1 minute read

Bluelight Wills

Wills and Probate Services

Tel: 01530 635004


Email: enquiries@bluelightwills.co.uk

Ÿ Will Writing and Associated Advice

Ÿ Lasting Power of Attorney

Ÿ Trusts

Ÿ Advance Directive (Living Will)

Ÿ Probate and Estate Administration

Ÿ Professional Executor & Trustee Services

Ÿ Document Storage

Ÿ Home and Office Visits

Fred Clarke-Baptiste Aff.SWW is a member of the Society of Will Writers and adheres to the Society ’s Code of Practice.

Loads of Autumn trips and events planned for the Autumn at Markfield Congregational Church!

WE ARE NOW planning into the Autumn and continue to offer events to our community.

• During the holidays we have started a KIDS’ MOVIE CLUB showing popular children’s films on Saturday 12th August and Saturday 26th starting at 10.30am and offering drinks and popcorn. This is a free event. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. For further details call Angela on 07971 254165.

• HARVEST FESTIVAL will be Sunday 3rd September at 10.30 led by Rev Rob.

• Rev Rob has booked Roberts Coaches to provide a DAY TRIP TO STRATFORD UPON AVON on Saturday 9th September. This is open to everyone. We will leave from our church at 9.30 and leave Stratford at 4.30. You will make your own plans on how to fill the day.The cost is £10 for adults and £5 for children.

• The second trip is to OAKHAM to visit Rev Rob’s other Church on Wednesday 20th September. We will leave from our church at 9.30 and leave Oakham at 4.30.We will attend Oakham Congregational Church Coffee Morning for lunch, which is free, but donations are gratefully received. There will be time to view Oakham. This is free to anyone who is interested. Transport will be by a minibus therefore places are limited and will be allocated on a first come/first served basis.

• Saturday 16th September 10.00 will be a COFFEE MORNING to raise money for Christian Aid at Markfield Methodist Church. We will be holding a tombola and would be pleased to receive any donations of prizes.

• BREW ABOUT YOU continues to be very popular on Tuesdays and everyone is welcome 9.30 till around 12.30. Free drinks, cake and biscuits.

We will make a decision in October about Warm Space offering light lunches as this proved to be very popular last year.

As a church we hope we are continuing to support our community by offering these events. We believe this is what God wants of us as Christians to do.

For more information or to book a place on these trips please ring Angela Berry 01530 242578 or 07971 254165.

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