The Herald Mid-April 2023

Page 17

Markfield, Field Head, Stanton-under-Bardon, Thornton & Bagworth

New changes in Bagworth

HOPEFULLY you will have seen and admired the daffodil flowers in the village verges. Most of these have been planted by the Bagworth Forward Group (BFG). Thanks to those who have appreciated them (thanks Helen). It will soon be time to have the planters filled with summer flowers. This costs money.

BFG have two fund raising events on the horizon, both of which we hope that you will support. We have tried to include new ideas in both of these events.

FOOD & CRAFT FAIR: Sunday 14th May

THE FIRST is on Sunday 14th May from 11am until 3pm. Instead of just a Spring Fair we are having a Food and Craft Fair.

We already have some exciting craft stalls and also some mouth-watering food stalls including cake stalls, an ice cream stall, milk shakes and a micro brewery. There will also be a food wagon in the car park throughout the event.

What we would like to see are more stalls selling savoury items such as sausage rolls and/or pies, jams and pickles, bread, maybe even a fruit and vegetable stall. We are very open to other suggestions, such as samosas, etc. If you are able to organise anything along these lines please call Karen on 01530 230573. Stall hire is £10 per table. In addition to the stalls and the food wagon, there will also be food available in the coffee shop area. This will include mushroom soup, stilton and broccoli soup, various sandwiches and hot and cold drinks. There will also be other stalls such as raffle and tombola.

BAGWORTH SHOW: Saturday 26th August

THE SECOND date is on August 26th and is the annual Bagworth Show, the 19th annual show this year. The schedule will be available soon. In addition to the usual exhibits such as vegetables, fruits, flowers, cooking and baking, arts and crafts and children’s classes, we are going to add to this extravaganza. We are looking for classic cars to display outside the Community Centre during the show on the August bank holiday. If you have a classic car and would like to display it, please would you contact Dave Gee on as spaces are limited.

A classic car is defined as being registered in the log book as an historic vehicle. At the time of writing this is pre-1983. We are trying to get as many from the local area as possible before the opportunity is opened up to others, so do let him know as soon as possible, if you are intending to show your car.

Don’t forget that if you come to the show you must stay for the auction which takes place after over twenty trophies are presented. Many of the exhibits are sold off and there are always amazing bargains to be had. Do add these dates to your diaries and support BFG whose aim is to enhance the life of the village and the lives of the people who live in it.


AFTER MANY YEARS of running Markfield Community and Sports Centre, the charity, Markfield Community Association has handed over the reins to Markfield Parish Council.

The association are delighted that the Parish Council is committed to keeping the Community Centre running for the use of our residents. We all believe that it is time to enhance our relationship and work in partnership to have in place and develop the Community Centre into a facility our village deserves.

This change will not be easy but we can do it together in partnership and with the help of local agencies, community groups and of course, most importantly you our community.

With the support of the Parish Council the Association will continue to run the Mayflower Clubs at the community centre and continue to co-ordinate the successful Markfield Good Neighbours Scheme. This partnership will also assist in our endeavours to support local health and well-being initiatives.

The association spokesperson said, “We sincerely wish the Parish Council every success in this new endeavour and TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT”.

The Parish Council have said, “Your Parish Council is committed to the community we serve, we will be working hard to secure the future of your community centre and sports centre with our many partners”.

The Parish Council are intending to organise an event at the Community Centre to celebrate the King’s Coronation on Monday 8 May 2023. Please look out for further details and updates.



Parish Council are seeking

of the Markfield Community Centre. Please email your initial expressions of interest to the Parish Clerk at

Next Issue Out On 13TH MAY - Adverts & Articles Required By 29TH APRIL MID-APRIL 2023
expressions of interest from third parties in connection with the operation and management

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The Markfield Defibrillator Project

EARLIER THIS YEAR I was asked if the Markfield Defibrillator Project was being wound up? The answer is Yes! and No!

• YES: Because, thanks to the generosity and support of many in the village and beyond, the Project has, for now, achieved its target of having as many Defibrillators (AEDs) as possible installed in Markfield

• NO: Because the vital need for AEDs here, and across the country never ceases. Markfield must positively treasure its AEDs and in the future give support those who have taken on the care and maintenance of each one.

So what now?

THE PROJECT will remain alive.

The owners of the AEDs/Cabinets have all the relevant information, plus funding and other contacts such as the Ambulance Service and Paramedics, while the Parish Council will hold copy information documents and some spare equipment.

Also for now I will be happy to informally provide appropriate advice to existing or new potential AED owners in the community.

BUT future AED coverage will not be immune from the strains of expansion on Markfield and many of its services, and the need for AED access within the crucial first few minutes after a Cardiac Arrest. Bluntly new AEDs will be needed for the new estates. Just look at the Map.

St. George’s Day Celebration in Thornton

THIS YEAR to celebrate St. George’s Day we are having an Open Evening on Monday 24th of April at St Peter’s Church, Thornton between 6 and 7.15 pm.

You are invited to watch the Bell Ringers rise and fall and ring various methods on the church bells. There will be an opportunity for you to participate by way of chiming, or indeed, ringing a bell - though you do need to be over 11 years old. There is no upper age limit!

This will be followed by an evening at the Bricklayers Arms enjoying one of their delicious pies at a cost of £12.95 per person, and music in ‘Last Night of The Proms’ style, with a sing along to such favourites as Land of Hope and Glory, Jerusalem etc. There would be plenty of flags and hats on display.

Everyone is invited to the Open Evening at St Peter’s, but the meal and sing a long at the Bricklayers Arms are by ticket only.

To book your place for an enjoyable evening please contact Eric 01530 230743 by the 15th of April.

Thank you.

• SOME GLAD DEFIBRILLATOR TIDINGS FROM HM GOVERNMENT with the announcement of a £1m fund to provide 1000 AEDs to schools and communities in England. It marks a welcome start on the road to perhaps one day achieving the near blanket AED cover in many European countries. It will probably be on a matched funding basis and targeted at areas with particular needs, or lack of existing cover. I am seeking further information, which I will publicise and pass on to relevant organisations.

• EMAS FOREST FIRST RESPONDERS plan more Defibrillator and Resuscitation Sessions in the Summer.

Once again many, many thanks to everyone who has supported the Project in so many ways, you have helped give the village something of which it should be very proud.

Robert Quiney


3 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at It’s
easy to blame others for your mistakes, so do that.

The Herald

PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT

Tel: 01530 244069

Markfield WI News

ON 3RD MARCH the ten members of the WI Committee enjoyed their annual meal out, this year at the Copt Oak. We all enjoyed the meal and the evening and certainly raised the noise level in the restaurant.


WE KNOW it can be difficult to stay socially connected, but keeping in touch and chatting with others can have a huge impact. Conversations can create connections, offer new perspectives, teach you new things, boost happiness, and increase mental wellbeing.

The Herald is a monthly local magazine delivered free to approximately 4,000 homes and businesses in Markfield, Field Head, Stanton under Bardon, Thornton and Bagworth. Contact Mike Wilkinson with your articles, news items or advertising enquiries.

Printed by Norwood Press in Ellistown.

The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Herald Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies.

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All contents © The Herald. None of the articles or adverts contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from The Herald.

At our March meeting Andrew Smart gave us his talk entitled ‘That Ruddy Cucumber’ which turned out to have nothing to do with horticulture. Andrew spoke about his time as a journalist with the Nottingham Post including the story of the visit of Jayne Mansfield to the Press Ball in Mansfield, it seemed no-one had expected her to turn up. He talked about the changes he had seen during his time on the paper with the decline of local newspapers and the changes to local areas. It was a varied and interesting talk and he ended by introducing some of his favourite newspaper headlines including ‘Homicide Victims rarely talk to the Police’. Andrew has also written a book of varied war stories entitled ‘Their Names will not be Forgotten’ the proceeds of which go to the British Legion.

On 18 March several members attended the Annual Council Meeting of the Leicestershire and Rutland Group of WIs held at Leicester Grammar School.

This event is a good chance to meet up and swap ideas with other WIs as well as indulge in some retail therapy at the various stalls. There are also various competitions, one of which was won by our member Lynn Mellor for her card with tatting daffodils. The main morning speaker was Eric Knowles. Having been born in Nelson he was obviously very proud to be a Lancastrian and talked about his life and upbringing and how he became involved with antiques through his love of ceramics. He included many funny stories along the way and we thoroughly enjoyed his talk.

Our afternoon speaker was Ruth Goodman, the social and domestic historian who many will know from TV’s Victorian Farm, Wartime Farm and others Ruth entertained us with a talk about washing up through the ages and the innovations that ensued as times changed - who knew washing up was so important.

Our May meeting will be our Resolutions Evening. This year’s resolution which will be debated and voted upon is a very topical one ‘Clean Rivers for People and Wildlife’.

Which is why the NHS Volunteer Responders programme has reintroduced the Check in and Chat service, where local readers who would like a friendly chat or simply a listening ear can request a phone call with a volunteer, whether it be a one-off call or a series of calls.

Receiving a Check in and Chat call is easy and completely free. Readers in Glenfield can organise it by calling 0808 196 3382 (8am to 8pm, 7 days a week). You can also visit nhsvolunteerresponders. where you will find further information.

If your readers would like a call, we are encouraging them to please reach out on the number above, or, to share this information with a loved one, friend, neighbour, or anyone who may need a little extra support and would benefit from a Check in and Chat call.

Thank you.

Advert & Article Deadline For Next Month’s Issue Is 29th April. Don’t Miss Out!

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 4
The checkout sign said eight items or less, so I changed my name to Les.

Workinghardallyearround Markfield,StantonandFieldHead


YourlocalLabourteamhavetheexperienceand passiontofightforourvillages


Candidatefor Markfield,Stanton andFieldHead


I'msureyouappreciatethegreatwork ofMatthewandAndyinrepresenting ourcommunitiesofMarkfield,Stanton andFieldHeadoverrecentyears. Althoughtheyarenotstandinginthe forthcomingelectioninMay,thenew Markfield,StantonandFieldHead LabourTeamofRobMartinandChris LambertneedyourvotessoLabour cancontinuetospeakforyou.

InRobandChris,youhavetwoLabour candidateswhoarecommittedto buildingonthesuccessesachievedby MatthewandAndyandhelping strengthenourlocalcommunitiesfor thebenefitofallresidents.

RobandChriswanttosupportthe localcommunitytomakesureour voicescontinuetobeheardinfar-off HinckleyandmakesuretheCounty Councildon'ttakeusforgranted,as recentdecisionsaboutruralbus routessuggest.Parkingaroundthe villagesisworsening,andactionis neededtokeepourcommunitiessafe. Theypromisetoworkwiththeparish counciltomakethecommunitycentre asuccessfulfacilityforall.Theissues thatmattertothemarethesame onesthatmattertoyou,theseareour communities,andweneedtofight togethertoprotectthem.

Thefamilybusiness,SignDirect, wassetupinMarkfieldIndustrial Estateover20yearsagowheremy wifeworkstoday.Personally,Iwork intheNHScaringfordisabledand vulnerablechildrenandruna parentcarerorganisationthatfights foreducation,healthandsocial careprovision.Ithinkthisgivesme theknowledgeandinsighttoknow thatourvillagesneedathriving economybackedbyexcellentpublic services.



Candidatefor Markfield,Stanton andFieldHead


07488266932 07494488040

IhavelivedinMarkfieldsince1988 andraisedmyfamilyhere.Iretired fromalocalcouncilseniorrolelast yearsoIknowhowtogetthings doneinLocalGovernmentandI nowvolunteerataCharityin Ulverscroft.Havingseenthemany changesinourcommunitiesIam passionateaboutprotectingour ruralidentityandfightingoffnew speculativedevelopments.

Vote Labour& Cooperative
Workingforyou ContinuingthegoodworkofLabour
YourLabourTeamfor Markfield,Stanton andFieldHead LAB-25689-53773PromotedbyHughClaydenonbehalfofRobertMartinandChrisLambertallat18CrownHillClose,StokeGoldingCV136EW. PrintedbyNorwoodPress,POBox8,Markfield,Leicestershire,LE679ZT ADVERTISEMENT

GREAT things

IAM GREAT FAN of karaoke, I love it. A great song which is a Karaoke favourite is the Frank Sinatra classic ‘My Way’ and as I write what is in all likelihood my last article for the Herald magazine as your local Borough Councillor, the song feels somewhat apt.

I do hope to pen a few general interest articles if allowed, but finishing on the Borough Council also means ending a run of monthly contributions to this great magazine that stretches back the whole 28 years. Call me old fashioned but the printed local press is a far better medium than the online variations some of which seem to revel in sowing division.

In the song ‘My way’ the writer (it wasn’t Frank Sinatra, he just sang it, but a man called Paul Anka) is looking back on a journey well-travelled – yes he took the blows along the way and dealt with moments of doubt, errors, at time he took on more than he could chew, but he persevered, he had moments of great satisfaction, achieved things on his own terms, stuck to his personal beliefs and didn’t sell them out, he accomplished something and was content with that. Yes he had regrets (who doesn’t) but they didn’t weight too heavy on him.

Working together

The song in part sums up my own feelings as I step away from being a Councillor. It has taken up a huge part of my adult life as I was elected when still aged 23. In that time, I have been blessed to have been married and have two sons of whom I am immensely proud. The journey hasn’t always been easy, but during those 28 years I have been so fortunate to have worked with some really good people and by working together we have I believe, made our community a better place. It is easy sometimes to take things for granted and

imagine things dropped out of the sky, so it can be helpful to remember the journey we have been on, so we do not lose our way and start to go backwards which is possible.

Community asset

We now have three fantastic public open spaces in Hill Hole, Billa Barra and Blacksmith’s Field which 28 years ago we did not, as these were all privately owned.

These are enjoyed by countless people every day. We had a smaller (still impressive) Community Centre in Markfield and in Stanton the Village Hall was the old ‘youth club’ at the top of the village. The Centre at Markfield has recently had a few struggles, but it has for most of my time been a central part of the local community and has in the past thrived, receiving praise from afar and playing its part as a community asset in which large amounts of investment and hard work have been poured. The Centre at Markfield will thrive again and needs talking up, not talking down as some seem so keen to do. The Centre of course sits next to the Community Park which has itself proven a great success and is enjoyed by all with some excellent facilities. The Community Park would not have happened without a vision for something better, a vision for a community resource we can be proud of and a belief that working together the money for it would be found, by hook or by crook.

Vision needed

At Stanton the new Village Hall was a big improvement on the old Youth Club building (which had served the village well) and is today

a fantastic community building which reflects the positive ambition of the local community. It needed people to work together to make it happen and it needed a vision for something better than was had before. As did the now Community Library at Markfield. This facility could have so easily been lost but the Community worked together to ensure it survived the decade of austerity which we seem never to have escaped from. It is today thriving and has a bright future ahead.

days of the Covid epidemic and the ‘Warm Spaces’ provided for people in Markfield and Stanton this past winter as we faced into the cost-ofliving crisis.

Guided by doing good

Despite the naysayers and the unhelpful who are quick to take to social media to knock things down, we have in Markfield and Stanton always found those willing to build things up, to have a positive vision for the place we live in. Willing to face down critics, willing to be guided by doing good and prepared if necessary to go out on a limb for a righteous cause. The real tragedy is if we lose that spirit and decide it’s just not worth it - and in doing so, give in to the constant moaning by a vocal but small minority. I hope that’s not going to happen and believe we have enough about us to ensure it doesn’t.

Fabulous things

When our communities work together and have ambitions to step forward, to stand tall, to put down the perpetual moaners, we can achieve great things and in doing so build on past achievements that make us all stronger. Even in my last few years I have witnessed some fabulous things happening in and around our community. Just look at the Litter Wombles who are constantly going out volunteering to collect litter and keeping our communities clean. Look at the efforts of those involved in driving the defibrillator project which has delivered a number of defibrillators strategically located around the place, designed to save lives. Look at the success of the Good Neighbour Scheme which was a shining light during the dark

It’s been a privilege to have worked over the past 28 years for our communities. This is my final curtain, and as I take my bow from public office, I hand over the baton to others. In reality these things are team efforts and when it comes to Markfield and Stanton we need to be playing on the same field and for the same side. We need to aspire to be the best and have the best. It’s not always going to be possible but if we don’t try it certainly will not.

I wish all readers the very best for the future and most of all I wish our communities the very best as we face into the future.

Let’s keep moving forward together to a brighter and better tomorrow. Thank you.

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 6
If things get any worse, I’ll have to ask you to stop helping me.
We’ve seen that when our communities work together, we can achieve

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7 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at My favourite band is called the Cockles & Mussels. I saw them alive alive-O in concert. Fully Qualified, Insured and Registered 10 Year Guarantee Reliable and Friendly Service Satisfaction Guaranteed Proud to be Local! Electrician Do you struggle finding an Electrician to do a small job? Extra Lights and Sockets New Fuseboards Rewires EV Chargers Landlord Services Experts at Testing (EICRS) Call James on (0116) 497 1302
‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’ Headteacher: Simon Andrews Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake Business Manager: Alistair Keates Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351 Email: A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 08423539
South Charnwood High School
‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’ Headteacher: Simon Andrews Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake Business Manager: Alistair Keates Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351 Email: A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 08423539

Coronation Parade in Markfield 1953 Thornton

Teas with a Twist 3Ts

Wednesdays 26th April, 10th and 24th May 2pm to 4 pm

THIS PHOTO SHOWS a parade at Markfield which I think could be to celebrate the late Queen’s coronation in 1953. Each year my Dad, Horace Grimes organised a comic band to play. He was the licensee of the George Inn, now the Co op. He is the man playing the piano accordion wearing the white hat. Immediately in front of him is my sister Georgina. I am, unfortunately, the fairy at the front! Perhaps your readers may recognise faces from the past.

Rosemarie Robson (nee Grimes)

Don’t miss Stanton’s Picnic & Party in the Park on Sunday 7th May

THE STANTON FETE Committee are organising a Picnic and Party in the Park between 12 noon - 5pm featuring Live Music, Wood Fire pizza, Bouncy Castle, Doughnuts, plus a Variety of Stalls, Face Painting and lots more.

The QGJ committee are running a “Best Dressed House & Scarecrow Competition”, costing only £1 to enter. Judges will view Houses & Scarecrows after 2pm on the Saturday and the winners will be announced at The Park Party (money towards OAP Christmas party.) St Mary’s church will also be serving Teas, Coffees and Cake on the Sunday. It looks like being a great weekend!

Join us at Thornton Community Centre for a cuppa, cake, a warm and time to chat. Everyone is welcome, including well behaved dogs on leads. However, on 12th April, 3Ts will be at the café at Thornton Nurseries from 2 to 4pm. The Community Centre will be out of action for some very essential plumbing and drainage works. A huge thank you to the nursery. Drop in to 3Ts at any time, even if it’s only for a short while for a good chat, laughter and warmth. You will be very welcome.

Jigsaws, and board games, books, and the jigsaw ‘library’, and a small play area for young families will be available most Wednesdays.

If you would like to help with these Wednesdays, even for just the odd one, please do let me know.

Organised by the village for the villagers.

For more information contact me, Shirley, on 01530 230 422 or email shirley.garlick19@

Look forward to seeing you!

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 8 After I left university, I removed one of my front teeth for 12 months. It was my gap year.
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I AM JUST WONDERING if you might be able to advertise an event I am organising for Rainbows Childrens Hospice at Woodhouse Community Hall, Forest Road, Woodhouse, on Friday May 19th at 7.30pm. It is an evening with Graham Short. Graham is someone you may have heard of who has an extraordinary skill. He is considered to be one of the most talented living micro-artists in the world. His unique, intricate work can be seen in what is believed to be the world’s tiniest nativity - carved on a speck of gold inside the eye of a needle and the words ’Nothing is Impossible’ engraved along the cutting edge of a traditional razor blade.

His latest project, valued at £250,000, is the Lord’s Prayer etched onto a speck of gold and inserted into the eye of a needle

Working twilight hours in between heartbeats and aided by Botox, Graham goes to extraordinary lengths to create his miniscule artworks. He even straps his arm to the table to stop if from moving !

He has appeared on numerous TV programmes and is a charismatic speaker. His highly amusing entertaining presentation is described as ‘more theatre than classroom’ and is littered with tales about the celebrities he has met and worked with, such as The Royal Family, Ronnie Barker, Neil Armstrong, Stephen Fry etc. He will be bringing samples of his work and there will be a Q&A session

Tickets are £7.50 and we are only selling them in advance. We will have a pay bar and raffle with all proceeds to Rainbows Childrens Hospice

For tickets or more information email or telephone 01530 224579.


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9 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at I’ve been living with a woman for some time. She’s quite a bit older than me and we don’t get on. It’s my mum. THORNTON GARAGE Car Repairs • Servicing • MOT Testing • Tyres • Exhaust • Batteries • Timing Belts Letter

Friends of the Charnwood Forest

News from Dr D McNeil

AT THE LAST MEETING of the Friends we were given a very detailed talk on the history of the Mountsorrel quarry and its railway by Mark Temple.

There is evidence to suggest the quarry was in use in Roman times, for the pink stones in the Jewry Wall can be found in the quarry. After the Romans, the quarry working picked up again in the seventeenth century. Various Mountsorrel buildings, now demolished, were made from Mountsorrel stone. In the 19th century there was a big demand for stone for macadam which was used in road building.

The stone was initially transported using horses, but latterly the railway was used. The line ran from the Great Central Railway at the time it was constructed, via the quarry, to the Midland Railway. The land was originally owned by the Martin family, and was later bought by Lord Lanesborough.

The badge of the company formed refers to a windmill originally sited above the quarry, but moved as worked progress to a lower level, which proved unsuitable for it and it was demolished. Cottages were provided for the workmen and a religious building which was later converted into a hospital. In the 1890’s electric lights allowed extended working hours in the quarry in winter when a crushing mill was also installed. Other local quarries included one at Buddon Wood, which is still in use. The Mountsorrel quarry was finally closed in 1967.

The railway joined the Great Central at Swithland sidings. Although a flight of stairs was provided, no station was ever built on the orders of Lord Lanesborough. The line was closed in 1964, when a conveyer belt replaced that part of the line which ran to the Midland. The part to the Great Central has been restored as a preserved line – due to tipping it can no longer be connected to the other part. Lafarge provided ballast for the line. A nature reserve has also been included and a museum which is in part a reconstruction of previously existing buildings. The line was opened on 25th January 2017.

Have a Go at Archery in Markfield this May!

KIRBY MUXLOE ARCHERY CLUB will be offering the Markfield community the opportunity to try archery at Jubilee Playing Fields this Spring. Have A Go and Taster Sessions will be available as part of the club’s Start Archery Week between Saturday 6th May to Sunday 14th May. Look out for posters around the village and on social media with further details shortly.

Church Services

More real-life notes left for milkmen ...

• Please knock. My TV’s broken down and I missed Coronation Street last night. Maybe we could talk about what happened over a cup of tea?

• My daughter says she wants a milkshake. Do you do this before you deliver, or do I have to shake it at my end?

• Please send me a form for cheap milk, as I have a baby two months old and did not know about it until a neighbour told me.

• Milk is needed for the baby. Father unable to supply it.

• Please leave no milk today. When I say today, I mean tomorrow, as I wrote this note yesterday.

Do You Have Voter ID?

From 4th May 2023, all voters at the polling station will need to show photographic ID before voting. Visit currentelections to find out more about the types of ID that will be accepted and what to do if you don’t have ID. No ID? You can apply for free voter ID (, but you need to do so before 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023.

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 10 My divorce came as a complete surprise to me. That’s what happens when you haven’t been home in 18 years.
April 2023 St Michaels and All Angels, Markfield 10.30am Morning Prayer St Peter's, Copt Oak 3.00pm Holy Communion St Peter's, Thornton 10.30am Morning Prayer St Mary's, Stanton under Bardon 10.30am J22 Community Worship with H/C 23rd April 2023 St Michaels and All Angels, Markfield 6.00pm Holy Communion St Peter's, Copt Oak 6.00pm Evening Prayer St Peter's, Thornton 10.30am Holy Communion St Mary's, Stanton under Bardon 10.30am Something Different Service 30th April 2023 St Michaels and All Angels, Markfield 10.30am Benefice Service at Thornton St Peter's, Copt Oak 10.30am Benefice Service at Thornton St Peter's, Thornton 10.30am Benefice Service St Mary's, Stanton under Bardon 10.30am Benefice Service at Thornton 7th May 2023 St Michaels and All Angels, Markfield 10.30am J22 Community Worship with H/ St Peter's, Copt Oak 6.00pm Holy Communion St Peter's, Thornton 9.00am Breakfast Service St Mary's, Stanton under Bardon 10.30am Holy Communion

Dear Resident,

Markfield, Stanton & Field Head

Tel: 01455 635741


April 2023

It has been a real honour to serve as your County Councillor for the last six years.

On Thursday 4th May you will have the opportunity elect two Borough Councillors to represent you on Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council. It is important that these councillors are able to work constructively with the local MP, Parish Councillors and myself to get things done!

Unlike other parties, our candidates live and breathe Markfield, Stanton, and Field Headbecause it is their home.

I am asking you to support our two community champions, Leigh Quilter and Claire Harris; both of whom will provide a strong voice for Markfield, Stanton, and Field Head!

With best wishes,

Peter Bedford

PeterCounty Councillor for Markfield, Desford & Thornton

A healthy sleep not only makes your life longer, but also shortens the workday.
Printed by The Herald, promoted by Richard Allen on behalf of Leigh Quilter & Claire Harris all of 10a Priory Walk, Hinckley, LE10 1HU Leigh Quilter Claire Harris
"Our priority is to make our communities even better places to live"
"We pledge to work with everyone, no matter their political party or none, to get things done in our community!"


THE MARKFIELD COMMUNITY Association managed the Markfield Community and Sports Centre since it opened. Markfield Parish Council now manages the Centre.

We are delighted that the Parish Council has committed to keeping the Community Centre open for the use of local residents. We believe that, in the best interests of the village, we should work in partnership and have in place a plan to develop the Community Centre into a facility that the village deserves.

We can do this together in partnership with the help and support of local agencies, community groups and of course, most importantly you, our local residents.

With the support of the Parish Council, the Association will continue to run the Mayflower Clubs at the Community Centre and continue to co-ordinate the successful Markfield Good Neighbours Scheme. With the Parish Council, we will also endeavour to continue to support local well-being initiatives, local events, new clubs and activities.

We sincerely wish the Parish Council every success in this new endeavour and, “TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT”.

Trustees Markfield Community Association

Mayflower Club

DOESN’T TIME fly by. In February this year the Mayflower Club celebrated its TENTH anniversary.

I will always remember the day that the club started. There had been a terrible storm across the country with trees being toppled by

gusts of high wind so, we nervously sat at the Community Centre fully expecting no one to turn up. How wrong we were.

A band of intrepid residents battled through the storm arriving at the Centre with wind bashed umbrellas, soggy rain coats and hats. It was quite amazing. Anyway, this was the start of which has proved to be the very successful Mayflower Club.

Over the following decade the Club developed into a much appreciated and friendly place for people come along to, meet up with friends old and new, to enjoy and above all to have fun. Even during the Pandemic lockdowns we managed to keep the Club going and, with much appreciated help from Carole Kemp who kept in touch with members providing them with virtual games and quizzes but more importantly making sure that they were alright and providing help and support if needed.

Over the years the club has provided so much for our members including trips out, celebration parties, indoor games, guest speakers and wellbeing information and talks. Our members certainly look forward to getting out of the house and coming along to our weekly sessions. I must also thank Carol Berridge and Dawn for all their continued help and support throughout the years it is much appreciated by all the members.

On Monday afternoons 2pm to 4pm there is the Friendship Club where you can play a game of dominoes or cards and also join in with our arts and crafts sessions where members are currently crocheting hats, ponchos and even bunting for the Coronation. The main club meets on Wednesday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm. So, if you are fed up with being stuck at home, feeling a bit lonely and left out or simply want to meet new friends and have a bit of fun please

come along and join us. They are a right friendly bunch and you will feel most welcome. Just pop in and join in.

Markfield Good Neighbours Scheme

ANOTHER EXAMPLE of how time has flown by is the COVID Pandemic. Can you believe that it is now just over three years since the first lockdown on the 23rd March 2020.

Watching what was happening across the world the Association had anticipated that desperate measures would be needed. Indeed within a week of the lockdown announcement we had introduced the Markfield COVID 19 Voluntary Good Neighbours Support Scheme and had “signed up” a volunteer for EVERY street in Markfield and Field Head. Within two weeks we had engaged over

100 volunteers. How brilliant were they all. We could write pages and pages of all the acts of kindness, donations and support that they and other villagers gave during the pandemic.

On behalf of the village, we cannot thank them enough. Help and support is still needed especially around loneliness, isolation and of course the current financial difficulties that people are experiencing so, to this end the Association is committed to keeping the Markfield Good Neighbours Scheme up and running and with its help to continue to provide help and support to those in need wherever we can. Once again, a big thankyou to you all.

To contact the Good Neighbours Scheme please call 09885 243033 or 07904 222552

Ron and Dawn Grantham

Markfield Community Association

The Premises Officer will be responsible for assisting with the running of the Centre including reception, caretaking and cleaning duties.

You should be honest, reliable and physically fit and able to work flexibly, as required, up to a maximum of 20 hours a week. Shifts will include both evening and weekend working based around Centre bookings.

Salary – Minimum Wage

Please apply in writing with your C.V to The Clerk, Markfield Parish Council, Parish Office, Markfield Community and Sports Centre, Mayflower Close, Markfield. LE67 9ST Email:

I get seasick. And that’s after only a couple of glasses.

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 12

Dove Bank Primary School Police Visit

THE CHILDREN in Oak and Birch classes had a visit from PCSO Nik and PC Richard.

They showed us the equipment that they use to keep themselves and others safe. The children had a go at using the radio, wearing police hats and sitting in the car.

The children learnt about the role of the police and what to do in an emergency, including when to call 999 and the importance of knowing where they they live.

PCSO Nik and PC Richard will be back to visit the rest of the school very soon.

Mrs. A. Fletcher Head of School

Holistics & Mystics Event on

2nd April

JANET LOWE has written to the Herald with some information about the Holistics & Mystics event held at the beginning of the month at Groby Community Centre. Visitors remarked about how nice the event and the venue were, and asked when the next one will be taking place. Janet has asked the Herald to thank all those that visited, and to confirm the winners of the Free Prize Draw:

• P.MISTRY won a telephone Tarot Reading with Zara

• NINA MARSHALL won a 1 hour Reflexology Treatment with Wandering Sole Therapy

• CHRIS TOWNSEND won either an email Tarot Reading or home visit Reiki Healing session with Holistic Therapies.

13 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at Acupuncture has proven bene ts in the treatment of a range of medical conditions including the management of Chronic Pain, Migraines, Tinnitus, Fertility, Mental Health and many more. Please get in touch if you have any questions or to book an appointment. Contact: Hayley Curd on 07500 808762 or email contact@mark Hayley Curd MBAcC is a fully licensed member of the British Acupuncture Council. Markfield A cupuncture Clinic Hard floor cleaning On site curtain cleaning Rugs, including oriental and antique All types of upholstery, especially leather RUGS - we are CLEANING SPECIALISTS traditional Persian or Chinese, Gabbeh or Kilim, we even love Wiltons and Shaggy ones! 01530 244900 ■ 07825 795558 CHECK OUT QUALITY OF OUR SERVICE ON SJS GOOGLE REVIEWS FOR BOTH LEICESTER AND LOUGHBOROUGH
Last time I had a street party I nearly died. I live on the M42.

MTTG’s next production: Going Green

THE GROUP will be performing “ GOING GREEN” by David Tristram from Wednesday 17th to Saturday 20th May 2023 at Thornton Community Centre at 7.30 p.m. nightly.

David Tristram is one of the UK’s most-performed comedy playwrights – in fact, his comedies have now been performed more than 10,000 times by professional and amateur companies all over the world. To put that in context, it means that for the past 30 years or so, on average, someone somewhere in the world has been performing a David Tristram play every single night!

That’s an amazing statistic for someone who first dreamed up a comedy whodunnit just to help out his local am-dram group back in 1985! Such has been the interest in the writer’s work that he has become the UK’s most popular comedy playwright. The honour was unveiled by Samuel French Limited of London and New York, the world’s biggest agent and publisher of plays, after the company analysed performances of authors across different genres. In a recent interview, Mr Tristram was asked about the future of amateur theatre, and said, “ Well, like all of us, I hope that theatre in general won’t be permanently scarred by the recent lockdowns, but in particular I hope that

grassroots theatre at amateur level will be able to survive and thrive.

I also passionately believe that comedy, which has always been at the centre of my work, is not some sort of fluffy luxury – it’s a precious, vital commodity, essential to a balanced society’s mental wellbeing, and we lose it at our peril.”

In choosing “Going Green”, a tragicomedy, as our next production, we know that we have set our cast a huge challenge as the actors cope with the fast-paced dialogue and the various scenarios called for on stage. It will be a challenge, too, for member Katie Wells, who takes on the director’s role for the first time.

Years ago, the word “green” seemed quite an ordinary one. We were encouraged to eat our “greens” and to count the bottles hanging on the wall - but that was about it! Now, however, the word has quite a different connotation when “going green” involves living an environmentally-responsible life, and making choices that will help to preserve the Earth and its nonrenewable resources instead of destroying them.

As the play opens, people have lost faith in the political establishment –worn down by expenses scandals, cash for questions, fat-cat bankers, austerity and riots. The whole country is crying out for a new direction, a fresh start. Step forward John Brown - future leader of the Green Party. John gives a blistering

Local outdoor projects financed by Bardon Hill Community Fund

BAGWORTH AND THORNTON Parish Council would like to thank the Bardon Hill Community Fund for kindly providing funding for several outdoor projects that have recently been completed around the parish.

These include the purchase of planter boxes for Thornton’s village entrance signs, a picnic table for one of Bagworth’s play areas and two information lecterns, all made from eco-friendly recycled plastic.

SNAKE HILL Angling Club in Markfield


CLUB has been in existence for many years and attracts members from in and around Markfield, Groby and Anstey.

We have a lake set in woodland just off the northbound carriageway of the A50 just before the first roundabout coming up into Markfield.

speech at the annual conference and the party faithful rise as one to greet their hero as John stands to deliver his stark message to the waiting world - “Go green …. or die”. Can this charismatic, driven man save the future ? That is debatable because John is hiding a terrible secret… one which will have surprising consequences. We hope that you will come to discover what those consequences are. We promise to keep you wondering, guessing, and laughing too! Tickets, (All £6), are on sale now and are available on 07438 508166 or email

Your support for your local Group is much appreciated.

Muriel Walker for MTTG

The lake contains a good mixture of silver fish including Ide, Roach, Rudd, Perch, Bream and Crucian Carp as well as larger Common and Mirror Carp up to 14 lbs. This year we have vacancies for taking on new members in April. There is a one off joining fee of £5 and the annual membership fee is £30 with a concessionary fee of £25 for senior citizens and juniors under 17.

If you would like to join, please contact me on either of the numbers below.

Eric Swann, Club Secretary

Tel: 01530 242814 Mob: 07762 381580

Try English Country Dancing in Glenfield

DID YOU KNOW that English Country Dancing takes place most Mondays at the Glenfield Memorial Hall, Stamford Street, Glenfield from 7.30 pm until 9.30 pm?

Dancing is good for youphysically and mentally. We start again after Easter on April 17th. You are welcome to come and see what it’s all about. Your first taster session will be FREE.

Afterwards you only pay £3 per session, which includes tea or coffee and biscuits!

We have callers who tell us what to do for each dance and you don’t need a partner. We would love to welcome you to experience this dancing along with us.

The flower planters have really brightened up the roadside in Thornton, they have been filled with plants that are loved by pollinating insects, as well as a few daffodils of course!

Thornton Meadows, have received a lot of interest and great feedback.

For more information

email Geoff at jennyandgeoffweston@ or Sue at susan.

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 14
I’ve been out with a number of girls. The number is one.
The information boards, one detailing the history of Bagworth Colliery and the other highlighting the flora and fauna at

Just cal our small, friendly firm - whether it’s one window or a full house - with approximate sizes, and we’ll

15 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at The hardest thing about voting with your feet is doing a handstand in the polling booth. FREE DELIVERY with Personal Service “Ask About our Same Day/Next Day Installation and Removal Service” We are pleased to announce that we are now agents for A.W.E Kitchens and Bedrooms Who specialise in Bespoke made to measure kitchen & bedroom furniture Please call in for further details ANSTEY ZANUSSI ZWF725B4PW Washing Machine 1200rpm Spin Speed 7kg Load Capacity E Rated 2yr Guarantee 14 Programmes Blomberg LWF174310W Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 7Kg Load Capacity 28 Min Fast Full Load 16 Programmes D Rated BOSCH WAJ28008GB Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 7kg Load Capacity D Rated Express Wash 15 Programmes Haier HW90B14959U1UK Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 9kg Load Capacity A Rated 5yr Guarantee White HOTPOINT NM11946WSAUKN Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 9kg Load Capacity A Rated Rapid Option White FAST FREE LOCAL DELIVERY Fitted Kitchens BEKO CIFY81X Built-In Single Oven 5 Functions 66 Ltr Oven Fan Assisted Stainless Steel A Rated
give you a price OVER THE PHONE or a free call out if you prefer. There’s no need to replace the window - we will replace the glass unit for you FOOT & THERAPY CLINIC Diagnose - Treatment - Maintain Foot Health Practitioner in Markfield Professional, friendly advice & treatments including: • Toenail & fingernail trimming & filing • Callus reduction & smoothing • Ingrowing toenails • Corn removal • Thickened or fungal toenails • Cracked heels & dry skin • Verrucas & Athlete’s foot • Diabetic foot care Fully qualified & registered • Fully insured • Full DBS Jane Harwood-Scott DipFHP, MCFHP, MAFHP For appointments - Markfield Clinic or Home Visits ring: 01530 242277 or 07949 212128 or email: NOW TAKING ON NEW PATIENTS NEED A ? PLUMBER For a Friendly, Local, Reliable Service in All Aspects of Plumbing & Heating FREE ADVICE Call Chris Tel: 01530 244635 Mobile: 07507 554403 LEICESTER ROAD, MARKFIELD Plumbing & Heating 504317

Government to test new EMERGENCY ALERT system to mobile phones: Sun 27th April

AS REPORTED IN THE INDEPENDENT, the government has launched a new emergency alert system that will send a siren-like alert to mobile phones. The system will give the government and emergency services the ability to send a message directly to mobile phones when there is a risk to life. When your device receives the alert it will vibrate and play a loud siren-like sound for up to 10 seconds.

The siren will be accompanied by a notification on your home screen, which you will have to acknowledge before you can use other features. The notification may include telephone numbers or website links containing further information.

The new system, which will go live on Sunday 23 April, should allow the government and emergency services to get urgent messages quickly to nearly 90 per cent of mobile phones in a defined area. Any compatible device within range will receive the message.

The messages will be broadcast from cell towers near the emergency, ensuring that they are secure, free to receive and one-way. People’s privacy will not be affected as the alerts do not reveal anyone’s location or collect personal data.

People who do not want to receive these alerts can opt out of them in their device settings. The system has already been successfully tested in East Suffolk and Reading, prior to the planned national test. A survey of people conducted after the tests found that 88 per cent wished to receive the alerts in the future.

The US, Canada, the Netherlands and Japan have all successfully rolled out and used similar systems. The alerts have been widely credited with saving lives. However, the US state of Hawaii caused widespread panic on 13 January 2018 when it accidentally sent out an alert warning of an incoming ballistic missile to televisions, radios and mobile phones. Officials blamed miscommunication during a drill at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency.

You can see what the alerts look and sound like at

HBBC: “New Planning Team Heralds a Speedier Service”

RESIDENTS of Hinckley and Bosworth are benefitting from a speedier planning application process after a new director and head of planning have joined the council’s planning department.

After a slower process over the past couple of years, partly due to the pandemic and recruitment issues, new members of staff have joined existing planning officers to improve the customer focus and response.

As a result, residents will have seen an improvement in the responses and updates to their queries, while the speed of processing applications has also increased significantly since summer 2022.

Applications are now being dealt with quicker and the number of applications has reduced from a high of more than 500 live applications in summer 2022 to 304 pending consideration in March 2023. A further new round of recruitment is expected shortly, meaning the process will become even more efficient.

Granny’s best china

FOR MANY YEARS, I accepted that if anyone special came for tea, my mother would get the dragon’s breath china out.

It wasn’t until I questioned it later, that I suddenly realised that she was actually saying ‘granny’s best china’ Or, remembering, when young, learning a poem off by heart which exhorted me to pity mice implicitly when I should have been reciting ‘pity my simplicity’. Yes I did feel a bit simple when I realised I that I had been delivering pleas to nurture the rodent population!

In terms of inconvenience, there are many disabilities that can plague the human being a great deal more than being hard of hearing but it must rate as one of the most irritating and exasperating in terms of the confusion it can cause. Both for the listener and the speaker too, who occasionally finds the response to their question as hardly lucid, never mind fitting. Embarrassment mushrooms on all sides, with words and phrases misheard and misunderstood. In my own case, having been born with little more than residual hearing in one ear and the other one, although presenting as small and shell-like, containing no receptive apparatus at all, it took a few years before I was able to see the occasional humour in the affliction. Even then, it was often not shared by the speaker. The resulting misinterpretation might have seemed a trifle amusing to me but did not necessarily have the same effect on the speaker. Invariably they would either look annoyed with me for causing their perplexity or bend over backwards to try and spare me any discomfiture. Most people who have severe hearing problems probably, without realising it, try to lipread the speaker’s lips which may help. Even the odd word or two, understood correctly, can give context to what is being conveyed in speech, as can facial expressions. Yet another reason for hoping coronavirus or it’s like never reaches again the proportions of 2021/22 - it is almost impossible to pick up any clues from a face protected by a mask. But when you study the lip movements on someone’s face, it is quite easy to think you have understood what they are saying, because the sentence you thought they might have said, looks very much like the one they were saying. But, in fact, it may be nothing like it.

Attending a lipreading class to learn the skill more thoroughly has been a real joy to me. Not only because it has helped me tremendously with communicating effectively but for the support and companionship of other members of the class.

Lipreading is a technique to aid speech understanding by watch-

ing the movement of lips, face and tongue when their accompanying sound is not sufficiently loud or clear to hear.

The class is able to share experiences, tips and empathy with one another which helps greatly. Being hard of hearing can be very isolating. Social groups and clubs are an enjoyable way of meeting other people and making new friends but if you are having difficulty in understanding the conversation, you tend to be on the periphery, not able to participate for fear of not having understood what has already been said. None of this would have had anything like the beneficial impact that it has though, were it not for the excellent tutor that we have been so fortunate to have acquired. Someone who patiently understands, listens to our needs and who appreciates that different members have differing requirements with varying levels of hearing impairment. Not forgetting those who suffer the additional burden of tinnitus. (Tinnitus is the name for hearing ringing or buzzing that comes from inside your ears, rather than from an outside source). Above all, someone who teaches us to lipread in classes that are stimulating, safe and full of interest and which encourage us to share our experiences with each other as she does, with calmness, kindness and good humour.

We are fortunate not just to have this particular tutor, but to have any tutor. We are in urgent need of new tutors to provide the service to future generations The Leslie Edwards Trust (a charity formed in Loughborough in 2009 to help the hard of hearing community learn lipreading) is offering the opportunity to train as a lipreading tutor by offering a professional qualification which involves a one-year distance learning course. The cost of course fees, travel and books will be covered by the Trust.

Tutors are freelance and LET pays a generous hourly rate, intended to cover general expenses. Being a tutor is a part-time occupation and generally involves teaching several two-hour sessions weekly, based on a 30 week year.

If you would like to find out more about this very worthwhile challenge, please contact: or or call Jenny on 07889 544997 or email angela.reddaway@talktalk. net

Thank you for reading this.

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 16
Angela I met this alien who couldn’t stop swearing. He was an extra-Tourettestrial.


New members of any experience are welcome to come and give Lawn Bowls a go throughout the upcoming season starting from Monday 17th April 2023

Your initial three bowls sessions are completely free so come and try your hand and see just how much enjoyment can be had.

Feel free to bring friends & family with you, all you need with you is a pair of flat soled shoes/trainers - we will provide everything else.


Mobile, Visiting - Podiatrist, Chiropodist


Why not have them treated in the comfort of your own home? Treatments include: Corns, Callus, Nail Cutting, Nail Problems, Diabetic Foot Care, Plus More.

To make an appointment, please call: 07954 052 736 Or Email:

We can also visit other venues, and undertake group bookings.


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Cropston Road, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7BR

South Charnwood High School

South Charnwood High School

‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’

Headteacher: Simon Andrews

‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’

Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree

Headteacher: Simon Andrews

Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree

Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake

Business Manager: Alistair Keates


Invigilators Required

£10.88 per hour (Plus 12% additional holiday pay)

South Charnwood High School is currently looking for Examination Invigilators to work as part of a team to support our Examinations Officer. Experience is not necessary as full training will be provided, but enthusiasm is.

Hours are between 8.00am and 4.00pm (as appropriate for the exams, but you will be required to be available for either a complete morning or afternoon or all day as required)

For an information pack and application form, please see the school website at or email:

As this job is designated as a ‘regulated activity’ an enhanced DBS check with Barred list check is essential

For more information please contact our club secretary Josh

Tel: 07718499408

If you decide after your first 3 free sessions that this is the sport for you, then membership for new members costs £35 for the 2022 season and entitles you to be able to access the bowls clubs facilities in your own free time throughout the open season April to September. Free


Bagworth Bowls Club

‘South Charnwood High School – Committed to Safeguarding Children and Young People’

17 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at
Bagworth LE67 1BH
to come and have a go!
Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351 Email: A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 08423539
Business Manager:
Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351 Email: A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 08423539
Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake
Alistair Keates
I once stayed in a four-star hotel. All the rooms were full of petrol.


53 London Road, Coalville, LE67 3JB – 01530 832098


Saturday 6 pm – Holy Cross Church Whitwick*

Sunday 9 am – Holy Cross Church, Whitwick*

Sunday 10.30 am - St Wilfrid’s Church, Coalville

* Holy Cross Church, Parsonwood Hill, Whitwick, LE67 5AT.


Monday 10 am – St Wilfrid’s Parish**

Tuesday – No Mass

Wednesday 10 am – Holy Cross Church

Please see the Newsletter on the Parish website for more details. ** St Wilfrid’s weekday Masses are held in the Oratory. Please access via the front door of the Presbytery, beside the Church.


You can book an appointment with Fr Gabriel to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation. Please call the presbytery to book an appointment –01530 832098.


Parish Priest: Fr Gabriel Offor – 01530 832098 www.

Parish Website: www.

If you need a priest, please contact Fr Gabriel – details above.


St Clare’s RC Primary School, Coalville: 01530 837747

De Lisle RC College, Loughborough: 01509 268739

Holy Cross School, Whitwick: 01530 832 799


On 21st May at 10.30 am at Markfield Trinity Methodist Church - Christian Aid Service with a Christian Aid Speaker. Everyone is most welcome.


VILLAGE MASS: 7 pm at Markfield Congregational Community Church, Main St.

Tuesday 18 April – week after Easter Week

Village Contact: Margaret on 01530 243292

IN MY JOB, the week running up to Easter can get very busy. Especially Palm Sunday (when we remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem), Maundy Thursday (when we remember Jesus’ last meal with His friends), Good Friday (when we remember His death) and Easter Sunday, the day of His resurrection.

But what of that Saturday that’s sandwiched in the middle of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, sometimes called “Easter Saturday”, more correctly “Holy Saturday”? Is it “back to normal”? Should we be happy (as the worst is over), or sad (because Jesus isn’t risen yet)? It can be a strangely “flat” day, or a day of mixed emotions.

But maybe that flatness, and mixed emotions, say something important to us. Between Jesus’ death and resurrection, God is still there. God is with us in our “waiting” times too. Maybe we’ve been through something difficult personally: we’ve all shared in the hard times our nation has been through and is going through. Maybe we long for a “new normal”, to come out the other side, but don’t know what that looks like yet. Perhaps Holy Saturday shows us that God is there nonetheless. In the words of a song from Les Misérables, “Even the darkest night shall end and the sun shall rise.”

Judith Lincoln

Minister, Trinity Methodist Church, Markfield

FB Markfield Methodist Church

GROBY SINGS has had a great start to our first season of 2023.

Singers have been so keen to start again that even the recent spell of cold, wet and snowy weather hasn’t put people off. Numbers are increasing weekly and heading towards pre-Covid levels with many returners and new singers joining us on Wednesdays for singing and socialising.

We’re delighted that our Youth & Children’s Choir has doubled in number since restarting and we’d love more young singers to join us as their fresh and lively voices add so much to our overall sound.

Our theme for Spring/Summer, Groby Sings at the Movies, is proving very popular with the choir as we’ve included songs to suit all ages and tastes from films such as Top Gun, Jailhouse Rock and Disney’s Aladdin. Groby Sings is a fully inclusive choir and everyone is welcome.

At the Movies

This season we are actively encouraging people who have been diagnosed with memory loss or dementia, as well as their friends and carers, to come along and experience the enjoyment of singing together. There is plenty of room, comfortable seating with tea, coffee and a bar available plus an interval for us to socialise and eat cake.

So, come and join us on Wednesdays, term time only, at The Groby Club, Leicester Road, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DJ, which has ramps and disabled facilities. Adult singers: 1.30-3.00pm or 7.30-9.00pm, Youth & Children’s Choir (7 years and over): 3.404.40pm. Pre-school children are welcome in the afternoon in the care of their adult with a crèche area available.

Enquiries via our website

Planning Apps

Proposed change of use of existing stable to residential property, installation of solar panel, boundary treatment, trees planting and water harvesting tank - at Whittington Edge Stables, Markfield Road, Ratby, Leicester Leicestershire LE6 0LU

Single storey rear extension (following demolition of existing garage), change of use of part of the ground floor from residential to retail and alterations to shop front to include signage, shutter and materials - at 162 Main Street, Stanton Under Bardon, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TP

Erection of a single storey rear extension and van port - at Ratby Co Op Band Room, Taverner Drive, Ratby, Leicester Leicestershire LE6 0JG

Single storey rear extension - at 128 Main Street, Stanton Under Bardon, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TP

Outline Planning Permission for two new dwellinghouses (all matters reserved) - at 130 Stamford Street, Ratby, Leicester Leicestershire LE6 0JU

Extension to existing garage - at 93A Station Road, Bagworth, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1BJ

Variation of condition 1 of planning application 22/00353/ REM. Amendment to roof materials - at Laurel House, 2 Main Street, Bagworth, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1DN

The proposed building is a steel portal framed building for general purpose storage - at Denbar Lodge, Hillside, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9UP

Non-material amendment to planning permission 20/00786/ FUL. Amendment to include addition of solar panels, door, rooflight, ramps, and substation, enclose external plant and bin store, relocate external plant, window, advert on elevation 4 and 6 and change to cladding on elevation 2 - at Land West Of 1 Desford Lane, Ratby, Leicester Leicestershire LE6 0LE

To install a Breedon gravel pathway which would link the bottom of the mineral line with the Roman Way footpath leading from Sacheverell Way, Groby to Glenfield - at Land Adjacent to Roman Way Footpath, Groby, Leicestershire

I bought some Bermuda shorts and when I took them off, my underpants had vanished.

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 18
Groby Sings is a Registered Charity no. 1180490

Lots of news from the Botcheston WI

MARCH SEEMS to be the start of the season of meetings and get togethers.

Following our February meeting where we had some visitors, I am pleased that one has now joined and that two more may also join – lovely to see our numbers increasing and a warm welcome to Barbara, we hope you enjoy our meetings and we look forward to you joining in over the coming months.

The weekend before our March meeting, 17 members attended the Annual Council Meeting (ACM) at Leicester Grammar School. The business side of the meeting was carried out with efficiency and then the interesting program of speakers commenced.

Our first speaker was from the Canal and River Trust, which until a couple of years ago was a Government Department but is now a charity. The speaker was interesting and we learned how they are endeavouring to maintain the inland waterways and canals as a facility for every one of us to enjoy, but to also encourage wildlife.

Our second speaker was the renowned antiques expert Eric Knowles, who most of us knew from Antiques Roadshow and Bargain Hunt. Eric spoke eloquently on his journey into antiques, mistaken identities and some of his favourite antiques –Eric kept the audience enthralled until lunchtime.

Waiting patiently for our first speaker at the ACM. Ruth Goodman is a Freelance Historian. Among the TV programmes Ruth has been involved in are Victorian Farm and Edwardian Farm. Ruth’s topic for our meeting was Washing Up - who knew anything about the history of washing up. What did the Victorians use to aid washing up – Sand! This fact has been discovered by analysing the accounts books in some of the large stately homes.

• OUR SPEAKER IN MARCH was Elizabeth Scott who is a pharmacist by profession. Elizabeth spoke on Health and Wellbeing and how Natural Oils can play a complementary role in some of our common ailments – stress, anxiety, snoring and many others. There were many sceptics in the audience (myself included) but I think we all came away from the meeting with our minds opened (if only just a little) to some of the benefits natural oils can play in today’s busy lifestyle.

• BEFORE OUR NEXT MEETING we have another Forest Group meeting which is on Monday 17th April at Newbold Verdon Methodist Church, when a fashion show will take place – all the models being brave souls from the WIs that make up the Forest Group.

We have a evening of entertainment and buffet arranged for Saturday 13th May to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III – more information from our secretary.

If you would like more information about Botcheston WI, or WI in general please contact our secretary on 01455 821228. •

A Polish man goes to the US for an eye check up. The doctor shows an eye chart that reads: CZWNXKY.

The doctor asks: “Can you read this?” The Polish man replies: “Not only can I read it, I know the guy! He’s my cousin”

The Forest Group Entry into the Brenda Barnett Trophy – the subject matter was a family celebration (a Christening) made up of various different handicrafts. Our entry came a very credible 3rd – thank you to all the ladies who put in so much hard work and time into the entry.

After lunch brought another section of business to be dealt with followed by our main speaker.

On Wednesday 19th April a group of members will be partaking in afternoon tea with Baroness Bolsover (!) where the etiquette of afternoon tea will be the subject.

Then on Thursday 27th April our group meeting is held at Botcheston Village Hall. The subject is The Beastly Beasts (we were advised by our program co-ordinator that nothing scary is involved). The competition is a photograph of a wild animal that you have taken yourself – get those camera phones out and get snapping.

19 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at
Someone once told me I smelt of washing powder. It was so bio-degrading.
New Guttering • Wood Staining • Repointing
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UPVC Fascia,
Maynard Close, Bagworth, LE67 1BU Mobile:
- Telephone: 01530 231 631

The Budget

THERE WAS some good news in the Chancellor’s Spring Budget for Leicestershire with an additional £3,156,400 awarded for potholes and road maintenance. Roads are the number one issue that residents write to councillors about, so I very much welcome this step in the right direction!

Some other headline measures included: extension of the energy price guarantee to July 2023, fuel and beer duty being frozen, and tax reforms to pensions to better incentivise saving for retirement.

Given the financial impacts of Covid, and the effects of high inflation driven by the situation in Ukraine, the budget was in my view a fair and balanced approach to public finances.

Bardon Hill Community Fund

DURING the month I was pleased to support and obtained approved funding of £650 from the Bardon Hill Community Fund for the Stanton under Bardon Coronation Village Fete.

This money, alongside other funds, will help support Stanton under Bardon celebrate the King’s Coronation. If you know any local community groups that could benefit from the fund do get in touch!

Survey Responses

EARLIER in the year I surveyed residents on a range of issues. To date approximately 100 responses have come back.

Summarising the results, residents were:

1. Keen for further speed reduction measures predominantly along London Road/Forest Road;

2. Split broadly 50-50 on the Parish Council’s precept rise associated with the Community Centre. Although a significant number of comments came back requesting that the Parish Council look at handing over the Centre to a professional charitable trust/organisation to ensure proper governance and that it is run for the whole community.

3. Opposed to further development in Markfield village.

4. Keen for traffic light phasing, and smoother access to the Field Head roundabout.

5. Concerned about crime across the villages, particularly anti-social behaviour.

This feedback is invaluable and helps to steer the direction of local councillors, so a big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who responded.

Work & Skills

W&S LEICESTERSHIRE falls within my responsibilities at the County Council, and I am pleased that we have managed to secure funding to extend the scheme for another six months.

Since its launch, the website has had 50,000 hits and the scheme has helped 1,066 people, with 163 individuals being placed in new roles. If you know anyone who would benefit please sign post them to: www. or call 0800 988 0308.

Local Elections - Photo ID now required

I DO LIKE to keep my monthly articles non-party political, but you will have noticed that the Borough Council Elections will take place on Thursday 4th May. If you are voting in-person at a polling station you will need to bring some form of photo identification. This can include a; passport, driving licence, blue badge, bus pass/ travel card, etc. However, if you have none of the above you can obtain a ‘Voter Authority Certificate’ free of charge from the Borough Council by calling 01455 238141 by 5pm on Thursday 25th April. However you intend to vote, please take the opportunity to do so.

I continue to collaborate with residents on a range of local issues and if I can be of assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best wishes,

(County Councillor for Markfield, Desford & Thornton)

E: or T: 01455 824733

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 20 I went on holiday with my horse. It was self-cantering. Email: Tel: 01455 824733 Web:
County Council News from Peter Bedford


What a kind gesture by the Brownies

I WOULD LIKE to say a big Thank You , via The Herald, to the Markfield Brownies, for the lovely surprise of a potted Primrose on my doorstep.

It was such a kind gesture, and must have put a few smiles on a lot of faces.

In today’s climate, these acts of kindness mean so much.

Brain Injury Expert Warns: Limit Screen Use in Children Under Six

AS REPORTED by Sci Tech News, Dr. Álvaro Bilbao, a leading neuropsychologist, emphasizes in his new book that children under six who frequently use mobile phone screens, tablets, or computers are more irritable and have worse attention, memory, and concentration.

Leicester Animal Aid and Mars Petcare UK team up to launch a new Pet Food Bank

ARE YOU STRUGGLING with pet food bills amidst the costof-living crisis?

At LAA, we are offering a helping hand to both cat and dog owners by opening a new pet food bank at our Centre in Huncote, with products kindly provided by Mars Petcare UK. We hope users will stay for a cuppa and a chat in a warm space, too!

Once owners have completed registration with LAA, Whiskas cat food and Pedigree dog food will be free and available for collection on Thursdays between 10am and 2pm. We will also welcome those using this service to stay for a hot drink when visiting the Centre, though we kindly request that four-legged friends stay at home.

“We know how much your pet is part of the family and we wanted to reach out and help anyone who may be struggling with their pet food bills during these challenging times. We are hoping you stay for a cuppa and chat when you visit and maybe make a few new friends,” says Keely Furborough, LAA General Manager.

“Mars Petcare is proud to support Leicester Animal Aid and the pet parents of Leicestershire as part of our mission to end pet homelessness,” commented Paolo Rigamonti, General Manager of Mars Pet Nutrition UK.

To register, pet owners can email uk or call the Centre on 01455 888257 – we will need to ask a few quick questions to sign users up for the service. If participants are unable to visit the centre easily, they can nominate a relative or friend to collect the food on their behalf.

I was dismayed this afternoon when my wife told me my 6 year old son wasn’t actually mine. She then said I need to pay more attention at school pick up.

He recommends that parents strictly ration or avoid screen time for young children, as excessive use of devices like iPhones and iPads can increase the risk of psychological and behavioral issues, including attention deficit disorder, depression, and addiction problems.

The book is titled Understanding Your Child’s Brain, and is available from Amazon at a price of £16.99.

21 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at I’ve just been on a crash diet. I drove my car into a tree and spent a month on a drip. 01530 249191 For all your tools, garden equipment and DIY needs! Horsepool Grange, Elliotts Lane, Stanton Under Bardon, Leicester, LE67 9TW M1 J22 MARKFIELD STANTON UNDER BARDON e w t VISIT OUR NEW SHOP! Visit our shop here at Cooks Midlands Ltd, we have great deals on all sorts of DIY equipment and more... • Power and Hand Tools • Work Wear and Safety Boots • Fencing Equipment • Makita Electric Strimmers and Mowers • Brushes and Shovels • Britains Farm Toys Open Now in Stanton Under Bardon

Borough Councillor

Andy Furlong’s

WITH SOME SADNESS, I put pen to paper to scribble my final column for the Markfield Herald. On the floor beside my desk, I’ve laid out copies of all my monthly ‘Updates’ from September 2019.

And now the end is near SO, THAT’S just about it. You won’t be seeing my name on the ballot paper next month.

Health and family circumstances prompted a move away from Leicestershire last year. I’ve kept up with my casework and correspondence over the last few months. I’ve travelled back and forth from South Wales to Hinckley for all of the most important meetings at my own expense. As promised, I will also be making some donations to local good causes from my final councillor’s allowance payment. One of the most heart-warming things people have said to me over the last four years is, “I’m not really a Labour supporter, but I’d vote for you.” This always made me smile because I’d often heard people say the same thing about Matthew Lay. In fact, it came up so frequently that our old friend Paddy Casswell was forced to create a special code for our canvass records!

Shared values

LIKE MATTHEW, I’ve been a Labour Party member my entire adult life. We’ve stuck with it through thick and thin, and the reason for this is quite straightforward. We share the same values - a belief in fairness, equality, justice, cooperation, and community solidarity.

They provide a useful reminder of how much has changed over the last four years, some things for the better and some for the worse. Moreover, it’s telling to see that quite a few things haven’t changed at all.

I’ve covered a wide range of subjects in my columns. These range from very local issues like grass cutting, grit bins and fly-tipping to big global challenges such as climate change and the war in Ukraine. COVID-19 casts a long shadow over most of 2020 and 2021. Still, when I re-read my reports from that period, I’m reminded of how brave and resilient local people were during those difficult times. I’m also reminded of the sad deaths of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the murdered MP Sir David Amess, Leicestershire Chief Constable, Simon Cole, former Borough Cllrs Jeff Chantrell and Denis Bown, and my dear old mum who passed away in January. It’s a shame that the same cannot be said of our ‘leaders’, particularly Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak – both fined for breaking the laws most citizens resolutely followed.

Successes and failures

THEN THERE are the success stories, the partial victories, and the miserable failures.

Among my favourites was defeating the ludicrous proposal to run HGVs through Markfield and Field Head late into the night and halting the plans for a clay pigeon shooting centre next door to South Charnwood School.

There was success, too, on the housing development front. We managed to see off most of the government’s ‘Build, Build, Build’ agenda, except for the Jelson Development off London Road, but at least this was scaled back from 450 to a more sustainable 282 new houses.

In Stanton Under Bardon, we successfully reduced the size and scale of the proposed Bardon 3 logistics park, securing additional concessions from the developer, including creating a small country park to act as a permanent buffer between the big sheds and the village boundary.

On the traffic front, there was less good news. Efforts to get a better deal for the long-suffering residents living alongside the A511 at Shaw Lane came to nothing, thanks to intransigence by the Conservative controlled County Council. I found this particularly frustrating since two of our local county councillors are now in the cabinet at County Hall. What’s the point of taking positions of power if you aren’t going to stand up for local people?

These values are Labour values, and that’s why we stand as Labour candidates. We’re both moving on to new things, but the business of local politics and standing up for the community continues. Matthew and I are asking people to vote for Chris Lambert and Robert Martin. These guys share our values and beliefs too. They have promised to build on what has gone before, and we know that they will stand up for people in Markfield, Stanton and Field Head.

Robert is a tireless campaigner for a better deal for children with disabilities. Chris has a wealth of experience as a senior local government officer in Leicestershire. They both know their stuff, and they’ll serve you well. Don’t be surprised if we turn up on your doorstep with one of them between now and polling day!

Over and out

A BIG THANK you goes out to Mike Wilkinson for his hard work in producing this publication.

The Herald is an essential communication channel for local news and views. Its very existence makes life much easier for local councillors. Finally, thank you to you, the readers. I’ve had some fantastic responses to my scribblings over the last few years. I trust you’ve found them both interesting and useful.

I still have business clients in Leicestershire, so don’t be surprised if you occasionally see me in the Field Head Hotel. My council email will shut down in May, but if you want to keep in touch, email me via or send me a friend request on Facebook. That’s Cllr Furlong over and out …

Andy Furlong

Keep in touch on 07881 922293 or email me via andy.furlong@

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 22
01530 231377 • Email:
I didn’t have a happy upbringing. I remember my third birthday party. I was fifteen. Tel:

Markfield Medical Centre: Patient Participation Group Update

Hello everyone, Whenever I talk to patients in the surgery, chemist or in the street, there are always two subjects that are raised the most, one is getting through to the surgery on the telephone and the second getting an appointment.

I would like to start by covering these two issues. Firstly, the current telephone system needs updating, we have listened to patient feedback and the PPG and Practice have been discussing this issue and are currently working together to implement a new, more user-friendly system in the not-too-distant future.

Secondly, the practice is offering almost double the number of appointments than it did a year ago. This is now possible because there is a wide variety of practitioners, not just the doctors, whose skills enable them to deal with a wide range of conditions. This is why when you ring for an appointment, the trained reception staff can direct you to the most appropriate person. This could be a doctor, a nurse prescriber, a paramedic or clinical practitioner, a pharmacist, physiotherapist, a mental health facilitator, a nurse practitioner or healthcare assistant. We also have a social prescriber whose role it is to help patients who may be struggling with day-to-day issues like financial concerns, feeling lonely, in need of a social services referral for more support in the home etc. Members of the practice team can refer you to them for help.

There are also additional appointments offered in extended access in evenings and on Saturdays.

So how many appointments are already pre booked and how many on the day are available? On average, the practice offers 275 appointments every single day. On the day appointments vary daily throughout the week but on average 130 - 150 appointments are available to book daily.

The total combined prebooked and on the day appointments during a typical week amount to 1385 appointments.

In other news the practice held a very successful “Tea and Cake Dementia Event” on the 23rd March. This was held for the surgery’s dementia patients, their family members, and carers. Various organisations were invited along including Age UK, who offer local dementia support services, the organisers of Thrive who run the singing Café and our Social Prescriber Bryonie. The practice team all brought in cakes and biscuits and helped make cups of tea during the afternoon. I also lent a hand chatting to patients and helping to gather in the surveys.

Two of the Practice nurses, Natalie and Toria, were on hand to talk to patients and hand out Dementia passports and surveys. There was a turnout of over 40 people who attended.

I am in the process of organising a ‘Cost of Living Event’ in conjunction with Hinckley and Bosworth Council to provide information which may help those caught up in the current cost of living crisis affecting so many people locally, as well as nationally, so watch this space.

Menopause Awareness Event at Markfield Community Centre: Thursday 27th April

Are you, or someone close to you, experiencing symptoms such as hot flushes, palpitations, headaches, joint pain or mood swings? Would you like to learn more about the menopause?

On Thursday 27th April at the Markfield Community Centre there will be a “Menopause Awareness Event” commencing at 6pm. All are welcome although booking is advised as there are only 40 places available.

To book a place, please email: markfieldpatientsgroup@outlook. com with your name and contact telephone number.

Find out about your options, such as HRT. Be with others who may have a shared experience. Members of the PPG and social prescribers who work with the surgery will be available to chat about what they can offer to patients, as well as our patient group representatives.

Finally, if anyone who is a patient at Markfield surgery is interested in becoming a member of our patient group please email me at and I will be happy to have a chat.

Alan, Chair of Markfield Patients Participation Group

23 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at
I don’t like my hands. I always keep them at arms length.
Talbott House, Leicester Road, Anstey, Leicester, Leicestershire LE7 7AT Email: Website: We can take care of every detail, advise and help you on each and every step of the way. Funeral arrangements can be made in the comfort of your own home if preferred. 0116 234 0548 • Qualified Funeral Directors • Floral Tributes arranged • Hearse, Limousines and alternatives available • Monumental Service • Car parking available • Online tribute and donation profile • Catering suite • Chapels of rest • Funeral plans available • 24 hour service

Trinity Methodist Church Markfield

Services & Information

FB: Markfield Methodist Church

Sunday 16th April

10.30 a.m. CTiM United Service

Markfield Congregational Community Church

Sunday 23rd April

10.30 a.m. Morning worship 6.00 p.m. Taize Prayer

Sunday 30th April

10.30 a.m. Morning worship with Holy Communion

Sunday 7th May

10.30 a.m. Morning worship

Sunday 14th May

10.30 a.m. Morning worship

Sunday 21st May

10.30 a.m. CTiM Christian Aid Service

Music Cafe

Thursday 27th April, 11th May, 25th May

2.00 - 4.00 p.m.

Don’t be on your own - join us for a music-based afternoon of friendship, fun & refreshments on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month. For more information please contact Linda on 01530 242607.

Every Wednesday 10.00 - 12.00

Come and meet each other on Wednesday mornings. There is no charge for the refreshments and you can “swap a book”. Just come through the main church building and you’ll find us in the back room.

Coffee Morning & Bacon Butties

Saturday 22nd April from 10.00-12.00.

Join us for a late breakfast, an early lunch, or even brunch! Or just enjoy a cuppa among friends.

Desford Striders C25K Graduation Day

OVER THE PAST eight weeks we have supported a group of like minded people who either wanted to get fit, return to running or wanted to start a healthier lifestyle.

The past eight weeks have flown by only to find that graduation day was probably going to be cancelled due to the snow and ice, however the Core Team who are involved with Braunstone parkrun went above and beyond to make the day happen, which meant diverting the run over grass to avoid the frozen puddles on the paths. On the day we had 19 Couch25K’ers turn up, in the sunshine, all feeling a little wary, along the way the Striders had taken over most of the Marshall Roles and we had teams of striders running with the group around the course, they all completed the 5k course and did it in style with big smiles as they ran up the final hill to the finish funnel, where they were clocked in and given their time later in the day. Each and every person earned their medals today, and were awarded their medals by Sarah Ball ‘Vice President of Desford Striders’ and Cheryl Tonks ‘Desford Striders Ladies Captain’ We would like to wish them all the very best and welcome them to their new running club Desford Striders. Whilst our C25K group were thinking about their run we also had our very own Desford Strider Naomi Lunn set her own challenge, running 100km starting at 06:00hrs and completed at 20:08hrs. Naomi ran 10 x 10k Laps around Bradgate Park and Anstey accompanied along the way by many of us who turned up to support her throughout the day. Naomi has entered the Marathon des Sables, a six day, 251km Ultramarathon held in southern Morocco...

Markfield Congregational Community Church continues offering various activities

OUR TUESDAY Brew About You Coffee Morning is still as busy as ever offering free tea, coffee, cake and biscuits.

During the winter months we extended our opening hours for a warm space with hot light lunches ranging from home-made soup, jacket potatoes, hot dogs, and bacon butties. We will continue to offer light snacks throughout the summer.

We have been most grateful for the donations from Hinckley and Bosworth and a local firm BTE which helped us fund the “Warm Space” initiative.

Friday 17th March, we had “Flicks In The Sticks” and

showed “The Queen”, there were about 14 of us who enjoyed a lovely time together and will plan another film afternoon so watch out for news.

Tuesday 28th March, we had a very successful Turkish Pizza and Quiz Evening to raise money for the DEC Turkish and Syrian earthquake appeal. Thirty eight people had a very enjoyable time whilst at the same time raising money for such a good cause. Grateful thanks to Arif and his staff

from Markfield’s Turkish BBQ and Pizzeria for donating the fantastic pizzas, quizmaster Steve Walsh and everyone who supported us.

On Saturday 6th May we will be showing the Coronation on the big screen followed by refreshments. Details will be announced as soon as they are released and available.

On Sunday 7th May, Big Lunch will be recognised. We will be serving lunch at 12-15 after our morning service. Everyone is welcome.

We have had requests for another bingo evening, so watch out for the advertising on the church notice board.

We are a very sociable group of people led by Rev Dr Rob Hunter. You are welcome to join us at our services or events.

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 24 MY girlfriend is covered from head to toe in grass. Her name’s Lorna.
“Come for a Cuppa”

Nailstone Play Equipment Fundraiser Win a hamper!

ENTER OUR raffle in aid of the Nailstone Play Equipment fundraiser. Ticket: £5.

We have a selection of 6 themed £50 hampers, including night-in, kids bonanza, dogtastic, chocoholic and assorted foods. Other prizes include homemade cakes, selected wines and spirits, afternoon tea for 2, Brooklyn Brownies box, gift vouchers and gift boxes.

How to enter: Please purchase a raffle ticket (£5/ticket); either call/text 07933 003222 or email

The draw will take place on 8th May 2023 at 2pm, at Nailstone Church Meadow. Winners will be notified within 3 days.

Music, tea and cake - fabulous!

Soiree at St Peter’s Church, Copt Oak on Monday 8th May

TO MARK the Coronation of King Charles 111, there will be an afternoon ‘soiree’ at St. Peter’s Church, Copt Oak, Whitwick Rd,LE67 9QB, from 2 - 3.30pm on Monday 8th May.

Visitors can relax and enjoy tea and cake, whilst listening to music from past coronations, plus other light classical pieces, played by renowned Japanese musicians , Mariko (piano) and Tamaki (violin).

The charge for this event is £10 for adults, children under 12,free. If you have never visited Copt Oak Church, then this is a great opportunity to do so. Built in 1837 to a design by William Railton, who was also one of the architects of Nelson’s Column, it is a Grade II listed building, the interior of which might surprise you. A warm and friendly welcome awaits you. Advance booking for this event is essential. Please call 01530 249101 or 01530 244229.

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK House-to-House Collection in MARKFIELD

CHRISTIAN AID envelopes will be delivered this year between 14th and 20th May.

We are unable to return to each household to collect the envelopes but we kindly ask those who would like to contribute to return the envelope, with donation enclosed, to any of the listed addresses attached to the envelope.

If you are a UK taxpayer remember to Gift Aid your donation - Christian Aid can receive 25p back from the government for every £1 you contribute, at no extra cost to you. Just write your name, address (including post code) and amount you are donating on the form attached to the envelope and place it in the envelope with your donation.

Thank you to everyone for your continuing generosity.

Churches Together in Markfield

25 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at Every time I drive my car, eggs shoot out of the boot. It’s a hatchback.
Based in Merrylees VEHICLE REFINISH & BODY REPAIR Car And Motorcycle Paint Work Specialist Providing Vehicle Accident Body Repair, Refinishing, Colour Coding, T5 Upgrades, Servicing & Diagnostics Tel: 07989 600 627 Email: Visit our website to see examples of our work: Dent Removal Panel Replacement Scratch Repairs All Car Body Repairs Car & Motorcyle Servicing and Diagnostics Servicing Brake Replacement For friendly advice and prices for all car body repairs, call Dan on 07989 600 627 . OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE


• Two Seater RECLINER SOFA. Brown/Biscuit. Good Condition.

Price: £75.00.

• Ikea glass top Billy CABINET. Good condition. Size: 200cm high by 79cm wide by 30cm deep. Price: £25.00.

Tel: 01530 243166.(Markfield)

• 4FT CHRISTMAS TREEnumbered rows set up to view. Very good condition. Price: £10.00

Tel: 01530 245944 (Markfield)

• SMEG built-in CERAMIC HOB with touch control. Price: £50.00 - must collect.

Tel: 01530 242519 (Markfield)

• Bloomberg 3 draw FREEZER. Price £50.00.

• WHEELCHAIR. Price: £30.00

• Hoover Breeze VACUUM CLEANER.

Price: £20.00

• George Foreman GRILLING

MACHINE. Price: £5.00.

Tel: 07533 164804 (Markfield)

• Dark brown leather TWO PIECE SOFA SUITE with LEATHER

COFFEE TABLE. Two seater sofa, armchair and matching leather covered coffee table. Good condition. Collection only. Price: £125.00.


CHAIR. Wood effect desk and black swivel chair. Good condition. Collection only. Price: £50.00.

• Single DIVAN BED with MATTRESS. Good condition. Collection only. Price: £25.00.

Tel: 07513 044 735 (Markfield)

• TRAVEL COT - Graco Comfi Play n Go, complete with case and instructions, including extra wipeclean mattress. Excellent condition. Price: £30.00.

• SMARTRIKE Original, as new with attached purse and bag. Price: £30.00.

• Old Charm Wood Brothers Oval GATE LEG TABLE, excellent condition, including 4 matching WHEELBACK CHAIRS with slip-on velvet seat pads. Table measures 113cm deep by 152cm long by 74cm high.Price: £150.00

Tel: 07817 844120 (Markfield)

• MATERIAL FREE - Suitable for crafters, large and smaller pieces. Stripes, Checks, Ditsy, Flowered, Plain. Tel: 01530 244049 (Stanton -under-Bardon)


TENT - excellent condition. Includes carpet and footprint. Price: £80.00. Tel: 07592 459218 (Thornton)

• ROOF RACK - Thule - very good condition. Price: £40

• GOLF CLUBS - left handed, 9 irons, 3 sw, Wilson X31 Oversize Irons, new grips. Price: £25.00 Tel: 0116 231 2227 (Groby)

• Panasonic FLAT SCREEN 45’’ TV with matching stand. Ten years old with only light use, full working condition, unmarked and complete with cables and remote. Price: £50.00. Can deliver locally.

Tel: 0116 2876 715 (Groby)


Price: £250.00

• Extending WING MIRROR. Price: £10.00.

• AQUA ROLL - 45 litre. Price: £25.00

• One FLOOR COVER. Price: £25.00.

• Two GAS BOTTLES (one full). Price: £50.00.

• Universal FRONT COVER. Price: £20.00.

• Grey WASTE. Price: £20.00.

• ELECTRIC CABLE. Price £20.00. Tel: 07970 124095 (Markfield)

• SINGLE DIVAN BED with storage drawers beneath, offered with mattress and attractive white metal headboard. All as new. Price: £60.00 o.n.o. Collection only please. Tel: 07966 253612. (Markfield)

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Worrying times

15 minute neighbourhood plan


This plan is a controlled system to restrict us driving freely through and around cities. You will have to register your car (one car per person) to get permission, your quota being 100 days in any one year, you will be fined if you travel outside these days or certain times, of course there will be a registration charge.

I can only imagine the effect on the city centre’s trade for shops, pubs. restaurants, events, cinemas, and theatres I would think that would be enormous. There would be no ‘off the cuff’ outings such as visits to attractions and museums. One must not forget that they could increase the registration charges whenever they liked. Also there would be the responsibility to notify them of change of car - or would that be the responsibility of the DVLA to automatically send out new permits?

Digital ID – Facial Recognition

The second thing that I have become aware of is ‘Digital ID’. Although I believe in the first instance, it would not be compulsory, again this could gather legs and I feel sure it would not take them long to make it compulsory. This is the information that you need to provide them with to enable them to use facial ID software:

• Name

• Date of Birth

• Passport number

• Photo

• Transaction – Bank accounts

Of course, all this information would have to be kept up to date, this would then have a cost attached to it. Then there is the possibility of hackers, all this information together in one place, the hackers would think all their Christmases had come at once. Talk about big brother watching you! I find all this very intrusive and frightening, the government could even use this to blackmail us into agreeing to provide the information by saying if we do not provide the information, we will not be able to have access to services and benefits in the future.

At present I believe that the government is taking the view that ‘silence is consent’. I am unsure why and where all this is coming from.

HAVE JUST become aware from a friend who attended a peaceful gathering of approximately 15,000 people in Oxford, although there was no mention of it in the media (BBC), so I thought I would take this opportunity to bring it to people’s attention. I also believe that there are number of cities that are looking to bring this about. They are calling this plan ‘The 15 minute neighbourhood plan’. This ‘15 minute neighbourhood plan’ I found so unbelievable that I felt the need to ensure that more people also became aware of it. I am fearful that it will gather even more legs in the future, and we could end up losing our freedom and rights to travel where we like, when we like, how we like without having to ask for permission first.Perhaps our MP Dr. Luke Evans would be able to provide / reassure us with his views on the subject and with more information.

This might be a good forum for everyone to start talking about how they feel on both subjects, bringing out the positives and negatives about how people feel. Maybe it could help to alleviate people’s worries and concerns about loss of freedom and big brother watching.

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forget: Tell them you saw their advert

When I was born, I was so surprised I didn’t talk for a year and a half.

THE HERALD • MID-APRIL 2023 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: 26
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Forthcoming Events at Little Markfield Farm

Message from Dr Luke Evans MP


LOCAL PLANNING is one of the issues that people across our area contact me most frequently about. It’s perhaps most frustrating, because as your MP I have no power over local planning. That’s down to the Borough Council. Yet an application has been raised with me that needs addressing; the recently appealed development for 93 houses on Ashby Road. A group of residents across Markfield have worked incredibly hard to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan which delivers a framework for future house-building for local people, by local people. This development goes against a democratic referendum, taken as part of a Neighbourhood Plan.

inability to produce an upto-date Local Plan (which determines housebuilding in our area) has meant that hard working groups across our area, from Burbage and Stoke Golding to right here in Markfield, are finding their Neighbourhood Plans are being ridden roughshod over. As a result, I have asked the Secretary of State – Michael Gove – to call this in. If he chooses to do this, it would mean the planning inspectorate and he could review the decision.

May 10th


June 14th


Aug 9th


Sep 13th


Oct 11th


The application, immediately adjacent to the village, has been granted by the neighbouring authority in Charnwood, despite Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council refusing consent due to the development being contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan.

Down in Parliament I have been calling for stronger protections for Neighbourhood Plans as Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council’s

On a more positive note, I’d like to share news with you that access to fast, reliable gigabit-capable broadband across Bosworth has increased exponentially in the last four years. In January 2019 only 0.2% of households and businesses in our area had access to faster broadband… this now stands at 67.4%!

Improving broadband locally has been really important for me as your MP and I am pleased to see such progress. We’re a rural area and poor connectivity has blighted residents for many years, so this is huge news for families and businesses across our community!

I am keen to seek out houses and businesses who have

struggled, and have been pleased to help hundreds of local homes, from Burbage and Stoke Golding to Far Coton and Osbaston, get connected to superfast broadband after their areas were left behind.

If any Markfield residents are still suffering from poor broadband, please contact me on uk and I will work with BT Openreach to find a solution.

Recording animal and plant life in burial grounds

CARING for God’s Acre is the conservation charity for Burial Grounds across the UK.

Because burial grounds have been a dedicated green space for years, sometimes centuries, their plant and animal life is often rich and diverse. We are encouraging visitors to burial grounds to record species that they encounter and these records can then be added to a database which will be accessible by all and will build into a picture of what has been seen, when and how frequently.

Anyone can make a recording by noting down some details – all records are useful, even of common plants, grasses, birds or other wildlife as they help to monitor the rise or decline of species over a period of years. Making a record is simple, there are just four things to make note of:

Who – the recorder’s full name

What – the common (or scientific) name of

the species you round – eg. swift, ladybird, daisy… Where -the name, address and/or grid reference for the site you visited

When – include the day, month and year We encourage most recorders to submit their records using the iNaturalist app. The app can help with species identification, the process is more userfriendly and you can get all the work done out in the field rather than typing up at home afterwards.

You need to join the Beautiful Burial Grounds activity before submitting records and all of this can be done within the app.

The records must be verified by an expert before they can be submitted to the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Atlas.

The speed of this process depends on availability of expert verifiers and varies according to species group and geographic location. Please visit the Burial Grounds Portal on the NBN to see if there are already records for your site!

27 For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at I love it when people repeat what I’ve said, but don’t quote me on that.
Dr Luke Evans MP Member of Parliament for Bosworth • House of Commons • London • SW1A 0AA w: t: constituency: 01455 635741 parliament: 0207 219 4250 m: 07920 619812 twitter: @drlukeevans instagram: drlukeevans
book your vehicle in with Brenda 26th May - at 7pm QUIZ AND SUPPER
book with Brenda
June - 10.30 to 4pm FARM OPEN DAY
07774 047571
23rd April DRIVE IT
Information Call Brenda On
Program 2023 Meet at 2pm at Little Markfield Farm. More information call Brenda on 07774 047571
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Articles inside

Forthcoming Events at Little Markfield Farm Message from Dr Luke Evans MP

page 27

Worrying times 15 minute neighbourhood plan

page 26


page 26

Desford Striders C25K Graduation Day

pages 24-25

Markfield Medical Centre: Patient Participation Group Update

pages 23-24


pages 21-22

Lots of news from the Botcheston WI

pages 19-20

Planning Apps

page 18

At the Movies

page 18


pages 17-18

Granny’s best china

page 16

HBBC: “New Planning Team Heralds a Speedier Service”

page 16

Government to test new EMERGENCY ALERT system to mobile phones: Sun 27th April

page 16

MTTG’s next production: Going Green

pages 14-15

Holistics & Mystics Event on

page 13

Dove Bank Primary School Police Visit

page 13


page 12

Church Services

pages 10-11

Friends of the Charnwood Forest

page 10

Don’t miss Stanton’s Picnic & Party in the Park on Sunday 7th May

pages 8-9

Coronation Parade in Markfield 1953 Thornton

page 8

GREAT things

pages 6-7

Markfield WI News

pages 4-5

St. George’s Day Celebration in Thornton

page 3

The Markfield Defibrillator Project

page 3


pages 1-2

New changes in Bagworth

page 1
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