Sentinel 10-31-12

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Paid for by Dave Carlson

The Shorewood

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Enterprise Publications •

Vol. 17 No. 47

Fighting the good fight Communities target youth with new heroin-prevention program

By Sherri Dauskurdas Staff Reporter


ebates over economics and campaign reforms are a popular topic for discussion this month, but a greater, far more serious fight is afoot. In October, Will County surpassed its annual record of heroin deaths, reaching 31, with some 75 days still left in the year. Coroner Patrick O’Neill fears it could hit 50 by the year’s end. Last week at Joliet West High School, students from Shorewood and Joliet were introduced to a new heroinprevention program that will put it directly into the curriculum. The school plans to integrate heroin prevention into health classes, based on a partnership with the Robert Crown Center for Health Education, a Chicago area leader in heroin education. The project is designed to educate beyond the classroom, including, parents, teachers and siblings in the process. “It is an absolute shame that we lose so many young people,” Will County Executive Larry Walsh said. “We are hoping that we are putting together a program that we believe is going to be successful. And I’m so proud that my alma mater, Joliet Township High School, is leading the way.” Walsh, together with States

Attorney James Glasgow, helped address the school community about the new program, facilitated by Will County HELPS, the area’s heroin prevention initiative. Utilizing online resources, the classroom program leads students through real-life cases, painting the picture of the all too easy trip between prescription pain medicine and heroin. It depicts how a teen interacts with friends, at school, at home, and how the addiction manifests, and subsequently grows out of control. Other resources available through the program include information on opioids, their effects on the brain, risk factors and ways to start a conversation about heroin with a young person. Southwest suburban communities account for a third of the heroin deaths in the state this year, as this addictive, life-altering drug digs in to communities and schools. DuPage reported 59 seizures and undercover purchases in 2011. Naperville alone had 47 heroin arrests last year. Fueled by its low cost—less than $10 gets you high—and its newfound acceptance among young people—who see it less as a street drug and more of a substitute for prescription medicines like OxyContin or Vicodin—heroin is flying down the highways from Chicago’s West Side and into the hands of

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A counsellor talks to JCHS students about the school’s new heroin prevention initiative.

our children. The deaths of so many, has brought heroin addiction out of the shadows. The alarming rate of growth has caused communities to take notice, and take aim, at dealers, users and sources of the drug. One of the most prevalent concerns about heroin is that it is incredibly and almost immediately addictive. Experts say that of the estimated 34,000 who will try heroin this year, 8,500 will become addicts,

usually after the first or second use. The drug follows no stereotypical trend, and walks no socioeconomic line. While men lead women two-one in heroin overdoses, victims have been white, black, Hispanic and ranged in age from teens to senior citizens. Certain areas within the Chicago-land area have become hotspots for heroin. Experts say distribution in the region has access to a steady supply

of high purity, white heroin at competitive prices from suppliers in Mexico and Asia. The addiction is pervasive as quantities of the drug head downstate and out of the St. Louis metropolitan area, creating urgent drug issues in central, southern and southwestern Illinois communities. To stop it in its tracks, knowledge is power. And experts say there needs to be See HEROIN, page 2



News HEROIN Continued from page 1 understanding of the lethal consequences of the drug, its addictive nature, and the warning signs of use. “This is an unbelievably dangerous drug,” Walsh said of heroin. “As we said in our public service announcements: ‘You only choose once. After that, you’re addicted.’”

In DuPage County, the Illinois State Crime Commission began offering a $1,000 reward to anyone who can provide information leading to the conviction of someone selling heroin to a child. It’s a pilot program that could spread throughout the state. In Will County, education about heroin persists. Forums are routinely held for schools and community members in Joliet, New Lenox, Naperville, Plainfield and Bolingbrook.

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Joliet Central High School announced the school’s participation in a groundbreaking heroin prevention initiative as part of the school’s health education curriculum.


Voter’s Guide November 2012

Bugle/Sentinel Newspapers e-mailed a short questionnaire to candidates in the Nov. 6 elections. We asked each candidate for a general statement about their campaign and what they believe to be the largest issue facing Will County. The following pages contain responses we received. U.S. Rep., 3rd District Daniel Lipinski Western Springs Democrat Incumbent

Richard Grabowski Hometown Republican Challenger

I am a leader, fighting for 3rd District residents. I choose to rise above Washington’s bickering, and bring people together to solve our problems. My five-point jobs plan is helping get people back to work. The Chicago Tribune endorsed me as one of the most independent voices in Congress, who earns lots of unsolicited praise from colleagues in both parties, and I recently received the Concord Coalition’s Economic Patriot’s Award for leadership on deficit reduction.

I’m concerned with preserving our freedoms, our traditional American way of life; defending our U.S. Constitution; promoting a smaller, limited, less intrusive government; lowering taxes; fighting wasteful spending; balancing the federal budget; protecting our USA borders; enforcing and toughening our existing immigration laws; and having something left of our country to pass on to our future generations. I will not sell out ‘We the People,’ the citizens and taxpayers.

In addition to job creation, improving local transportation is critical. As a member of the House Transportation Committee, I brought CN and Metra together to improve on-time performance on the Heritage Corridor, and I am working to add more trains. To boost Lewis University Airport as an economic engine, I brought a top FAA official to the airport and helped get $2.4 million to repave a runway. I am also working to improve area roads.

We have a huge opportunity this year, the chance and challenge of a lifetime, to help take back the far reaching southwest and west suburban areas of Will County out of the hands of the oppressive Obama, Quinn, Madigan, Lipinski, Jackson and Rush South Side Chicago Democratic Machine from Cook County. We have an opportunity to remove more corrupted Democrats from power in 2012, and give the future generations of Will County the hope for a REAL change that they deserve. See ELECTION 2012, page 4




U.S. Rep., District 11 Judy Biggert Hinsdale Republican Incumbent My top priority is getting the economy back on track and putting people back to work, by supporting policies that encourage private sector job growth. For millions of families in Illinois and around the country, no other challenge is more urgent than addressing the loss of a paycheck, a drop in income, or uncertainty about having a job next week or next month. The primary issue confronting Will County, as with the rest of the country, is jobs and our economy. I look forward

to supporting pro-growth policies that will spur private sector job-creation, including cutting wasteful federal spending, reducing the red tape that burdens businesses, and reforming the tax code to make it flatter and fairer, as well as supporting local priorities to create jobs, including investments in infrastructure and protecting our waterways.

State Senate District 49 Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant Shorewood Democrat

Illinois General Assembly No Photo Submitted

At the time of print, the candidate did not return responses to this questionnaire.

District 37 Renee Kosel New Lenox Republican Incumbent With photo

At the time of print, the candidate did not return responses to this questionnaire.

Darlene Senger Naperville Republican Incumbent With photo

Garrett Peck Plainfield Republican Challenger My first objective will be to create opportunity in Illinois for people to get back to work. As a state, our unemployment rate is well above the national average. I believe that in order to achieve this we must repeal the 67 percent income tax increase imposed on all of our citizens and lift some of the crippling regulations on our small business owners. The high unemployment and lack of solid job opportunities has resulted in Will County ranking third in the state in foreclosures.

District 43 Pat McGuire Democrat Incumbent

Sandy Johnson Manhattan Republican Challenger

No Photo Submitted

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District 75 Jeremy J. Ly Minooka Democrat

No Photo Submitted

District 98

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Pam Roth Morris Republican With photo

Natalie Manley Joliet Democrat


I have never sought a political office before, but I am deeply concerned about where Illinois is heading and believe we need someone new in Springfield who can help balance the books, get the state’s fiscal house in order, and push for much-needed reforms that will improve our economy and create jobs. Robert “Bob” Kalnicky Bolingbrook Republican

District 86 Lawrence “Larry” Walsh Jr. Elwood Democrat Incumbent Ryan Martin Alm Joliet Republican

Ron Sandack Downers Grove Republican

District 97 Tom Cross Oswego Republican Incumbent

District 41 Bill Foster Naperville Democrat Challenger

District 81

No Photo Submitted

At the time of print, the candidate did not return responses to this questionnaire.

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Will County Auditor Duffy Blackburn Joliet Democrat Incumbent

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Mark Batinick Plainfield Republican Challenger

No Photo Submitted


Will County Circuit Clerk Pam McGuire Joliet Democrat Incumbent H a v i n g taken the clerk’s office into the 21st century and having many pieces in place, we are ready to move forward into the electronic age. This will be achieved by working with our justice partners to share data electronically. The Clerk’s Office will accomplish this without utilizing your tax dollars. Moving into the electronic age will allow us to continue serving our courthouse customers, providing service options and greater efficiencies while saving time and money. Struggling with decreasing revenue and budgets while maintaining excellent service to our customers. Though the circuit clerk’s collection effort approximately $14,000,000 in ignored unpaid court ordered costs have been collected and disbursed to county, local and state branches of government to assist with their budget deficits. Our office earnings exceed our expenditures; as a result, our office is one of the few offices in the county that does not put a burden on the county budget.

Marlene Carlson New Lenox Republican Challenger I am a Lead Computer S y s t e m s Engineer/IT professional with over 17 years of experience and a Will County small business owner for the past 12 years. The population of Will County has grown dramatically over the past 10 years and caseload in our circuit court has also grown.The courthouse is very overcrowded and our computer systems are outdated and cannot keep up with the caseload. The general public and current leadership suffer with these problems daily, however, the lack of experience has caused a lot of these critical computer related projects to stall before they are completed. When I am elected I will use my professional experience and strong work ethic to help modernize our court system to save taxpayers time and money. The problem we face in Will County is that leadership has deeply rooted family ties.Because of family connections they swap seats to retain political power, regardless of any value added in serving in these offices.

Recorder of Deeds

Will County State’s Attorney

Karen Stukel Channahon, Democrat Incumbent

James W. Glasgow Joliet Democrat Incumbent

No Photo Submitted

At the time of print, the candidate did not return responses to this questionnaire. Laurie McPhillips Plainfield Republican I am running for Recorder of Deeds, which I previously held,because of my qualifications: 20 years as a realtor/broker, 25 years at Will County, including director of operations to the county executive overseeing 1,000 employees, small business owner-property manager and my accomplishments, including establishing on-line access to public documents, opening a satellite office in Bolingbrook with plans for a second in eastern Will County, and replacing a 14 year old computer system, combining four separate systems into a state of the art land records system with capabilities of e-recording, which I would implement now.

I am running to continue my work serving and protecting our citizens and making Will County the safest place to live, work and raise our families. My office’s felony conviction rate is 15 points higher than the state average. I work to protect battered women, abused children, senior citizens, businesses and veterans. This year, my office secured important convictions against Drew Peterson for killing his third wife and Christopher Vaughn for killing his entire family. We are prosecuting heroin dealers locally and have convicted 146 in recent years. I also am working with law enforcement from throughout Northern Illinois on a regional attack plan to crack down on dealers. I partnered with HERO/ HELPS to educate our community about the dangers of heroin. And we are launching a curriculum in high school classes to educate students. Our goal is to put dealers behind bars, eliminate the market for heroin and reduce overdoses.


Dave Carlson Plainfield, IL Republican Challenger I intend to take politics out of the Will County state’s attorney’s office and stem the torrent of mistakes the incumbent has habitually committed over his 16-year tenure. The office needs to return to being run as a professional prosecutorial office that treats every case as important, not just the ones that grab headlines. Destroying innocent lives for political purposes, neglecting victims and allowing Chicago politicians to control this office is not acceptable. In addition to the 133 heroin deaths in four years that have gone ignored and the dismissal of 66 percent of domestic violence cases by the incumbent, there are too many to mention. However, the unprofessional “management” of this office has led to a culture of pay-to-play, favors- for- friends and too many Chicago operatives running our state’s attorney’s office. Having a Chicago Alderman on the payroll as a special assistance is evidence we need change. See ELECTION 2012, page 10



The following items were compiled from the official reports of the Joliet Police Department. Appearing in the police blotter does not constitute a finding of guilt, only a court of law can make that determination.

Joliet Anthony Thompson, 49, 812 Eunice Ave., Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 18 at 1:59 a.m. at 379 S. Chicago for retail theft, possession of drug equipment and obstructing identification. Drew Grandowski, 18, 402 Shady Lane, Shorewood, was arrested on Oct. 18 at 1:04 p.m. at 2424 W, Jefferson for retail theft. Rooricka R. Gates, 21, 401 Western Ave., Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 18 at 2:34 p.m. at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for retail theft. Mark V. Warner, 6, 339 N. Center, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 18 at 339 N. Center for criminal damage to property. Alisha H. Ruddy, 21, 503 Irene, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 18 at 3:28 p.m. at 150 W. Washington for retail theft. Demetria L. Blandon, 35, 25521 N. Gilmer Road, Mundelein, was arrested on Oct. 18 at 4:04 p.m. at Meadow and Interstate 80 for no FOID card, unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon and unlawful possession of ammo. Victor L. Saunders, 48, 421 High, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 18 at 9:40 p.m. at the residence for domestic battery. Kenneth R. Williams, 33, 1403 Cumberland Drive, was arrested on Oct. 18 at 11:45 p.m. at the residence for home invasion and attempted aggravated criminal sexual assault. Kirsten K. Welch, 30, 413 State, was arrested on Oct. 18 at 9:46 p.m. at 435 W. Jackson for criminal trespass to real property. Terrence O. Smith, 42, 458 Douglas, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 9:15 a.m. at 150

Police Blotter

W. Washington for domestic battery. Alisha H. Ruddy, 21, 503 Irene, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 2:30 p.m. at 150 W. Washington for retail theft. Shireen T. Etienne, 22, 414 N. Hickory, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 2:30 p.m. at 150 W. Washington for retail theft.

Broadway, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 3:11 p.m. at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for retail theft. John R. Bolton, 27, 1055 W. Granville, Chicago, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 3:52 a.m. at 151 N. Joliet for criminal trespass. David L. Marquez Jr., 20, 201 N. Prairie Ave., Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 12:29 p.m. at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for retail theft.

Jeremy A. Sandoval, 22, 726 Wheeler, Rockdale, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 8:22 a.m. at 726 Wheeler for manufacture and delivery of cannabis and possession of drug equipment.

William E. Mills, 46, 120 Jessie, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 6:06 p.m. at 105 S. Briggs for unlawful use of a weapon and no FOID card.

Mahmound N. Abufarha, 68, 2026 Fairfield Drive, Plainfield, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 11 a.m. at 2524 W. Jefferson for retail theft.

Meghan J. Boudreaux, 18, 2418 Ruth Fitzgerald, Plainfield, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m. at 1801 W. Jefferson for retail theft.

Cortez L. Smith, 21, 362 N. Broadway, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 12:35 p.m. on Division and Hickory for criminal damage to property and domestic battery.

Eduard A. Jones-Leduc, 20, 2902 Sun Valley Drive, Plainfield, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m. at 1830 W Jefferson for retail theft.

David H. Gunderson, 51, 5913 Lake Pointe Drive, Plainfield, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 10:47 p.m. on Caton Farm and Richmond for DUI/alcohol, blood alcohol content over .08 and no FOID card. Karen A. Johnson, 38, 337 N. Center, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 12:05 a.m. on Hickory and Western for DUI/alcohol and blood alcohol content over .08. Alexia F. Payton, 19, 217 Colburn, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 4:15 p.m. at 1801 W. Jefferson for retail theft. Anthony R. Navarro, 19, 115 Willow, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 19 at 11:33 p.m. on Bluff and Lime for possession of cannabis. Janell A. Ammons, 24, 321 N. Sacramento, Chicago, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 5:13 p.m. at 362 N Broadway, Apt. 107, for criminal trespass to property. Andrew W. Enright, 33, 784 N. Gary, Unit 212, Carol Stream, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 8:10 at 777 Hollywood for criminal trespass to land. Josena Guzman, 48, 606 N.

Jesus Pizano, 25, 1103 Valley Ave., Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 8:38 p.m. at 900 Henderson Ave. for illegal transportation of alcohol, reckless driving and resisting/ obstructing a police officer. Edgardo Gonzalez-Diaz, 18, 425 E. Jackson, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 10:03 p.m. on Taylor and Wilcox for possession of drug equipment and possession of cannabis. Jose R. Maya, 21, 617 W. Jefferson, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 10:03 p.m. on Taylor and Wilcox for possession of drug equipment and possession of cannabis. Hugo R.Zamudio,36,108 Illinois, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 10:32 p.m. at the residence for aggravated battery and aggravated domestic battery. Takiyah D. Jefferson, 30, 7 N. Prairie Ave., Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 20 at 11:26 p.m. at 300 S. Larkin Ave. for battery. Edward D. Williams Jr., 27, 508 S. Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 21 at 4:24 a.m. at 1600 E. Cass for resisting/obstructing a police officer, possessing ammunition without a FOID card, no FOID card, attempting to obstruct

justice and possession of firearm by street gang member. Anthony J. Horton, 21, 1011 Lois Place, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 21 at 10:50 a.m. on Abe and Jackson for domestic battery. Raymond Duckmanton, 45, 361 DePaul Court, Romeoville, was arrested on Oct. 21 at 12:31 p.m. at 2524 W. Jefferson for retail theft. Brittany L. Decker, 27, 305 Edgewood Drive, Minooka, was arrested on Oct. 21 at 3:07 p.m. at 1801 W. Jefferson for retail theft. David W. Flanagan, 54, 317 E. Cass, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 21 at 6:35 p.m. at 358 E. Cass for criminal trespass to real property. Kitiara S. Chapello, 21, 6305 Fox Ridge, Drive, Plainfield, was arrested on Oct. 21 at 9:14 p.m. at 1801 W. Jefferson for retail theft. Ryan Ramos, 20, 106 N State St., Aurora, was arrested on Oct. 22 at 11:23 a.m. at 2424 W, Jefferson for burglary from motor vehicle, possession of cannabis and possession of drug equipment. Shanet L. Marble, 22, 759 N. Hickory, Apt. 1, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 22 at 1:52 p.m. at 717 Apollo for domestic battery. Bernardo D. Leonardo, 41, 15455 S. Muir Drive, Lockport, was arrested on Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. on Collins and Benton for possession of drug equipment. Clarence E. Knight III, 20, 410 E. Bellarmine, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 22 at 8:13 p.m. at 1215 Luther for resisting/obstructing a police officer. Treston T. Adams, 20, 403 Summit, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 22 at 11:28 p.m. at 1019 Lois for resisting/obstructing a police officer. Brian A. Bernard, 37, 145 N. Garfield, Coal City, was arrested on Oct. 22 at 3:19 a.m. at 1200 Schriber for DUI/alcohol and a blood alcohol content over .08.

Darrel Perkins, 53, 1019 Lois Place, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 23 at 3 p.m. at 150 W. Washington for two counts of murder, unlawful possession of weapon/ammo by a felon, unlawful possession of firearms/ firearm ammo, possession of ammo without a FOID card and delivery of cannabis. Gustavo Dominguez, 24, 613 Gardner, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 23 at 3:46 p.m. on Eastern and Jefferson for attempted armed robbery and aggravated assault. Wendy L. Medlin, 42, 1104 Fawnlilly Circle, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 23 at 7:20 a.m. at the residence for negligent control of an animal. Brian A. Bernard, 37, 145 N. Garfield, Coal City, was arrested on Oct. 23 at 3:19 a.m. in the 1200 block of Schriber for DUI/ alcohol and a blood alcohol content over .08. William J. Clemente, 20, 14238 S. Blaine, Posen, was arrested on Oct. 23 at 11:10 a.m. at 1701 Calla Drive domestic battery. Nicholas K. Gregory, 18, 1817 N. Hickory, Crest Hill, was arrested on Oct. 23 at 12:54 a.m. at 420 Cornellia for burglary from a motor vehicle. Waldo B. Garcia, 38, 806 Chase Ave., Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 25 at 11:30 a.m. at 1619 W. Jefferson for sexual exploitation of a child. Oscar Sanchez, 23, 24501 W. Lancelot, Shorewood, was arrested on Oct. 25 at 1:03 p.m. at 4000 W. Jefferson for domestic battery. Kristen K. Welch, 30, 413 State, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 25 at 2:51 p.m. on W. Cass and N. Ottawa for criminal damage to property. Jacqueline A. Crowley, 41, 211 N. Hickory, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 25 at 5:36 p.m. on N. Center and Oneida for violation of order of protection. Nana F. Owusu, 53, 1851 Asbury Circle Drive, Joliet, was arrested on Oct. 25 at 1:52 a.m. at 1850 Asbury Circle Drive for domestic battery.

Forum What’s on your mind? You are invited to use the Forum page of The Bugle to express your opinions about matters that affect our community. E-mail your letter to Matt Honold, managing editor, at For more information, call (815) 436-2431. Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Please try to limit your comments to 500 words or less. The editors reserve the right to publish, condense, revise or reject any submissions.

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General Manager V.P. Advertising and Marketing Michael James Managing Editor Reporters Jonathan Samples Sherri Dauskurdas Alex Hernandez Laura Katauskas Robin Ambrosia Sports Editor Scott Taylor Sports Reporter Mark Gregory Advertising Manager Pat Ryan

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Illustrated Opinions





LTHS designers take top honors Two Lockport Township High School teams earned top honors at the 12th annual TSA Technology Day at Illinois State University last month. LTHS engineering, design and architecture students Mike O’Shea and Jake Deckinga finished third in the Structural Problem Solving event, and the team of Aaron West and Tim McNamara placed third in the Invention/Innovation Problem Solving event. Technology Day is an opportunity for students to learn about technology and engineering design education from a standards point of view, through an extracurricular type of format, competing against students from all over the state of Illinois in hands-on, problem solving based activities/challenges. The competitions for technology day are based on the National Standards for Technological Literacy: Content for the study of Technology. Twenty-one schools and more than 350 students from all over the state competed in this event this year.The students compete in teams of two to solve the various engineering challenges. “These students really put some creative thought into solving these real world problems. They all got involved, used many backgrounds of ideas and information to achieve

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Aaron West and Tim McNamara place third in the Invention/Innovation Problem Solving event.

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Mike O’Shea and Jack Deckinga show off their certificate after placing third in the Structural Problem Solving event.

the success that they did. They have a very short amount of time to figure out the problem, create solutions, select one, build the prototype and test their solution.

I am very proud of these students and what they accomplished at this event,” LTHS teacher Jeff Brown said.

JTHS Foundation awards grants The Joliet Township High School Foundation will award over $17,000 in grants to staff and students on Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. in Joliet Central’s Little theater. Grants are awarded after application and stringent committee review to enhance additional student educational

opportunities. On Nov. 8 from 5 to 8 p.m at Heroes West, the Foundation will host a reception to celebrate its 25th year of service. The cost of $15.00/person, payable at the door, will include a light hors d’oeuvre buffet with cash bar. During the event a presentation

will be made to the family of the late Douglas Ziech who was the Foundation’s first president. Also during the evening the Foundation will also conduct a Split the Pot Raffle and will announce the start of the Brenton Wadsworth $200,000.00 Match Challenge.

Calendar ONGOING Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Open meetings are held every third Friday of the month from 7 p.m.8:30 p.m. at 265 Republic Ave. in Joliet. Contact Al-anon/Alateen at 815-773-9623 or visit www.niafg. org for more information. Circle of Hope Al-Anon Family Group. Sundays at 1:302:30 p.m. at Joliet Alano Club (back entrance), 265 Republic Ave. in Joliet. This on-going support group with no fees or dues is for all families and friends of problem drinkers, especially those who are affected today by growing up in an alcoholic home. For more information contact Al-Anon/Alateen 815-773-9623 or visit for more information Strive 4 Hope. Second and fourth Thursdays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Joliet Moose Lodge, 25 Springfield Ave., Joliet. This is a support group, which welcomes all cancer survivors, caregivers, family members, and friends. Call Sharon at 815-349-5458 for more information. Breast cancer support group. 7-8:30 p.m. at Joliet Oncology-Hematology Associates, 2614 West Jefferson St., Joliet. The Bosom Buddies Breast Cancer Support Group meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. For more information call Pattie at 815-436-7640. Young Widows Support Group. Meets once a month at varying locations in the Plainfield/ Joliet area.Open to those who have lost a partner and are ready to begin

healing and moving forward in life by sharing their experiences with others. Children are welcome. For more information please contact Amanda at widowswearstilettos

NOVEMBER 1 Fall Show by Providence High School. 2 p.m. at Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park, 201 W. Jefferson St., Joliet. Students star in their fall production. Tickets available through the school. Contact the school for reservations: theatre@

NOVEMBER 2 Fall Show by Providence High School. 2 p.m. at Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park, 201 W. Jefferson St., Joliet. Students star in their fall production. Tickets available through the school. Contact the school for reservations: theatre@

NOVEMBER 3 Flea Market. 9a.m. to 2 p.m. at the American Legion Post 1080 located at 2625 Ingalls Avenue in Joliet. Tables available for flea market items only. Contact 815726-1941. Auxiliary proceeds benefit veterans and their families.



2nd Annual Residents’ Arts and Crafts Fair. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Shorewood Glen, 600 Del Webb Blvd., Shorewood. Open to seniors 50 and older. Free event. Free raffle for arts and crafts items. Free cider and donuts while supplies last. Enjoy the hand made treasures provided by the residents of our community. For more information, call Melissa Hornick at 815-730-8530.

A reception with refreshments follows and is open to all. For more information, call 815-722-7653.


brain, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Early detection for PVD can literally save your life. We offer a FREE lecture & screening. You may qualify if you meet the risk criteria and are not under the care of a cardiologist. This free event begins with the lecture on the first day and the screening on the next day. Call Provena Health Connections to register 815-725-9438. Visit us online at stjoes/dare-to-care.

Fall Show by Providence High School. 7 p.m. at Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park, 201 W. Jefferson St., Joliet. Students star in their fall production. Tickets available through the school. Contact the school for reservations: theatre@

Dare to Care Program - Free Health Screenings., 6 p.m. at Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center - Conference Center 333 N. Madison St., Joliet. Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a serious condition that affects millions of Americans. A common symptom is pain or numbness in the legs. PVD is often a sign that you have narrowed arteries in the heart and

Elks Children’s Clinic/ 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Hinsdale Orthopaedic, 915 Essington Road, Joliet. The Joliet Elks Lodge 296, in cooperation with the Illinois Elks Children’s Care Program, will hold a free children’s orthopedic diagnostic clinic. For more information or to set up an appointment, call 1-800-272-0074.

NOVEMBER 4 Prayer of Remembrance for Deceased. 2 p.m. at St. Mary Magdalene Church, 127 S. Briggs St.,Joliet.A Prayer of Remembrance for deceased family and friends will be held. The service consists of a Liturgy of the Word with a Service of Light. Participants are encouraged to bring a framed photograph of their loved ones to be placed on a table near the altar during the prayer service.

Fall Show by Providence High School. 2 p.m. at Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park, 201 W. Jefferson St., Joliet. Students star in their fall production. Tickets available through the school. Contact the school for reservations:





Chief Executive Officer Lawrence “Larry” Walsh Elwood, Democrat Incumbent Wo r k i n g together with those in the public and private sector we can

Will County Coroner Patrick O’Neil Lockport Democrat Incumbent My platform to run for Will County coroner has not changed since 1992 and that has been to be accountable, dedicated and a steward to the taxpayer dollars in an office that never closes. Families that are dealing with sudden and unexpected deaths are treated professionally and with compassion.Families have always and will continue to come first under my administration. The economy and taxes are issues that Will County citizens are facing. That is why Will County Coroner Pat O’Neil trimmed expenses and actively acquired more than $100,000 of donated medical equipment at no cost to the taxpayers. He also rents the medical equipment and facility that has made the county thousands of dollars in income. By doing so, Will County taxpayers not only were reimbursed for a morgue that O’Neil opened in 2002 but are now putting money in the bank.

create the community we want to live in and raise our families. Residents are our number one priority and we must continue to work to bring government to the people. I am passionate about working to streamline operations and improve efficiencies. I will continue to hold the line on expenses while addressing the population increases that we have seen over the past years. Charles Lyons Channanon Republican Challenger The largest issue facing Will County as far as the coroner’s office is concerned is accuracy of the death investigations. Currently we have a coroner who states he has supervised over 50,000 cases in 20 years. Someone needs to inform him that supervision is not reading the cases but actually investigating the cases in the field with his team. When I am elected I will be a working Coroner. I will put families first! Not only my deputies families, but the families we serve as well. Under my leadership the Coroners office will be the leaders in the death care industry in Will County. How do you do this? By proper training. The current Coroner believes that his deputies receiving a 40-hour training course at the beginning of their career is sufficient. I believe in the power of continuing education. Every professional license in the State of Illinois requires 24 hours of continuing education every two years.The Coroners office should maintain that level of excellence in training as well.

Cory Singer Frankfort Republican Challenger

No Photo Submitted

At the time of print, the candidate did not return responses to this questionnaire.

County Board District 3 Elizabeth “Beth” Rice Bolingbrook Democrat Did respond.


Victor Zack Romeoville Republican Did respond.

No Photo Submitted

No Photo Submitted


Donald Moran Romeoville, Il Democrat These have been hardest financial times in nearly all of our lifetimes and Will County needs jobs. I am a member of labor management cooperative committees and of the Will County Workforce Investment Board. Working across party lines and negotiating mutually beneficial business agreements is what I do. I don’t place blame; I work to fix things. Stephen Engel Romeoville, IL Republican I will work with both sides to make certain that the county continues to operate within its means in order to avoid raising property taxes. I will insist on a balanced budget. I will work to remove redundancies wherever possible to find savings. My six years of elected office will help me hit the ground working. Having served six years on Valley View School Board gives me the understanding of how things work. See ELECTION 2012, page 21

Take 5


H o ro s c o p e s


1 Beat to a pulp 5 Dapper Dans 9 Very cold 14 Mental block buster 15 Guinness who played Obi-Wan 16 Memorable mission 17 *Sydney’s locale, familiarly 19 Bantu-speaking South Africans 20 Ain’t right? 21 *Man, according to a longtime Desmond Morris best-seller 23 WWII bond designation 26 Mental block buster 27 Spoiled-rotten kids 29 Doggone 33 *Bluntly 37 Sun Devils’ sch. 38 Work like a dog 39 Clumsy dummy 40 Iditarod racer 41 “I’m with ya” 42 *Skip-over-ads button 46 Like porn

48 Very strange 49 Skyline-blurring phenomenon 51 One begins parallel parking in it 55 *Hosting squad 59 Lucy’s landlady 60 “It was you,” in a Verdi aria 61 Overachievers, and a hint to a word that can precede both words of the starred answers 64 Odom of the Lakers 65 Pianist Gilels 66 Case for notions 67 Annapolis frosh 68 Smelling awful 69 “Look __, I’m Sandra Dee”: “Grease” song

Black cats aren’t likely to cross your path in the week ahead - but if they do, you are likely to earn a few purrs of affection. Your warmth and enthusiasm make others feel comfortable and safe.

Thoughts are like cider; best when mulled over. The full moon falls in your sign this week, so you might find that you focus your energies on relationships and spend time wrapping up loose ends.

Pull the tricks from up your sleeve. Your hospitality or homemaking skills might win admiration in the upcoming week. Prepare sweet treats for ghosts and goblins, or something special for your friends.

Break down barriers and make a breakthrough. While bobbing for apples at a neighborhood party or shopping for a costume, you may suddenly become the center of attention in the week to come.

Color your world in bright colors and erase the gray. In the week ahead, you can expect to see many black cats and orange pumpkins. Explore a growing sense of intimacy with a significant other.

Constant comment leads to commitment. You may find a few moments this week when you “know” you have connected on a spiritual level. Someone’s words may move you to achieve inner peace.

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder - and your eyes might grow wide with delight. During the week ahead, it will be easier than usual to acquire items that promise joy, please the eye and pamper the heart.

Take your inner child out for a walk. Don’t be bashful about attending events meant for the kids. You may link up with new friends in the week to come or find others who share a creative hobby.

In the week ahead, you might find that physical activities bring you closer to the very people you most admire. Accept an invitation to a Halloween hayride or plan a tour of a haunted cornfield.

“Practice makes perfect” might be the most prominent theme. In the week to come, your ambitions rise to a fever pitch. Prepare for surprise visits from friends or some oddly dressed children.

Like the famous Boy Scouts promise, it is wise to “be prepared” in the upcoming week. Fill up the candy dishes and arrange for guests. Halloween could provide a good excuse for home-based activities.

The week ahead may bring several opportunities to become more closely tied, entwined or aligned with a divine someone. Don’t be afraid to try out something new or to give in to generous impulses.

Down 1 Big name in muffler replacement 2 Love to bits 3 Runoff collector 4 Memorable Alps crosser 5 Bleacher creature 6 Stale 7 Rounded hammer part 8 “Get outta here!” 9 Feasts one’s eyes on 10 Gave the slip 11 Tra-__ 12 “No need to wake me” 13 Two caplets, say 18 Wombs 22 Twisty-horned antelope 24 Droop 25 Cultural credo 28 Hillary’s department 30 Big shindig 31 Web browser 32 Emmy-winning newsman Roger 33 River of Hades 34 Take to the road, as a rock band

35 Philbin co-host 36 “I’m gonna make him an __ he can’t refuse” 40 Popular Dixie drink 42 Main movie 43 Wood-shaping tool 44 Rock in a seam 45 Transfix 47 What a treater picks up 50 Gung-ho 52 Suave Butler 53 Red Cross supply 54 Borden’s spokescow 55 “SOS!” 56 Like some vaccines 57 Play charades 58 NYC gallery 62 Bathtub booze 63 “Benevolent” fellow



Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers Jumbles: • GUMBO • YODEL • ASSAIL • PSYCHE


The garbage detail described the mess hall pickup as -- MESS HAUL




Bugle Kids

INSIDE: Lockport and Minooka lead local runners to state, page 16; Minooka volleyball wins third straight regional, page 17



Healthy Hilltmen dismantle first-round foe By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

Tyler Reitz believes the Hilltoppers’ backfield, consisting of himself,Ty Isaac and Mike Ivlow, is one of the best in the state, regardless of class affiliation. If their collective performance during Joliet Catholic’s 58-0 firstround Class 5A playoff rout of Elmwood Park Saturday night is any indication, few will disagree with Reitz’s sentiments. Reitz, Isaac and Ivlow teamed up for 232 yards and six touchdowns—all in the first half—as the Hilltoppers led 20-0 after the first quarter and a whopping 51-0 at the break. “I think we’re really going to impress a lot of people with how we do, put up a lot of yards, put up a lot of points,” said Reitz, who returned to action in Week 9 after missing the previous two contests with injuries.“I feel great. I’m 100 percent, sat out a couple of weeks and let myself heal for the playoffs because I knew we have to make a run.” A blocked punt by Matt Madrigal set up JCA’s first TD of the game—Reitz’s 22-yard run. Reitz finished with 92 yards on six carries and added touchdown runs of 7 yards and 1 yard in the second quarter.

“That is huge having Tyler Reitz back because he’s a multiple threat,” said JCA head coach Dan Sharp. “He blocks as well as he runs, and he’s got great hands. It’s the right time to start getting healthy, that’s for sure.” Isaac,a victim of injuries himself throughout most of the season, also saw his first action since Week 7 on Saturday. He sliced into the end zone from 18 yards out to make it 14-0 after a short punt gave JCA possession deep inside Elmwood Park territory. Isaac—who added a 31-yard TD run later in the first quarter and then raced 45 yards for a score on a shovel pass from backup QB Nick Morrison during the second quarter—says he’s “a lot closer to 100 percent than I’ve been all season.” “Not too much pain, not much soreness,” said Isaac, who had 84 yards on six carries.“I was dealing with a couple of things but now I’m starting to get stronger. I’m not 100 percent yet but getting close.” Sharp indicated that he’ll take a similar approach in practice this week as he did last week with regard to Isaac—that is, easing Isaac into things early in the week. See HILLMEN, page 15

Mike Sandrolini/Bugle Staff

Sophomore Austin Butts tries to avoid being brought down by an Elmwood Park defender Saturday.



Sports PICK VS. PROS Mike Guglielmucci, WJOL Racer’s Forum Last week: Hamlin ( 5th) Total Pts: 2260 Scott Paddock, Pres., Chicagoland Speedway Last week: Keselowski ( 13th) Total Pts: 2245

Mark Gregory, Bugle Staff Last week: Truex, Jr. (7th)


THIS WEEK’S PICK: Matt Kenseth

THIS WEEK’S PICK: Jimmie Johnson

Total Pts.: 2239 Scott Taylor, Bugle Staff Last week: Gordon (6th )

Last week: Harvick (11th) Total Pts: 2188



1. Jimmie Johnson 2291


2. Brad Keselowski 2289


3. Clint Bowyer



4. Kasey Kahne



5. Denny Hamlin



6. Jeff Gordon



7. Martin Truex Jr. 2228


8. Matt Kenseth

2226 -65

9. Greg Biffle



10. Tony Stewart



11. Kevin Harvick 2203


12. D. Earnhardt Jr. 2151


Totals through 7 Chase race

THIS WEEK’S PICK: Carl Edwards






2. R. Stenhouse, Jr. 1130


3. Austin Dillon



4. Sam Hornish, Jr. 1038


5. Michael Annett


1. Elliot Sadler

Total Pts: 2229 Readers







USF rally falls short against Grand Valley FOOTBALL 1. Maine South 2. Benet 3. Bolingbrook 4. JCA 5. Notre Dame 6. Downers North 7. Plainfield North

TENNIS 1. Benet 2. Downers South 3. Lockport 4. Joliet Catholic 5. Maine South 6. Joliet 7. Plainfield North

BOYS SOCCER 1. Benet 2. Maine South 3. Romeoville 4. Downers South 5. Plainfield Central 6. Joliet Central 7. Downers North

GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 1. Benet 2. JCA 3. Niles West 4. Plainfield North 5. Minooka 6. Downers South 7. Lockport

BOYS CROSS 1. Maine South 2. Plainfield South 3. Plainfield East 4. Minooka 5. Downers North 6. Downers South 7. Notre Dame

GIRLS CROSS 1. Downers South 2. Maine South 3. Minooka 4. Lockport 5. Benet 6. Downers North 7. Plainfield Central Rankings are compiled by Mark Gregory and Scott Taylor.

Grand View University built a 23-0 lead early in the third quarter and held off a late University of St. Francis charge as the No. 9 Vikings defeated the No. 17 Saints 23-16 in Mid-States Football Association Midwest League play Saturday at ATI Field. | Box Score The loss eliminated the Saints (5-4 overall, 3-2 MSFA Midwest) from conference title contention. USF shared the league title with Grand View a season ago. Grand View (7-2, 5-0) opened the scoring on a Charles Badgett 36-yard run at the 5:22 mark of

the first quarter. Badgett rushed for 75 yards on 18 carries on the day, but lost a pair of fumbles. The Vikings scored the first of their two defensive touchdowns less than two minutes later when Josh Moncivais returned a fumble resulting from Dudley Bickham’s sack of USF junior quarterback E.J. White (St. Cloud, Fla./ St. Cloud) 32 yards to the end zone. Ben Hurley’s 32-yard field goal early in the second quarter gave the Vikings a 16-0 lead at halftime. St. Francis took possession


of handoffs in Isaac and Reitz’s absence,gained 56 yards,including a 29-yard run for a touchdown in the second quarter. Brian Bravo booted a 36-yard field goal to close out the firsthalf scoring, and Nick Pastore ran 13 yards to record JCA’s final touchdown early in the fourth quarter. Defensively, Nick Bolek notched three tackles for loss, while Anthony McInerney, Nate Dollinger and J.C. Wagner each had fumble recoveries. “We had a great week of practice,” Sharp said. “I think one of the concerns was finishing the season with two losses. You can feel sorry for yourself very easily, but we talked about how fortunate it is to be in the new season. What happened the previous nine weeks means nothing. They had a great work week, and I hope we continue to build on it. Their enthusiasm in practice showed up tonight as well.”

Continued from page 13 The 12th-seeded Hilltoppers (64) host 13th-seeded Tinley Park (6-4) in the second round this weekend. “Ty looked much better today than he’s looked with that groin injury, but I still think he’s about 75 percent,” Sharp said. “It was nice that he was able to get out in a game situation and we were able to rest him the second half. “It’s still a work in progress. It’s one of those things that it’s a nagging injury, but he’s done a great job as far as preparing himself and doing his rehab, working in practice so we just hope he keeps feeling better and better as we go with each week. We’re looking forward to next week and hopefully these backs continue to get better and better, and stay healthy and see how we do.” Ivlow, who took the majority

to start the second half, but on the third play of the drive Brodrick Patton picked off White and sprinted 30 yards for the touchdown to increase Grand View’s advantage to 23-0. USF got on the board with 11:11 to go in the third quarter when White hooked up with sophomore Malik Norman (Homewood, Ill./ HomewoodFlossmoor) on a 56-yard touchdown completion. Sophomore Sean Murray’s (Phoenix, Ariz./ Shadow Mountain) 32-yard field goal

three minutes later trimmed Grand View’s lead to 23-9 after three quarters. The Saints made it a onepossession game, 23-16, after White delivered a 23-yard scoring strike to senior Desmond Page (Columbus, Ohio/ Briggs) with 4:12 remaining in the contest. After forcing a Grand View punt, the Saints started their final drive from their own 42-yard line with 1:37 to go and no timeouts left. USF managed only three yards before a fourth-down pass fell incomplete.




Porter girls off to state Follow Us! @buglenewspapers

Find Us! The Bugle Newspapers

By Scott Taylor Sports Editor

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

Bianca Wiemeyer helped the Lockport girls to a state berth.

The Lockport girls cross country team might have lost some standouts from last year’s team, but it is right back where it normally is: at the state meet. The Porters finished fourth at the Marist Sectional at Midlothian Meadows with 131 points. Downers South won with 64 points. The top five teams and seven individuals not on those teams advanced to the state meet. “We’re all really excited,” Lockport senior Kimberly Johnson said. “At the beginning of the season a lot of people didn’t think we could do it, but we showed we were strong as a team.We worked hard in practice and stayed in a pack and worked together.” Bianca Wiemeyer led the way with a time of 18 minutes, 16.9, good for 14th, while Johnson was right behind, placing 17th in 18:21.7. “I’m really happy,” Johnson said. “I had a personal best, so I can’t do much better than that, I guess. I think we all knew we could do it. We will have to talk and figure out our goals for next week.” “I felt really good,” Wiemeyer said. “I knew I needed to go and get up to the lead pack to do my best today and help the team. We’re really excited and we really want to do well next week.We’re going to train like we do normally and push ourselves even more.” Wiemeyer hopes to go even lower Saturday at the state meet. “I hope I can be in the low 18s,” Wiemeyer said.“I just want to do really well.” Courtney Correa (18:42.4), Aubrey Elwood (18:43.8) and Taylor Stortz (18:49.6) also placed for the Porters. What might have helped Lockport is being used to a hilly course, which is what its home See STATE, page 18




Minooka wins third straight title By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

All season, Minooka had its share of distractions and growing pains, but a team meeting and a refocused team led to the Indians’ third straight Class 4A regional volleyball title. This time it was a 25-13, 29-27 win over Bradley-Bourbonnais that made Minooka champions. “We work hard every day and we know we have to defend titles every year after we win them,” said junior Skyler Day. “We have a lot of talented players and we knew we had to come together and be a team and focus on winning.” Game one looked like it would be a battle, but Minooka used five kills from Bailey Sachtleben and an 11-2 run at the end of the match. Game 2, however, was a battle to the end. Bradley jumped out to a 4-1 lead, but the Indians battled and eventually force a Bradley timeout

when they grabbed an 11-9 lead. Minooka would roll out to a 20-17 lead, but the Boilermakers bounced back tying the game at 22-22. Bradley would grab leads of 2322 and 24-23, but Minooka battled back every time. The Boilermakers were the first team to 25, but Skyler Day kill again tied the match. It was Day who had the serve with the match tied at 27-27. “There were a lot of nerves stepping up to the line, but I had to just focus on the goal of winning,” Day said.“I had to have confidence and not go back there and freak out.” For the Minooka starters, it was the second day in a row they faced Bradley, as Minooka coach Chris Hoelscher said she the Indians’ second string played the role of the Boilermakers. “We we had the scouting report, and when you know what’s coming and you’re not surprised, you feel prepared,” Hoelscher said. “We basically played them

yesterday. Our second string set up like them, we were able to serve to Bradley and prepare to play Bradley. Preparation meets opportunity, and that’s what success is. “We were prepared and obviously the first game gave us confidence.” Hoelscher said this season’s regional title is different, because the Indians don’t have the senior superstar like Dariyan Hopper and Stacey Perinar, which they had the last two seasons. “I think this time is different because we don’t have that big superstar to rely on for all the big points or to carry our team,” Hoelscher said. “It’s not just one kid with this team, it’s all of them stepping up and playing together. Skyler is a really good player, but she is a year younger than they were when they took over the team.” Sachtleben paced the team with eight kills, while Day had six See INDIANS, page 18

Mark Gregory/Bugle staff

Kelly Clucas sets Tessa Griaparis in Minooka’s regional championship win.



INDIANS Continued from page 17 kills and eight digs.

JCA TheAngels defeated Providence

STATE Continued from page 16 course of Dellwood Park is, and it was also the regional site. Saturday the Porters ran on flat land. “It’s definitely different

25-19, 24-26, 25-16 to win at the Class 3A Morris Regional final. Morgan Reardon led the way with 17 kills for Joliet Catholic (31-6), while Dana Nowaczyk added 16 digs and Sarah Adler posted 17 digs. Mallory Mangun had 33 assists, while Julia Shemaitis chipped in 8 kills. because it is flat,” Johnson said. “We definitely train more on hills, but we worked good through the mud and did well.” On the guys side, junior Will Giroux is headed to state for Lockport after finishing 11th with a time of 15:13.7. “It feels pretty good,” Giroux said.“I really wanted to do it this

Sports LOCKPORT The Porters advanced to the Romeoville Regional final before falling to top-seeded Lemont 1325, 25-21, 25-19 last Thursday. In the semifinals, Lockport defeated SWSC rival Bolingbrook 25-22, 25-18. I think we were a little bit year. I wanted to go out nice and slow, but not too slow. I just wanted to hit it in the second and third mile and go all out the last 400 meters. I think I did what I wanted to do.” The course also was a benefit for Giroux. “There are no hills on this course,”Giroux said.“At Dellwood Park, there are hills like every 400 meters. I know it’s our home course, but it’s nice having a change and a flat course. I think it helped. I like the flat courses now. I used to like hills a lot, but not after training on it every day, it kind of got to me.” Now headed to state, Giroux has his sights set on the 15 minute mark.

tense and anxious in the first set,” Lockport coach Erika Lange said. “We know how dangerous Bolingbrook is. Once we settled in and played our game, things were going ok for us.” Lockport was down 11-7 in the second set before Aubrey Ficek went on a serving run, as the Porters scored 11 straight

points to take control of the match. “Aubrey was confident and controlled her serve,” Lange said. “When Aubrey is in the mindset, she is tough to stop, whether she is hitting or serving. She really took control of that game for us.”

“I want to be sub-14:40, definitely under 15,” Grioux stated. “If I can make All-State, that would be very nice. I want to go down and have fun.”

ran but did not score. Minooka’s girls also placed second in Normal, advancing to state. Freshman Morgan Crouch paced the Indians with a seventh place finish in 18:15. Also scoring were Laura Simon (14th, 18:45), Kaitlyn Chetney (15th, 18:53), Haley McNamara (16th, 18:54) and Caleigh Beverly (19th, 18:59). Moira McAsey (24th, 19:11) and Haley Renison (53rd, 20:04) ran but did not score.

MINOOKA Joey Santillo finished third at the Normal Community Sectional with a time of 14 minutes, 54 seconds to lead the Indians to a fourth-place finish and a berth at the state meet. Alex Pierce (6th, 15:25), Cam Knudsen (10th, 15:37), Cheyne Robinson (37th, 16:22) and Erik Brick (48th 16:31) also scored for Minooka. Henry Bugajski (49th, 16:33) and Will O’Connell (81st, 17:02)

Scott Taylor contributed

JOLIET CENTRAL Central’s Salvador Lazaro advanced to state with a 14th place finish in a time of 15:42.





Maine South rolls over Lane By Matt Le Cren Contributing Writer

By now Maine South coach David Inserra is accustomed to seeing quarterback Matt Alviti turn in great performances. But even Inserra can get a little star-struck at times watching his Northwesternbound star shred defenses with startling precision. Such was the case Saturday when Alviti completed 24 of 35 passes for 328 yards and five touchdowns in leading the host Hawks to a 42-7 victory over Lane Tech in a Class 8A first round playoff game in Park Ridge. “He can make any throw and find the open receiver,” Inserra said of Alviti, who also ran for a touchdown. “Sometimes you get caught watching and forget to coach.” Alviti put on a clinic, completing passes to seven different receivers, four of whom caught touchdown passes. Maine South (10-0) scored on its first four possessions in seizing a 28-0 halftime lead, with Alviti firing touchdown passes on each drive. Alviti tossed a 12-yard scoring strike to John Solari to open the scoring, then found Daly Guzaldo for a nineyarder later in the first quarter. In the second quarter, Alviti had TD passes of 28 yards to Zach Hinkamp and 26 yards to Guzaldo. “Our receivers are awesome,” Alviti said. “I think we’ve got the best receiving corps in the state. They make each other better, they make me better, I

make them better. My running backs make each other better and it just takes a lot of pressure off. It’s a great group of guys.” Lane Tech (5-4) never pressured the heavily favored Hawks, who won their playoff opener for the 10th straight season. But the Indians briefly had a glimmer of hope in the third quarter after recovering a fumble and scoring on a fouryard run by Jack McLaughlin. Trailing 28-7, Lane forced a fumble by Alviti on a hard sack by Ricardo Reyes and picked up a first down on the ensuing drive. But on 4th and 10 from the Maine South 44, McLaughlin was intercepted by linebacker Chris Buscemi, who was making his second start since returning from a bout with mono. Buscemi returned the pick 30 yards to the Lane 36 and five plays later Alviti scored on a three-yard run with :08 left in the period. It was Alviti’s 37th career rushing touchdown. “We started real strong and offensively we played great in the first half,” Alviti said. “Defense was playing real well today, too. We’ve just got to stay more focused in the second half and come out ready to play better.” George Sajenko caught seven passes for a game-high 136 yards, including a 65yard touchdown in the fourth quarter, for Maine South. Guzaldo had six receptions for 59 yards, while Solari had four for 42 and Frank Perrone four for 41. Anthony Mitchell added 93

yards rushing on 12 carries and John Oberheide kicked six extra-points for Maine South. “Offensively I thought we were pretty workmanlike, came out and did what we had to do, nothing purely exciting but taking care of business, hitting open receivers and running the ball when we had to,” Inserrra said. “It was a business-like performance, nothing special. We’ve got to pick it up for the next round because it only gets harder.” The Hawks will host a second round game against Conant (73), which beat New Trier 14-0. Maine South has faced Conant twice before in the playoffs, losing 30-28 in 2002 and beating the Cougars 21-14 in 2006. Both were first-round games. “Conant we haven’t played in a while,” Inserra said. “They’re playing hard, they’ve got a nice tight end, but I haven’t watched a lot of film on them at this point.”

Mike Sandrolini/Bugle Staff

Nick Demons and Maine South are moving on in the playoffs.


Last week’s results

Jack Beneventi, Benet 26-36, 254, 2 TDs Brandon Salter 18 rush, 224 yards, 2 TDs Matt Alviti, Maine South 328 pass yards, 5 total TDs Chris James, Notre Dame 47 carries for 320 yards, 7 TDs Go to to vote for your winner!

Kurt Palandech Plainfield N.

59% Griffin Huba Lisle


Jack Euritt Benet Matt Alviti Maine South






Alsace: Europe’s cultural hybrid Alsace is France with a German accent. Its unique mix of cultures offers enchanting cobbled villages, scenic vineyards, gourmet cuisine and art that is as vibrant as the medieval day it was painted. Standing like a flower-child referee between France and Germany, Alsace has weathered many invasions. Once a Germanspeaking part of the Holy Roman Empire, it became part of France in the 17th century. After France lost the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, Germany annexed it. It bounced back to France after World War I (though Hitler’s army occupied it during World War II). All these centuries as a political shuttlecock have given Alsace a hybrid culture. And the city of Colmar is a great home base to experience it. Long popular with French and German tourists, this well-pickled old town of 70,000 is often overlooked and underrated by overseas travelers. During World War II the American and British military were careful not to bomb quaintly cobbled Colmar.So today

Colmar not only survives, it thrives with 15thand 16th-centur y buildings, distinctive c u i s i n e , and rich art treasures. Colmar’s Unterlinden Museum gets my vote as the best small museum in Europe (www. It fills a 750-year-old former convent with exhibits ranging from Roman artifacts to medieval winemaking, and from traditional wedding dresses to paintings that give vivid insight into the High Middle Ages. Matthias Grunewald’s gripping Isenheim Altarpiece, which shows a gruesome crucifixion, is the museum’s most important work. Germans know this painting like Americans know the Mona Lisa. The altarpiece was commissioned 500 years ago by a monastery hospital filled with people suffering terrible skin diseases - a common

cause of death back then. The hospital’s goal, long before the age of painkillers, was to remind patients that Jesus understood their suffering. The many panels led patients through a series of Bible stories culminating with a reassuring Resurrection scene. Colmar’s replica of a more modern icon will surprise many Americans. Colmar is the hometown of Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, the great sculptor who designed the Statue of Liberty which was a gift from France to the United States on its 100th birthday. Colmar’s Bartholdi Museum describes the creation of Lady Liberty and displays many of Bartholdi’s sculptures ( One room is dedicated to the evolution and completion of the Statue of Liberty; she was assembled in Paris, then taken apart and shipped to New York in 1886 ... 10 years late. If you come on the Fourth of July, the admission is free. When you’re ready for a break from museums, it’s time to hit the road. The Route du Vin the wine road of Alsace - is an asphalt ribbon tying 80 miles of vineyards, villages, and feudal fortresses into an understandably See ALSACE, page 22

Submitted Photo/Tribune Media Service

French or German? Alsace is both.

Election County Board District 4 Jacqueline L. Traynere Bolingbrook Democrat

Kenneth Cygan Bolingbrook Republican

Taxes— Continue to keep property taxes as low as possible to create the economic strength needed for a healthy community. Fiscal Responsibility—We should continue to lobby for the proposed Illiana Expressway. These kinds of projects bring good paying jobs to the county and help us keep a balanced budget. Green Infastructure—On the Forest Preserve Board we are launching the use of I pads in December to eliminate unnecessary and wasteful spending on paper, staff time and postage. Where possible get the County involved in additional partnerships with the private sector like the one with Waste Management that used landfill gas to create electricity at Prairie View. Kenneth Harris Bolingbrook Democrat My mission is to get involve and stay involve. I’m a 19-year resident of Bolingbrook. My education, work experience, volunteer work, and my desire to make a difference have prepared me to be an effective member of the Will County Board. I offer change that you can believe in. I believe in smaller, smarter, and efficient government. I will strive to be open, honest, and represent

District 5 Reed Bible Plainfield Democrat

Lee Ann Goodson Plainfield Republican

the Fourth District to the best of my abilities and make decisions that are in the best interest of our district.

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As a firsttime candidate for Will County Board, I bring new energy and ideas along with relevant business skills and experience. I have successfully managed programs for companies to improve operations, launch new products, and expand globally. I feel that board members have a responsibility to keep taxes low and create an environment that fosters job growth. I will stand firmly against tax increases and will work to make local government more effective. It is not fair to increase property taxes when many residents are struggling in a difficult economy and stalled housing market. Felix George Bolingbrook Republican G e o r g e currently serves as trustee on the DuPage Township Board for the past 19 years. He is also a precinct committeeman for precinct 12 for the last 18 years. His plans for Will County are to promote the following: job growth, infrastructure development, investment in our community, stand against tax and spend policies, promote the control of the Peotone airport by a Will County controlled airport authority. John Argoudelis Plainfield Republican I have deep roots in Plainfield, having been raised on the family farm, attended local schools, raising my family and operating my business in our district. I was taught the importance of hard work, responsibility and service. I am a part of the community that I represent and understand the needs and expectations of my district.

District 6 Mike O’Connell Democrat Tim Vanderhyden Democrat Don Gould Republican Ragan Freitag Republican





Herbert Brooks, Jr. Democrat

Catherine Perretta Republican

Wilhelmi Democrat Joseph M. Babich Democrat

Stephen J. Balich Republican

District 9 Walter Adamic Democrat

Ignacio G. “Jerry” Ramirez Republican

Sharon Cemeno Hiscks Republican

District 8 Denise Winfrey

Diane H. SeilerZigrossi

District 10 Stephen M.

Christine BobanMerriman

District 7 Chester J. Strzelczyk, III Democrat Mike Fricilone Republican

Republican District 13 Mark Ferry Democrat Timothy J. Kraulidis Republican Liz Collins Romeoville Republican




News ALSACE Continued from page 20 popular tourist package., it’s time to hit the road. The Route du Vin - the wine road of Alsace - is an asphalt ribbon tying 80 miles of vineyards, villages, and feudal fortresses into an understandably popular tourist package. The dry and sunny climate here has produced good wine and happy tourists since Roman times, so vineyardhopping is a great way to spend an afternoon. Roadside degustation signs mean winetasters are welcome, but be prepared for grape varieties that differ from what you might find elsewhere in France. Riesling is the king of Alsatian grapes; it’s robust but drier than the German style you’re probably used to. Sylvaner - fresh and light, fruity and cheap - is a good Alsatian wine for a hot day. Pinot Gris wines are more full-bodied, spicier, and distinctly different from other Pinot Gris wines you may have tried. Gewurztraminer is “the lady’s wine” - its bouquet is like a rosebush, its taste is fruity, and its aftertaste is spicy - as its name implies (gewurtz means “spice” in German). In case you really get “Alsauced,” the French term for headache is mal a la tete. Along with its wine, Alsatian cuisine is world-famous. Even vacationers traveling on a shoestring should spring for a fine meal in Alsace. You can’t mistake the German influence: sausages, potatoes, onions, and sauerkraut. Look for choucroute garnie (sauerkraut and sausage) - although it seems a shame to eat it in a fancy restaurant. Also try sampling Baeckeoffe (a meaty onion-and-potato casserole), Rosti (an oven-baked potatoand-cheese dish), Spatzle (soft

egg noodles), fresh trout, and foie gras. For lighter fare, try poulet au Riesling (chicken cooked everso-slowly in Riesling wine). At lunch, or for a lighter dinner, try a tarte a l’oignon (like an onion quiche, but better) or tarte flambee (like a thin-crust pizza with onion and bacon bits). Dessert specialties are tarte alsacienne (fruit tart) and Kuglehopf glace (a light cake mixed with raisins, almonds, dried fruit, and cherry liqueur). For a pleasing taste of European culture, there’s nothing quite likeAlsace.Visitors enjoy a rich blend of two great societies: French and German, Catholic and Protestant - just enough Germanic discipline with a Latin joy of life.

If You Visit Sleeping: Hotel Saint-Martin, ideally situated near the old Customs House, is a family-run place that began as a coaching inn (splurge, Hotel Balladins, near the Unterlinden Museum, is modern, efficient, clean, and cheap (budget, www.balladins. com). Eating: Winstub Schwendi has fun, Alsatian pub energy (3 Grand Rue); Chez Hansi is where Colmarians go for a traditional meal (23 Rue des Marchands). Getting Their: There are four, direct, high-speed trains from Paris that connect to Colmar daily in about three hours; see Tourist Info (Rick Steves ( writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio. Email him at and follow his blog on Facebook.)


Business & Real Estate



Is end of 2012 workplace Armageddon? Q. People in my workplace are noticing all sorts of problems occurring faster and more frequently as we get toward end of the year. They’re talking about the Mayan calendar and predictions about the end of the world. I’ve got enough stress without contemplating Armageddon. How do I handle people in my workplace acting like we’re all heading for a disaster movie? A. People in the workplace are highly vulnerable to anxiety because their survival these days pretty much depends on their paycheck. You can handle the current anxiety about the much discussed date December 21, 2012 by knowing the end of the Mayan calendar is just another version of anxiety in the workplace. Remember the Y2K fears? Planes were going to fall out of the sky and computer systems

were going to crash and then ... nothing happened. Even prophets and psychics don’t seem to agree on future events. No one knows for sure what will happen on December 21 2012, but, historically speaking, it is probably not the end of your workplace. I always tell clients that if they are worried about the future, they should work at being prepared rather than scared. If an asteroid is going to hit the earth, there’s not much you can do about that. However, paying down bills, having surplus water or food on hand, and updating your resume certainly can’t hurt. When your coworkers gather at the water cooler to discuss

the end of the world, ask them what exactly they think is going to happen. Then ask what they think they could do to be ready for that. Peace of mind requires using fear to be proactive rather than allowing your worries to consume you. Some people enjoy the drama of a current or future disaster. Disaster makes them feel like they’ve had a shot of espresso. Whether they worry about being fired, your company getting bought out or the end of the world, it all makes them feel alive. If contemplating disaster makes somebody feel excited, then they probably won’t take you up on your advice to prepare. You also don’t have to participate in long conversations with them, which only raises your anxiety and does nothing to increase your readiness to survive adversity. When you look around you

Tithing without telling Dear Dave, I’m a Christian,but my husband is not. However, we still budget a small amount to give to the church. I started working a parttime job recently, and would like to tithe on this income. Is it okay to do this without telling him? Christine Dear Christine, No, it’s not. Do you really think you’d be honoring God by tithing on this income while at the same time creating a situation where you’re dishonoring your husband by hiding things from him? That’s not a good idea. Your husband has already shown respect for your beliefs with his agreement to make tithing a part of your budget. I think you should return that respect and let him know you’d like to give a portion of your new income. Besides, you wouldn’t be tithing out of his income in a situation like this. It would just be a small portion of the new, additional income you’re generating. Remember, too, that not tithing isn’t a sin. God doesn’t love you more when you tithe, and it’s

not a salvation issue. He wants us to be givers because he knows what it does for us on the inside. It makes us a little more Christ-like when we put the wants and needs of others ahead of our own. So sit down with your husband and explain your feelings on the issue. He doesn’t sound like an unreasonable guy. But regardless,

you shouldn’t deceive someone just because you don’t see eye to eye on everything. —Dave * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored four New York Times bestselling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 5 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at

at work, give everyone in your organization the credit that just getting out of bed is an act of courage these days. There is a great deal of challenge and uncertainty in and out of our workplaces. Dates like December’s supposed doomsday seem to crystallize our natural concerns about the future. Rather than waste the energy you could use to get a raise, get a promotion or achieve career goals, ask yourself what specifically you are worried about? It is OK to come up with ridiculous ideas. Then ask yourself, “Can I prepare for that?” If you can be proactive, do it! If you can’t, make peace with your lack of omnipotence in the universe.

my job and my future. Is there any way to try and lift my depression?

The last word(s)


Q. I am finding myself more and more depressed about

A. Yes. It’s been said that depression is anger without enthusiasm.Ask yourself what is making you mad and use your anger to find solutions to those problems.

(Daneen Skube, Ph.D., executive coach, trainer, therapist and speaker, also appears as the FOX Channel’s “Workplace Guru” each Monday morning. She’s the author of “Interpersonal Edge: Breakthrough Tools for Talking to Anyone, Anywhere, About Anything” (Hay House, 2006). You can contact Dr. Skube at www. or 1420 NW Gilman Blvd., #2845, Issaquah, WA 98027. Sorry, no personal replies.)











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