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Festive Fundraising
CHRISTMAS is traditionally a time of giving and Edmonds & Slatter opticians have been focusing their winter fundraising efforts on their current charity of the year Menphys.
Menphys is a Leicestershire based charity that has been supporting local families for over 50 years providing a range of services for children and young adults up to the age of 25 who have additional needs and disabilities. The charity helps give them equal opportunities and allow them to live ordinary lives.
Over the festive period the staff at Edmonds & Slatter have taken part in Christmas jumper days in all their practices and held winter raffles coinciding with local Christmas light switch on events raising a total of £723.03
“Menphys were very pleased to let us know that the money from our winter fundraising would provide a place for a child at one of their Saturday clubs for a year or alternatively fund 3 children for a year at one of their after-school clubs.” commented Amy Coleburne, Charity co-ordinator at Edmonds & Slatter. “We are now thinking ahead to how our 2023 support can progress”
THIS MONTH, Raynaud’s Awareness Month, the charity Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK (SRUK) will be raising awareness of the potentially devastating impact the UK’s cost of living crisis is having on people with Raynaud’s, and asking those with the condition to share their stories.
For people with Raynaud’s, cold temperatures and stress trigger painful attacks. This is when the blood temporarily stops flowing to the body’s extremities, most commonly the hands and feet.

These attacks can happen without warning and affect fine motor skills, making simple everyday tasks almost impossible. In more severe cases, they can affect a person’s independence – things like cooking, washing utensils, bathing, walking and driving can become much more difficult – and leave them in immense pain.
Well-known names, including Davina McCall, Jenni Falconer and Louise Minchin, all live with this chronic condition.
Raynaud’s cannot be cured, but the risk of attacks can be minimised. One of the best ways to prevent them is to keep your body warm, but SRUK warns that many are struggling because of high energy prices and it is jeopardising their health and wellbeing. A survey by the charity towards the end of last year found that some are even choosing to buy less food to prioritise their energy bills.
During February, the charity will be encouraging people with Raynaud’s to write to their MPs and share their stories to raise awareness of the issue. SRUK will also be calling on the government and energy companies to help find a solution. Visit: www.sruk.co.uk for more information.
When? Each Friday morning 9am-11am
For more details contact: glenfieldmarket@gmail.com

Planning Apps
• Single storey rear extension - at 13 Glen Park Avenue, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8GH.
• Sub-division of dwellinghouse into two flats (Part retrospective) - at 106 Station Road Glenfield Leicestershire LE3 8BR.
• Variation of condition 3 implemented on application reference 17/0171/FUL to alter the opening hours of Unit A, Glenborough Court - at Unit A, Glenborough Court, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8DZ.
• To substitute the approved drawings Block and Location plan 542/05 Rev A with Block and Location plan 542/05 Rev B and Garden room drawing 542/04 with Garden room drawing 542/04A - at 16 Dorset Avenue, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8BB.
• Single storey pitched roof rear extension and garage conversion - at 54 Overdale Avenue, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8GP.
Beat the winter blues – and make the most of the money in your pocket and the everyday ingredients in your cupboard – with this cost-effective yet tasty and satisfying midweek winner.

Serves 4
Costs 95p per person
Prep time 10 mins
Cook time 35 mins
• 300g potatoes, diced
• Olive oil
• 1 onion, peeled and chopped
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 x 340g tin of corned beef, chopped
• 80g bag of watercress, spinach and rocket, chopped
• 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
© www.watercress.co.uk, with photography
by Lara Jane Thorpe
1. Parboil the potatoes in a pan of lightly salted water for around 7 minutes before draining the water – they should be slightly softened but still hold their shape.
2. In a large, heavy-based pan, fry off the onions in a glug of oil until beginning to soften. Add the garlic and allow to cook for about 30 seconds.
3. Now add the potatoes, corned beef and chopped salad leaves, and apply a little pressure with a spatula or fi sh slice. Occasionally turn the mixture but try not to disturb it too much.
4. Add the Worcestershire sauce and push down on the mixture again. By this point, it should all be nicely browned.
5. Serve with baked beans or some cooked-from-frozen vegetables, if liked.
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• Two storey rear extension, dormer windows to side elevations, single storey side extension and associated alterations (including demolition of existing conservatory, garage and utility room) (revised scheme of 21/1387/HH) - at 10 Sports Road, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8AH.
• Erection of two storey dwelling and detached garage and associated infrastructure with access and parking for the existing and proposed dwelling7 Dominion Road, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8FE.
• Single storey rear extension and hip to gable loft conversion with a side dormer - at 16 Treaty Road, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8LU.