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shape the future of Markfield village!
MARKFIELD PARISH COUNCIL are looking for local volunteers to form part of a sub-committee to review and refresh our Neighbourhood Plan.
The sub-committee will work with all stakeholders to progress this work. Please note that this sub-committee will focus entirely on the Neighbourhood Plan. If you are interested, please email: admin@ markfieldpc.org.uk
Friends of St Peter’s fund-raising events Fab Event in February
The next Friends of St Peter’s fund raising event is the Clear Out Sale on 25th February from 11 am until 2 pm, at the Community Centre Thornton. Entrance 50p per adult. Bargains galore. With 22 tables full of once loved items to unwanted Christmas gifts and everything in between. Enjoy games, bacon and sausage cobs, cheese rolls, hot drinks and much more.
Mega Event in March:
On the 11th March the Friends are holding a Ceilidh at the Community Centre from 7.30 pm. It’s a ticket only event, so if you would like to come along for an evening of pure enjoyment, please email thorntonvillage@ aol.com Hope to see you there!
The Friends of St Peter’s Fundraising Group
Thornton Tea with a Twist – 3Ts
Wednesday 22nd February and 8th and 22nd March 2 to 4 pm
Hope you will be able to join us Wednesdays at Thornton Community Centre for a cuppa, cake, a warm and time to chat. Everyone is very welcome.
All the usual activities will be availableJigsaws, and board games, books, and the jigsaw ‘library’. And, of course, a small play area for young families.
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