The Herald Mid-September 2022

Page 1 Contact Louise or Marianne for an information pack or to arrange a free property appraisal Call: 0116 287 0334 Email: 86 Faire Road, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8ED Demand for rental property has never been higher, whilst the risk to landlords is increasing in these uncertain times Place your property under full management with us and receive free rent guarantee and tenant eviction protection for 12 months* We pride ourselves on our friendly yet professional approach and are pleased to be celebrating our ten year anniversary this year, Contact us and see why so many landlords recommend us * terms apply, please see our website for full details


COME AND JOIN us on Monday 19 September 2022 from 2.00 pm until 4.00 pm for a Seated Exercise Class followed by an afternoon Cream Tea served by Connie’s Pop-up Tea Party.

The cost is £7.50 and is considered good value by those who have attended previous classes. We aim to do this on a regular monthly basis –those who have attended so far consider it a relaxing, social afternoon!

Bidding in Bagworth New Beginner’s Bridge Course

A NEW ‘BEGINNERS’ bridge course is starting at Bagworth Community Centre on Saturday September 24th 10.00am3.00pm and thereafter on Saturday mornings.

The session is run by the Bagworth Whistlestop Bridge Group who meet regularly to play at the Bagworth Community Centre on afternoons.ThursdayFeesare kept to a minimum to cover the costs of room hire and resources and the course is run by English Bridge Union qualified teachers who are volunteers. The fee for day one is £5.00 to include all materials, teas and coffees but please bring your own packed lunch.Bridge

is a challenging and fascinating game of cards and a great mind sport to keep those brain cells working. You don’t need to be an experienced card player to start learning but if you have played whist, canaster or solo it helps. It is also very sociable and a way of making new friends so learning to play though a course is the first steppingstone to join our bridge group.

You will be given a warm welcome in a convivial atmosphere and much patience and support. If you are interested, do contact Shelagh or Carol via email on or telephone / text 07530 364339. Come on board and get those brain cells working!

MARKFIELD Methodist Church invites you to celebrate Harvest Time at a special Harvest Ploughman’s Lunch at 12.30pm on Saturday 24th September 2022.

Tickets cost £7.50.

You are also invited to a Harvest Festival Service at 10.30 on Sunday 25th September 2022 - supporting STARFISH MALAWI.

For lunch tickets and more details, please telephone 01530 242607 or 01530 242166.

Saturday 1st October

‘Wake Up and Smell the Coffee’ with Bagworth’s Macmillan Coffee Morning

EVERY YEAR over 5000 people across Leicestershire Leicestershire.

The reality is that more than one in three of us will get cancer. For most of us it will be the toughest fight we ever face. And the feelings of isolation and loneliness that so many people experience make it even harder. But you don’t have to go through it alone. The Macmillan team is with you every step of the way. - Nurses and therapists can help through treatment, advisers can talk through which benefits are available and volunteers give a hand with everyday things. There is no easy way to deal with cancer but Macmillan are there every step of the way.

Almost all of their work is possible only through the generosity of donations. In 2018 over £30 million pounds was raised nationwide, but with Covid many events in 2020 & 2021 did not take place.

Well the Bagworth Macmillan Coffee Morning is back and will be hosting their event this year at The Club Bagworth. This will be the village’s 7th Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan and will be held on Saturday 1st October between 11a.m. & 3p.m. Please support our event as over the previous 6 years we have raised over £6,000 for this great cause purely through the coffee mornings. Let this be our best year ever.

We have Craft Stalls, Raffle, Tombola, and of course the cake stall. Plus much more. Entry is only £2 which includes a hot drink and a donation to Macmillan.Ifyouwish to stay for lunch food will be available to purchase. The bar will also be open to everyone. co F E mo N n with Tea!

3For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at I named my dog “5 miles” so I can tell people I walk 5 miles every day. 10.30 SUNDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER FB markfieldmethodistchurch MARKFIELD METHODIST CHURCH 12.30 SATURDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER Tickets £7.50 We welcome you to j oin us in celebrating Harvest Time HARVEST PLOUGHMAN’S LUNCH
are diagnosed with cancer and over 32,500 people are living with and beyond cancer in
wo Ld’S bi G s
Seated Exercise

THING that gets lost in translation is what MPs do when Parliament isn’t in session.

We’re nearing the end of summer recess and I’ve been busy in the constituency, enjoying my favourite parts of being your MP: meeting local people, speaking to businesses, dropping by events and finding out what constituents’ priorities are both nationally and for our community.

I recently visited a Slimming World session in Ratby and saw the group in action, supporting and spurring each other on with their goals – a really compassionate place where the community can come together. Another great asset for our community is Ratby Library, which I visited recently after hearing about some funding difficulties they’re experiencing post-Covid.

It is a worry to us all how the cost of living continues to rise. I revisited the Job Centre Plus in Hinckley to ask for their estimations regarding the issues unemployed people in our area are facing now and, importantly, over the coming months. I also heard that their experiences reflect the rates of people claiming unemployment related benefits in Bosworth, which most recently stands at 2.5% whereas the national average is


thing that people often raise with me locally is healthcare. Which is why, alongside sitting on the Health Select Committee, I have been working towards securing funding for a Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) and Day Case Unit at Hinckley Hospital. Should these plans go ahead, it would signal a welcome investment of more than £20 million for healthcare in our area!

Speaking of investment… I have been engaging with MIRA and East Midlands Mayor Andy Street, to unlock funding which will enhance MIRA’s car safety testing and vehicle development facilities.

And I’m sure many of you will also be pleased to learn that my office is in contact with National Highways regarding improvements

to Junctions 21 and 21a on the M1.

I talk a lot about planning and the importance of having an up-todate Local Plan, but did you know that 85% of the constituency of Bosworth is agricultural?

ONEMessage from Dr Luke Evans Luke Evans MP of Parliament for SW1A constituency: 01455 635741 0207 219 4250 07920 619812 @drlukeevans drlukeevans

overarching message I take away from meetings with farmers is that the best thing we can do to support them is to buy seasonal British and localThisproduce.isbyno means a comprehensive update on my work over the summer, for more information on how I’m delivering on your priorities please see my website: or social media channels.

Don’t forget to send us your Thanks!news.

I recently visited a farm between Dadlington and Twycross and the
THE HERALD • MID-SEPTEMBER 2022 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT Tel: 01530 244069,000homesandbusinessesinMarkfield,FieldHead,StantonunderBardon,ThorntonandBagworth.ContactMikeWilkinsonwithyourarticles,newsitemsoradvertisingenquiries.PrintedbyNorwoodPressinEllistown.TheopinionsexpressedbycontributorsarenotnecessarilythoseoftheHeraldProductionTeam.Theinclusionofanygroupororganisationinthispublicationdoesnotnecessarilyimplyarecommendationofitsaims,methodsorpolicies.TheHeraldcannotbeheldresponsiblefortheinformationdisclosedbyadvertisements,allofwhichareacceptedingoodfaith.Everyeffortismadetoensuretheaccuracyofinformationinthismagazine,butnoliabilitycanbeacceptedforlossorinconveniencecausedasaresultoferrororomission.TheHeraldreservestherighttoamend,shortenorrefusetopublisharticlesand/oradvertisementssubmittedforpublication.Allcontents©TheHerald.NoneofthearticlesoradvertscontainedinthismagazinearetobereproducedinanywaywithoutfirstobtainingwrittenconsentfromTheHerald. The Herald When you have the opportunity to become a bigger person, take it because cake is delicious.
Bosworth • House of Commons • London •
0AA w: t:
Those two are a fastidious couple. She’s fast and he’s hideous. The Headteacher, Staff and Governors warmly invite you to visit the school on: Thursday 29th September 2022 6.00pm to 8.00pm To arrange a tour of the school ‘at work’, please contact the Headteacher, Mr Simon Andrews on the number below or by email to Broad Lane, Markfield, Leics LE67 9TB - Tel: 01530 242351

Church of England unveils strategy to help rural churches THRIVE

THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND has launched a 10-point strategy to help its thousands of rural churches survive and thrive.

The CofE has published How Village Churches Thrive, a practical guide to help the churches – many of them historic listed buildings with small congregations – have a sustainable future.

The strategy sets out 10 key areas “where applying relatively small changes can make a big difference to the revitalisation, recovery and renewal of our village churches, amplifying the efforts that may well be happening already.”

The ten key recommendations set out in the strategy are:

1. Extend a warm welcome. Think carefully and objectively about who your welcome is aimed at.

2. Make the most of life events – weddings, baptisms and funerals. Many people’s first contact with church begins through the church being there for them at life’s big moments.

3. Use buildings creatively. With thought and planning, your buildings can provide opportunities for people to connect with the community.

4. Care for ‘God’s Acre.’ Engage the whole community in loving and caring for the churchyard.

5. Be the ‘heartbeat’ of a village community. Your church could affect positive change in village life. Leading a community audit could be an important place to start.

6. Celebrate your heritage. The history of the church buildings presents an opportunity for churches to connect with new people of all ages and backgrounds.

7. Cultivate fruitful festivals. Festivals across the year provide ideal opportunities to celebrate, be innovative and creative, and – in partnership with schools, businesses and local groups – to welcome others of every age group.

8. Welcome more children. Engaging with younger people is a priority for the CofE nationally – and village settings can offer great opportunities for creative ministry with children. Projects formed in partnership, especially with local schools, are most likely to thrive.

9. Reach the isolated and lonely. Village churches are in ‘the perfect position’ to make a positive impact on isolation and loneliness.

10. Communicate effectively. Focused communication supports your parish vision and strategy and ensures that all your efforts have more chance of being effective.

Church House Publishing, who published the new guide, describe it as “Packed with practical advice and inspiring case studies to encourage and increase confidence in all who work or worship in a village church.”

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7For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at I always take my wife morning tea in my pajamas, but is she grateful? . . . No, she says she’d rather have it in a cup.

George Cadbury – the chocolate man with a heart for welfare

ONE HUNDRED years ago, on 24th October 1922, George Cadbury died. He had transformed his father’s failing chocolate and cocoa business into one of the world’s most successful companies and provided low-cost housing and improved working conditions for his employees.

George was the third son of John Cadbury, a Quaker who founded Cadbury’s cocoa and chocolate company. With his brother Richard, George took over the family business in 1861 and founded the chocolate producer Cadbury Brothers. But his consuming interest was in the welfare of his employees and others: having taught in an adult school he was aware that poor housing was a major problem.

One of his first moves was to relocate his factory to a greenfield site south-west of Birmingham with access to canals and the new railways. It was here that he later founded a Quaker higher educational institution –now the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre.

But apart from his chocolate he is best known for his creation of a rural factory village (designed by architect William Alexander Harvey), called Bournville after the nearby river Bourn. The houses – not exclusively for factory employees – were never privately owned, and they remain attractive and affordable to the present day: a huge change from the poor living conditions in town.

Cadbury was a keen proponent of Quaker values. In 1901 he bought the Daily News (later the News Chronicle), where he campaigned for improved working conditions and social security. He was prominent in setting up the Birmingham Civic Society in 1918, and he gave a country park to the people of Birmingham, as well as a large house to the Crippled Children’s Union to use as a hospital. It is now the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.

9For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at I run a support group for cats that have never had their pics posted on the internet.

Heritage Open Days

EACH SEPTEMBER thousands of volunteers across the country invite you to experience local history, architecture and culture. All for free.

Heritage Open Days runs 9-18 September 2022

The organisers of Heritage Open Days are deeply saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen.

“As our longest serving monarch, a leader of integrity and a source of pride and inspiration for generations of people around the world, she’ll be missed.deeply“Heritage Open Days eventsconsideration,and9began(HODs)onFridaySeptember,aftercarefulwillcontinue

until Sunday 18 September. As England’s largest festival of history and culture, HODs offers people a chance to come together and mark all that is good about their communities.

“It is a grassroots festival, delivered by thousands of extraordinary individuals and organisations. We will support our event organisers to do what feels right for them, whether that is running their events as planned, or cancelling their activities.”

Visitors are encouraged to check for the latest information about events. Listings will be regularly updated throughout the festival.

South Charnwood High School

South Charnwood High School

‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’

Headteacher: Simon Andrews

‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’

Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree

Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake Business Manager: Alistair Keates

Headteacher: Simon Andrews

Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree

Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake Business Manager: Alistair Keates

We require, as soon as possible, Lunchtime Supervisors to join our team, who are responsible for the health and safety, wellbeing and security of children during the school lunch break.

Term time position (39 weeks), 1 hour 15 minutes per day, 6.25 hours per week. Normally, the hours of work are 12.50pm to 2.05pm daily, but may be subject to change due to exams etc.

Rate of pay is £9.79 – £9.89 per hour.

If you are interested in the position, please see the school website at for an information pack and application form.

Alternatively, telephone 01530 242351 or email:

As this job is designated as a ‘regulated activity’ an enhanced DBS check with Barred list will be carried out by the school

‘South Charnwood High School – Committed to Safeguarding Children and Young People’

Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351 Email:

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 08423539

Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351

A number 08423539

11For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at I like to show my girlfriend who’s boss in our house by holding a mirror up to her face. Hard floor cleaning On site curtain cleaning Rugs, including oriental and antique All types of upholstery, especially leather RUGS - we are CLEANING SPECIALISTS traditional Persian or Chinese, Gabbeh or Kilim, we even love Wiltons and Shaggy ones! 01530 244900 ■ 07825 795558 CHECK OUT QUALITY OF OUR SERVICE ON SJS GOOGLE REVIEWS FOR BOTH LEICESTER AND LOUGHBOROUGH Lunchtime Supervisors
company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company
PAINTERPROFESSIONAL&DECORATOR • All types of work undertaken • No job too big or small • Specialist in preparing all types of surfaces • Indoor and outdoor painting undertaken • Painting contracts undertaken Tel: 07377 505071 Email:@outlook.comrobertrowlett2020 All COVID Guidelines Adhered To. 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed FREE No-Obligation Quote & Advice Specialist in preparing all types

What I Markfieldthinkneeds

MARKFIELD is getting bigger and it could do with:

• a supermarket or Tesco Express

• a dentist

• an optician

• a bigger medical centre which serves Bagworth, Thornton, Stanton-underBardon and Markfield

Then people would not waste petrol travelling miles for your shopping, etc.

B.Smart, Markfield


Monday: 9-10 • 1-3 • 6-7

Tuesday: 9-10 • 1-3

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 9-10 • 12.30-3

Friday: 9-10 • 1-3

Saturday: 10-12.30

Sunday: Closed

Hinckley & District Parkinson’s Group

THE TREASURER of the group, Julie Bailey, has completed a sky dive from Langar Airfield, Nottinghamshire, to raise money for both Parkinson’s UK and the Motor Neurone Disease Team at the LOROS Hospice in Leicester.

Julie has worked for both organisations as a fully qualified complimentary therapist.

Over £2000 has already been raised for the charities. She found the sky-dive experience “amazing, exhilarating and thrilling”, jumping from the aircraft at 14,000 feet [strapped to an instructor], plunging in free fall for about 45 seconds at a speed of about 120mph towards the earth, “struggling a little to breathe”, before feeling the sudden uplift as the parachute opened to begin the drift down, “floating for about five minutes”, to the airfield where she landedMeanwhilesafely.the local Parkinson’s Group has been enjoying its regular meetings throughout the summer, plus a boat trip from Loughborough, an afternoon tea in Hinckley and visits to superb musicals at Kilworth House.

Our meetings continue into the autumn. Our ‘Challenge Parkinson’s’ weekly exercises at 3.00 at the St. Francis Centre; dance and singing sessions at Elmesthorpe Village Hall on Friday afternoons; our monthly ‘get togethers’ at Dobbies at Stapleton on September 19th from 2.00 in the Restaurant Conservatory; and our Nordic Walking on the third Thursday of the month at 11.00 from Acorns Café at Burbage Common.

We now have a monthly Carers Group on the third Tuesday each month at the same time as the exercise class. Various other events are being arranged too. We are definitely a busy group but we are always pleased to welcome new members, who often come along after reading articles like this one.

For further information on any of our activities please contact Janet Kavanagh on 07932615233.

For Nordic Walking call Peter on 01455 636776.

So don’t let Parkinson’s dictate how you live your life, come along and join the Hinckley Group and see the benefits for yourself. A. Leake



Thornton villagers will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of their Community Centre in 2023.

Active, forward-thinking people are needed to fill the role of Trustee to help shape the future of the Centre and make it a community resource to be proud of.

Why not come along to one of our meetings and see our plans for the future.

Check out the village website section titled Community Centre and Sports Hall for more information -

Tae sisterbrothersuccessKwon-Doforand

Using cute little dogs to appeal to women is a well-known tactic on dating apps, but now scientists at the University of Jaen in Spain have found that even just walking a small dog can attract women to a man.

It seems when women see a man walking a small dog, they remain relaxed because they feel safe, and calm because they do not fear losing control of the situation. And if the dog is really cute, then a conversation may even begin!

LEX COOK and his sister, Lily Cook, were both successful at the Scottish Open this month.

Lex got bronze for sparring and Lily got gold for patterns, both excellent achievements.

Why walking a small dog may a WHO WALK
THE HERALD • MID-SEPTEMBER 2022 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: Thanks for nothing autocorrect, I’m never gonna get a girlfriend being a “homeless romantic”.
Trees & ANSWERSPlants 1. Ash 2. Willow 3. Monkey puzzle 4. Horse Chestnut 5. Rowan 6. Witch hazel 7. Plane 8. Spruce 9. Elder 10. Rush 11. Yew 12. Palm 13. Pear 14. Christmas 15. Box hedge 16. Fir 17. Pine 18. Birch 19. Maple 20. Beech
woman’s heart MEN
small dogs are seen as less threatening to women than men who walk large or even medium sized dogs.

Makeup Artist Imogen Demonstrates Her Skill

IMOGEN HARTLEY, the daughter of one of our members, kindly stepped into the breach at our August meeting when our scheduled speaker was unable to attend; she is a makeup artist and agreed to demonstrate a makeover for a lucky member.

Imogen studied for her Diploma in Makeup Artistry when looking for a change of career and found that she loved it.

With Diana as her model she gave her a complete makeover whilst describing clearly what she was doing, the products she was using and with lots of useful tips on how to achieve the look you want.

Imogen is in demand for weddings with makeup for the Bride, Bridesmaids and Mothers and we learned the secrets to looking good for the whole day and on the photographs.Aswellasweddings Imogen also advises on everyday makeup discussing the basics of makeup if you don’t usually wear any or advice if you feel in need of a new look.

Imogen was really friendly and knowledgeable and obviously takes great pride in her work as well as loving what she does. Diana (PICTURED ABOVE) was delighted with her makeover and we were all extremely complimentary; we suspect more work will be coming Imogen’s way.

For anyone wanting more information Imogen’s website is www. or instagram@thefacetobe

13For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at I’m going to start telling women that I’m available for a limited time only in hopes that their shopping instinct kicks in. A Welcoming Homely Atmosphere, Garden & Great Food! Lunches & Snacks: Tues-Sun Eves (Tues-Sat): ‘A La Carte’ or Snacks • Weekend Specials WEDNESDAY is “STEAK NIGHT” 2 Steaks, With Hand-Cut Chips, Peas, Tomato, Mushrooms & Two Glasses of House Wine - £19.95 SundayTraditionalLunch 1 Course - £9.95 2 Courses - £12.95 3 Courses - £15.95 With personal service to your table Home-Made Pie Night - TUESDAY- FROM £6.95 213 Main Street, Thornton Tel: 01530 230808 The Bricklayer’s Arms 213 Main Street, Thornton Tel: 01530 230808’sGarden MARKFIELD WI NEWS FROM LYNDA
Mobile, Chiropodist,VisitingPodiatrist Please contact Christine at Stepwell Podiatry Why not have them treated in the comfort of your own home? Treatments include: Corns, Callus, Nail Cutting, Nail Problems, Diabetic Foot Care, Plus More. SUFFERING FOOT PROBLEMS? Tel: 07954 052 736 Or email: • New Guttering • Wood Staining • Repointing • Ridge Tiles • Chimney Stacks • Roof Valley • Dry Verge • Flat Roofing • Dry Ridge • Lead Flashing • Moss Removal • Slate/Tile Roofing • UPVC Fascia, Soffits & Gutters FREE QUOTATION AND FREE EMERGENCY CALL OUT Proprietor: Elias Bell 1 Maynard Close, Bagworth, LE67 1BU Mobile: 07494820600 - Telephone: 01530 231 631 Email:

Celebrate the life of Her Majesty the Queen by sharing your memories

The Queen showed an inspirational sense of duty during her reign and, as the RAF Benevolent Fund’s Patron from 1952 until her death, provided endless support for those who served her country, including the RAF Family.Her Majesty tirelessly supported the Fund’s work for decades – with some highlights including the unveiling of the Fund’s Bomber Command Memorial in Green Park, London; visiting children at the Fund’s Airplay youth club at RAF Lossiemouth in 2014; viewing the RAF Benevolent Fund Garden at Chelsea Flower Show 2022; and the Patron’s Lunch on the Mall to celebrate The Queen’s 90th birthday, which RAF Benevolent Fund Ambassador Jacqui Thompson attended and said of The Queen’s appearance: “The sun came out for her and shined.”

The Queen demonstrated during her reign the true spirit of public service and integrity, and the significance of the military service. As Her Majesty poignantly once said: “I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else – I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of Wenations.”wouldlike

to invite members of the public to celebrate the life of Her Majesty the Queen by sharing your memories of her in our online open book of condolence at rememberingthequeen Yours sincerely,

Air Vice-Marshal Chris Elliot Controller, RAF Benevolent Fund

Agatha Christie’s Mousetrap

IT WAS 70 years ago, on 6th October 1952, that the world premiere of Agatha Christie’s play, The Mousetrap, opened in Nottingham. It then opened in London on 25th November, and is still going, making it the world’s longestrunning play.

Originally a short radio play written as a birthday present for Queen Mary, it was broadcast in May 1947. The stage play, a murder mystery, has been performed more than 28,000 times – the only break being, because of the Covid pandemic, between 16th March 2020 and 17th May 2021

The play also made theatrical history by having an original “cast member” survive all the changes since its opening night. The late Deryck Guyler can still be heard, on a recording, reading the radio news bulletin in the play. There have been many physical alterations, with the set being changed in 1965 and 1999, but one original prop survives – the clock above the fireplace in the main hall.

Christie regarded detective fiction as a distinctively moral genre because it deals with questions of guilt and justice that are at times almost theological. The society and milieu of her stories are distinctively Christian. She was baptised into the Church of England and kept her mother’s copy of The Imitation of Christ – a spiritual handbook – by her bedside. Its flyleaf carried a quotation from Romans, beginning “Who shall separate us from the love ofAtChrist?”hermemorial

service in 1976, her publisher William Collins described her as having a “gentle Christian spirit”. the point of making people like Paul McCartney and Elton John knights if they’re not going to joust?
AS THE NATION mourns the death of Her Majesty the Queen, the RAF FundBenevolentwouldlike to celebrate her life, and countrydedicationunwaveringtothefollowing a historic 70 years on the throne.
THE HERALD • MID-SEPTEMBER 2022 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: FREEandPersonalDELIVERYwithService“AskAboutourSameDay/NextDayInstallationRemovalService”We are pleased to announce that we are now agents for A.W.E Kitchens and Bedrooms Who specialise in Bespoke made to measure kitchen & bedroom furniture Please call in for further details ANSTEY ZWF845B4PWZANUSSI Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 8kg Load Capacity E Rated 2yr Guarantee 14 Programmes LWF174310WBlomberg Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 7Kg Load Capacity 28 Min Fast Full Load 16 Programmes D Rated WAJ28008GBBOSCH Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 7kg Load Capacity D ExpressRated Wash 15 Programmes HW90B14959U1UKHaier Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 9kg Load Capacity A 5yrRatedGuarantee White NM11946WSAUKNHOTPOINT Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 9kg Load Capacity A RapidRatedOption White FAST FREE LOCAL DELIVERY Fitted KitchensBEKOCIFY81X Built-In Single Oven 5 AStainlessFan66FunctionsLtrOvenAssistedSteelRated JP Tuning TEL: 07834465738 65 CRAVEN STREET, LEICESTER LE1 4BX FREE COLLECTION & DELIVERY WITHIN 3 MILES OF MARKFIELD • INSURANCE APPROVED ACCIDENT REPAIRS • ALLOY WHEEL REFURBISHMENT • SMART REPAIRS / DENTS • BUMPER AND TRIM REPAIRS • SPECIALISTS IN CLASSIC CAR RESTO RATION • WELDING / FABRICATION • BODY REPAIR & FULL RESPRAYS • GENERAL MAINTENANCE • FAULT DIAGNOSIS • SERVICING & MOT • BRAKES / MOT REPAIRS • CLUTCHES & GEARBOX • SUSPENSION AUTOMOTIVE BODYSHOP FREE COLLECTION & WITHINDELIVERY3MILESOFMARKFIELD TEL: 07834465738

Stock on Jams & Pickles ... and help our heroes September Saturday for Fundraising with Rose

PLEASE SUPPORT Rose Blayney once again if you are able on Saturday 24th September 9.30-2.00pm at 30 Lawnwood Road, Groby LE6 0BH.

Her garage is open for sales of many varieties of jam, marmalade, pickled onions, piccalilli etc.

All funds are again being donated to Help for Heroes registered charity.

As many local people know, Mum takes no monies at all, and she has been supported greatly by Bradgate Stores, allotment owners and locals who have donated soft fruits and continued to collect clean jars, which has enabled her to continue this amazing fundraising effort.

We look forward to seeing new and existing customers on the day.

Thank you for the continued support for this extremely worthy cause which is a charity very close to Rose’s heart.

Through Thick and Thin My Story So Far

THIS IS THE autobiography of one of the nation’s favourite TV diet and fitness experts of the past 50 years.

Rosemary had nearly died as a child. Years later, having defied the odds and become a teenager, she discovered a medical report that said she was overweight. That was the moment the young Rosemary Conley decided to change her life. After leaving school at 15, training as a secretary and working as a Tupperware dealer, Rosemary started her own slimming classes in 1972 with an investment of just £8.

In 1983 she published the first of 36 books that were to sell in their millions around the world, alongside millions more of her fitness videos, while also starring in her own TV shows on BBC and ITV. She became, in short, one of the most popular and successful diet and fitness experts the world has seen.

But Rosemary’s life was not to be one of unbounded achievement and success. As well as the good times there were dark and distressing times, and here she tells of the sorrows and setbacks that were to come – as well as the joy she found, and still finds, in helping people live healthier and happier lives.

Rose Blayney (left) receiving her ‘Making a Difference’ Award from HBBC Mayor Dawn Glenville
15For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 01530 590 135 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS garagefifor£895£895From*afullyttedelectricdoor. *O er valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override.
I’m pretty sure my dogs only sit in the window and watch me leave so they know when it is safe to sit on the couch.
Acupuncture has proven bene ts in the treatment of a range of medical conditions including the management of Chronic Pain, Migraines, Tinnitus, Fertility, Mental Health and many more. Please get in touch if you have any questions or to book an appointment. Contact: Hayley Curd on 07500 808762 or email contact@mark Hayley Curd MBAcC is a fully licensed member of the British Acupuncture Council. Markfield A cupuncture Clinic

According to Prof Seirian Sumner, a behavioural ecologist and entomologist at University College London, we should try to “understand what wasps want, and what they’re doing at certain times of the year.” In early and mid-summer “they’re not that interested in sugar, they want meat. The adults are vegetarian, but they hunt prey to feed to the larvae, who give them a sugary reward,” she says.

“Then, when the larvae pupate [in late summer and early autumn], there’s fewer that need feeding, and they don’t need to hunt, so wasps are sort of furloughed. And then they go in search of sugar, usually in flowers. But your prosecco, or beer, or jam sandwich is just as appealing.”

Her advice, then, is to distract wasps from yourself by offering them meat in early to mid-summer, and a saucer of cider or some jam on a lid in late summer and early autumn.Sumner stresses that the world would be much worse off without wasps: they are excellent at pest control and are also fine pollinators.

More on wasps in her book: Endless Forms: The Secret World of Wasps (HarperCollins)

Hidden danger of gum disease

THIS WILL encourage you to brush your teeth: it seems that gum disease can increase your risk of developing mental health problems and other illnesses by more than a third.

So say some researchers at the University of Birmingham, following a recent study of more than 64,000 patients with a history of gum disease. It was found that patients had a higher likelihood of developing depression, anxiety, autoimmune conditions such as arthritis, Type 1 diabetes or psoriasis, a skin condition. They were also found to be more likely to have heart or blood problems or Type 2 diabetes.

One doctor pointed out that, sadly, “poor oral health is extremely common, both here in the UK and globally.”

And, “when oral ill-health progresses, it can lead to a substantially reduced quality of life.”

The study, one of the largest of its kind, was published in The BMJ.

Wise Words

My grandfather told me that there are two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was less competition there.

Indira Gandhi

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Four worms

A MINISTER decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon on temperance.

So four worms were placed into four separate jars. The first worm was put into a container of alcohol. The second was put into a container of cigarette smoke. The third was put into a container of chocolate syrup, and the fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.

At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results: The first worm in alcohol . . . dead. The second worm in cigarette smoke . . .dead. Third worm in chocolate syrup . . . dead. The fourth worm in good clean soil . . . alive. So, the minister asked his congregation, “What did you learn from this demonstration?”

There was silence, until one farmer at the back hazarded: “That as long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won’t have worms?”

Don’t forget to send us your news. Thanks!

THE HERALD • MID-SEPTEMBER 2022 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: Based in Merrylees VEHICLE REFINISH & BODY REPAIR Car And Motorcycle Paint Work Specialist Providing Vehicle Accident Body Repair, Refinishing, Colour Coding, T5 Upgrades, Servicing & Diagnostics Tel: 07989 600 627 Email: Visit our website to see examples of our work: Dent Removal Panel Replacement Scratch Repairs All Car Body Repairs Car & Motorcyle Servicing and Diagnostics Servicing Brake Replacement For friendly advice and prices for all car body repairs, call Dan on 07989 600 627 . OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Based in Merrylees VEHICLE REFINISH & BODY REPAIR Car And Motorcycle Paint Work Specialist Providing Vehicle Accident Body Repair, Refinishing, Colour Coding, T5 Upgrades, Servicing & Diagnostics Tel: 07989 600 627 Email: Visit our website to see examples of our work: Dent Removal Panel Replacement Scratch Repairs All Car Body Repairs Car & Motorcyle Servicing and Diagnostics WE ARE NOW OFFERING Servicing & Brake Replacement For friendly advice and prices for all car body repairs, call Dan on 07989 600 627 . OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Forgive the WASPS - and learn to understand them CHANCES ARE that you were irritated by wasps this summer – there were a lot of them about. But did you know what they were really looking for?
Getting out of bed in the morning always gave me a headache until I tried it feet first.

Thoughts on the Coronation & Jubilee

THE FOLLOWING LETTER was sent in by Markfield resident Margaret Pike in July - and was intended for the August issue of The Herald. Unfortunately, the hand-written letter was accidentally misplaced and omitted from last month’s issue. Following the sad news of Queen Elizabeth’s death, it feels even more poignant now. We are delighted to be able to include it in this month’s magazine. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are frequently asked questions

The ones I’d never ask?

Why do cookies make suggestions

Intruding on each task?

Why does ev’ry Tom and Harry

However, those of us of later years may recall that the weather then was just the same as for our Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June 2022 - rather cold and wet.

Mr Bill Geary - with his new cine camera - made a film capturing all the people and children lining Main Street, Markfield with their flags, macs, rain hoods and wellies in June 1953.

My dad was lucky to be given a television set on his retirement - a leaving gift just in time for Coronation special viewing.

We actually got the set working - they were rather delicate in those days and sometimes needed a good thump to re-start a programme.

Of course, our neighbours seized the opportunity for a free viewing. All was happy in the lounge full of people but Mum decided that they should all be fed. I had no option but to make sandwiches, therefore missing a lot of the Coronation ceremony.

The magnificent Golden Coach was a wonderful sight at both the Coronation procession and Jubilee parade. The Queen always said how uncomfortable it was to ride in. We enjoyed the sight though.

Our Coronation evening was spent in the Markfield Institute, which is now replaced by houses. I think Mr Jim Mee gave us a song which was very popular at the time called ‘In a Golden Coach’.Perhaps, even in this day and age it summons up what we think of our Queen, both at her Coronation and in her Jubilee year.

I have remembered the words, so I hope they are right!

In a golden coach, there’s a heart of gold Driving through old London town

With the sweetest Queen the world’s ever Wearingseenher golden crown.

As she drives in state through the palace Hergatebeauty the whole world will see

In a golden coach there’s a heart of gold That belongs to you and me.

Assume my phone is smartThat it’s something I must carry An inch beside my heart?

I prefer to store my files

But that is not allowed

They go ten thousand miles To somewhere called a ‘cloud’.

I do not own my software

Whatever my intent

It’s somewhere up aloft there, And I must pay a rent.

The modern world is bumpy And hard to navigate

It often makes me grumpy Despairing of my fate;

And frequently – each hour

I ask the question why Computers have such power O’er folk like you and I?

YOUNGER people in Markfield village will not be expected to remember Coronation Day 1953.
17For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at I‘d call my fashion style “clothes that still fit.” Get Your VINFLUENZASeasonalaccinationEarly FLU CLINICS will be available for patients from the beginning of October. If you fall into any of the following groups, you are eligible for a seasonal influenza vaccination. MARKFIELD MEDICAL CENTRE Chitter man Way, Markfield Tel: 01530 242313 l All children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2022; l Those aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups; l Pregnant women; l Those aged 65 years and over; l Those in long-stay residential care homes; l Carers; l Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals; l Those aged 50 to 64 years – After the 15th of October; l Frontline staff employed by the following types of social care providers without employer led occupational health schemes: F A registered residential care or nursing home; F Registered domiciliary care provider; F A voluntary managed hospice provider; We have planned three SATURDAYS: 1st, 15th & 22nd OCTOBER. There will also be various clinics during the week, all these clinics are available to book online and text messages will be sent via a link or you can call us on 01530 242313 to book. If we receive Covid Vaccinations, these will be offered at the same time. Talbott House, Leicester Road, Anstey, Leicester, Leicestershire LE7 7AT Email: Website: We can take care of every detail, advise and help you on each and every step of the way. Funeral arrangements can be made in the comfort of your own home if preferred. 0116 234 0548 • Qualified Funeral Directors • Floral Tributes arranged • Hearse, Limousines and alternatives available • Monumental Service • Car parking available • Online tribute and donation profile
Catering suite
Chapels of rest
Funeral plans available
24 hour service

Two storey side extension (following demolition of garage and study room), single storey rear extension, new pitched roof to replace flat roof to front elevation and alterations to front dormer window - at 62 Main Street, Thornton, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1AG.

Erection of three 3 bedroom, 2 storey dwellings, one 6 bedroom House of Multiple Occupation, extension to existing bungalow, widening of access driveway - at 314A Station Road, Bagworth, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1BN.

Single storey rear extenson (to replace conservatory)

Single storey garage to front and two storey side extension to rear of ex property revised scheme 3 - at 14 The Hawthorns LeicestershireMarkfieldLE679SS

Proposed construction of two storey dwellinghouse - at Land Rear Of 237 Main Street, Thornton, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1AH.

Proposed 98 bed hotel with leisure facility & spa (Class C1) (outline - access to be considered only) - at Forest Hill Golf & Country Club, Markfield Lane, Botcheston, Leicestershire LE9 9FH.

Proposed part change of use of agriculural site to children’s educational facility - at Land South East Of Markfield Lane, Thornton, Leicestershire.

Markfield & Thornton Theatre Group’s Next Production is ...

‘THREE FOR ALL’ Three One Act Plays

WE ARE DELIGHTED to bring you news of our forthcoming productions in October!

When selecting plays, we always try to consider how best to please our audiences whilst, at the same time, maintaining the MTTG tradition of presenting worthwhile productions which are entertaining, amusing and possibly thought-provoking as well as challenging in part!

In October, we will present “THREE FOR ALL” – a selection of One Act Plays which , together, offer variety and create an entertaining evening of drama!

Three of our gentleman members have stepped up to the mark to act as directors –David Woodward, Wayne Roberts and Tadeusz Dobrowolski.David’schoice

is “Cafe Fear” , described as a tragi-comedy and written by Paul John Matthews. Synopsis:- Two newspaper reporters are following up reports that a patient has escaped from a local secure hospital. They stop off at a café to ask directions but soon realise that they are in a very strangeWayneplace.haschosen

“Joining The Club”- a comedy by the prolific and popular author David Tristram. Synopsis:- This is the night that Jenny, a highly successful career woman who is unexpectedly expectant, plans to reveal the results of her home pregnancy test to her husband, Tom. But he has some startling news of his own...

The third Play, “Alright on the Night?”, written by Robin Wilson and chosen by Tadeusz, will, he promises us, end the evening with a smile. Synopsis:- It’s the dress rehearsal for the Downcot Players’ production, but one stage exit has been blocked by the WI and the Stage Manager has decided to concentrate on his acting. Not to mention the elderly actor who wanders off altogether...

Please Note: The plays are not suitable for younger children.

The plays will be performed at THORNTON COMMUNITY CENTRE from WEDNESDAY 5th October to Saturday 8th October at 7.30 p.m. nightly. Tickets, priced at £6, are AVAILABLE ON 07983 669689 or EMAIL: mttg.

Bring Your Own Nibbles & Drinks

The audience will be seated at tables, and you are welcome to bring your own nibbles and drinks. We do hope that you will come along to support your local Group. Your custom is very much valued.

Services at Trinity Methodist Church Markfield


Sunday 18th September

CTiM United Service 10.30 a.m. Morning worship with Holy Communion

Sunday 25th September

Harvest Festival - Supporting “Starfish Malawi” 10.30 a.m. Morning worship 6.00 p.m. Taize Prayer

Sunday 2nd October 10.30 a.m. Morning worship

Sunday 9th October 10.30 a.m. Morning worship

Sunday 16th October 10.00 a.m. CTiM United Service at St. Wilfrid’s, Coalville

Music Cafe

Thursday 22nd September, 13th October, 27th October

If you feel the need of a change of scenery & a bit of company - don’t be on your own. Why not join us in the Methodist Church for an afternoon of music, singing and friendship - with refreshments, at 2 o’clock on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month.

For more information please contact Linda on 01530 242607.

We extend a warm welcome to everyone to join us for worship and all our church activities.

Ping-pong is the perfect sport because it combines everything I love about both tennis and not moving. Apps
THE HERALD • MID-SEPTEMBER 2022 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
FOOT & THERAPY CLINIC Diagnose - Treatment - Maintain Foot Health Practitioner in Markfield Professional, friendly advice & treatments including: • Toenail & fingernail trimming & filing • Callus reduction & smoothing • Ingrowing toenails • Corn removal • Thickened or fungal toenails • Cracked heels & dry skin • Verrucas & Athlete’s foot • Diabetic foot care Fully qualified & registered • Fully insured • Full DBS Jane Harwood-Scott DipFHP, MCFHP, MAFHP For appointments - Markfield Clinic or Home Visits ring: 01530 242277 or 07949 212128 or email:


~ A Poem by Paul Tuff ~

Let me tell you about the Mablethorpe Home

I went there when I was ten I‘ve been on many holidays Butsincenothing quite like it then.

I was specially chosen to go Lookingthere back, it seems quite sad As you only qualified by being poor

Or missing a Mum or Dad.

The first morning after Overbreakfastthesand dunes we did run Then - there it was in front of us The sand, the sea, the sun.

The smiles on our little faces Outshone the sun that day We were having a smashing Ontimeour fortnights holiday.

As night time fell upon the Anotherhome treat was in store We all lined up in single file Along the main corridor.

Bread and dripping was being Largeservedmugs of cocoa as well Althought it‘s been more than fifty years I can still remember that smell.

I‘ll never forget that holiday The first one on my own When I went away a ten year old But came back fully grown.

Mediterranean Fish Bake

This is a great one-pan dish full of fresh flavour. Monkfish is quite pricey but the meaty flesh is delicious and bakes really well, however you can replace it with cod loin, salmon steaks or thick pieces of haddock fillet if you prefer. Serve with a green salad and warmed ciabatta bread to mop up all the lovely herb and lemon flavoured pan juices.

Serves: 2 Ready in: 50 mins


• 2 tbsp olive oil (choose a good quality fruity one)

• 350g small new potatoes, halved

• 1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks

• 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks

• 1 green pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks

• 225g small plum tomatoes, halved

• 4 monkfish fillets (each weighing about 150g)

• 50g butter, softened

• Pared rind and juice from 1 small lemon, plus extra wedges to serve

• 1 tbsp fresh chopped oregano

• Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Table Top Sale in Ratby

Book Your Table Now!

Don’t miss the Table Top Sale on Saturday 8th October from 10am-1pm at Ratby Parish Church & Church rooms.

The cost for renting a table is £8.

If you wish to book a table or require further information please contact Joan Hawkins tel: 07545 909868 or Anne Koscielska tel: 07813 645923.

Refreshments will be available in church rooms.

1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6. Place the oil in a large non-stick roasting tin and heat in the oven for 5 minutes. Add the potatoes to the tin and toss to coat in the hot oil. Roast for 20 minutes, turning once.

2. Add the peppers and tomatoes to the roasting tin and toss to coat in the hot oil. Make a space in the tin and add the monkfish fillets. Return the roasting tin to the oven for 10 minutes.

3. Dot the butter over the fish fillets and sprinkle over the lemon rind, juice and oregano. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and roast for a further 5-10 minutes until the fish is just cooked through and the potatoes and peppers are tender.

4. Slice each monkfish fillet and arrange with the potatoes, peppers and tomatoes on four warmed serving plates. Spoon over the pan juices and serve immediately with lemon wedges.

TIP Replace the peppers with sliced courgettes, chunks of celery and baby button mushrooms, if liked.
19For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at Sorry I said “You’ll Do” instead of “I Do” at our wedding. Phil Mob:01530Durham23192807535182402290StationRoadBAGWORTHLE671BN IT’S BACK! 2 CARPETS FOR £50

Thornton Teas with a Twist – 3Ts


FOLLOWING ON from the Jubilee tea there will be free social afternoons at Thornton Community Centre twice a month on Wednesdays until December. If this new venture proves successful, we hope to continue in the New Year.

The first two will be on 14th and 28th September from 2 to 4 pm, with scones jam and cream on 14th. All no charge.

Everyone is invited to drop in for a cuppa, cake and chat. Jig saws, and board games will be provided and a book swap and freebie table. There will be toys available for young families.

It’s your afternoons. Meet new friends, exchange ideas, learn new skills or just come for the company.

Just pop in and spend some time in happy surroundings.

A huge thank you to the Community Centre trustees for the room hire and start up donation.

If you would like to help with these Wednesdays, even for just the odd one, please do let me know.

Organised by the village for the villagers.Formore information contact me, Shirley, on 01530 230 422 or shirley.garlick19@btinternet.comemail

Dear Friends,

AS I WRITE this, we’re deeply saddened by the news of the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Whatever our background, wherever we stand politically, people of any faith or none, are united in grief for this remarkable woman. Not surprising as she had a record-breaking reign, lived out her faith with integrity, and was the nation’s favourite GreatGrandma.Butthere

was also something else. The Queen spoke of her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, as “her strength and stay”, and she has also been a “strength and stay” for us. She has been a steady point in a rapidly changing, scary world, and for many of us, the only monarch we’ve known. I guess I’m not the only one who might get my pronouns muddled up in the National Anthem at the moment!

The Queen has been able to steady us this way, because she knew herself loved by God. Our new King shows every sign of being able to do the same, for the same reason. May we support our new King as he starts his reign, while mourning for his much-loved mother. May we also all know we are known and loved by God, and be a “strength and stay” for others in these troubled times.

Judith Lincoln

Minister, Trinity Methodist Church, FBwww.markfieldmethodistchurch.orgMarkfieldMarkfieldMethodistChurch

Local Church Services


18 September 22 St Michaels and All Angels, Markfield 10.30am CTIM at ChurchMethodist

St Peter's, Copt Oak 3.00pm Holy Communion

St Peter's, Thornton 10.30am Morning Prayer

Catholic Church Of St Wilfrid Of York 53 London Road, Coalville, LE67 3JB 01530 832098

Markfield Village Mass: Tuesday 4 October at 7 pm in Markfield Community Congregational Church, Main St. Please note the change of day (Tuesday, not Wednesday) but same venue. You are all very welcome to come along and join us.Sunday Masses: Saturday 6 pm and Sunday 10 am upto and including the weekend of 1st and 2nd October. Please see Parish Newsletter on the website below for Mass times and venues thereafter.

Weekday Masses: Monday and Thursday at 10 am in the Oratory in the presbytery upto and including Thursday 6th October. Please see Parish Newsletter on the website below for Mass times, days and venues thereafter.

St Wilfrid’s and Holy Cross Parishes joining together: There will be an important meeting between parishioners of St Wilfrid’s, Coalville and Holy Cross, Whitwick, at Holy Cross Parish Hall, Parsonwood Hill, Whitwick, LE67 5AT on Monday 19th September at 7.30 pm. Please try to come along to this meeting at which all Mass times and venues will be agreed.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: You can book an appointment with Fr Gabriel to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation. Please call the presbytery to book an appointment – 01530 832098.


Free entry and parking with a raffle raising funds for BrowseRainbows.amongst stalls selling a range of lovely goods and confectionery.

The bar will be open serving drinks and snacks.

St Mary's, Stanton under Bardon 10.30am J22 Worship with Holy Communion

25 September 22 St Michaels and All Angels, Markfield 6.00pm Holy Communion

St Peter's, Copt Oak 6.00pm Evening Prayer

St Peter's, Thornton 10.30am Holy Communion

St Mary's, Stanton under Bardon 10.30am ‘SomethingserviceDifferent’

28 August 22 St Michaels and All Angels, Markfield 3.00pm Holy Communion

St Peter's, Copt Oak 6.00pm Evening Prayer

St Peter's, Thornton 10.30am Holy Communion

St Mary's, Stanton under Bardon 10.30am SomethingServiceDifferent

2 October 22 St Michaels and All Angels, Markfield 10.30am J22 Worship (Harvest)

St Peter's, Copt Oak 6.00pm Holy Communion

St Peter's, Thornton 10.30am All Age (Harvest)Service

St Mary's, Stanton under Bardon 10.30am Holy Communion

9 October 22 St Michaels and All Angels, Markfield 10.30am Holy Communion

St Peter's, Copt Oak 3.00pm Praise Service (Service of the Word)

St Peter's, Thornton 10.30am J22 Worship with Holy Communion

St Mary's, Stanton under Bardon 10.30am Morning Prayer

Parish Contact: Parish Priest: Fr Gabriel Offor –01530 832098 www.stwilfspriest@ gmail.comParishWebsite:’sRCPrimarySchool,01530837747www.DeLisleRCCollege,01509268739

Churches Together in Markfield UnitedSundayServices:18September at 10.30 am at Trinity Methodist Church, Main St.

Christian Aid Coffee Morning: Saturday 17 September, 10 am to 12 noon, at the Trinity Methodist Church. Toasted teacakes, tombola, Red stall and cake stall. Everyone is most welcome.

Village Contact: Margaret on 01530 243292 or Gwen on 01530 813422

THE HERALD • MID-SEPTEMBER 2022 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: I’m starting a sarcasm club. It would mean the world to me if you joined.
Thursday 3rd November 6-9pm at Lingdale Golf Club, Joe Moore’s Lane, WoodhouseLeics.LE12Loughborough,Eaves,8TF.

Be kind to hedgehogs

THE LATEST State of Britain’s Hedgehogs report warns that between 30 per cent and 75 per cent of the UK’s population of hedgehogs has been lost in rural areas in the last two decades. The largest falls are in the eastern half of England.

However, there is some evidence that in our towns and cities, a more stable population may be establishing itself, thanks to the constant help from considerate gardeners and animal-lovers. If you have a garden, and would like to help hedgehogs this coming winter, please garden

First day back at school

IT WAS THE first day of school. As the new Head made his rounds, he heard a terrible commotion coming from one of the classrooms.

He rushed in and spotted one boy, taller than the others, who seemed to be making the most noise. He seized the lad, dragged him to the hall, and despite his protests, told him to wait there until he was Returningexcused.

to the classroom, the Head restored order and lectured the class about the importance of good behaviour. “Now,” he said, “are there any questions?”

One girl stood up timidly. “Please sir,” she asked, “May we have our teacher back?”

South Charnwood High School

South Charnwood High School

‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’

Headteacher: Simon Andrews

‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’

Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree

Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake Business Manager: Alistair Keates

Headteacher: Simon Andrews

Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree

Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake Business Manager: Alistair Keates

Facilities Assistants - 3G Pitch and Lettings (Casual hours that can fit around other commitments)

We are looking for Facilities Assistants who will be part of our Premises Team, supporting afterschool 3G pitch and whole school lettings.

The role will involve opening and shutting the site, assisting with the setting up of facilities, clearing of pitches, ensuring the area is kept clean and free of litter and liaising with and assisting users.

The hours of work will fall between the times of Monday to Friday between 4:45pm and 10:00pm and Saturday and Sunday between 8:45 am and 6:15pm. This is an ideal opportunity for someone who wants to work within the community. These are casual hours and can fit around other commitments.

Rate of pay is £9.79 to £9.89 per hour.

If you are interested in this role, please see the school website at for an information pack and application form. Alternatively, telephone 01530 242351 or email:

As this job is designated as a ‘regulated activity’ an enhanced DBS check with Barred list check is essential

‘South Charnwood High School – Committed to Safeguarding Children and Young People’

Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351 Email:

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 08423539

Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351 Email:

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 08423539

21For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at Who invented the brush they put next to the toilet? That thing hurts!

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration Sunflower Challenge

SOME LOVELY photographs are now starting to come in showing residents efforts in growing sunflowers in response to our Ukraine fund raising appeal.

Despite the scorching and dry weather, it is quite amazing that they have survived and grown. I have to say that mine were a dismal failure despite all my best efforts to keep them alive. Well done to those who have swonderful ubmitted their photographs and if you still have photographs to send us, please do so as we will be announcing the winner in the next edition of the Herald.

Community Park

IT HAS BEEN really nice to see our local residents enjoying the Community Park over the summer holidays.

Even though the grass became scorched and rather brown children, parents and residents enjoyed the open space playing, walking and even having a few picnics on the park. The vast majority of people have been well behaved and have respected this wonderful public space. Sadly a few morons have not behaved so well. Apart from breaking down some tree branches, littering and “uprooting” and tipping over of waste bins some mindless individual had found it funny to daub the pathways with what can only be described as offensive and obscene graffiti. It is too obscene to publish in the Herald. Why do this? The Parish Council has expended a lot of funding and effort to create this wonderful open space in the village to be enjoyed by all. Having spoken to many people they are all appalled by this mindless criminal and offensive damage to a much-appreciated village resource. To whoever did this, be aware that this has been reported to the Police and an apology would be appreciated though I doubt if one will be forthcoming!!

Mayflower Club

ON THE 3RD August Jane Hayward came along to give a talk about the importance of taking care of your feet.

I think that we tend to forget our feet until something goes wrong. Bad foot care can lead to pain, ill health and affect your mobility. Indeed, one of our members was overjoyed when he took up an appointment with Jane and he was full of praise stating that it was like “walking on clouds” after he had the treatment. So, the message is “Look after your feet” and don’t ignore anyMembersproblems.thought

that it would be nice that to mark the planting of the Queens’s Platinum Celebration Silver Birch tree by resident and club member Pat Fossey. So, members clubbed together to get a special commemoration plaque made for her. On a hot afternoon whilst sheltering under the shadow of a tree, members watched as Pat unveiled her special plaque made by local resident Mac. It was made even more special as Pat was about to celebrate her 94th birthday.

On the 17th August we had a music quiz based on British television programme themes from the 1950’s through to the 1970’s. It is amazing how we all remember the tunes but for the life of us cannot recall the programme. Still, it was a bit of fun as well as a journey down memory lane.

On the 24th August we held our now annual end of summer BBQ. Once again, the theme was “Pirates of the Caribbean” with members dressed up as swarthy buccaneers. Members were treated to a BBQ of chicken, burgers and sausages with coleslaw and potato salad. Desserts consisted

of fruit salad, Jamaica Ginger and other cakes washed down with a special Caribbean punch or tropical fruit juice. For entertainment we had a background of Caribbean steel drum music whilst members pondered over some Pirate jokes and a pirate picture quiz. Instead of “walking the plank” members took the Pirate challenge which consisted of trying to at a pineapple slice suspended from above with their hands behind their backs. I must also mention one of our members Gabriella who knitted a fabulous pirate doll which was awarded Shirley the winner of the Pirate Challenge.

On the 31st August we all went along to the Bull’s Head at Abbots Oak for a nice lunch. It was great to enjoy a cooked lunch whilst having a natter with all our friends. Thanks go to Carole for arranging the lunch, Helen for doing the free raffle and of course the staff who, once again, made us feel most welcome.Members of our Arts and Crafts club have nearly completed their ponchos with wonderful results. The tutors are now turning their minds to create Christmas items and decorations so. If you would like to join in just turn up on Monday afternoons. It costs only £2 per sessions and materials are provided.Fromtalking

to local residents there appears to be many people out there who are experiencing loneliness and isolation. If you one of these people or you know someone who is the Mayflower Club is just the place for you. Give it a try. All our members are most welcoming and you will enjoy meeting new friends, having a natter and getting out of your home on a regular basis. If you want a chat about the club and how it can help you, please give us a call on 01530 242240. Many of our current members will also tell you how the club has been a blessing and how much they appreciate it.

If you are interested in joining in the Mayflower Club meets on Wednesday afternoons and our Friendship and Arts and Crafts Clubs meet on Monday afternoons all from 2pm to 4pm. Just turn up on the day and you will be most welcome. It only costs £2 per session and you get a cuppa and biscuits.

Markfield Good Neighbour’s Scheme – Donations For Food Bank

With this in mind, we have started to collect donated items which we will deliver to Coalville food bank to help with their supplies. If you have any donations of non-perishable food or other items, please drop them off at the centre or call us on 07885 243033.

National Blood Service Dates

26th October • 21st December • Sessions are from 11.30am to 9pm

Booking the Centre

FOR BOOKINGS AND ENQUIRIES please contact Markfield Community and Sports Centre,Mayflower Close, Markfield LE67 9ST on 01530 242240 or email or you can visit our website www.markfield to view our facilities, latest news, photo gallery and information about the Centre.

Ron and Dawn Grantham

THE CURRENT financial and energy crisis is starting to bite and the winter may prove extremely difficult for many people and families.
THE HERALD • MID-SEPTEMBER 2022 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: I bet the sheep that make steel wool are awesome. Markfield Community and Sports Centre News Tel: 01530 242240 • • Words & pictures from Ron & Dawn Grantham

South Charnwood High School

FREE Counselling Service

HOSPICE HOPE is delighted to announce that it has expanded its popular counselling service and will now be delivering additional counselling hours at the Marlene Reid Centre, Coalville, in addition to the counselling sessions it provides at Hope House, Griffydam.

The expansion of our counselling service has been made possible by grants awarded by the Hinckley and Rugby Building Society and the ‘Getting Help in Neighbourhoods Fund Adult Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund’, which is managed by the Leicestershire and Rutland Community Foundation.Telephone counselling hours have also been increased through these funds, offering more people the option to access counselling in their own homes.Hospice Hope’s Charity Manager, Jim Vickrage, commented, “Counselling gives individuals the chance to address their problems in a positive way by helping to clarify issues, explore options, develop strategies and increase self-awareness. We are delighted to be able to grow this valuable service as it delivers support direct to people who need it”. Hospice Hope is now offering 20 hours of free face to face or telephone counselling each week, supporting individuals in North West Leicestershire who have a condition that leads to a reduction in quality of life or who have been diagnosed with a life limiting condition, as well as offering support to their partner or carer.

To find out more about the charity, all our support services, and how you may be able to help us continue our invaluable work please contact Hospice Hope at, visit our website at www. or call us on 07935 800 658.

Hospice Hope is a registered charity, number 1169561.

South Charnwood High School

‘encouraging people’

‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’

Headteacher: Simon Andrews

Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree

Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake Business Manager: Alistair

Site Manager

Permanent, Full-Time (37 hours per week)

Grade 10 - £29,208 progressing to £32,808 per annum (pay award pending)

Required, as soon as possible, a confident, conscientious and selfmotivated individual to take overall responsibility for the whole school site and its facilities and resources in order to provide a high quality, cost effective, and efficient service that directly supports the learning and working environment for all.

If you have experience of site management or premises work, have dealt with contractors and undertaken a supervisory role, we would love to hear from you.

Please see the school website at www.southcharnwood.leics. for an information pack and application form. Alternatively, telephone 01530 242351 or email:

As this job is designated as a ‘regulated activity’ an enhanced DBS check with Barred list check is essential

Closing date for applications: 12 noon, Tuesday 20th September 2022

Interviews: w/c 26th September 2022

‘South Charnwood High School – Committed to Safeguarding Children and Young People’

Headteacher: 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351 England and Wales with company number 08423539 CHOIR (Musical Director, Judy Dodd). The choir will be singing a selection of popular songs including songs from the musicals. The choir will entertain us from 6-30pm to 7-30pm. This then will be followed by the finger own bottle wish.There is no charge for this event although you will be able to leave a donation towards our Clock repairs if you choose further information or to book a place please contact Anne Koscielska tel: 07813 645923.

The Mamas & Papas song Monday, Monday was inspired by the Beatles song Eight Days A Week.
23For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at
Keates Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB. Tel: 01530 242351 Email: A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 08423539
excellence, valuing
Simon Andrews Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake Business Manager: Alistair Keates Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67
A company limited by guarantee registered in
Tae Kwon-Do Classes T A G B Style Classes Monday & Wednesday 6pm -7pm at Markfield Community & Sports Centre Mayflower Close, Markfield LE67 9ST Ÿ Improve your mental health Ÿ Walk with confidence through life Ÿ Increase your mobility & flexibility Ÿ Lose weight & control your weight Ÿ Become a better person Martial Arts can help you to: INSTRUCTOR DETAILS David Griffin (4th Degree Black Belt) 43 years experience in Martial Arts - 25 years teaching TKD Fully Insured & DBS Checked FIRST LESSON FREE! Call: 07762 734526 Luke Griffin WorldChampion Be entertained at the Ratby Church Harvest Supper COME AND join us at our Harvest Supper to be held in the Church on Saturday 2nd October. As well as a “bring and share” supper we will be entertained by the TUDOR
buffet.Tea/coffee and juices will be available but feel free to bring your
if you
All AutoclainstrumentsvedforS100% TERILISATIONLOOK AFTER YOUR FEET AND THEY’LL TAKE YOU PLACES! Mobile foot care service Treatment in the comfor t of your own home. Nail cutting, thickened nails, corns, callus, cracked heels and foot health advice. or email Donna at: Call today for an appointment 07340 029861

Hasta la vista in Bagworth

SATURDAY 27TH AUGUST saw the welcome return of what has become a Bagworth institution – the Bagworth Show.

This began in 2002. Sadly in 2020 and 2021, the Show had to be cancelled due to restrictions around the pandemic.

It was good to hold this event this year and once again see exhibitors who have become old friends. Sadly, due to the two year break and also the effects of the very hot weather on vegetables, fruit and flowers, some of the classes were not as full of produce as they are normally. Nevertheless, the people who attended appeared to have a good time and there was a friendly atmosphere in the Community Centre throughout the day.

The Bagworth Forward Group (BFG) who organised the event managed to raise about £750, which will be used to enhance the life of the Onvillage.the day, 22 cups and trophies were available to be won. The Adrian Smith Trophy for Best in Show was presented to Dave Gammon

The trophy for the Best Allotment was won by Richard Kind. The winners of the best front gardens in the village were 10 Main Street (large) and 5 Meadow Close (small).

The limerick competition, where the first line is given, was won by Andy with the following entry:

If anyone has any bright ideas for events that could take place on Show Day on the field next to Sure Start - or, better still - if someone would like to organise an event in that area, then please contact Rob on 01530 230395 or Bob at

Thanks go to everyone who, in whatever way, helped to contribute to the success of the day. If you attended the event and enjoyed it, or if you didn’t attend and you want to see what an amazing event it is, we will return in 2023 on Saturday 26th August.

You are warmly encouraged to attend.

We were sorry that the Dog Show had to be cancelled.

How to stop gettinglorriesstuck

HAVE YOU ever come across a huge lorry jammed tight somewhere, and wondered WHY ON EARTH the driver chose that route?

The answer is probably that they used a satnav system designed to helpNowcars.the Local Government Association (LGA), which represents councils in England and Wales, is calling for a change in the law. It argues that HGVs should use only specialist navigation tools designed to keep them on wider roads.Thecall comes following a series of incidents involving HGVs in impossible places. One lorry was determined to get under a tiny bridge in Leicestershire, but instead shut the road for 12 hours. Another lorry nosed itself deep into a narrow street in Bristol, and was stuck for 15 hours. A third lorry tackled a very narrow railway bridge in Swindon, and crashed, causing hours of delay to numerous trains and dozens of cars.

Councillor David Renard, LGA transport spokesman, said: “The spate of accidents we continue to see, on an all too regular basis, is causing major disruption to local communities.”

Henry Ford’s secret ...

When the late Mr and Mrs Henry Ford celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, a reporter asked them: “To what do you attribute your fifty years of successful married life?”

“The formula,” said Ford, “is the same formula I have always used in making cars – just stick to one model.”

A lass came to Bagworth in May Or ‘Bag’uth’ as the locals do say She tried to talk proper But villagers did stop her And told her to “please go away”.
THE HERALD • MID-SEPTEMBER 2022 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: Whenever I have a headache, I take two aspirins and keep away the children, like the bottle says.

• Power Maxx Platinum VIBRATIONS PLATE. Good working order including instructions. Price: £25.

Tel: 07855 290073 (Glenfield)

• Astraka FULL-LENGTH COAT & HOOD. Excellent condition. Price: £35 o.n.o. Tel: 07999 768521 or 0116 287 8987 (Groby)


1000-piece £4.00. 1x Thomas Kinkade 1000-piece £4.00. 1x puzzle with unique shapes a challenge 1000-piece £4.00. 1x festive puzzle 1000-piece. Can supply photos.

Tel: 07790 734858 (Groby)

• Pedestrian GARDEN GATE - ledged & braced - size: 1m 80mm X 90mm wide. Requires one slat and new furniture. Price: £25. Can deliver.

Tel: 07715 853571 (Glenfield)

• DESSERT GLASSES. 6 x Bormioli Rocco JERBA Clear glass dessert dishes curved stem Italian.BRAND new in original box never used. Price: £60.

Tel: 07929 473888 (Groby)

• GARAGE DOOR, Remote Controlled up and over type (disassembled) with Cardale 659-T electric opening mechanism and 2 remote controls, NOVOFERM ISO20MM GEORGIAN model, powder coated in white with insulated panels installed 8 years ago on an 80’s Fitchett/Bloor garage. Dimensions: 6’10” wide, 6’6” height (2,083mm x 1,981mm) Price £189.

Tel: 07860 523567 (Groby)

• Boxed Flymo PowerVac 3000 Powerful LEAF BLOWER/ LEAF VAC / MULCHER. Complete with all attachments. Virtually new. Price: £35.

• EGG POACHER - 4 poaching cups, non stick, sturdy heavy stainless steel body, little used, can also be used as a pan. Price: £8

• Vintage Art Deco frameless bevelled rectangular MIRROR with chain, 1920s. Size 49cm x 76cm - excellent condition. Price: £20

Tel: 01530 242318 or 07763 110929 (Markfield)

• Halfords Apollo Elyse LADIES BIKE - 16” frame, 700c wheels, 18 gears. Purple/grey/black. The latest version is £230 at Halfords. This one has only been ridden a handful of times and is like new. Price: £125.

Tel: 07950058568 (Groby)

• Nibra POWER FITNESS MACHINE - Slim 2 - plus mat and accessories. Only used once. As new. Price: £50.

• Ten Endangered Animal Species PLATES. Price: £50.

Tel: 0116 287 5818 (Glenfield)


Tel: 07508 723698 (Markfield)

• Binatone Tom Tom SATNAV - touch screen. Brand new, still in box. Price: £45.

• Car BATTERY CHARGER - up to 1.8L. Brand new. Price: £25.00

• HAMMER DRILL - as new. Very powerful.Price: £20.

Tel: 07957 915183 (Groby)

• VINTAGE BIKE - 1950s. Humber Make. Black with Basket. Price: £100.

Tel: 01530 244572 or 07729 332067 (Stanton under Bardon)

• Pro-Fitness CROSS TRAINERUsed, Good Condition. Not dismantled so will require a van for pick up. Price: £35.

Tel: 07473 926657 (Markfield)

• Enfold Lite FOLDING BIKE. Excellent condition. Will include helmet, lock and Price:pump.£135 o.v.n.o.

Tel: 07743 015377 (Thornton)

• DOUBLE SOFA BED in distinctive rustic colours with 2 matching Price:cushions/pillows.£50.(Two pairs of MATCHING CURTAINS could be made available for an additional £20 if required.)

• LARGE EXERCISE MACHINE for arms & legs together.

Price: £40

• SMALL EXERCISE MACHINE for arms or legs separately.

Price: £15.

Tel: 01530 243158 (Markfield)

• Two Tefal Non stick FRYING PANS 20cm & 26cm.

• Two Tefal Non stick SAUCEPANS 17cm & 15cm.

All excellent condition. Price: £20 for the set.

Tel: 07905 558349 (Bagworth)

• Full set of GOLF CLUBS for sale - all good condition. Mizuno irons, Dunlop woods with covers and Slazenger putter. Price: £60

• Williams GOLF BAG. Price: £20

• White Adidas GOLF SHOES, worn once - size 11. Price: £15.

• Black Slazenger GOLF SHOES worn twice - size 11. Price: £15.

Tel: 07961 463080 (Thornton)

• 15” Matsui HD Ready DIGITAL

LCD TV. Full working order with remote and instruction book. Price: £15.00.

• 2 X Eagle Claw car anti theft crook locks. 2 keys for each. Price: £6.00 each or £10.00 the pair.

Tel: 07585 344915 (Markfield)

• Space Saver SPARE WHEEL, JACK AND WHEEL BRACE for Nissan Juke (2015 model). As new. Price: £85.00

Tel: 01530 231089 (Thornton)

IF YOU HAVE any household items which you’d like to advertise FREE in the Herald, please SEND DETAILS by post or email - sorry, we can’t take them over the phone. Maximum 8 items please.

Our postal address is: Herald Small Ads, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT or you can email details to:

PLEASE ENSURE that you put ‘SMALL ADS’ in the subject line, and INCLUDE YOUR FULL POSTAL ADDRESS (not for publication, just to know where you are).

Friendly Badminton Club Requires Players at Brookvale Groby Learning Trust, Ratby Road, Groby. Wednesdays 7pm-9pm

Tel: 0116 267 5800 Email: or call Mike Wilkinson on 01530 244069

25For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at An earthquake hit Las Vegas. 1,200 Elvises were all shook up.
Promote your business here every month Be in front of thousands of local readers as they find out more about their community

Andy Furlong’s

Borough Councillor Andy Furlong’s UPDATE

FROM MY REGULAR conversations with local people, it’s clear that anger, and frustration with many aspects of British life has increased over the last decade.

Much of this can be linked to the big scary issues like climate change, COVID-19, Brexit, overdevelopment, and the cost-of-living crisis that confronts Herald readers. But sometimes it’s the little things that really get to people. The simple things that turnout to be horribly complicated. The anger, and frustration get very real; because the problem is - quite literallyin your own backyard.

From my regular conversations with local people, it's clear that anger, and frustration with many aspects of British life has increased over the last decade. Much of this can be linked to the big scary issues like climate change, COVID 19, Brexit, overdevelopment, and the cost of living crisis that confronts Herald readers But sometimes it's the little things that really get to people. The simple things that turnout to be horribly complicated The anger, and frustration get very real; because the problem is quite literally in your own backyard

In a further twist, I receive an email from my new friend at Orbit advising me that it would be necessary to serve a legal notice on the tenant who would be allowed 28 days to r espond. The sun continued to blaze down. Nothing is happening and the worried neighbours are back in Ontouch.theSunday of the bank holiday weekend, I sent a pithy email to Orbit’s ‘Head of Property ’ demanding that he stop hiding behind bureaucracy. My i nbox was bombarded with a surge of out of office replies. Two days later I receive another handwringing email from Orbit telling me that my request was ‘Illegal’. I begin to wonder if I’ve woken up in an episode of ‘Yes

This story has a happy ending. Bear with me and I will explain.

This story has a happy ending. Bear with me and I will explain.

Last month I wrote about the fires in Bradgate Park, and the risk posed by the extreme hot weather. My scribblings prompted several residents in Stanton under Bardon to contact me about a fire hazard that was much closer to home. I’ll keep the details vague to protect everyone involved, but the tale goes like this.

Last month I wrote about the fires in Bradgate Park, and the risk posed weather. My scribblings prompted several residents in Stanton under about a fire hazard that was much closer to home I'll keep the details vague to protect everyone involved, but the tale goes like this.

Picture a situation where your next door neighbour has been unable to keep their back garden in good shape. The grass is now waist deep and tinder dry. To make matters worse, the garden backs onto a well used public footpath. The sun is blazing down. cigarette end and we could have a major incident

Picture a situation where your next-door neighbour has been unable to keep their back garden in good shape. The grass is now waist deep and tinder dry. To make matters worse, the garden backs onto a well-used public footpath. The sun is blazing down. One stray cigarette end and we could have a major incident.

Inquiries revealed that the property in question was owned and rented by Orbit Housing. Formerly a council house, it was transferred to Orbit under arrangements put in place by the Conservative government in the 1980s. In view of the danger, neighbours contacted Orbit in early August requesting urgent action. Nothing happened.

Inquiries revealed that the property in question was owned and rented Formerly a council house, it was transferred to Orbit under arrangements put in place by the Conservative government in the 1980s. In view of the danger, neighbours contacted early August requesting urgent action. Nothing happened

ThenMinister’?boom!Out of the blue I receive a joyous phone call from the resident who originally raised the issue. The grass had been cut by two men working on Orbit’s behalf. They did an excellent job and the whole operation took just a couple of hours. Three long hot weeks has passed since the matter had first been drawn to Orbit’s attention, and finally the problem had been solved The fire hazard was no more.

me that it would be necessary to serve a legal notice on the tenant who would be allowed 28 days to respond. The sun continued to blaze down. Nothing is happening and the worried neighbours are back in touch.Onthe Sunday of the bank holiday weekend, I sent a pithy email to Orbit’s ‘Head of Property’ demanding that he stop hiding behind bureaucracy. My inbox was bombarded with a surge of out of office replies. Two days later I receive theexcellentbehalf.workingbeenissue.originallyfromaof‘Yesupwonder‘Illegal’.thatfromhandwringinganotheremailOrbittellingmemyrequestwasIbegintoifI’vewokeninanepisodeofMinister’?Thenboom!OuttheblueIreceivejoyousphonecalltheresidentwhoraisedtheThegrasshadcutbytwomenonOrbit’sTheydidanjobandwholeoperationtook

That’s not the end of the story though. The following morning, I received another email from Orbit. Apparently, they were still trying to talk with their tenant before serving a legal notice. I looked out of the window and smiled. It had just started to rain.

I was asked to help, and my first step was to contact the housing team at Hinckley and Bosworth: “Can you call Orbit and get them to pull their finger out!” This prompted a visit by two Orbit staff. After a site inspection, they agreed with the blindingly obvious. The grass was a fire hazard; and yes, it did need cutting. However, the Orbit people indicated that this was unlikely to be done quickly because a contractor would need to be appointed. These things take time. The sun continued to blaze down.

I was asked to help, and my first step was to contact the housing team at Hinckley and Bosworth: “ call Orbit and get them to pull their prompted a visit by two Orbit staff. After a site inspection, they agreed with the blindingly obvious The grass was a fire hazard; and yes, it did need cutting However, the Orbit people indicated that this was unlikely to be done quickly because a contractor would need to be appointed. These things take time. The sun continued to blaze down.

just a couple of hours. Three long hot weeks has passed since the matter had first been drawn to Orbit’s attention, and finally the problem had been solved. The fire hazard was no more.

That’s not the end of the story though. The following morning, I received another email from Orbit. Apparently, they were still trying to talk with their tenant before serving a legal notice. I looked out of the window and smiled. It had just started to rain.

I’m happy that I was able to help sort this one out. That’s what local councillors are for, and if you aren’t happy with what they do; well, don’t vote for them. But I can’t help thinking that it’s a pity that we don’t have a vote on the performance of organisations like Orbit or the utility companies, or the housing developers or the multinationals who must take much of blame for people’s anger and frustration at the state of modern Britain.

The frustrated neighbours were quickly back in touch Their discomfort was clear, and I decided to take up the issue directly with Orbit. After the best part of two hours on hold my patience snapped and I obtained the name and contact details for Orbit’s ‘Head of Property Safety’ but only after I had threatened to turn up in the back garden with a TV camera crew.

Keep in touch on 07881 922293 or via andy.furlong@hinckley

I’m happy that I was able to help sort this one out. That’s what local councillors are for, and if you aren’t happy with what they do; well, don’t vote for them. But I can’t help thinking that it’s a pity that we don’t have a vote on the performance of organisations like Orbit – or the utility companies, or the housing developers or the multinationals who must take much of blame for people’s anger and frustration at the state of modern Britain.

The frustrated neighbours were quickly back in touch. Their discomfort was clear, and I decided to take up the issue directly with Orbit. After the best part of two hours on hold my patience snapped and I obtained the name and contact details for Orbit’s ‘Head of Property Safety’ - but only after I had threatened to turn up in the back garden with a TV camera crew. Armed with a mobile phone number for a real person I felt we were getting somewhere. Then the plot thickened. I ended up in a fruitless exchange of emails discussing differing interpretations of the law relating to responsibility for tackling a fire hazard. To make matters worse I was told that Orbit would require written permission from the council to enter the garden and deal with the issue – at a property that they owned and managed! I relayed this to the housing team at Hinckley copying in the Chief Executive. The bank holiday weekend was looming, and the sun continued to blaze down.

Armed with a mobile phone number for a real person I felt we were getting somewhere . Then the plot thickened. I ended up in a fruitless exchange of emails discussing differing interpretations of the law relating to responsibility for tackling a fire hazard. To make matters worse I was told that Orbit would require written permission from the council to enter the garden and deal with the issue at a property that they owned and man aged! I relayed this to the housing team at Hinckley copying in the Chief Executive. The bank holiday weekend was looming, and the sun continued to blaze down.

In a further twist, I receive an email from my new friend at Orbit advising

Andy Furlong

Keep in touch on 07881 922293 or via

Before serious fire hazard Andy Furlong Three weeks later problem solved
THE HERALD • MID-SEPTEMBER 2022 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: Tel: 01530 231377 • Email:
UPDATEBorough Councillor Sometimes I make a mental note and then forget where I put it.

News from Botcheston WI And relax . . .

JUNE AND JULY being very busy, August has been a quieter month for Botcheston WI.

Botcheston Village held an old fashioned Village Fete on Saturday 20th August and WI supported by running a tombola – we were able to spread the word of WI and hopefully we will have gained a new member or two. The event as a whole was very well supported by the local community and the sun did shine.

The month was rounded off with our President’s BBQ, held in her lovely garden on Thursday 25th August to allow members to have a 100% social evening where they could chat with other members without being called to order ‘by the bell’! Members could chat to their hearts content and meet spouses as well. This event was enjoyed by all and everyone is looking forward to next years!

Our next event will have taken place by the time you read this – we are providing one of the refreshment venues at this year’s Desford Scarecrow Festival on Bank Holiday Sunday – we are expecting a busy day.

• OUR NEXT MEETING is on Thursday 22 September when the subject of our speaker is ‘Helping Hedgehogs’ We hope you have had a good summer and are ready for the Autumn. If you would like more information on Botcheston WI, or WI in general please contact our secretary on 01455 821228.

Markfield Local History


of Animal Life: Building a UNESCO Global Geopark in Forest,CharnwoodUK

Geoheritage Conservation and Interpretation Officer for the Charnwood Forest Geopark, U.K., and a freelance consultant in geoheritage, geoconservation, and geotourism.

Charnwood Forest in Leicestershire is host to some of the oldest animal fossils in the world. This presentation will outline the internationally significant geodiversity of Charnwood Forest - including the outstanding ancient fossils - and the ways it has shaped the landscape, communities, and people of Britain’s ‘unexpected upland’.

Tuesday September 20th at 7.30 pm

The Methodist Church Rooms, Main Street, Markfield Non-members £3 to include refreshments

A GOOD NIGHT OUT is up for the taking in Bagworth. An enjoyable and delightful evening could be yours if you attend The Club on Friday 16th September or Friday 21st October. The times for both are 7.30 pm until 10.00 pm.

These are Social Dance Nights to which everyone is welcome. Admission is £4 per person. They take place in the function room at The Club. In addition, the bar will be open for liquid refreshment, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. This is a night not to be missed. It is also a good way to meet new people, especially if you have recently moved in to the village.

Wednesday Afternoon Sequence Dancing

If you prefer to dance the afternoon away, or even if you want to dance at both events, The Club also has sequence dancing every Wednesday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm.

Again you can be assured of a very friendly welcome. Beginners and more experienced dancers are all welcome. Dancing takes place to Ken’s music.

Admission is £1 per person and includes a hot drink and a biscuit or cake when someone’s birthday is being celebrated.

Again, this takes place in the function room and is a good way to make new friends, as well as being a gentle bit of exercise.

Can you afford to miss it?


with the Cantamici Choir

Saturday Sept 24th 7.30pm

At St Peter’s Church Copt Oak. Tickets £10 - (please book to help with catering)

Contact 01530 249101 or 01530 244229 or ggammon123@btinternet.comemailPianoRecital

Friday 11th November 7PM.

Markfield Methodist Church. Hungarian Pianist Renata Konyiksca returns to wow us with another amazing performance.

Our Church has an intimate setting in which the piano is arranged so that as many folks as possible will be able to see Renata play.

Tickets £12 adults, £6 children. Via our website http://www. markfieldmethodistchurch.orgorcall07979607099

Quiz Night


On Saturday 24th September 2022 starting at 7.30pm (doors open 7pm)

At Thornton,CommunityThorntonCentre175MainStreet,LE671AH

100 questions including picture round, audio rounds and general SecondFirstquestions.knowledgeprize-£24prize-£12Cardbingo £6 entry


Numbers restricted to 72.

Maximum 6 to a team.

Teams can be made up on the night.

Profits to benefit St Peter’s Church restoration & maintenance fund.

My grandfather’s a little forgetful, but he likes to give me advice. One day, he took me aside and left me there.
Come Dancing ... you know you want to Dance the night away … in Bagworth
27For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at
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