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Ozzy O’shea’s Report

Email: ozzy.o’shea@leics.gov.uk or ozzyoshea@hotmail.com

Tel 0116 2394336 or 07808 585825


Double Yellow Lines Ratby Road, Groby

RESIDENTS will be aware that double yellow lines have now be installed along Ratby Road.

I have since received complaints from some local residents that the lines were not required or should have been on the opposite side of the road. Over the last 3 years I have received numerous complaints from the both the Parish Council and the two Groby Borough Councillors demanding that something be done and requesting double yellow lines. This was due to cars now parking on both sides of the road something that had not occurred before. I arranged a meeting at County Hall with Parish councillors, the police and highways officers over this issue. I had previously attended a meeting of local residents, Parish Councillors and the police over safety concerns. I had also arranged for Highway Officers to attend a Parish Council meeting, where all councillors were able challenge them on safety concerns. Again double yellow lines were requested along the right hand side of the road coming into Groby from the direction of Ratby.

I had also received numerous complaints from residents who raised safety concerns regarding the parking. As your County Councillor I took on board all of these safety concerns and the strong requests from both the Parish Council, Borough Councillors and residents. I then arranged for a public consultation to be carried out. The consultation was on the proposal to put double yellow lines along Ratby Road. The consultation was democratically carried out and was well advertised where residents could have their say. The result of the consultation was that the majority supported the proposal. Domestic abuse strategy - let us know if we’re proposing the correct priorities

THE DOMESTIC Abuse (DA) Act received royal assent in April 2021.

The act places a duty on tier one local authorities (the county council) to provide accommodation based support to victims of domestic abuse and their children in refuges and other safe accommodation. It also provides clarity over governance and accountability, requiring tier two councils (district councils), to co-operate with the lead local authority.

A strategic needs assessment must be undertaken to assess the need for accommodation-based domestic abuse support across Leicestershire for all victims. It is a requirement of the DA Act 2021 to produce a DA Reduction Strategy. The needs assessment will further inform the development of this strategy for the provision of support to cover Leicestershire and inform commissioning / de-commissioning decisions.

An eight-week public consultation is taking place from 26 October to 21 December 2021 seeking feedback on the five priorities and to co-produce the strategy. Feedback from the consultation will be incorporated into the final strategy.

Please let us know whether you think these are the correct priorities or not. You can do this by emailing; communitysafetyteam@leics.gov. uk or by calling 0116 3056056

The proposed priorities are: 1. Early Intervention and Prevention 2. Targeted Support 3. Reachable Services 4. DA Act (Part 4) – Safe Accommodation 5. Strong Partnerships

Full details of these can be found via the following link. https://www. leicestershire.gov.uk/have-yoursay/current-engagement/domesticabuse-strategy Road Closure Ratby Lane Kirby Muxloe

PLEASE NOTE Ratby Lane as you come out of Ratby towards Kirby Muxloe will be closed from 25/10/21 to 28/11/21.

To access the A47 you need to follow the diversion from Main Street, into Desford Lane Ratby and through Kirby Muxloe via Main Street to access Blood Hill. Stamford Park, Groby

I HAVE received complaints regarding dog faeces on the park, including the following from a local resident:

“Good morning, arrived for my son’s football match this morning at Stamford Park and have had to clear up five bags of dog faeces before they could. I know many people don’t like that the children are using this park for football, however this is absolutely disgusting.

I would kindly ask the small number of dog owners who are responsible to please pick up after your dog. I appreciate the majority already do. I have asked the Borough Council’s Community street warden to monitor the area. Streetsafe - New Pilot Service Available To All

YOUR LOCAL police beat team would like to tell you about a new service that has launched recently for anyone to use for a number of issues.

StreetSafe is a pilot service for anyone to anonymously tell us about public places where you have felt or feel unsafe, because of environmental issues, eg street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism and/or because of some behaviours, eg being followed or verbally abused.

Please note: ‘StreetSafe’ is not for reporting crime or incidents.

Please go http://www.police.uk click Police.UK: Home then scroll down and click on StreetSafe. Scam Emails Purporting to be from Primark

EMAILS promising Primark gift card ‘rewards’ have been circulating, but they’re fake and absolutely nothing to do with the retailer.

Fraudsters are impersonating some of the UK’s most well-known brands, this is another gift card scam relating to a famous high street store.

This time the phishing emails are promising ‘Primark Rewards’, claiming that you need to ‘activate the delivery’ in order to receive them: Simply do not click Phishing warning: fake Sainsbury’s marketing survey email scam

SAINSBURY’S has confirmed that an email promising £90 for taking part in a ‘marketing nothing to survey’ has do with it.

We’re all used to seeing slick marketing from brands. Many feature recognisable logos and familiar brand colours to promote their offers across emails, social media, TV adverts. But Sainsbury’s has confirmed that this ‘marketing survey’ email and the site it takes you through to have nothing to do with the supermarket. The survey and its offers of free ‘rewards’ are fake, and eventually encourage you to part with sensitive personal information.

Here’s what the email looks like:

ASDA phishing email

THE BELOW Phishing email is circulating it will take you to a fake site nothing to do with Asda.

Please do not get caught out.

Finally I would like to thank you all for your continued support and remind you that should you need my help or advice, I always pride myself on making myself available to residents. Remember I am only a phone call or email away. Ozzy O’shea

Always Working for you

Cllr Ozzy O’shea Tel 0116 2394336 Mobile 07808585825 Email Ozzy.O’shea@leics.gov.uk Email ozzyoshea@hotmail.com

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