Henry Buhl Library Newsletter
September 2017
Buhl Library Open House New Books The 3rd annual library Open House is on Friday September 15th from 1-4pm. We invite faculty, staff and students to stop by for an introduction to the library. You’ll learn about our different resources and services and get a chance to meet with library staff. In case you need a lunch time break there will be therapy dogs in the building from 1-4pm and kittens from 1-2:30 pm from the Grove City Pet Rescue. We hope you’ll stop by!
Find these books on our New Book Display!
Chicago Manual of Style 17th Ed. Will the library have the 17th Edition in Print and Online? Yes, we have several copies of the 17th edition available. The online edition of the CMOS is now live. You will have access to the 16th edition through the search bar but the default edition on the main page will be the 17th edition. Is it required to have my students use the 17th Edition? No, the library will still have resources to support the 16th edition. We will keep all of our print manuals. We ask that you please let us know for the fall semester which edition you prefer your students to use because of the big changes such as removing Ibid so we can better assist students with any questions they may have. Please let us know if you will be using the 16th or 17th edition by filling out this form. . What Resources are available to learn more? University of Chicago Press Books CMOS Shop Talk Blog
Upcoming Events
Open House September 15th from 1-4pm
Shrek / The students are back on campus, classes have resumed, and we are left to wonder (once again) how summer has gone by so fast. But, rather than focus on the warm days that are behind us, we can think ahead to the journey before us this year. That is exactly what I have tried to do in choosing a film to tell you about this month. My final choice is not one depicting exceptional teachers (though we have several good ones I highly recommend); instead, I have decided to highlight a fun, lighthearted journey film to start us all off on a high note this semester: Shrek. Perhaps not a traditional start-ofschool choice, Shrek remains one of my favorite animated tales of adventure. When our story begins, an ogre, Shrek, learns that his swamp has become a sanctuary to other displaced fairy tale creatures. Anxious to rid his home of these unwelcome invaders, our unlikely hero and his companion, Donkey, set out on a journey to rescue the Princess Fiona for the underhanded Lord Farquaad. This gripping tale, complete with a phenomenal soundtrack and laugh-out-loud dialogue, make Shrek a delight for kids of many ages (rated PG). Grab the popcorn and enjoy! -- Kim
The Boys in the Boat / Daniel James Brown This month’s feature is one of my all time favorite audiobooks. (It’s one of the 18 newest additions to our collection!) It tells the story of the University of Washington’s Men's Rowing team comprised of boys from the families of farmers and laborers who were not expected to beat out the elite colleges of Harvard, Princeton or Yale to secure a spot in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. They do just that and the small town boys go on to compete against the world in a race that will have you on the edge of your seat. The story of Joe Rantz, and his rowing teammates will captivate you until the very end. This inspiring story is recounted perfectly by Brown who is a master storyteller and the narrator, Edward Herrmann, is a joy to listen to. Make sure you stop in to check-out this title for your work day commute or your next road trip. This is a story you won’t soon forget! Sit back, relax and enjoy! - Megan
Tips & Tricks How to browse our audiobook collection online
Did you know we have over 300 audiobooks in our collection? You can stop in and browse them in the library lobby or you can search and browse our collection online. Here’s how: Click here to visit the videos & audiobooks page on our website. This page will allow you to see what we have by author and genre.
You can also search using Original Henry. From the keyword search screen select the “change limits” button. Select “Audiobooks” from the collections list and set your results per page to 100. Click OK. Leave the search box empty and click Search. This will display every audiobook title. You can also enter a title or author into the search box if you’re looking for something specific.
Featured Resource Dictionary of Christianity and Science The Dictionary of Christianity and Science provides, in one volume, entries on over 450 key terms, theories, individuals, movements, and debates at the intersection of Christian faith and contemporary science. In addition, because certain topics such as the age of the Earth and the historicity of Adam and Eve provoke disagreement among Christians, the dictionary includes "Counterpoints"-like essays that advocate for the views most commonly held among evangelicals. Representatives of leading perspectives present their arguments vigorously but respectfully in these advocacy essays, allowing readers to compare options and draw their own conclusions. The dictionary is also fully cross-referenced and entries include references and recommendation for further reading. Located in the Biblical Reference Room. Call number: Ref BL240.3 .D53 2017
New Audio Books! We have 18 new audio book titles in our collection that are part of a leasing program that we’re trying out. These titles are located on the top of the audio book display. We will refresh our selection every 4 months. So, some titles will be removed and new ones will be added in their place. Because we only have these titles for a short time, stop in and check them out for your daily commute or your next trip!
Buhl Library Blog We’re excited to announce this semester our new library blog! Within the next two weeks you’ll find the link to it on our website. It will be updated weekly with content about our resources, services, newest collections and more. We’ll even have some help from our student workers who will provide their perspectives on working in the library and share some of their favorite resources. We hope that this will allow us to share more frequently some of the great things we have in our collection and to better serve the GCC community.
Featured Display
Grove City & GCC Resources Welcome back to a new semester at GCC! Did you know we have a collection of books on the history of Grove City College and the town of Grove City? Stop in and check-out our featured collection in the library lobby. We also have past yearbooks dating back to 1912. We have a few out on display dating back to 1988. Stop in to check them out and ask at the main desk about the rest of our