Niles 7-5-12

Page 1


SPORTS Duchene tabbed Player of the Year PAGE 11

NEWS Niles Library Board retracts audio recording bylaw PAGE 3

Celebrating America’s Independence

Our Village, Our News

JULY 5, 2012

Vol. 56 No. 39


Romanian Heritage

Romanian Heritage Festival in Niles draws nearly 6,000 By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter

R Rick Kambic/Bugle Staff

Nicoleta Alexandru, known as “Nicola,” flew to Chicago from Romania to perform at the weekend long Romanian Heritage Festival in Niles.

Rick Kambic/Bugle Staff

Posing with famous Romanian actor Tudor Petrut are Glenview residents Alina Pirvu, Karin Sterl and Adela Cernea.

omanians traveled from as close as Morton Grove and as far as Los Angeles, Calif. to attend the Romanian Heritage Festival in Niles, while some entertainers and dignitaries crossed the oceans to make their appearances. The three-day fest went from June 29 until July 1 and drew close to 6,000 patrons.Held at the Romanian Heritage Center along Caldwell Avenue, the fest was sponsored by the Romanian-American Network – See FESTIVAL, page 2




FESTIVAL Continued from page 1 which operates both the center and the Romanian Tribune Newspaper. Steven Bonica, the network’s executive, created the fest three years ago to expand upon an older, smaller Chicago-based festival. Onhand were traditional food, folk songs and dance, informational booths, and games. “I congratulate Steven because he really brought Romania here for three days, for the people who miss our home land,” said Soria Olariu, who traveled from Suburban Detroit, represent BlueTone – a telecommunications company. Another festival sponsor was Northwest Point Dental, off Northwest Highway just inside Chicago. Adina and Demian, employees who reside in Morton Grove, said the practice works a lot with Romanian residents, and sponsoring the festival helps branch out into the growing Romanian population. Headlining performers included Nicoleta Alexandru, who flew in from Romania solely to sing at the fest, and Christofor AldeaTeodorovici, who flew in from

Rick Kambic/Bugle Staff

Left: Adina and Demian, Morton Grove Residents and employees at nearby Northwest Point Dental, enjoy Romanian pastries during the Romanian Heritage Festival on June 29 in Niles. Right: Anastasia Caranfic, a local Chicago resident, performs more modern Romanian music during the Romanian Heritage Festival on June 29 in Niles.

Moldova. Alexandru, known as “Nicola,” began her career in 1992 but became more widely known after her performance in the Eurovision Song Contest on behalf of Romania. The biggest attraction, however, was Tudor Petrut. Most Americans know Petrut as “Peggy” from the Discover Card commercials where he portrays a competing credit card’s call center and rudely denies concerned customers. The Romanian native was actually famous before moving to the United States more than 20 years ago. He won his country’s equivalent of the

Academy Awards for his role in a series of romantic comedy movies titled “The Graduate.” At the time, the country was under communist control and most movies involved propaganda. Petrut was thrilled when offered the main role in the only politically free movie at the time. Sometime after moving to the U.S., Petrut and Bonica became friends and have worked together on projects. “This festival is a big celebration of our roots,” Petrut said.“There are Romanians everywhere, but you don’t really get a chance to talk to each other from day-to-day. This

provides opportunity to talk about family, traditions and share fun stories.” Petrut did not travel from Los Angeles exclusively for the festival. In his free time, Petrut writes personality profile articles for various Romanian publications. Approximately 12 individuals traveled from Los Angeles, Boston, New York and Florida, among others, to man the North American Romanian Press Association table at the festival, as well as hold a membership meeting elsewhere in Niles on June 30. Marian Petruta, of Des Plaines, is

the association’s president and says his celebrity writer helps expose celebrities or big designers who have Romanian descents. “Our three main goals are to preserve our culture, traditions and language,” Petruta said. “As more Romanians are born here,they want to learn more English and fit in.We want to inform people of other Romanian communities.” Most Romanian newspapers, including the Niles-based Romanian Tribune, focus on regional cultural events for readers to attend, American and Romanian politics, as well as extensive business coverage. “Getting advertisers and profiling businesses is important because some of the more native Romanians struggle to find companies that understand our language and situations,” Petruta said. Representatives from the Niles Chamber of Commerce and Industry were on hand all three days, and gave praise to Bonica and the Romanian-American Network for bringing more Romanian business into Niles and showing them the benefits of being chamber members. Police Chief Dean Strzelecki attended the festival on behalf of the village.



Niles Library Board retracts audio recording bylaw 5-1 By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter

In a sudden change of heart, the Niles Library Board voted 5-1 on June 27 to retract its

short-lived bylaw change that required public meetings to be audio recorded and posted online. The issue first arose during an April 25 meeting when Trustee

Correction In the June 28 article “Library employees voice opinions on joining IRMF,” the acronym for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund was incorrectly named in the headline. It should read IMRF. Also, the June 28 article headline “Niles trustees visit Pisa for Luminaria Festival” was misleading. Mayor Robert Callero, his wife Rita, Village Manager George Van Geem and Village Attorney Joe Annunzio were the only members of the Board who visited Pisa. The Bugle apologizes for these errors.

Morgan Dubiel realized Library Director Linda Weiss was not using her audio recorder. Dubiel publicly protested the decision to not keep verbatim meeting records, which nobody has since

taken responsibility for. Soon after, Board President Barbara Nakanishi announced that recordings will continue and anyone can request copies of the files. The board then voted 6-0

on June 20 to change its bylaws to require such recordings, as well as the posting of those files on the library website. See AUDIO, page 4



Retirement bonuses could land Niles in more hot water By Rick Kambic Staff Reporter

Village of Niles documents released under the Freedom of Information Act may be heading to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Illinois Attorney General’s Office next month. A major turning point in the six-month long conflict between trustees and current Village Manager George Van Geem came when the two sides were negotiating a separation agreement and Van Geem asked for a full year’s worth of pay like former village managers received upon retirement. Trustee James Hynes, during a “tell all” at the May 22 meeting, said the lack of records on those agreements caused major concern among trustees and caused the negotiation process to break down. Recent articles and

AUDIO Continued from page 3 Dubiel proposed the bylaw change while advocating for open government, but found himself at odds with the board during the lightly attended June 27 special board meeting.Trustee Chris Ball, a steady supporter of Dubiel, was absent from both meetings. “Last week we voted in favor of openness, transparency and public access,” Dubiel said. “What changed in just a week? If the public could hear the meeting, they wouldn’t believe we were reversing our decision so quickly, and now they can’t even hear it if they wanted to.” Weiss will continue to record audio from each board meeting, but only for the use of compiling notes and meeting minutes. Copies of the audio files will only be available to trustees – not the general public. Dubiel said some trustees argued that public audio recordings could be used for political purposes and that trustees and community

conversations at finance committee meetings have brought to light a $112,500 retirement bonus to former Village Manager Abe Selman upon his 2002 retirement, as well as a $100,000 bonus to former Village Manager Mary Kay Morrissey when she left the organization in 2004. Selman’s 2002 “retirement agreement” also included a computer, a glass cabinet from his office, five months of family health insurance coverage and the title to a 1999 Dodge Intrepid originally purchased for $22,512. Morrissey paid $10 for a one-year-old car that the village paid $22,897 the year before. At approximately 12:07 a.m. on June 27, toward the end of the June 26 Village Board meeting, Trustee Rosemary Riordan Palicki motioned to create a July 24 agenda item

“I don’t know if there’s

anything criminal here but that’s my point; we need to have someone with a legal background review all this information and provide an opinion,” Rosemary Riordan Palicki, trustee that would require Village Attorney Joe Annunzio to forward all financial documents received under the Freedom of Information Act to the federal and state authorities. Trustees approved the motion 5-0. Hynes was absent from the meeting.

“This is unbelievable. This is an institution

that prides itself on supporting not just the First Amendment Right to Free Speech, but also the Freedom of Access to Information. Now, when it comes to our own public meetings we’re the censors?” Morgan Dubiel, trustee members might be hesitant to speak openly if they knew their comments would be published online. Dubiel said his opposing trustees also expressed a desire to follow the minimum state standards for public meetings. State law only requires audio recordings of executive session, which is closed to the public and allows trustees to discuss sensitive personnel or potentially jeopardizing financial information. For the public portion of meetings, the Illinois Open Meetings Act only requires summarized written minutes. Library Spokesperson Sue Wilsey confirmed that Weiss is also working with county and state agencies to see how long

the library is required to keep past Board of Trustees recordings and documents before being allowed to destroy them. Wilsey said the inquiries focus more on certain irrelevant financial and personnel documents and that Weiss merely decided to ask about all administrative documents. “This is unbelievable. This is an institution that prides itself on supporting not just the First Amendment Right to Free Speech, but also the Freedom of Access to Information,” Dubiel said.“Now, when it comes to our own public meetings we’re the censors?” Nakanishi said the topic came up again because a few trustees

Palicki said the amounts given in the bonuses seemed unusual and could be criminal, but the main problem comes from the lack of board approval and the rising concerns over what else former Mayor Nicholas Blase may have given away to insiders. State law requires the corporate authority, the Village Board in this instance, to approve all expenditures in excess of $25,000.That sum has been increased in recent years and was lower when Blase was mayor. “I don’t know if there’s anything criminal here but that’s my point; we need to have someone with a legal background review all this information and provide an opinion,” Palicki later said.“That would come from the U.S. Attorney’s Office or the Illinois Attorney General’s Office.”

Blase served as mayor of Niles from 1961 until 2008 when he stepped down after being arrested by federal agents for corruption-related charges. Blase was released from custody in April 2011 after serving his year-and-a-day prison sentence. After Hynes, who previously worked in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, said the statue of limitations may have expired on some of the questionable activity, Palicki said her proposal remains valid and she’s not concerned about worsening the village’s reputation. “The village already looks bad because this has been public knowledge for some time now,” Palicki said. “And because the legality is so blatantly in question, we may look bad if we don’t forward this information along. Regardless, I’m not

were confused about the June 20 vote. The June 27 special meeting was originally scheduled to review conflicting budget information, but also ended up with the recording subject and talks over enrollment in the Illinois Municipal Retirement System. “After the last meeting, Dennis O’Donovan and Danette Matyas told Linda Weiss that they did not understand that they were voting to approve posting the audio recordings on the web site,” Nakanishi said. “So we revisited the issue. I decided that if two fellow trustees were uncomfortable with the idea, that I would back them up.” O’Donovan confirmed Dubiel’s claim about decreased dialogue if audio recordings get posted online. “We didn’t feel the urgency to have to do that,” O’Donovan said. “Our new board member (Karen Dimond) said when people know they’re going to be online then that keeps them from speaking their mind, and when people in the audience stand up and they know it’s online they don’t feel comfortable knowing their comments are out there

forever.” O’Donovan said written summarized minutes will be available to anyone who asks, but he had no comment on the notion that names and comments within written minutes are easily found in Google searches. Attempts to contact Dimond were unsuccessful. Moving forward, Dubiel said he will not let this issue rest. “I’ll bring this up next meeting and the next meeting until we get it right,” Dubiel said. “The village government is moving toward broadcasting its meetings and making those available to the public. I don’t know what happened, but several library trustees who were solid supporters of more transparency last week changed their votes. It’s ridiculous, and I hope common sense prevails here.” Dubiel said just as he previously pushed to get audio recordings posted online, and succeeded for a brief seven days, he will also push for the library budget and staff salaries to be posted online.

See BONUSES, page 5


IAW distributes grant to enhance visibility of emergency vehicles in Des Plaines The Des Plaines Fire Department will be purchasing reflective striping tape to apply to emergency response vehicles thanks to a grant by Illinois American Water (IAW). The IAW 2012 Firefighter Grant Program provides financial assistance to fire and emergency organizations serving communities in its service areas. According to Karla Olson Teasley, president of Illinois American Water, the Firefighter Grant Program has been successful in providing assistance to community fire protection efforts. She said, “Over the last two years we’ve been able to provide 83 grants totaling over $100,000 to fire departments across Illinois. We look forward to providing even more assistance to firefighters in our communities.” Grants of up to $1,500 are

Submitted Photo

From left to right are Des Plaines Fire Chief Alan Wax, Illinois American Water Operations Supervisor Timothy Morris, Des Plaines Fire Department Administrative Analyst Pedro Pelaez, and Des Plaines Deputy Fire Chief Randy Trost.

awarded to cover the costs associated with the following: • Personal protective gear • Communications equipment

• Firefighting tools • Water handling equipment •Training and related activities/ materials used to support See FIRE, page 20

BONUSES Continued from page 4 looking for punishment or retribution. I want to spread the word that the Village of Niles will not tolerate this behavior any longer.” Palicki said the bonuses and transferring of village property set a bad example for employees who might be nearing retirement right now, and authorizing those past deals will affect residents for many years to come. “This is more than just $100,000 here or there,” Palicki said. “The tax payers are locked into unnecessary long-term financial commitments to these former employees because those bonuses significantly raised their pensions, which are based on the last few years of employment. We already see headlines and hear people talking about abuse of the pension system on a state level and now we’re in the same boat.” Van Geem was the finance


director when bonuses were given to Selman, Morrissey and about half a dozen other administrators. Van Geem has since pointed to memos signed by Blase ordering the disbursements, and said he was doing as told. In total, documents show that nearly $400,000 in bonus payments were given to more than half a dozen employees, dating back to the late 1990s. Seven cars in total were also given or sold at a reduced price to six employees. Trustees Louella Preston and Andrew Przybylo served on the board during those years and Mayor Robert Callero was a trustee for parts, but have not yet been contacted for comment. Trustee Chris Hanusiak had an action item voted onto the June 26 agenda that would call for a 15-year forensic audit on all village finances. However, in light of the information released under FOIA, Hanusiak motioned to postpone any decision on a forensic audit. The board concurred.




ONGOING From Hollywood With Love. St. Mary of the Woods Parish, 7033 N. Moselle Ave., Chicago, IL is proud to present its summer musical production of “From Hollywood, With Love,” an original theatrical production, giving tribute to many wonderful songs from Hollywood movies. Join us on July 6, 7, 13, and 14 at 7 p.m. or July 8 at 2 p.m. Tickets are free but donations would be appreciated. Tickets available at the door, or for advanced reservation, contact Wendy Sable at or 847-370-2297. FISH Seeking Volunteers. Due to the economy, FISH is experiencing over a 40 percent rise in ridership. It is straining both the volunteer service level and budget. Since 1971, FISH volunteers have been serving Park Ridge and Maine Township residents by providing free rides to medical appointments. To continue to provide a high level of service to all residents of Maine Township, FISH needs volunteers. Can you spare four hours per month to drive neighbors to medical appointments? To volunteer, call Ed Oken, President, 847 696-0761. Meet US Rep Schakowsky’s Representative. 9 a.m. to noon at the Park Ridge Library. A member of U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky’s Evanston office will be at the library every Wednesday morning to answer your questions about government, health care, retirement issues, immigration visas, and anything else related to federal benefits. For more information, contact Ann Limjoco at 847-328-3409. Stroke Club. 3-4:30 p.m. the first Thursday of every month at Center for Advanced Care, Room 1220, 1700 Luther Lane, Park Ridge.This is a free program for stroke victims and survivors (plus a guest). Free parking is available in the attached parking garage. For more information contact Meg Potterfield, 847-7234765 or Dorene Wlodarski, 847296-2470. TOPS Club. 8:30-10 a.m. every Tuesday at the Feldman Rec Center, 8800 W. Kathy Lane, Niles. Lose weight with TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly. Everyone is welcome. Call Dorene Wlodarski, 847-296-2470 or Lenore Lunquist, 847-729-2530 for more information.

Old Time Movies. Sundays at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Niles Historical Society. Come watch the films of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Laurel and Hardy.

JULY 5 Paper bag scrapbooking. 2-4 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. Gather your photos and fun (but flat) memorabilia and bring them to this six-session scrapbooking workshop.Register for each session by calling 847929-5122 or go to calendar.

JULY 6 Nonfiction book discussion. 10-11 a.m. at the Park Ridge Public Library. Discussion will be on “Midnight Rising” by Tony Horwitz, a telling portrait of a nation divided, and the electrifying tale of the daring insurrection that put America on the path to war. Sign up at Cruising Park Ridge. 6-9 p.m. throughout Park Ridge. More than 200 cars are expected to line the closed streets for this free community events. All types of cars are expected, including antiques, classics, roadsters, and more. Interested exhibitors should contact Marko Ratic, Express Auto Center, at 847-8139469 to display their cars.

JULY 7 Alice and Me. 11 the Niles Public Library. An interactive and imaginative production based on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Pick up tickets half an hour before the program begins in Youth Services.

JULY 8 Sixties Splash. 8 p.m. in Hodges Park, outside City Hall, Park Ridge.This outdoor concert, featuring the Park Ridge Fine Arts Symphony,will showcase musical medleys from a decade of rock n’ roll, soul, folk, and more.

JULY 9 Yarn Gang. 4:15-5 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. Want to learn to knit or crochet? Have some skill and want to learn what to do next? Drop in, no experience needed. This session, learn spool knitting. Scary stories for a summer’s evening. 7-7:45 p.m. at the Park Ridge Public Library. What better way is there to spend a summer’s night than by listening to scary stories? Come for a selection

of spine-tingling tales from storyteller Paddy Lynn.Tickets are available at the library beginning June 16.

JULY 10 Senior Coffee Hour. 10:3011:30 a.m. at the Niles Public Library. Come to the library to celebrate this wonderful pastime with a viewing of clips from classic baseball films. Register by calling 847-663-1234 or visit Feature Film. 2-4 p.m. at the Park Ridge Public Library. Screening of “Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.” PG-13, 132 minutes. Concert in Harrer Park. 7 p.m. at the Harrer Park Pavilion, Morton Grove. Pianist/vocalist Reid Spears and his band Billy Elton will perform the hits of Billy Joel and Elton John.

JULY 11 Grocery Store Challenge. 2-4 p.m. at the Park ridge Public Library. Play games, do crafts, and do activities based on a grocery store theme, and design your own reusable grocery bag to take home. For age three to rising first grade. Drop-in. Live at the Lake. 7-7:45 p.m. at the Lake Park Memorial Pavilion, 2200 Lee Street,Des Plaines.Jeanie B will perform rocking music for kids and families. Before the concert, kids are invited to make a free craft project before the concert. For more information, call 847-391-5700 or visit www.

JULY 12 Thursday morning book discussion. 10-11 a.m. at the Park Ridge Public Library. Discussion of “The Submission” by Amy Waldman. Controversy erupts when a Muslim architect wins a blind contest to design a Ground Zero memorial. Sign up at Paper bag scrapbooking. 2-4 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library. Gather your photos and fun (but flat) memorabilia and bring them to this six-session scrapbooking workshop.Register for each session by calling 847929-5122 or go to calendar. Party in the Park. 6-7:30 p.m. at Harrer Park. 6250 Dempster Street, Morton Grove. Come to Harrer Park for a community ice cream social hosted by the

Morton Grove Park District.

JULY 13 Bibliobop Dance Party. 10 a.m. at the Niles Public Library. Bring your family and friends as DJ Miss Cate cranks up the tunes at the library. For all ages.

JULY 14 Harrer Pool Duck Races. Noon to 2 p.m. at Harrer Pool in Morton Grove. Celebrate Harrer’s opening with the everfamous “Duck Races.” There will be prizes for all winners.

JULY 15 Park Ridge Garden Walk. 2-6 p.m. in Park Ridge. The Park Ridge Garden Club is presenting its 18th Annual Garden Walk, which will include beautiful local gardens, light refreshments, and a raffle at several of the locations. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 the day of the walk. Advance tickets can be purchased at several businesses in the area. For more information, contact Renee Stark at 847-732-9344 or visit site/parkridgegardenclub. Hooray for Harry Potter. 8 p.m. in Hodges Park, outside City Hall, Park Ridge. This outdoor concert by the Park Ridge Fine Arts Society celebrates the newest (and last) installment of the popular series.

JULY 16 Dance and Music with Jodi Koplin. 7 the Niles Public Library. Put on your dancing shoes and sing along with Jodi Koplin, who will have all ages wiggling and giggling with her whimsical kids’ jams.

JULY 17 Hunger Games Cake Creation. 4-5:30 the Niles Public Library. Teens, create and design a Hunger Games-themed cake. Chef Kathleen Cherie will demonstrate and assist in cake decorating techniques. Register by calling 847-663-1234 or visit Concert in Harrer Park. 7 p.m. at the Harrer Park Pavilion in Morton Grove. Bopology will pay tribute to the Rat Pack and Swing eras with songs from the 50s and 60s.

JULY 18 Timely Talk: R/C Aircraft. 2 p.m. at Norwood Crossing, 601620 N. Nina Ave., Chicago. Greg Bosak, owner of Chicagoland Toys and Hobbies in Norwood Park, will discuss how to enter the hobby of R/C aircraft, gain skill at flying model aircraft, and make pre-flight checks, and more. Sign up to attend by calling 773577-5323. Knee replacement surgery. 2 p.m. at Alden Estates, 4626 Old Orchard Road,Skokie.Orthopedic surgeon David Beigler, M.D. will discuss knee replacement surgery and how to custom-fit your knee replacement to your individual body shape and type. Sign up by calling 847-676-4800 by July 16. Summer auto boot camp. 6:30-9 p.m. at C&M Auto Service, 835 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview. Get a detailed tour underneath your car, find out how to change a tire, check your oil, and more. Register by calling 847-663-1234 or visit


What’s on your mind? You are invited to use the Forum page of The Bugle to express your opinions about matters that affect our community. E-mail your letter to Matt Honold, managing editor, at For more information, call (815) 436-2431. Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Please try to limit your comments to 500 words or less. The editors reserve the right to publish, condense, revise or reject any submissions.

Send us your news It’s easy; just follow the 5 W’s: What is happening: Describe the event or the purpose of the news release. Who: The subject of the event. Also, include a name and phone number or e-mail address that can be published so readers can call for more information. When: Give date and time. Why, or for what purpose: Explain the nature of the event. Where is it happening: Give the exact street address. E-mail community news releases to sweditor@ The Bugle reserves the right to subsequent publication of all submissions, in full or in part, through the newspaper’s archives or any other electronic library.

Send us your photos Did your club host a bake sale? Did your Cub Scout run a fundraiser car wash? Did your church group volunteer to paint a senior’s home? If you have photos from your group’s fundraisers or events we would be glad to publish them. Please submit them to Be sure to include information about the event, such as when, why and where it occurred.

Opinions printed on this page, whether in Letters to the Editor or in columns or cartoons, are the opinions of the writer and not necessarily of this newspaper, its publishers, editor or employees. Only editorials reflect the views of the newspaper.

Publisher Rich Masterson Managing Editor Matt Honold Reporters Sherri Dauskurdas Rick Kambic Laura Katauskas Jonathan Samples Robin Ambrosia Sports Reporters Mark Gregory Scott Taylor Editorial Deadlines Calendar & News: 3 p.m. Monday, three weeks before date of publication Letters to Editor: 9 a.m. Friday Vice President of Advertising and Marketing Michael James Production Director Andrew Samaan Advertising Sales Voyager Media Group, Inc. P.O. Box 1613 Plainfield, IL 60585 (815) 436-2431 Fax (815) 436-2592 Ad Deadlines Space and Copy deadlines for Display and Classified Ads is 3 p.m. Friday before date of insertion. Legals, Obituaries and Happy Ads are due at 3 p.m. Friday.


Illustrated Opinions




Take 5


H o ro s c o p e s


1 The NFL’s Montana and Favre, e.g. 4 __-wip: “real cream” brand 9 Rap’s __ Rhymes 14 Suffix with script 15 Apply, as pressure 16 Not cool, man 17 Marksman’s skill 18 *Duplicator in an office 20 Former boxer Ali 22 Musician’s gift 23 Makes a decision 24 *Great Chicago Fire scapegoat 28 Apt. complex unit 29 Ohio rubber city 32 Canonized Fr. women 35 Grand Coulee, for one 37 Thief-turnedsleuth Lupin 38 Nonpro sports org. 39 *Classic chocolate treat

41 “Proud Mary” pop gp. 42 Throbs 44 Watchdog’s warning 45 Prog. listing 46 Spot on TV 47 Aptly named fruit 49 *Take a path of least resistance 56 Narrow cut 58 Filmdom’s Farrow 59 Short vodka order 60 Seller’s assurance of payment, and a hint to what the last words of the answers to starred clues can have in common 64 Sewing kit item 65 Starts the pot 66 Army base near Petersburg, Va. 67 12/24 or 12/31 68 Iraq’s main port 69 Ritual celebrating the Jews’ liberation from Egyptian slavery 70 __ Moines


1 Uneasy feeling 2 Prickly bush 3 18-wheelers 4 Automaker’s bane 5 Lead-in for skeleton 6 Bank statement abbr. 7 Laundry appliance 8 “Be that as __ ...” 9 Tampa Bay athlete, briefly 10 Opens, as a gate 11 Marine salvage crew’s job 12 Glass darkener 13 Big galoots 19 Latin art 21 Throws softly 25 Old Norse works 26 Biochemist’s gel 27 Singer Vikki 30 “... __ and for all!” 31 Bookish type 32 ‘90s-’00s NFL Pro Bowler Warren 33 Bull: Pref. 34 Speakers at memorial services

36 Chow mein additive 37 “I can’t believe this!” 39 “Feed me,” in Siamese? 40 Champagne word 43 Cover completely 45 Prepare, as flour 48 Red Sox pitcher Jon 50 Brat 51 Little fights 52 Bret who wrote gold rush stories 53 Ran with ease 54 Fruit yielding oil 55 Some cellar contents 56 Union underminer 57 Head-turning Turner 61 Mex. neighbor 62 Trite 63 Originally called

Follow your dream. You are friendly toward everybody; you might find that tweeting suits your style. In the week to come, however, you could be too aggressive about taking the lead in groups.

Bad judgment jams up your jolliest times. When you’re afraid to do something in the week ahead, chances are it’s exactly the thing you should be doing. Impulsive purchases and passions are possible.

You can talk the talk and walk the walk. In the week ahead, your cup seems to runneth over with romance and passion. Problems arise, however, when you feel you can’t get enough and try too hard.

This week’s full moon might fool you. In the upcoming week, when you think you have licked your wounds and gotten over it, something reminds you of conflict. Let your heart rule over emotions.

Things will get better. You shine in group activities during the week ahead, but might find that one-onone situations are challenging on an emotional level. It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever

Brilliant is as brilliant does. In the first half of the week, you seem to want things more - and easily use your resourceful mind to get them. In the second half of the week, however, you yield to impulse buying.

Grab the rabbit’s foot and hold on tight. There are days that you must say to yourself, “If there weren’t bad luck, you wouldn’t have any luck at all.” In the week ahead, remember to accept sound advice.

It isn’t always about business as usual. Just because your peer group does things one way doesn’t mean that it is always the only right way. In the week ahead, be sure to use inspired logic as your guide.

Those who laugh last probably didn’t get the joke. Dealing with people from a sedate or conservative background could present challenges in the week ahead. Keep in mind that not everyone is sincere.

An ounce of forgiveness is worth more than a pound of revenge. Being sincere is perfectly acceptable, even in business situations. During the week to come, you attract romantic partners.

Contrasts are contrary. You may walk a balance beam between honoring the old and embracing the new in the week ahead. You could want champagne on a beer budget, so restrain your impulses.

Sex appeal is 50 percent what you’ve got and 50 percent what people think you’ve got. In the week ahead, you begin attracting the right people - but by the end of the week the reverse could be true.



Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers Jumbles: • MUSTY • RAVEN • SOCKET • DEVICE


What the flies passed on the movie set - THE “SCREEN” TEST




Bugle Kids

INSIDE: Mike Sandrolini’s highlights of his first year on the job, page 12; Local leaders, page 15 By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

Over the years, Joliet Catholic has had its share of big time pitchers, namely Mark Grant, Bill Gullickson and Kevin Cameron who all pitched successfully in the Major Leagues. None of them, however, posted the high school season that Kevin Duchene had this year for the Hillmen. The lefty was 8-0 on the season with a 0.13 ERA in 52 innings pitched. He allowed only 22 hits, struck out 96 batters and waled only 10. He was named as East Suburban Catholic Conference MVP and is also the 2012 Voyager Media Player of the Year. “If we did it 100 times over, it would never happen again,” Duchene said of his season. “It was a fun season even though it didn’t end how we wanted (JCA lost in the sectional final to Lincoln-Way West), anytime you can get 29 wins it is a great season. I didn’t feel pressure, because at the time, I just didn’t. It is really cool that it happened, but I wasn’t focusing on that. The thing I am upset I didn’t get to was the 100 strikeouts before 10 walks. That was something I wanted to do.” Duchene allowed only one earned run the entire season, placing him tied for fourth all time in IHSA history for lowest ERA in a season with Tom Evans of Brother Rice in 1968. In fact, of all the pitchers above Duchene, only one pitcher (Wheaton Warrenville South’s Dan Brauer in 2001) accomplished the feat in the last 25 years. “It is kind of cool to know if the IHSA record books are accurate online, I am (tied for the fourth) lowest ERA ever,” Duchene said. “It is cool because guys like Kai Freeman and a lot of other JCA pitchers are in those record books, so it is cool to have my See ALL-AREA, page 13






Bugle rookie looks back on season T h e publication of our all-area baseball team all but puts the 2011-12 prep sports season to bed (save for our upcoming Male and Female Athletes of the Year stories). It was my first campaign as a member of the Bugle sports staff—one that produced plenty of memories. Here are a few that stand out in my mind: Upset city—Well, not quite. But the way Notre Dame’s football team—a No. 16 seed, mind you—dominated the first half of its opening round Class 6A contest at top-seeded Batavia last fall, the game was shaping up to be one of the biggest upsets in recent Illinois prep football history. The Dons stunned the hometown crowd by marching out to a 28-7 halftime lead behind three touchdown passes from quarterback Nick Pieruccini and sophomore Chris James’ 79yard TD run. At intermission, me and fellow scribes were discussing the very real possibility of witnessing a 16-seed take down a No. 1-seed. However, Batavia stormed back with 28 unanswered points in the second half and thwarted the Dons’ upset bid, 35-28. I try to remain neutral while covering a given game, but truth be told, I was secretly pulling for the Dons—who made the playoffs after starting the season 0-3—to win it. Talented trio—Niles West certainly had a star for each season during 2011-12. In the fall, Jeremiah Jordan—the Devin Hester of suburban high school football—wowed the hometown crowd (and this journalist) with his electrifying kickoff and punt returns. I also had the pleasure of witnessing Jewell Loyd’s immeasurable talents often during the Wolves’ girls basketball team’s run to the sectional semifinals. Then in the spring, Kevin Ross stole the show on the baseball diamond ... all the while under the watchful eye of big league scouts who followed his every move. Loyd, who finished her

illustrious career totaling over 3,000 points (she’s seventh on the IHSA all-time list), now takes her game to Notre Dame. (Don’t be surprised if we see her one day in the WNBA.) And Ross either will sign with the Pittsburgh Pirates (who drafted him in the eighth round last month) or don a Michigan Wolverines’ uniform next spring. And Jordan? We get to watch him return kicks and punts again this fall. Prime time prep basketball—One of the most memorable assignments during my rookie season with the Bugle took place on a Sunday evening last December. I pulled up to Thornton High School in Harvey—with its frozen in time, 60-year-old gymnasium that seats around 3,500—to cover Notre Dame’s matchup at the McGinnis Jump Ball Showcase with none other than two-time (now threetime) defending Class 4A state champion Simeon. Members of the Wolverines, ranked No. 1 in the nation at that time by ESPN, were one-upping each other during pregame warm-ups with an array of slam dunks and alley-oops. Jabari Parker, Kendrick Nunn and Simeon ended up winning by 20 points, but Dons’ sophomore Jon Johnson took something from this game that he’ll remember the rest of his life. The 6-7 Johnson blocked a shot by Parker—one of the top recruits in the country, and likely a future NBA player—during the second half. That was worth the price of admission. The Blue Monster—Fenway Park’s famed Green Monster has a replica, of sorts, at the high school level: The 30-foot Blue Monster at Evanston High School. The wall is a tantalizing target for hitters because it’s just 301 feet from home plate. The rub, of course, is getting enough lift on a ball to put it over the Monster. But Maine South’s Jesus Saavedra did just that during the sixth-inning of the Hawks’ loss to eventual Class 4A state champion Oak Park-River Forest in the sectional championship game. I parked my vehicle directly behind the Blue Monster; fortunately it occupied a parking

Mark Gregory/Bugle staff

Jewell Loyd was one of the talented trip this year for Niles West.

space well out of the reach of Saavedra’s blast. Getting their kicks at Maine East—A couple of weeks after starting at the Bugle, I received a welcome e-mail from Vic DiPrizio, the boys soccer coach at Maine East. He made mention

that his 2011 Demons were a good team. He was being modest. The Demons rode the talents of high-scoring forwards Rami Dajani, Michal Walaszek and Alexis Chavero, who combined for 75 goals, to the sectional

championship game. Success stories have been few and far between for teams at Maine East in recent years. It was nice to see a Demon team—and a nice guy like DiPrizio—enjoy a banner season.

Sports ALL-AREA Continued from page 11 name in there with them.” Freeman posted a 0.34 ERA in 1995 and was the lowest ERA in the Joliet area, along with Lockport’s Anthony Shelby (1992, 0.37). Both were 12th round draft picks on major league teams out of college, Freeman coming from the University of Minnesota, where he won the Big 10 Tournament in 1998. Duchene looks to follow Freeman, as he will also compete in the Big 10, committing to the University of Illinois. He said he visited Purdue and Illinois and had four more schools he cancelled on after coming back from Champaign. “I had four trips after Illinois and I had to call coaches and tell them Illinois was the place for me,” Duchene said. “They have just brought in a new pitching coach, Drew Dickinson. He is a guy I would like to surround myself with for the next four years.” Dickinson was Big Ten Conference pitcher of the year in 2001 with the Illini. Duchene feels he can learn a lot at Illinois and while he wants to work on his velocity, he knows he is a pitcher that is successful with a good defense behind him, something he had at JCA. “I really only do 50 percent of the work,” he said. “Once the ball leaves my hand there is not much I can do about it. With the infield I had, some of those guys, I never saw them miss a ball that was hit to them.” Duchene also knows he benefitted from the new bat rule the IHSA had this season, taking some of the fluke hits out of play. “With the old bats, you could make good pitches and the bats had enough pop to get the ball out between the second baseman and right fielder or something,” he said. “The BBCOR bats and more true, like a wooden bat, and the only real way to get beat is to leave something over the plate that they could get the good part of the bat on.” No matter what played to his favor, it was Duchene’s had work that kept him getting better each season. “In my opinion Kevin was the No. 1 pitcher in the state,” JCA coach Jared Voss said. “Only one earned run all season is pretty amazing. Kevin will continue

his baseball career at U of I next season. Kevin improved every season in the program and a lot of that is because the work he put in the offseason and on his own. His baseball future is very bright at the next level.” While he is waiting to compete for the Illini, Duchene is playing for the Illinois Sparks, where two weeks ago, he faced beat Louisville’s Kyle Funkouser 3-2. The match-up is what many fans anticipated in the sectional finals, but like JCA, Funkhouser’s Oak Park team was also upset in the opener. “He is unbelievable,” Duchene said.“I know a lot of people were talking about how that match-up would have been and it would have been fun, but it would have been cooler if we didn’t like each other and it was a rivalry, but he is like one of my best friends.” While Duchene didn’t have a chance to face his friend in the IHSA playoffs, he did throw an inning of scoreless relief in his final game, but he said he wasn’t too emotional about that inning.” “I know I have a lot of baseball left and that wasn’t my final inning,” he said. “When I throw my last game, I wont be able to do an interview because I am going to be so upset. I love this game so much and as a long as I can play it, I am going to.” The rest of the Voyager Media All Area team are:

PATRICK ALOISIO Aloisio, whom Maine South coach Bill Milano refers to as a “Greg Maddux at the high school level,” wasn’t overpowering, but he could throw five pitches for strikes and consistently got ahead of opposing hitters in the count. Aloisio posted a 10-1 record, a 1.58 ERA and a 0.97 WHIP. He’ll be pitching at nearby Oakton Community College next spring. “He’ll do fine,” Milano said.“He throws strikes and he mixes it up.”

DEREK BANGERT J u n i o r catcher batted .491 with 14 doubles, for Lockport. He added five homers and 25 RBI and

was one of the top hitters in the area.

TIM BLAKE Senior from Plainfield Central went 5-2 with a 1.99 ERA on the year. “Tim Blake had not started a game until this year and became the Wildcats best pitcher,” Central coach John Rosner said. “He had an ERA of under two in 11 starts. He will be pitching for Kankakee Community College next year.”

JULIAN CLOUSE Senior righty from Plainfield South went 7-3 with a 1.41 ERA. C l o u s e finished the season with 64.2 innings pitched.

KYLE COLLETTA Colletta, on the varsity since his freshman year, committed only four errors in 93 total chances at second base during the season (.959 fielding percentage) while hitting .290 for Niles West. But he was even more effective on the mound, going 9-2 with a 1.48 ERA and 59 strikeouts in 66 innings. “I feel like Kyle’s name will be at top of list of all players that have come through here,” said Wolves coach Garry Gustafson. “He’s the best middle infielder in the entire area and has so much more to show as a senior.”

JOE CRESTA Cresta, a Notre Dame recruit, went 9-1 on the bump with a 1.12 ERA. He had 77 strikeouts for Plainfield North. At the plate he had 34 hits, eight doubles and 22 RBI in his senior season. See ALL-AREA, page 14






ALL-AREA Continued from page 13

CHARLIE DONOVAN The sky seems to be the limit for the Westmont freshman, whom firstyear coach D.J. Cocks says is already a Division I prospect. Donovan, the team’s MVP, hit .440 with a .527 on-base percentage and 14 stolen bases. He also was listed among the top five players in the state for the Class of 2015 by Illinois. “He’s legit,” Cocks said. “Everyone that sees him just drools over him. I’ve been coaching for nine seasons now, and I haven’t seen a freshman that good.”

CORY EVANS Maine East went 1225 during the 2012 campaign, but it’s safe to say Evans, a fouryear varsity player, played a role in each of those triumphs, whether at shortstop or on the bump. Evans recorded six wins, had a 3.55 ERA and pitched nine complete games. Hitting-wise, he batted .396 with a .479 OBP and 14 stolen bases. “He’s really ignited us offensively,” said Maine East coach Ron Clark. “Anytime he was on the mound he gave us a chance. He pitched through a lot of stuff. He’s a very mentally tough kid, and always focused on the task at hand.”

a pitcher. His fastball is only in the upper 80s, low 90s, so he is not going to just blow it by you. He tries to pitch to contact and he has more sink on his fastball this year and gets ground balls.”

JAKE HERRON The Joliet West junior posted a 6-4 overall record with three saves, but was 5-0 in the SouthWest Suburban Conference Blue Division. He posted a 0.79 ERA, striking out 99 batters and walking 13.

JOSH JIMENEZ Ace of the Minooka staff, the senior lefty was 11-3 with a 1.71 ERA, in 86 innings. He posted 115 strikeouts and only 23 walks.

KEENAN KELLY A spot starter his junior year, Kelly worked hard during the off-season and earned the starting nod at third base as a senior for Maine South. He was one of the Hawks’ top clutch hitters and RBI men. “He just makes all the plays,” said Milano. “Routine plays and tough plays, and he has a good arm. He’s extremely focused between the lines.” Kelly is looking to continue playing at either Illinois Wesleyan or Webster University in St. Louis.



Downers South junior went 8-1 with two saves on the year.He had 72 strikeouts and just seven walks with a 1.20 ERA in 57 innings. He was voted as team MVP. “I still don’t think he is a dominant pitcher,” Downers South coach Darren Orel said. “But he dominates by being

Plainfield North senior s e c o n d b a s e m a n batted .380 for the 33-5 conference champs. He added 41 hits and nine doubles to go along with a team-best 22 runs scored.

CONNOR KOPACH Batted .377 with 43 hits,

26 runs and 22 RBI for D o w n e r s North. “Connor Kopach had a great junior year,” Isaacson said. “Connor hit in the two hole all year for us and was our most consistent hitter the entire season. Connor was a major run producer for us by either getting on base, moving runners over or getting them in. Conner found a way to get the job done. That is a credit to him for all the work he has put in at the plate. Defensively Connor was outstanding. He has great hands, range, and a strong arm.All variables you look for in a shortstop. There were games that defensively Connor took hits away to help us win ballgames and that is what you look for in your shortstop.”

AUSTIN MASTELA Lockport s e n i o r outfielder had a strong second half of the year. He finished the season with a .363 average, 13 doubles, three homers and 34 RBI. During an 18-game stretch late in the season he batted nearly .600 with 32 hits, 11 doubles, two triples, three homers and 29 RBI.

BRENDAN MILLER Junior went 11-0 on the mound with a .85 ERA for Plainfield North. He earned the win in every one of his starts and finished with 74 strikeouts to just 11 walks.

CARSON NEUSCHWANDER S e n i o r outfielder led Minooka with a .360 batting a v e r a g e . He had five doubles, four triples, three home runs and 25 RBI while scoring 21 runs.

KYLE RICHARDSON The Notre Dame-bound Richardson was one of Maine South’s leaders in batting average, home runs and RBIs. He also was one of the top students in his graduating class this spring (4.47 GPA and a 33 on his ACT). “He’s a good fit for them (Notre Dame),” said Milano. “He plays a great center field, runs the bases well and he’s everything you look for in a high school player. He has all the tools.”

KEVIN ROSS R o s s ’ exceptional abilities had majorleague scouts showing up in droves at Niles West games throughout the season. Ross, drafted in the eighth round by the Pittsburgh Pirates, hit .427 with 20 RBIs despite playing the last five games of his prep career with his left thumb broken in two places. If he doesn’t sign with

the Pirates, he’ll be at Michigan next spring. “He played at high level all year and turned a lot of heads,” said Gustafson.“He has a bright future ahead of him and nothing but great things will come his way.”

NATE SEARING Batted .342 with 38 RBI and 42 hits for JCA. On the mound the senior was 5-1 with a 2.33 ERA and 40 strikeouts. “Nate was a bulldog on the mound and at the plate for us the last two years,” Voss said. “Plays every game full tilt and his tenacity will be missed next season. Earned 2012 ESCC all conference honors. Nate was enjoyable to watch play the game because he played it with his heart on his sleeve.”

JOE SPARACIO Plainfield Central senior totaled 48 hits, batted .436 with 43 RBI, 31 runs and 19 doubles. “Joe Sparacio hit .436 and leaves Plainfield Central as one See ALL-AREA, page 15


BASEBALL BASEBALL 1. Minooka 2. Maine South 3. Plainfield North 4. Joliet Catholic 5. Niles West 6. Downers South 7. Lockport

SOFTBALL 1. Plainfield Central 2. Benet 3. Lockport 4. Downers North 5. Plainfield East 6. Joliet West 7. Minooka

GIRLS SOCCER 1. Downers South 2. Benet 3. Lockport 4. Plainfield North 5. Maine South 6. Plainfield Central 7. Niles West

BOYS VOLLEYBALL 1. Minooka 2. Downers North 3. Benet 4. Maine South 5. Plainfield North 6. Downers South 7. Bolingbrook

BOYS TRACK 1. Minooka 2. Joliet West 3. Lockport 4. Maine South 5. Niles West 3. Plainfield Central 4. Downers South

GIRLS TRACK 1. Bolingbrook 2. Plainfield North 3. Downers South 4. Downers North 5. Lockport 6. Minooka 7. Benet Rankings are compiled by Mark Gregory and Scott Taylor.

Batting Average Chris Tschida, JCA Derek Bangert, Lockport Mario Cerda, Joliet Central Kyle Richardson, Maine South Charlie Donovan, Westmont Joe Sparacio, Plainfield Central Kevin Ross, Niles West Tom Vachon, Plainfield East Keenan Kelly, Maine South Zach Melone, JCA Caleb Kissel, Plainfield North Connor Kopach, Downers North Dan Sullivan, Lockport Runs Steve Heffernan, Plainfield Central Ryan Peter, JCA Matt Underdown, Downers North Chris Tschida, JCA Josh Altmann, Lockport Joe Sparacio, Plainfield Central Derek Bangert, Lockport Nick Sharrow, Plainfield East Mike Rogala, Plainfield East Hits Derek Bangert, Lockport Chris Tschida, JCA Tom Vachon, Plainfield East Connor Kopach, Downers North Joe Sparacio, Plainfield Central Ryan Peter, JCA Austin Mastela, Lockport Nate Searing, JCA Caleb Kissel, Plainfield North Kevin Ross, Niles West Josh Altmann, Lockport Nick Sharrow, Plainfield East Dan Sullivan, Lockport Ryan Czachor, Notre Dame Zach Zyburt, Plainfield North RBI Joe Sparacio, Plainfield Central Nate Searing, JCA Austin Mastela, Lockport Chris Tschida, JCA Derek Bangert, Lockport Tom Vachon, Plainfield East David Wilk, Downers North Colton Smith, Plainfield North Matt Venn, Romeoville Zach Zyburt, Plainfield North Connor Kopach, Downers North Joe Cresta, Plainfield North Homers Derek Bangert, Lockport Brad Elmore, Bolingbrook Kyle Richardson, Maine South

.495 .473 .457 .456 .440 .436 .427 .417 .413 .400 .380 .377 .372 40 38 38 37 32 31 32 30 30 53 52 46 43 42 42 43 41 41 39 38 36 35 35 35 43 38 35 33 27 26 25 24 24 24 22 22 6 5 4

ALL-AREA Continued from page 14 of it its greatest hitters,” Central coach John Rosner said.“All season long he has hit in the three spot and produced with both average and power. He will continue his career at Lewis University next year.”

CHRIS TSCHIDA The junior shortstop led Joliet

Matt Kramer, Plainfield East Eric DeLoach, Plainfield Central Colton Smith, Plainfield North Matt Venn, Romeoville Chris Tshida, JCA Matt Koran, Joliet West Matt Underdown, Downers North Austin Mastela, Lockport Doubles Joe Sparacio, Plainfield Central Kevin Ross, Niles West Derek Bangert, Lockport Tom Vachon, Plainfield East Austin Mastela, Lockport Mike Bentson, Plainfield Central Matt Ryan, Plainfield Central Chris Tschida, JCA Matt Venn, Romeoville Nate Searing, JCA Caleb Kissel, Plainfield North Matt Underdown, Downers North ERA Kevin Duchene, JCA Jake Herron, Joliet West Danny Hyde, Notre Dame Zach Miller, Downers North Matt Testa, JCA Brendan Miller, Plainfield North Joe Cresta, Plainfield North John Chignoli, JCA Brian Glowicki, Downers South Troy Southard, Downers North Mark DeYoung, Plainfield Central Eric Duzan, Lockport Julian Clouse, Plainfield South Corey Evak, Plainfield North Kyle Colletta, Niles West Patrick Aloisio, Maine South Wins Brendan Miller, Plainfield North Patrick Aloisio, Maine South Joe Cresta, Plainfield North Kevin Duchene, JCA Brian Glowicki, Downers South Kyle Colletta, Niles West Nick Davito, Lockport Evan Martens, Lockport Steve Waldrop, Bolingbrook Julian Clouse, Plainfield South Tomas Aguilar, Plainfield Central Corey Evak, Plainfield North Strikeouts Kevin Duchene, JCA Joe Cresta, Plainfield North Brendan Miller, Plainfield North Steve Waldrop, Bolingbrook Brian Glowicki, Downers South Brad Elmore, Bolingbrook Kyle Colletta, Niles West Jake Herron, Joliet West

4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 19 15 14 14 13 11 10 10 9 9 9 9 0.13 0.64 0.68 0.75 0.81 0.85 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.30 1.41 1.43 1.48 1.58 11-0 10-1 9-1 8-0 8-1 9-2 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-3 6-4 6-1 96 77 74 73 72 70 59 58

Catholic with a .495 batting average, 52 hits, 10 doubles, seven triples and three homers. Scored 37 runs and drove home 33 runs. “It was his second year as varsity starter,” Voss stated. “In a year where the bats affected a lot of hitters, they didn’t faze Chris. Next season he will be a top hitter and player in the area going into the spring season. Great leader on the field and continues to develop an excellent knowledge of the game.”



Sam Yeager, Downers North Dale Ryndak, Downers North Kendall Duffy, Benet Carly Dundee, Lockport Doubles Maeve McGuire, Benet Marissa Panko, Benet Sara Novak, Minooka Kendall Duffy, Benet Lindsey Fenner, Minooka Sam Yeager, Downers North Rowan McGuire, Downers North Annie Molek, Plainfield East Carly Dundee, Lockport ERA Elaine Heflin, Downers North Dale Ryndak, Downers North Taylor Weissenhofer, Lockport Sara Novak, Minooka Carly Dundee, Lockport Morgan Vogt, Plainfield Central Wins Molly Moran, Benet Jordan Harbacek, Plainfield South Taylor Weissenhofer, Lockport Annie Molek, Plainfield East Elaine Heflin, Downers North Sara Novak, Minooka Dale Ryndak, Downers North Morgan Vogt, Plainfield Central Kaleigh Nagle, Plainfield Central Jackie Lilek, Minooka Strikeouts Taylor Weissenhofer, Lockport Elaine Heflin, Downers North Sara Novak, Minooka Annie Molek, Plainfield East Molly Moran, Benet Jordan Harbacek, Plainfield South Dale Ryndak, Downers North

11 9 8 5


Batting Average Marissa Panko, Benet Julianne Rurka, Benet Maeve McGuire, Benet Kelli Holstine, Minooka Kendall Duffy, Benet Emily York, Benet Sara Novak, Minooka Cara Debenedictis, Maine East Tresa Fahrner, Joliet West Haley Gerl, JCA Dani Knaak, Bolingbrook Cailey Baker, Plainfield Central Nikki Wood, Bolingbrook Stephanie Abello, Benet Morgan Vogt, Plainfield Central Runs Maeve McGuire, Benet Kendall Duffy, Benet Marissa Panko, Benet Julianne Rurka, Benet Nina Maggio, Plainfield East Stephanie Abello, Benet Morgan Vogt, Plainfield Central Alyssa Manucci, Plainfield South Ali Michalik, Benet Hits Marissa Panko, Benet Julianne Rurka, Benet Maeve McGuire, Benet Haley Gerl, JCA Kendall Duffy, Benet Emily York, Benet Cailey Baker, Plainfield Central Sara Novak, Minooka Stephanie Abello, Benet Morgan Vogt, Plainfield Central Alyssa Manucci, Plainfield South Nina Maggio, Plainfield East Kaleigh Nagle, Plainfield Central Whitney Lanphier, Plainfield South Kayla Kendall, Plainfield South RBI Emily York, Benet Stephanie Abello, Benet Kendall Duffy, Benet Julianne Rurka, Benet Maeve McGuire, Benet Sam Yeager, Downers North Marissa Panko, Benet Dale Ryndak, Downers North Jusse Bunn, Plainfield East Cailey Baker, Plainfield Central Whitney Lanphier, Plainfield South Homers Maeve McGuire, Benet Stephanie Abello, Benet

.587 .555 .528 .495 .460 .459 .459 .455 .445 .439 .429 .424 .423 .415 .411 69 50 50 47 43 40 38 36 35 74 66 65 58 57 56 53 51 51 51 47 45 43 42 42 63 53 52 52 48 37 35 34 33 32 31 16 13

22 15 14 13 12 12 11 11 11 0.36 0.61 1.09 1.40 1.45 1.48 32-4 22-9 22-6 20-11 16-5 14-3 12-2 12-3 11-4 10-2


Goals Sarrah Ludwig, Downers South Callie O’Donnell, Plainfield North Lexi Cozzi, Lockport Heather Handwork, Plainfield North Vicky Tirovolas, Niles West Ashley Handwork, Plainfield North Catherine Caniglia, Benet Flo Beshiri, Downers South Alli Curry, Maine South Jamei Borges, Benet Madie Burke, Benet Brittany Lenza, Plainfield Central Ali Cottrell, Maine South Jessica Bronke, Downers South Anna Gahafer, Plainfield East

266 244 217 152 143 142 129

29 29 21 19 17 15 15 15 15 12 12 12 10 10 10



Batted .417 with 46 hits, 28 runs, 14 doubles and 26 RBI for Plainfield East. “Tom has been a three year starter on the varsity for us,” East coach Adam O’Reel said. “He finished strong having his best hitting season of his career. He led our team in batting average, RBI, hits and on base percentage. Tom also was a mid-week conference pitcher for us during that time. Tom had a great career for us and will be missed.”

T h e Bolingbrook junior was 7-3 with a 1.83 ERA. He struck out 73 batters and walked 24 on the season. Waldrop held Naperville North at bay in the regional opener giving the Raiders their first playoff win in recent history. “He was a good pitcher for us all season,” said Bolingbrook coach Chris Malinowski. “He always gave us a chance to win.” Scott Taylor and Mike Sandrolini contributed



Mercer, Wisconsin is a Northwoods Treasure By Dan Stefanich

There’s something special about Northwoods. The heavy scent of pine in the air. Bald eagles everywhere. The wailing call of the loons. It’s been a while since I had the opportunity to fish up North. But a recent trip to Mercer, Wisconsin brought back a flood of memories, and a chance to create new ones. Located at the northernmost part of Wisconsin, Mercer is just miles from the Michigan border, or about 5 hours from Chicago. I was filming an episode of Illinois Outdoors TV with my buddy Don Dziedzina, so we had to squeeze a lot into 3 short days. As we pulled into town, we were greeted by a giant loon sculpture, fitting for the Loon Capital of the World. Over three days we fished several lakes. But the largest body of water was the famed Turtle-Flambeau Flowage. There was plenty of rock structure typical of the northern lakes, but this body of water was loaded with lots of downed timber, which provides great hiding places for the fish. Our method of fishing was working small jigs tipped with a half a night crawler through the logs and timber. Using this technique, we caught a variety of fish including smallmouth bass, walleye, rock bass and bluegills. Of course there’s a price to pay when fishing underwater timber- as I donated plenty of jigs to the Flowage. “If you’re not getting snags, you’re not where the fish are,” explained Jerry Hartigan of Jerkbait Guides Services. We boated some giant smallmouth

in the 4-plus pound range. I was intrigued by how dark their colors were, almost black, due to the tannin in the water from the trees. Our timing was not ideal as we arrived just after the mayfly hatch, so the fish had been gorging themselves on the mayfly larvae hatching from the lake bottoms. The temperature was in the upper 80’s, which also slowed the bite. Despite the challenging conditions we still caught fish thanks to the help of some of the best guides in Northern Wisconsin including Hartigan, Mike “Doc” Sabec, John Andrew, Jeff Robl, and Erv Keller. The walleye had lockjaw as well, but we still caught our limit and brought some home for the frying pan. Now I have never fished for muskies before, but know it requires a LOT of casting with giant lures, and that catching a musky is kind of like winning the lottery. Well, our guide Bobby Orr made it looks easy. In just 3 hours, we had one musky in the boat, 2 hooked up and about 5 more that followed our lures to the boat. I had a 40-incher hooked up…for about ten seconds. After grabbing my spinnerbait, he exploded out of the water about 15 feet from the boat, shaking his tooth-filled head, then in a giant “woosh” he cut the line and waved goodbye. Now I know why musky fishing can be so addicting— what a rush! Catching fish in the Northwoods makes you hungry, and the locals went above and beyond to make sure we had our fill. We enjoyed a lakeside campfire breakfast at the Pine

Photo Courtesy of Dan Stefanich

Mercer, WI is truly the Loon Capital of the World offering plenty of exciting opportunities for wildlife photographers, outdoor enthusiasts and or course, fishermen.

Forest Lodge, a BBQ cookout with salmon and ribs courtesy of the McNutt Group, and a scrumptious walleye shore lunch at The Gateway Lodge. Mercer is also a great place for the entire family. Every facility we visited was family-friendly.

And the Wampum Shop is a must-visit for the kids, or if you need to bring gifts back for the rest of the family.The locals were some of the friendliest folks I’ve met, and they treated us like family. Mercer is also a winter hotspot with some outstanding

snowmobiles trails and ice fishing. If you are interested in setting up a trip, contact the Mercer Chamber of Commerce at For more photos and resources for this fantastic destination, visit





Business & Real Estate


Pappas: Read your property tax bill, due August 1 Almost 1.8 million property tax bills with a due date of August 1 will begin arriving next week across Cook County, Treasurer Maria Pappas said today. “Read your bill carefully,” Pappas urged. “This tax bill is very informative but many people don’t bother to examine it. It provides a breakdown of where your money is going,” Pappas said. The bills are for the Second Installment of tax year 2011. The typical bill lists 12 to 20 taxing districts that claim part of the payment,along with each district’s share of the payment, amount for pension obligations, and current and past-year tax rates. For even more transparency, the Treasurer’s Office created an on-line research tool. An owner of a home, business or land can visit or and see the local municipality and taxing districts’ financial statements and debt.

For those who may not have access to a computer, lists of all of Cook County’s 550 taxing districts with their financial information were to be published in four major Chicagoland weekend newspapers (Tribune, Sun-Times, Daily Herald and SouthtownStar), and ads about the issue were prepared for community newspapers. “Read your bill and do the simple research,” Pappas said. “You have the right to know where your payment is going and how much of it is for debt such as pensions.”

Taxpayers visiting the treasurer’s website or the county portal should: • Click “View Taxing Districts Financial Statements.” • Enter the property’s 14-digit

Property Index Number (PIN). • Click the icon next to a taxing district’s name. For a given district, the viewer will see data uploaded to the Treasurer’s website, as required of taxing districts by the County’s Debt Disclosure Ordinance. The information includes: • Local government budgeted revenues. • Local government debt and pension debt. • Local government levy (taxing) history and percentage of change over 10 years. • Rate of return on investments. • Rate of salary increases. To avoid penalties of 1.5 percent per month, payment should be made on or before August 1, 2012. Pappas reported that 22 taxing districts had not sent their financial data to her office’s website, thus

failing to comply with the county’s Debt Disclosure Ordinance. “For the sake of transparency with the people and to meet the law, these taxing districts should report their data immediately,” Pappas said, noting that the reporting deadline was in December of 2011.




Senior Style

Lessons learned from my father By Jill Schlesinger Tribune Media Services

My father spent most of his career as an options trader on the floor of the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) before anyone knew what a derivative was and when Wall Street was a simpler place. Dad did not end up a trader because he wanted to get rich. His best friend from college was working on the New York Stock Exchange and encouraged him to ditch his job in retail and swap it for one with better hours. At the time, exchanges were open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., which meant that my father was home earlier than most other dads in the neighborhood and would spend time with us after school. When I was in elementary

Niles Senior Center July August Naturally Active Registrations for members have begun. All programs require advanced registration. Individuals must be a registered member of the Niles Senior Center to receive the member price. Evening Concert Event with Father & Son Duo,Wednesday,August 22, 5:30-7:30PM $10M/$15NM Bring your kids, grandkids, neighbors, and friends to this family-friendly event. Join these American classic folk/ rock singers who also perform 1960’s rockabilly and country favorites made famous by Elvis, George Strait, Arlo Guthrie and

FIRE Continued from page 5 community fire protection • Reimbursement for specific fire training classes, including training manuals and workbook. According to Chief Alan Wax, the reflective striping tape to be applied to emergency response vehicles will assist firefighters by keeping personnel and vehicles visible to the public and, thus,

school and the teacher asked us what our fathers did for a living, I said that my dad was a floor trader, which the teacher interpreted as a linoleum salesman. I tried to explain that he worked in a big room where men were shouting and laughing with lots of paper on the floor and that they were trading stocks and options, even though I didn’t really know what it all meant. Because Dad’s job involved a daily accounting of success and failure, it was pretty easy to figure out when he was having good days and bad days. Perhaps the greatest lesson that he taught me was that, in a career, there are lots of ups and downs. He never used the word “failure,” but when I was teenager, he said, “You have to shake off mistakes

and keep going. I promise that you will have bad soccer games and maybe even a losing season, but you will learn from them and get better.” That advice has seen me through plenty of ups and downs on the soccer field, the basketball court and throughout my career. When I chose to go to Wall Street after college, Dad advised that I take a trading position for less pay from a smaller firm because I would learn more and likely have more responsibility. He was right. Just three months after starting, my boss put me on a seat on the floor of the Commodities Exchange (COMEX) in New York, and I was a trader. After 18 months, I decided to go into business for myself, and Dad reminded me, “Now, when you take a position,

it’s all yours - the gains and the losses!” Although he guided me early in my career, Dad also let me make my own mistakes. At the ripe old age of 23, I made a trade that became a loser quickly. I called my father and said,“I can’t sleep! What should I do?” He said that if I couldn’t sleep, that was a pretty good indicator that I had assumed too much risk.“It may be time to pull the plug on this one, kiddo!” Another great lesson learned: If you are losing sleep over something, be willing to admit you were wrong and move on. When I was 26, my father was looking at my profit and loss statement and congratulating me for a winning month. When I didn’t show much enthusiasm, he asked whether I liked my

job. I sheepishly said that it was “fine,” and then, in a moment of amazing fatherly grace, he said, “You don’t have to keep doing a job because you are making a good living or because it’s what your dad does. I want you to do something that makes you want to wake up in the morning and want to go to work.” That was great advice from a great dad and one that applies to all of us.

more. This evening concert is guaranteed to have you dancing and singing in the aisles. Prior to the concert, we will have a light meal featuring a boneless breast of chicken sandwich, potato salad, and dessert. Advanced registration is required.

Includes gentle stretching mostly seated in a chair.

First, build your own burger with your favorite toppings, accompanied by coleslaw, watermelon, and an ice cream sundae. After lunch, you’re sure to enjoy Chicago’s favorite acapella quartet, Route 66. Reserved Seating.

today. Before departing for the museum, lunch will be served at the Niles Senior Center featuring a breaded chicken patty, veggie du jour, potato pancake and dessert. For more details about this trip contact the Senior Center 847 588-8420.

Get Your Kicks on Route 66, Friday, July 20, 12Noon – 3:00PM $12M/$17NM Don’t miss this fabulous program!

Illinois Holocaust Museum Trip, Tuesday, July 31 11:30AM- 4:00PM $39M/$44NM The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Holocaust by honoring the memories of those who were lost and by teaching universal lessons that combat hatred, prejudice and indifference. This visit will be a chance to for you t learn, explore, share, and remember the history and lessons of the Holocaust and how it impacts us

SUMMER Dinner and a Movie Schedule Dinner at 5PM – Movie starts 5:15PM For detailed descriptions, contact the NSC 847 588-8420. – You must register in advance if you would like to have the dinner. If you are coming for the movie only, you must still register, but there is no charge. Tuesday, July 10,The Descendants (R 115min) Dinner: Pizza, Soda, Dessert $2M/$3NM

staff and the firefighters of the Des Plaines Fire Department are grateful to Illinois America Water

for their grant of $1,250.00 to assist in maintaining the safety of our emergency vehicles.”

Level 2 Beginners, Wednesdays, July 11- December 19 10AM-11AM Balance sticks, sitting, standing, and gentle dance movements are included with this class. Level 4 Advanced, Mondays, July 2-December 17 9AM-10AM Includes weight training with under 3 Lb weights – sitting & standing exercises. Level 1 Beginners/Pain Management, Mondays, July 2December17 10:30-11:30

safer at emergency and other calls. “As a public body, the Fire Department has an obligation to our taxpayers and residents to both maintain our emergency vehicles and equipment and to effectively manage costs. The Des Plaines Fire Department actively seeks grants and outside funding sources to assist with the upgrading and maintenance of essential equipment, which relieves some of the burden from local taxpayers,” stated Chief Wax. “The Mayor, City Council,

From Broadway to the Movies: Pajama Game & Damn Yankees, Monday, July 9 1:30-2:30PM $5.50M/$8.25NM Learn how these musicals made it to the big screen, sing the songs, and see filmstrips of these great musicals. Instructor: Kay Bobis Fireworks in Music!, Wednesday, July 11, 1:30-2:45 $6M/$9NM Celebrate Independence Month with music that is joyfully explosive! Revel in the inspired 1812 Overture. Enjoy the Mannheim Skyrocket. Instructor: Jim Kendros.

(Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is the Editorat-Large for www.CBSMoneyWatch. com. She covers the economy, markets, investing or anything else with a dollar sign on her podcast and blog, Jill on Money, as well as on television and radio. She welcomes comments and questions at askjill@moneywatch. com.)


See SENIORS, page 21


SENIORS Continued from page 20 Tuesday, July 17, Man On A Ledge, (PG-13 102min) Dinner: Hot Dog, Chips, Cookie $2M/$3NM Tuesday, July 24, The Vow, (PG13 104min) Dinner: Pizza, Soda, Dessert $5M/$7.50NM Tuesday, July 31, Safe House, (R 115min) Dinner: Hot Dog, Chips, Cookie $2M/$3NM Register Now for Computer Classes beginning in September Pre Intro to Computers, Tuesdays & Thursdays, Sept. 4-13 9AM-10:30AM $25M/$30NM Instructor: Diana Zumpano Online Couponing, Monday & Wednesday, Sept. 10 & 12, 2-3:00PM $6M/$9NM Instructor: Mary Kussmann Computer Basics, Mondays & Wednesdays, Sept. 17-26, 2:303:30PM $25M/$30NM Instructor: Mary Kussmann

North Shore Senior Center Register for programs at the Center or call 847-470-5223. The Films of Aaron Sorkin Tuesday July 10 & 17, 1–3 p.m. Join Barry Bradford, historian July 10 & 17 from 1 – 3 p.m. for this two-session look at Sorkin’s gems including Moneyball, The

Social Network, A Few Good Men and The American President. What is the secret behind his genius? Fees are $14 member, $18 non-member. To register for this program, or seek additional information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Zumba Gold Wednesdays, July 11 – August 15 20 from 1-2 p.m. Zumba classes feature exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats. Zumba Gold takes the elements and exercises of Zumba and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of older adults and those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. It’s a dance-fitness class that feels friendly, and most of all, fun. This session of Zumba Gold runs each Wednesday, May 9 - June 20, 1- 2 p.m. and features Instructor Diane Garvey. Fees are $65 member; $79 non-member. To register or for more information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch & Bingo! Wednesdays, 10 – 12:30 p.m. Join us Wednesday for delicious lunch from a local restaurant and a lively Bingo session with prizes! Come early for the bake sale and coffee! Bingo at 10:30 a.m. and Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Fees are $6 member;$8 non-member each week. Registration required. To register for this program, or

seek additional information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch & Bingo sponsored by Covenant Village of Northbrook. The Rise and Fall of State Street Wednesday July 11, 1 – 3 p.m. For much of Chicago’s history, State Street reigned as the city’s premier retail shopping corridor, boasting such major stores as Marshall Field and Company, Carson, Pirie, Scott, Mandel Brothers, the Fair, and Goldblatt’s. These stores set new standards for retail innovation, customer-pampering services and visual display. Generations of Chicagoans trekked to State Street each year for holiday shopping, civic celebrations, and just an afternoon of fun. This illustrated talk July 11, 2012 form 1- 3 p.m. traces the rise and fall of State Street as Chicago’s premier shopping destination, using photographs and artifacts to explore the history of the major department stores as well as the smaller, value-oriented stores, and the tensions brought about by the emergence of suburban shopping malls and the corridor’s brief conversion of the area into a transit mall. Fees are $7 members, $9 members. To register for this program, or seek additional information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Best Bridge Ever! Thursdays, July 12 – August 16,



Vinci, James F.

James F.Vinci, age 98, beloved husband of the late Meriam, nee Brown. Loving father of Vincent (Sally), David (Bente), and Ralph (Maureen). Dearest grandfather of 8, great grandfather of 14. Visitation at the Skaja Terrace Funeral Home 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles was on Tuesday June 26th from 4-9 pm. Funeral was Wednesday June 27th at 9:45 am to St.Peter Church Mass 10:30 am. Entombment All Saints Mausoleum. In lieu of flowers, donations to Midwest Palliative and Hospice Care Center appreciated. Funeral info: 847-966-7302 or

2012 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Learn to play the best bridge of your life with Silver Life Master Patricia Braun Thursdays July 12 – August 16 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. This class is designed to informally review bidding, play of hand and defense techniques for those who already know the basics of Standard American Bridge. The format is an eight hand, pre-dealt game. Each hand is discussed to examine the potential to play the best hand possible. Take home records are available each class. This supervised play allows you to catch mistakes and learn from them immediately. Fees are $49 member; $59 non-member. To register for this program, or seek additional information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. State Street Chocolate Tour & Lunch in the Walnut Room Thursday July 12, 1 – 3 p.m. Hop on the bus Thursday July

12 to enjoy lunch in the historic Walnut Room in Macy’s State Street store, then stroll about on a fun, educational and delicious tour of the best chocolates on State Street! Stops will include Sarah’s Pastries and Candies and either Charbonnel or Fudge at Macy’s. Fee $85 member; $99 non-member includes a delicious lunch, tour, gourmet chocolates and transportation. To register for this program, or seek additional information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m Movie Music Magic! Monday July 16, 1 – 2:30 p.m. Join Jim Kendros Monday July 16 at 1 p.m. as we explore some of the world’s most famous movie themes! Music for the “Silver Screen” has long delighted and inspired audiences of all ages. Guess your favorite theme from the movies as Jim explores See SENIORS, page 22



District 64 announces interim principal for 2012-13 Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 recently announced that it would appoint a veteran, former principal to an interim post at Washington School to replace Kim Nasshan, who is leaving District 64. Nasshan has been selected as Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction at Lincolnwood School District 74 in Lincolnwood effective July 1. “We are very proud of Ms. Nasshan’s accomplishments here in District 64 over the past eight years as Washington’s principal, and are pleased that she will have the opportunity to move up into a district-level

leadership role as the next step in her career,” according to Superintendent Philip Bender. “She was a resourceful and highly effective instructional leader, who created a caring school culture focusing on the whole child and who nurtured high student learning by developing close connections with staff, parents and children,” Dr. Bender stated. “On a broader level, she also contributed significantly to the District’s Strategic Plan initially by leading a community action team to help prepare the way for changes stemming from other parts of the plan, and later, by co-leading a strategy committee

designing ways for students to set personal goals for their own learning,” he added. To fill the position on an interim basis, District 64 has tapped retired Field School Principal Kathy Creely to return part-time for the 2012-13 year. Creely was Field Principal for 11 years until her retirement in 2011. “We believe that Ms. Creely’s deep background in this community and her understanding of District 64’s educational goals will provide steady leadership working with the new assistant principal, staff and parents to make this a positive year of opportunities and growth for Washington

students,” Dr. Bender added. Earlier this spring, District 64 announced that Washington’s Assistant Principal Dan Ophus had been selected to become Principal of Fairview Elementary School in Mount Prospect District 57. The screening and interview process for Ophus’ replacement is well underway, and a candidate will be brought to the Board for approval at the July 9 meeting, Dr. Bender noted. Because of these unique circumstances, Dr. Bender said that the search process for Washington’s permanent principal would begin in early 2013. “This schedule will


class begins at 1:30-2:15 on Friday, July 27 and runs through September 14. The charge is $50 for members and $62 for nonmembers for the 8 week session. The class will increase flexibility, muscle strength, heart and lung activity, posture, and help prevent falls in this low impact approach to fitness.

the Center.

be entertainment by vocalist Sandy Haynes, The highlights of the luncheon menu is a French favorite, Chicken Cordon Blue, roasted potatoes, veggie and dessert catered by All on the Road Catering. The charge will be $17 for members and $19 for non-members.

Continued from page 21 the musical make-up of each blockbuster hit! As an added feature, Jim will perform some of his favorite movie themes on the piano in a romantic miniconcert! Fees are $7 member; $9 non-member. To register for this program, or seek additional information, call 847.470.5223 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers Needed Are you interested in a volunteer opportunity to serve older adults in a friendly atmosphere? North Shore Senior Center is looking for people to help at our Reception Desk to greet guests & members, assist them with program registrations, provide them with information, answer phone inquiries, and assist with light clerical work. Volunteer shifts are available weekday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon, or afternoons from noon to 4 p.m. at the North Shore Senior Center’s Morton Grove Campus,American Legion Memorial Civic Center, 6140 Dempster St., Morton Grove, Il. Contact Loretta Pable, North Shore Senior Center Program Coordinator, at 847.663.3073 for additional information or to apply.

Park Ridge Senior Center The next Tai Chi for health

allow plenty of time for input and participation by parents, staff, administrators and Board of Education members as we traditionally do in District 64,” he added. “We are thankful for Ms. Creely’s willingness to rejoin us on a limited basis, as it allows us to take time to identify an outstanding new principal for Washington early next spring when planning gets underway for the 2013-14 school year,” Dr. Bender explained. A back-to-school welcome reception will be scheduled in mid-August for Washington families and staff to meet Mrs. Creely and the new assistant principal.

hands-on class that teaches the fundamentals of the iPad. It is The Center has scheduled two from 1:30-3:30pm on Mondays, day trips in July. Leaving at 9 am July 16 and 23.This class provides on Friday, July 20, returning at an overview of what came with 4:30pm, the trip heads out for a the iPad initially then covers tour of Cantigny. The visit includes the basics which includes the a guided tour of the McCormick operation, how to use the app Museum, a self guided tour of the store to download apps (free First Infantry Division Museum, and paid apps) how to backup and an exploration of a 40-acre From 1-2pm on Tuesday, July 10, the iPad to the computer and Sit and Get Fit is another class garden. Lunch and round trip is a class focusing on how to discussion about the use of starting July 27 at 2:15-3:15 and transportation is included. Prior transform a room using what’s iCloud. Also covered is sending also goes through September 14. to the trip participants will be in the home already to create a and receiving email, use of the This program is perfect for those contacted about menu options. totally new space. Bring pictures internet and use of cut, copy with compromised knees, hips, Maximum walking is anticipated. of the room to be redesigned. and paste. Bring the iPad and shoulders, ankle or back pain. Cost is $50 for members and $62 Cost is $23. charger to the class. Cost is $38 The class will include gentle for non-members. for members and $57 for nonstretching, light weights, and No Place Like Home, 1-2 pm, members. cardio. Participants can stand for The motorcoach leaves at 10:30 Tuesday, July 17 is for those a few minutes for balance or stay am returning at 5pm for an longing for the redecorated Introduction to Social seated and work at your own enjoyable time on the Spirit of rooms you see on TV. This class Networking; is a class running pace. The cost is $50for members Chicago Cabaret Lunch Cruise. gives the confidence to try on Tuesdays July 23 and 31 from and $62 for non-members. Featured will be a Spirit of something new to make the 7-9pm.This comprehensive class Chicago Grande Lunch Buffet. home the place you hate to leave introduces participants to the The motorcoach leaves at This two-hour cruise along and can’t wait to get back to. world of Facebook, Twitter, AOL 10:30am on Thursday, June 28 Chicago’s lakefront is perfect for Cost is $23. Instant Messenger and Skype. for a leisurely trip to Pheasant a relaxing afternoon getaway. The Members will pay $100 and nonRun to enjoy Some Enchanted trip includes admission, lunch, Introduction to the IPad is a members $150. Evening. The afternoon will transportation and walking. Cost include beautiful songs and lyrics is $75 for members, $93 for nonfrom such classics as Carousel, members. Cinderella, The King and I, The Women’s Club monthly Oklahoma, South Pacific, The event for July is “Exotic Foods Sound of Music and more. The Around the World” starting at trip includes admission, lunch 12:30 on Wednesday, July 11. and transportation with minimal Bill Helmuth, World Traveler, will walking. Cost is $78 for members return to make this presentation. and $97 for non-members. The lunch catered by All on the Road Catering will include The IPRA Six County Senior lasagna with meat sauce, salad, Olympics 2012 takes place and dessert. For members, the July 9-July26 in Park Ridge cost is $17 and $19 for nonand neighboring communities members. for those 50 years of age and older. Registration forms and Bastille Day will be celebrated a detailed schedule available beginning at 12:30pm on online at and at Monday July 16. There will




Going local: It’s easier than you think I’m not naturally a wild-andcrazy kind of guy. But when I’m shy and quiet, things don’t happen, and that’s a bad rut to travel in. The meek may inherit the earth, but they won’t enjoy it. When you’re traveling in Europe, make yourself an extrovert, even if you’re not. Be a catalyst for adventure and excitement - and don’t be intimidated. Generally speaking, Europeans enjoy getting to know Americans - all it takes to connect is a friendly smile and genuine curiosity. Here are a few tricks I use to connect with the locals: Be open to encounters as you visit a city. At most major sights, you’ll meet more people in an hour than you would at home in a day. Cameras are good icebreakers; offer to take someone’s picture or ask a local to take a picture of you. If you are lonely and in need of human contact, take out a map and look lost. You’ll get help. Perceive friendliness and you’ll find it. Take a class at a cooking school. These give you not just a taste of the culinary traditions of the area you’re visiting, but also a hands-on feel for what happens in European kitchens - along with a skill you can take home. Many include a trip to local markets. You can find oneday European cooking classes at the International Kitchen (www. Across Europe, some large cities and even small towns (such as Germany’s Rothenburg) have informal English-language conversation clubs, usually meeting weekly or monthly in a public space (search online or ask at the tourist information office). You may well be the only native speaker there - if so, expect

an especially w a r m welcome. S e v e r a l European cities have Englishspeaking volunteer greeters who belong to the Global Greeter Network (www. Greeters are screened extensively, but aren’t trained as historical experts. Instead, they introduce visitors to their city by spending a few hours sharing their insider knowledge - their favorite hidden spots, how to navigate public transit, where to find the best bargains, etc. A few bigger cities have more formal programs that put travelers in direct touch with locals. In Dublin, the City of a Thousand Welcomes brings volunteers and first-time visitors together for a cup of tea or a pint (free, www.cityofathousandwelcomes. com). In Paris, the group Meeting the French organizes dinners in private homes and workplace tours to match your interests or career (fee, www. Visitors to Copenhagen can enjoy a home-cooked meal with a family through Dine with the Danes (fee, www.dinewiththedanes. dk). With Helsinki’s Meet the Finns program, you can match your hobbies with a local - and suddenly, you’re searching for Marimekko tea towels with your new Finnish friend (fee, www. If you’re a techie, try meeting up with locals through social media. Like-minded individuals can find one another on www., whose worldwide

Submitted Photo

Asking someone to take your picture could be the beginning of a transatlantic friendship.

members welcome visitors to wide-ranging events such as photography walks, happy hours, and weekend skiing. Twigmore, a Facebook travel app (www., connects vacationers and residents through mutual “friends” - just type in your destination, and Twigmore will tell you if a friend of one of your Facebook buddies lives in the city. CouchSurfing is known for its sleep-for-free network, but it also lists “day hosts” who are happy to just meet up with likeminded visitors and swap travel stories (www.couchsurfing. com). Also consider joining a hospitality-exchange network, such as Servas ( And there’s the old-fashioned, face-to-face option of meeting people during their everyday

routines. Take your laundry and a deck of cards to a launderette and turn solitaire into gin rummy. You’ll end up with a stack of clean clothes and interesting conversations. You’re always welcome at a church service; stay for the coffee hour. Or get caught up in a sporting event. Whether enjoying soccer in small-town Italy or hurling in Ireland, you’ll be surrounded by a stadium crammed with devout fans. Buying something to wear or wave with the hometown colors helps me remember whose side I’m on. Play with kids. Thumb wrestle. Learn how to say “pretty baby” in the native language. If you play peek-a-boo with a baby or fold an origami bird for a kid, you’ll make

friends with the parents as well as the child. If you are shy about connecting with families, pal up to a pooch - you will often find they are happy to introduce you to their owners. Connecting with people carbonates your travels. When I read over my past trip journals, I’m always impressed by how often the best experiences were meeting people; these are the kind of souvenirs you’ll enjoy for a lifetime. (Rick Steves ( writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio. Email him at rick@ and follow his blog on Facebook.)




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