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The art of building with Air

June. 2010

What Our Technologies

June. 2010

Brief history... Inflast Project: “New methodologies for Design and Manufacturing of Inflated Structures� Finished: November 2000 Objective: Apply inflatable technology, developed in the aerospace industry, into the civil and architectural field. We created in 2001 Buildair moved by the market technology transfer

June. 2010

Relation with CIMNE-UPC

Technology Innovation

Technology and prototypes

Results and publications

CIMNE’s world-wide network

Tech. development

Spin-off companies

Products and services

Basic research

Customers: Industries and companies of several industrial fields

Ideas and Concepts

June. 2010

World Wide Network Buildair USA Partnership with Echelon Aviation Focus on aeronautical and Military applications

South America Partnership with S&S architects and Boreas Focus on aeronautical and industrial applications

Buildair Spain Headquarters

Partnership with Airlight Ltd Spain and Switzerland Focus on Large inflatable structures and bridges

Buildair Asia Pacific Partnership with Hart engineering + SCSI Architects Focus on events, renting and personalization

June. 2010

What Our Technologies

Low Pressure Pneumatic Structures

June. 2010

When to use it? When you need Flexibility

• Temporal coverage Seasonal needs • • Moving location • You need it quickly • You need it down very fast in emergency situations.

June. 2010

Why? Because it has advantages


• Design & Customization •


Easy to set-up


June. 2010

Very High Security level We use treated fabrics with at least a flame retardant M2 Classification (UNE 23.727) Our structures are made of a very strong but light fabric. If it is intentionally cut, the low-pressure constant air flow of the turbines provide stability to the structure and the repair kit allows our customer a quick fix to these situations. Even in a greater emergency, the structure is quite light (300gr/m2 apx.) and it would rarely compromise the security of the visitors.

June. 2010

Architectural Design With our technology, form and size have no limits. We have designed and produced inflatable structures bigger than 2.000m2.

Our inflatable structures are completely customized to meet the wishes of our customers, having in mind functionality and the objective or idea that our client wants to communicate.

June. 2010

Flexibility Form Finding Process and Stress validation Analysis

Some stress analysis results

• Adequate textile strength • Reinforcements design • Proper sewing system, thread resistance and mechanical properties

June. 2010


June. 2010

Fast and Easy to Set Up Open the storage bag Spread and anchor

Connect the silent Air Fans

Wait until the structure is inflated completely

June. 2010

Support Wind Loads Estimations

June. 2010

+ Multiple alternative uses •Events •Pavilions •Aircraft Shelters •Temporal facilities •Sports events •Pool covers •Storage covers for warehouse

material •Temporary structures for emergencies and natural disasters.

June. 2010

What Our Technologies

Wide span roofs and quick deployment bridges with Tensairity Technology

June. 2010

When to use it? When you need flexibility

• • • • •

Wide Spans Light Structure requirements Budget limits Emergencies Mobility

June. 2010

Why? Because it has Advantages

• • • • •

High load Resistance Light Weight Cost Effective Deployable Support

June. 2010

High Load Capacity

Form ®

The simplest Tensairity beam has a cylindrical geometry. Many other shapes are possible, ® too. Cigar-shaped or spindle-shaped Tensairity beams still have a circular cross section, but are stiffer than the cylindrical structure. Tensairity® beams may well replace not just traditional steel profiles or steel girders, but also large span arch structures.



All components of the Tensairity® beam can be used to the yield limit of the material leading to exceptionally light weight properties of this technology. Since Tensairity® beams are very simple, they have no complicated joints and no bracing elements, they can be factors lighter than conventional girders

Te sp st a e e th

. 8000

Weight [kg]


Using the same principle it is possible to create 2D surfaces, in this case the upper compression element is connected with vertical tendons with the lower traction element.

Simple steel beam (H-Type) Simple steel beam (I-Type)


Steel girder


Tensairity beam (steel elements, PVC fabric)


4000 3000 2000 1000 0 20





Span [m]

Although strong as a steel Tensairity still has many properties of a simple airbeam. As Airlight: Tensarity Partners and developers ofgirder, the technology ®


all inflated structures Tensairity is deployable, too. Assembling of Tensairity® beams is very easy. The beam can be designed so that no screws or rivets are needed for assembling it, allowing a very fast set up. The dismantled Tensairity® beam can be compactly stored and easily transported.

T m N Te in

June. 2010

High Load Capacity

June. 2010

Light Weight

Tensarity + Wood based bridge. Span 50m

June. 2010

Cost Eective

Comparison with other systems Traditional Steel Structure

High pressure Pneumatic Structure

structure’s own weight. Air loss by sabotage (perforation o large structures this could take ho and eventually evacuate the buildin Tensairity structures do not have a warning. On the contrary, in case even by ordinary people: so even i properly. Fiberglass fabrics resist very well to

Tensairity Structure

ndent on the choice of materials. Being the pressure quite low, conventional fabrics are used like the ones for tents. Standard cables for the tension element and steel, aluminum or wood for the compression element. All these known materials to civil engineering are brought together in combination w

sairity beams are almost 10 times lighter than steel profiles with same stiffness

Load capacity










Very light

Very light




Cost effective


High pressure collapse in case of air loss

Low pressure and NO collapse in case or air loss


Tensarity + Wood based bridge. Span 50m Tensairity Basic concepts and applications. M.Pedretti and J.Marcipar - TACOM-Warren, Michigan campus, May 6th 2010

June. 2010

Deployable The Vehicle can transport its own Tensairity bridge Breakthrough proposal in terms of transportation and operations for these structures. - 4 months from establishing requirements to delivering - 10 to 50 meters span inflatable ultra-lightweight bridge. - Up to 50 Tons capacity - weighing five times less than those that exist currently (less than 1 ton).

cable eal InternationalTransparent Inc.,established has developed a Tensairity product TensairityTension: is spiral a revolutionary light weight beam element developed by Airlight Ldt. The in civil engineering. simply brings a new combination of these wide span structures. Low pressure fabric tube Tensegrity elementsbeams, (no bracing,columns, no complicated joints).and Sinceshells Tensairity is material efficient, it is Any shape, arches sealing instantly holes in costa efficient. tire having a synergetic combination of an airbeam, cables and struts leads to this extraordinary light therefore also Low cost and cables, these are exactly the elements that a pressure 20 times greater than the pressure weight structure, Struts using very lowair beam internal pressure but with the load bearing capacity of Tensairity adds to the simple Synergy: roof cladding and thermal isolation In these structures, tension and compression are physically separated intomembrane cables struts to yield ultra light structuresand very strong. girders. June. 2010 Low energy required TENSAIRITY = Tension + Air + Integrity conventional steel The protected brand name Tensairity indicates the close Lab tests & to Finite Elements Analysis making the struts appear as free floating. relationship to the filigree structures made of struts and Ecological cables known as Tensegrity . Basicinteractions principles Under load, the tension in thecancables Thisanalytical force is transferred to the compression The fundamental Tensairity be describedincreases. by means of a simple model, but the calculation of real Tensairity structures relies on numerical computation. these structures, and compression are physically separated elementNumerical whichmethods becomes proneAnalysis to buckling. However, to thetensionfirm connection of theinto cables and struts like Finite Element is inevitable for the engineering of Indue Tensairity . Additionally, in order to verify theoretical hypothesis many tests were carried out making the struts to appear as free floating. Under load, the tension in the cables increases. This force® is transferred to the compression Truss analogy compression element with the airbeam membrane, buckling is prevented. TENSAIRITY = Tension + Air + Integrity in our laboratories. ®


The company Ultraseal International Inc., has developed a product that is capable of sealing instantly holes in a tire having a diameter of ½ “ at a pressure 20 times greater than the pressure in our structures.

Tensairity® is a revolutionary light weight beam element developed by Airlight Ldt. The synergetic combination of an airbeam, cables and struts leads to this extraordinary light weight structure, using very low internal pressure but with the load bearing capacity of conventional steel girders.

against buckling by the compressed air. Therefore, the compression element can be loaded to the material yield limit.

Properties PTFE coated Silicon ® The major property of Tensairity is that the air pressure is solely given byFiberglass the external load coated and is independent of the span and slendernessFiberglass of the beam. The load bearing capacity of ® Tensairity is, by orders of magnitudes higher than for the traditional air beam. Life span > 30 years > 30 years ®

Tensile strength


For extreme applications such as aerospace structures, it is possible to use synthetic foams or even metallic foams instead of air.




The central idea of Tensairity is to use low pressure air to stabilize compression elements ® against buckling. The basic Tensairity girder consists of a simple airbeam (a low pressure fabric tube), a compression element tightly connected to the airbeam and two cables running in a spiral form around the airbeam.


cations such as aerospace structures, it is simple airbeam. As ong rity beams is very or even metallic foams instead of foams ehetic span for assembling it,

Compression: air supported strut


nt stored and mpactly e, beams, columns, arches and shells

roof cladding and thermal isolation gy required

Tension: spiral cable


Low pressure fabric tube

Struts and cables, these are exactly the elements that Tensairity® adds to the simple air beam to yield ultra light membrane structuresdate very strong. Copyright by airlight ltd. 2004 - release 24.05.2004 The protected brand name Tensairity® indicates the close relationship to the filigree structures made of struts and ® cables known as Tensegrity . In these structures, tension and compression are physically separated into cables and struts making the struts to appear as free floating. Under load, the tension in the cables increases. This force is transferred to the compression element which becomes prone to buckling. However, due to the firm connection of the compression element with the airbeam membrane, buckling is prevented.

Beam on elastic foundation analogy





up to 40 %

5-15 %


Class A


> 30 years First prototype showing the different carrying capacity between Tensairity and simple airbeam Very Low




High (plastic)

8-25 %

90 %

Class A

Class C

Class A

Pure (clean ashes)

(Toxic fume)

Toxic fume

(Toxic fume)

80 $/m2

300 $/m2


Material cost

40 $/m2

element which becomes prone to buckling. However, due to the firm connection of the compression element with the airbeam membrane, buckling is prevented.

100 $/m2

Truss analogy


Air pressure is a stabilizing element only

pressure carry any load !!! AirAir pressure Airisdoesn’t pressure is a stabilizing element only independent of span are by cables and struts Basicespecially !!! AirLoadspressure Aircarried pressure doesn’t carry any load Whenprinciples talking about pneumatic structures, one starts immediately inquiring about safety, replaces vertical struts in case of pressure loss. ! There are and traction Aircompression pressure isonlyindependent of span These structures are indeed very safe, the safety deriving largely by their behavior in case! of failure. ® !air to stabilize Loads arecompression carried by cables and struts The central ideathe dead of load Tensairity is toperuse lowthat,pressure elements For Tensairity is so low (few kilograms square meter) in case of total pressure loss, the steel cables and the membrane are ® enough strong to support the Air pressure replaces struts againststructure’s buckling. The basic Tensairity girder consists! of a simple airbeam (a lowvertical pressure own weight. Air loss by sabotage (perforation of the membrane in many places) is a lengthy process, in ! There are compression and traction only fabric tube), a compression element connected large structures this could take hours, giving all the timetightly to take appropriate safety actionsto the airbeam and two cables running



© Copyright by airlight ltd. 2004 - release date 24.05.2004

7-15 years



ETFE - Foils





PVC coated Polyester

The major property and is independen Tensairity® is, by o

First prototype showing the different carrying capacity between Tensairity and simple airbeam

Beam on elastic foundation analogy ®

and eventually evacuate the building. in a spiral form around thea brittle airbeam. Tensairity structures do not have behavior, they do not collapse suddenly with no Truss analogy

! ! ! ! ! !

warning. the contrary, Air pressure isOn a stabilizing element onlyin case of overload, deflections become big and therefore visible Air pressure doesn’t carrypeople: any load so even in this event there is plenty of time to react promptly and even by ordinary Air pressure is independent of span properly. Loads are carried by cables and struts Air pressure replaces vertical strutsvery well to heat, they don’t burn , and do not produce toxic fumes. Fiberglass fabrics resist

Compression: air supported strut

There are compression and traction only

Beam on elastic foundation analogy

same stiffness

Tension: spiral cable

Low pressure fabric tube

s, arches and shells

Struts and cables, these are exactly the elements that ®

First prototype sh airbeam

June. 2010

TENSAIRITY + Multiple alternative uses applications

Deployable and temporary structures



Deployable and temporary structures Many other different fields of applications


Object: exhibition center, Villa Erba, Como, Italy Dimensions: span 24 m, total surface 10000 m2 Status: project, waiting for construction approval

Middle span roof structures

Many other different fields of applications Sport equipment


Floating structures

Hightech and aerospace Object: exhibition center, Villa Erba, Como, Italy Dimensions: span 24 m, total surface 10000 m2 Status: project, waiting for construction approval

Sport equipment Floating structures


Middle span roof structures


Hightech and aerospace Object: car parking, Montreux, Switzerland Dimensions: span 30 m Status: project, waiting for construction approval

Transparent roof structures

Object: car parking, Montreux, Switzerland Dimensions: span 30 m Status: project, waiting for construction approval

airlight ltd via croce 1 CH-6710 biasca switzerland T +41 91 873 0505 F +41 91 874 0509

Transparent roof structures Š Copyright by airlight ltd. 2004 - release date 24.05.2004

Object: greenhouse Dimensions: span 120 m Status: preliminary design

Large span roof structures

Large span roof structures Object: sport arena Dimensions: span 300 m Status: preliminary design

June. 2010

Aeronautic Applications

Wide Span Roofs

June. 2010

Structures on Firefighting Path

June. 2010

Tensairity Bridges

Tensarity + Wood based bridge. Span 50m

June. 2010

Auxiliary Facilities

June. 2010


June. 2010

June. 2010

June. 2010

June. 2010

June. 2010

June. 2010

June. 2010

June. 2010

Thank you very much for your attention

See more at Can Berneda 8 (Pol. Ind. Molí d’en Xec) - 08291 - Ripollet (Barcelona) Barcelona - Spain Barcelona) T. +34 93 368 77 72 - F. +34 93 561 66 34 -

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