenan Connelly, Adnan Sator, Kevin Stahmer and Zach Koziol. Each pitcher went one inning. Combined, they gave up just three hits and struck out five. Matt Walsh (two hits) singled and scored in the first inning. In the bottom of the eighth, Bobby Regal and Nick Pieruccini hit back-to-back singles, and went to third and second, respectively, on a double steal. Sean Pavel then drove Regal home with the winning run on a sacrifice fly. Notre Dame again sent a

different pitcher to the mound in each inning of its regional championship matchup vs. Grayslake Central on Saturday, but lost, 4-.

Niles West The Wolves put the 2012 Niles West regional championship trophy into their own trophy case after blanking Leyden, 6-0, on Saturday behind the six-hit pitching of Kyle Colletta (9-2), who struck out five. The Wolves (26-10) broke a scoreless tie in the fifth by scoring three runs. Trevor Talhami, who had two hits and an RBI, singled and eventually scored on an error. Colletta’s sacrifice fly drove in Jimmy Ostrega, and Kevin Ross—who had stolen second and third— came home on a wild pitch.

Niles West stole a single-game school record 11 bases on the afternoon. Jason Meager also had two hits for the Wolves. Meager did a little bit of everything to lift Niles West to a 3-0 win against Maine East in the regional semifinals May 23. He scattered five hits and struck out eight, and also had the Wolves’ only two hits of the game. Niles West tallied two runs in the second inning. Ethan Athanasiou’s groundout drove in one run, while the second run was unearned. The Demons, who finished 12-25, got a fine effort on the mound from senior Cory Evans, who struck out four. Ramen Odicho doubled for Maine East. See ROUNDUP, page 19

Hawks oust Wolves, but bow to GBS in sectionals By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

CSL South rivals Maine South and Niles West know each other very well. So prior to the two clubs meeting for the Evanston regional championship last week, Hawks coach Gary Granell had a talk with his players and pointed out where he believed the Wolves were vulnerable.

BOYS VOLLEYBALL “When they came to our place, we really took them out of their rhythm and I think they scored around 15 and 16 points in the two games,” Granell said. “And I said, ‘That’s what we need to do. We need to establish the defense early; we need to keep them out of their rhythm. And if we can do that, when they get out of rhythm, that’s when they kind of flounder a little bit.’And we were able to do that in Game 1.” The Wolves led 8-7 in Game 1, but the Hawks scored nine straight points and won, 2515. Game 2 was a more evenly played contest, but the Hawks prevailed in the end as senior outside hitter Scotty Adamczyk collected three kills on Maine South’s final five points to win, 25-23, and take the regional crown.

Last Friday, Maine South sought some payback when it met Glenbrook South in a Northbrook sectional semifinal game.The Titans beat the Hawks for the 2011 regional title, which snapped a long streak of Maine South regional championships. However, Glenbrook South got the better of Maine South despite the Hawks taking the Titans to three games. GBS held off the Hawks 25-21, 23-25, 26-24 as Maine South completed the 2012 season with a 27-11 record. Adamczyk helped the Hawks go toe-to-toe with GBS thanks to his 18-kill effort. Nate Wolf and Ivan Zelic added eight kills each. But the Hawks were able to begin what hopefully is a new streak of regional titles after topping the Wolves. Adamczyk, who totaled six kills for the game, liked how the Hawks took care of business. “Overall, I thought we played well,” said Adamczyk, who added three aces. “I really think we limited our errors and played up to our capabilities. Just all around we executed perfectly on that run (in Game 1).” There were five ties and four lead changes in Game 2. The Wolves held a three-point advantage at one point, 14-11, following a tip by Zach Gelfand. But the Hawks took the lead for good (17-16) on an Adam Forbes

block. The Wolves couldn’t get closer than one point (on three occasions) the rest of the game. “We start slow,” said Niles West coach Drew Roche. “It’s been the case all season. There’s some nerves out there. It’s hard. We told them,‘Hey, go out there and have some fun.We’re considered the underdogs and we’ve got nothing to lose.’ “But at the same time, we all talked about that and none of us felt like an underdog.They might have put a little pressure on themselves, but they loosened up and they played a helluva Game 2. So did Maine South, obviously. Sometimes it goes your way and sometimes it doesn’t.” Matt Garvey compiled 18 assists and had five kills, while Forbes notched five kills as well. Adamczyk, Garvey and Forbes are among seven Hawk graduating seniors. The Wolves finished 22-15—a victory total that was a pleasant surprise to Roche. “Going into the season, we set a team goal of 20 wins,” he said.“And truth be told, I thought that was a little lofty, but I’m not going to go against my own guys.As the season was going on, expectations changed. “I think it was a very successful season. We didn’t get the hardware we would have liked, and it ended a little bit too

early, but I’m damn proud of my team.”

Maine East Maine East, seeded seventh in the Glenbrook North sectional complex, took on second-seeded Glenbrook South for the regional championship May 23.The Titans went on an 11-0 run in Game 1, and easily won that game, 25-8. GBS also won the second game, 25-21, thus eliminating the Demons from postseason play. Artur Thiel’s four kills led the Demons, who finsished with a 22-15 record—their fourth season with 20-or-more wins since 2001. The Demons advanced to the

title game of the Glenbrook South regional by outlasting Hersey, 2927, 21-25, 25-23 on May 22. Thiel and Maciek Otfinowski recorded 14 and 12 kills, respectively, for Maine East, while Otfinowski added nine kills. Jon Coldea amassed 42 assists, and David Coldea had 20 digs.

Notre Dame The Dons bowed out of the playoffs after losing to Prospect, 25-17, 25-15 in the semifinals of the Northside regional on May 22. Seniors Evan Choate and Kyle Krogstad were named to the East Suburban Catholic Conference’s all-conference team.

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012


Loyola strikes early, ousts Maine South By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

The Hawks were hoping to generate more scoring chances the second time around against Loyola Academy, to whom Maine South lost earlier this season.

GIRLS SOCCER But it was the Ramblers who got their offense rolling right from the get-go in their Niles North Class 4A sectional showdown with the Hawks last week. Meeghan Smith scored on a breakaway goal less than a minute into the game, and Lia Baldo netted another breakaway goal later in the second half en route to the Ramblers’ 4-0 victory that closed the curtain on Maine South’s 2012 season. Sophomore goalkeeper Emily O’Grady made the initial save on Smith’s shot, but the ball trickled past her just inside the far post. Understandably, that early goal didn’t serve Maine South’s psyche well. “Our girls were just kind of rattled,” said Maine South coach J.J. Crawford.“They’re better, and we did not play our best game so it kind of took us out of it. Then they scored another quick one. I was glad we stopped the bleeding for the half.” The Hawks managed just three shots on goal, all coming in the second half. Senior Carla Nuzzo had two of the Hawks’

ROUNDUP Continued from page 18

SOFTBALL Maine South After Resurrection handed Maine South a 9-8 loss the previous week, the Hawks exacted revenge over the Bandits in the Maine South regional semifinals May 22. The Hawks eliminated the Bandits from postseason with an 8-2 win. Kaitlyn Mullarkey was perfect at the plate, going 3-for3, including a home run and a double to go along with two RBIs. Nicole Johnson also enjoyed a 3-for-3 day with two singles and a double. Jenna Christie, the winning

shots, and classmate Ali Cottrell had perhaps Maine South’s best scoring chance of the half on a long shot with just under 30 minutes to play. But Loyola keeper Brittany San Roman got her hands on Cottrell’s attempt. “The first time, we actually played them way better between the 18s and obviously lost, but we didn’t generate any shots and any corners (in the first game) so our attack was to try to generate corners,” Crawford explained. Crawford tried to alter the Hawks’ strategy during the second half by putting Cottrell and leading scorer Alli Curry in the center-midfield to try and control midfield play. The Ramblers’ defense, however, adjusted accordingly. “We at least got three shots that half and two corners so I guess that’s a baby-step improvement,” Crawford said.“But they’re just a great squad.” The loss to the Ramblers marks the second time this year that Loyola has ended the Hawks’ season in a sectional semifinal in two separate sports. “Definitely that first goal was a surprise,” Nina Duric said. “We played Loyola once before this season and we weren’t able to generate any shots, so I credit their defense a lot. They have a really good defense.” In spite of the defeat, Duric and Cottrell both complimented the Hawks’ efforts this season. Maine South has only six seniors on the club, including Duric and

Cottrell. Nuzzo, defenders Jessie Williams and Morgan Faley, and midfielder Erin Martell also will be graduating. “This year I wouldn’t take it back for anything,” Duric said. “There are a lot of good girls on the team. Everyone played with a lot of heart. It’s one of the more memorable teams I’ve been on (during) my Maine South career, and I’ve just enjoyed every minute of it.” “It was definitely a lot of new girls, and I thought it was going to be a lot harder to transition into a (team) family because everyone’s younger,” Cottrell added.“I’ve been used to playing with older girls, so it was definitely different, but we did better than I expected.” The Hawks do have Curry returning, along with a number of underclassmen, so the future looks promising. “No one really expected a lot out of us especially after losing so many players last year,” Curry said. “We really wanted to make a run in the playoffs and show everyone we were capable of doing so much more than everyone thought we were able to do. But unfortunately our season ended tonight and it’s just hard. “It’s definitely going to be different because it’s not going to be a rebuilding year (next year). It’s going to be most of the same team next year and that’s going to definitely help us.”

pitcher, held Resurrection to four hits. Courtney Gratz belted a two-run homer in a losing effort for the Bandits. Bre Sobotka also had two hits. Emily Bernath made a nice play defensively as she robbed a Maine South hitter of a home run and then threw out a Hawks’ baserunner at the plate. Jamie Kiefer and Loyola shut out the Hawks, 3-0, as Kiefer improved to 17-3 overall. Christie pitched well in defeat for Maine South, which finished the year 14-21.

made it a 6-6 contest on Cara Debenedictis’ triple with the bases loaded. Lake Forest then took a 9-6 advantage in the fifth, but the Demons tied it 9-9. J owita Szczypka’s two-run single made it 9-8, and then Maine East scored the tying run on a passed ball. Lake Forest took the lead for good after tallying two runs in the bottom of the sixth.

Maine East The Demons won only five games this season, yet battled Lake Forest in the New Trier regional quarterfinals before falling, 11-9, on May 21. Maine East (5-24), which trailed the Scouts 6-1 early in the game,

Niles West Loyola knocked the Wolves (824) out of the playoffs following its 7-0 win at the Maine South regional semifinals held on May 23. Gracie Mcdonagh and Jessie Simkins had hits for the Wolves, who were held hitless by Loyola through the game’s first five innings.

Mike Sandrolini/Bugle Staff

Maine South’s Ali Cottrell gets a step on Loyola’s Bryn Morgan.


THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

Business & Real Estate

Edward Jones named Firm of the Year Financial services firm Edward Jones was named the Advisory Solutions Firm of the Year by the Money Management Institute as the firm that most exemplified overall excellence and contributed to the long-term success and sustainability of the wealth management industry, according to Jeff Cardella and Steve Ludwinski,financial advisors in the Niles branch offices. The award was presented at the Institute’s annual Gateway to Leadership Awards Dinner held recently in Chicago. The Money Management Institute is the national association for the managed investment solutions and the wealth management industry. This award recognizes the features and benefits of both of the firm’s advisory platforms. Edward Jones Advisory Solutions. is an asset allocation and advisory program that allows investors to select from research or custom models with an initial minimum investment of $50,000. The models use a combination of mutual funds, exchange traded funds and separately managed accounts in the construction of the portfolio and allow clients to delegate asset allocation, investment selection and portfolio rebalancing to Edward Jones. This program now offers 62 fully discretionary research models, in addition to custom models, which allow investors to design a model to match their unique investment needs. With the program’s custom models, clients retain discretion over the investment selection from the list of funds available in the program. Advisory Solutions has proved popular with Edward Jones clients. The program has grown to more than $75 billion in assets under management since its introduction in August 2008. Advisory Solutions now ranks as the country’s 4th largest mutual fund advisory program, according to MMI/Dover Research. In addition, Edward Jones offers a dual contract separately managed account program with more than $2 billion in assets

under management. Edward Jones provides financial services for individual investors in the United States and, through its affiliate, in Canada. Every aspect of the firm’s business, from the types of investment options offered to the location of branch offices, is designed to cater to individual investors in the communities in which they live and work. The firm’s 12,000-plus financial advisors work directly with nearly 7 million clients to understand their personal goals -from college savings to retirement -- and create long-term investment solutions that emphasize a wellbalanced portfolio and a buy-andhold strategy. Edward Jones embraces the importance of building longterm, face-to-face relationships with clients, helping them to understand and make sense of the investment options available today. In January 2012, for the 13th year, Edward Jones was named one of the best companies to work for by FORTUNE Magazine in its annual listing. The firm ranked No. 5 overall and No. 3 in Large Size Companies. These 13 FORTUNE rankings include top 10 finishes for nine years, consecutive No. 1 rankings in 2002 and 2003,and consecutive No. 2 rankings in 2009 and 2010. FORTUNE and Time Inc. are not affiliated with and do not endorse products or services of Edward Jones.

Has the limit passed? Dear Dave, I bought a car a few years ago and purchased new wheels for $1,100 on credit. I haven’t paid the bill, and now collectors are trying to settle with me. I think the statute of limitations has expired.Should I still pay the debt? Brian Dear Brian, I always look at things like this through two or three lenses. One has to do with your credit. Another is the legal aspect, and the third is this: What’s the right thing to do? The right thing to do is pay the debt. You took the wheels, so you need to pay for them. You could probably get together $1,100 and make this whole thing go away. I’m pretty sure a lot of legal and collection costs, as well as interest, have been added over the years. But at this point, you can probably get them to settle for the original amount

owed. Now, can they still chase you under the statute of limitations? That’s a matter of state law,. Since I’m not an attorney, I’m not up to speed on every law from state to state. Besides, I don’t like the idea of using that kind of argument to get someone out of debt. Honestly, this is the real world we’re talking about, Brian.You’re going to have to deal with this, because even if there is a statute of limitations, most collectors will still try to chase you to the ends of the earth.And for $1,100 you can get them out of your life and erase a big black mark from your credit. It’s always better to have a transaction listed as “bad debt that has been settled” rather than simply “bad debt.” And by the way, it’s also the right thing to do! —Dave Dave Ramsey is America’s most trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored four New York Times best-selling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 5 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012



THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012



THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

Senior Lifestyle

The retirement savings crisis By Jill Schlesinger Tribune Media Services

The state of retirement savings in America is in big trouble. According to Fidelity Investments, the average 401(k) balance among its 11.8 million accounts increased to $74,600 at the end of the first quarter 2012, a 62 percent increase since the end of the first quarter 2009. While it’s good news that balances are up, the number of accounts is alarmingly low for such an industry giant. Older employees are better off, but not by much. Workers over age 55 have about $130,000 saved on average, and, for those over 55 who have been active in a plan for 10 years, that average jumps to approximately $230,000. That’s certainly an advantage for plan participants, but even this group may not accumulate what is necessary to maintain their living standards. The reason for the trend is obvious: The recession and market crash inflicted pain on retirement accounts, lopping off about a third of their total value. Additionally, as many families sustained job losses and lower incomes, they were forced to withdraw retirement funds or reduce contribution levels. Even before the tough times hit, Americans never quite grasped how important it was to contribute to their 401(k) plans. There are some who wag their fingers and scold plan participants for not being more diligent savers, but the larger issue may be that U.S. workers were sold a bill of goods when 401 (k) plans were introduced. “It has already become clear that 401(k)s have failed millions of Americans,” said Karen Friedman of the Pension Rights Center in Washington, D.C. in The Week. The root of the failure was the

move from employer-funded pension plans to employeefunded retirement plans, which equated to a massive transfer of risk for American workers. Instead of the company bearing 100 percent of the retirement funding burden, the advent of 401(k) plans meant that employees became primarily responsible for their own retirement saving. 401(k) plans were created in 1978 but gained popularity after benefits consultant Ted Benna interpreted paragraph (k) of Section 401 in the U.S. tax code as a means for his corporate client to change compensation for its employees. Benna’s discovery allowed executives to use a tax-deferred savings vehicle alongside their corporate pension plans. In their original iteration, 401(k) plans were designed to supplement pensions, not replace them. Companies quickly realized that they could supplant pensions with 401 (k) plans, relieving them of the funding burden that pension plans imposed. This is when things got tricky. During the transition period, it’s unlikely that HR departments sent out a note to employees saying, “Hey, instead of your boss paying into a guaranteed retirement plan, the risk of making contributions and managing your retirement money is entirely on you.” Instead, companies emphasized how great it was that workers could take control of their retirement assets and invest however they saw fit. It certainly helped that 401(k) plans took off at the beginning of the greatest bull market in stocks since World War II. Despite the ups and downs of the market, the trajectory was generally up, which meant most participants were happy. The Great Recession and market meltdown changed

everyone’s tune. Suddenly, it became clear that a 401(k) could be at the mercy of market cycles. If a participant is unlucky enough to experience a bear market when he/she is close to retirement, it could be too late to rebuild. To enhance 401(k)s, we need more robust, mandatory employee education administered by a third party. Automatic enrollment has helped increase participation rates, and the use of target date funds, rather than money market funds, has improved investment returns. I wish we could rip up the 401(k) plan and start over, but it looks like it’s here to stay. With that being the case, participants should educate themselves, seek professional financial advice and guard against retiring at the “wrong time” by reducing investment risk in the five years leading up to retirement.

Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is the Editor-atLarge for She covers the economy, markets, investing or anything else with a dollar sign on her podcast and blog, Jill on Money, as well as on television and radio. She welcomes comments and questions at askjill@moneywatch. com.


THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

Niles Senior Center Information about the Niles Senior Center can be found on the Village of Niles Website at Click on “Departments” (upper left), and then Click on “Senior” You can now see what’s new at the Senior Center. May/June Naturally Active Registrations for members have begun. All programs require advanced registration. Individuals must be a registered member of the Niles Senior Center to receive the member price. Membership application forms are available at the Front Desk, Membership Service Desk or on-line. For more information about program eligibility, contact one of our program coordinators. SPRING BBQ, Friday, June 1, 11:15AM-3:00PM $15M/$20NM It’s Spring BBQ time and we guarantee a rise in temperature! Doors open at 11:15AM. Lunch features burgers and brats plus delicious side dishes and a tropical sorbet dessert followed by the great music of Ainsworth Rose and the Sunshine Girls! Enjoy the island rhythms, reggae, and


many other great songs with a Jamaican beat. There’s reserved seating for this event so stop by the Front Desk to pick up your table reservations form. Birds of Prey Presentation, Tuesday, June 19 2PM-3PM $2M/$3NM A representative from the Cook County Forest Preserve will be here with live birds for an informative program on birds of prey. WANTED: Houses Seeking Curb Appeal The 25thAnnual Community Paint-A-Thon will be held on Saturday, September 8. Applications are now available. If the exterior of your house needs to be painted due to peeling, fading or worn paint, consider applying. The program provides for the painting of the exterior of a single family home at no cost to those who qualify. To qualify, homes must be owned and occupied by people with limited financial resources and the owners must be at least 60 years of age. If you or someone you know could benefit from this communitywide project, please call the Niles Senior Center 847 5888420. Clean Air Counts- Energy See CENTERS, page 26


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CENTERS Continued from page 25 Savings Program, Monday, June 4 11am-12noon FREE Presented by Craig Shuttenberg from Clean Air Counts. Learn about ways to clean up the air around you while saving money. Hear about energy options, CFL light bulbs, and how these programs really do help clean the air. Credit Cards, Crdit Scores and More, Wednesday, June 6, 11AM-12Noon FREE Presenter: Robert Dulski of Take Care Illinois and The Illinois Comptroller’s Office. Participate in an informative talk on understanding your credit, how to read the “fine print” on credit card bills, what a credit score means and how it works, credit card fraud, and more. Advanced registration is required.

Memorial Civic Center, 6140 Dempster St., Morton Grove, Il. Contact Loretta Pable, North Shore Senior Center Program Coordinator, at 847.663.3073 for additional information or to apply. Basic Bridge Thursdays May 31, - June 21, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Delve into bridge playing with American Bridge Teacher Association “Bridge Teacher of the Year Award” nominee and Silver Life Master Patricia Braun. Millions of people play bridge worldwide in clubs, tournaments, online and with friends at home, making it one of the world’s most popular card games.This class will cover an introduction to bidding and a review of play of the hand. To register for this program, or seek additional information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Who Wrote the Torah? Tuesday, June 5 from 1- 2:30 NSC’s WEEKLY EMAIL p.m. CONTEST!!! Come Tuesday, June 5 from Make sure you’re on our email 1- 2:30 p.m. to go beyond list! Every week, there will the traditional answer in the be a drawing for a $5.00 gift traditional Torah service “from certificate toward any program, the mouth of God, by the hand class, or trip. All you need to of Moses.” But, for centuries do is make sure you’re on our people have wondered why email list. You will receive info there are two creation stories on our newest trips, fantastic with significant differences or programs and variety of classes! why Noah is told to take one Please call (847)588-8420 to pair of every animal in Genesis get into the weekly drawing! 6, and then seven pairs of some and one pair of others in Genesis 7. Figuring out how the Torah was actually written may be even more interesting than the stories in it. Fees are $8 member; $10 non-member. To register for this program, or seek additional information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays Reception Desk Volunteers from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Needed at North Shore Senior Center Journal Writing Workshop… Are you interested in a with a Twist! volunteer opportunity to Wednesday June 6 from 1-3 serve older adults in a friendly p.m. atmosphere? North Shore Unleash your inner author, Senior Center is looking Wednesday June 6 from 1-3 p.m. for people to help at our Hands-on workshop explores Reception Desk to greet guests various types of journal writing, & members, assist them with including travel journals and program registrations, provide dreams journals, using lists, them with information, dialogues and pictures. Includes answer phone inquiries, and how to set up an online blog assist with light clerical work. and ways to preserve family Volunteer shifts are available memories in writing. Special at the reception desk weekday feature: introduction to mornings from 9 a.m. to noon, Japanese haibun, and naikan, a or afternoons from noon to method joining gratitude and 4 p.m. at the North Shore meditation. Fees: $19 member; Senior Center’s Morton Grove $23 non-member. To register for Campus, American Legion this program, or seek additional

North Shore Senior Center

information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Some Enchanted Evening at Pheasant Run Resort Thursday, June 14, 10:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Join us Thursday, June 14, and enjoy a delicious lunch and then an afternoon harkening to the days of sophistication and celebrate beautiful songs and lyrics from Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein musical theater’s classics: Carousel, Cinderella, The King and I, Oklahoma, South Pacific, The Sound of Music and more. Fee includes theater ticket, lunch and transportation. Fees $89 member; $105 non-member and include show, lunch and transportation. To register for this program, or seek additional information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clubs and Special Interest Groups Morton Grove Campus offers many clubs and special interest groups that meet weekly, such as bridge, Mah Jongg, Bingo, Canasta, Humanities Treasures, Needlework, Poker, and more. New members are always welcome. Most clubs have a $8 MG member and $10 non-member fee per term. Registration required for all clubs and special interest groups. Health Screenings Morton Grove Family and Senior Services Department offers health screenings available at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center, 6140 Dempster Street. Diabetes Screenings will now be held every Tuesday from 9 -10am. Blood Pressure Screening will be held every Tuesday and Friday from 9 -11am. Both are free of charge. Cholesterol Screening will be held the first Wednesday of each month. Cost: $10 for residents over age 65. There is a $12 fee for residents under 65 and for non-residents. Prime Care Resources will be providing the health screenings. Appointments are necessary for cholesterol screening. Call 847470-5223 for an appointment. Podiatry Screening and Nail Care Dr. Jeffrey Garrard will provide basic foot care and nail clipping on the first Tuesday of each month between 10

am and noon. Cost: Medicare will be billed. Non-Medicare clients will be charged $35.00. Appointments are required. Call 847-470-5223 for more information or to make an appointment. Senior Center Membership Become a member of North Shore Senior Center’s Morton Grove Campus and enjoy opportunities to live longer, happier, healthier lives through an array of programs, activities, trips and services. Members receive a discount on all programs, activities, and trips, Lifelong Learning Program Catalog, information on local, state, and federal issues affecting seniors, and invitations to special events and presentations. Membership dues are $20 for an individual and $35 for a couple/household for a full year. Everyone welcome! Call North Shore Senior Center’s Morton Grove Campus at 847-470-5223 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove, to become a member.

Park Ridge Senior Center Registration forms and detailed schedule of events for the Six County Senior Olympics 2012 which includes Park Ridge and neighboring communities are now available at the Center or online at This event, for those 50 years of age and older, runs from July 9 to July 26. The Park Ridge Senior Center will be holding a Wellness Screening Program from 8amnoon on Tuesday, May 29 at a cost of $71.00. By completing the Wellness Screening Program, you will have the health information you need. The services includes one simple blood draw that consists of 36 panel lab tests designed to detect disease or illness at the earliest stage, your blood pressure, and educational summary report. The cost of the test is payable to Wellness, Inc. the day of the test. The tests are first come first serve. Please fast for up to 8 hours, wear loose fitting sleeves, and drink two glasses of water. NOTE: This test may NOT be

submitted to Medicare. Please call 847-692-3597 if you plan to attend. Learn the basics of the ukulele with instructor, Peg Mistak, from 2:30-3:30 on Thursdays from May 24-July 12. Cost is $22 for the session. Intermediate Bridge, Bridge Basics 3: Popular Conventions by Audrey Grant and a deck of her coded cards are required materials. The class runs from 10-noon on Wednesdays, May 23-July 18 at a cost of $12.00. The Monday, June 4 Just Lunch menu will be turkey burger and potato salad at a cost of only $6 for members and $9 for nonmembers and it begins at 12:30. The Park Ridge Senior Center is announcing its plans for a food drive from 9am-5pm on Wednesday, June 13 to benefit the Maine Township Food Pantry. Residents of Park Ridge and surrounding communities are encouraged to bring nonperishable items such as canned goods, packages of pasta, toilet paper and paper towels to name a few. The need to replenish the food pantry is greater than ever in these hard times. People who used to give to the food pantry are now themselves in need. The Women’s Club luncheon begins at 12:30pm onWednesday, June 13. Bob Burton, Professor Emeritus of Communication at Oakton Community college will present “The Kennedy Center Honors: A Retrospective”. The event pays tribute to artists whom have made significant contributions to American Culture. Lunch is included at the cost of $17 for members and $19 for non-members. See CENTERS, page 27

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CENTERS Continued from page 26 Tai Chi for Health: Balance, Posture, Pain & Arthritis is a new program starting Friday, June1 and running through July 20 from 1:30-2:15. Tai Chi is a gentle, low impact approach to fitness that can help ease the pain and stiffness of arthritis and other chronic conditions. There will be an increase of flexibility, muscle strength, heart and lung activity, posture, and help balance and prevents falls. This class can be done standing or modified to a chair practicing at participants own pace. Cost is $50 for members and $62 for non-members for the eight week session. Leo Rizzetto, moderator of the Opera-Arts Discussion group will present a “Deanna Durbin Festival” in June. Starting promptly at noon on Thursday, June 14 it will be Deanna’s debut film “Three Smart Girls.” She conspires with her older devoted sisters to reunite their divorced parents. High jinks, hilarity and wonderful songs are a part of this star-making performance. Then on June 28 Deanna returns in “Three Smart Girls Grow Up” when she is determined to marry off her two older sisters to two lucky guys. Refreshments follow after all programs.


Celebrating the 90-plus club Maine Township’s MaineStreamers hosted a birthday party for approximately 70 seniors aged 90 or older including two who were over 100 years old. The celebration of life was held May 23 at the Chateau Ritz in Niles as part of the observance of Older American Month. Pictured from left to right are Trustee Susan Moylan Krey, Katharyn Swanson (102), Trustee Peter Gialamas,Isabelle Brost (102), Supervisor Carol Teschky, Clerk Gary K. Warner, and Highway Commissioner Robert Provenzano. For more information on MaineStreamers events or membership, visit www. or call 847-297-2510.

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THE BUGLE MAY 31, 2012

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