HB Library News
October 1, 2013
October Newsletter for the Henry Buhl Library
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!” - Dr. Suess
New Library Resources to check out!
New Libguides!
Order resources to add to our collection to help your students succeed! One of the obligations and privileges as faculty members is ordering new books that will enhance the teaching and learning of your students.
Need to contact someone at the library? The staff directory has been updated!
New Reference Books!
New Fiction Books!
We encourage you to select books for the library’s collection. Consult your department’s library committee representative for ordering procedures and allocation information. Use Books in Print Online, Choice Reviews Online and Resources for College Libraries to search for books, read reviews and see recommendations from other scholars in your field.
Sports Around the World: History, Culture and Practice by John Nauright and Charles Parrish
If you have questions or need help selecting books please contact Barbra Munnell (bmmunnell@gcc.edu) Ready to place an order? You can order books at any time. Submit orders to Jill Forsythe (jaforsythe@gcc.edu) the deadline for placing orders is March 7, 2014!
We are on Facebook & Twitter! Like us @BuhlLibrary Follow us @GCC_BuhlLibrary
Stop in on your lunch break!
Do you know about the Campus Ministries Library? Located in Rathburn Hall the Campus Ministries Library has a collection of over 200 books and resources on various Christian life topics available to borrow. Hours They are searchable in the library catalog using the set limit option—collection – Rathburn Hall. A collection list is also available here.
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
We have now have popular magazines like People, Sports Illustrated, and Time Magazine in the lobby! They’re perfect for reading on our new comfy furniture!
WorldMark Encyclopdia of the Nations