ANNUAL SHOW St. Peter’s Church Centre Saturday 20th August 2022 2:15 pm
SCHEDULE OF CLASSES OPEN TO ALL You don’t have to live in Glenfield to enter, everyone is welcome
The GGA would like to thank Glenfield Television for their continued support.
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GLENFIELD GARDENERS' Annual Show Saturday 20th August 2022 St Peter’s Church Centre, Church Rd, Glenfield Open to the public at 2.15pm Collection of exhibits and Cups at 4.30 pm Judges: Leicestershire Horticultural Judges Guild Contact: Alison Robinson, 163 Dominion Road, Glenfield Tel: 0116 2321120 Email: Admission to the Show Adults 50p Accompanied Children Free
TROPHIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
THE HENRY SMART TROPHY Best Exhibit in Vegetables--------------------------------------------------------------- Classes 1 – 27 BERNARD HILL MEMORIAL TROPHY Best Exhibit in Class 19-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class 19 JOHN CLAY MEMORIAL CUP Most Points in Vegetables -------------------------------------------------------------- Classes 1 - 27 BERNARD BLOW MEMORIAL TROPHY Best Exhibit in Flowers ------------------------------------------------------------------ Classes 28 - 47 LAWRENCE CAPENHURST TROPHY Most Points in Flowers------------------------------------------------------------------ Classes 28- 47 PETE’S POT The people’s choice in Flowers ------------------------------------------------------- Classes 28- 47 WOODIER TROPHY Best Exhibit in Fruit ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes 48 - 54 THE RON VOCE (GLENFIELD TELEVISION) TROPHY Most Points in Fruit ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes 48 - 54 GILBERT WHITE CUP Most Points in Vegetables, Flowers and Fruit -------------------------------------- Classes 1 - 54 HARRY BENT ROSE BOWL Best Exhibit in Flower Arrangements ----------------------------------------------- Classes 55 - 61 THE RONA BOYLES TROPHY Most Points in Flower Arrangements ----------------------------------------------- Classes 55 - 61 THE PAM BOWERS TROPHY (New Trophy) GGA Choice in Flower Arranging ----------------------------------------------------- Classes 55 - 61 NEW ASSOCIATION CUP Most Points in Preserves --------------------------------------------------------------- Classes 62 - 67 UNITY CUP Most Points in Wine and Beverages ------------------------------------------------ Classes 68 - 71 GOODALL LADIES TROPHY Most Points in Cookery ----------------------------------------------------------------- Classes 72 - 77 ULVERSCROFT CUP Best Exhibit in Cookery, Preserves and Wine ------------------------------------- Classes 62 - 77 2012 DIAMOND JUBILEE TROPHY Best exhibit in Handicrafts (Donated by GGA) ------------------------------------ Classes 78 - 82 W.H. STEVENS TROPHY. (Donated by Glenfield WI). Most Points in Handicrafts ------------------------------------------------------------- Classes 78 - 82 CHARLES HOCKLEY TROPHY Best Exhibit in Art -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class 83 TROPHY Best Exhibit in Photography ----------------------------------------------- Classes 85 - 86 TROPHY Best Poem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class 84 TROPHY - Best Exhibit Secondary Age Group ------------------------------------- Classes 92 - 96 TROPHY - Best Exhibit Primary Age Group ----------------------------------------- Classes 87 - 91 MARJORIE SMART TROPHY- Best Young People’s Exhibit in----------------- Classes 1 – 86 WORTHY NEWCOMER TROPHY ------------------------------------------------------ Classes 1 - 96 CASELY CUP - Best Exhibit in show – Horticultural --------------------------------Classes 1 - 54 HUGH DAVIES CUP Best Exhibit in show – Non Horticultural ----------------Classes 55 - 86
All Classes are open to amateurs only, male or female of any age, including children, unless otherwise specified.
There is no charge for the entering of exhibits to the show.
Doors will be open to receive entrants from 7pm till 9pm on Friday August 19th at St. Peter's Church Centre, Glenfield, also on Saturday morning, August 20th, from 8.30am. Staging must be completed by 10.30am. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that exhibits are accompanied by the entry forms. If two items are entered in the same class please label them with class number, followed by a) or b).
Judging to start at 11.00 am.
Prize winners will receive certificates, cash prizes are not awarded.
Judges may withhold winners’ certificates if, in their opinion, the standard of the exhibits in the Class is not high enough. The Judge's decision is final.
All Trophies will be held for one year only, and must be returned to the Show Organisers by July 1st of the following year.
The Show Committee shall have the power to give a decision on any matter, which these rules do not cover, and reserve the right to inspect any garden and/or allotment of any exhibitor if they wish.
Exhibitors wishing to retain their articles are asked to remove them after the Trophy Presentation and before the sale; otherwise they will be sold for the Gardeners' Association funds.
All entries are accepted on the understanding that all items are exhibited entirely at the risk of the exhibitor. The Committee will not accept any liability for any loss or damage however caused.
All exhibits for horticultural prizes must have been grown by the exhibitor for at least two months before the date of the show. This does not apply to flowers for arrangements and table decorations, which may be purchased but must always be set and arranged by the exhibitor. 5
Welcome to our 2022 Glenfield Gardeners’ Annual Show, a year to be celebrated! It is the 150 year anniversary of a garden show taking place in Glenfield. To commemorate this occasion, we are asking individuals, community groups and businesses to make 1.5m – 2m of garden themed bunting to be displayed on the day. This year our theme is the Platinum Jubilee. Many of our cooking recipes incorporate this theme for a Regal touch. Entries are welcome from everyone; you don’t have to be a member.
Go on… Give it a go for fun!
VEGETABLE SECTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
One Cabbage trimmed, leaving 75mm stalk. Three Onions dressed. Three Onions shown as grown (clean but not skinned). The Heaviest Onion, shown as grown (clean but not skinned). Six Shallots (large). Six Shallots (pickling) to pass 30mm ring. Four Potatoes (white). Four Potatoes (coloured). Three Beetroots of any one kind, trimmed. Three Carrots of any one kind, trimmed. Six Runner Beans, leaving short stalk. Six French Beans, leaving short stalk. Sweetcorn – two cobs. Five Tomatoes. A truss of Cherry Tomatoes. One Cucumber. One Lettuce- any kind, roots washed. Three Courgettes on a plate. Mixed Vegetables arranged in a standard seed tray. To include a minimum of three kinds - one entry only in this class. Any Vegetable not shown in schedule. Pair of Marrows. Three Parsnips. Three Sticks of Rhubarb. Collection of four types of Salad Vegetables arranged for effect. A vase of fresh Culinary Herbs. A collection of three kinds of Culinary Herbs - potted. A Vegetable Disaster. 6
FLOWER SECTION 28. One Specimen Rose. 29. One Rose judged for scent only. 30. My favourite single stem/best bloom e.g. chrysanthemum, sunflower, Echinacea, Rudbeckia etc. 31. Three Dahlias of any classification in a vase. 32. One Gladiolus. 33. Single Hydrangea Flower Head. 34. One vase of Mixed Flowers you have grown yourself, with own foliage arranged for effect. 35. Six Sweet or Flowering Peas - any variety. 36. Six blooms - Pansies or Violas. 37. A vase of Nasturtiums. 38. Five stems Marigolds - any variety. 39. New Novelty Category – Make your plant look like ... for example make your cactus look like a mouse. 40. One Hosta. 41. One Fuchsia in flower. 42. One Pot Grown plant in flower - of a kind not shown in Schedule. 43. One Fern. 44. One Cactus. 45. One Succulent. 46. One Geranium plant in flower - any foliage. 47. Patio container, no larger than 12" across, (300mm approx.), with a variety of planting. NOTE: One Exhibit only in Class 47. All flowers should be shown in water or water retaining material. Plants to be set or planted by Exhibitor. No vases are supplied by the Association. NOTE: Exhibitors may enter no more than 2 exhibits per class unless stated otherwise 7
FRUIT SECTION 48. Four Cooking Apples - same variety with stalks. 49. Four Dessert Apples - same variety with stalks. 50. One variety of fruit not shown in schedule. 51. Six Dessert Plums - same variety with stalks. 52. Four Pears – same variety with stalks. 53. A basket of mixed Fruits – minimum 3 different types. 54. 15 - 20 Blackberries – with stalks. NOTE: Exhibitors may enter no more than 2 exhibits per class. Fruit does not have to be fully ripe, but must be uniform. Also please note the “ General Hints for Exhibitors”
FLOWER ARRANGING SECTION 55. Just for starters - Class for novices or children 16 and under. Entrants may choose any one of the titles from classes 56 – 60. Indicate with a small card, placed beside your arrangement which title you have chosen. 56. Miniature arrangement, not exceeding 100mm x 100mm (4² x 4²) 57. A petite arrangement, in an unusual container. Not exceeding 230mm x 230mm (9² x 9² ). 58. An arrangement to celebrate The Platinum Jubilee, accessories allowed, no size restriction. 59. A flower arrangement theme ‘Sunshine’. No size restrictions. 60. What! No Flowers! An arrangement of greenery, no flowers, no size restrictions. 61. Men Only – An arrangement in a beer tankard or glass. Not exceeding 350mm x 350mm in any direction (14”).
NOTE: Exhibitors may enter no more than 1 exhibit in classes 55 to 61. In all classes a base board is optional but if used, must be included within allowed dimensions. 8
PRESERVES, WINE & COOKERY SECTIONS Classes 62 – 67. Jars – an ideal size should be 12oz unless otherwise stated. No trade tops or jars should be used. Classes 68 - 71. Use 26 fl-oz clear glass bottles with a flanged cork. 1 inch (25mm) gap between cork and wine. Top edge of label 5" (125mm) from bottom of bottle. Label should state main ingredient and whether it is Dry or Sweet. 62. A jar of homemade jam made from stoned fruit. 63. A jar of homemade jam made from soft fruit. 64. A jar of homemade jelly - any fruit, no specific weight. 65. A jar of a pickled vegetable of your choice. 66. A jar of homemade chutney. 67. A jar of citrus curd - no specific weight. 68. A non-alcoholic summer punch (use a clear bottle of any size). 69. A bottle of homemade red wine, fresh produce or concentrate. 70. A bottle of homemade wine of any other colour, fresh produce or concentrate. 71. A bottle of infused spirit or fruit liqueur. 72. Men Only – Victoria Sponge, made with 3 eggs, no buttercream, jam should be raspberry & dusted with caster sugar. In approx. 18cm/7" tin. However, the size of the tins will not be considered when judging. 73. Q for Queen, Q for Quiche. 4 mini quiches (jam tart size) with a filling fit for a Queen. (own recipe) 74. Queen’s Pudding (as recipe see pg. 13). 75. A Right Royal Trifle (own recipe – an individual trifle fit for a queen, in a small glass bowl, glass jar or wine glass. anything goes!). 76. Red, White & Blue Cupcakes (as recipe see pg. 13). 77. Oregano and Sundried Tomato Crown (as recipe see pg. 14).
No more than 2 exhibits per class to be shown. 9
CRAFT SECTION 78. A hand knitted or hand crocheted item you have made yourself. 79. Decorate a tin can. 80. A vase of crafty flowers. 81. “This I Made Myself” in a soft material* 82. “This I Made Myself” in a hard material* *Any item not specified in Classes 78, 79 and 80. NOTE: No entry to have been previously shown at this show. Exhibitors may enter no more than 2 exhibits per class. If the work is of your own design please state this on your entry form.
ART SECTION 83. A composition, original painting or drawing, any medium. Subject for picture 'Skyline'. Overall maximum size 16"x 20"(approx. 410mm x 510mm) To include any frame.
POETRY 84. ‘Holidays’.
PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION 85. Reflection – with your subject matter reflected in glass or water. 86. Landscape / Seascape. Maximum size of photograph 7"x 5" (approx. 180mm x 130mm), not mounted, not titled and not digitally enhanced. Name and address on reverse of photograph please.
. NOTE: No entry to have been previously shown at this show. No more than 2 exhibits per class to be shown.
YOUNG PEOPLE’S SECTION Primary School Aged Children (11 years and under*) 87.You’ve made it, let us see it! (enter anything that you have made but not exhibited at our show before). 88. Let’s get crafty with a peg – make anything you like involving a dolly peg/wooden peg/ plastic peg/tent peg/any type of peg! 89. Get creative with Red, White & Blue (anything goes with red, white, blue – felt pens, paints, crayons, collage etc.) 90. A Photo I Took Myself (maximum size 180mm x 130mm). Name and address on reverse of photograph please. 91. Cookery – Sweet Shop Fairy Cakes (3 on a plate, recipe below). Ingredients 110g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
2. Line bun tin with 12 paper cases.
110g caster sugar
3. Sift flour & baking powder into a bowl; add caster sugar, butter or marg. and eggs.
110g softened butter or soft margarine 2 eggs, beaten Decoration 100g butter 220g sieved icing sugar 2tsp hot water Sprinkle & sweets for decoration
1. Preheat oven to 180°C/ 160°C fan / gas 4.
4. Using an electric whisk or wooden spoon beat together until light and fluffy. 5. Divide mixture between cake cases and then bake for 20 minutes, until lightly golden. 6. Whilst cooling, make the buttercream. Beat butter until soft, gradually beat in icing sugar and water. 7. When cakes are cool, spoon a little buttercream onto each cake, decorate with small sweets & sprinkles.
* Children in transition between primary and secondary school may choose which section to enter. Important notice to all children aged 17 and under – why not enter some of the adult classes 0 – 86. The Marjorie Smart Trophy could be yours! 11
YOUNG PEOPLE’S SECTION Secondary School Aged Children (11 years – 17 years*) 92. Something you have made at secondary school (enter anything that you have made but not exhibited at our show before). 93. A piece of artwork inspired by Mondrian. 94. A jam jar of grasses and / or flowers for a picnic. 95. A Photo – Creative Fun! Take your original image & be digitally creative & have some fun with it – in any way you like. (maximum size 180mm x 130mm). Name and address on reverse of photograph please. 96. Cookery – Millionaires’ shortbread (3 on a plate, recipe below) * Children in transition between primary and secondary school may choose which section to enter. Important notice to all children aged 17 and under – why not enter some of the adult classes 0 – 86. The Marjorie Smart Trophy could be yours!
Recipes Millionaires’ Shortbread (Young People only) For the shortbread Caramel Filling 250g Plain Flour 100g butter or margarine 75g caster Sugar 100g light brown sugar 175g softened butter 397g can of condensed milk Topping 200g Plain chocolate Method • Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan/gas mark 4 and grease 33 x 23cm swiss roll tin. Shortbread • Mix flour and caster sugar in a bowl then rub in butter until mixture looks like fine breadcrumbs. Knead together to form a dough, press into the tin. Prick lightly with a fork and cook for 15 – 20 minutes, until lightly browned. Cool in tin. Caramel filling • Place ingredients in a pan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil, stirring all the time, reduce heat & simmer very gently. Continue stirring for about 5 mins. until the mixture slightly thickens. Pour over the shortbread base and leave to cool. Topping • Melt the chocolate slowly in a bowl over a pan of hot water. When melted, pour over the cold caramel and leave to set. Cut into bars. 12
Recipes Queen of Puddings • 400ml/ 14fl oz full-fat milk • 25g / 1oz butter • 1 lemon – finely grated zest • 35g /1½oz caster sugar • 2 egg yolks • 75g / 3oz fresh white breadcrumbs
For the meringue 110g / 4oz caster sugar 2 egg whites 4-5 tbsp raspberry jam
Preheat the oven to 170C/325F/Gas 3 and grease a 1litre/1½ pint shallow ovenproof dish. For the base, gently warm the milk in a saucepan. Add the butter, lemon zest & 35g/1.5 oz of sugar, stir until dissolved. Lightly whisk the egg yolks in a bowl. Slowly pour the warm milk into the eggs, while whisking. Sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the base of the dish and pour over the custard. Leave to stand for about 15 minutes, so the breadcrumbs absorb the liquid. Transfer the dish to a roasting tin and fill the tin halfway with hot water. Bake in a preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes until the custard has set. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool a little. Meanwhile, whisk the egg whites using an electric hand whisk on full speed until stiff peaks form when the whisk is removed. Add the remaining 110g/4oz sugar, a teaspoon at a time, still whisking on maximum speed until the mixture is stiff and shiny. Transfer the meringue mixture to a piping bag. Spread 4-5 tablespoons of the jam over the set custard, then pipe the meringue on top. Lower the oven temperature to 150C/130C Fan/Gas 2 and return the pudding to the oven (not in the roasting tin with water) for about 25-30 minutes until the meringue is pale golden all over and crisp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Decoration Red, White and Blue Cupcakes Icing – own recipe 150g/3oz caster sugar Selection of blue and red berries To 150g/3oz softened baking margarine decorate 3 large eggs, beaten 150g/3oz self raising flour Method Cream the sugar and butter together, gradually add the beaten egg. Gently fold in the flour. Place the cake mixture in 12 muffin sized cake cakes. Heat oven to 180°C/160°C fan/Gas 4. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden and a skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool on a wire rack. Decorate with your choice of white/cream icing such as glace, buttercream, cream cheese. Decorate with a variety of red and blue berries. ---------------------------------------------------------
Oregano and Sun Dried Tomato Crown 300g strong white flour 50g sundried tomatoes – finely chopped 1 tbsp oil (from the sundried tomatoes) 1 tsp salt
1 heaped tsp Oregano 1 tsp dried yeast 180ml / 6fl oz tepid water
Place the dry ingredients in a bowl, with the yeast and salt placed at opposite sides. Add the tomatoes, oil and water. Mix to form a soft ball of dough. Tip the dough out onto a very lightly floured surface and knead for 5 to 10 minutes. Place the dough into a lightly oiled bowl and cover with lightly oiled cling film. Leave in a warm place for the dough to double in size. Now knock back the dough – this is a second, light knead that takes out the large air bubbles that have been created. Shape the dough into 10 equal sized rolls. Arrange in a circle on a baking sheet, with a small gap between each roll and cover with oiled cling film. Leave for a second proving for the rolls to double in size and join together. Remove the cling film and place in a 220°C/200°C fan/Gas 7 for 20 minutes until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack. Can use a bread maker to dough stage, if desired.
GENERAL HINTS FOR EXHIBITORS Always read the Schedule rules and note the timetable. Allow sufficient time for staging exhibits. In the Preserves classes, all entries should be labelled naming the contents and the full date of preservation. All entries in these classes must have been made within one year of the date of the exhibition. Curds should be covered with wax and cellophane discs. Jams may have the same or an airtight seal. Chutneys should have an airtight, vinegar proof seal. Jars filled to 12mm from top of jar. The mature flavour of chutney is improved by being potted for two to three months. All fruits should be displayed with stalks intact and should have been carefully handled so the natural “bloom” is retained. In the vegetable section judges always look for condition, size and uniformity; and in some cases colour, e.g. Beetroot, Carrots and Red Cabbage. Ideal sizes when exhibiting the following:Culinary Apples - No size limit, as large as possible. Dessert Apples - Approx.- 70mm dia. - skin in natural condition. Potatoes - 200-250g each. Shallow eyes, good shape, clean skins. Beetroot - No larger than a tennis ball. Tomatoes - 60mm dia. approx. five or six to a pound, with calyx intact. The judges will be judging from the RHS Handbook. The GGA has a copy of this handbook available for perusal. 14
Our Meeting Programme 2022 / 2023 Meetings are held at St Peter’s Church Centre Glenfield at 7.30pm on the 4th Tuesday in the month. There are no monthly meetings in July, August or December. The meetings are not only open to Glenfield Gardeners’ Association members – friends, family and anyone with an interest in gardening can join us for just £2.50 a meeting. Sept. 27th John Gibson – Making the most of your bulbs. Oct. 25th Alan Dayman - ‘An Evening of Surprises’. Nov. 22nd Annual Supper with entertainment from Vintage Singer – Holly Reynolds (Members only). Jan.24th Steve Lovell – Every garden should have some: water as a garden feature. Feb 28th AGM & Carry on Composting – Rod Weston Master Composter Renewal of membership fees £16. March 28th Howard Drury – Container gardening throughout the year. April 25th Darren Drudge – Teabags, Bras & Tights. Cost effective gardening tips using household items. May 23rd T.B.C. June 27th Robert Barlow ‘Hostas: The Versatile Herbaceous Perennial’ Robert Barlow holds the National Collection of Hostas (British Introductions), some 4000 plants of over 350 varieties. Plants for sale. Glenfield Gardeners’ Association Annual Show 2023
GGA Annual show 2023 will be held at St. Peter’s Church Centre on Saturday 19th August. If you have enjoyed this year’s show we hope you will join us again next year and tell your friends about us too. We welcome entries from young or old, there are so many different classes to enter. With your support we can keep the Glenfield Gardeners’ Association Show going. 15
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