Impressions Fall 2021

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A publication for alumni and friends of Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. DEAN AD INTERIM




Charis Anderson McCarthy PRINCIPAL DESIGNER

Andrew Adamides WRITERS

Shannon C. Broderick Multimedia Content Creator Communications & Outreach Louise Kennedy Senior Writer Development Communications CONTRIBUTORS

Katie O’Shea Alumni Officer Development & Alumni Relations PHOTOGRAPHY

Shannon C. Broderick Dave Green Anton Grassl COVER

2021 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Send address change to: Development & Alumni Relations Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine 85 East Newton Street, 10th floor Boston, MA 02118






01 A message from the Dean

17 A message from the Alumni Association President

02 GSDM Completes Addition & Renovation Project 11

A State-of-the-Art Partnership

13 GSDM marks completion of Addition & Renovation Project with Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony 14 Time Capsule

18 Connecting Alumni in Italy 21 Alumni Events 24 Class Notes










29 On Campus: Highlights

37 Profiles in Giving

49 In Memoriam

33 By the Numbers

39 Leadership Update

51 The Last Word

35 Narendra Nagalla: First recipient of the Gordon Scholarship

40 Named Spaces within the Addition & Renovation 42 Donor Roll


This is the first time that I have addressed you in the pages of this magazine as your dean ad interim – and I must say, it is an honor. I continue to be impressed not only by the caliber of our school’s alumni – I expected that, having observed your excellence as students and residents in my role as associate dean for academic affairs! – but also by the strength of the alumni community and your ongoing commitment to our school. Nowhere is that support more evident than in the recently completed three-year, $115 million Addition & Renovation Construction project. Before I dive into some of the details of this transformative project, let me just say that we could not have done this without you – without your support, your creative ideas, your philanthropic commitment. As alumni, you may not get the opportunity to use the new spaces and new technology on a day-to-day basis – but this project is just as much yours as it is our current students, residents, faculty, and staff’s. I think it’s safe to say that today our school is unrecognizable from its former self, in the best possible way. From the exterior – with a new modern façade that is finally aligned in look and feel to the innovative and cutting-edge work happening inside – to the state-of-the-art Patient Treatment Center and Simulation Learning Center, to the student-centered collaborative and learning spaces tucked throughout the building, our school has been transformed into a model facility for dental education and oral healthcare. As you know, we take great pride in the fact that GSDM was the first dental school in the country to implement a “fully digital” vision for providing oral healthcare to our patients and for educating our students. In part, that’s because we believe we must be ahead of the industry as a whole in order to ensure that we are educating students who will be leading practitioners in the digital dentistry era. It is not enough to educate our students on the techniques and technologies that are widely used in the industry today – we must educate them on the techniques and technologies of the future. Our newly renovated and expanded facility will support us in achieving this mission. In closing, thank you all so much for the support you have demonstrated for this project and for our school. The improvement and expansion of the school’s clinical facility ensures that we will be able to provide our patients – patients who often are among the most underserved populations in Boston – with the best oral healthcare possible while incorporating these advanced technologies into our clinical curriculum, maintaining the school’s position as a global leader in dental education. I am looking forward to welcoming you back to our school and to seeing your faces as you take in the remarkable changes. Cataldo W. Leone, DMD, DMedSc, FACD, FICD Dean ad interim






ack in the winter of 2017, we wrote in the pages of this magazine about a proposed project that would expand and renovate the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) facility, improving both the educational and patient experience at the school and enhancing the school’s already-stellar global reputation. Now, four years, seven issues of Impressions, two deans, and a global pandemic later, the school that stands on the corner of East Newton and Albany Streets is almost unrecognizable. The three-year, $115 million Addition and Renovation Project added about 48,000 additional square feet to the school, including a seven-story addition on the west side and a two-story one on the north side, and has been entirely reclad in a modern façade, finally aligning the exterior look of the school to the cutting-edge work occurring within its walls. “Our aim is to provide our students an education that seamlessly incorporates cutting-edge technology in a modern learning environment,” said Dr. Cataldo Leone, GSDM dean ad interim. “The school, especially our Patient Treatment Center and the Simulation Learning Center, is now equipped with state-of-the art digital dentistry technology and laboratory resources.” “We’ve always had world-class faculty and excellent students, but we needed worldclass space to go along with that,” said David Lustbader CAS 86 DMD 86, who chairs the GSDM Dean’s Advisory Board. “Now, we can treat patients and teach our students and residents in the space they all deserve.” Since construction first started in 2018, we’ve kept the GSDM community updated as the school grew and transformed—now, we’re excited to share the completed project.


CL INICA L SPACES The Addition and Renovation Project revolutionized the predoctoral Patient Treatment Center, adding 28 chairs, for a total of 100 dental chairs, and outfitting each patient operatory with state-of-the-art technology. The renovated and expanded Patient Treatment Center also includes cuttingedge laboratories featuring digital radiography with two-dimensional and three-dimensional imaging and robust five-axis milling units. “The practice of dentistry continues to evolve rapidly due to the innovative advances in dental research and materials science,” said Alexander Bendayan PROS 05, assistant dean for digital dentistry development and ad interim chair of the Department of Restorative Sciences


& Biomaterials. “This project provides the perfect platform to integrate these innovative technologies and plan for a fast-pacing future, allowing us to upgrade as needed.” The improvement and expansion of the school’s clinical facility ensures that it will be able to provide its patients – patients who often are among the most underserved populations in Boston – with the best oral healthcare possible while incorporating these advanced technologies into its clinical curriculum, maintaining the school’s position as a global leader in dental education. “It’s really rewarding for my patients who have been coming to the school for many years to experience the new clinic,” Trini Roxas DMD 22 said. “A lot of

them express how happy they are that everything is nice and new, and how easy it is to navigate the new spaces.” According to John Guarente DMD 89, associate dean for clinical affairs, the project has expanded the physical space for working and learning in the clinic, thus allowing the school to bring students into the clinic earlier in their dental school experience. “With the increased square footage within our operatories, we easily accommodate the early learner who is taking advantage of the experience to see how dentistry is done, prior to being the provider,” Guarente said. “Our patients [can] now see the early learners as being part of the oral healthcare team and the transitions from student to student will improve.”

S I M U L AT I O N L E A R N I N G C E N T E R One of the project’s primary goals was to integrate the Simulation Learning Center (SLC) into the dental school, moving it from its previous home in a building across Albany Street. The new 117-station center, which opened in Februrary 2020, is located on the building’s third floor and is outfitted with state-of-the-art technology, including simulators, advanced microscopes, intraoral scanners, ultrasonic scalers, electric handpieces, curing units for composite restorations, and a high-speed evacuation system. “Our new SLC allowed us to seamlessly integrate the education model into a patient treatment center experience,” Bendayan said. The technologies and instruments available in the SLC match what

students will use once they enter the Patient Treatment Center, ensuring that students’ preclinical education is a true simulation of what they will encounter in the clinical portion of their experience. “Our new SLC provides the newest technologies in dental practice,” said Celeste Kong PROS 84 DMD 87, professor and chair, Department of General Dentistry. “We provide not just the ability to do digital scans of tooth preparations, so that we can mill restorations in the SLC, we also provide microscopes to help students with their simulations for endodontic treatment. These microscopes could also be used to help students check the margins of their preparations and the milled restorations.”

Integrating the SLC into the school’s primary facility better supports the continuum of student learning and strengthens the connections between the didactic, preclinical, and clinical portions of students’ education. Prajakta Joshi DMD AS 22 said that the technology in the SLC, including Cerec scanners with the PrepCheck system, which provides detailed feedback to students regarding undercuts or degree of taper on crown preps, for example, helped ease the transition into providing clinical care. “The equipment and technologies have helped me to learn at my own pace and get tailored longitudinal feedback, which has helped me gain confidence and become competent before entering the clinic,” Joshi said.


C O L L A B O R AT I V E SPACES Another primary goal of the project was to integrate collaborative spaces throughout the building’s seven floors, creating spaces where students could gather with their peers. From a second-floor resident office space to study nooks tucked into corners, the renovated space has no shortage of places for students to study, hang out, and work in small groups. “My experience over the years is that some of the most meaningful interactions occur unplanned in non-formal settings,” Leone said. “Students and residents need a place where they can simply sit together and enhance each other’s learning.” The project’s signature collaborative space – the David & Wendy Lustbader Student & Resident Lounge – is prominently located on the first floor. Open to all students and residents, this space provides a space for students to eat, study, and connect with classmates. “I love being able to use the student lounge to catch up with friends, have lunch, and just relax in between appointments,” Roxas said. Lustbader said that it was important to him that the new building have a space dedicated to students and residents. “Our school never had a space [in the past] for students to be students: to relax, to laugh, to bond as professionals, and to collaborate on care for their patients,” he said. “This can only enhance the educational experience for our students and the overall experience for our patients.”


“This can only enhance the educational experience for our students and the overall experience for our patients.”


CLOSING THOUGHTS Having completed its Addition and Renovation Project, GSDM is entering a new era of education and patient care. With state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, and collaborative spaces for members of the GSDM community to connect, learn and grow together, the school is poised to be a global leader in educating future generations of oral health professionals. “When the project was originally conceived back in 2010…the intent was to ‘right-size’ the facility to match industry standards for clinical education,” Leone said. “It was important for GSDM to enhance the quality of its education and patient care mission by renovating and adding to our suboptimal space and at the same time upgrading and modernizing our clinical and preclinical equipment.” Guarente said that the completed project allows GSDM to stay “ahead of the curve” as the school looks into the future. “Truth be told, nobody knows the pending academic challenges or how we will care for patients in the future,” Guarente said. “With our facility changes we have positioned ourselves very well to be able to adapt to new content, new learning styles, and new patient care options.”


Learn more about the completion of the GSDM Addition & Renovation project on our website.


Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) unveiled in September an updated and expanded patient treatment center, equipped with state-of-the art digital dentistry technology and laboratory resources from Dentsply Sirona. In recognition of Dentsply Sirona’s generous support, the center will be named in the company’s honor, an announcement that was made on September 21 by GSDM Dean ad interim Cataldo Leone at a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by Dentsply Sirona’s Chief Clinical Officer Terri Dolan. “We are so appreciative of Dentsply Sirona’s support of cutting-edge dental education and patient care,” said Dean Leone. “Thanks 11

to this commitment from Dentsply Sirona, we were able to build a Patient Treatment Center with the most advanced digital dentistry technology of any dental school in the world. This allows us to provide our patients – who are often among the most underserved populations in Boston – the best oral healthcare possible, and positions our school as a global leader in dental education.”

digital integration for the school’s students and its patients, and have expanded dramatically what GSDM students are able to do chair-side. The partnership also supported the creation of state-of-the-art laboratories that include digital radiography with two-dimensional and three-dimensional imaging, and robust five-axis milling units, and will support a team of certified laboratory technicians who will provide assistance to faculty and students.

Dentsply Sirona’s commitment allowed GSDM to outfit 100 patient treatment spaces in its predoctoral “GSDM’s goals align with those of Patient Treatment Center with Dentsply Sirona. This cooperation Dentsply Sirona’s Teneo dental chairs, shows both sides are committed to making GSDM the first dental school empowering current and future dental in the U.S. to install and use these professionals through education, and technologically advanced chairs. research,” said Eric Bruno, senior The Teneo chairs provide seamless

vice president of Dentsply Sirona. “As a corporation, we believe it is our social responsibility to focus on initiatives and collaborations that aim to improve oral healthcare,” Bruno said. “This often starts in the classroom, which is why we are dedicated to supporting high-quality dental education, like that offered at GSDM.” In the new Dentsply Sirona Patient Treatment Center, students are using the integrated digital dentistry technology in the Teneo dental chairs to create an efficient workflow for a wide range of procedures, including: milled inlay and onlay fillings, milled crowns and bridges; surgically guided dental implants; ultrasonic cleanings; root canals with the use of

3D imaging; 3D printing of dentures and surgical guides; and chair-side, single-visit crowns using Omnicams, an advanced intraoral scanner. GSDM and Dentsply Sirona have worked closely together since the advent of CAD/CAM technologies in oral healthcare. This continued collaboration will help each organization further its goals – all while pushing the fields of dental education and oral healthcare to new heights. Construction on the Dentsply Sirona Patient Treatment Center was completed in June 2021. The work was part of a larger addition and renovation construction project at GSDM that increased

the school’s total predoctoral clinical space by 60 percent. GSDM has long been a leader in digital dentistry. In 2014, under the leadership of Dean emeritus Jeffrey Hutter, it became the first dental school in the country to implement a “fully digital” vision for providing oral healthcare to its patients and for educating its students. That leading-edge innovation was made possible thanks to the collaboration with Dentsply Sirona, and GSDM has continued to build on that foundation of innovation in the subsequent years, through efforts such as the development of the Dentsply Sirona Patient Treatment Center.


On a sunny day in September, GSDM celebrated the completion of the Addition and Renovation Project with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on the steps of the 635 Albany Street entrance. As Terri Dolan, Dentsply Sirona VP and chief clinical officer, Dean’s Advisory Board chair David Lustbader CAS 86 DMD 86, Cataldo Leone, dean ad interim, Robert A. Brown, BU president, Karen Antman, BU Medical Campus provost and School of Medicine dean, and student speaker Justin Middleton DMD 21 MED 24 OMFS 27 cut the red ribbon, the approximately 100 guests attending the September 21 ceremony applauded and cheered.

“Here at GSDM, we believe we must be ahead of the industry as a whole in order to ensure that we are educating students who will be leading practitioners in the digital dentistry era,” Leone said. “It is not enough to educate our students on the techniques and technologies that are widely used in the industry today – we must educate them on the techniques and technologies of the future.” The event, which was attended by University leadership, invited dignitaries, and corporate sponsors—as well as members of the GSDM community—marked the completion of the three-year project. Brown, Leone, Middleton, and Dolan provided remarks; Leone also announced the naming of the Dentsply Sirona Patient Treatment Center during the ceremony. “We are here today at the beginning of the new chapter,” Middleton said. “With…this magnificent building, filled with brilliant minds and an unfathomable amount of technology.” SmithGroup provided integrated design services, Shawmut Design and Construction served as the general contractor and Compass Project Management, Inc. as the owner’s project manager. Other key design team members includes Nitsch Engineering. After the ceremony, guests were invited inside for refreshments and guided tours of the new spaces. President Brown used a physics metaphor to explain the impact that the redesigned facility would have for members of the GSDM community.


“In common usage, a quantum leap is a big change,” Boston University President Robert A. Brown said. “This new building is a quantum leap in the quality of the facilities for our great faculty and students.”


On June 10, 2021, GSDM buried a time capsule to be opened on October 17, 2063, the 100th anniversary of the school’s founding. Faculty, staff, students, residents, and alumni contributed items to the time capsule, all of which, taken together, paint a picture of what the school has looked like in the past and present. “It’s fun for us to imagine what the school will look like in 40 years—and I’m sure it will be hard for members

of the future GSDM community to imagine what it was like here in 2021,” Dean ad interim Cataldo Leone said. We chatted with two of our alumni—Celeste Kong PROS 84 DMD 87, professor and chair, GSDM Department of General Dentistry and Roderick Lewin OMFS 60—about the objects they donated to the capsule and what they believe the school will look like in the future.


What was GSDM like when you were a student here? Dean Frankl knew everyone’s name. We were a much smaller school in the early 80s, and my faculty members in the Prosthodontics Department often held class celebrations in their homes. They opened their homes and their families to us. It was close-knit. What object are you putting in the Time Capsule, and why did you select that object? I still had my first faculty lab coat with the letters BUSGD, Boston University School of Graduate Dentistry. [When I was a resident,] we were still recognized as a school that had its beginnings in postdoctorate programs. What do you think GSDM will look like in 50 years when the Time Capsule is opened? The South End has changed a lot since I was a student, and it is changing even faster now. GSDM will no longer be on the fringe of the city but in the center of Boston. Our patient pool will reflect that change as well. The excellent patient care that we provide will available to a more diverse community. What do you think the profession of dentistry will look like in 50 years when the Time Capsule is opened?

“The excellent patient care that we provide will available to a more diverse community. ”


I believe that we already lead with the digital dentistry technology that we own at GSDM. Fifty years from now, patients will have their crowns printed on the same day. Every dental practice will own technology that allows them to email an impression or intraoral scan, and it will be up to the provider to decide whether they want to maintain the equipment that prints the crowns or have the lab do same-day delivery. We will have eliminated caries and periodontal disease. We will deal more with tooth loss due to trauma. Orthodontics will still be in high demand and aesthetic procedures will predominate.

What was the school like when you were here? I was in the first class to graduate from the Department of Stomatology, which, at the time, was part of the BU School of Medicine. There were approximately 11 of us in the class, all of whom had finished the required hospital training. At the time, if you wanted to get your boards in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, a year of postgraduate medical study was one of the requirements. The department was formed under the tutelage of the renowned Dr. Henry Goldman and Dr. Kurt Thoma. What object are you putting in the Time Capsule, and why did you select that object? My certificate [the object that I donated to the time capsule] was one of the first ones, and I believe has historical significance. This is a unique piece of the beginnings before the dental school was established. What do you think GSDM will look like in 50 years when the Time Capsule is opened? I have no idea. In 50 years? I can’t even think about it. Because what I’ve seen in changes along the way…GSDM has blossomed along with the other dental schools in Boston. So, I have seen multiple changes in my specialty and the expansion of the educational requirements that go with it are phenomenal. I don’t know where graduate training will be in the future, but it’s not going to be at a standstill, I know that. The leadership at the dental schools, will need to provide and protect the profession going forward.

“I have seen multiple changes in my specialty and the expansion of the educational requirements that go with it are phenomenal.”

What do you think the profession of dentistry will look like in 50 years when the Time Capsule is opened? I know it’ll become more complex. I know that the student body will probably be as selective as it is now, if not more selective.



A Message From THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Dear Fellow Alumni, Tempus fugit. That Latin phrase certainly rings true right now. But despite the seemingly accelerated pace of time, here at BU progress remains undeterred! Against so many unusual odds during these last years, the school renovation is complete, our students are back to treating patients and we’re poised to usher in a new alumni association president! Even the swift passage of time won’t dim some of our most potent memories. I’m sure each of us remembers that first time we walked into the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine building–whether it was the brownstone on East Concord Street (the original location for GSDM) or the three- and then seven-story facility built in the 1970s at its current location. But while the specifics of these memories are unique to our own experiences, the building itself remained fundamentally unchanged for almost 50 years – until now. In July, we completed a three-year, transformative, $115 million Addition & Renovation Construction Project. The building’s new look now truly reflects the school’s innovative and cutting-edge reputation. And let me tell you about the interior! The project increased the space by nearly 50,000 square feet and includes state-of-the-art equipment, enhanced instructional space, student collaboration areas and so much more! It truly has to be seen to be believed – and my hope is that you’ll plan to stop by the school to see it with your own eyes. And let’s be clear: None of this would have been possible without your support. Since the moment (over 10 years ago!) the project was first conceived, GSDM alumni have been at the table ensuring the final product would be just as incredible as it’s turned out to be. That level of alumni commitment is one of the most inspiring experiences I’ve had in my time serving here at the Alumni Board. Our GSDM community is truly extraordinary. In this issue of Impressions, through the power of great photography, I invite you to explore the project in more detail. You’ll see how the construction transforms both the educational and patient care experience at GSDM. But, again, nothing can replace seeing this epic change in person – so be sure to make time to come home and visit. We’ll be so happy to see you! And finally, on a personal note, I want to say what an honor it’s been to serve as your alumni association president over the last two years. It’s been nothing short of memorable and gratifying—and I have absolutely enjoyed every minute of it. I also know that I leave the Alumni Association in incredibly good hands, as I pass the gavel off to Maryam Shomali CAS 87 ENDO 93 this fall. And to be honest, I’m not really going away – I plan to be just as involved in the school community as ever, just in a different role. Sincerely, Gigi Meinecke DMD 88 Alumni Association President 17




The Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) is known for its international community: Our students and residents come from all corners of the globe to attend school. But what happens when they graduate and leave Boston to return to their home countries?

In Italy, alumni decided to create their own extension of the GSDM community by forming Boston University Italian Alumni (BUIA), an alumni association serving GSDM graduates who live in Italy. The association was founded in 1999 and now has approximately 40 members. “We are friends first, and then we are colleagues,” Fabio Scutella PROS 01, who currently serves as president of the association, said. “We see and meet each other out of the BUIA during congresses, in Italy, during meetings. So we are really close… and this is why we look forward to meeting once a year [at the association’s annual meeting].” With alumni spread out across the country, from Milan to Sicily, the organization does not have the opportunity to meet in person 19

very often. However, BUIA hosts a two-day meeting each year, where members can share clinical cases, hear from lecturers, and catch up with old friends and classmates. In 2019, BUIA celebrated their 20th anniversary by inviting other GSDM alumni who live outside of the United States, creating an international gathering. “We had people from Lebanon, the Philippines, Tunisia and Greece, France coming over,” Scutella’ said. “It was a wonderful get together. It was a great opportunity to see each other after so many years—it was like time didn’t pass at all.” Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 BUIA meeting was canceled, and Scutella’ said that their 2021 event was much smaller in size. The group is already planning their 2022 meeting,




















which will be dedicated to long-time BUIA president Paolo Vigolo PROS 91, who passed away in 2019. “I am so happy to see an alumni group like the BUIA continuing to meet, year after year,” Stacey McNamee, director of Alumni Relations & Annual Giving said. “Even though BUIA is far from Boston, they’ve managed to keep the spirit of the BU family alive.” Many members of BUIA have gone on to serve in leadership positions for other Italian scientific societies, including the late Paolo Vigolo PROS 91, (president of Aiop (Italian Academy of Prosthetics), Luca Landi PERIO 97 (president of SIdP, Italian Society of Periodontology), Silvia Allegrini ORTHO 91 (president of Sido, Italian Society of Orthodontics), and Alfonso Caiazzo (president of Iao, Italian Academy of Osseointegration)

“GSDM has definitely played an important role in the professional careers of many of us in several ways,” Scutella’ said. “The background we’ve been provided with, the curriculum we learned, and the self-confidence we learned to show in public meetings...those were no doubt inherited from our time at GSDM.” For Scutella’, who spent five years in Boston, BUIA offers an opportunity to stay in touch with his fellow classmates, some of whom he considers family. “I had three roommates during my time in Boston who became like brothers to me,” Scutella’ said. “We’re still in touch, we talk quite often. And the same is to be said of other BU students in BUIA. We are very close friends between us, and that’s why we really like and look forward to meeting.” 20


On June 24, 2021, about 45 alumni, faculty, and residents attended a hybrid Orthodontic Alumni Meeting that took place virtually and in-person in the new auditorium at Boston University Goldman Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine.

On April 22, 2021, about 50 alums and residents attended a virtual meeting of the BU Endodontic Alumni during the American Association of Endodontist Meeting.



Incoming Alumni Board President Maryam Shomali CAS 87 ENDO 93 Maryam Shomali CAS 87 ENDO 93 became president of the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) Alumni Association in October 2021. Dr. Shomali is a double terrier, having earned her B.A. in Biology from Boston University in 1986. She earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, before returning to GSDM to study endodontics. Her son is a fourth year DMD student; once he graduates, he will also become a double terrier. She currently owns and practices at Wellesley Endodontics in Wellesley, Massachusetts, a position she has held since graduating in 1993. Dr. Shomali is very active in community engagement and volunteerism. She has volunteered with Give Kids a Smile, the Yankee Dental Congress Scientific Committee and Massachusetts Dental Society Mentor Program. She has been OpenCare Patients’ Choice winner and has been nominated by her peers for the Boston Magazine’s Best Endodontist category. Additionally, she has served as President of the Charles River Study Club and has been the Chair of the Metropolitan District Dental Society. Dr. Shomali is a member of the American Association of Endodontics, the Massachusetts Association of Endodontics, the American Dental Association, the Massachusetts Dental Society, the Metropolitan District Dental Society and the Boston University Endodontic Alumni Association.

Alumni Board Listing Maryam Shomali CAS 87 ENDO 93 President Chandan Advani DMD 04 Ashish Agarwal DMD 17 Stephanie Brooks DMD 18 Hesham Farag DMD 21 Zhiqiang Huang DMD 08 Dennis Jodoin DMD 96 PERIO 98 Jasmine Khedkar DMD 17 Puneet Kochhar DMD 03 Sandip Ladani DMD 16 Hongsheng Liu DMD 10 ENDO 12

Gigi Meinecke DMD 88

Naveen Verma DMD 04

Nikita Naumowicz DMD 21

Donald Yu ENDO 81

Gary Nord DMD 10 Sepideh Novid DMD 04 AEGD 05 Casey Pedro DMD 03 Jamily Pedro DMD 11 Loubna Chehab Pla ENDO 08 Kady Rawal AEGD 10 DPH 18 Jignesh Rudani DMD 17

Past Presidents Zhimon Jacobson PROS 80 PROS 81 DMD 86 (1992–1994) Bill Walker ENDO 68 (1994–1997) Ronnie A. Schnell DMD 81 (1997–2000)

Frank Schiano DMD 06 AEGD 07 ORTHO 18

Josephine Pandolfo CAS 74 DMD 79 PERIO 82 (2000–2003)

Cameron Shahbazian DMD 14 Questrom 24

Maddy Apfel DMD 80 (2003–2006)

Joseph Calabrese DMD 91 AEGD 92 (2006–2008) Shadi Daher DMD 90 OMFS 94 (2008–2010) Tina Valades DMD 84 (2010–2012) Mitch Sabbagh DMD 87 (2012–2014) Bing Liu DSc 99 DMD 03 (2014–2017) Sean Rayment DMD 97 DSc 00 (2017-2019) Gigi Meinecke DMD 88 (2019-2021)

Tadeu Szpoganicz DMD 11 22

GSDM Career Resources 617-358-6828

Boston University Dental Career Network

Boston UniverGsetiCtoynnD ental Career Networ ected! Get Connected!

Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine has launched an online jobboard system: Boston University Dental Career Network (BUDCN). The system allows employers to post positions tailored to GSDM current students, residents, fellows, alumni, and faculty.

ston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine has launched a system: Boston University Dental Career Network (BUDCN). The system allo post positions tailored to GSDM current students, residents, fellows, alumni, STUDENTS may use BUDCN as a jobboard system and career resource tool customized for their needs.

STUDENTS use BUDCN as a jobrd system and career urce tool customized for their needs.

ALUMNI & FACULTY can sign up as job seekers or employers for BUDCN.

EMPLOYERS can register to post positions and review applicant submissions for dentists and specialists.

Access the Boston University Dental Career Network ALUMNI & FACULTY

can sign up as job seekers or employers for BUDCN.

EMP can reg position applicant s dentists a

Alumni Discount


New Graduate Discount


Access the BostonEducation University Dental Career Network Continuing We offer multidisciplinary courses for dental health professionals on a range of cutting-edge topics, from robotics to Botox to laser dentistry–and more! You can choose whether you want a hands-on course, a live-patient demo, or a traditional lecture–and whichever you choose, you’ll be taught by a leading expert in the field.

*Discounts cannot be combined

For full course offerings, see our website at 23

GSDM Career Resources 617-358-6828



an online jobows employers and faculty.

Nikhil Whig DMD 15 and PLOYERS gister Jasmine to post Whig DMD 15 welcomed their son, Armin, on March 23, 2021. ns and review submissions for and specialists.

Caitlin Reddy SAR 09 DMD 13 and Aaron Conti welcomed twins, Michael Anthony and Anna Marie Conti, on July 19, 2020.

Kady Bednar Reynolds DMD 12 ORTHO 15 and husband Burt welcomed Gabrielle “Gabby” June Reynolds on May 14, 2021. She joins big brothers Wiley, William, and Max. Proud grandfather is Jack Bednar ORTHO 75.

Linda Linsinbigler Miller DMD 15 married Nathan Miller on August 24, 2019. They welcomed their son, Nathan James Miller Jr., on December 31, 2020. 24

Marisa Reason ORTHO 18 married Sean Swiatek on June 19, 2021, at The White Elephant in Nantucket, MA. Dr. Reason was also highlighted as one of Boston’s top orthodontists this year in Boston Magazine.

On June 12, 2021 in Austin, Texas, the following alumni were inducted as 2021 Academy of General Dentistry Fellows: Amit Merchant DMD 15, Kavitha Nagaruru DMD 05, Divya Shetty DMD 03, Shabana Zahir DMD 08, Simran Grover DPH 08 AEGD 08 (faculty), Garrett Wingrove DMD 17, Nicholas Koren DMD 15 AEGD 16, Neelima Ravi DMD 05, Sajini Shetty CAS 00 DMD 05 and Ashish Papneja DMD 15. Bhavisha Patel DMD 07 and Sowmya Kanumilli DMD 09 are 2020 AGD fellows who were inducted during this year’s in-person convocation.

Jacob Al-Hashemi ENDO 19 was awarded second place for his poster presentation at the American Association of Endodontics Annual Meeting in April 2021.


Sean Rayment DMD 97 DSc 00 was named the 2021 William McKenna Volunteer Hero by the Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) and the Journal of Massachusetts Dental Society for his volunteer work with the MDS, including his participation in the MDS Dental Health and Wellness Committee, which he chaired from 2016-2020.

Carmen Sanchez DMD 95 was recognized as a Top Dentist for 2021 by Top Doctor Awards, which specializes in recognizing and commemorating the achievements of today’s most influential and respected doctors in medicine.

On March 16, 2021, the American Dental Association (ADA) announced both Eleanor Fleming DPH 19 and Amrita Patel DMD 15 as part of its annual 10 under 10, which recognizes 10 new dentists who demonstrate excellence early in their careers.

David DiBenedetto DMD 80 published a book called Mammals to Man: Dental Occlusion and Apnea on October 11, 2020, in which he provides an overview of dental occlusion in both animals and humans.

Robert Allyn Goldman PERIO 71 published a book called The Slammer: A Critique of Prison Overpopulation, a Menacing Flaw in American Culture on November 9, 2020. Dr. Goldman, who spent time working as a dentist in the American prison system, takes on the central issues that underpin the continuing prison expansions.

Joseph Pezza ORTHO 73 and Greg Pezza DMD 03 AEGD 04 ORTH 08 were named among Rhode Island’s top Orthodontists for the tenth year in a row by Rhode Island Monthly magazine.

Dina Husein ENDO 19 became a diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics in April 2021.

Meghna Dassani DMD 05 published a book called Airway is Life: Waking up to your family’s sleep crisis on February 25, 2021. The book gives you information you need to spot sleep-disordered breathing and other issues so you can provide the help you or your family member need.

In July 2021, Kady Rawal AEGD 10 DPH 18 was announced as one of DentaQuest’s 2021 Health Equity Heroes: Champion of the Pandemic, which celebrates individuals who preserve access to equitable oral care and health care for all. DentaQuest provided a $5,000 charitable contribution in the name of each hero to a nonprofit of their choice; Dr. Rawal directed her donation to the Smiles for Success Foundation and Aid’s COVID Relief Fund for India. 26

In late May 2021, Keith Wolfenden DMD 10 took over the practice of the retired Dr. Jim Deschene, who owned Berthoud Dental Care for 22 years.

Nauman Chatha ENDO 17 was appointed as a member on the Educational Affairs Committee as part of the American Association of Endodontists.

Larry Dunham DMD 83, assistant dean for diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging, was selected as the recipient of the 2021 National Dental Association/ Colgate-Palmolive Faculty Recognition Award in the category of Administrator/Service.

Khalid Alamoud ORTHO 20 received the Thomas M. Graber Award of Special Merit in honor of research performed during his program at Boston University. His project, ‘Gs alpha deficiency in osteocytes alters craniofacial growth and enamel mineralization,’ was done under the mentorship of Dr. Paola Divieti-Pajevic.

Dr. Ishwar Bhatia, clinical associate professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, retired in June 2021 after 20 years at the Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine


Rohan Kirtane DMD 13 AEGD 14 won first prize at the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry Research Day on April 17, 2021, which was held in conjunction with the Manitoba Dental Association’s Annual Convention. After winning, Dr. Kirtane represented his future alma mater, the University of Manitoba, as the William R. Proffit Resident Scholar at the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) Annual Session’s resident research program in the clinical sciences category on May 22, 2021.

The Massachusetts Dental Society Board of Trustees began its new term on July 1, 2021, featuring some notable GSDM alums and a faculty member: Dr. Meredith A. Bailey Questrom 24 (President), James E. Lee CAS 09 MED 10 DMD 14 (Secretary), John Gusha DMD 84 (Regional 2 Trustee – Wachusett, Worchester), and Michael Mayr MED 12 DMD 16 (Region 5 Trustee – Boston, North Metropolitan).

Three GSDM alumni were recognized by Incisal Edge magazine as Top 40 under 40 Dentists in America Award for 2021. Anchita Venkatesh DMD 18 and Stephen Brand DMD 19 were awarded in the General Dentist category, and Chad Rebhun DMD 12 OMFS 16 was awarded in the Dental Specialist category.

Tina Valades DMD 84, clinical assistant professor of General Dentistry, retired on March 31, 2021, after 30 years at the Boston University Goldman Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine.

Dr. Sheldon Itzkowitz, clinical associate professor of General Dentistry, retired in June 2021.

Dr. Thomas Kilgore, professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery retired on May 31, 2021, after 48 years at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine.

Did you get married? Have a baby? Accomplish a life goal? We’d love to hear your news! Please email your updates (and any address changes) to Stacey McNamee at 28



On Campus: Highlights

Commencement Sunday, May 16, 2021

While the Class of 2021’s final year at the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine was a challenging one, the clear theme throughout numerous Commencement Week events was that nothing could take away from what the students and residents of this class achieved. “It is also necessary for me to urge you not to let one year define all the years. I ask that you focus on what you have learned, on how much you have grown, and on the good friends and colleagues you have made during your time here,” said Dean ad interim Catalado Leone during his opening remarks for the school’s virtual convocation. Like their time at dental school, the celebrations for the Class of 2021 were unique: Commencement week events were a mixture of Zoom meetings, virtual celebrations and an in-person event.

Meet the Keynote Speaker The keynote speaker for this year’s ceremony was Dr. Cherae FarmerDixon DPH 14, who currently serves as the dean of the Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry in Nashville, Tennessee. Farmer-Dixon shared five life lessons to aid students as they entered their professional career, urging them to be open to continued learning, to acknowledge those who helped them along the way, reflect on the positives and negatives of dental school, to handle challenges as they arise as each challenge defines who they become as a person, and to know their “PCR” — purpose, commitment and result. “Today’s demonstration of your successes, and a job well done, are not the end of a chapter, but a continuation of a journey of lifelearning,” Farmer-Dixon said.

Read how Dr. Farmer-Dixon is making the dental community a more inclusive place in the Spring 2020 issue of Impressions.

On Sunday, May 16, members of the GSDM community and their loved ones logged online to watch the school’s convocation, a prerecorded ceremony that was livestreamed on the BU website. Luljeta Isedisha, valedictorian of the DMD Advanced Standing Class of 2021, said that while the ceremony looked different, it was in no way less exciting than in previous years. “While the celebrations may be smaller, the enthusiasm is greater,” Isedisha said. “Our achievements are in no way diminished, but are rather amplified by the resilience we have shown over the last year.” On Sunday, May 16, graduating students also had the opportunity to participate in the All-University Commencement, which took place on Nickerson Field. A number of GSDM students and residents took advantage of the opportunity to join the in-person event – with many of them then crossing the city after the ceremony to take photos in their regalia in front of the dental school in their regalia. In addition to the University-wide commencement and school convocation, GSDM held their own informal event, “A Toast to the Class of 2021,” on Friday, May 14. Students, residents, and faculty logged onto Zoom, while family and friends headed to YouTube for a livestream, as members of the GSDM community celebrated the graduating class. Viewers heard from Dean Leone, Gigi Meinecke DMD 88, president of the GSDM Alumni Association, and other GSDM senior faculty members.


White Coat Ceremony Members of the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) Class of 2023 and the Doctor of Dental Medicine Advanced Standing (DMD AS) Class of 2022 participated in the school’s first ever hybrid White Coat Ceremony in July 2021.

Friends and family from around the globe watched via a livestream feed displayed on the GSDM website while students and a limited number of faculty attended an in-person ceremony in the George Sherman Union on the Charles River Campus. “It is truly a pleasure to again welcome our students who are here with us in person, and their relatives and friends who are joining us remotely,” said Dean ad interim Cataldo Leone in his opening remarks. “The specialness of today’s ceremony transcends whatever the format may be. Thank you to all for sharing in this event today.” At GSDM, the White Coat ceremony marks the halfway point during the student’s career in dental school and serves as an induction to the predoctoral patient treatment center. “You have learned foundational knowledge in the biomedical sciences, the behavioral sciences, and the clinical sciences,” Dean Leone said. “You now will continue in the clinical sciences, learning advanced concepts and applying all that you have learned for the betterment of fellow human beings; that is, our patients.” Dr. Cesar R. Sabates, President-elect of the American Dental Association, spoke of the camaraderie in the dentistry field during keynote remarks, which were delivered as a pre-recorded video. “As dentists, we are all one—when one of us succeeds, we all succeed,” Sabates said. “When I say that dentistry is a special family, I think about all the ways we can carry each along the journey—with a kind word, a listening ear, a helpful hand and, especially, a thank you to those who made a difference.”


Matriculation & Professional Ceremony

After almost 18 months of virtual and hybrid events for Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM), the DMD AS Class of 2023 and the DMD Class of 2025 gathered under a white tent on Talbot Green for the 2021 Professional Ceremony—a perfect ending for their week-long, in-person matriculation, and the largest in-person event the school had held since January 2020. Over the five days of matriculation, students kicked off their dental school careers by attending introductory lectures, getting fitted for loupes, scrubs, and white coats, and picking up instrument kits. This year’s matriculation also included new programs and events, including the First Year Student Experience (FYSE), a semesterlong pilot program focused on co-curricular programming, events, and collaborations to support students as they transition into dental school. In addition to one large student reception, hosted on the Charles River Campus by Dean ad interim Cataldo Leone, there were two smaller receptions held in the student lounge for LGBTQ+ and for BIPOC students. On the final day of matriculation, students took part in the professional ceremony, which marks a student’s entry into the field of dentistry and signifies their commitment to promoting the integrity of the profession and to serving the needs of those who require oral healthcare. In his keynote address, Andrew Miller DMD 12 AEGD 13 ENDO 15, clinical associate professor of General Dentistry and director of Predoctoral Endodontics, reminded students that each of their paths to dental school is unique—and that they were all selected for a reason. “You were chosen because you are qualified and you are deserving to be here,” Miller said. “No matter whatever happens over the next two to four years, never forget that.”



We were thrilled to welcome our newest students in July 2021: 117 members of the DMD Class of 2025 and 100 students in the DMD Advanced Standing Class of 2023.

DMD Class of 2025

2,853 Applicants 117 Enrolled Students

TOP 5 U.S. States of Residence

Age Range

International students’ countries



26% Asian

4% Black


New York


New Jersey






Education Level




10% Hispanic


51% White

Overall GPA

3.51 9%* Other

* Two of more races, non-Hispanic, not reported, or international. 33

These students, coming from all over the country and the world, bring with them a diverse set of backgrounds and experiences along with their demonstrated academic excellence. We know they will contribute so much to our community, and we can’t wait for you to meet them.

DMD Advanced Standing Class of 2023

1,485 Applicants 100 Enrolled Students

Countries of Citizenship

Dental GPA







El Salvador





North Macedonia










Education Level




United Kingdom





United States



Saudi Arabia


Dominican Republic


South Korea


* US DMD equivalent. 34

As a young adult, Narendra Nagalla GDM 22 was drawn to dentistry because of the connections that oral healthcare professionals could make with their patients. “There’s a lot of people interaction in dentistry,” Nagalla said. “You build lifelong connections with patients, and that is something that appealed to me.” The combination of challenges and rewards—for example, adapting to rapidly changing science, lifestyle and financial stability—were also contributing factors. Nagalla also found that he particularly enjoyed the connections he was able to make when working with geriatric patients. “There’s a sense of gratification when you deliver care to geriatric populations,” Nagalla said. “The fact that you’re interacting with an individual who has seen life—they have been exposed to lots of things in their lives, some of them have seen historic events and the world... the connection that you form when you have a conversation is very, very interesting.” Nagella is the first recipient of the Stephen R. Gordon Graduate Scholarship in Geriatric Dental Medicine, which honors faculty member and alumnus Stephen Gordon, who was killed in an avalanche while skiing near Telluride in 1992. Gordon was known for being kind, patient, and a great communicator; the scholarship is intended to attract talented students with a background in prosthodontics to geriatric dental medicine, as Gordon had a unique understanding of the restorative dental needs of older adults. “Nagalla was an outstanding candidate given his credentials from dental school, his experience in private practice, and his interest and passion for geriatrics,” said Joseph Calabrese DMD 91 AEGD 92, associate dean of students, clinical professor, and director of Geriatric Dental Medicine. Nagalla said that being recognized with the scholarship means a lot to him, especially after learning more about Dr. Gordon. “I feel that if I am able to achieve one percent of what he has achieved in life or to be able to bring about change in the profession in some way, just like what

he has done, I feel that I’ve done justice [to] being a Gordon scholar,” Nagalla said. “I will strive and do my best to bring about change to improve the quality of care to geriatric populations.” According to Nagalla, geriatric dentistry is a multidisciplinary specialty that involves a lot of moving pieces at any given time. “You’re not just delivering care,” he said. “You’re delivering care by taking into account the psychosocial aspects, the functional aspects—you’re coordinating your care plan with interdisciplinary teams, which could be physicians, geriatricians, social workers, speech pathologist, psychologists…a lot of specialties.” This makes Nagalla, however, a wellrounded practitioner. He received a degree in dentistry from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in Bangalore, after which he spent time in clinical care in India. In 2006, he moved to Indiana, where he completed a master’s degree in Applied Gerontology at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. Nagalla focused on quality-of-life tools (QOL) tools that help nursing home residents access care and study aging from a psychosocial perspective. He then enrolled in a clinical investigation and data analytics workshop and seminar series at the school of Graduate Medical Sciences (GMS) at the Boston University School of Medicine, where he was exposed to research design and development. He has worked with contract research companies and has experience in clinical trials and data management. “I’ve straddled different roles up to this point in clinical practice, administration and research,” Nagalla said. Nagalla, who hopes to advance further in his education after earning a degree a GSDM, said that he chose GSDM for its prestige. “Boston University undoubtedly is a premier institution for education – particularly medicine, and oral health,” he said.

Read about the Stephen R. Gordon Graduate Scholarship in the Fall 2020 issue of Impressions.



Written by Shannon C. Broderick

First recipient of the Gordon Scholarship




How does someone who never attended the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine become one of its most generous supporters and most steadfast advocates?

Tarun Agarwal DMD didn’t study at GSDM. But when he studied the school’s track record, he liked what he saw—and joined the Dean’s Advisory Board.

For Tarun Agarwal DMD, the answer is pretty simple: he believes in the school’s mission. “As a quote-unquote outsider, what I see that I haven’t seen in many schools — any schools, really — is an absolute commitment to providing the best environment and resources for dental students,” said Agarwal, “from being on the forefront of becoming digital, to building a worldclass facility, to developing relationships and bringing in outside partners to help provide some additional expertise.” Those relationships are essential, he said. “For dentistry to be successful, we have to partner with outside companies.” It was through a corporate connection, in fact, that Agarwal first became familiar with the school. Through his practice, which is “as close to completely digital as you can get,” he worked frequently with Dentsply Sirona, he said, and through that work he got to know Uday Reebye MD DMD 98, who serves on the GSDM Dean’s Advisory Board. Given Agarwal’s background and his interest in the school’s digital initiatives, Reebye soon suggested that his friend join the board, too. Agarwal happily agreed. “It’s my first foray into seeing how dental schools work—the process of making them work,” he said. “It’s been great.” The school’s emphasis on digital dentistry under Dean Emeritus Jeffrey Hutter impressed him, Agarwal said. “That really brought the school into the modern era—it’s one of the most modern schools in the country, if not the entire world.” And he assumes that a commitment to state-of-the-art training will continue, even as a new dean brings a fresh perspective to the school. “We have to give our students a full education, let them see what’s possible,” said Agarwal. “It’s so important—it’s more important now than ever before.” As for the details of what that full education will look like, he keeps an open mind. “My personal belief is whatever helps build the school’s reputation, helps bring us resources, helps bring us students—I’m all for that.” One thing he really appreciates about the practitioners who receive the kind of forward-thinking education that GSDM provides is their positive outlook on the profession. “It’s not just that they’re more successful,” Agarwal said. “They seem to enjoy their careers more; they seem to have longer careers and be surrounded by people who love their careers and enjoy doing good for people.” It’s hard to think of a better reason for supporting a school of dental medicine than that.



New Dean’s Advisory Board Member Patrik Eriksson As President of Nobel Biocare, Patrik Eriksson leads the Envista operating company dedicated to the innovation and creation of premium implant products, with deep industry knowledge and a passion for innovation. Patrik joined Danaher in 2012 as VP of Special Projects, KaVo Kerr. He served as President of Ormco from 2014 to 2017 and was named President of KaVo Kerr in 2018. Patrik was appointed Nobel Biocare Systems President in 2020. Prior to Danaher, Patrik was President and CEO at Carestream Dental LLC for six

years. Throughout his career he has held several leadership positions including VP International at Kodak Dental Systems. Passionate about continuous improvement and learning and education, Patrik serves on the Board of Overseers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and on the Dean’s Advisory Board at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Patrik holds an MscBA from Stockholm School of Economics. He lives in Orange County, California, with his wife and three children.

Dean’s Advisory Board David Paul Lustbader CAS 86 DMD 86 Chair Chief of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Milton Hospital Founder, South Shore Oral Surgery Associates Quincy, MA Tarun Agarwal Owner, 3-D Dentists Founder, Raleigh Dental Arts Raleigh, NC Nazila Bidabadi CAS 82 DMD 87 President & Chief Cosmetic Dentist, Soft Touch Dentistry Allston, MA Donald Booth Professor and Chair Emeritus, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Former Associate Dean for Hospital Affairs, Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine Retired Chief, Department of Dentistry Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Boston Medical Center Rye, NH

Patrik Eriksson President, Nobel Biocare Yorba Linda, CA

Mina Paul SPH 97 Administrative Dental Director, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Boston, MA

Richard A. Konys DMD 84 OMFS 88 Founder, Eastside Dental Fayetteville, NY

Uday Reebye DMD 98 Founder, Triangle Implant Center Clinical Adjunct Faculty, UNC Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC

Jonathan B. Levine DMD 81 Founder & CEO, GLO Science Founder, Jonathan B. Levine & Associates New York, NY

Maryam Shomali CAS 87 ENDO 93 Owner, Wellesley Endodontics, P.C. President, Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine Alumni Association Wellesley, MA

Geoffrey Ligibel President & CEO, 42 North Dental Waltham, MA Madalyn Mann DPH 76 Former Director, Applied Professional Experience (APEX) & Extramural Programs, Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine Miami, FL

Donald Casey, Jr. CEO, Dentsply Sirona York, PA

Alon Mozes CEO, Neocis Inc. Miami, FL

Shadi Daher DMD 90 OMFS 94 Cofounder and President, Medical Missions for Children Westwood, MA

Thomas Olsen President and General Manager, Mavrik Dental Therapeutics Costa Mesa, CA


Jeanne C. Sinkford Former Associate Executive Director, Center for Equity and Diversity, American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Dean Emeritus, Howard University College of Dentistry Washington, D.C. Richard A. Soden LAW 70 Partner Emeritus, Goodwin Procter LLP Boston, MA

Building a future for the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine Named Spaces

(As of September 2021) Student Resident Lounge David Lustbader (DMD’86, CAS’86) and Wendy Lustbader (SAR’83,’84)

Conference Rooms Nazila Bidabadi (CAS’82, DMD’87) and Alireza Hakimi (ENG’82,’86) Jeyasri Gunarajasingam (DMD’88) and Ponnudurai Gunarajasingam Admissions Conference Room Mina Paul DMD (SPH’97) and Ajay Saini (Questrom’82) Cafe Samuel Shames DDS and Honey Shames Meeting Rooms Judith Jones (DPH’00, DSc’02) and Michael P. Fitzmaurice (CAS’73, Wheelock’77) Burton Langer (PERIO’66) and Laureen Langer DDS A. Stephen Polins (CAS’65, PERIO’73) and Betty A. Polins Barry L. Jasper (PROS’66) and Bett R. Jasper Elevators Elias H. Zavaro, Sr. (DMD’90)

Patient Treatment Room Donors Anonymous Chandan Advani (DMD’04) and Kulwinder Advani Adela Agolli Tarshi (DMD’08, AEGD’09, ENDO’12) and Michael Tarshi Tim Auger (DMD’91) and Meghan Auger (DMD’91) Evis Babo (DMD’01) and Stephen Weizenecker Alexander Bendayan (PROS’05) and Rebika Shaw-Bendayan Daniel S. Budasoff (PROS’80) Joseph M. Calabrese (DMD’91, AEGD’92) and Michele A. Calabrese (SSW’93)

Pelly Chang (DMD’89) (In memory of Chung Chang and Oshun Chang) Sudha S. Chinta (ENDO’09) and Suryanaryana M. Chinta Pharm.D Samuel Coffin (CAS’73, DMD’78, Questrom’85) and Deborah Coppa Shadi Daher (DMD’90, OMFS’94) and Milagros Serrano DDS Mohammad Hossein Dashti (DMD’88, PROS’91) and Roxana Hashemian (AEGD’12, SPH’19) In memory of Andrew Delima (DMD’96, PERIO’01)

Gennaro L. Cataldo DMD

Larry Dunham (DMD’83) and Lynn Dunham (MET’81)

Vincent Celenza (PROS’79) and Christine Celenza

Maged El-Malecki (DMD’02) and Zeina El-Malecki Baback Emami (DMD’94)

Margaret R. Errante DDS and Mark Crotwell Fadi Fares (DMD’95) and Chafica Fares Neal Fleisher (DMD’84, PERIO’86) and Peggy Fleisher Michael C. Furia (DMD’95) and Flor Furia Raul I. Garcia DMD and Linnea W. Garcia MD Mareen George (DMD’01) and Sanjay Mathew In memory of Raymond George (ORTHO’66) and Raymond George, Jr. (ORTHO’88) Russell Giordano II DMD DSc John F. Guarente (DMD’89) and Barbara Guarente Camila Guiribitey (DMD’20) and Juan Carlos Izquierdo (DMD’20)


Hikmat Hannawi (DMD’99) and Mouna Hannawi

Bing Liu (DSc’99, DMD’03) and Hong Dong

Sean Rayment (DMD’97, DSc’00) and Daphne Rayment PhD

Andre Hashem (PROS’90, DMD’92) andChristine Lo (PROS’92, DMD’95)

Hongsheng Liu (DMD’10, ENDO’12) and Min Zhu (PhD’12, DMD’17)

Richard Rosen DDS (CAS’79) and Rosa Calcano (DMD’96)

Michelle Henshaw DDS (SPH’96, DPH’07) and Cliff Marble

Sumeet Malhotra (DMD’10) and Khushbu Malhotra (DMD’18)

David Russell DMD and Sharin Russell

Zhiqiang Huang (DMD’08) and Jun Jiang

Madalyn L. Mann (DPH’76) and Robert C. Goldszer MD (Questrom’99)

Dean Jeffrey W. Hutter DMD and Kathleen Hutter Yanling Jiang (DSc’91, DMD’95, ENDO’99) and Tao Xu (DSc’90, DMD’95) Dennis Jodoin (DMD’95, PERIO’98) and Vickie Jodoin Michael Jory (DMD’96) and Rhonda Jory Suneel Kandru (ENDO’07) and Santhi Kilaru Ghassan Khoury (DMD’96, AEGD’97, SPH’99) and Thenia KazouKhoury (AEGD’97, DMD’02) Puneet Kochhar (DMD’03) and Shweta Kochhar

Tim and Pam McDonough Gigi Meinecke (DMD’88) and Douglas Meinecke PhD (GRS’87) Robert Miller (DMD’84, PERIO’86) and Sharon Miller Robert Moskal (DMD’95) and Suzanne Moskal

Ronni A. Schnell (DMD’81) and Richard A. Short (CAS’76, DMD’82) Amir Shahbazian (DMD’88)and Shahrzad Shahbazian (DMD’96)

Resmi Nair (DMD’01) and Prajeet Nair

Jeanne Sinkford DDS

Azita Negahban (DMD’94, AEGD’04) (in memory of Houssein Negahban Pharm.D)

Mingfang Su (DMD’91) and Xiaoying Zhao

Sepideh Novid (DMD’04, AEGD’05) and Aria Tavana PhD

Maria Kukuruzinska PhD

Steven Perlman (PEDO’76) and Harriet Perlman

Xiaojing Li (DSc’03, DMD’07) and Jungmee Youn (Msc’06, PERIO’06, DMD’08)

Douglas Schildhaus (DMD’91, PEDO’93)

Maryam Shomali (CAS’87, ENDO’93) and Bahram Shomali

Frank Oppenheim (GRS’74, DMD’76, PERIO’77)

Cataldo Leone DMD and Rosemary Leone

Frank Schiano (CAS’01, DMD’06, AEGD’07, ORTHO’18)

Ernesto Muller (PERIO’61)

Celeste V. Kong (PROS’84, DMD’87) (In memory of Rodolfo R. Kong and Estela V. Kong DMD)

David Lee (DMD’98) and Susan Lee

Mitchell V. Sabbagh (DMD’87) and Kelly Sabbagh

Loubna Chehab Pla (ENDO’08) and Philippe Pla

Tadeu Szpoganicz (DMD’11) and Valeria Papa Szpoganicz Tina M. Valades (DMD’84) and Ralph D. Tullberg Naveen Verma (DMD’04) and Monica Verma James Wu (OMFS’97) and Janice Wu (In memory of Charles Wu)

Madhuri D. Punaty (DMD’01) Richard D. Rabbett III (MET’10) and Yun Lam MD (In memory of Kathleen S. Ferland and Christopher Ferland)

Simulation Learning Unit Donors Jayalakshmi Donadula (DMD’18)

Hesham Nouh (DSc’12, PROS’15)

M. Marianne Jurasic (DMD’95)

Cameron Shahbazian (DMD’14)

Berdj Kiladjian DMD and Margaret Kiladjian


Donor Roll FY2021 Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine recognizes and thanks the following donors, who contributed to the school between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

Individual Donors $50,000 or more


Tarun Agarwal and Mona Gupta Agarwal

Kulminder Bahi (SDM'99,'03) and Kelly Bahi Roger H. Gordon and Michelle White ☆ The Estate of Barry Jasper ☆


Mina Paul (SPH'97) and Ajay Saini (Questrom'82) ¤


Samuel Shames and Honey Shames


Tim A. Auger (SDM'91) and Meghan E. Auger (SDM'91)

* Donald F. Booth ¤ *

Evis Babo (SDM'01) and Stephen Weizenecker

Vincent Celenza (SDM'79) and Christine A. Blend Tom L. Chou (SDM'88) and Kathy K. Chou Karen E. Crowley (SDM'86) and Mark V. Joyce




Michael W. Jory (SDM'96) and Rhonda Jory

Madalyn L. Mann (SDM'76) and Robert C. Goldszer (Questrom'99) ¤


Timothy W. McDonough and Pam McDonough ¤

Jeremy K. Miner (SDM'08) and Anita A. Hoelscher




John P. Morgan (SDM'91) and Stephanie A. Morgan ¤


Matthew DeFelice (SDM'00) and Amy DeFelice

* *

Harry A. Hersh (SDM'75) and Penny Hersh Jeffrey W. Hutter and Kathleen Hutter ¤

Ghassan A. Khoury (SDM'96,'97, SPH'99) and Thenia Khoury (SDM'97,'02) ¤ Jonathan B. Levine (SDM'81) and Stacey J. Levine (CAS'79)


Robert P. Moskal (SDM'95) and Suzanne C. Moskal

Frank G. Oppenheim, III (SDM'76,'77, GRS'74) and Anne M. Oppenheim ¤


¤ Faculty/Staff Member


Leslie H. Diamond (SDM'95) and Paula White-Diamond ∞

Azita Negahban (SDM'94,'04)





Arthur H. Fierman and Shelly Fierman

Madhuri D. Punaty (SDM'01) and Jasti Babu


Michael C. Furia (SDM'95) and Flor Furia Raul I. Garcia and Linnea W. Garcia ¤

☆ First-time Donor


Steven P. Perlman (SDM'76,'76) and Harriet Perlman

Larry G. Dunham (SDM'83) and Lynn J. Dunham (MET'81) ¤ Fadi Y. Fares (SDM'95) and Chafica E. Ghazali-Fares


Abhishek A. Mogre (SDM'06,'11) and Veena Mogre









Pelly Chang (SDM'89) ¤

Timothy S. Colton



Bing Liu (SDM'99,'03) and Hong Dong ¤

Robert J. Miller (SDM'84,'86) and Sharon Miller

Christopher Clancy (SDM'01)

Nazila Bidabadi (SDM'87, CAS'82) and Alireza Hakimi (ENG'82,'86) ¤


David W. Lee (SDM'98) and Susan Lee

Joseph P. Carriero (SDM'96) and Helene Carriero



Loyal Donor



Dennis J. Jodoin (SDM'95,'98) and Vickie Jodoin

Brian R. Cherry (SDM'07) and Lisa M. Cherry (SDM'06)

Jeyasri Gunarajasingam (SDM'88) and Ponnudurai Gunarajasingam


Yanling Jiang (SDM'91,'95,'99) and Tao Xu (SDM'90,'95) ¤


Daniel S. Budasoff (SDM'80) and Barbara A. Budasoff



Hikmat G. Hannawi (SDM'99) and Mouna Hannawi


Maria A. Kukuruzinska ¤

Jhujhar J. Bhambra (SDM'94,'07) ¤




Mark Jesin (SDM'12) and Stephanie E. Jesin

Omar Alani ¤

Eric W. Bludau (SDM'04) and Lily A. Friedauer



Adela Agolli Tarshi SDM'08,'09,'12 and Michael Tarshi



Gregg A. Jacob (SDM'00,'04) and Deborah Jacob

$5,000 to $9,999

Manish Bhagania and Mina Bhagania ¤


Tatiana Guiribitey and Pedro Guiribitey

Eric Hoverstad (SDM'14) and Sarah Hoverstad

James J. Wu (SDM'97) and Janice Wu

$10,000 to $24,999


Jasjit S. Gill (SDM'96,'00) and Meeta Gill Roxana Hashemian (SDM'12, SPH'19) and Mohammad H. Dashti (SDM'88,'91) ¤

Mahadeep S. Virk (SDM'06,'06) and Helen S. Skountrianos ¤

David P. Lustbader (SDM'86, CAS'86) and Wendy E. Lustbader (SAR'83,'84)

Ruben Figueroa ¤






Nathan F. Turley (SDM'12) and Jenna L. Turley


Baback Emami (SDM'94) ☆

Richard A. Soden (LAW'70) and Marcia M. Soden (Wheelock'68)


Richard A. Konys (SDM'84,'88) and Caren John-Konys (SDM'82)

Ishwar Bhatia ¤


David A. Russell and Sharin Russell ∞ ¤

Alfredo E. Tendler (SDM'99,'04) and Minelle Tendler

$25,000 to $49,999 Radhika Chigurupati ¤

Mareen George (SDM'01) and Sanjay Mathew


Frederick E. Robinson, III (SDM'94,'99) and Elaine M. Kelley




∞ Deceased

Joel L. Rosenlicht (SDM'78) and Doreen Rosenlicht



Tanios M. Rubeiz (SDM'98,'02) and Vera Daaboul

Sepideh F. Novid (SDM'04,'05) and Aria Tavana ¤

Jacqueline I. Fulop-Goodling (SDM'94,'96) ¤

Muhenad Samaan (SDM'07,'08) and Grace Youseff

Loubna C. Pla (SDM'08,'08) and Philippe P. Pla

Karun Gaba (SDM'10)



Douglas S. Schildhaus (SDM'91,'93)

Amit Sethi ¤



Ronni A. Schnell (SDM'81) and Richard A. Short (SDM'82, CAS'76) ¤



* Tadeu Szpoganicz (SDM'11) and Valeria Papa * *



Joseph M. Calabrese (SDM'91,'92) and Michele A. Calabrese (SSW'93) ¤



Neal H. Fleisher (SDM'84,'86) and Peggy Fleisher ¤

Alan J. Berko (SDM'81) and Peggy Flaherty-Berko

Geri R. Hunter (SDM'92)


Neide M. Coutinho (SDM'94)







Serge N. Dibart (SDM'89) ¤







Loyal Donor



Seymour Melnick (SDM'62) and Judith G. Melnick ¤



Ronald M. Fried (SDM'83) and Rhonda L. Fried


Carol L. McDaniel (SDM'02)





Thomas V. McClammy (SDM'99,'99) and Christine McClammy

Peter A. Morgan (SDM'75) and Jessie R. Morgan ¤

Cami E. Ferris-Wong (SDM'00) and Derrick B. Wong (SDM'00)




Manuel I. Molina-Monroig, Jr. (SDM'08,'08) ¤


Arthur Fertman (SDM'64) and Cynthia K. Fertman (CFA'65) ¤


Adib I. Lakis (SDM'93) and Lara Lakis


Ray English, III (SDM'14) and Alexandra English

Hongsheng Liu (SDM'10,'12) and Min Zhu (SDM'12,'17) ¤


Iman S. Labib (SDM'96,'01,'04) ¤

Amir H. Mehrabi (SDM'05,'05)

Arsalan Elahi (MED'10, SDM'14)



I. Blake McKinley, Jr. (SDM'97) and Dana J. McKinley

Christopher Douville (SDM'00,'00) and Angelle Casagrande Kenneth B. Drizen ¤

Celeste Kong (SDM'84,'87) and William L. Maness ¤

Charles T. Loo (SDM'84) and Liana Loo

Mark B. Desrosiers (SDM'06) and Susan M. Desrosiers


Mirjana M. Jurasic (SDM'95) ¤

Li Liu and Yu-Xin Xu ¤

Thomas J. DeMarco (GRS'68, SDM'68) and Bonna P. DeMarco

Michelle Henshaw (SDM'07, SPH'96) ¤





Judith A. Jones (SDM'00,'02) ¤

Jaeik Lee (SDM'08) ☆

Jason T. Conn (SDM'10,'12) Alfred D'Auge (SDM'84) and Valerie Vincellette (SDM'84)

John F. Guarente (SDM'89) and Barbara Guarente ¤



* *

Lijuan Huang (SDM'02) and Yongjian Huang

Michelle T. Cartier (SDM'95) and Anthony Cartier

Margaret R. Errante and Mark D. Crotwell ¤

Gigi Meinecke (SDM'88) and Douglas L. Meinecke (GRS'87)


Kevin G. Holland and Michael C. Mason ¤

Austin R. Carey (SDM'19)



Michael S. Hauser (SDM'77) and Barbara Hauser

$1,000 to $2,499

Gilman W. Carr (SDM'95) and Patty Carr

Daniel C. Jeong (SDM'09) and Pauline C. Jeong (Questrom'09)

Andre F. Hashem (SDM'90,'90,'92) and Christine Lo (SDM'92,'95) ¤


David G. Burros (SDM'93) and Suzy Burros

Shadi Daher (SDM'90,'94) and Milagros Serrano

Lorenzo Lepore

Xiaozhe Han (SDM'04,'08, MED'04) and Li Wang (SDM'04,'06)

Howard Bittner (SDM'95) and Debbie Bittner


Cataldo W. Leone and Rosemary W. Leone ¤

Katherine A. Haltom (SDM'79,'82) ¤


Samuel A. Coffin (Questrom'85, CAS'73, SDM'78) and Deborah Coppa

Thomas B. Kilgore and Colleen A. Moynihan ¤



Hideo Yamamoto (SDM'90,'92) ¤


Carla Bustillo-Gonzalez (SDM'00)

John P. Jou (SDM'93,'96) and Thy A. Bui (SDM'95,'97)

C. Steven Gulrich (SDM'76) and Mary W. Gulrich

Tina Marie Valades Tullberg (SDM'84) and Ralph D. Tullberg ¤

David P. Blackburn (SDM'06,'12) and Christine J. Blackburn (SPH'06)

Russell A. Giordano, II ¤


Jay M. Theva (CAS'07, MED'08, SDM'12) and Didi Theva

Alexander A. Bendayan (SDM'05) and Rebika Shaw-Bendayan ¤

Jeremiah M. Granados (SDM'14) and Elizabeth Granados Theresa L. Guanci (SAR'09, MED'10, SDM'14)


Chandan Advani (SDM'04) and Kulwinder Advani


Cameron Shahbazian (SDM'14, Questrom'24) ¤


Maryam Shomali (CAS'87, SDM'93) and Bahram Shomali

$2,500 to $4,999

Glen A. Eisenhuth (SDM'06)


Frank E. Schiano (SDM'06,'07,'18, CAS'01) ¤ Amir Shahbazian (SDM'88) and Shahrzad Shahbazian (SDM'96) ¤


George A. Gonzalez (SDM'89) and Barbie L. Gonzalez (Wheelock'87)

Richard A. Rosen (CAS'79) and Rosa Calcano (SDM'96) ¤

Mingfang Su (SDM'91) and Xiaoying Zhao ¤


Thomas Gillen (SDM'02,'02)



Francesca S. Cardinale (SDM'17)

Jeffrey Ganeles (SDM'83) and Lori B. Berman

Sean A. Rayment (SDM'97,'00) and Daphne Rayment

Sonika Singla (SDM'09) and Avinash Gupta ☆ Jeanne C. Sinkford



Daniel Moynihan (SDM'15,'18)


Richard P. Mungo (SDM'75,'75) and Kristin M. Mungo Wallin H. Myers (SDM'03) and Leslie S. Myers Zara Y. Nensey (CAS'14, SDM'14) Hesham Nouh (SDM'12,'15) ¤

¤ Faculty/Staff Member

☆ First-time Donor

* ∞ Deceased

Thomas M. Olsen


Sam Alborz (SDM'07)

Sanjay N. Patel (SDM'97) John D. Paul (SDM'14)

* *

Richard D. Rabbett, III (MET'10) ¤


Bruce G. Robinson and Ellen M. Robinson ¤ Robert J. Rosenberg (SDM'75,'76) and Susan L. Rosenberg


Rosario Alvarez (SDM'92,'93) and Chester Swanson, III ¤


Bakr M. Amin (CAS'10, MED'13, SDM'18,'20)

Anca A. Andronesi (SDM'13) and Ovidiu C. Andronesi


Jonathan M. Shinay (SDM'10,'11) and Ashley E. Shinay ¤



Andra M. Boak (SDM'99)


David A. Bogacz (SDM'85) and Sherry Bogacz ∞ Olumide O. Bolarinwa (SDM'16) Megan A. Bollman (SDM'05,'08)


Melvin Boner (SDM'86) and Robyn Boner

Anonymous Rakshith Arakotaram Ravikumar (SDM'13) Jeffrey Arbelaez (SDM'19) ∞


Bunny L. Bookwalter (SDM'85) and Harry J. Bookwalter

Uma Arunkumar (SDM'06) and Arunkumar V. Iyer

Douglas W. Stewart (SDM'71) and Betsy Disharoon

Michelle Braasch (SHA'04, CGS'02) and Daniel C. Braasch (SDM'09) ¤

Gerald H. Ashrafi (MED'05, SDM'10)

Andrew Bradley (SDM'01)

Tigran Avetisyan (SDM'17) and Sona Antonyan

Colin Brady (SDM'13)

Harry P. Treon (CGS'86, SDM'93) and Evanthia S. Treon

Murry A. Awrach (SDM'72,'72) and Pamela M. Awrach ¤

Matthew M. Brennan (SDM'98,'99)

Eric Weinberg (SDM'14) and Jessica Weinberg

Vibha Babbar (SDM'17)


Donald R. Taddeo (SDM'00)



Leslie Will and Paul C. Kuo ¤ Jonathan Ye (SDM'18)


* *


Roshanak Baghai Naini (SDM'14)


Ritika Bahri (SDM'20)

Athanasios I. Zavras and Vicky Cartsos ¤

Meredith A. Bailey (Questrom'24) ¤ ∞

Jonathan S. Zucker (SDM'84) and Janet R. Peters ¤

Mehdi Balakhani (SDM'69,'72)



Alan H. Bresalier (SDM'85) and Brenda S. Bresalier


Jonathan M. Brett (Wheelock'21) ¤ G. Matthew Brock (SDM'02,'02)


Henry C. Yu (SDM'83,'84)



Colin R. Branton (SDM'97)

Philip S. Badalamenti (SDM'80) and Kimberly J. Badalamenti



Charles D. Brodsky (SDM'05,'05) and Victoria Brodsky Andi Broka ¤ ∞


Robert E. Balletto and Shannon M. Balletto ∞



Dalton P. Brooks (SDM'97) Stephanie B. Brooks (SDM'18)


$1 to $999

Soulafa S. Baloul (SDM'09,'11)

Michael Abedon (SDM'68) and Carol K. Abedon

Neelima Bandarupalli-Chiru (SDM'01)

Louis M. Brown (SDM'84,'91) and Debbie Friedlander ¤

John B. Bassett (SDM'75) and Jane T. Bassett

Lindsay Bruneau (SDM'11,'12)

Yazan A. Abou Zakhem (SDM'20)


Eraldo L. Batista, Jr. (SDM'05) and Carla C. Moreira

Izendra A. Acevedo (SDM'83) and Mynor A. Acevedo ¤ ☆

Jeffrey A. Becker (SDM'68) and Elaine Becker ¤

Ashish R. Agarwal (SDM'17) and Arifa M. Bakerywala (SDM'18)

John R. Bednar (SDM'75) and Kathleen A. Bednar ¤

Rajesh K. Agarwal (SDM'16) and Shilpa Agarwal (SDM'17)


Swetha Budda (SDM'13) Nadia Budhani (SDM'08) ☆


Ravindra Kumar Burugapalli (SDM'12) Jobina M. Cabrera ¤ ☆

Katherine Bednar (SDM'12,'15) and Bert Reynolds


Mudher M. Al Mudhafar (SDM'16)

Jeffrey Bell (SDM'09)

Edgar Alb (SDM'82)

Michael Benac ¤

¤ Faculty/Staff Member

Ronald L. Bucari (SDM'94,'96)


James D. Bel (SDM'89) and Susan F. Bel

Loyal Donor

Guy A. Bryant (LAW'88) and Meredith E. Brown (LAW'88) ☆


Mihika Ahluwalia (SDM'16)




Rachelle J. Abou-Ezzi (SDM'95) and Jean D. Abou-Ezzi



☆ First-time Donor


Belinda Borrelli ¤

John P. Smith (SDM'97) and Jane Michaelides Smith



Joel Biatch and Susan Blachman ☆

Cheryl Anderson-Cermin (SDM'90)

Arul Selvaraj (SDM'07) and Madhumitha Ambalavanan (SDM'09)

Paul R. Bianchi (SDM'00) and Anne Bianchi

Charis H. Anderson McCarthy ¤



Thomas Bianchi (SDM'03) and Filomena Bianchi


Lois Ambash ∞

Elizabeth G. Benz (SDM'11) Jithendar Bhonagiri (SDM'13) and Alekhya Deepthi Badam (SDM'13)

Omar Al-Wakfi (SDM'96) and Naelah Alwakfi

James Roahen ☆

Lina Benslimane ¤ ☆

Sheri Bernadett (SDM'91,'92)

Yaser A. Alsahafi (SDM'10)


David C. Roahen (MED'10, SDM'14) and Jaime Roahen

Robert G. Saylor (SDM'04)



Uday N. Reebye (SDM'98) and Laura Reebye


Ana-Gabriela Benghiac (SDM'22) ☆

David A. Allison (SDM'82) and Elizabeth C. Allison

Casey V. Pedro (SDM'03) and Jamily F. Pedro (SDM'11)

Leila Joy Rosenthal ¤


Mona Alenezi (SDM'10,'18) and Hamed M. Alenezi (SDM'11,'12, CAS'08) ¤



Matthew P. Caceci (SDM'17) and Jaclyn Caceci Xieyi Cai (SDM'21) ☆ Joseph Calabrese, Sr. and Angela Calabrese

∞ Deceased


Susan M. Camacho (SDM'81,'90) and William J. Hollman ¤

Dee C. Devlin (SPH'09) and John J. Devlin ¤

Gagan Dhaliwal (SDM'19) and Maicen C. Young (SAR'14, MED'15, SDM'19)

Robert P. Campbell (SDM'00) and Gail Campbell

Paramvir S. Dhariwal (SDM'07) and Anadi Jaglan


Marilyn F. Canis (SDM'77)


David C. DiBenedetto (SDM'80) and Martha E. Moss (SON'79, MED'88)

Timothy P. Carter (SDM'88) and Cynthia M. Carter


Victor S. Dietz (SDM'71,'72) ¤

* Christopher Cason (SDM'17) * Klinger O. Carvalho (SDM'20)


Yong Ding (SDM'06,'08,'10) ¤

Carlo Castellucci (SDM'83,'85) and Aderi M. Castellucci ¤


Thomas A. Ferlito (SDM'84,'86) and Kathleen M. Ferlito Andrew J. Ferrara and Margaret Ferrara ☆ Mark S. Ferriero ¤


Tina K. Finnegan ¤


Pamela T. Fitzer (SDM'75) ☆

Michael J. Dinn, III (SDM'03,'05) and Samantha Dinn

Mark S. Folickman (SDM'13) and Michelle Folickman

Richard D'Innocenzo and Linda H. D'Innocenzo ¤

Mehran Fotovatjah (SDM'95) and Zahra Falsafi (SDM'94,'95,'98)


Maureen L. Cataudella (SDM'92, CAS'88) and John C. Cataudella (SDM'92,'96) ¤


Patricia K. Dirksmeier (SDM'79) ¤

Elie Y. Freilich (SDM'19)

Mark E. Doherty (SDM'05) and Lori L. Doherty

Alan Friedman (SDM'77)

Catherine A. Cech (SDM'86) Jorge R. Centurion (SDM'86)

Karen J. Dolan

Christopher F. Chan (SDM'15)

Nalini Doppalapudi (SDM'14)

Dora Chan (SDM'06)

Gerald A. Dorato ¤

E. Mauricio Ceballos (SDM'94)

Margi K. Chan (SDM'16)


Ethan D. Chase (SDM'97) and Felian Cabael (SDM'95) ¤


Muhammad H. Chauhan (SDM'03) Alis Checovich ¤ ☆


Sami M. Chogle and Faiza S. Chogle ¤ Jenny Chong (SDM'01) and Robert Loo Elisabeth C. Collins ¤ Tacy Corson

Elizabeth A. Courtney (MED'05, SDM'09) ☆


Corinna S. Culler (SPH'09) ¤ Arielle B. Curtis (MED'12, SDM'16,'17) and Andrew Locke


Marianne B. De Souza (SDM'84) and Randall D. DeSouza ¤


Shelby J. Denman (SDM'06)


Kimberly A. DeSena (SDM'94) and Frank Jones ¤


Joshua Gilbert (SDM'14) and Erica R. Gilbert (SDM'14) Shayne F. Gilbert ∞

Pablo D. Duluc Vega (SDM'12,'14) and Fransheska Ovalles (SDM'13,'14)

Robert Gillary (SDM'72,'72) and Anita S. Gillary

Joel L. Dunsky (SDM'62) and Patricia L. Dunsky (Wheelock'61)

Geoffrey M. Glick (SDM'02,'02)



Vishal H. Gohel (SDM'17)


Mahmoud M. Eldafrawy (SDM'19)

David A. Goldberg (SDM'94) and Sydney S. Resendez (GRS'93)


Jurgina Elezi (SDM'06) and Erion Angjeliu ☆


Diane K. Ellis (SDM'83) and Fred Whitrock


Mona S. El-Sheikh (SDM'01,'02,'05, CAS'01)


Stephen J. Falco, Jr. (SDM'86) Yuwei Fan ¤ ∞


Stephen H. Grossman (SDM'82) and Susan C. Grossman



Anthony J. Guinn (SDM'17) and Stephanie Guinn


Tina Gupta (SDM'09)

Usman Fazli (SDM'04,'12) and Ayse Cure


Loyal Donor

William M. Gordon (CAS'84, SDM'88,'90) and Maria A. Gordon



Donald L. Feldman (SDM'71,'71) and Karen Feldman (Wheelock'66) ¤

Nicholas B. Gordon (SDM'18)

Jeffrey Grossman (SDM'83,'83) and Sylvia E. Apitz

James J. Fasy (SDM'73,'73) and Anne M. Fasy Mary-Katherine Fasy (SDM'11)

Sara L. Gonzalez-Blanco (SDM'87) and Manuel Garcia ¤

Adina S. Green (SDM'88) and Rory S. Breidbart

Aristides E. Exarchos (SDM'90) and Angela L. Exarchos ¤

Fadi J. Farah (SDM'93,'97) ¤



Gurkan Goktug (SDM'01,'02,'08) and Sevgi Goktug ¤

William D. Eaves (SDM'86)

Kristi E. Erickson (SDM'04)

Michael V. Crisanti (SDM'15)

Laura C. Daza (SDM'20) ☆

Julie A. Gelnett (SDM'01,'03) and Kenneth S. Gelnett

Arvi Duka (SDM'07) and Adelina Duka (SDM'13) ¤

Richard W. Elggren (SDM'73)

Richard M. Dannenbaum (SDM'65) and Wilma H. Dannenbaum



* *

* *

Nidhi N. Ganatra (SDM'18) and Alok Desai David Garazi (SDM'15) and Melanie Ross

James H. Dyen (SDM'64) and Natalie L. Dyen

Imran Kalimuddin Chitalwalla (SDM'14)


Paul Gamble and Cynthia Gamble ☆


Nauman R. Chatha (SDM'17,'17) ¤ ☆




Joel Chasen (SDM'02)


Bennett I. Galperin (SDM'18)

Daryl J. Dudum (SDM'10) and Katherine Dudum



Vijay Bhaskar R. Gaddam (SDM'08)

Diane Dougherty and David Dougherty ¤


Jonathan S. Chase (SDM'90, CAS'80) and Suzanne Chase

Matthew Cox (SDM'02)


Christopher D. Dorr (SDM'06)

Claire Chang (SDM'07,'10,'11) and Bradley D. Woland (SDM'11,'14) ¤


Marisa Fenoglio (SDM'97,'00) ☆



Meagan A. Carpenter (CAS'04, SPH'08)

Jeffrey Felicetti (SDM'96) and Dawn M. Felicetti (SDM'96)




Narendra J. Gutla Palli (SDM'16) and Neha Gupta (SDM'16)


Mona Haghani (SDM'14,'17)

¤ Faculty/Staff Member

☆ First-time Donor

* ∞ Deceased

Cosmo Haralambidis (SDM'99)


Douglas J. Katz (SDM'97) and Sarah Katz

Erik J. Harriman (SDM'14) and Grace H. Lee


Francis A. Harrington (SDM'03, CAS'90) and Alanna D. Bravman (CAS'91) ¤

Mohamed Kayali (SDM'97,'06) and May Abdul-Kader

Ralph E. Harris, III (SDM'75) and Sharon L. Harris

Stephen M. Kaye (CAS'74) and Elizabeth A. Kaye ¤

Ralph D. Hawkins (SDM'89)

Thomas Keeling (SDM'14) and Sruthi R. Keeling (SDM'14)

Phillip W. Head (SDM'92)



Vince Hicks (SDM'97) and Anna Hicks

Geoffrey Ligibel Kari A. Lindefjeld Calabi (SDM'17)

Hiroshi Hirayama and Kikuko Hirayama ¤

Noosha Khadivi Niajavan (SDM'14)

Chau N. Hoang (SDM'07) and Nhung B. Dang

Jasmine Khedkar (SDM'17) and Bobby Guliani

Jay T. Hodge (SDM'93) and Jane M. Hodge

Brian P. Hong (SDM'05) and Annie Hsu Neil S. Hornung (SDM'81) and Maryanne S. Hornung


Kathy M. Lituri (SPH'03) and Steve Bores ¤ Yanling Liu (SDM'15)



Wayne V. Hotzakorgian (SDM'83,'84)


Jennifer H. Kim (SDM'07,'14) ¤


Sonia S. Hraiz (Questrom'86, LAW'89) and Antoine G. Hraiz ¤

Jonathan Kim (SDM'19) ∞

Fred Hsu (SDM'01)

Anne Klinghofer (SDM'90,'94)


Mary Loadholt ¤

Zachton Lowe (SDM'09) and Nikki Chin Howard J. Ludington, III (SDM'85,'85)


John K. Lyons ☆

Steven Maguire and Amy H. Maguire



Mohamed R. Ilshahuome (SDM'18) and Fatma A. A. Shembish (SDM'21) Sheldon J. Itzkowitz (SDM'92,'94) ¤



Justin Hughes (SDM'99) and Wendy Hughes


James Koglin (SDM'91)



E. J. Janssen and Heidi R. Janssen ☆ Ramandeep K. Jhandi (SDM'14) and Amanpreet S. Jhandi


Clifford L. Johnson (SDM'00)

Saman Malkami (SDM'96,'03) and Nooshin Majd (SDM'97,'03)

* *

Jeffrie Maneepetasut (SDM'04) and Yawen Peng


Ronrico A. Mangapit (SDM'96)

Myra W. Korin (Wheelock'73, CGS'71) and Hillel J. Korin ☆ James Kostas ☆ Kennie Kwok (SDM'11) and Kelly Wei (Questrom'11)

Sandip Ladani (SDM'16) and Rutika Kalola Jessica T. Lam (SAR'13, SDM'18)

Thang Lam and Darlene Lam ☆


Shiro Kamachi (SDM'96,'99) and Kumiko Kamachi (SDM'94,'97,'99) ¤ Zachary U. Kano (SDM'96,'08) and Rebecca Kano ¤


Bernard E. Kaplan (LAW'84) and Faith C. Kaplan Camille G. Kardoose (MET'20) ¤ ☆ Ramesh V. Kare (SDM'99)


Loyal Donor

¤ Faculty/Staff Member


Mary F. Lanouette


Gary Matoren ☆

Bo Hyun Lee (SDM'14)


Jorge A. Matos (SDM'99)


James E. Lee (CAS'09, MED'10, SDM'14)

Barbara F. McKenna ¤


Harold J. Levin (SDM'62, CAS'54) and Carol A. Levin ¤ ☆ First-time Donor


Sarah Masterson (SDM'09)

Amal Lattouf (SDM'15) and Thaer Faraj

Stephanie C. Leung (SDM'15)

Elliott D. Maser (SDM'75) and Debra S. Maser I. Richard Massoth (SDM'82,'82) and Lise LaFlamme (SDM'83,'83)


Ted Lee (SDM'86) and Lynn T. Lee

Maria G. Marquez (SDM'03,'06) and Hector F. Simosa ¤ George K. Martin and Paula A. Martin ☆

Chris J. Lampert (SDM'03) and Andrea Lampert Hans Langara (SDM'00,'17)




Roy T. Joseph (SDM'06) ☆


Saurabh Mankotia (SDM'18,'18) ☆ Matthew D. Mara (SDM'16,'17, Wheelock'19) and Becky Mara ¤

Razvan D. Jordache (SDM'00)

Poornima Kadagad (SDM'16)


Gibran S. Mangui (MED'17, SDM'21) ☆ Mark O. Manoukian (SDM'01,'02,'04)

Jeff Kotkin and Jody W. Kotkin ☆

Kelvin T. Lam (GRS'90) and Patricia Machalinski (SDM'90,'91,'93)

Brian M. Kabcenell (SDM'82) and Alisa K. Kabcenell



Puneet Kochhar (SDM'03) and Shweta Kochhar

Zhiqiang Huang (SDM'08) and Jun Jiang


Luciano A. Magli (SDM'97)

Bart P. Knowles (MED'15, SDM'19)



Namratha Madapu (SDM'12)


Kathleen Knisley (SDM'14)

Tun-Yi Hsu (SDM'04,'05) and Heidi H. Huang (SDM'05,'06) ¤


Yali Lou (SDM'20) ☆

Dushanka V. Kleinman (SDM'76,'76)



Weldon S. Lloyd (SDM'78) and Patricia B. Lloyd ¤

Ryota Kikuchi (SDM'07,'12) and Tomoko Kikuchi ¤ Emma Kim (SDM'98)


Jamie J. Hubert (SDM'79)


Niloufar Khoobehi (SDM'00,'03)


Zhan Huang (SDM'16)

Ronald W. Lippitt (SDM'87) and Stacie P. Lippitt

Rosemary Kher (SDM'03)

Gary S. Hoffman (SDM'77) and Barbara S. Hoffman


Asad Liaqat ☆

Edlira Kerthi and Edmond Kerthi ¤


Roderick W. Lewin (SDM'60) and Donna M. Lewin Yan Liang (SDM'18)


Ana Keohane (SDM'16) ¤

Brian P. Levy (SDM'20) ☆

Sylvia D. Lewis (CAS'61) ☆


Thomas F. Herlihy (SDM'92)

Kevin C. Hsu (SDM'06)

* *

Howard B. Kay (SDM'72) and Detra L. Kay

∞ Deceased



Ira B. McKinley, Sr. (SDM'76) and Joan McKinley Stacey L. McNamee (MET'98) ¤ Maria G. Medina Torrivilla (SDM'15) ☆ Christine M. Melito (SDM'07,'07) and Mark M. Melito


Philip R. Melnick (SDM'81)


Namrita Notani (SDM'99) ☆

Kermit M. Radke (SDM'94)


Dmitry G. Merzon (SDM'14) and Jennifer G. Merzon ¤

Sam Oh (SDM'99) and Hyun Oh

Mahnaz Messkoub (SDM'77,'78) and Graham Satchell ¤

Ronald J. Oleson (SDM'95) and Cathy Oleson

Jeremy Michaelson (SDM'01) and Melissa Michaelson

Kevin L. Oliveira (SDM'08,'09) and Tristi N. Samp (SDM'08)

Evan L. Novick (SDM'09,'16)



Brian H. Miller (SDM'75) and Judith J. Miller (Wheelock'69, CGS'67)



Jyoti Mishra (SDM'02) and Rajesh Mishra


Anne C. Reenstierna ☆

Marc W. Reissner (SDM'81) and Susan H. Reissner ☆


Jeffrey B. Resnick (SDM'76) and Helen Resnick


Neil L. Oliveira (SDM'05)


Thomas Ollerhead (SDM'96,'98) ¤

Jean-Marc Retrouvey (SDM'93,'93) and Suzanne Lacomb


Perry M. Opin (SDM'66,'66) and Susan Opin (Wheelock'62)



Mohammad E. Mobasherat (SDM'78,'82) ¤ Steven C. Mollica (SDM'89) and Francine R. Mollica ¤


Darron R. Rishwain (SDM'98)


Jan N. Ortiz (SDM'11) and Yaritza Vazquez-Ortiz (SDM'09,'09)

Michael W. Roberts (SDM'70,'70) and Sandra N. Roberts

Kathleen O'Shea ¤



Nixon K. Roberts (SDM'15) and Ava J. Thomas-Roberts


Ankur Oswal (SDM'13)

* Injea Park (SDM'18) *

Robert Morrison (SDM'92)


Mouhab Z. Rizkallah (SDM'04,'05)

Sheila Rodriguez-Vamvas and Vassilios Vamvas ¤

David W. Parent (SDM'03) and Kimberlee Parent

Lorenzo Mordini (SDM'12)


Matthew P. Orlando (SDM'19)

Kavitha Paidipati (SDM'14)

Guadalupe Montoya Almada ¤ ☆


Terry J. Rebizant (SDM'97) and Susan Hendrickson


Danny K. Miller (SDM'79,'79) and Kaylis S. Miller Mayumi O. Miyamoto (SDM'01,'05) ¤


Lawrence J. Oliveira (SDM'72,'72) and Charlotte Oliveira ¤


Andrew J. Miller (SDM'12,'13,'15) and Marianella Romero Zamora (SDM'15) ¤



Kady D. Rawal (SDM'10,'18) ¤


Marina A. Mikael (MED'16, SDM'20) ☆ Glena Patricia Millan (SDM'11)

Neda Rajablou (SDM'16)

Christian Rohde (SDM'00)


Araceli Rosas Fernandez (SDM'15)

Ryan J. Pasiewicz (SDM'15)


Robert J. Rosenkranz (SDM'68) and Judith E. Rosenkranz ¤



Steve E. Morrow (SDM'71) and Michele I. Morrow

Stuart B. Pechter (SDM'79) and Madeline L. Pechter

Serge Rosiles ☆

Maria A. Moser (SDM'07,'09)

Maxine B. Peck (SDM'82) and Howard P. Weiss ¤

Bruna Rossi Hoffman (SDM'17) and Robert L. Hoffman, Jr.

Michael F. Moynihan (SDM'96,'00, CGS'78, CAS'80) and Judith Moynihan

Timothy W. Penberthy (SDM'95,'96) and Kelly Penberthy

Jonathan E. Rothbart (SDM'82) and Linda Abrams

Divya Mudumba (SDM'20)

* John M. Mullervy (MET'05) *

Gustavo Perdomo (SDM'85,'99) and Claudia Perdomo

Kainat Naeem (SDM'20) ☆

Carolina Perdomo Ruiz ¤

Saif M. Naji (SDM'12) and Noor Znad (SDM'13)

Keerthi C. Peri (SDM'16)


Amira Mottawea (SDM'16)






Steven Penn (SDM'99) and Eva Penn



Scott C. Peters (SDM'92) and Julie L. Peters (CAS'91, GRS'92) ☆

Martha L. Neely (SDM'13,'16) and Robb Neely

Kevin L. Peterson (SDM'98,'00)


Richard D. Salzmann (SDM'91) Arman Samad-Zadeh (SDM'14,'14)

Jimmy B. Pham (SDM'15) and Hanna Pham

William H. Nesbitt (SDM'92) and Peggy Nesbitt

George W. Pirie (SDM'77) and Nancy L. Pirie

Raquel C. Pino (SDM'14)




Adriana C. Poleo (SDM'07) Stephen R. Prieve (SDM'18)


Andrew R. Samuel (SDM'90,'92, CAS'90) and Michelle D. Samuel


Charles F. Poeschl (SDM'88) and Mary C. Poeschi

Myron Nevins (SDM'67) and Marcy R. Nevins ¤



Hayrapet Sahakyants (SDM'18) ☆


Roger A. Phillips (SDM'92)


Mitchell V. Sabbagh (SDM'87) and Kelly Sabbagh


Linda P. Nelson (SDM'79, CAS'74) and Barry Nelson

Gary A. Nord (SDM'10)

Michael P. Russo (SDM'96,'99)

Joseph E. Pezza (SDM'73,'73) and Kathleen Pezza

Mark E. Nehring (SDM'81) and Pamela R. Nehring

David A. Noble (SDM'69) and Alice I. Noble


Jignesh D. Rudani (SDM'17) and Grishma Rudani

Thomas Nasser (SDM'92) and Jeanette Mitzel


Jan B. Rozen (SDM'70) and Nancy H. Rozen ¤


Linda R. Perlmutter (CAS'62) and Carl J. Perlmutter ☆



Robert P. Rubins(SDM'73,'73) and Carol Newton ∞

Nora Nakshabendi (SDM'16)



Susan Roubicek (SDM'92)


Eugene S. Sandler (SDM'66) and Gail Sandler ¤


Gregory W. Sanford (SDM'77) Catherine F. Sarkis (CAS'88, Questrom'91, LAW'94) and Ramzi A. Sarkis (SDM'96,'02,'05,'08) ¤

Barbara J. Pyke


Loyal Donor

¤ Faculty/Staff Member

☆ First-time Donor

∞ Deceased


Loretta Y. Say (SDM'71,'71) and Carlos C. Say

Archana Tadisena (SDM'09)

Robert M. Schreibman (SDM'69,'69) and Andrea Schreibman

Tadros M. Tadros (SDM'17) and Grace Hannawi-Tadros (SAR'13, SDM'17,'19)


James A. Sciaretta (SDM'72,'72, CAS'66) and Carol A. Sciaretta



Thomas J. Semino and Paula J. Semino ☆ Ana C. Serrenho (SDM'13,'16) Darshit H. Shah (SDM'13) Khantil R. Shah (SDM'14)



Samira Y. Sheikh (SDM'03) ¤


Mary A. Tavares (SDM'81) and Francis C. Sutula ☆

Aidi Yin (SDM'02) and James Grogan Mary R. Yorkshaitis ☆

Warren R. Tessler (SDM'66)

John M. Underhill (SDM'86)

Donald L. Simi (SDM'81,'87) and Pamela M. Simi (Questrom'86) ¤ Pamela L. Simmons ¤




Hui Zuo (SDM'20)


Naveen Verma (SDM'04) and Monica Verma


Linda S. Waintrup ☆


Beekman Investment Advisors, LLC

Carolyn J. Wehler (SPH'01) and Adam H. Wagman ¤

Eastern Dentists Insurance Company


Na Wei (SDM'15) and Yang Yu

Erica M. Stocks (COM'01, Wheelock'12) and Keith Stocks ¤

Shaun T. White (SDM'09)

Jacyn D. Stultz (SDM'85) and Jonathan D. Harris

Elizabeth R. Whitney (MED'05) ¤


Joyce B. Sun (MED'10, SDM'18) ☆


¤ Faculty/Staff Member

Neocis Healthcare Robotics Nobel Biocare AG Southern Arizona Endodontics, PC

Deborah J. Whitman ¤



Denstply Sirona


Sean T. Willcutts (SDM'05) and Gina V. Willcutts

Lindy L. Su (SDM'13,'14, CAS'09)

American Pancreatic Association Carbon 3D Printing

Robert M. Stern (SDM'89) and Debra R. Stern


American Gastroenterological Association

Ian D. Watson (SDM'81,'81) and Monica Watson



42 North Dental

American Association of Endodontists Foundation


James M. Stein (SDM'85,'87, CAS'80) and Andrea W. Stein (Questrom'79)


American Academy Of Periodontology Foundation

Angad Singh Virk (SDM'19) ☆

Joel E. Wasley, III (SDM'76) and Phyllis M. Wasley



Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity

Stanley Y. Wang (SDM'98) and Angela Lee

Kathleen A. Stakes (SON'79) and John W. Stakes, III

Toby S. Wilson (SDM'01,'01)


Institutional Support

Jamie B. Waller (SDM'18)

Leo Spyrou and Virginia Karapanou ☆



Matthew Zweig and Shannon Elliott ¤

Hharichandana Vemireddy (SDM'11) Hitesh Vij (SDM'20) and Ruchieka Vij (SDM'20)

Morton I. Sommer (SDM'62) and Barbara J. Sommer

Loyal Donor

Howard M. Zolot (SDM'85)


Nikhita Somalinga Amardeep (SDM'19)


Lauren M. Zollett (SDM'15) ☆

Maria F. Valentino (SDM'94,'95) and Alessandro Tatone

Jay A. Solnit (SDM'92)

Elizabeth Szklennik

Heidar Zohrehei (SDM'17,'23) and Maryam Maghsoudloo (SDM'17,'22 )

Vivian Valdez (SDM'11)

Pallavi Sinha (SDM'04) and Ajitesh Rai

Devaki Sundararajan (SDM'09) ¤

Ira J. Zohn (SDM'71) and Lynette Zohn




Shadi Zoghi ☆

Vanessa Valdez (SDM'11)



Isaac P. Zisblatt (SDM'16)

Algirdas S. Vaitas (SDM'86,'88) and Valerie K. Vaitas

Mary Ellen E. Sholes (MET'78) and Dennis J. Sholes ¤


Li Zhong (SDM'16) and Yanjun Li




Ana M. Zea (SPH'20) and Juan M. Canal ¤

Ariel E. Trujillo (SDM'97,'00) and Alissa Trujillo ¤


Sudarvizhi Sivaraman (SDM'17)


Philip C. Trackman (GRS'80) and Janine Gropp ¤

Natalie Shlosman (SDM'98,'06) and Felix Shlosman

Jatinderjeet Sidhu (SDM'08) ☆

Roula Zaza (SDM'19)


* Yilin Shi (SDM'19) *

Brian Sullivan, Sr.

Khalid H. Zawawi (SDM'04,'06) and Ghadah A. Malki (SDM'03,'03)

James N. Thacker (SDM'84) and Mary C. Thacker



A. Hamid Zafarmand (SDM'89,'90,'92,'94)




Cynthia Yee (SDM'08,'12)

Bradley Taylor (SDM'90)

Donald B. Sherman (SDM'65) and Joyce Sherman

Kay M. Stamp ☆

Carol B. Yassinger (SDM'84) and Lloyd M. Mahler (SDM'83) ¤

Viktoria P. Talebian (SDM'97,'01)

Abol M. Tehrani (SDM'80,'82) and Anne M. Tehrani

Yuri Shamritsky (SDM'91,'94) ¤

Lyle E. Smith (SAR'11, SDM'15)

Suellan G. Yao (SDM'06) ☆

Morteza Tayarani

Rohan L. Shah (SDM'17)

Michael R. Shemkus (SDM'19)

Indu B. Yadav (SDM'17)


Nayrouz Talua (SDM'17,'17)

Bruce H. Seidberg (SDM'67) and Judith I. Seidberg


Hannah W. Wong (SDM'20)



Roger J. Wise (SDM'73) and Pamela F. Wise Steven A. Wolman (SDM'72,'72) and Tara S. Wolman (MET'72) ¤


☆ First-time Donor

∞ Deceased


IN MEMORIAM Dr. Richard Bravman (faculty)

Jonathan Shenkin (faculty)

September 6, 2021 Newton, MA

August 23, 2021 North Yarmouth, ME

Dr. Bravman received his master’s in microbiology from NYU and his dental degree from Tufts University and went on to build an oral and maxillofacial surgery practice across three offices on Cape Cod. Dr. Bravman held a part-time appointment at GSDM, covering BMC/ BCH sedations. He is survived by his wife, children, son-in-law, grandchildren, siblings, niece and nephew.

Dr. Shenkin received his dental degree from the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine and a Master of Public Health degree from Johns Hopkins University. He was the owner of Augusta Pediatric Dentistry in Augusta, Maine and was a faculty member at GSDM from 2004 until the time of his passing. Dr. Shenkin also served as vice president of the American Dental Association from 2013-15, was a past president of the Maine Dental Association, a past chair of the ADA Council on Communications and also served as an ADA media spokesperson on pediatric dental issues.

Robert Paul Rubins PERIO 73

Sheldon Peck ORTHO 68

April 11, 2021 Kershaw, SC

April 18, 2021 Boston, MA

Dr. Rubins graduated from Cuyahoga Falls High School in 1960, earned his undergraduate degree at Kent State University in 1963, and graduated from dental school at The Ohio State University in 1968. Dr. Rubins served in the Air Force at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, before joining a dental practice in Stow, Ohio. He received his Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Periodontology from Boston University in 1972. In 1973, Dr. Rubin’s started his practice in Charlotte, North Carolina, which he loved every day until retiring in 2013.

Dr. Peck obtained both his B.S. and D.D.S. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He completed his training in Boston, earning his M.Sc.D. and C.A.G.S. in orthodontics at the Boston University Medical Center. In addition to his private practice of orthodontics with his brother, Harvey, until his death in 1981, Dr. Peck taught orthodontics parttime at Boston University from 1968 to 1989, after which time he served as a clinical professor of developmental biology at the Harvard University School of Dental Medicine, as well as being an assistant clinical professor. Dr. Peck also maintained a successful private practice in Newton, Massachusetts, with his late wife Leena Peck DMD 89. In more recent years, he served as an adjunct professor of orthodontics at the University of North Carolina. Both Drs. Pecks were avid art collectors and philanthropists.


Ali Basha Shaik DMD 15 February 26, 2021

Dr. Paul Joseph Roth DMD 77 June 4, 2021 Old Tappan, NJ Dr. Roth was born in the Bronx, attended Bronx High School of Science and graduated from SUNY Stony Brook, where he met his wife. He went on to Boston University School of Dentistry where he received his DMD degree. He was a family dentist in Norwood, New Jersey, for many years. A loving father of Lauren Roth, Carlsbad, CA and Eric Roth, New York, NY and companion and husband to Linda for 50 years, Dr. Roth enjoyed fishing at Shelter Island, watching Yankee games, playing guitar, listening to jazz, and especially reading The New Yorker cover to cover. He could complete the New York Times crossword puzzle in a matter of hours, much like his mother, Viola.

Frank Palmer Stout ORTHO 70 March 6, 2021 Fayetteville, NC Dr. Stout graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry, then earned a Master of Dental Surgery degree in orthodontics from Boston University in 1970. He then returned to Fayetteville, North Carolina, where he practiced orthodontics from 1970 until his retirement in 1998. Dr. Stout was an active member of the American Dental Association for 41 years and the American Association of Orthodontics for 37 years. He also partnered with his father to expand the family’s real estate base until the latter’s death in 1988.

Santo S. “Sam” Cataudella OMFS 1960 Sept 7, 2021 North Andover, MA Dr. Cataudella received his dental degree from Tufts University and then specialized in oral and maxillofacial surgery at Boston University, graduating in 1960. After 30 years of private practice in the Merrimack Valley, Dr. Cataudella began his second career as a professor at the Henry M. Goldman School of Graduate Dentistry at Boston University where he educated countless students in the practical personal skills of his profession, serving as the director of Predoctoral OMFS education from 1988 to 1999. Known by many as “Dr. C” or “Doc Sam”, he was a skilled surgeon who was known for treating his patients with respect and compassion, and was revered by his colleagues and students. He received the Outstanding Teacher Award given annually by the graduating DMD class twice—the only faculty member to be so honored. Dr. Cataudella was also honored by the AAOMS with the first-ever Daniel M. Laskin Award for an Outstanding Predoctoral Educator in 2002. He pioneered the concept of an ambulatory general anesthesia clinic in the department. He is survived by his wife Barbara (Fiore) Cataudella; his children, Mary Cataudella and husband William MacDonald of Andover, John Cataudella OMFS 92 and wife Maureen Cataudella DMD 92 of Marshfield, MA, Anita Wright and husband Craig of East Hampton, Long Island, NY, and Christine Hopkins and husband Robert of Swampscott; his grandchildren, Elise, Anna, Rose, Roy, Stephen, Michael, Colin, and Caleb. He also leaves many nieces and nephews.


Let's engage. As Boston University’s new vice president for alumni engagement, I look forward to connecting with the vibrant alumni community of the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. BU is a big place—now with two campuses beyond your own Medical one, the Charles River and Fenway locations—but we are all #TerriersTogether. I’d like to talk a bit about the significance I find in those words alumni and engagement. As you may know, alumni ultimately derives from the Latin verb alere, which means “to bring up” or “to nourish.” At first that meaning was literal, for children being brought up outside their original homes. Eventually, however, the meaning extended to include people who receive intellectual nourishment at school: students, and then graduates, too. The nourishment is symbiotic. Your education at GSDM nourished your learning and developed your skills, and your connection to the school nurtured its community in turn— and indeed the Boston University community as a whole. Which brings us to engagement: the ongoing connection between you and BU. Once you’re an alum, you’re an alum for life. And BU, like GSDM, is your academic home for life. This, too, is a symbiotic relationship: we are here for you, whether you’re looking for connections with friends old and new, seeking fresh opportunities in your career, or simply staying up to date on the latest happenings on campus. We hope and trust that you are here for us, too: spreading the word about your experience with the school, sharing your thoughts about what we’re getting right—or wrong!—and generally continuing to stay, well, engaged. I also invite you to explore GSDM's APEX program, which places students in private practices or public clinics for an eight-week internship at the end of their first year. It’s a valuable learning experience for these aspiring practitioners—and a chance to share your perspective and expertise with the next generation. I’ll leave you with a simple question: What engages you? What gets you excited when you think about BU? And how can I help you deepen that relationship? I look forward to connecting with you—in person when we can, and online anytime. You’ll find me on BU Connects, our platform that brings Terriers together for personal and professional networking on a global scale. You can learn more about that at I hope you’ll join, and I’ll see you there. With Terrier pride, Erika N. Jordan Vice President, Alumni Engagement 51



“This new building is a quantum leap...” Ribbon Cutting, pg. 18

pg. 1 pg. 14 “I had three roommates who became brothers to me.”

pg. 24

Connected GSDM Alumni in Italy, pg. 18

pg. 37 “You were chosen because you are qualified and you are deserving to be here.” On Campus: Highlights, pg. 29

pg. 29

“What engages you? What gets you excited when you think about BU?” Last Word, pg. 51

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